SSPJ Harvest EBrochure

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Mass: 9:00AM
Sunday 5th November, 2023
Our Lord Jesus Christ
Sponsored By:
Engr. Eniza Peters

Blessed Virgin Mary
Sponsored By:
Mr. John & Mrs. Adesuwa Nejoh & Family

St. Joseph
Sponsored By:
Catholic Men Organization (CMO)

His Holiness
Pope Francis I

His Eminence
Archbishop Alfred Adewale Martins
Archbishop of Lagos

Parish Priest
Very Rev. Mgsr. Francis I. Ogunmodede
Sponsored By:
Mrs. Oghogho Osula

Associate Priest
Rev. Fr. Dr. Lawrence Ekun

Associate Priest
Fr. Richard Chukwunyere

Outgoing Associate Priest
Fr. Harrison Okolie

Amaefule Kingsley Chinonso

Order of Mass

Into your sanctuary, we’ve come to adore you lord(X2)

In adoration and praise, we glorify your holy name
Into your sanctuary, we’ve come to adore you lord

1. We thank you lord for the gift of life in us

We reverence your holy name oh our god

2. With sweet melody of joy our mouth is full of praise.

For one day in your house is better than a thousand elsewhere.

3. Hide under the shadow of wings

That we may overcome the tribulations of the world.

4. Let glory and honour be ascribed to the father, the son and the Holy

Ghost forever more!


Kyrie Eleison, Kyrie Eleison,

Through my fault, Through my fault, through my most grievous fault,

Kyrie Eleison.

Christe, Eleison, Christe, Eleison

Through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault,

Christe Eleison

Kyrie Eleison, Kyrie Eleison,

Through my fault, Through my fault, through my most grievous fault,

Kyrie Eleison.

Order of Mass



Glo-ri-a in excel-sis De-o....... Glo-ri-a in excel-sis De-o....... Glo-ri-a in

excel-sis De-o.......
in excel-sis De-o

1. Et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis. Laudamus te, benedicimus

te, adoramus te, glorificamus te, gratias agimus tibi propter magnam

gloriam tuam..... Domine deus (X2) in excelsis deo

2. Rex caelestis, Deus pater omnipotens. Domine filli unigenite, Jesus

Christe..... Domine deus (X2) in excelsis deo

3. Agnus dei, filius patris, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis; qui tollis
peccata mundi, suscipe deprecationem nostram Qui sedes ad dexteram

patris .... miserere nobis (X2) in excelsis deo

4. Quoniam tu solus sanctus, tu solus dominus, tu solus altissimus. Jesus

Christe, cum sancto spiritu, in gloria dei patris.... Amen(X2) in excelsis deo

Order of Mass

A reading from the Book of Malachi (Malachi1:14-2:2.8-10)

I am a great King, says the LORD of hosts, and my name is feared among the nations."And now,
O priests, this command is for You. If you will not listen, if you will not lay it to heart to give glory to
my name, says the LORD of hosts, then I will send the curse upon you. You have turned aside
from the way; you have caused many to stumble by your instruction; you have corrupted the
covenant of Levi, says the LORD of hosts, and so I make you despised and abased before all the
people, inasmuch as you have not kept my ways but have shown partiality in your
instruction."Have we not all one father? Has not one God created us? Why then are we faithless to
one another, profaning the covenant of our fathers?

The word of the Lord.


R/. Keep my soul in peace at your side, O Lord..

Or: Alleluia.

O LORD, my heart is not proud, nor haughty my eyes.

I have not gone after things too great, nor marvels beyond me. R/.

Truly I have set my soul in tranquillity and silence.

As a weaned child on its mother, as a weaned child is my soul within me. R/.

O Israel, wait for the LORD, both now and forever. R/.

Order of Mass

A reading from the second Letter of Saint Paul to the 1 Thessalonians 2:7-9.13

Brethren: We were gentle among you, like a nurse taking care of her children. So, being
affectionately desirous of you, we were ready to share with you not only the gospel of God but also
our own selves because you had become very dear to us. For you remember our labour and toil,
brethren; we worked night and day, that we might not burden any of you, while we preached to you
the gospel of God. And we also thank God constantly for this, that when you received the word of
God which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men but as what it really is, he
word of God, which is at work in you believers.

The word of the Lord.

ALLELUIA Matthew 23:9.10

Alleluia. You have one Father, who is inheaven; and you have one master, the Christ. Alleluia.


