Script Microteaching
Script Microteaching
Script Microteaching
“Good morning, everyone. My name is Alya Mahastra Putri. You can call me [Ms Alya]. I’m from [Cigalontang].
I’m your English teacher. “
“Today is our first meeting. You will learn about self-introduction. Self-introduction is when you say your
identity to other people.
“When do you introduce yourselves, What do you do when you meet new people? Yes, when you meet new
people, you sometimes introduce yourselves to them.”
“What do you usually say when you introduce yourselves to new people? Yes, you can say your names, your
origins, What else do you say?”
“Nah jawaban kalian tadi, you have to write the things that you usually say when you introduce yourselves in
the empty boxes.” Lemme show the example. Nah as you can see here, there are several empty boxes. Here I
give the example nya adalah name. So, you have to write another things that you usually say when you
introduce yourselves in the empty boxes.
Did you get it ? Okay so I’ll give you 3 minutes. Is it enough ?. Go ahead.
Have you finished everyone. Let’s match your answer with the correct answer. So the things that you usually
say when you introduce yourselves is origin, age, school, Siblings, hobby, address.
Now, I want to ask to you guys. What the meaning of origin ? Origin adalah asal tempat. To say the origin (You
can say I’m from Tasikmalaya). Age itu apa ? usia (You can say I’m 14 years old. How about school ? sekarang
kamu sekolahnya dimana.(I go to SMP Sukahideng) How about siblings ? Sibling adalah saudara artinya apakah
kamu mempunyai saudara atau tidak. For example if you don’t have a siblings, you can say I’m an only child.
But when you have 1 sister or 1 brother you can say I have one sister. If you have 2 sister or brother, you can
say I have 2 sisters. How about hobby ? Kesukaan. To say your hobby. Misalnya drawing. You can say I like
drawing. How about address. Alamat. You can say I live on jalan Sukamanah.
Section 2-Listening
Let’s move to another activity
“Everyone, Now please listen to the audio. In the audio you will hear someone (a boy) who is introducing
“Let’s practise by imitating Galang’s introduction. I will say it sentence by sentence. And you have to repeat
after me.”
“Hi. My name’s Galang. I’m from Kalimantan. I live on Jalan Sumatera. I’m thirteen years old. I go to SMP
Merdeka. I like fishing. and I have two sisters.”
[Tampilkan worksheet 1.2] “In the audio recording, you heard a boy introducing himself. What’s his name? Is
he from Bali? Where does he live? How old is he? What’s his hobby? Does he have brothers?”
Nah yang harus kalian lakukan adalah please write the boy’s identity on the blank box.” Lemme show you the
example first. What’s his name ? Galang. Good
Have you finished ? okay let’s check the answer. I want you say the answer ya. One by one okay ?. start from
tasya. Tays I wanna ask to you. What’s his name? [Galang], Is he from Bali?[Kalimantan], How old is he? [13
years old] ,Dia berasal dari Sekolah mana? [SMP Merdeka], ] Does he have brothers? [two sister], What’s his
hobby?[fishing] ,Where does he live? [jalan Sumatera].
Everone, you have to Write your identity in the Worksheet 1.3. But before that, you can put your picture or
draw your picture in the box on the left.” Did you get it ? Lemme show the example. Ini ada name. So you have
your name. So you have to write tasya overhere. Did you get it ? I’ll give you 3 minutes to complete the chart.
Have you finished everyone ?
After you complete the chart with your identity, now you have to write introduction in Worksheet 1.4 using
the information in Worksheet 1.3. Lemme for the example. My name’s blablabla. So you can see the name
from the worksheet 1.3. Do you understand ? Good. I’ll give you 2 minutes.
If you have finished, let’s practice saying the introduction. I’ll give you 3 minutes Have you finished . [Guru
berkeliling untuk memastikan semua siswa mengerjakan]
Everyone.“Now it’s time to introduce yourselves.” I want you to come forward one by one and you have to
introduce yourself in front of your class mates.
Because it’s time’s up. I’ll end this meeting. But I want to ask one question for you. Did you get larn new things
today ? About what ? [Greeting and self introduction]So, next week we will still discuss this topic especially
introduce others. Okay. Remember guys. You have to practice introducing yourself. Okay thank you for your
nice participation. Thank you for coming to this class. Have a nice day everyone..