Stpcon Grangard BDD 190409141514

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Successfully Implementing BDD in

an Agile World

Who am I?

• SmartBear Software
• Automated UI functional testing tools, test management
solutions, BDD platforms
• Podcast Co-Host
• The Good, The Bad, and the Buggy
• Education
• Dartmouth: AB in Engineering, BE in Biomedical
Engineering, MEM with a healthcare focus
• What do I love to do?
• Run, dance, play board games (Settlers of Catan anyone?)
• Stay in Touch!
• @Bria_Grangard



Shift Left

The World of BDD

The BDD Process: People. Process, Tools

Question & Answer


Shift Left Overview

Proprietary & Confidential

Software Has Traditionally Been Linear and Siloed

1 2 3 4
Business Developers QA Operations

Plan Develop Test Monitor

Design Document Deploy


The promise of the new software delivery cycle

Design Build Test Implement

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4


In the 1950’s, testing

happened by the same
people that wrote the code,
and it happened throughout
the project. There were no
dedicated testers at the

The idea of testing earlier

isn’t new, but the term, Shift
Left has reignited its


Shift Left:
/SHift/ + /left/

an approach to software development

where quality is considered and testing is
performed earlier in the lifecycle
• Testers are involved early
• BAs/PMs write requirements in the form of tests
• Developers write tests


Why the hype around Shift Left?

Testing Early,
Testing Often = Speed Quality Cost

Shorter cycles Fewer defects Cheaper to fix

Traditional Software Development Lifecycle
Avg Cost of Defect $100 $250 $1500

Plan Design Develop Test Deploy Maintain

Cost to fix a defect ($)

Current Bug Discovery

Design Develop Test Operations

IBM Systems Sciences Institute @Bria_Grangard

Shifting Everything Left

Cost to fix a defect ($) Maintain

Current Bug Discovery

Shift Left Discovery

Design Develop Test Operations

IBM Systems Sciences Institute @Bria_Grangard


is Hard

Shifting Left is Really Happening

• Developers create more testable code (less flaky tests)

• Bridge the gap between Dev, QA, and Product
• Code in sprints, now we can test in the same sprint too
• Maintain a single code base – Application and test (unit, API, UI)
• Enable true CI/CD
• Think about quality in every step


Virtualization Machine
BDD Learning


Shift Left

How can teams Shift Left?

• Agile / DevOps Practices

• Virtualization
• API Testing
• Microservices
• CI/CD Processes
• BDD Workflows


Sometimes… Agile can fall short

• Transient User Stories

• Ad-hoc Acceptance Criteria
• Limited Discovery
• No Overarching Tests

How can teams shift Left?

• Agile / DevOps Practices

• Virtualization
• API Testing
• Microservices
• CI/CD Processes
• BDD Workflows


BDD Overview



Behavior Driven Development (BDD):

Is a software development process where teams

create simple steps on how an application should
behave from a user’s perspective.


What is BDD?
The 3 Amigos

• Discovery, Formulation, and Automation

• Create a shared understanding based
on examples
• Use the examples to drive development
• Create and share living documentation

Tester Developer


What are the problems BDD helps


1. Business needs are not well understood by

the people who want the software
2. Business needs are not well understood by
people who deliver and test the software
3. The software is low quality with lots of bugs
4. The cost of changes over time increases


BDD in Practice

Discovery Formulation Automation


A quick aside… BDD vs. TDD

• What you’re testing
• BDD: Test from the end-user’s standpoint
• TDD: Focus on testing smaller pieces of functionality in isolation
• How you’re testing
• BDD: Emphasis on team collaboration (product, devs, QA)
• TDD: A single person can complete in isolation (dev often)
• How they work together
• Need a good TDD base for success with BDD
• TDDà ensures code quality
• BDDà ensure use-cases work


