Mental illness like depression is often stigmatized in Asian countries, causing people to feel ashamed and unwilling to admit they have a condition. For teenagers, the pressures of school, high expectations from parents, family problems, and bullying can all potentially lead to depression or other mental health issues. To help, we should talk supportively with teens, speak positively to them, and not belittle them. If those efforts don't work, we should encourage teens to seek help from mental health professionals. Addressing mental health is important for teens, their families, and society.
Mental illness like depression is often stigmatized in Asian countries, causing people to feel ashamed and unwilling to admit they have a condition. For teenagers, the pressures of school, high expectations from parents, family problems, and bullying can all potentially lead to depression or other mental health issues. To help, we should talk supportively with teens, speak positively to them, and not belittle them. If those efforts don't work, we should encourage teens to seek help from mental health professionals. Addressing mental health is important for teens, their families, and society.
Mental illness like depression is often stigmatized in Asian countries, causing people to feel ashamed and unwilling to admit they have a condition. For teenagers, the pressures of school, high expectations from parents, family problems, and bullying can all potentially lead to depression or other mental health issues. To help, we should talk supportively with teens, speak positively to them, and not belittle them. If those efforts don't work, we should encourage teens to seek help from mental health professionals. Addressing mental health is important for teens, their families, and society.
Mental illness like depression is often stigmatized in Asian countries, causing people to feel ashamed and unwilling to admit they have a condition. For teenagers, the pressures of school, high expectations from parents, family problems, and bullying can all potentially lead to depression or other mental health issues. To help, we should talk supportively with teens, speak positively to them, and not belittle them. If those efforts don't work, we should encourage teens to seek help from mental health professionals. Addressing mental health is important for teens, their families, and society.
___________ to you getting __________ with depression
or other _____________________? Personally, I do have a relative studying in secondary school (has / have) shown ________ of ____________. It’s getting more ___________ or prevalent nowadays for teenagers to develop mental _________. Now, let us ___________ this topic that is often _________ or ___________ in the __________________.
In most Asian countries, people are unwilling to
_________ that they have mental illness such as depression. That is because depression is a __________ of __________ and ___________. Therefore, they are too ashamed to admit it in fear that people might view them as “weak” or “__________”.
There are several ___________ that might cause
teens to develop ___________ or other mental health challenges. Firstly, students might get depressed due to _______________. Some pupils or __________ parents might set ___________________ on the students’ results. Besides that, some teens may come from broken family (in which) they experience _____________ and __________________. Some teenagers who ___________ might have very _______________
What can we do collectively to ________ these
_____________? Firstly, we can do our part by talking to them, __________ them to make them feel better. Next, we can be more __________ by speaking positive things to them. Don’t __________ them by saying ________ things to them or belittle them. If all of the means above don’t work on them, we should __________ them to ______________ from the professionals like __________ and __________.
In a nutshell, it is very crucial for everyone
including teens themselves, parents and teachers to acknowledge the presence of mental health challenges. Mental health is as important as physical health. If we still take this matter lightly, the consequences might be too heavy for everyone to bear as a mentally sick person might cause disorder to the society.