GroupTheory VV
GroupTheory VV
GroupTheory VV
1. Introduction
a. Symmetry in physics
b. Discrete and continuous symmetries
c. Symmetry in quantum mechanics
2. Mathematical Background for Discrete Groups
a. Groups
b. Subgroups
c. Cosets
d. Conjugacy classes
3. Representations of Groups
a. Reducible and irreducible representations
b. Schur’s lemmas and the Great Orthogonality Theorem
c. Character tables
d. Direct products and their decomposition
4. Physical Applications of Discrete Groups
a. The group of the Hamiltonian
b. Eigenfunctions and irreducible representations
c. Bloch’s theorem
d. Selection rules
5. Continuous Groups, Lie Groups, and Lie Algebras
a. Linear transformation groups
b. Infinitesimal generators
c. Algebra of infinitesimal generators
6. Irreducible Representations of SO(2) and SO(3)
a. Orthogonality relations and the density function
b. Basis functions for irreducible representations of SO(2)
c. Spherical Harmonics and characters for SO(3)
7. Unitary Groups
a. Unitary groups and particle physics
b. Basis states for SU(N)
c. Multiparticle states and direct products
d. Young tableaux
Recommended Books
Basic course material:
H.F. Jones, Groups, Representations and Physics (Adam Hilger, Bristol, 1998)
M. Tinkham, Group Theory and Quantum Mechanics (McGraw–Hill, 1964)
Related and advanced treatments:
R. Hermann, Lie Groups for Physicists (Benjamin, 1966)
D.B. Lichtenberg, Unitary Symmetry and Elementary Particles (Academic, 1978)
Chapter 1
As far as I can see, all a priori statements in physics have their origin
in symmetry.
—Hermann Weyl1
2 Introduction
Figure 1.1: An equilateral triangle (a), square (b) and circle (c). These ob-
jects are invariant to particular rotations about axes that are perpendicular
to their plane and pass through their geometric centers (indicated by dots).
1 ∂2u ∂ 2u ∂2u ∂ 2u
= + + . (1.1)
c2 ∂t2 ∂x2 ∂y 2 ∂z 2
The Lorentz transformation of space-time coordinates corresponding to
a velocity v = (v, 0, 0) is
µ ¶
x0 = γ(x − vt), y 0 = y, z 0 = z, t0 = γ t − x , (1.2)
where γ = (1−v 2 /c2 )−1/2 . When expressed in terms of the transformed
coordinates (x0 , y 0 , z 0 , t0 ), the wave equation (1.1) is found to retain its
form under this transformation:
1 ∂ 2 u0 ∂ 2 u 0 ∂ 2 u0 ∂ 2 u 0
= + 02 + 02 . (1.3)
c2 ∂t02 ∂x02 ∂y ∂z
This implies that the wave propagates in the same way with the same
velocity in two inertial frames that are in uniform motion with respect
to one another. The Lorentz transformation is thus a symmetry trans-
formation of the wave equation (1.1) and this equation is said to be
covariant with respect to these transformations. In general, symmetry
transformations of physical laws involve the space-time coordinates,
which are sometimes called geometrical symmetries, and/or internal co-
ordinates, such as spin, which are called internal symmetries.
Figure 1.3: The first four eigenfunctions of the Schrödinger equation (1.4)
for an infinite square-well potential, V (x) = 0 for |x| ≤ L and V (x) → ∞
for |x| > L (left), and a harmonic oscillator potential, V (x) = 12 kx2 , where
k is the spring constant of the oscillator (right). The abscissa is the spatial
position x and the ordinate is the energy E, with the vertical displacement of
each eigenfunction given by its energy. The origins are indicated by broken
or odd
ϕ(−x) = −ϕ(x) (1.13)
under inversion. As we know from the solutions of Schrödinger’s equa-
tion for square-well potentials and the harmonic oscillator (Fig. 1.3),
both even and odd eigenfunctions are indeed obtained. Thus, not all
eigenfunctions have the symmetry of the Hamiltonian, although the
ground state usually does.3 Nevertheless, the symmetry (1.6) does pro-
vide a classification of the eigenfunctions according to their parity under
inversion. This is a completely general result which forms one of the
central themes of this course.
1.3 Summary
The notion of symmetry implicit in all of the examples cited in this
chapter is endowed with the algebraic structure of “groups.” This is a
topic in mathematics that had its beginnings as a formal subject only
in the late 19th century. For some time, the only group that was know
and whose properties were studied were permutation groups. Cauchy
played a major part in developing the theory of permutations, but it
was the English mathematician Cayley who first formulated the notion
of an abstract group and used this to identify matrices and quaternions
E. Merzbacher, Quantum Mechanics 2nd edn. (Wiley, New York, 1970), Ch. 18.
Introduction 11
as groups. In a later paper, Cayley showed that every finite group could
be represented in terms of permutations, a result that we will prove in
this course. The fact that geometric transformations, as discussed in
this chapter, and permutations, share the same algebraic structure is
part of the richness of the subject and is rooted in its history as an
adjunct to the study of algebraic solutions of equations. In the next
chapter, we discuss the basic properties of groups that form the basis
of this course.
12 Introduction
Chapter 2
14 Elements of Abstract Group Theory
that an abstract group must satisfy and then consider both abstract
and concrete examples.
