The Downward Filtration Theory
The Downward Filtration Theory
The Downward Filtration Theory
The downward filtration theory means that the education was provided to a
small portion of the people, and through them, education was conveyed to
the masses. Hence, through this theory, the minute did partiality by giving
education to some favourable persons as they liked to engage them in their
business policy.
Lord Macaulay
Downward Filtration Theory is a theory introduced by Lord Macaulay in his
famous Macaulay's Minutes of 1835 which was submitted to then Governor
General of British India for solving some problems related to the educational
system in India during those days.
The causes of failure of Downward Filteration Theory were: Too many english
educated people came out in the field and it was impossible for government
to give them suitable employment according to their expectations.
Downward Filtration Theory was an utter failure in India. The elite people
never wanted their lower class counterparts enjoy what they had already started
enjoying. Day by day, the gap between the educated ones and the uneducated
was widened. The educated ones started humiliating the common uneducated