A reading from the holy Gospel according to Matthew23:1-12

At that time: Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, "The scribes and the Pharisees sit on
Moses seat; so practice and observe whatever they tell you, but not what they do; for they preach,
but do not practice. They bind heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on men's shoulders; but
they themselves will not move them with their finger. They do all their deeds to be seen by men;
for they make their phylacteries broad and their fringes long, and they love the place of honour at
feasts and the best seats in the synagogues, and salutations in the market places, and being
called rabbi by men. But you are not to be called rabbi, for you have one teacher, and you are all
brethren. And call no man your father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven. Neither
be called masters, for you have one master, the Christ. He who is greatest among you shall be
your servant whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be

The Gospel of the Lord

Order of Mass

I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I
believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God
from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father;
through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the
Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius
Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures.
He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge
the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of
life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified,
who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one
Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the
world to come. Amen.


Salvation is for everyone.

PRIEST: God wills the salvation of everyone, and it was for this purpose that he sent his only Son into the

Let us pray to the Lord to pour out on the world the graces that Christ has won.

FOR THE MISSION OF THE CHURCH, (pause) may she continue the Lord’s work of bringing his saving
message to the world, and proclaiming God’s eternal love and mercy for everyone. Lord, hear our prayer;
and give us your saving help we pray Oh Lord.

FOR JUSTICE IN INDUSTRY, (pause) may neither employer nor employee seek to profit at each other’s
expense, but work harmoniously for the good of everyone. Lord, hear our prayer; and give us your saving
help we pray Oh Lord.

FOR THOSE WHO HAVE NEVER HEARD OF CHRIST, (pause) may we help them through our spiritual
support to catch a glimpse of Christ, so that, like Zaccheus, they may invite the Lord into their homes. Lord,
hear our prayer; and give us your saving help we pray Oh Lord.

Church as being confined to our own area, but as a vast growing body of believers whose Christian
messages for the whole world. Lord, hear our prayer; and give us your saving help we pray Oh Lord.

We pray in silence for our petitions to God our loving Father.

PRIEST: Father, because of your loving care, you give us your saving help and answer our prayers.
T Through Christ our Lord. Amen

Order of Mass



Domin ka kawo mu awa nara nayo(X2)

Mungode Allah, Mungode Allah, Mungode Allah, Mungode Allah....Allah


1. Dayewa suke Abubuwa nda kabamu

2. Dayewa suke jin-dadi nda kabamu

3. Dayewa suke albaka ndamu kerbi

4. Dakuma ruwansama nda kabamu

5. Dakuma hasken rana nda kabamu
6. Dakuma iska nda mukerbi, nda kabamu.


REFRAIN: Chiokike meka o meka chiokike meka o eh, Chiokike mo ewo

Chiokike meka O eh, aiye ewo Chiokike meka O eh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Chiokike meka O eh. Meka meka ewo, Meka meka Meka meka aiye

1. Chiokike eh Meka meka O meka, Meka meka chiokike eh meka eh. Igbo
Hausa nakani, ge Meka meka, Yoruba nakani, eh Meka meka,

Ikwerenukalaba nakani Meka meka, Ogoni nakani ge Meka meka, Ndoni

Andoni nakani Meka meka, Boni Opobo nakani Meka meka meka aiye

2. Chiokike meka O aiye esi noro mo, nakani Meka mekameka, meka O

aiye nda me nu mo, chiokike meka

Order of Mass

1. Nyame osahen, oma yina kotonuo, meso meko to no bina mebo ne

dido (X2) Nyame wondi ya me di, tati mebo, mebo mebo wondi kro mansa


2. Jesu L'oluwa, ogo iyin ola O, F' eledumare baba wasu re funwa (X2) Jesu

ogo ola fun ohen l'oba ogo yin ye fun Jesu

3. Omo Maria Baba gbogbo araiye, Iwo L' olugbala Jesugbo adura wa(X2)

Jesu Omo Maria,ohun l' oba, awon oba, ogo iyin ye fun



1. We plow the fields and scatter

The good seed on the land,
But it is fed and watered
By God’s almighty hand:

By God’s almighty hand:

