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Abstract Aim: To evaluate the efficiency of two commercially available polishing systems in reducing surface roughness
of a monolithic zirconia after clinical adjustment and to compare them to glazed zirconia.
Setting and Design: In vitro study.
Material and Methods: This in vitro study was conducted on 25 discs (10mm in diameter and 2mm in
thickness) using monolithic zirconia (Ceramill Zolid). From 25 specimens, 5 specimens were randomly
selected as the positive control. The remaining discs were abraded for 15 secs with a red band diamond
finishing bur using an air rotor handpiece. Then the specimens were randomly divided into 5 equal groups
of 5 specimens each. Group 1: Roughened, unpolished and unglazed. Group 2 (Positive Control): Glazed
without prior roughening,Group 3: Roughened and polished with eZr polishing kit, Group 4: Roughened and
polished with Optra fine ceramic polishing kit and Group 5: Roughened and glazed. The surface roughness
(Ra) values (µm) were measured quantitatively by a surface analyzer. The mean values were compared
using one-way ANOVA and Post Hoc Test. One specimen of each group was evaluated qualitatively under
a scanning electron microscope(SEM) for surface topography.
Statistical Analysis Used: One-way ANOVA and Post Hoc Test.
Results: The lowest Ra value was found in Group 4-Roughened and polished with Optrafine ceramic polishing
kit (Ra=0.47µm) as compared to Group 3-Roughened and polished with eZr polishing kit (Ra=0.49µm) and
Group 5-Roughened and glazed (Ra=0.59µm). There was no stastistically significant difference between
two polishing systems. SEM analysis of surfaces polished with Optrafine polishing kit revealed smoother
and regular morphology as compared to surfaces polished with eZr polishing kit.
Conclusion: The Optrafine polishing kit created more smoother and uniform surfaces as compared to surfaces
polished with eZr polishing kit both quantitatively and qualitatively. Also, lowest surface roughness values were
produced by optrafine ceramic polishing kit on monolithic zirconia as compared to glazed monolithic zirconia
after their clinical adjustments.Thus Optrafine ceramic polishing kit can be used as alternative to glazing.
Address for correspondence: Dr. Sneha Harishchandra Gaonkar, Department of Prosthodontics, Goa Dental College and Hospital, Bambolim, Goa, India.
E‑mail: [email protected]
Submitted: 17‑Sep‑2019, Revised: 20-Nov-2019, Accepted: 29-Feb-2020, Published: 07-Apr-2020
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How to cite this article: Gaonkar SH, Aras MA, Chitre V. An in vitro study
DOI: to compare the surface roughness of glazed and chairside polished dental
10.4103/jips.jips_339_19 monolithic zirconia using two polishing systems. J Indian Prosthodont Soc
186 © 2020 The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
Gaonkar, et al.: An in vitro study to compare the surface roughness of glazed and chairside polished dental monolithic zirconia
Although Y‑TZP has superior mechanical properties, its The present study was undertaken to investigate the
opaque white color and insufficient translucency require efficiency of two different commercially available polishing
porcelain veneering on the framework to achieve a natural systems: eZr polishing kit (Garrisons Dental Solution,
appearance and acceptable esthetics.[7] However, cracking or Germany) and OptraFine ceramic polishing system (Ivoclar
chipping of the porcelain veneer has been reported to be a vivadent, A.G, Schaan) in reducing the surface roughness
major complication of these restorations.[8‑11] The possible of a monolithic zirconia: Ceramill Zolid (Amann Girrbach,
causes of porcelain veneer cracking are differences in the Germany) after clinical adjustment and to compare them
coefficient of thermal expansion between framework and to glazed zirconia. The null hypothesis was that there is no
porcelain, firing shrinkage of porcelain, porosities, poor statistically significant difference between the two polishing
wetting of veneering, flaws on veneering, inadequate groups and glazing in terms of reduction of surface
framework design to support veneer porcelain, overloading, roughness of the zirconia samples.
and fatigue.
