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NBEMS Diploma
Obstetrics &
Goal & Objectives of the Programme
Teaching Program
Recommended Reading
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II Syllabus 10
IV Recommended Reading 24
The goal of “DIPLOMA IN OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY” 2 years course is to
produce a competent Obstetrician and Gynaecologist who can achieve following
objectives including in the main hospital and in the District Residency training in the
other hospital:
i. Provide optimum care for diagnosis and management of normal and abnormal
pregnancy and labor in Antenatal, Intra-natal and Post-natal period.
ii. Provide efficient and quality care to a pregnant woman with high-risk pregnancy.
iii. Provide useful and sufficient care to a normal and high risk neonate.
iv. Perform basic obstetrical ultrasound in normal and abnormal pregnancy
including Doppler.
v. Handle adequately all obstetrical and gynecological emergencies and if required
make appropriate referrals.
vi. Provide quality care to the community in the diagnosis and management of
gynaecological problems including screening, and management of all
gynecological cancers including during pregnancy.
vii. Perform evaluation of infertile couple adequately and have a broad based
knowledge of assisted reproductive techniques including–ovulationinduction,
invitro fertilization and intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection, gamete donation,
surrogacy and the legal and ethical implications of these procedures.
viii. Provide counseling and delivery of fertility regulation methods including
reversible and irreversible contraception, emergency contraception, etc.
ix. Provide quality care to women having spontaneous abortion or requesting
Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) and manage their related
At the end of the Diploma Course in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, the student should
have acquired knowledge in the following:
i. Cognitive Domain
a. recognizes the health needs of women and adolescents and carries out
professional obligations in keeping with principles of National Health
Policy and professional ethics
b. has acquired the competencies pertaining to Obstetrics and Gynaecology
that are required to be practiced in the community and at all levels of
health system
c. Gynaecology:
• Cervical biopsy.
• Dilatation and curettage including paracervical block
• Culdocentesis(if possible) , Colpotomy( if possible)
• Cervical PAP Smear – VIA / VILI (visual inspection with acetic acid /
visual inspection with Lugol’siodine)
• Colposcopy
• Endometrial Sampling/ biopsy
• Diagnostic laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy, HSG
• Bartholin cyst excision or I&D of Bartholin abscess.
• IUCD insertion including use of paracervical block for IUCD insertion
in stenosed cervix, IUCD removal
• Insertion of LNG-IUS
• Sonography in infertility: Follicular study and Endometrialstudy
• Opening and closing of abdomen (10 must be done)
• Operations for pelvic organ prolapse
• Ovarian cyst operation
• Operation for ectopic pregnancy
• Vaginal and abdominal hysterectomy
e. Diagnostic Procedures
• Interpretation of Imaging - Twins, common fetal malformations /mal-
presentations, abnormal pelvis (pelvimetry), Hysterosalpingography.
• Sonographic pictures at various stages of pregnancy - normal and
abnormal pregnancies, Fetal biophysical profile, common
gynaecological pathologies.
• Amniocentesis (if possible)
• Fetal surveillance methods - Electronic fetal monitoring and its
• Vaginal Pap Smear
• Colposcopy
• Endoscopy - Laparo and Hysteroscopy.
h. Medico-legal Aspects
• Correct application of various Acts and Laws while practicing
obstetrics and gynaecology, particularly MTP Act and sterilization,
Preconception and P.N.D.T. Act.
• Implement proper recording of facts about history, examination
findings, investigation reports and treatment administered in all
• Implement the steps recommended for examination and management
of rape cases.
• Follow proper procedures in the event of death of a patient.
1. Basic Sciences
i. Normal and abnormal development, structure and function (female and
male) urogenital system and female breast.
ii. Applied Anatomy of genito-urinary system, abdomen, pelvis, pelvic floor,
anterior abdominal wall, upper thigh (inguinal ligament, inguinal canal,
vulva, rectum and anal canal).
iii. Physiology of Oogenesis, spermatogenesis. Gametogenesis, fertilization,
implantation & early development of embryo
iv. Endocrinology related to male and female reproduction (Neurotransmitters).
v. Anatomy and physiology of urinary and lower GI (rectum/anal canal) tract.
vi. Development, structure and function of placenta, umbilical cord and amniotic
vii. Anatomical and physiological changes in female genital tract during
viii. Anatomy of fetus, fetal growth and development, fetal physiology and fetal
2. Medical Genetics
i. Basic medical genetics including Cytogenetics.
ii. Pattern of inheritance
iii. Chromosomal abnormalities - types, incidence, diagnosis, management and
recurrence risk.
iv. General principles of teratology.