The closure property ensures that the binary composition law does
not generate any elements outside of G. Associativity implies that
the computation of an n-fold product does not depend on how the
elements are grouped together.2 For example, the product abc is un-
ambiguous because the two interpretations allowed by the existence of
a binary composition rule, (ab)c and a(bc), are equal. As will be shown
in Sec. 2.3, the left and right identities are equal and unique, as are
the left and right inverses of each element. Thus we can replace the
existence of an identity and inverses in the definition of a group with
the more “minimal” statements:
3.0 Identity. There exists a unique element, called the unit or identity
and denoted by e, such that ae = a for every element a in G.
with the composition rule being ordinary addition. The sum of any two
integers is an integer, thus ensuring closure, addition is an associative
operation, 0 is the identity, and the inverse of n is −n, which is clearly
an integer. Thus, the integers form a group under addition. This group
is denoted by Z (derived from the German word Zahlen for integers).
For two functions f (x) and g(x), the application of f , followed by the application
of g is g[f (x)], and the application of g followed by the application of f is f [g(x)].
The associativity of linear operations in general, and matrices in particular,
is discussed by Wigner in Group Theory (Academic, New York, 1959), along with
other group properties.
16 Elements of Abstract Group Theory
Example 2.3. Consider the elements {1, −1} under ordinary multipli-
cation. This set is clearly closed under multiplication and associativity
is manifestly satisfied. The unit element is 1 and each element is its
own inverse. Hence, the set {1, −1} is a two-element group under mul-
Example 2.4. Consider the set of 2×2 matrices with real entries
à !
a b
, (2.1)
c d
such that the determinant, ad − bc, is non-zero. The composition law
is the usual rule for matrix multiplication:
à !à ! à !
a1 b1 a2 b2 a1 a2 + b 1 c 2 a1 b2 + b1 d2
= .
c1 d1 c2 d2 c1 a2 + d1 c2 c1 b2 + d1 d2
To determine if this set of matrices forms a group, we must first show
that the product of two matrices with non-zero determinant is also a
matrix with non-zero determinant. This follows from that fact that
for any pair of 2×2 matrices A and B, their determinants, denoted
by det(A) and det(B), satisfy det(AB) = (detA)(detB). Associativity
can be verified with a straightforward, but laborious, calculation. The
identity is
à !
1 0
0 1
Elements of Abstract Group Theory 17
2 1 3
1 3 2 3 1 2
e a b
2 1 3
3 1 3 2 2 1
c d f
a reflection. Thus, beginning with the standard order shown for the
identity the successive application of these transformations is shown
2 1 3
d a
1 3 3 2 1 2
By comparing with Fig. 2.1, we see that the result of these transfor-
mations is equivalent to the transformation b. Similarly, one can show
that da = c and, in fact, that all the products in S3 are identical to
those of the symmetry transformations of the equilateral triangle. Two
such groups that have the same algebraic structure are said to be iso-
morphic to one another and are, to all intents and purposes, identical.
This highlights the fact that it is the algebraic structure of the group
20 Elements of Abstract Group Theory
ae = a
e0 a = a
e0 = e0 e = e ,
so e = e0 .
we obtain
eb = ec ,
Notice that the proof of this theorem does not require the inverse
of a group element to be unique; only the existence of an inverse was
required. In fact, the cancellation theorem can be used to prove that
inverses are, indeed, unique.
a = gp = gq ,
law, g q+n = g q g n = g n g q , so
gp = gq gn = gngq = gq ,
and, from the definition of the identity and its uniqueness, we conclude
gn = e .
Ggk = {egk , g1 gk , g2 gk , . . . , gn gk }
Proof. The set Ggk contains |G| elements. Suppose two elements of
Ggk are equal: gi gk = gj gk . By the Cancellation Theorem, we must have
that gi = gj . Hence, each group element appears once and only once in
Ggk , so the sets G and Ggk are identical apart from a rearrangement
of the order of the elements if gk is not the identity.
24 Elements of Abstract Group Theory
e a
e e a
a a e
Note that the entries of this table are symmetric about the main diag-
onal, which implies that this group is Abelian.
Now consider the group with three distinct elements: {e, a, b}. The
only products which we must determine explicitly are ab, ba, a2 , and b2
since all other products involve the unit e. The product ab cannot equal
a or b, since that would imply that either b = e or a = e, respectively.
Thus, ab = e. The Cancellation Theorem then requires that a2 = e,
b2 = a, and ba = e. The multiplication table for this group is shown
e a b
e e a b
a a b e
b b e a
Because the entries of this table are symmetric about the main diagonal,
this group is also Abelian. Our procedure shows that every group
with two or three elements must have the multiplication tables just
Elements of Abstract Group Theory 25
calculated, i.e., the algebraic structures of group with two and three
elements are unique! Thus, we can speak of the group with two elements
and the group with three elements. A similar procedure for groups
with four elements {e, a, b, c} yields two distinct multiplication tables
(Problem Set 2). As a final example, the multiplication table for S3 is
shown below:
e a b c d f
e e a b c d f
a a e d f b c
b b f e d c a
c c d f e a b
d d c a b f e
f f b c a e d
Example 2.6. The group S3 has a number of proper subgroups: {e, a},
{e, b}, {e, c}, and {e, d, f }. The identification of these subgroups is
most easily carried out by referring to the symmetry operations of an
equilateral triangle (Fig. 2.1).
