This document describes a method for determining the rotational moment of inertia of an engine. The method involves running deceleration tests of the engine when unloaded and when loaded with a small external load. The moment of inertia is calculated using the external load amount, and difference in deceleration rates between the loaded and unloaded tests.
This document describes a method for determining the rotational moment of inertia of an engine. The method involves running deceleration tests of the engine when unloaded and when loaded with a small external load. The moment of inertia is calculated using the external load amount, and difference in deceleration rates between the loaded and unloaded tests.
Original Title
US4036049-Method for determining engine moment of inertia
This document describes a method for determining the rotational moment of inertia of an engine. The method involves running deceleration tests of the engine when unloaded and when loaded with a small external load. The moment of inertia is calculated using the external load amount, and difference in deceleration rates between the loaded and unloaded tests.
This document describes a method for determining the rotational moment of inertia of an engine. The method involves running deceleration tests of the engine when unloaded and when loaded with a small external load. The moment of inertia is calculated using the external load amount, and difference in deceleration rates between the loaded and unloaded tests.
MOMENT OF NERTIA U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 3,592,053 7/1971 Lucia ..................................... 73/116 75 Inventor: Richard Eric Hanson, Winchester, Primary Examiner-Jerry W. Myracle . Mass. Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Peter A. Taucher; John E. McRae; Nathan Edelberg 73) Assignee: The United States of America as 57 ABSTRACT represented by the Secretary of the Army, Washington, D.C. A method for determining the rotational moment of inertia of an engine, comprising the steps of carrying 21 Appl. No.: 700,650 out engine deceleration tests, first with the engine un loaded and later with the engine sufficiently loaded to provide a recordable difference in deceleration rate (or (22 Filed: June 28, 1976 elapsed time). Moment of inertia is determined as the numerical value of the added load divided by the differ 51) Int. Cl? ............................................ G01M 15/00 ence in deceleration rates, before and after the load is 52 U.S.C. ........................................... 73/116; 73/65 applied. 58 Field of Search ..................... 73/116, 133 R, 117, 1 Claim, No Drawings 73/65 4,036,049 2 1. FA represents the added external load, and METHOD FOR DETERMINING ENGINE d is deceleration rate during the second test. MOMENT OF NERTIA Substituting the initial value of Feinto the second equa The invention described herein may be manufactured, tion, we have: used, and licensed by or for the Government for gov 5 IX di + F = I X d ernmental purposes without payment to me of any roy alty thereon. This can be rearranged to: BACKGROUND AND SUMMARY OF - INVENTION 10 U.S. patent application Ser. No. 516,503 filed Oct. 21, The three quantities on the right side of this equation 1974 now U.S. Pat. No. 3,964,301 and U.S. patent appli are known or can be determined by running successive cation Ser. No. 569,857 filed Apr. 21, 1975 now U.S. deceleration tests with the engine loaded and then un Pat. No. 3,942,365 disclose means and method for deter loaded. The added external load F4 is preferably and 15 mining brake torque, friction torque and indicated output desirably quite small when compared to the torque torque of engine type power plants. The mechanisms example,ofifthe the power plant and its friction torque. For friction torque is approximately 20 per and methods described in those patent applications pre cent of the indicated torque then the added load FA can suppose advance knowledge of the rotational moment be only about 2 percent of the indicted torque. One of inertia of the engine power plant under test. The 20 advantage (or perhaps requirement) is using a low present invention discloses a method for power testing added load is that it does not unduly reduce the deceler an engine power plant to determine its moment of iner ation rate. As explained in aforementioned application tia when moment of inertia information is unavailable Ser. No. 516,503, the total elapsed deceleration time for from the power plant manufacturer. an unloaded engine, going from 2500 rp.m. to 1000 The present invention contemplates the use of a dyna 25 r.p.m., is only a matter of a few seconds. The added load mometer for applying predetermined loads on the en F must not be so large as to unduly shorten decelera gine during one of the test runs. However a feature of tion elapsed time beyond the test equipment capability. the invention is that the load-applying mechanism (dy The test runs should be carried out with a resonably namometer) is a low cost relatively small capacity unit. large differential between the starting high engine speed For example, the applied load need only be approxi and ending low engine speed. However the operational mately 2 per cent of the engine torque capability. With 30 speeds must not exceed safe operating values. For many a large engine of approximately 1000 horsepower rating power plants the high starting speed would be about the selected dynamometer could be a relatively small 20 2500 rp.m., and the low final speed would be about horsepower unit. Such a unit possesses advantages in 1000 rpm. Test apparatus would preferably be similar such respects as size, cost and convenience. to apparatus shown and described in aforementioned 35 patent applications, Ser. Nos. 516,503 and 569.857. THE DRAWINGS I wish it to be understood that I do not desire to be This invention can be practiced using conventional limited to the exact details of construction shown and state-of-the art apparatus. Therefore no drawings are described, for obvious modifications will occur to a included herein. person skilled in the art. Test procedures disclosed in aforementioned patent I claim: applications, Ser. Nos. 516,503 and 569,857 include the 1. A method of determining the rotational moment of steps of running an unloaded engine up to some safe inertia of an engine type power plant, comprising the operating speed, e.g. 2500 rp.m., and de-energizing the steps of engine to produce a controlled deceleration to some 45 running an unloaded power plant up to a high speed of approximately 2500 rp.m., de-energizing the lower speed, e.g. 1000 rp.m. Elapsed time to go from the high speed to the low speed is measured, to provide power plant of decelerate same from said high an indication of the average deceleration rate. The fric speed to a low speed of approximately 1000 rp.m., tion torque of the engine (power plant) is calculated and measuring the elaspsed time period, to thereby according to the equation: ascertain the average deceleration rate of the un 50 loaded power plant; F = I X di applying a known external load to the power plant; said external load being approximately 10 percent where of the power plant friction torque; Feis friction torque running the loaded power plant up to the same afore I is moment of inertia, and 55 mentioned high speed, de-energizing the loaded d is deceleration rate power plant to decelerate same from the aforemen The present invention contemplates a second test of tioned high speed to the same aforementioned low the engine with a small external load or power absorp speed, and measuring the elasped time period, to tion device (e.g. generator or fluid coupling unit) at thereby ascertain the average deceleration rate of tached to the power plant output. The external load, 60 the loaded power plant; when added to the engine friction torque, causes the and calculating the moment of inertia according to power plant to have a different deceleration rate during the equation I = F/(d. - d.) the second test. The equation prevailing during the where I is moment of inertia second test is: 65 FA is the known external load FE + F = I X d. d is deceleration rate of the loaded power plant, and d is deceleration kratek ofskthek unloaded sk power plant. where