13 ICH S6 Preclinical Safety
13 ICH S6 Preclinical Safety
13 ICH S6 Preclinical Safety
March 1998
ICH Topic S 6
Preclinical Safety Evaluation of Biotechnology-Derived Pharmaceuticals
Step 5
1.1 Background
Biotechnology-derived pharmaceuticals (biopharmaceuticals) were initially developed in the
early 1980s. The first marketing authorisations were granted later in the decade. Several
guidelines and points-to-consider documents have been issued by various regulatory agencies
regarding safety assessment of these products. Review of such documents, which are
available from regulatory authorities, may provide useful background in developing new
Considerable experience has now been gathered with submission of applications for
biopharmaceuticals. Critical review of this experience has been the basis for development of
this guidance that is intended to provide general principles for designing scientifically
acceptable preclinical safety evaluation programs.
1.2 Objectives
Regulatory standards for biotechnology-derived pharmaceuticals have generally been
comparable among the European Union, Japan and United States. All regions have adopted a
flexible, case-by-case, science-based approach to preclinical safety evaluation needed to
support clinical development and marketing authorisation. In this rapidly evolving scientific
area, there is a need for common understanding and continuing dialogue among the regions.
The primary goals of preclinical safety evaluation are: 1) to identify an initial safe dose and
subsequent dose escalation schemes in humans; 2) to identify potential target organs for
toxicity and for the study of whether such toxicity is reversible; and 3) to identify safety
parameters for clinical monitoring. Adherence to the principles presented in this document is
intended to improve the quality and consistency of the preclinical safety data supporting the
development of biopharmaceuticals.
1.3 Scope
This guidance is intended primarily to recommend a basic framework for the preclinical
safety evaluation of biotechnology-derived pharmaceuticals. It applies to products derived
from characterised cells through the use of a variety of expression systems including bacteria,
yeast, insect, plant, and mammalian cells. The intended indications may include in vivo
diagnostic, therapeutic, or prophylactic uses. The active substances include proteins and
peptides, their derivatives and products of which they are components; they could be derived
from cell cultures or produced using recombinant DNA technology including production by
transgenic plants and animals. Examples include but are not limited to: cytokines,
plasminogen activators, recombinant plasma factors, growth factors, fusion proteins,
enzymes, receptors, hormones, and monoclonal antibodies.
The principles outlined in this guidance may also be applicable to recombinant DNA protein
vaccines, chemically synthesised peptides, plasma derived products, endogenous proteins
extracted from human tissue, and oligonucleotide drugs.
This document does not cover antibiotics, allergenic extracts, heparin, vitamins, cellular blood
components, conventional bacterial or viral vaccines, DNA vaccines, or cellular and gene
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Safety concerns may arise from the presence of impurities or contaminants. It is preferable to
rely on purification processes to remove impurities and contaminants rather than to establish a
preclinical testing program for their qualification. In all cases, the product should be
sufficiently characterised to allow an appropriate design of preclinical safety studies.
There are potential risks associated with host cell contaminants derived from bacteria, yeast,
insect, plants, and mammalian cells. The presence of cellular host contaminants can result in
allergic reactions and other immunopathological effects. The adverse effects associated with
nucleic acid contaminants are theoretical but include potential integration into the host
genome. For products derived from insect, plant and mammalian cells, or transgenic plants
and animals there may be an additional risk of viral infections.
In general, the product that is used in the definitive pharmacology and toxicology studies
should be comparable to the product proposed for the initial clinical studies. However, it is
appreciated that during the course of development programs, changes normally occur in the
manufacturing process in order to improve product quality and yields. The potential impact of
such changes for extrapolation of the animal findings to humans should be considered.
The comparability of the test material during a development program should be demonstrated
when a new or modified manufacturing process or other significant changes in the product or
formulation are made in an ongoing development program. Comparability can be evaluated
on the basis of biochemical and biological characterisation (i.e., identity, purity, stability, and
potency). In some cases additional studies may be needed (i.e., pharmacokinetics,
pharmacodynamics and/or safety). The scientific rationale for the approach taken should be
3.6 Immunogenicity
Many biotechnology-derived pharmaceuticals intended for human are immunogenic in
animals. Therefore, measurement of antibodies associated with administration of these types
of products should be performed when conducting repeated dose toxicity studies in order to
aid in the interpretation of these studies. Antibody responses should be characterised (e.g.,
titer, number of responding animals, neutralising or non-neutralising), and their appearance
should be correlated with any pharmacological and/or toxicological changes. Specifically, the
effects of antibody formation on pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic parameters, incidence
and/or severity of adverse effects, complement activation, or the emergence of new toxic
effects should be considered when interpreting the data. Attention should also be paid to the
evaluation of possible pathological changes related to immune complex formation and
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The detection of antibodies should not be the sole criterion for the early termination of a
preclinical safety study or modification in the duration of the study design unless the immune
response neutralises the pharmacological and/or toxicological effects of the
biopharmaceutical in a large proportion of the animals. In most cases, the immune response to
biopharmaceuticals is variable, like that observed in humans. If the interpretation of the data
from the safety study is not compromised by these issues, then no special significance should
be ascribed to the antibody response.
