Breast Cancer Image Pre-Processing With Convolutional Neural Network For Detection and Classification
Breast Cancer Image Pre-Processing With Convolutional Neural Network For Detection and Classification
Breast Cancer Image Pre-Processing With Convolutional Neural Network For Detection and Classification
Abstract—Breast Cancer is one of the most common types of mammogram images. Owing to the barrage of data obtained
cancer. This research was conducted with the purpose of from screenings, it is difficult to maintain a highly accurate
developing a Computer-Aided Diagnosis to detect breast diagnosis when having to manually evaluate each
cancers from mammogram images. The mammogram images mammogram image obtained from the widespread screening
were obtained from the INbreast Dataset and Husada Hospital [2]. It’s evident that misdiagnosis and misinterpretations by
in Jakarta. The program was developed with the usage of pre- radiologists can also occur. This is caused by the fatiguing task
processing which includes Median Filtering, Otsu thresholding, of evaluating hundreds of images. In research conducted by
Truncation Normalization, and Contrast Limited Adaptive
[4], out of 943 samples collected, 15 breast cancers were
Histogram Equalization to manipulate the images and
detected. However, 7 (46.6%) out of the 15 breast cancer cases
Convolutional Neural Network to classify the images into either
mass or normal, or either benign or malignant. The pre-
were missed from the assessment, and 3 (43%) cases were
processing pipeline have provided enhanced images to be used missed due to misinterpretations by the radiologists.
to train and test the Convolutional Neural Network. The best Numerous attempts have aimed to develop a Computer-
model achieved reached an accuracy, precision and sensitivity Aided Diagnosis (CAD) to help detect breast cancer and to
of 94.1%, 100% and 85.7% in classifying the mammogram
improve the accuracy of a diagnosis. CAD is designed to help
images into benign or malignant, and 88.3%, 92.6% and 83.3%
in classifying the mammogram images into mass or normal. In radiologists analyze images and serve as a second opinion, or
conclusion, the algorithm was able to classify mammogram supporting tool for radiologists [5]. This study aims to
images and has provided results as high as other related develop an image processing method to pre-process
researches. mammogram images for breast cancer detection and
classification using CNN. This study used Otsu thresholding,
Keywords—Breast Cancer, Classification, Convolutional median filtering, CLAHE and truncation normalization. Data
Neural Network, Image Processing, Mammography augmentation will also be used to enlarge the dataset.
I. INTRODUCTION Afterwards, CNN is used to provide a positive and negative
diagnosis from the mammogram images. This study also had
Amongst the common fatal diseases, cancer is one of the the privilege of using mammogram images from a local
leading types of diseases that causes millions of deaths in a hospital, Husada Hospital located in Jakarta.
year. The human body is composed of trillions of cells that
group together and perform millions of functions which makes
up for a complete individual. Cancer arises due to an
accumulation of mutations that transforms normal cells to A. Study Design
cancerous cells. The cells then either fix the mutations or self-
destruct before it becomes cancerous. However, a mutation
can grow unchecked and accumulate. The accumulation of
mutation then causes the cell to become cancerous and invade
nearby cells and tissues. From nearby cells and tissues, the Fig 1. Study Design Block Diagram
cancer can even metastasize to distant organs.
According to Cancer Statistics 2020, breast cancer Fig. 1 represents the block diagram for the algorithm
accounts for 30% of cancer cases with 276,480 new cases and developed in this study. The input image represents the
42,000 estimated deaths in 2020 [1]. In Indonesia alone, breast mammogram image to be analyze or predicted. To produce
cancer incidents occur with an incident rate of 42 cases in the prediction for the input image, the whole process includes
100,000 women, and the mortality rate is found to be higher two major steps: “Image Pre-processing” step and “CNN
than the average global rate [2]. The primary reason for this Classification” step. The pre-processing step was designed to
higher-than-average mortality rate is the lack of early manipulate and enhance the input image to further increase the
detection. Early detection of breast cancer is crucial, as breast performance of the CNN used in the classification step. The
cancer survival depends largely on effective and affordable “CNN classification” step then takes the pre-processed
treatments where proper follow ups and timely treatments can mammogram image and produce the predicted classification
be conducted [3]. output for the corresponding image.
