Fan Cart Physics SE
Fan Cart Physics SE
Fan Cart Physics SE
Vocabulary: acceleration, force, friction, mass, newton, Newton’s first law, Newton’s second
law, Newton’s third law, velocity
1. Imagine a horse pulling a cart. What would happen to the speed of the cart if several bags of
2. Suppose several more horses were hitched up to the same cart. How would this affect the
Although these questions may seem simple, they form the basis of Newton’s second law of
motion. The Fan Cart Physics Gizmo can be used to illustrate all three of Newton’s laws.
Gizmo Warm-up
The Fan Cart Physics Gizmo shows a common teaching
tool called a fan cart. Place fan A on the cart and turn it
on by clicking the On/Off button below.
By blowing to the left, the fans exert a force on the cart that pushes it to the right. This
illustrates Newton’s third law: A force in one direction results in an equal force in the
opposite direction.
3. The velocity (v) of the cart is its speed and direction. Click Reset ( ). Select the BAR
CHART tab, and click Play. Does the velocity change or stay the same? _______________
Get the Gizmo ready:
Activity A:
Click Reset.
Newton’s first law
Remove all fans from the cart.
1. Form hypothesis: What will the motion of the cart be like when there is no force at all?
2. Predict: Suppose a cart with no fans has a starting velocity of 2 m/s. What will be the
3. Experiment: Check that there are no fans on the cart. On the DESCRIPTION tab, set the
Initial velocity of cart to 2.0 m/s. Select the BAR CHART tab, and click Play.
4. Experiment: Click Reset. Place two fans on the cart, and point them in opposite directions.
(Next to DIRECTION, click the button for one fan.) Turn both fans on, and click Play.
A. What do you notice about the graph of position vs. time (x vs t)? _______________
C. What do you notice about the graph of acceleration vs. time (a vs t)? ____________
6. Draw conclusions: Newton’s first law states that an object in motion will travel at a constant
velocity unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. How do these experiments show this?
Get the Gizmo ready:
Activity B:
Click Reset.
Newton’s second
Set the Initial velocity of cart to 0.0 m/s.
Place three fans on the cart, all blowing to the left.
1. Experiment: Turn on the fans. Click Play and watch the cart, then select the TABLE tab.
A. Scroll to the bottom of the table. What is the final velocity of the cart? ____________
B. How long did it take the cart to reach the end of the track? _____________________
2. Calculate: Acceleration is a measure of how much the velocity of the cart changes each
second. To calculate acceleration, divide the final velocity by the amount of time it took to
reach that velocity. The units of acceleration are meters per second per second, or m/s2.
B. Check your answer on the TABLE tab. Were you correct? _____________________
3. Form hypothesis:
A. How do you think changing the mass of the cart will affect its acceleration?
B. How do you think the number of fans will affect the cart’s acceleration?
4. Experiment: Select the BAR CHART tab and turn on Show numerical values. For each of
the situations below, record the acceleration of the cart.
Activity B (continued from previous page)
A. How did doubling the force affect the acceleration of the cart? __________________
B. A cart with two blocks and three fans has twice the mass as a cart with just three
fans. How did doubling the mass affect the acceleration of the cart?
6. Collect data: Select the DESCRIPTION tab. On the SIMULATION pane, turn on Show
mass. This lists the total mass of the cart. Each fan exerts a force of 4.0 newtons (N). One
newton is the force required to accelerate a 1-kg object at a rate of 1 m/s2.
For each combination, record the total force, total mass, and acceleration. On the last
column, multiply the mass (m) and acceleration (a).
What do you notice about the force and the product of mass and acceleration, ma?
7. Draw conclusions: Newton’s second law states that force is equal to mass times
acceleration: F = ma. This law can be rearranged as a = F / m, or a = F ÷ m.
8. Apply: Suppose the cart contains 3 fans and 3 blocks. Recall that each fan supplies a force
of 4.0 N. The total mass of the cart will be 22.5 kg.
What will be the acceleration of the cart? ________ Check your answer using the Gizmo.