26 Elements of Abstract Group Theory
Example 2.7. Consider again the group S3 and its subgroup H = {e, a}
(Example 2.6). The right cosets of this subgroup are
{e, a}e = {e, a}, {e, a}a = {a, e}, {e, a}b = {b, d}
{e, a}c = {c, f }, {e, a}d = {d, b}, {e, a}f = {f, c}
Elements of Abstract Group Theory 27
We see that there are three distinct right cosets of {e, a},
of which only the first is a subgroup (why?). Similarly, there are three
left cosets of {e, a}:
Notice that the left and right cosets are not the same.
Proof. Cosets either have all elements in common or they are dis-
tinct (Theorem 2.5). This fact, combined with the Rearrangement The-
orem, means that every element of the group must appear in exactly
one distinct coset. Thus, since each coset clearly has the same number
of elements, the number of distinct cosets, which is called the index
of the subgroup, multiplied by the number of elements in the coset, is
equal to the order of the group. Hence, since the order of the coset and
the subgroup are equal, the order of the group divided by the order of
the subgroup is equal to the number of distinct cosets, i.e., an integer.
1. a ≡ a (reflexive).
2. If a ≡ b, then b ≡ a (symmetric).
3. If a ≡ b and b ≡ c, then a ≡ c (transitive).
To show that conjugacy corresponds to an equivalence relation we
consider each of these conditions in turn. By choosing g = e as the
conjugating element, we have that a = eae−1 = a, so a ≡ a. If a ≡ b,
then a = gbg −1 , which we can rewrite as
g −1 ag = g −1 a(g −1 )−1 = b
so b ≡ a, with g −1 as the conjugating element. Finally, to show tran-
sitivity, the relations a ≡ b and b ≡ c imply that there are elements g1
and g2 such that b = g1 ag1−1 and c = g2 bg2−1 . Hence,
c = g2 bg2−1 = g2 g1 ag1−1 g2−1 = (g2 g1 )a(g2 g1 )−1
so c is conjugate to a with the conjugating element g1 g2 . Thus, conju-
gation fulfills the three conditions of an equivalency class.
One important consequence of equivalence is that it permits the
assembly of classes, i.e., sets of equivalent quantities. In particular,
a conjugacy class is the totality of elements which can be obtained
from a given group element by conjugation. Group elements in the
same conjugacy class have several common properties. For example,
all elements of the same class have the same order. To see this, we
begin with the definition of the order n of an element a as the smallest
integer such that an = e. An arbitrary conjugate b of a is b = gag −1 .
bn = (gag −1 )(gag −1 ) · · · (gag −1 ) = gan g −1 = geg −1 = e
| {z }
n factors
Elements of Abstract Group Theory 29
Example 2.9. The group S3 has three classes: {e}, {a, b, c}, and {d, f }.
As we discussed in Example 2.5, the order of a, b, and c is two, and the
order of d and f is 3. The order of the unit element is 1 and is always
in a class by itself. Notice that each class corresponds to a distinct kind
of symmetry operation on an equilateral triangle. The operations a, b,
and c correspond to reflections, while d and f correspond to rotations.
In terms of operations in S3 , the elements d and f correspond to cyclic
permutations of the reference order, e.g., 1 → 2, 2 → 3, and 3 → 1,
while a, b, and c correspond to permutations which are not cyclic.
hi ahj b = hi (ahj )b
30 Elements of Abstract Group Theory
Thus, since the right and left cosets of {e, d, f } are the same, these
elements form a self-conjugate subgroup of S3 whose distinct cosets
are {e, d, f } and {a, b, c}. Multiplying these subgroups together and
neglecting duplicate elements yields
for the elements of the factor group, we can use the results of Example
2.8 to construct the multiplication table for this group (shown below)
from which see that E is the identity of the factor group, and E and
A are their own inverses. Note that this multiplication table has the
identical structure as the two-element group {e, a} discussed in Sec. 2.4.
2.7 Summary
In this chapter, we have covered only the most basic properties of
groups. One of the remarkable aspects of this subject, already evident
in some of the discussion here, is that the four properties that define a
group, have such an enormous implication for the properties of groups,
quite apart from their implications for physical applications, which will
be explored throughout this course. A comprehensive discussion of the
mathematical theory of groups, including many wider issues in both
pure and applied mathematics, may be found in the book by Gallian.5
J.A. Gallian, Contemporary Abstract Algebra 4th edn. (Houghton Mifflin,
Boston, 1998).
Chapter 3
Representations of Groups
34 Representations of Groups
have the same multiplication table. On the other hand, consider the
correspondence between the elements of S3 and the elements of the
quotient group of S3 discussed in Examples 2.9 and 2.11):
e d f a b c
e e d f a b c
d d f e c a b E A
f f e d b c a 7→ E E A
a a b c e d f A A E
b b c a f e d
c c a b d f e
where the mapping of the multiplication table onto the elements {E, A}
is precisely that of a two-element group (cf. Example 2.9). This homo-
morphism clearly causes some of the structure of the original group to
be lost. For example, S3 is non-Abelian group, but the two-element
group is Abelian.