Making the Move to BDD

Opportunities and Challenges

Challenges: Benefits:
1. Misalignment between various 1. Better communication and
stakeholders on your team collaboration
(product, dev, QA)
2. Deliver value more frequently
2. Producing products that don’t
3. Find and fix defects early and
address your user’s needs
3. No universal language between
4. Minimize waste
5. Avoid development of features
4. Pressure to release faster without
nobody wants
sacrificing quality


In order to succeed you need to take a holistic approach

People Processes Tools


Let’s start with people…

… it’s all about collaboration



Using a common Language 29

BDD Scenario

Business Development Test

• Defines requirements in spoken-word • Making the Scenario “pass” or “work” • Scenarios contain Test definitions
scenarios guides development efforts and provides (Action, expected result)
• Obtains feedback in clear, example focus • Structure allows for easy reporting and
heavy, and easy to understand language • Scenario is easily translated directly into traceability
automated tests
• Given / When / Then structure provides
simple ways to ask for clarification




The BDD Process


Deliberate Discovery

Goal: Try and learn as much as possible before

writing any code

Have conversations about user stories and

acceptance criteria using concrete examples


Who should be involved in Deliberate Discovery?

• Product Owners
• Business Analysts
• Domain Experts
• Users
• Developers
• UX Designers
• Testers


Running a Discovery Workshop

From Matt Wynne:
• Three Amigos Meetings
• Keep them short! (25 minutes/user story)
• Use Example Mapping
• User Story—user stories that were developed in deliberate discovery process
• Rules—acceptance criteria for the user story containing agreed-upon
• Examples—concrete examples covering each rule (may have more than one per
• Questions—unknowns that arise when exploring rules, examples, or
assumptions made to move forward


Example Mapping—

• Set-Up:
• Use a pack of four-color index cards
• Remove distractions
• Running a Session:
1. Write the story in yellow
2. Write acceptance criteria, or “rule”
in blue
3. Write concrete examples on green
4. Capture questions on red
5. Vote to see if the user story is
ready for development


Record the Results

• Use Gherkin Syntax

• Create Executable
Specification without


Step 1: Focus on the Value First

• What are the benefits of your feature?

• First step: start with answering “why”

• Why should we develop this feature?
• Why will this feature help my user?
• A feature should have a description that provides context to a need being met
• In order to [get a benefit]
• As a [role]
• I want [a feature]
•Example: HipTest & Slack
• Everyone on team needs a notification?
• Only HipTest users should be able to get notified


Step 1: Focus on the Value First

• What are the benefits of your feature?

• First step: start with answering “why”

• Why should we develop this feature?
• Why will this feature help my user?
• A feature should have a description that provides context to a need being met
• In order to [get a benefit]
• As a [role]
• I want [a feature]
•Example: HipTest & Slack
• Everyone on team needs a notification?
• Only HipTest users should be able to get notified


Step 2: Be Declarative When Writing Scenarios

• Focus on the what?

• Two styles of writing your test scenario
• Imperative
• Long scenarios with low-level steps describing how to navigate the user interface
• Declarative
• Gherkin syntax
• Given is your setup
• When is your action
• Then is your assertion
• Text describes the what not the how


Step 2: Be Declarative When Writing Scenarios

• The Declarative Style of Writing—An Example

• Given I am logged in Why is this Declarative?

• When I add an item to the cart
• It doesn’t matter how someone did the
• And I click on the cart loginà username, password, touchID
• Then I should see the item I • What does matter: someone logged in

Declarative Example for HipTest & Slack

Given I have activated slack in the settings of my HipTest project

When I query /hiptest TestRunID from slack
Then I should see the breakdown of tests by statuses for testRunID

Step 3: Automate (if you’d like) Your BDD Scenarios

• Build a test automation framework

• Focus on building a framework that will scale
• Your first execution will fail--> the feature is not yet implemented
• Implement your feature
• Run the automated BDD scenarios to show the feature is completed
• Repeat


Continuous Integration

• Making small changes to a single code repository that

multiple developers may be working on…. and integrating
those changes often
• Help avoid breakage rather than merging all your changes at once
• Benefits:
• Quicker identification of bugs
• Faster feedback loop
• Quicker deployments for customers
• Tools: Jenkins, CircleCI, TravisCI, Bamboo, etc.