He sends the snow in winter,
The warmth to swell the grain, The winds and waves obey Him,
The breezes, and the sunshine, By Him the birds are fed;
And soft, refreshing rain. Much more to us, His children,
He gives our daily bread.
All good gifts around us 3. We thank Thee then, O Father,
Are sent from heav’n above; For all things bright and good,
Then thank the Lord, oh, thank the Lord, The seedtime and the harvest,
Our life, our health, our food; 6
For all His love.
Accept the gifts we offer
2. He only is the Maker For all Thy love imparts,
Of all things near and far; And what Thou most desirest—
He paints the wayside flower, Our humble, thankful hearts 6
He lights the evening star;

Order of Mass

Sanctus sanctus sanctus Dominus Deus sabaoth Pleni sunt caeli et terra
Gloria tua. Hossana Hossana in excelsis oh.....Benedictus qui venit in
nomine Domini Hossana Hossana in excelsis.


Agnus dei Agnus dei qui tollis peccata mundi miserere nobis
Agnus dei Agnus dei qui tollis peccata mundi dona nobis pacem




Eat this bread, drink this cup, come to me and never be hungry
Eat this bread, drink this cup, trust in me and you will not thirst.

1. I am the bread of life,the true bread sent from the father.

2. Your ancestors ate manna in the deserts, but this is the bread come down from heaven

3. Eat my flesh and drink my blood, and i will raise you up on the last day.

4. Anyone who eats this bread,will live forever

5. If you believe and eat this bread, you will have eternal life.


1. Soul of my Saviour, sanctify my breast; Body of christ, be Thou my

saving Guest; Blood of my Saviour, bathe me in thy tide; Wash me with

water, flowing from thy side.

2. Strength and protection, may thy Passion be, O Blessed jesus, hear and
answer me, Deep in thy wound lord, hide and shelter me, So shall I never,

never part from Thee.

3. Guard and defend me, from the foe malign; In death's dread moments,
make me only thine; Call me and bid me, come to Thee on high, Where I may praise Thee, with thy saints

for aye.
Order of Mass


Behold in joy we sing, our cultures we celebrate. And He shall reign in our

hearts and unity we shall embrace.

Behold in joy we sing, our cultures we celebrate. And he shall reign in our

hearts and unity we shall embrace.

Bianu k'anyi zo zo mu je, biko soro, zo mu je, let us go and celebrate. E je

ka lo.

Bianu k'anyi zo zo mu je. biko soro mo mu je.Let us go and celebrate. E je

ka lo.

1. The church in Nigeria, we hail thee! for our joys and love we share. We
are one yes, though many and diverse. That is why, why, why, that is why

we celebrate.

2. The gospel we proclaim to all through these great cultures of ours; a

blessing to Nigeria, a blessing which flows from God. That is why, why,

why; that is why we celebrate.

Bianu k'anyi jee, zo zo mu je. Biko soro mo mu je. Let us go and celebrate .
E je ka lo. This is where the gifts and talents is showcased to keep us
informed and to share the great heritage of ours and to enrich our worship.

Bianu k'anyi jee. Zo zo mu je. O biko soro mo o. Let us go and celebrate. E

je ka lo. Bianu k'anyi jee; zo zo mu je. biko soro mo mu je. Let us go and

celebrate , e je ka lo. Bia nu k'anyi je ka lo.

Late Rev. Fr. Patrick Babatunde Adegbite
Sponsored By:
Friends of Jesus

Rev. Fr. Christian Achinuvi
Sponsored By:
Mr. Victor Onyia

Mrs. Lilian Uzoeghelu Eze Nneka V.
Felicitates with the MD at Richills Homes & Properties Ltd.
Harvest Chairman, Mr. Power Sende Head Office: H16 Road 6 Lakeview Park 2 Estate
Orchid Road, Eleganza, Lekki
for a successful Harvest of Thanksgiving

We are felicitating with

the Parish Priest, Laity,
and members of the

Harvest Planning Committee
MOD on this year’s harvest
Rejoices with the
2023 Harvest Committee
on the occasion of its Harvest & Bazaar

MOD The Family of

Man of Order and discipline movement of Nigeria
(MOD) Div.067
Mr. & Mrs. Aigbo Emigbuan

Our meeting are:
Every 2nd Sunday of every Month

Our Slogan is:

For God and for Youth
Through Christ
To be a member, call: 08150354210 or 09076289933
Sponsored By CYON Lekki Deanery Princess, Miss Joy Onah

St. Michael Photography The CYON of SS Philip & James Catholic Church
Felicitates with the Parish Priest wish all parishioners SSPJ a successful harvest
& the 2023 Harvest Planning Committee and also pray for a fruitful Harvest of Thanksgiving.