3. Obstetrics
i. Antenatal Care:
a. Prenatal care of normal pregnancy including examination, nutrition,
immunization and follow up.
b. Identification and management of complications and complicated of
pregnancy - abortion, ectopic pregnancy, vesicular mole, Gestational
trophoblastic diseases, hyperemesis gravidarum, multiple pregnancy,
antepartum hemorrhage, pregnancy induced hypertension,
preeclampsia, eclampsia, Other associated hypertensive disorders,
Anemia, Rh incompatibility, diabetes, heart disease, renal and hepatic
diseases, preterm – postterm pregnancies, fetal growth restriction (
formerly intrauterine growth restriction)
c. Neurological, hematological, dermatological diseases, immunological
disorders and other medical and surgical disorders/problems
associated with pregnancy, multiple pregnancies, Hydramnios,
d. Diagnosis of contracted pelvis (CPD) and its management.
e. High-risk pregnancy -
f. Pregnancy associated with complications, medical and surgical
g. Prolonged gestation.
h. Preterm labor, premature rupture of membranes.
i. Blood group incompatibilities.
j. Recurrent pregnancy wastage.
k. Evaluation of fetal and maternal health in complicated pregnancy by
making use of diagnostic modalities including modern once (USG,
Doppler, Electronic monitors) and plan for safe delivery for mother
and fetus. Identifying fetus at risk and its management.
l. Infections in pregnancy. (Bacterial, viral, fungal, protozoal)
m. Malaria, Toxoplasmosis.
n. Viral - Rubella, CMV, Herpes, HIV, Hepatic viral infections (B, C,E),
SARS-Cov-2 (COVID) , Zika, etc
o. Sexually transmitted infections (STDs).
p. Mother to fetal transmission of infections.
q. Identification and management of fetal malpositions and
v. New Born
a. Care of new born: Normal and high risk new born (including neonatal
intensive care unit [NICU] care).
b. Asphyxia and neonatal resuscitation.
c. Neonatal sepsis - prevention, detection and management.
d. Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia: investigation and management.
e. Birth trauma - Detection and management.
f. Detection and management of fetal/neonatal malformation.
g. Management of common neonatal problems.
4. Gynaecology
i. Epidemiology and etiopathogenesis of gynaecological disorders.
5. Operative Gynaecology
i. Abdominal and Vaginal Hysterectomy
ii. Surgical procedures for genital prolapse, fibromyoma, endometriosis,
ovarian, adnexal, uterine, cervical, vaginal and vulval pathologies.
iii. Surgical treatment for urinary and other fistulae, urinary incontinence
iv. Operative endoscopy
ii. Procedures
a. Investigative skills
o Blood sampling; venous and arterial.
o Collection of urine for culture, urethral catheterization
iii. Interpretation
a. Interpreting obstetrical USS including Doppler is very important
b. Performing first trimester ultrasound to confirm an IU pregnancy and
rule out ectopic and third trimester fetal well being scans
v. Obstetrics:
a. Operations must be performed and/or assisted when possible:
o Obstetrics:
Conduct normal deliveries Episiotomy and its repair
Pelvic assessment, abdominal and vaginal examination for
assessment of progress of labour including partogram
Breech Delivery.
Identification, intervention and management of abnormal
presentations, positions and labour emergencies such as
shoulder dystocia.
