Nowicki Et Al 2008 Biodivers Conserv
Nowicki Et Al 2008 Biodivers Conserv
Nowicki Et Al 2008 Biodivers Conserv
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Received: 28 September 2007 / Accepted: 26 June 2008 / Published online: 16 July 2008
Ó Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2008
P. Nowicki (&)
Institute of Environmental Sciences, Jagiellonian University, Gronostajowa 7, 30-387 Krakow, Poland
e-mail: [email protected]
3514 Biodivers Conserv (2008) 17:3513–3530
Crayfish are a highly diverse and important invertebrate group, with many species playing
a prominent role in freshwater ecosystems. They are keystone consumers (Nyström et al.
1996) feeding on algae, macrophytes, invertebrates, and detritus (e.g. Lodge et al. 1994;
Whitledge and Rabeni 1997). In turn, they are preyed upon by various fish, birds, and
mammals (Holdich and Lowery 1988; Reynolds 1998; Holdich 2003). In addition, their
burrowing behaviour considerably modifies river banks (Dorn and Mittelbach 1999),
creating microhabitats that constitute a refuge from drought and extreme winter conditions
for many small organisms (Usio and Townsend 2004; Zhang et al. 2004; Pintor and Soluk
2006). For the above reasons crayfish have recently been regarded as potential useful
indicators of freshwater biodiversity (Reynolds and Souty-Grosset 2003; Gherardi and
Souty-Grosset 2006). Moreover, some crayfish, especially long-lived species of cool
waters, are sensitive to pollution and thus may serve as useful bioindicators of water
quality (Jay and Holdich 1981; Holdich and Reeve 1991; Reynolds et al. 2001).
Several freshwater crayfish species are currently endangered in various parts of the
world and listed in the IUCN Red List (Baillie and Groombridge 1996; Souty-Grosset et al.
2006). Apart from their sensitivity to pollution, this is mainly caused by the competition
with exotic crayfish introduced by man as well as disease and parasite transmission or even
predation by them (Gherardi and Holdich 1999; Taugbøl and Skurdal 1999; Lodge et al.
2000; Gherardi 2006). The negative impact of these invasive exotics is not restricted to
native crayfish species; in fact they have been reported to seriously reduce biomass and
species richness of many other groups of fauna and flora too (Wilson et al. 2004; Rodrı́-
guez et al. 2005; Crawford et al. 2006; Rogowski and Stockwell 2006; Rosenthal et al.
2006; Willis and Magnuson 2006).
Consequently, monitoring both native and invasive crayfish species is not only essential
for assessing the status of the former (in many cases being a legal obligation), but also
important in much broader conservation programmes targeting whole communities or even
the entire biodiversity of freshwater areas. The problem, however, lies in the lack of a well-
established methodology for monitoring crayfish populations. The methods traditionally
used for assessing crayfish abundance, such as manual searching, trapping, and night
viewing, are not fully reliable (Rabeni et al. 1997; Peay 2003; Dorn et al. 2005; also see
the Discussion section for further explanation).
One of the potential remedies could be the application of mark-recapture methods,
which are particularly useful for studying population trends in small animals, and have
been successfully harnessed in monitoring programmes for rodents, birds, reptiles,
amphibians, and butterflies (Baillie 1995; Marunouchi et al. 2002; Flowerdew et al. 2004;
Julliard et al. 2004; Moore et al. 2007; Nowicki et al. 2008). In crayfish, these methods
have been used mainly for investigating dispersal (e.g. Robinson et al. 2000; Gherardi
et al. 2000; Byron and Wilson 2001), whereas studies aimed at population parameters were
short-termed and focused on population structure (Parkyn et al. 2002; Maguire et al. 2004;
Jones and Coulson 2006) or spatial abundance patterns (Guan and Wiles 1996; Hicks 2003;
Hockley et al. 2005) rather than on temporal trends.
The aim of the present study was to test the applicability of mark-recapture for monitoring
crayfish populations. Our motivation was stimulated by the fact that crayfish may be
expected to be rather easy to sample with mark-recapture, based on characteristics of their
biology. The ease of sampling crayfish derives from their relatively high local densities (e.g.