We heartily felicitate with the

Parish Priest, Associate Priests,
Parishioners and members of the
Harvest Planning Committee
for this year’s harvest

May the God of the Harvest

continue to bless our efforts.

Harvest of Thanksgiving
To God be the Glory

The Family of
Sir. Francis Malachi HArt

The 2023 Harvest Planning Committee

Mr. Power Sende Barr. Kelechukwu Uzoka Mr. Anthony Okpe Godwin Chinedu Ozioko
Harvest Chairman Editor 2023 Harvest e-Brochure Secretary Head: Media & Publicity

Mrs. Lilian Uzoeghelu Frank Otorkpa Cecilia Irima Ibu Michael-Mary Echi
Entertainment/Finance Head: Liturgical Sub. Committee Member Entertainment Sub. Committee

Mr. Frank Uzor Mrs. Uzoamaka Obiaku Enang John Augustine Chinenye Mary Adikwu
Publicity Sub. Committee Member Member Publicity Sub. Committee

Mr. Clinton Nnodim Genevieve Madu Rhoda Adarighofua Mr. Eniza Peters
Member Finance Sub-Committee Liturgical Sub. Committee Member

MOD LT. Andor Christopher I.

Head: Security & Logistics
Sub. Committee 2023 HPC

The 2023 Harvest Planning Committee

Aneke Josephine David Izegaegbe Miss Okaforugo Augustina O. Mr Ebere igbokwe

Member Member Finance Sub-Committee Member

Mrs. Fatima Amodu Paul Adigwe Shola Oshogwemoh Mrs.Comfort Amako

Finance Sub-Committee Finance Sub-Committee Member Member

Mr. Julius Ejim Mrs. Anastasia Agba Mr. George Ugim Mrs. Christy Arongcarl
Member Member Member Entertainment Sub-Committee

Felicia Nome Blessing Chekwube Okafor Mr. Lenus Chozie Okeke Ikpong Mark Awogor
Member Finance Sub-Committee Co-ordinator South East Region Member

The 2023 Harvest Media & Publicity Team

Godwin Chinedu Ozioko Barr. Kelechukwu Uzoka Mr. Anthony Okpe Mr. George Ugim

Mr. Frank Uzor Chinenye Mary Adikwu Mr. Anthony Emeka Ogbo Joy Onyekperem

The 2023 Harvest Media & Publicity Team

felicitates with the Parish Priest
Very Rev. Msgnr. Prof Frances Ogunmodede,
associate priests, the Harvest Planning Committee
and the entire Parishioners on the occasion
of her 2023 Adult Harvest and Bazaar.

Mr. Power Sende

Harvest Chairman

Children’s Corner: Light of the World


The Confraternity of Christian Mothers (CCM)
felicitates with the Parish Priest,
the 2023 Harvest Planning Committee
and the Pashioners of SS Philip & James Catholic Church
on the occassion its Adult Harvest and Bazaar.

Mother of Sorrow Queen of Peace, Pray for us

St. Jude Society
Meeting Schedule; Every Wednesday by 5:45pm
Meeting Venue; Church Premises

St Jude Thaddaeus pray for us and for all who invoke thy Aid.

Catholic Women Organization (CWO)
The Catholic Women Organisation of SSPJ
congratulates Monsignor Ogunmodede, the associate priests
all parishioners especially the Chairman and the
harvest committee on year 2023 harvest. May our
Harvest of Thanksgiving be acceptable unto our Lord, Amen!
Through Mary Our Mother We succeed!!!

The Executives & the entire members of
The Catholic Men Organization (CMO)
SS Philip & James Catholic Church, Idado-Lekki, Lagos
wishes to felicitate with our dear Parish Priest,
Very Revd. Msgr. (Prof.) Francis Ishola Ogunmodede,
The Harvest Chairman, Mr. Power Sende & our Dear Parishioners
on the occasion of the 2023 Harvest of Thanksgiving.
Mission Statement:
To bring all men to God, make them better pillars and builders of the church, based on Catholic faith

Meeting Days:
catholic Men Organization holds her Monthly General Meeting every last Sunday of the Month after 11am Mass

Membership Requirements:
Membership is open to all Catholic Men in the Parish from 25 years and above irrespective of being married or not

Our Slogan is

Christ is our Leader.............!