3.2 Representations
A representation of dimension n of an abstract group G is a homomor-
phism or isomorphism between the elements of G and the group of
nonsingular n × n matrices (i.e. n × n matrices with non-zero deter-
minant) with complex entries and with ordinary matrix multiplication
as the composition law (Example 2.4). An isomorphic representation
36 Representations of Groups
{e, a, b, c, d, f } 7→ 1
of an abstract group with elements {e, a, b, . . .}, we can obtain a new set
of matrices which also form a representation by performing a transfor-
mation known variously as a similarity, equivalence, or canonical trans-
formation (cf. Sec. 2.6):
n o
BD(e)B −1 , BD(a)B −1 , BD(b)B −1 , . . . (3.5)
Bb = BAa = BAB −1 Ba
b0 = A0 a0
The two representations that form this direct sum can be either distinct
or identical and, of course, the block-diagonal form can be continued
indefinitely simply by incorporating additional representations in diag-
onal blocks. However, in all such constructions, we are not actually
generating anything intrinsically new; we are simply reproducing the
properties of known representations. Thus, although representations
are a convenient way of associating matrices with group elements, the
freedom we have in constructing representations, exemplified in (3.5)
and (3.6), does not readily demonstrate that these matrices embody
any intrinsic characteristics of the group they represent. Accordingly,
we now describe a way of classifying equivalent representations and
then introduce a refinement of our definition of a representation.
40 Representations of Groups
The utility of the trace stems from its invariance under similarity trans-
formations, i.e.,
tr(A) = tr(BAB −1 )
A† = A (3.12)
At A = AAt = I (3.13)
Representations of Groups 43
0, if i 6= j;
δij = (3.15)
1, if i = j
is the Kronecker delta. Thus, the rows of an orthogonal matrix are
mutually orthogonal, as are the columns. The consequences of the
orthogonality of a transformation matrix can be seen by examining the
effect of applying an orthogonal matrix A to two n-dimensional vectors
u and v, yielding vectors u0 and v 0 :
u0 = Au, v 0 = Av
where we have used (3.11) and the fact that A is orthogonal. This
shows that the relative orientations and the lengths of vectors are pre-
served by orthogonal transformations. Such transformations are either
rigid rotations, which preserve the “handedness” (i.e., left or right)
of a coordinate system, and are called proper rotations, or reflections,
which reverse the “handedness” of a coordinate system, and are called
improper “rotations.”
A† A = AA† = I (3.17)
we see that, in common with orthogonal matrices, the rows and columns
of a unitary matrix are orthogonal, but with respect to a different scalar
product. For two vectors u and v, this scalar product is defined as
(u, v) = u† v (3.19)
Ha = λa (3.21)
(H − λI)a = 0 (3.22)
Ha = λa (3.24)
Hb = µb (3.25)
We now take the scalar product between b and (3.24) and that between
(3.25) and a:
Subtracting (3.27) from (3.26), and using the fact that H is Hermitian
(λ − µ)b† a = b† Ha − b† H † a = 0 (3.28)
U = (a1 , a2 , . . . , an )
We can then write (3.21) in a form that subsumes all the eigenvectors
of H as follows:
HU = U D (3.29)
X X ¯¯ ¯2
= ¯(Ãα )kj ¯
α j
where I is the d × d unit matrix. This result can also be used to show
that Bα† Bα = I. Thus, the Bα , which are obtained from the original
representation by a similarity transformation,
Bα = D−1/2 U −1 Aα U D1/2 = (U D1/2 )−1 Aα (U D1/2 )
form a unitary representation of G. Hence, without any loss of gener-
ality, we may always assume that a representation is unitary.
Representations of Groups 49
3.5 Summary
The main concepts introduced in this chapter are faithful and unfaithful
representations, based on isomorphic and homomorphic mappings, re-
spectively, reducible and irreducible representations, and the fact that
we may confine ourselves to unitary representations of groups. In the
next chapter we will focus on irreducible representations, both faithful
and unfaithful, since these cannot be decomposed into representations
of lower dimension and are, therefore, “intrinsic” to a symmetry group,
since all reducible representations will be shown to be composed of
direct sums of irreducible representations. Irreducible representations
occupy a special place in group theory because they can be classified for
a given symmetry group solely according to their traces and dimension.
50 Representations of Groups
Chapter 4
Properties of Irreducible
52 Properties of Irreducible Representations
There are three cases that we must consider to understand the impli-
cations of this equation.
Case I. Suppose that all of the diagonal elements of D are dis-
tinct: Dmm 6= Dnn if m 6= n. Then, (4.7) implies that
(Ãα )mn = 0, m 6= n ,
i.e., the off-diagonal elements of Ãα must vanish, these are diagonal ma-
trices and, therefore, according to the discussion in Section 3.3, they
form a reducible representation composed of d one-dimensional rep-
resentations. Since the Ãi are obtained from the Ai by a similarity
transformation, the Ai themselves form a reducible representation.
Case II. If all of the diagonal elements of D are equal, i.e. Dmm =
Dnn for all m and n, then D is proportional to the unit matrix. The
(Ãα )mn are not required to vanish for any m and n. Thus, only this
case is consistent with the requirement that the Aα form an irreducible
representation. If D is proportional to the unit matrix, then so is
H = U DU −1 and, according to (4.4), the matrix M is as well.
Case III. Suppose that the first p diagonal entries of D are equal,
but the remaining entries are distinct from these and from each other:
D11 = D22 = · · · = Dpp , Dmm 6= Dnn otherwise. The (Ãα )mn must
vanish for any pair of unequal diagonal entries. These correspond to
the cases where both m and n lie in the range 1, 2, . . . , p and where m
and n are equal and both greater than p, so all the Ãi all have the
following general form:
à !