There are several solutions to overcome the veneer cracking 1. To evaluate and compare the efficiency of two
problem, namely, alternative application of techniques chairside zirconia polishing systems, namely (a) eZr
The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society | Volume 20 | Issue 2 | April-June 2020 187
Gaonkar, et al.: An in vitro study to compare the surface roughness of glazed and chairside polished dental monolithic zirconia
zirconia polishing kit (Garrison Dental Solution) and done by the same operator taking care to maintain a
(b) OptraFine ceramic polishing kit (Ivoclar Vivadent) constant firm pressure while adjusting the specimens and
on the surface roughness of glazed and chairside also during subsequent polishing.
polished monolithic zirconia after clinical adjustments
2. To compare the surface roughness of glazed and The specimens were randomly divided into five equal
chairside polished monolithic zirconia after clinical groups of five specimens (n = 5) each as shown in Table 1.
3. To provide relevant clinical information to the The sequence of polishing instruments with eZr polishing
restorative practitioner so as to aid in the selection of kit (Garrison dental solution, Germany) and OptraFine
a zirconia polishing system. polishing kit (Ivoclar Vivadent, AG Schaan) is shown in
Table 2.
The specimens were made using a monolithic
zirconia (Ceramill zolid HT, Amann Girrbach, Lot no. All the specimens were subjected to quantitative
1701003) using CAD/CAM technology. surface roughness analysis using a surface roughness
analyzer (Surftest SJ 210, Mutitoyo, Ahmedabad, India)
The sample size was calculated based on the following and qualitative surface roughness analysis using a scanning
formula: electron microscope (SEM) (Zeiss Evo 18 special
2 2 × (Z + Z )
2 Edition, Bangaluru, India). The surface roughness values
N= of each specimens and the mean values (Ra) obtained
Δ2 in micrometers (µm) are shown in Table 3. The mean
α → Standard deviation values were compared using one‑way ANOVA and post
hoc test. Comparison of mean surface roughness values
∆ → Difference of mean between the groups is shown in Graph 1. No statistically
significant difference was found between the groups
Based on the result obtained from using this formula and for Ra (P < 0.05). The lowest Ra value was found in
taking values from the key article, a sample size of 25 was Group 4 – roughened and polished with OptraFine
decided. The discs measuring 10 mm in diameter and 2 mm ceramic polishing kit (Ra = 0.47 µm) Which was lower
in thickness were milled [Figure 1]. In order to maintain than those in glazed (Ra = 0.53 µm) and roughened and
uniformity, a single shade (A2) was selected. glazed (Ra = 0.59) groups. There was no statistically
significant difference between the two polishing systems.
From the 25 specimens, five specimens were randomly One specimen of each group was evaluated qualitatively
selected as the positive control group. Then, the remaining
discs were abraded for 15 s with a red band diamond Table 1: Randomization of specimens
finishing bur (MANI-DIA BURS, Mumbai, India) attached Specimens Surface treatment
to an air‑rotor handpiece (NSK). All the procedures were Group 1 (negative Roughened, unpolished, and unglazed
Group 2 (positive Glazed without prior roughening
Group 3 Roughened and polished with eZr polishing kit
Group 4 Roughened and polished with OptraFine
ceramic polishing kit
Group 5 Roughened and glazed
188 The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society | Volume 20 | Issue 2 | April-June 2020
Gaonkar, et al.: An in vitro study to compare the surface roughness of glazed and chairside polished dental monolithic zirconia
under a SEM for surface topography. The results of glazed surface of the monolithic zirconia and creating a
SEM analysis are shown in Figures 4‑8. SEM analysis of roughened surface. These roughened occlusal surfaces can
polished surfaces revealed regular morphology with some lead to increase in the wear of opposing teeth. In addition,
striations. The specimens polished with OptraFine ceramic it increases plaque accumulation and retention of bacteria,
polishing kit presented with a smooth surface as compared thus leading to esthetic, caries, or periodontal problems.[22]
to specimens polished with eZr polishing kit.
