Management Working at Height
Management Working at Height
Management Working at Height
Learning Outcomes
Leading Edge to apply specific training and advice
relative to your actual workplace.
Management Working At Height Training | 1 Day
This advanced management course gives an in-depth Leading Edge delivers fresh, dynamic and
knowledge around the key areas of working at heights, enthusiastic learning presentations with practical
providing delegates with a complete overview of what is applications to make the experience as enjoyable
necessary to work safely at height. as possible.
From legislation to application delegates are taken through This will ensure the course is memorable and allows
current legislation and how it impacts on their place candidates to easily digest the safety information.
of work.
On successful completion of the course and
Delegates are then guided on how to discharge their legal examination, candidates will be issued with a Leading
duties by focusing on the specifics that are relevant to the Edge Photo ID card and certification as proof of their
scope of work, activities and environment, including the accomplishment and safety awareness. Plus this
techniques, understanding and skills required in managing course entitles you to our free site safety `Service
people working at height. Pack’ program.
Any workplace using fall arrest equipment can be potentially We Guarantee Our Training
at risk of accidents if not properly managed. Careful attention Free Licence Card Support
needs to be given to the specific nature and scope of work
being done, access and If you discover an operative, who was previously
equipment suitability. trained by us, currently working in an unsafe manner
or not adhering to safety practices then you can
Candidates completing this working at heights course will implement the card licensing system and remove their
be competent to make informed decisions with regards to card authority by cutting off one of the four corners of
planning, through to implementation and control of their their licence card.
work at heights activities.
Following this step, you can then contact Leading
Edge and a technical support member will arrange to
Why You Should Feel Happy To Use Us come on-site and provide additional instruction to the
operative and offer site management support. This
Every year we have more than 5,000 people complete is a part of our FREE customer aftercare support for
our recognised training, not only to gain the certification more information visit the Service pack information:
they need, but also the competence to work safely that
comes from our specific construction tailored training.
This will help the staff regain the skills they need to get
back to their job and work in safe environment.
Management Working At Height Training | 1 Day
Working at Heights - Course Content What Makes This Course Different?
This course provides a detailed look into the relevant The course strength lies in the tailored training
issues surrounding working at heights as a whole. experience. The direct association with the job, scope
of work being done, and the environment in which
It will help assess the nature of risks at their job employees are working, makes the training directly
locations when working at heights and determine the relevant and valuable.
best methods for providing a safe environment.
Learning only what’s important to you, essentially
Focusing on the nature and level of access required, what you can and can’t do when managing working
and the safety precautions specific to these issues. at heights, and what you can and can’t use when it
Consideration will be given to the scope of works and comes to the selection, suitability and operating height
the appropriate equipment selection which will affect safety equipment.
the suitability of chosen method of fall protection.
Through open, honest and in depth discussions we can
The combination of our practical and theory course ensure delegates achieve the aims and objectives of
content has been developed to reinforce application the course, and be happy to fully deal with employees
specific knowledge, to further cement delegates effectively when putting people to work at height.
competence, building on experience and confidence.
This working at heights course is about options and With more than 50 years of experience in technical height
selecting the most appropriate height safety methods safety training and products, we have determined not
based on available access through to equipment only to provide the best fall protection and height safety
suitability. The hierarchy of safety provision will training possible, but to also continuously develop new
be considered. ideas, further our technological expertise, understand
and implement new techniques and to repeatedly set
Delegates will look at minimising exposure, while giving higher standards of safe working at heights.
consideration to using fall arrest, work positioning,
restraint, fix and temporary systems. We believe that this marks us out as the Leading Edge
of height safety, giving you the confidence to now
you’re getting the best.
Practical (1 Hour)
Don’t Just Take Our Word For It
Management are ideally taken on-site for practical site
and equipment specific training, followed by a practical We have received feedback from many of our
assessment of their competence. This provides customers who have reported that our training inspires
management with the chance to address any site greater levels of confidence in the operatives working
problems, issues or concerns which the trainer will be at height, as a result operative’s work more safely
able to help in providing there and then and efficiently.
local guidance.
the delegates in the training course and maximise
information retention and preventing skill fade.