Guan and Wiles 1996; Hicks 2003; Jones et al. 2005), high site-fidelity (Bubb et al. 2002,
2006; Webb and Richardson 2004), and considerable longevity (Parkyn et al. 2002;
Biodivers Conserv (2008) 17:3513–3530 3515
Holdich 2003), which together make it possible to achieve adequate recapture rates. We
were also interested in assessing which mark-recapture models would fit the data best, thus
ensuring unbiased and relatively precise population size estimates. Finally, our intention was
to propose a simplified protocol for data collection and analysis in monitoring of freshwater
crayfish populations.
Field sampling
The mark-recapture surveys of the white-clawed crayfish populations in Rio dell’Osio and
Rio Pilatu have been carried out since 2005 within the framework of the Action Plan for
the species in the Piedmont region (Tirelli et al. in press). Our study is based on the data
gathered so far, comprising years 2005–2006 and the first half of 2007. In 2005 the
sampling was conducted from April to November with 13 two-day capture sessions held
roughly every 2 weeks. In the following year, the capture sessions were made more
3516 Biodivers Conserv (2008) 17:3513–3530
Fig. 1 Schematic map showing location of the two study sites in the Piedmont region, Northern Italy
intensive as the investigated sections of both streams (hereafter called sites) were subdi-
vided into 5 units of approximately equal length (80–100 m). Each unit was sampled on a
different day, and thus a single capture session lasted 5 days. There were six capture
sessions conducted roughly once a month from May to October. Finally, in 2007 the
sampling plan resembled that of 2006, but the intervals between capture sessions were
shortened to two weeks, which made it possible to have three sessions in April and May.
Two people were involved in sampling that typically lasted for ca. 2–3 h per day on
each site, though its intensity had to be lower on many occasions in spring 2006 due to
rainy weather, and in spring 2007 due to high water conditions. Crayfish were either
actively searched for and hand-netted in shallow water during daytime or caught using
eight traps set in deeper places in evenings and examined the following mornings. The
traps were 50 9 25 9 25 cm, and with pig or chicken liver used as bait. All individuals
captured were sexed and measured. Subsequently those with a total length greater than
40 mm were considered adults and were individually marked. In this way, during the three
years of the study we recorded altogether 1,709 captures of 747 males and 439 females in
Rio dell’Osio, and 1,278 captures of 521 males and 434 females in Rio Pilatu.
Biodivers Conserv (2008) 17:3513–3530 3517
Marking was done with the method described by Guan (1997), which uses a code
system based on holes punched in different positions of telson and uropods. The trouble
with Guan’s method is that the duration of marks depends on their position. However, as
we applied marks on the most durable positions (for details see Guan 1997) they should
last for at least 2–3 moulting events, which corresponds to over 1 year in full-grown white-
clawed crayfish (Lowery 1988), or even more as our findings suggest (see the Results
section). Juveniles were released without marking for both ethical and practical reasons.
The former are related to the fact that marking is known to reduce crayfish growth rate
(Guan 1997). A strong practical argument against marking juveniles is little feasibility of
their use in mark-recapture studies due to very low catchability (Rabeni et al. 1997;
Gherardi et al. 2000; Dorn et al. 2005) as well as frequent moultings (up to six per year)
leading to increased loss of marks.
Data analysis
The sampling plan, at least for the first 2 years of the study, was designed under the
conservative assumption that the investigated crayfish populations would be open for most
of the time. Nevertheless, in the first step of our analysis we evaluated the validity of this
assumption. This was done through assessing the survival (/) and recruitment (B) of
individuals between capture sessions with the open population Jolly-Seber type models
(Schwarz and Arnason 1996; Schwarz and Seber 1999). Strictly-speaking / should be
called residence as it is affected not only by mortality but also by emigration, yet we retain
the term survival for the sake of consistency with the standard mark-recapture nomen-
clature. Recruitment in turn includes both births (in fact in our case it is maturation as we
only investigated the adult fraction of crayfish populations) and immigration. Either sur-
vival significantly lower than 1 or recruitment significantly different from 0 would indicate
population openness. The models were fitted using the program POPAN (Arnason and
Schwarz 1999). The program provides the estimates of capture probabilities ðp^i Þ for
consecutive capture sessions as well as estimates of survival ð/ ^ Þ and the ‘probability of
i P
entrance’ into a population (b^i ; which is a relative measure of recruitment b^ ¼ B^i = B^i )
for intervals between sessions. Both temporal variation (t) and inter-sexual differences (s)
in parameters were of prime interest. Thus we only considered the estimates of the
unconstrained model pðs tÞ/ðs tÞbðs tÞ; which anyway performed very well as indi-
cated by the Akaike’s Information Criterion (Akaike 1973; Hurvich and Tsai 1989).