Occlusal contacts between unglazed ceramic and the
opposing glazed ceramic or enamel are undesirable because
Chairside polishing of ceramic restorations is an important of the high rate of wear of enamel and ceramic. Earlier
consideration in many restorative and prosthodontic researchers used to believe that adjusted ceramic should
procedures. It is efficient, is easy for the clinician, and be reglazed only. Reglazing has been associated with
eliminates repeated laboratory procedures. Studies several drawbacks such as an extra firing cycle may lead
conducted by Rupawala et al.[20] and Gundugollu et al.[21] have to devitrification, an extra firing cycle may cause marginal
emphasized the need for precise polishing of the surface distortion, a reglazed layer wears off easily in a short
of restoration after occlusal adjustment. Dentists often period of time, and an extra appointment is required for
adjust the glazed surface of a monolithic zirconia crown by the patient.[23]
grinding. This is performed for final occlusal adjustments
of dental restoration after cementation,[22] thus altering the
0.6 0.538 0.497 0.476
Group 1 Group 2 Non Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Figure 2: eZr polishing kit
Roughened and Roughened and eZr polishing Optrafine Roughened and
Unpolished auto glazed kit polishing kit auto glazed
Figure 3: OptraFine polishing kit Figure 4: Monolithic zirconia roughened and unpolished, ×500
Table 3: The average surface roughness values (Ra) obtained in micrometers (µm)
Specimen Roughened unpolished Not roughened and Polished with Polished with Roughened and
and unglazed (Group 1) auto glazed (Group 2) eZr kit (Group 3) OptraFine kit (Group 4) auto‑glazed (Group 5)
Specimen 1 1.096 0.508 0.493 0.465 0.415
Specimen 2 1.260 0.527 0.497 0.488 0.535
Specimen 3 1.303 0.530 0.486 0.450 0.707
Specimen 4 1.352 0.487 0.451 0.443 0.785
Specimen 5 1.203 0.641 0.560 0.534 0.542
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Gaonkar, et al.: An in vitro study to compare the surface roughness of glazed and chairside polished dental monolithic zirconia
Figure 5: Monolithic zirconia not roughened and autoglazed, ×500 Figure 6: Monolithic zirconia eZr polishing kit, ×500
Figure 7: Monolithic zirconia OptraFine polishing kit, ×500 Figure 8: Monolithic zirconia roughened and autoglazed, ×500
A number of studies have been performed to identify an air‑rotor handpiece (NSK), using limited strokes and
finishing and polishing techniques that would create for a standardized duration for 15 s to simulate the
surfaces as smooth as or smoother than glazed monolithic clinical adjustment of monolithic zirconia restorations.
zirconia, but no comprehensive conclusion could be As it was difficult to control the variation of force, the
drawn from the various studies regarding which was the same operator completed all the grinding. Subsequently,
best technique for finishing an adjusted ceramic surface, these specimens were subjected to surface profilometry
reglazing or chairside polishing. to establish baseline roughness values of the specimens.
These specimens were randomly divided into four groups
In the present study, all the 25 specimens used were made
of five specimens each as mentioned earlier.
from Y‑TZP monolithic zirconia. A computer‑aided
design (CAD) system was used to design the specimens.
Out of the two polishing systems (eZr polishing kit and
The discs measuring 10 mm in diameter and 2 mm in
OptraFine ceramic polishing kit), OptraFine ceramic
thickness were fabricated.
polishing kit system employs final finishing with diamond
The 25 specimens were then autoglazed as per polishing paste. The smoothness produced by diamond
manufacturer’s recommendations. From these, five paste can be explained by the smaller particle size of the
specimens were randomly selected to act as the positive diamond polishing paste.[24] These two polishing systems
control group. One surface of the remaining twenty were selected in this study as they are easy to use by the
specimens was roughened using a fine red diamond clinicians and there were no studies till date comparing the
point (MANI-DIA BURS, Mumbai, India) attached to efficiency of both polishing systems.
190 The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society | Volume 20 | Issue 2 | April-June 2020
Gaonkar, et al.: An in vitro study to compare the surface roughness of glazed and chairside polished dental monolithic zirconia
Earlier studies have tested different properties affected or using OptraFine ceramic polishing kit on monolithic
influenced by the finishing technique. However, the basic zirconia after clinical adjustments in comparison to eZr
property that influences other properties is surface polished and glazed monolithic zirconia after clinical
roughness. The greater the surface roughness, more is the adjustments
wear caused, greater is the plaque accumulation, lower 3. Thus, OptraFine ceramic polishing kit can be used
is its fracture strength, and poorer is the final esthetic as an alternative to glazing. This will help reduce the
appearance. Therefore, surface roughness was evaluated number of appointments of the patients and is less
both quantitatively and qualitatively by using a surface time‑consuming.
profilometer and a SEM, respectively. This is in consensus
with various studies that have used the same equipment to Financial support and sponsorship
evaluate surface roughness.[25‑29] The null hypothesis of this Nil.
study has been rejected as results showed that the use of
Conflicts of interest
polishing kits to smoothen the adjusted monolithic zirconia
There are no conflicts of interest.
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