Management Working At Height Training | 1 Day
Management Course Programme Equipment Methodology
Upon completion of the theory, delegates will be taken We train every day at job locations and we understand
to their work at height location (where possible) for how our customers want to work. We adapt and
practical awareness and equipment training followed tailor our training to your specific needs so you can
by a practical assessment of their knowledge and level work safely at height and improve your employees
of competence. confidence and efficiency given your work and
trade requirements.
This provides delegates with the chance to address any
specific work problems, issues or concerns they have, We don't only train in our own equipment but whatever
and to fill in any blank areas in their job you are currently using, including inertia reels,
specific knowledge. alsipercha, lifeline, restraint systems and rope access
etc . Making sure that the equipment you are using it is
Practical demonstration and assessment will cover the used appropriately and safely.
following areas:
Trade Specific
■ Group Informal Risk Assessment Exercise All Leading Edge Working at Heights courses are
available with greater emphasis for the following
■ Methods Of Work Selection Process
industries and trades :
■ Equipment Selection, Identification & Familiarization
■ Anchorage Considerations & Set Up
■ Practical Demonstration Of Safe Working Across ■ Airline Industries
Equipment Selection ■ Environment
■ Group Exercises To Include Live Practice, Evaluation & ■ Utilities
Equipment Utilisation ■ Oil and Gas
■ Assessments ■ Process & Chemical Plant
■ Review & Feedback Of Any Issues ■ Telecommunication
■ Military
■ Factory
Trade Specific & Tailor Made Training Courses ■ Plant & Machinery
Training is not just about 'Generic Principles', to us it's ■ Roof & windows
about improving site safety, awareness and productivity
■ General worker at height
through workplace, trade and job
specific guidance. ■ Demolition
■ Inspection at height
Our courses are tailored to your place of work,the ■ Mechanical & Electrical
job being done, sequence of work, restrictions and ■ Temporary Works
equipment suitability. ■ Scaffolding & Towers
■ Steel worker
This training has direct association and adds
real value. ■ Powered Access
■ Construction
Every Customer Is Unique There are many more industries and trades than
identified on this list. We have done this type
For example, where we need to consider the work of training onsite and for so long that we really
methodology, processes, height safety and equipment understand your job requirements and can tailor
requirements for a particular job, we take into account our course to match your needs specifically.
the nature of the job being done and the surrounding
environment, access and restrictions and then provide Tailor Made Training Courses
specific guidance for how to do the work safely.
Some customers require something a bit special.
Our courses highlight good and bad practice and what
They like our courses so much they ask us to tailor
you really need to 'know and do' to be safe while working
them exactly to their specific needs.
at height.
Management Working At Height Training | 1 Day
Pricing Information
Location: Client’s Site
Our training is job specific and so in order to provide the most
effective training we deliver courses on-site. We provide direct
training at your location both nationwide and internationally. So
wherever you are, we can deliver the training courses you need.
*Course fees include the travel costs for England and Wales
only; for all courses outside of this area there will be additional
travel costs as appropriate.
Leading Edge Safety Group Booking Form
Fax This Form Back On: 01329 550 470
• Provisional dates can only be reserved for 24hrs before booking is lost
• Booking confirmation is only accepted on completion and return of this form.
• Course cancellation made at or under 5 working days notice will be invoiced at full course cost.
• Photo ID Licences and Certificates will be released on receipt of payment
• By signing this form you agree to these terms and conditions.
Client Details
Booking Con-
Site Address:
Site Contact
Training Course:
Training Date:
No Of People Attending
Course Fee:
Order Confirmation
Order No:
Print Name:
(by signing this document you agree to the Terms & Conditions Listed Above)
Please give details of where you would like cards and certificates sent to:
Postal Address:
Contact Name:
• Classroom courses containg a theory element will require a room with a suitable number of tables, chairs and
240v power supply
• Courses containing a practical section will require a clear area idealy where the candidates are working for
direct association
• Rescue courses additionally require an open edge with height clearance
Leading Edge Telephone
Unit 6 +44 (0) 1329 550 121
Glenmore Business Park Fax
Aerodrome Road +44 (0) 1329 550 470
Gosport Web
Hampshire www.
PO13 0FQ Email
[email protected]