Typical CI Pipeline

• Code and tests are committed to the repository

• Software is built using CI
• Service runs automated tests on the build
• Build fails à team is notified
• Build succeeds à software automatically deployed

* Can use a staging server if prefer to do final QA by hand

* Can have a CI server that test new GIT branches against the master branch

Proprietary & Confidential


Benefits of Continuous Integration

Reduced Risk More Confidence Greater Visibility

-Identify and fix -Reduced risk = -Everyone can see the

defects immediately increase in project state--> better
confidence feedback


Living documentation is an up-to-date record of a feature that

defines test scenarios through a common language.

This way all team members can have current and accurate
information of the application in production—as well as an
archive of past test runs. @Bria_Grangard

Living Documentation

• Your tests already serve as documentation

• ”Living” because it’s up-to-date when tests are automated through CI/CD
• An important part of the feedback loop
• Instrumental in keeping stakeholders, developers, and users on the same page
• Readable by both business and technical team members
• Shows exactly what the application is supposed to do… and proves
that it can do it


Benefits of Living Documentation

Faster Updates Improved Support Better Workflow




Resources & Tools

• Introducing BDD:

• Step-by-Step BDD process:
• BDD hub:
• Discover Workshops:
• BDD & CI:
• Living Documentation:

BDD Misconceptions

1. BDD is an automation testing framework

2. BDD takes a long time
3. BDD introduces unnecessary steps
4. BDD is only for developers


Key BDD Takeaways

The Steps
1. Create a feature
• In order to [benefit] What to Keep in Mind
• As a [role] 1. Focus on the benefits of the feature
• I want [feature[ 2. Be declarative when writing test
2. Write a scenario scenarios
• Given 3. Automate when it makes sense
• When 4. Create a shared business terminology
• Then 5. Refactor where you can
3. Automate, if you’d like
6. Keep one single source of truth
• Build a scalable test automation framework
• Implement your feature
• Repeat


Final Words of Wisdom

Tips & tricks to ensure the health of your code

• Create shared business terminology across all scenarios

• Keep your terminology consistent when writing scenarios
• “I log in” vs. “I sign in” à do they have the exact same intent even though they’re written differently?
• This way… it becomes a common language shared by all team members
• Autocompletion tools can be helpful for reusing existing steps and terminology rather than
creating new steps and duplications
• Have the right refactoring capabilities to manage the impacts of changes on your test scenarios
• Steps with high reuse are often requiring changes/updates
• Find a tool, or method, to go about refactoring changesà example includes updates to
environments you’re going to be running your tests on
• Keep one single repository of manual and automated test scripts


We need to
building the

Behavior-Driven Development:

a software development process where teams

create simple steps on how an application
should behave from a user’s perspective
Starting with the end in mind.
• TDD focuses on the developer’s view on how an software should work
• BDD focuses on the users’ view on how the application should behave

Additional Tips

Tips & tricks to ensure the health of your code

• Create shared business terminology across all scenarios

• Keep your terminology consistent when writing scenarios
• “I log in” vs. “I sign in” à do they have the exact same intent even though they’re written differently?
• This way… it becomes a common language shared by all team members
• Autocompletion tools can be helpful for reusing existing steps and terminology rather than creating new steps
and duplications
• Have the right refactoring capabilities to manage the impacts of changes on your test scenarios
• Steps with high reuse are often requiring changes/updates
• Find a tool, or method, to go about refactoring changesà example includes updates to environments you’re
going to be running your tests on
• Keep one single repository of manual and automated test scripts

*Photo taken from Laurent Py, Hiptest

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