To God be the Glory!

Chariman Gen. Secretary


Mr. Julian & Mrs. Oghogho Osula &
felicitate with the Parish Priest, the Pastoral Team, Laity
and the 2023 Harvest Planning Committee
on the occasion of its harvest

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Idowu &
felicitate with the Parish Priest, the Pastoral Team, Laity
and the 2023 Harvest Planning Committee
on this year’s harvest

Dr. & Mrs. MkGeorge Onyung &
felicitate with the Parish Priest, the Pastoral Team, Laity
and the 2023 Harvest Planning Committee
on of its Harvest and Bazaar

Engr. Eniza Peters & Family
felicitates with the Parish Priest
Very Rev. Msgnr Prof Frances Ogunmodede,
associate priests, the Harvest Planning Committee
and the entire Parishioners on the occasion
of her 2023 Adult Harvest and Bazaar.

The Family of Mr. & Mrs. Power Sende
rejoices with the Parish Priest
Very Revd Msgr (Prof) Francis Ishola Ogunmodede
and the Highly valued Parishioners of
SS Philip & James Catholic Church Idado Lekki Lagos
on the occasion of the
2023 Adult Harvest and Bazaar. Congratulations Indeed
Harvest of Thanksgiving; To God be the Glory.

The Family of Mr & Mrs Ovie Okor
congratulate the Parish Priest, Associate Priests
and the 2023 SSPJ Harvest Committee Members for
their outstanding efforts in organizing a successful
harvest Thanksgiving! Your hard work and
dedication have truly borne fruits, and
we are grateful for your contributions to our parish.

Well done!
The Family of Engr. & Mrs Tony Ezekeke
rejoices and congratulate the Parish Priest,
Associate Priests, Parishioners, Chairman and
members of the 2023 Harvest Committee for
delivering a wonderful 2023 Harvest.
We pray that the God of Harvest
continually shower us with his blessings.

From left to right: Osadebamwen John-Nejoh, Adetayo Kalejaiye
Abdulazeez Adekunle, Daanish Mehra & Temitope Johnson

The Board, Management & Staff of

Royaldivine Links Travels & Tours LTD
rejoice with Team Nigeria to the 2023 First Global Robotics Competition
held in Singapore and wish the Parish Priest, the Pastoral Team and
the 2023 Harvest Planning Committee for a bountiful harvest.

Signed: Mrs. Adesuwa John-Nejoh (JP)

Managing Director

The EXCOs & members of
Young Catholic Professionals
felicitate with the Parish Priest, the entire
Parishioners and the 2023
Harvest Planning Committee Chairman
on the occasion of Harvest of Thanksgiving.

Season greetings & best wishes from all of us at
Saints Philips & James Catholic Church Choir
We use this opportunity to thank & appreciate God Almighty for
keeping us safe & sound to Sing Praises & glorify Him.
We appreciate all our Patrons for all their timely & amazing supports
all through these years.

St. Vincent De Paul

felicitates with the Parish on the occasion of the
2023 Harvest of Thanksgiving

Kelechi Okore
Partner with
H.O.T. Legal Practitioners
felicitate and congratulate
Barr. Kelechukwu Uzoka
(Editor, Harvest E-brochure) for
pulling off a wonderful Harvest
E-brochure and the 1st of its kind.

Kudos to Our Remarkable 2023 Harvest Committee!

This year's Harvest will be a resounding success,
thanks to the dedication and hard work
of all the committee members and Parishioners.
They turned a vision into a reality, creating an unforgettable
experience in this years Harvest.

My family and I, applaud their efforts

and wish them God's blessings.

Courtesy: Barr. & Mrs. Geff Eze & Family

Harvest Retreat in Pictures

The 2023 Harvest Planning Committee Chairman,

and the entire HPC members wish
to thank Rev. Fr. Christian Achinuvi for
anchoring the Harvest Retreat. Indeed we were
to have you. May God Almighty bless you
in all that you do.

Harvest of Thanksgiving: To God be the Glory

The Board of Lectors
SS Philip & James Catholic Church, Idado-Lekki, Lagos

heartily felicitates with the Parish Priest

Very Rev. Msgnr Prof Frances Ogunmodede,
associate priests, the planning committee and the
entire parishioners of our esteemed parish on the occasion
of her Adult Harvest and Bazaar 2023. May the good Lord
continue to bless us and uplift our community.