Since the analysis of survival and recruitment patterns revealed that the investigated
populations remained effectively closed for long periods (see the Results section), we
decided to apply the Robust Design model (Pollock 1982; Pollock et al. 1990). The Robust
Design is a mixed model using two types of capture periods: each primary period consists
of several secondary periods. Population is assumed to be closed within primary periods,
but open between them. Data on captures and recaptures during each secondary period are
used to estimate population sizes within primary periods, while the data pooled within each
primary period are used to estimate survival and recruitment between the periods. We
adopted five primary periods comprising spring seasons 2005, 2006, and 2007 with
respectively 6, 3, and 3 capture sessions constituting secondary periods, as well as sum-
mer–autumn seasons 2005 and 2006 with respectively 7 and 3 secondary periods.
For comparative purposes the data were analysed separately for males and females as
well as jointly for the entire adult population. The analysis was conducted with the soft-
ware MARK 4.3 (White and Burnham 1999), including the program CAPTURE (Otis et al.
3518 Biodivers Conserv (2008) 17:3513–3530
Fig. 2 Parameter estimates (squares = survival, triangles = capture probability; both with 95% confidencec
intervals) of the open population Jolly-Seber model applied to the crayfish populations investigated in 2005–
2007. It should be noted that survival estimates presented for any given capture session actually refer to the
interval between this session and the following one (e.g. the estimates given for 21 June 2006 represent the
fractions of individuals surviving between 21 June and 27 July 2006). Estimates of probability of entrance
into population are not included, but they were never significantly different from zero and generally of low
precision. The bottom bar shows the resulting division of capture sessions into Robust Design primary
1978; Rexstad and Burnham 1991) incorporated as an independent module into MARK.
The program CAPTURE was applied for selecting the most appropriate closed population
models and the subsequent derivation of population size estimates for primary periods. The
candidate models involved the null model assuming equal and constant capture probability
for each individual (M0) and models accounting for different types of violations to this
assumption, such as time variation (Mt), heterogeneity (Mh), behaviour response (Mb), or
their combinations (Mbh, Mtb, Mth, Mtbh) (Otis et al. 1978). As it was reasonable to expect
that the nature of possible violations to equal catchability assumption was similar for both
investigated populations and across seasons we opted to use the same closed model for all
primary periods within a particular system (i.e. male/female fractions or entire adult
population) as recommended by Williams et al. (2002). The selection of the most appro-
priate models followed the routine of the program CAPTURE in its first step.
Subsequently, based on its outcome for the two primary periods of 2005, we calculated the
weighted mean fit of different models with weights being numbers of individuals captured.
The primary periods of 2006–2007 were not used in this analysis, because with only three
secondary periods available the selection routine of the program CAPTURE would have
had too little power (Otis et al. 1978; Menkens and Anderson 1988).
In addition, we investigated how representative the five sampling units were for the
entire study sites in 2006–2007. For this purpose, population size estimates were also
derived, using the Robust Design, from the data collected within sampling units. The
division of sampling sessions into primary periods and the closed population models
applied within them were identical as for the entire data sets. Obviously, with individuals
moving between the sampling units spatial closure was not maintained and thus the
population size estimates produced for the units should be expected to be positively biased
(Kendall 1999). However, the biases were likely to be only slight, thanks to the afore-
mentioned high site-fidelity of crayfish.