One of the methods aiming towards early detection of There are two different outputs of the classification step
breast cancer is a widespread screening using mammography. depending on which dataset is used: Mass or Normal, Benign
A mammography screening results in a large quantity of or Malignant. Mass is when the breast in the image contains a
mass, normal is when the breast does not contain any mass. Python, and each mammogram images were flipped either
Malignant is when the breast has a malignant mass, benign is right or left, or rotated either 90° or 270°.
when the breast does not contain a mass or has a mass is not
The CNN used a transfer learning method using
DenseNet201 architecture [6] and a customized classification
Fig 2 represents a more detailed block diagram of the layer. The training was set to 30 epochs with a learning rate of
methods. The image pre-processing includes processing the 1e-4 and the minimum learning rate was set to 1e-7. Fig. 3
image with Median Filtering, Otsu thresholding, Truncation represents how the CNN produce its predictions based on the
normalization, CLAHE. Afterwards, the images were then processed mammogram images.
manipulated by flipping, padding and resizing to meet the
CNN requirements. Data augmentation was used to enlarge
and balance the data.
B. CNN Training
Several experiments were done using the Mass Normal
Dataset and Benign Malignant Dataset. The CNN training was
set to 30 epochs, and was conducted in an online platform, Fig 9. Learning Curves of CNN Training on the Benign Malignant Dataset
Kaggle. The CNN training was accelerated using a GPU
accelerator which was provided by the Kaggle website. On the other hand, Fig 9 shows the overall training
performance of the CNN on 1.253 mammogram images from
the Benign Malignant Dataset. The evaluation curve graphs
also shows that the behaviour of accuracy and loss was similar
to the graph produced when using the Mass Normal Dataset,
where the accuracy increases and the loss decreases as the
epoch progresses.
However, it can be seen that the validation loss curve lies
considerably beneath the training loss curve. This indicates a
possibility that the images in the validation folder in the
“Benign Malignant Dataset” was easier to predict for the
program compared to the images in the validation folder in the
“Mass Normal Dataset.
This occurrence is also commonly associated with poor
sampling procedures where duplicate samples exist in the
training and evaluation datasets. It can also happen due to a
less variety of mammogram image in the evaluation dataset.
Another possibility for this occurrence is information leakage,
where features from the mammogram image samples in the
training dataset has a direct link or ties towards the features of
mammogram image samples in the evaluation dataset.
C. CNN Testing
Fig 8. Learning Curves of CNN Training on the Mass Normal Dataset The results of CNN testing can be seen in Table 1 and
Table 2 below. The Mass Normal Dataset contained a total of
Fig 8 shows the overall training performance of the CNN 60 images for testing, whereas the Benign Malignant Dataset
on 1.157 mammogram images from the Mass Normal Dataset. contained a total of 34 images for testing. The testing was
The X axis in both graphs represents the epoch and the Y axis carried out using the weights obtained from the CNN training.
represents the accuracy and the loss. It can be seen that the Table 1 shows the results of CNN testing using the Mass
higher the epoch, the accuracy increases while the loss Normal Dataset, and Table 2 shows the results of CNN testing
decreases. This behavior is synonymous for both the training using the Benign Malignant Dataset. The main parameter for
(the blue line) and the evaluation (the orange line). The graph analysis and comparison was accuracy. The higher the
shows that the more the CNN learns and trains, the higher the accuracy, the better the performance of the program was
accuracy is obtained by the CNN, whereas the loss decreases. deemed to be. Precision and Sensitivity were used for further
by the higher precision rather than sensitivity. the overall
performance by the CNN have given satisfactory results with
TABLE I. CNN TESTING RESULT ON THE MASS NORMAL DATASET an average accuracy performance of 90.2%. Improvements
can still be made to further decrease the FN value and thereby
Experimental Runs (%) Average
increasing the accuracy and sensitivity score.
Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Performance (%)