The Family of Thaddaeus Otanwa
rejoice with the Parish Priest and
the 2023 Harvest Planning Committee for a
successful harvest

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The Order of the Knights of St. Mulumba, Nigeria
C/o Catholic Church of the Transfigura on, Victoria Garden City (VGC), Lekki, Lagos.
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Felicitates with
The Parish Priest, Very Rev. Msgr. (Prof.) Francis
Ogunmodede, his Associate Priests, Rev. Fr. xxx, 2023
Harvest Planning Committee and Parishioners
SS Phillips and James Catholic Church
On this year’s Harvest and Thanksgiving celebration

Servant of God Anselm Abraham Ojefua (1912-1988) – Priest,

Teacher and Monk was the founder of KSM Nigeria, 3 High
Schools and 2 monasteries. He lived a life of total submission to
God and service to mankind; He said on his deathbed as a monk
“I do not wish to live, I do not wish to die, I do not own myself,
I accept with gratitude the decision of Him who owns me”

Please join the church in praying for his beatification and

canonization as the process continues.


Sir Tony Ukairo

Grand Knight

Ss Philip & James Catholic Charismatic Renewal
Christ Ambassadors Prayer Group, Lekki.

Heartily felicitates with

the entire Parish on the occasion of their
2023 Parish Harvest.

Sis Eunice Musa


Bro Kelechi Nzewuenyi


Parish Priest Address


“In Everything That You Do, Give Thanks and Praise To God” Thessalonians 5:18
This year, 2023, is a special year for all of us in the Parish of SS Philip and James Catholic Church, Lekki-
Lagos. This is the year we have a double celebration in the Parish. We have the Silver Jubilee Celebration
of the Existence and Establishment of the Parish as well as the Diamond Celebration of the Priestly
Ordination of the Parish Priest, Very Rev. Msgr. (Prof) Francis Ogunmodede. Interestingly, as you may
recall, the first event, i.e. the 25th Anniversary, occurred on 3rd May, while the second event, the 75th
Birthday Anniversary came the following day, on 4th May 2023.

Fellow Parishioners, this year's Harvest is, also, unique and special. For the first time our Harvest Brochure
is done electronically. No more paper-brochure which occupies space and is easily forgotten after the
Harvest Day. This one is different. It shall be stored and kept and remembered for ever on the internet. It
can be opened, seen, and used for ever as advertisement of gratitude and glorification to God by us. So let
us use it to give thanks to God for all his gifts, and blessings on us.

Indeed, we give Thanks to God for all the gifts and blessing we have received in this year, 2023.
In spite of the hardship of life under Buhari and Tinubu, we are still existing and living, and hoping for better
times, we thank you O Lord!

We thank you for our Faith.

For our struggle for Justice and Peace, unity and Love, we thank you Lord.
For the Holy Sacraments, Baptism, Eucharist, Confession etc, that we received in the Church we thank you
O Lord.
For our individual and collective life's successes, we thank you O Lord.
For our Joys and Sorrows, we thank you O Lord.
For our Harvest 2023 Committee Chairman and members, we thank you O Lord.
For the success of Tobi Amusan in bringing glory to Nigeria in Athletics in 2023, we thank you O Lord.
For our young daughter, Osadebanmvem John-Nejoh in bringing glory to our Parish of SS Philip and
James, Lekki in the World Robotics Competition in Singapore, Asia, we thank you O Lord.
May God grant bless us with a successful Harvest Celebration, 2023.

Finally, may God may keep us to celebrate another year in 2024 and beyond. We thank you, O Lord.

Very Rev. Francis Ishola Ogunmodede

Parish Priest
Ss Philip & James Catholic Church.
Lekki, Lagos.

Chairman’s Speech


This year's Harvest journey began on the 16th of July 2023 and permit me to say that it has been a unique
ride especially because despite the tough and rough times encountered by all the sun never went down on
My speech is basically one of deep accolades first to God Almighty for this extraordinary opportunity to
serve under the capacity of the Harvest Chairman.

I wish to appreciate my esteemed brothers from the CMO and my dearly beloved parishioners in the
Harvest Committee who rallied around me,indeed we could not have reached where we celebrate today
without the camaraderie of your excess love and unwavering support.