The induction of antibody formation in animals is not predictive of a potential for antibody
formation in humans. Humans may develop serum antibodies against humanised proteins, and
frequently the therapeutic response persists in their presence. The occurrence of severe
anaphylactic responses to recombinant proteins is rare in humans. In this regard, the results of
guinea pig anaphylaxis tests, which are generally positive for protein products, are not
predictive for reactions in humans; therefore, such studies are considered of little value for the
routine evaluation of these types of products.
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into specific amino acids because of recycling of amino acids into non-drug related
Some information on absorption, disposition and clearance in relevant animal models should
be available prior to clinical studies in order to predict margins of safety based upon exposure
and dose.
4.2.2 Assays
The use of one or more assay methods should be addressed on a case-by-case basis and the
scientific rationale should be provided. One validated method is usually considered sufficient.
For example, quantitation of TCA-precipitable radioactivity following administration of a
radiolabeled protein may provide adequate information, but a specific assay for the analyte is
preferred. Ideally the assay methods should be the same for animals and humans. The possible
influence of plasma binding proteins and/or antibodies in plasma/serum on the assay
performance should be determined.
4.2.3 Metabolism
The expected consequence of metabolism of biotechnology-derived pharmaceuticals is the
degradation to small peptides and individual amino acids. Therefore, the metabolic pathways
are generally understood. Classical biotransformation studies as performed for
pharmaceuticals are not needed.
Understanding the behaviour of the biopharmaceutical in the biologic matrix, (e.g., plasma,
serum, cerebral spinal fluid) and the possible influence of binding proteins is important for
understanding the pharmacodynamic effect.
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4.5 Immunotoxicity studies
One aspect of immunotoxicological evaluation includes assessment of potential
immunogenicity (see section 3.6). Many biotechnology-derived pharmaceuticals are intended
to stimulate or suppress the immune system and therefore may affect not only humoral but
also cell-mediated immunity. Inflammatory reactions at the injection site may be indicative of
a stimulatory response. It is important, however, to recognise that simple injection trauma
and/or specific toxic effects caused by the formulation vehicle may also result in toxic
changes at the injection site. In addition, the expression of surface antigens on target cells
may be altered, which has implications for autoimmune potential. Immunotoxicological
testing strategies may require screening studies followed by mechanistic studies to clarify
such issues. Routine tiered testing approaches or standard testing batteries, however, are not
recommended for biotechnology-derived pharmaceuticals.
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In those cases where the product is biologically active and non-immunogenic in rodents and
other studies have not provided sufficient information to allow an assessment of carcinogenic
potential then the utility of a single rodent species should be considered. Careful consideration
should be given to the selection of doses. The use of a combination of pharmacokinetic and
pharmacodynamic endpoints with consideration of comparative receptor characteristics and
intended human exposures represents the most scientifically based approach for defining the
appropriate doses. The rationale for the selection of doses should be provided.
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Note 1
Animal models of disease may be useful in defining toxicity endpoints, selection of clinical
indications, and determination of appropriate formulations, route of administration, and
treatment regimen. It should be noted that with these models of disease there is often a
paucity of historical data for use as a reference when evaluating study results. Therefore, the
collection of concurrent control and baseline data is critical to optimise study design.
Note 2
There may be extensive public information available regarding potential reproductive and/or
developmental effects of a particular class of compounds (e.g., interferons) where the only
relevant species is the non-human primate. In such cases, mechanistic studies indicating that
similar effects are likely to be caused by a new but related molecule, may obviate the need for
formal reproductive/developmental toxicity studies. In each case, the scientific basis for
assessing the potential for possible effects on reproduction/development should be provided.
Note 3
With some biopharmaceuticals there is a potential concern about accumulation of
spontaneously mutated cells (e.g., via facilitating a selective advantage of proliferation)
leading to carcinogenicity. The standard battery of genotoxicity tests is not designed to detect
these conditions. Alternative in vitro or in vivo models to address such concerns may have to
be developed and evaluated.
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