B1 0
Ãi = ,
0 B2
where B1 is a p × p matrix and B2 is a (p − d) × (p − d) diagonal matrix.
Thus, the Ãi are block diagonal matrices and are, therefore, reducible.
We have shown that if a matrix that not a multiple of the unit
matrix commutes with all of the matrices of a representation, then
that representation is necessarily reducible (Cases I and III). Thus, if
a non-zero matrix commutes with all of the matrices of an irreducible
representation (Case III), that matrix must be a multiple of the unit
matrix. This proves Schur’s lemma.
Properties of Irreducible Representations 55
M Aα = A0α M
M Aα = A0α M , (4.8)
A†α M † = M † A0†
α. (4.9)
A−1 † † 0−1
α M = M Aα . (4.10)
M A−1 † † 0−1
α M = M M Aα ,
M A−1 0−1
α = Aα M ,
we obtain
A0−1 † † 0−1
α M M = M M Aα .
56 Properties of Irreducible Representations
By setting i = j, we obtain
Mik Mik = |Mik |2 = 0 ,
k k
which implies that Mik = 0 for all i and k, i.e., that M is the zero
matrix. This completes the first part of the proof.
Case II. d 6= d0 . We take d < d0 . Then M is a rectangular matrix
with d columns and d0 rows:
M11 · · · M1d
M21 ··· M2d
M =
.. ... ..
. .
Md0 1 · · · Md0 d
By multiplying (4.10) from the right by M and following analogous steps as
above, one can show that M † M = cI, so that the matrix c−1 M † is both the left
and right inverse of M .
Properties of Irreducible Representations 57
for all matrix elements. For the elements of a single unitary irreducible
representation, we have
X |G|
(Aα )∗ij (Aα )i0 j 0 = δi,i0 δj,j 0 ,
α d
where d is the dimension of the representation.
A0β M = M Aβ . (4.14)
By writing this sum as (note that because all sums are finite, their
order can be changed at will)
X ·X ¸
Xjj 0 (Aα )0ij (A−1
α )j 0 i0 = 0 , (4.16)
jj 0 α
0 |G|
V kij · V ki0 j 0 = δi,i0 δj,j 0 δk,k0
But, in a |G|-dimensional space there are at most |G| mutually or-
thogonal vectors. To see the consequences of this, suppose we have
irreducible representations of dimensionalities d1 , d2 , . . ., where the dk
62 Properties of Irreducible Representations
Thus, the order of the group acts as an upper bound both for the
number and the dimensionalities of the irreducible representations. In
particular, a finite group can have only a finite number of irreducible
representations. We will see later that the equality in (4.19) always
Example 4.1. For the group S3 , we have that |G| = 6 and we have
already identified two one-dimensional irreducible representations and
one two-dimensional irreducible representation (Example 3.2). Thus,
using (4.19), we have
d2k = 12 + 12 + 22 = 6
4.5 Summary
The central result of this chapter is the statement and proof of the
Great Orthogonality Theorem. Essentially all of the applications in
the next several chapters are consequences of this theorem. The impor-
tant advance provided this theorem is that it provides an orthogonality
Properties of Irreducible Representations 63
66 Characters and Character Tables
We can now introduce the notation χkα for the trace corresponding to
all of the elements of the αth class of the kth irreducible representation.
This is called the character of the class. If there are nα elements in this
class, then we can write the relation (5.3) in terms of characters as a
sum over conjugacy classes
X 0
nα χkα χkα ∗ = |G|δk,k0 , (5.4)
Example 5.2. For the group S3 , there are three classes: {e}, {a, b, c},
and {d, f } (Example 2.9). Thus, there are three irreducible represen-
tations which, as we have seen, consist of two one-dimensional repre-
sentations and one two-dimensional representation.
1 X
ak = nα χk∗
α χα .
|G| α
1 X 0
ak 0 = nα χαk ∗ χα , (5.7)
|G| α
where we have used the fact that the ak are integers, so a∗k = ak . We
now take the product of (5.6) and (5.8), multiply by nα , sum over α,
and invoke (5.4):
X X X 0 X
nα χα χ∗α = ak ak 0 nα χkα χαk ∗ = |G| a2k .
α k,k0 i k
| {z }
nα |χ2α | = |G| a2k . (5.9)
α k
nα |χα |2 = (1 × 4) + (3 × 0) + (2 × 1) = 6 ,
χ1 = 2, χ2 = 0, χ3 = 2 .
n1 |χi |2 = (1 × 4) + (3 × 0) + (2 × 4) = 12 ,
e a b c d f
e=e e a b c d f
a = a−1 a e d f b c
b = b−1 b f e d c a
c = c−1 c d f e a b
f = d−1 f b c a e d
d = f −1 d c a b f e
From the way the regular representation has been constructed, the ith
row index of these matrix elements can be labelled the inverse of the
ith group element gi−1 and the jth column can be labelled by the jth
group element gj :
h i h i 1, if gi−1 gj = g1 g2 ;
Areg (g1 g2 ) = Areg (g1 g2 ) =
ij gi−1 ,gj
0; otherwise
h i h i 1, if gi−1 gk = g1 ;
Areg (g1 ) = Areg (g1 ) =
ik gi−1 ,gk
0; otherwise
h i h i 1, if gk−1 gj = g2 ;
Areg (g2 ) = Areg (g2 ) =
kj gk−1 ,gj
0; otherwise
Therefore, in the sum over k in (5.12), we have nonzero entries only
which gives precisely the nonzero matrix elements of Areg (g1 g2 ). Hence,
the matrices Areg (g1 ) preserve the group multiplication table and thereby
form a faithful representation of the group.