Even though it was so tough to get by with you all the Harvest sessions were lit with the glamour of deep
I sincerely appreciate the raw depth at which we explored rationale beyond the times and allusion of merit
to tirelessly contribute to the growth of the Church,
I am humbled.

For every time we solicited for support,

The rarity of occasion make up for the loss in time but how we were able to catch up from each tough
phase shows what bond we bear!
May the Almighty and his heavens bless you abundantly today and always; may he shield you from the
wicked,preserve and prosper your soul and joys.

May he open doors of favour and profit on every path you enter,turn every challenge and encounters into
stepping stones for testimony and reward always.
Your health and strength shall never fail and may the Almighty God defend your course, Day and Night you
shall be honoured and named amongst the nobles.

The truth is we owe debts to each other too much to be paid yet we are all benefactors of grace from the
most High God!
On this august occasion in November,
I toast to your continued good health and wealth of insight till the grey's wear you down.

Stay strong,positive and safe!

Glory be to Jesus; Honour to Mary!

Harvest of Thanksgiving; To God be the Glory! CMO,

Christ is our Leader!

Embrace Boldness: Your Path to a Thriving Career
Kelechukwu Uzoka, Esq.
In the grand theater of life, the spotlight seldom shines on those who tiptoe through their journey. It's the
bold, the daring, and the fearless who captivate our attention, forging a trail to success that others only
dream of. Your career is no exception; it's your canvas to paint with bold strokes of ambition and courage.

Boldness is the ignition of progress. It's that moment when you decide to take the leap, to step out of your
comfort zone, and to chase your dreams with relentless determination. It's in the bold steps you take that
your potential finds its fullest expression.

Imagine for a moment the heights you could reach if you shed the shackles of doubt and uncertainty. You
are not defined by your past, your fears, or your limitations. Instead, your career path is defined by your
audacity to seize opportunities, your resilience in the face of setbacks, and your unwavering belief in your

Boldness is not the absence of fear; it's the audacity to act in spite of it. It's in that first step towards an
uncharted career path, the decision to tackle a challenging project, or the courage to voice your innovative
ideas in a room of skeptics.

Think of the remarkable individuals who have inspired us throughout history. They were not ordinary; they
were bold. They saw the world not as it was, but as it could be, and they pursued their visions with
unwavering determination. Your journey can be no different.

Taking bold career steps is an affirmation of your faith in yourself and your ability to shape your destiny. It's
about creating your opportunities and defying the status quo. Your boldness is a testament to your
ambition, and it has the power to inspire those around you.

So, as you stand at the precipice of your career, don't just dip your toes in the waters of possibility; dive in
with all your heart and soul. Embrace the uncertainty, for it's the breeding ground of innovation and growth.
Be bold, be audacious, and let your career be a testament to the limitless heights you can attain.

In the words of Robert Frost, "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, and
that has made all the difference." Be the one who takes that less-traveled path, for it is in your boldness
that your career's extraordinary journey truly begins.

By Anthony Okpe
A conversation extract between Catechist and Adams.
ADAMS: Sir, Is it appropriate and biblical to have urge for Sex or have affection for the opposite gender?
CATECHIST: Adams, do you usually feel hunger for Food and thirst for water?
ADAMS: For sure Sir, and such desires are inherent in us. Besides, me, 'I no dey joke with food oh.'
CATECHIST: When you feel those desires for food and water and you don't have it. Will you steal to fulfill
those desires….?
ADAMS: No!!!! Sir, it will offend God. I can just do some smart moves.
CATECHIST: Hmmm! Very good!
Now, Adams : just as Hunger for Food and water is inherent in man, so the Urge for Sex or affection for
opposite sex is an Instinct enshrined within us as human beings by our creator.
ADAMS: Hmmmm! I see!
CATECHIST: Just as it is abnormal for a person not to feel hungry, so whoever does not have sexual urge
is highly abnormal except for eunuchs. (Matt 19:12), since it against our master's teachings to steal in other
to satisfy desires for Food and water, so also God has provided a medium to satisfy Sexual urge which is
called MARRIAGE, but if you satisfy that urge outside the circumference of MARRIAGE.
(pornography, masturbation, fornication, prostitution, homosexualism), are SIN and a CAPITAL OFFENCE
IN God's sight.
ADAMS: hmmmm! I see clearly now. But sir, negative suggestions on my mind are they LUST ?
CATECHIST: Can you stop call network provider from sending you some irrelevant text, or stop stop a bird
from flying over your head or even stop advert from displaying evil programs ?
ADAMS: (laughs) that's impossible sir!
CATECHIST: But can you delete those mtn messages from your phone, change the television channel or
switch off your TV and Stop the bird from building nest on your head?
ADAMS: yea! Yea! Very sure sir. Nice illustration sir.
CATECHIST: As long as you are in the flesh or carnally minded; filthy and unclean thought would come but
just as you can delete those MTN messages and stop a bird from landing on your head, so you can
RESIST THE DEVIL AND THOSE THOUGHTS. Adams, lust simply means doing in your heart what you
could have done with the person physically. Lust is not the negative suggestion, rather it is the deliberate
and concerted meditation of those negative thoughts which bring SINFUL PLEASURE and before GOD is
tantamount to FORNICATION (Matt 5:22). Holiness is not the absent of evil thoughts or sexual urge but it is
a life that chooses to resist those evil thoughts from gaining grounds within and to keep those lustful
desires in check until the appropriate Time.
ADAMS: Wow! Wow! Thanks very much Mr. Francis for you have taken off some unnecessary yoke off my
neck and brought Christ yoke upon me.
CATECHIST: You are welcome beloved.