Application of forceps and ventouse (10).
vi. Gynaecology:
a. Cervical biopsy.
b. Dilatation and curettage including paracervical block
c. Culdocentesis(if possible) , Colpotomy ( if possible),
d. Cervical PAP Smear – VIA / VILI (visual inspection with acetic acid /
visual inspection with Lugol’siodine)
e. Colposcopy
f. EndometrialSampling/ biopsy
g. Diagnostic laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy, HSG
h. Bartholin cyst excision or I & D of Bartholin abscess
i. IUCD insertion including use of paracervical block for IUCD insertion
in stenosed cervix, IUCD removal
j. Insertion of LNG-IUS
k. Sonography in infertility: Follicular study and Endometrialstudy
l. Opening and closing of abdomen (10 must be done)
m. Operations for pelvic organ prolapse
n. Ovarian cyst operation
o. Operation for ectopic pregnancy
p. Vaginal and abdominal hysterectomy
q. Operations must be OBSERVED and/or ASSISTED when possible:
r. nternal podalic version
s. Caesarean Hysterectomy
t. Internal iliac artery ligation
u. Destructive obstetrical operations(not mandatory but desirable
especially cephalocentesis)
v. Tubal microsurgery
w. Radical operations for gynaecological malignancies
x. Repair of genital fistulae
y. Operations for incontinence
z. Myomectomy,
aa. Laparoscopic and hysteroscopic diagnosis & therapeutic surgery
x. Medico-legal Aspects
a. Correct application of various Acts and Laws while practicing
obstetrics and gynaecology, particularly MTP Act and sterilization,
Preconception and P.N.D.T. Act.
c. Ward
o History and work up of all cases
o Starting initial management
o Performing procedures
o Examination of all patients and documentation in the files
o Completion of files
o Preparation of typed discharge summar
xiii. Logbook:
During the training period, the post graduate student should maintain a
Logbook/portfolio indicating the duration of the postings/work done in
Wards, OPDs, Labor rooms, Operation theatres (Major and minor),
The logbook shall be used to aid the internal evaluation of the student. The
Log books shall be checked and assessed periodically by the faculty members
imparting the training.
1. General Principles
i. Acquisition of practical competencies being the keystone of medical
education, training should be skills oriented
ii. The student should be trained to serve as a community obstetrician and
gynaecologist in institutional settings particularly in non-teaching hospitals.
iii. Learning in postgraduate program should be essentially self-directed and
primarily emanating from clinical work. The formal sessions are merely
meant to supplement this core effort.
Department/Area Tentative
of Rotation schedule
Neonatology 2 weeks
Anaesthesia 2 weeks
Radiology 2 weeks
Surgery 2 weeks
Radiotherapy 2 weeks
3. Specialty Training:
The Specialist Board has suggested the training of one month per year outside
the hospital, for any area deficit in the accredited institute. This includes training
i. Obstetrics
a. William Textbook of Obstetrics
b. High risk Obstetrics - James
c. High risk pregnancy - Ian Donald
d. Text book of operative obstetrics - Munro Kerr
e. High risk pregnancy - Arias
f. A Text book of Obstetrics - Thrnbull
g. Text book of Obstetrics - Holland and Brews
h. DC Dutta’s textbook of Obstetrics – HL Konar
i. Textbook of Obstetrics- JB Sharma
j. Textbook of Obstetrics - Sheila Balakrishnan
k. Essentials of Obstetrics- Lakshmi Seshadri
l. Recent Advances in High Risk Pregnancy by Dutta Dilip Kumar
m. Recent Advances in Obstetrics & Gynecology (FOGSI): Perineal
Disorders by Dutta Dilip Kumar
ii. Gynaecology
a. Text book of Gynaecology - Novak
b. Text book of Operative Gynaecology - Te-lindes
c. Text book of Operative Gynaecology -Shaws
d. William's textbook of Gynecology
e. Shaws Text book of Gynaecology - Sunesh Kumar
f. Text book of Gynaecology and reproductive endocrinology - Speroff
g. Text book of Obstetrics and Gynaecology - Dewhurst
h. Manual of Gynaecological Oncology - Disai
i. Text book of Gynaecology –Jeffcoate
j. Textbook of Gynaecology- JB Sharma
k. Textbook of Gynaecology - Sheila Balakrishnan
l. DC Dutta’s textbook of Gynecology – HL Konar
m. Essentials of Gynaecology –Lakshmi Seshadri
n. Recent Advances in Gyne-Endocrinology by Dutta Dilip Kumar