Capture probability estimates yielded by the Jolly-Seber model were generally higher for
males, although for both sexes their temporal variation was much more pronounced
(Fig. 2). As expected capture probabilities grew substantially between 2005 and the two
following years, corresponding to the increased sampling intensity, but even within the
same season they were extremely variable. The recruitment between consecutive capture
sessions according to the Jolly-Seber model was never significantly different from zero. In
contrast, the analysis of survival revealed a fairly distinct and consistent pattern with
significant losses of individuals occurring in July (though less clearly so in 2005) and over
winter, but not in any other period (Fig. 2). Consequently, while applying the Robust
Design, we divided capture sessions into the following five primary periods: April–early
July 2005 (spring 2005); late July–November 2005 (summer–autumn 2005); May–June
18 Apr. 18 Apr. 11 Apr. 11 Apr.
spring 2005
6 June 6 June 6 June 6 June
summer-autumn 2005
10 Nov. 10 Nov. 10 Nov. 10 No v.
spring 2006
27 July 27 July 27 July 27 July
6 Oct. 6 Oct. 7 Oct. 7 Oct .
autumn 2006
15 Apr. 15 Apr. 15 Apr. 15 Apr.
spring 2007
26 May 26 May 26 May 26 May
3520 Biodivers Conserv (2008) 17:3513–3530
2006 (spring 2006); late July–October 2006 (summer–autumn 2006); April–May 2007
(spring 2007).
The closed model selection procedure within primary periods indicated that the model
with temporal variation in capture probabilities (Mt) was the most appropriate for both
sexes (Table 1), which concurs with the aforementioned results of the Jolly-Seber model.
In the case of the data pooled together for both sexes, heterogeneity in capture probabil-
ities, apparently reflecting inter-sexual differences, could also be detected, and the Mth
model performed the best (Table 1). At the same time intra-sexual heterogeneity was
rather unlikely since the Mh model performed poorly within any sex. Similarly, there was
very little indication of behavioural response effect on capture probabilities. However, the
above refers only to the effect between capture sessions, i.e. over periods of 2 weeks or
more, and does not preclude a strong negative behavioural response within the few days
following capture. We hardly ever (altogether less than 10 cases) managed to recapture an
individual within the same session.
The results of the Mt and Mth models applied to the investigated crayfish populations
within the five seasons of the survey are given in Table 2. Capture probabilities were
highest summer–autumn 2006 when the sampling was intensive and conducted in optimal
conditions, but considerably lower in the springs of 2006 and 2007 with occasional
unfavourable conditions, and even lower in 2005 when the capture sessions were less
intensive, despite their twice higher number. With the slight exception of Rio Pilatu in
spring 2005, males had catchabilities approximately twice as high as females (^ p = 0.24
– 0.53 vs. 0.11 – 0.39). Consequently, the precision index of their seasonal number esti-
mates was about twice as good (Table 2). Also noticeable was a generally better precision
of population size estimates obtained through summing male and female numbers as
compared with those derived from the pooled data, which reflected the advantage of using
the Mt rather than the Mth model. Nevertheless, estimates yielded by both methods were
highly concordant (Kendall’s s = 0.733, n = 10, P = 0.0032). The Rio dell’Osio popu-
lation appeared relatively stable, while the Rio Pilatu population less so (CV = 0.19 and
0.43 respectively; based on the summed male and female numbers). However, this pattern
can be explained at least partly by worse precision of the estimates for the latter site.
Through the course of the study adult crayfish numbers grew gradually from ca. 900 to
1,100 individuals in Rio dell’Osio and ca. 600–700 individuals in Rio Pilatu in 2005 to
roughly 1,400 individuals per site in summer–autumn 2006, but in the following spring
they dropped back to initial (or even a bit lower) levels (Table 2, Fig. 3). Estimated sex
ratio was invariably very close to 1:1.
Approximately 90% of individuals survived from spring to summer–autumn season
each year, whereas the survival over winter was only about 50% in Rio dell’Osio and 30–
40% in Rio Pilatu (Fig. 3). The average adult survival rate over the entire survey period
was 0.952 per month (SE = 0.012) in Rio dell’Osio and 0.939 per month (SE = 0.009) in
Rio Pilatu, with absolutely no inter-sexual differences. These correspond to the average
residence time of 20 months (95% CI: 12–33) and 16 months (95% CI: 12–22) respec-
tively for both populations. Because of the possible problem of mark loss, these figures
should actually be regarded as the lower limits of mark duration. In this respect it is also
worth mentioning that in spring 2007 we recaptured a considerable number (15 in Rio
dell’Osio and 9 in Rio Pilatu) of individuals that had been marked 2 years before.