76 Characters and Character Tables
This theorem shows that the inequality (4.19), which was deduced di-
rectly from the Great Orthogonality Theorem is, in fact, an equality.
Proof. We first show, using Eqn. (5.9), that the regular represen-
tation is reducible. To evaluate the sums on the left-hand side of this
equation, we note that, from the construction of the regular repre-
sentation, the characters χreg,i vanish for every class except for that
corresponding to the unit element. Denoting this character by χreg,e ,
we see that its value must be equal to the order of the group:
χreg,e = |G| .
nα |χα |2 = χ2reg,e = |G|2 ,
which, for |G| > 1 is greater than |G|. Thus, for groups other than the
single-element group {e}, the regular representation is reducible.
We will now use the Decomposition Theorem to identify the irre-
ducible constituents of the regular representation. Thus, the characters
χreg,α for the αth class in the regular representation can be written as
χreg,α = ak χkα .
We again use the fact that χreg,e = |G|, with all other characters vanish-
ing. The corresponding value of χke is determined by taking the trace of
the identity matrix whose dimensionality is that of the kth irreducible
representation: χke = dk . Therefore, the Decomposition Theorem yields
ak = × dk × |G| = dk ,
i.e., the kth irreducible representation appears dk times in the regular
representation: each one-dimensional irreducible representation appears
once, each two-dimensional irreducible representation appears twice,
and so on. Since the dimensionality of the regular representation is |G|,
and since ak is the number of times the kth irreducible representation
appears in the regular representation, we have the constraint
ak dk = |G| ,
d2k = |G| .
This sum rule, and that equating the number of classes to the num-
ber of irreducible representations (Theorem 5.2), relate a property of
the abstract group (its order and the number of classes) to a property
of the irreducible representations (their number and dimensionality).
The application of these rules and the orthogonality theorems for char-
acters is the basis for constructing character tables. This is described
in the next section.
1 + 3α2 + 2β 2 = 6 . (5.14)
a2 = e, b2 = e, c2 = e, d2 = f .
α2 = 1, β2 = β .
α = −1
1 + α + 2γ = 0
1 + β + 2δ = 0
Substituting the values obtained for α and β into these equations yields
γ = 0, δ = −1
When character tables are compiled for the most common groups,
a notation is used which reflects the fact that the group elements cor-
respond to transformations on physical objects. The notation for the
classes of S3 are as follows:
80 Characters and Character Tables
5.5 Summary
This chapter has been devoted to characters and character tables. The
utility of characters in applications stems from the following:
Characters and Character Tables 81
84 Groups and Representations in Quantum Mechanics
beginning with the group of the Hamiltonian, using this to establish the
symmetry properties of the eigenfunctions, and concluding with a dis-
cussion of selection rules, which demonstrates the power and economy
of using character tables. As a demonstration of the usefulness of these
constructions, we will prove Bloch’s theorem, the fundamental princi-
ple behind the properties of wavefunctions in periodic systems such as
electrons and phonons (the quanta of lattice vibrations) in single crys-
tals. The application of group theory to selection rules necessitates the
introduction of the “direct product” of matrices and groups, though
here, too, quantum mechanics provides a motivation for this concept.
B = RAR−1 .
RHR−1 .
H = RHR−1 , (6.1)
or, equivalently,
RH = HR . (6.2)
X̀ X̀
Rβ Rα φi = Rβ ϕk [Γ(Rα )]ki = (Rβ ϕk )[Γ(Rα )]ki .
k=1 k=1
Rβ ϕ k = ϕj [Γ(Rβ )]jk .
X̀ X̀
Rβ Rα φi = ϕj [Γ(Rβ )]jk [Γ(Rα )]ki
k=1 j=1
X̀ ½ X̀ ¾
= ϕj [Γ(Rβ )]jk [Γ(Rα )]ki . (6.6)
j=1 k=1
By comparing (6.6) and (6.7) and using the orthonormality of the wave-
functions, we conclude that
Rψ = RϕU = ϕΓU = ψU −1 ΓU ,
i.e., the two representations are equivalent. Suppose that this represen-
tation is reducible. Then there is a unitary transformation of the ϕj
such that there are two or more subsets of the ψi that transform only
among one another under the symmetry operations of the Hamiltonian.
This implies that the application of the Ri to any eigenfunction gen-
erates eigenfunctions only in the same subset. The degeneracy of the
eigenfunctions in the other subset is therefore accidental, in contradic-
tion to our original assertion that the degeneracy is normal. Hence, the
representation obtained for a normal degeneracy is irreducible and the
corresponding eigenfunctions are said to generate, or form a basis for
this representation.
We can summarize the results of this section as follows:
• To each eigenvalue of a Hamiltonian there corresponds a unique
irreducible representation of the group of that Hamiltonian.
• The degeneracy of an eigenvalue is the dimensionality of this ir-
reducible representation. Thus, the dimensionalities of the irre-
ducible representations of a group are the possible degeneracies
of Hamiltonians with that symmetry group.