By Anthony Okpe
PUPIL: Sir, can I ask a question?
TEACHER: Yes, why not?
PUPIL: How will you put an elephant inside a fridge?
TEACHER: I don't know.
PUPIL: It's easy Sir, you just open the fridge and put it in. I have another question!
TEACHER: Ok, ask.
PUPIL: How will you put a donkey inside the fridge?
TEACHER: It's easy; you just open the fridge and put it in.
PUPIL: No Sir. You open the fridge, remove the elephant and put the donkey in.
TEACHER: Ooh...ok!!
PUPIL: Let me ask another one. If all the animals went to the lion's birthday party, and one animal is
missing, which one would it be?
TEACHER: The lion of course! Because it would eat all the animals.
PUPIL: No Sir. The lion cannot eat all the animals. It is the donkey because it's still inside the fridge.
TEACHER: Are you kidding me?
PUPIL: No Sir. One last question.
PUPIL: If there's a river full of crocodiles and you wanted to cross, how would you do that?
TEACHER: There's no way, I would need a boat to cross.
PUPIL: No Sir. You just swim and cross the river because all the crocodiles went to the lion's birthday party
TEACHER: I have my own question, if the entire pupils go for swimming except one person, who will that
person be?
PUPIL: No idea Sir.
TEACHER: It's you, because when others are going for swimming after break, you will be serving
PUPIL: But why Sir ?
TEACHER: Because you talk too much and it has put you in trouble!!!

Program for the Harvest/Bazaar
1. Introduction of Guest.
2. Opening Prayer
3. Chairman's Opening Remark
4. Welcome Address by Harvest Chairman
5. Parish's Priest welcome Address
6. Presentation/Breaking of kola nut
7. Cutting of Harvest Cake
8. Bazaar! Bazaar!! Bazaar!!!
9. Entertainment/ Refreshments
- Music Performances
- Dance Performances
- Kids Corner
- Game Village by CYON
- YCP Game Arena
10. Charity Auction Sales
11. Vote Of Thanks
12. Closing Prayers

MC's are; Frank Uzor Aka MC. 2tinz

Lenus Okeke (Minister of Enjoyment) 0813 686 2900
0810 009 2621 Instagram: @2tinz_official
Facebook: @lenus.Okeke Facebook: @2tinz Entertainment

3rd Floor, NUJ Building, 3/5 Adeyemo Alakija Street,
Victoria Island, Lagos State
Tel: +234(0)806-731-0024, +234(0)811-731-7713
Email: [email protected]

The Partners and Staff of K&C Partners Law rm
heartily felicitate with the Parish Priest, Associate
Priest, Parishioners and the Chairman and
members of the Ss Philip and James Catholic
Church Idado Lekki, 2023 Harvest Planning
committee on the occasion of the 2023 Harvest and

We also congratulate and rejoice with

our partner, Kelechukwu Uzoka, a
member of the 20223 Harvest
planning Committee and the E-
brochure Editor.

We pray that the God of Harvest continually bless

us all.

Harvest of Thanksgiving!
To God Be the Glory!


Suit 106 Copper House, Wuse Zone 5 Abuja Plot 14 Secretariat Road Awka



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+234 810 570 9922

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