With few exceptions season-to-season trends (defined as r^i ¼ N^iþ1 =N^i ) recorded within
the sampling units were highly consistent for each site and period, regardless of whether
local abundance estimates were produced separately for both sexes and then summed
(intra-class correlation coefficient rI = 0.801, P = 0.0010) or derived from the pooled data
Table 1 Performance of different closed population models (see the Data analysis section for their description) within the first two primary periods of the Robust Design
System Site Season Model
Males Rio dell’Osio Spring 2005 0.75 0.83 0.05 1 0 0.31 0.41 0.15
Rio dell’Osio Summer–autumn 2005 0.12 0 0.03 1 0.07 0.70 0.26 0.17
Rio Pilatu Spring 2005 0.80 0 0.17 0.90 0.13 0.28 0.44 1
Biodivers Conserv (2008) 17:3513–3530
Rio Pilatu Summer–autumn 2005 0.14 0 0.04 1 0.06 0.68 0.33 0.21
Weighted mean 0.41 0.24 0.06 0.99 0.06 0.52 0.35 0.29
Females Rio dell’Osio Spring 2005 0.46 0.24 0 1 0.24 0.97 0.31 0.56
Rio dell’Osio Summer–autumn 2005 0.13 0 0.34 0.58 0.18 0.38 1 0.40
Rio Pilatu Spring 2005 0.11 0.90 0.15 1 0 0.28 0.43 0.79
Rio Pilatu Summer–autumn 2005 0.13 0 0.36 1 0.18 0.58 0.39 0.39
Weighted mean 0.19 0.24 0.24 0.83 0.15 0.51 0.62 0.51
All adults Rio dell’Osio Spring 2005 0.86 1 0.30 0 0.37 0.74 0.53 0.99
Rio dell’Osio Summer–autumn 2005 0.18 0 0.56 0.54 0.14 1 0.83 0.58
Rio Pilatu Spring 2005 0.76 0.85 0.05 0.04 0 1 0.40 0.29
Rio Pilatu Summer–autumn 2005 0.14 0 0.35 0.63 0.17 0.72 1 0.40
Weighted mean 0.45 0.40 0.36 0.33 0.18 0.88 0.71 0.59
Values in the table represent relative fit of the models according to the model selection routine of the program CAPTURE, with 1s indicating the best-fitting models, and 0s
being the worst ones. Weights used in the calculations of weighted mean fit of the models for each system (i.e. males, females, or entire adult fraction) were the numbers of
captured crayfish as presented in Table 2
Table 2 Crayfish population characteristics within primary periods of the Robust Design
Site Season Males (Mt) Females (Mt) Sex ratio Males (Mt) + females (Mt) All adults (Mth)
n N^ p^ PI n N^ p^ PI n N^ p^ PI n N^ p^ PI
Rio Spring 2005 110 432 (283–712) 0.25 0.24 46 429 (152–1,430) 0.11 0.65 50:50 156 861 (473–1,724) 0.18 0.35 156 1,085 (614–2,045) 0.14 0.32
dell’Osio Summer– 132 419 (291–649) 0.32 0.21 99 491 (279–954) 0.20 0.33 46:54 231 910 (633–1,378) 0.25 0.20 231 1,007 (706–1,500) 0.23 0.20
Spring 2006 184 571 (418–824) 0.32 0.18 50 400 (147–1,320) 0.13 0.64 59:41 234 971 (596–1,735) 0.24 0.28 234 1,134 (592–2,497) 0.21 0.40
Summer– 385 725 (629–859) 0.53 0.08 239 616 (484–821) 0.39 0.14 54:46 624 1,341 (1166–1,572) 0.47 0.08 624 1,448 (1,179–1,846) 0.43 0.12
Spring 2007 164 508 (350–803) 0.32 0.22 66 510 (212–1,417) 0.13 0.54 50:50 230 1,018 (617–1,836) 0.23 0.29 230 952 (479–2,330) 0.24 0.45
Rio Pilatu Spring 2005 55 309 (144–779) 0.18 0.47 56 322 (150–813) 0.17 0.47 49:51 111 631 (353–1,230) 0.18 0.34 111 706 (378–1,440) 0.16 0.36
Summer– 76 311 (181–607) 0.24 0.33 50 339 (145–931) 0.15 0.53 48:52 126 650 (375–1,227) 0.19 0.32 126 728 (417–1,374) 0.17 0.32
Spring 2006 131 534 (323–977) 0.25 0.30 74 380 (174–1,015) 0.19 0.50 58:42 205 914 (569–1,585) 0.22 0.27 205 867 (501–1,690) 0.24 0.33
Summer– 291 663 (541–843) 0.44 0.11 258 770 (589–1,051) 0.34 0.15 46:54 549 1,433 (1,200–1,749) 0.38 0.10 549 1,733 (1,318–2,374) 0.32 0.15