• Group theory provides “good quantum numbers,” i.e., labels cor-
responding irreducible representations to which eigenfunctions
• Although these statements have been shown for finite groups,
they are also valid for continuous groups.
Ra ϕ(x) = ϕ(x + a) .
RaN = R0 ,
which means that no translation is carried out at all. Thus, the col-
lection of all the translations can be written as the powers of a single
element, Ra :
where E is the identity. This shows that the group of the Hamiltonian
is a cyclic group of order N . In particular, since cyclic groups are
Abelian, there are N one-dimensional irreducible representations of this
group, i.e., each eigenvalue is nondegenerate and labelled by one of these
irreducible representations.
The solutions to this equation are the N th roots of unity (cf. Problem
3, Problem Set 5):
Since the characters of this group are pure phases, the moduli of the
eigenfunctions are periodic functions:
By equating these two ways of writing Ram ϕn (x), we find that their
phase changes must be equal. This, in turn, requires that the phase
function satisfies
2πm(n − 1)
φn (x + ma) = φn (x) + . (6.10)
Thus, φn is a linear function of m and, therefore, also of x + ma, since
φn is a function of only a single variable:
φn (x) = Ax + B ,
φn (x) = kn x + B ,
94 Groups and Representations in Quantum Mechanics
2π(n − 1) 2π(n − 1)
kn = =
Na L
where we have absorbed the constant phase due to B into the definition
of un (x). This is called a Bloch function: a function un (x) with the
periodicity of the lattice modulated by a plane wave.5 This is one of
the two main results of Bloch’s theorem, the other being the existence
of energy gaps, which is beyond the scope of the discussion here.
Another way of writing the direct product that more clearly displays
its structure is
à !
a11 B a12 B
A⊗B = .
a21 B a22 B
Rϕ =i0 ϕj 0 Γj 0 i0 (R) .
j 0 =1
The question we now ask is: how does the product ϕi ϕi0 transform under
the symmetry operations of the Hamiltonian? Given the transformation
properties of ϕi and ϕi0 noted above, we first observe that
X̀ X
= ϕj ϕj 0 Γjj 0 ;ii0 (R) ,
j=1 j 0 =1
µX ¶µX ¶
= A(ap )im A(ap0 )mj A(bq )]kn A(bq0 )nl
m n
| {z }| {z }
A(ap ap0 )ij A(bp bp0 )kl
Since the characters are associated with a given class, the characters
for the classes of the direct product are computed from the characters
of the classes of the original groups whose elements contribute to each
class of the direct product. Moreover, the number of classes in the direct
product group is the product of the numbers of classes in the original
groups. This can be seen immediately from the equivalence classes in
the direct product group. Using the fact that elements belonging to
the different groups commute,
{E}, {σh } .
There are, therefore, six classes in the direct product group, which are
obtained by taking the products of elements in the original classes, as
discussed above:
The structure of the character table of the direct product group can
now be determined quite easily. We denote the character for the αth
class of the jth irreducible representation of group Ga by χjα (ap ). Simi-
larly, we denote the the character for the βth class of the lth irreducible
representation of group Ga by χlβ (bq ). Since the direct products of irre-
ducible representations of Ga and Gb are irreducible representations of
Ga ⊗ Gb (Problem 4, Problem Set 8), and since the classes of Ga ⊗ Gb
are formed from products of classes of Ga and Gb , the character table
of the direct product group has the form
χjl j l
αβ (ap bq ) = χα (ap )χβ (bq ) .
Example 6.4. For the direct product group in Example 6.3, the char-
acter tables of the original groups are
E 3σv 2C3
A1 1 1 1
A2 1 −1 1
E 2 0 −1
E σh
A1 1 1
A2 1 −1
The character table of the direct product group is, therefore, the
direct product of these tables (cf. Example 6.1):
p → p − eA
for the momentum in the Hamiltonian. For weak fields, this leads to a
perturbation of the form
H0 = p·A (6.14)
Since the electromagnetic is typically uniform, we can write the matrix
element Mif as
Mif ∼ (i|p|f ) · A
To determine the dipole selection rules for this system, we must first
determine the transformation properties of a vector r = (x, y, z). We
take the x- and y-axes in the plane of the equilateral triangle and the
z-axis normal to this plane to form a right-handed coordinate system.
Applying each symmetry operation to r produces a reducible repre-
sentation because these operations are either rotations or reflections
through vertical planes. Thus, the z coordinate is invariant under ev-
ery symmetry operation of this group which, together with the fact that
an (x, y) basis generates the two-dimensional irreducible representation
E, yields
Γ0 = A1 ⊕ E
Γ0 = A1 ⊕ E
C3v E 3σv 2C3
A1 1 1 1
A2 1 −1 1
E 2 0 −1
A1 ⊗ Γ 3 1 0
A2 ⊗ Γ0 3 −1 0
E ⊗ Γ0 6 0 0
A1 ⊗ Γ0 = A1 ⊕ E
A2 ⊗ Γ0 = A2 ⊕ E
E ⊗ Γ0 = A1 ⊕ A2 ⊕ 2E
Groups and Representations in Quantum Mechanics 105
6.7 Summary
This chapter has demonstrated how the mathematics of groups and
their representations are used in quantum mechanics and, indeed, how
many of the structures introduced in the preceding chapters appear
quite naturally in this context. Apart from exact results, such as
Bloch’s theorem, we have focussed on the derivation of selection rules
induced by perturbations, and derived the principles behind dipole se-
lection rules. A detailed discussion of other applications of discrete
groups to quantum mechanical problems is described in the book by
Tinkham. Many of the proofs concerning the relation between quan-
tum mechanics and representations of the group of the Hamiltonian are
discussed by Wigner.