Spring 2007 107 293 (199–485) 0.37 0.24 39 250 (97–814) 0.16 0.63 54:46 146 543 (322–1,040) 0.27 0.32 146 450 (246–1,078) 0.32 0.42
a) b)
Fig. 3 Population dynamics of the investigated crayfish populations as revealed by the Robust Design.
Except for the first season, when all the individuals were new to the survey, population size estimates were
partitioned into recruitments of new individuals (light bars; shown with 95% confidence intervals), and
fractions surviving from previous seasons (dark bars). Survival estimates (/, presented with SE) refer to the
entire adult fraction, while population sizes were estimated separately for males and females and then added
up, since there was no difference in survival, but clear difference in capture probabilities between both sexes
(rI = 0.760, P = 0.0026). They were significantly affected by period, but not by site nor
by interaction between site and period (MANOVA: period effect F1,16 = 26.81,
P \ 0.0001; site effect F1,16 = 0.01, P = 0.9298; interaction F1,16 = 0.23, P = 0.6368;
the trends analysed were based on the summed male and female numbers, but the pattern
was the same in the case of pooled data). This implies synchrony of population trends
between the two sites. Most importantly, trends recorded within the sampling units
reflected well those estimated for the entire study sites (Fig. 4). The sums of crayfish
numbers estimated for the units exceeded the population size estimates for the entire sites
only marginally, if at all, which suggests that there is no major effect of violations to the
assumption of population closure within seasons resulting from possible crayfish move-
ments between the units. The above prediction is confirmed by the low mobility that we
recorded. During the whole survey only 20.3% of individuals recaptured in Rio dell’Osio
and 21.7% in Rio Pilatu moved between the units, and among them less than half did so
within a single season.
A detailed review of methods for monitoring freshwater crayfish abundance has been
provided by Peay (2003). Electrofishing, despite its efficiency (Rabeni et al. 1997), is
highly destructive not only to crayfish investigated, but also to the whole community of co-
occurring water organisms. Consequently, it should not be considered for application in
monitoring programmes, especially those motivated by conservation purposes. Searching
over fixed areas, typically quadrats, has a clear advantage of yielding absolute density
estimates. On the other hand, this method is very labour-intensive and thus sampling plots
have to be small. This alone does not preclude its use in fairly large-scale studies (e.g.
DiStefano et al. 2003). However, it is doubtful whether the estimates obtained for sampling
3524 Biodivers Conserv (2008) 17:3513–3530
a) b)
Fig. 4 Changes in crayfish abundance in 2006–2007 according to (i) individual numbers estimated for the
five units of each study site (solid lines), (ii) the sums of numbers estimated within units (broken lines), and
(iii) population sizes estimated for the entire study sites (dotted lines). In all cases the results presented are
the sums of estimates obtained separately for males and females with the Mh model; the estimates obtained
for the entire adult fraction with the Mth model indicated almost identical patterns
plots can be extrapolated to larger areas, especially that applying the method requires
particular hydrological conditions.
Other methods reviewed by Peay (2003), i.e. searching for individuals in their refuges,
night viewing, and trapping with baited or unbaited traps, are relatively labour-effective
and non-destructive to crayfish populations. Nevertheless, one should remember that they
are all relative abundance methods, which do not provide information about actual pop-
ulation size, and their results can serve at best as relative indices of abundance (e.g.
Westman et al. 2002). Such indices may be useful for monitoring population trends only as
long as the proportion of population sampled on each occasion remains constant. This last
assumption is unlikely to be met, because the efficiencies of all the aforementioned
methods are highly influenced by various environmental factors (Abrahamsson 1983;
Skurdal et al. 1990; Acosta and Perry 2000; Maguire et al. 2002; Peay 2003). In the
present study the proportion of individuals captured within each session was highly var-
iable not only between season, which is not surprising because of differences in sampling
intensity, but also within seasons, when this intensity was uniform. Hence, the proportion
of population sampled may be expected to vary greatly even in the case of a standardised
sampling protocol, such as the one proposed by Peay (2003).
Biodivers Conserv (2008) 17:3513–3530 3525
We postulate that the mark-recapture approach offers a useful alternative. In its case
variation in the proportion of population sampled is no longer a hindrance, because dif-
ferences in catchability are estimated from the data and accounted for in the derivation of
population size estimates. The applicability of mark-recapture depends on ensuring that the
assumptions of theoretical models are met. For crayfish this seems relatively easy as
compared to many other animals. The above statement is, of course, only true for their
adult fraction, but surveys restricted to adults, which define effective population size, are
sufficient for monitoring purposes, especially in invertebrates.
The populations of the white-clawed crayfish that we investigated were closed except
for wintertime and the month of July. Openness in the former period apparently reflects
high mortality during winter due to starvation, predation, and mating stress. The lack of
closure in July is more difficult to explain, but it is probably associated with increased
predation risk at moulting and (in females) release of juveniles as well as considerable
mobility in this period (Gledhill et al. 1993; Reynolds 1998; Maguire et al. 2002). Obvi-
ously, the timing of periods of population openness (in particular the summer one) is likely
to differ between regions (Reynolds 1998; Holdich 2003), and possibly even more so
between species. Nevertheless, we strongly believe that a similar temporal pattern with
long periods of population closure occurs in other freshwater crayfish of the temperate
zone as well. Consequently, the Robust Design, which is regarded as the most reliable
among mark-recapture models as it allows for unequal capture probability (Lancia et al.
1994; Williams et al. 2002), appears quite suitable for investigating freshwater crayfish
populations. This model is in fact much more suitable for crayfish than for several other
species groups, such as e.g. butterflies or fish, where it has already been tried successfully
(Nowicki et al. 2005; Pollock et al. 2007).
Under the Robust Design requirements the optimal survey plan for European freshwater
crayfish should comprise two primary sampling periods per year: in spring and in summer–
autumn season. The precise timing of these periods should be adjusted to the specific
situation, but the months that turned out to be the most appropriate for the white-clawed
crayfish populations in the present study, i.e. April–June and August–October respectively,
may be used as preliminary settings if no a priori knowledge of the investigated system is
available. In the case of logistic and/or financial constraints, a useful option may be to
restrict the sampling to one primary period per year, especially if a survey is conducted for
monitoring purposes rather than in order to gain an insight into the ecology of the
investigated species. Our findings indicate that it would be more reasonable to omit spring
sampling in such a situation, because of higher capture probabilities and slightly better
chances for favourable weather conditions in the summer-autumn season.
Each primary period should optimally consist of five capture sessions (i.e. secondary
periods) separated by two-week intervals. Shorter breaks are not recommended due to the
fact that crayfish are very likely to strongly avoid being recaptured within a few days after
the initial capture (Robinson et al. 2000; this study). Conducting five capture sessions
separated by 2-week intervals within a 3-month period implies a rather densely-packed
schedule and may be logistically difficult if several sites are going to be surveyed. Fur-
thermore, bad weather or water conditions may occasionally make it impossible to perform
some of the planned sessions. Fortunately, our results from the summer–autumn season of
2006 prove that even only three sessions may be sufficient for achieving precise estimates
of crayfish population size provided that capture probabilities are high enough. The main
3526 Biodivers Conserv (2008) 17:3513–3530
disadvantage of having less than five capture sessions within a primary period is that the
most appropriate closed population model cannot be reliably selected (Otis et al. 1978), but
this problem is not insurmountable. Firstly, as highlighted by Skalski and Robson (1992)
although inappropriate models lead to biased population size estimates, the biases should
be consistent as long as the same model is used all the time. This results in unbiased
estimates of population trends, which are typically the prime aim of monitoring pro-
grammes. Secondly, our findings concerning the closed model selection were fairly
straightforward and repeatable, providing clear guidelines for dealing with crayfish pop-
ulations in this respect. Therefore, unless there is significant evidence that some other
model fits the data considerably better we recommend that (i) the model with time vari-
ation in capture probabilities (Mt) be applied for male and female fractions analysed
separately, whereas (ii) the model with time variation and heterogeneity in capture prob-
abilities (Mth) is used in the case of entire adult population analysed jointly. The former
option is preferable because of higher precision of the Mt model.
Moreover, as both our survey and many other studies into crayfish population structure
conducted for a wide array of species indicated a perfectly balanced sex ratio (Guan and
Wiles 1996; Gherardi et al. 2000; Parkyn et al. 2002; Maguire et al. 2002, 2004; Scalici
and Gibertini 2005) estimating only male numbers and extrapolating them to total popu-
lation sizes by multiplying by two is worth considering. Such an approach should not only
increase estimate precision, but also reduce the amount of work through refraining from
marking females. Sexual dimorphism in crayfish is evident enough (Holdich and Lowery
1988) so that females can be identified and released immediately after capture, which in
addition should save them and their offsprings some stress.
Practical issues are very important to consider since it is the high labour-intensity of mark-
recapture methods that is the usual argument against their use in the monitoring of many
species groups. The peculiarity of crayfish monitoring is that virtually all other methods of
abundance assessment involve capturing individuals as well (Peay 2003). Hence the effort
required for applying mark-recapture, even though substantial, is only slightly higher than
for relative abundance methods. According to our experience, two people should be easily
able to conduct a simple capture session on a ca. 500-m long stream section within 2 days,
and three people could potentially do it in a day. This translates into the annual field effort
of 9–12 person-days in the case of the minimal sampling plan (a single primary period with
three capture sessions), and 30–40 person-days for the optimal one (two primary periods of
five sessions each). Optimistically, it seems that this substantial effort does not have to be
reproduced over a large number of sites. Between- and within-site synchrony of crayfish
population dynamics suggests that trends recorded at single sites, or even fragments of
sites, are likely to be representative for broader areas. Nevertheless, testing the above
hypothesis in a large-scale research is highly desirable.
Apart from labour-intensity a major obstacle to a wider use of mark-recapture is the
difficulty in marking crayfish (cf. Westman and Savolainen 2002). With traditional
marking techniques marks disappear after several moulting events (Guan 1997), although
the outcome of the present study proves that the problem is less acute than expected. We
discovered that marks on adults last for about a year and a half on average. With such a
mark duration their loss should not affect population size estimates obtained with the
Robust Design model, but only the parameters describing the turnover of individuals
between seasons, leading to the underestimation of survival and the overestimation of
Biodivers Conserv (2008) 17:3513–3530 3527
recruitment (Arnason and Mills 1981). In other words, even though mark loss makes the
investigation of the underlying demographic processes difficult, at least it does not obstruct
the assessment of population trends, which meets the needs of most monitoring pro-
grammes. In addition, recent developments in marking techniques achieved in marine
crayfish (e.g. Frisch and Hobbs 2006) give hope for cheap and long-lasting marks available
to be applied in the near future.
Acknowledgements This survey was funded by the Piedmont regional government through the project
‘‘Action plan for the crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes complex (Crustacea Decapoda Astacidae) in
Piedmont’’, while the data analysis was supported by the European Commission within its STREP project
EuMon (contract no. 006463). We would like to thank Giulia Bemporad, Luca Buonerba, Livio Favaro,
Andrea Forchino, and Valentina Jackson for their help in the fieldwork, and James Brookes for improving
the English of the manuscript.
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