106 Groups and Representations in Quantum Mechanics
Chapter 7
Zeno was concerned with three problems . . . These are the problem of
the infinitesimal, the infinite, and continuity . . .
—Bertrand Russell
The groups we have considered so far have been, in all but a few cases,
discrete and finite. Most of the central theorems for these groups and
their representations have relied on carrying out sums over the group
elements, often in conjunction with the Rearrangement Theorem (The-
orem 2.1). These results provide the basis for the application of groups
and representations to physical problems through the construction and
manipulation of character tables and the associated computations that
require direct sums, direct products, orthogonality and decomposition.
But the notion of symmetry transformations that are based on con-
tinuous quantities also occur naturally in physical applications. For
example, the Hamiltonian of a system with spherical symmetry (e.g.,
atoms and, in particular, the hydrogen atom) is invariant under all
three-dimensional rotations. To address the consequences of this in-
variance within the framework of group theory necessitates confronting
several issues that arise from the continuum of rotation angles. These
include defining what we mean by a “multiplication table,” determin-
ing how summations over group elements are carried out, and deriving
108 Continuous Groups, Lie Groups, and Lie Algebras
R(c) = R(a)R(b) .
c = f (a, b) .
This defines the structure of the group in the same way as the multi-
plication table does for discrete groups. The associativity of the com-
position law,
h i i
R(a) R(b)R(c) = [R(a)R(b) R(c) ,
| {z } | {z }
R[f (b, c)] R[f (b, c)]
requires that
is expressed in terms of f as
f (a0 , a) = f (a, a0 ) = a .
f (a0 , a) = f (a, a0 ) = a0 .
x0i = fi (x1 , x2 , . . . , xd ; a1 , a2 , . . . , ar ), i = 1, 2, . . . , d .
x0 = ax (7.1)
c = ab , (7.2)
x 0 = a 1 x + a2 , (7.3)
x00 = a1 x0 + a2 = a1 (b1 x + b2 ) + a2 = a1 b1 x + a1 b2 + a2 .
c 1 = a1 b 1 , c2 = a1 b2 + a2 ,
where det(A) = a11 a22 − a12 a21 6= 0 (Example 2.4). With no further
restriction, and with the composition of two elements given by the usual
rules of matrix multiplication, these matrices form a four-parameter Lie
group. This Lie group is called the general linear group in two dimensions
and is denoted by GL(2,R), where the ‘R’ signifies that the entries
are real; the corresponding group with complex entries is denoted by
GL(2,C). In n dimensions, these transformation groups are denoted by
GL(n,R), or, with complex entries, by GL(n,C).
x02 02 02
1 + x2 + · · · + xn = x1 + x2 + · · · + xn .
2 2 2
= (a211 + a221 )x2 + 2(a11 a12 + a21 a22 )xy + (a212 + a222 )y 2 .
det(A) = ±1 .
where ϕ, the single parameter in this Lie group, is the rotation angle of
the transformation. As can easily be checked using the trigonometric
identities for the sum of two angles,
≡ eϕX ,
where X 0 = I and the exponential of a matrix is defined by the Taylor
series expansion of the exponential. Thus, every rotation by a finite
angle can be obtain from the exponentiation of the matrix X, which
is called the infinitesimal generator of rotations. Since X 2 = I, it is a
straightforward matter to show directly from the Taylor series of the
exponential (Problem 4, Problem Set 9) that
à !
cos ϕ − sin ϕ
eϕX = I cos ϕ + X sin ϕ = .
sin ϕ cos ϕ
y 0 = x sin ϕ + y cos ϕ = x dϕ + y .
116 Continuous Groups, Lie Groups, and Lie Algebras
F (x0 , y 0 ) = F (x − y dϕ, x dϕ + y) .
∂ ∂
X=x −y .
∂y ∂x
7.4 SO(3)
The orthogonal group in three dimensions is comprised of the trans-
formations that leave the quantity x2 + y 2 + z 2 invariant. The group
GL(3,R) has 9 parameters, but the invariance of the length produces six
independent conditions, leaving three free parameters, so O(3) forms a
three-parameter Lie group. If we restrict ourselves to transformations
with unit determinant, we obtain the group of proper rotations in three
dimensions, SO(3).
There are three common ways to parametrize these rotations:
• Successive about the z-axis, about the new y-axis, and then about
the new z-axis. These are called Euler angles.
Continuous Groups, Lie Groups, and Lie Algebras 117
[X2 , X3 ] = X1 , [X3 , X1 ] = X2
F (x0 , y 0 , z 0 ) = F (x − ϕ3 y + ϕ2 z, y + ϕ3 x − ϕ1 z, z − ϕ2 x + ϕ1 y)
and expanding the right-hand side to first order in the ϕi yields the
following expression:
F (x0 , y 0 , z 0 ) = F (x, y, z)
µ ¶ µ ¶ µ ¶
∂F ∂F ∂F ∂F ∂F ∂F
+ y− z ϕ1 + z− x ϕ2 + x− y ϕ3
∂z ∂y ∂x ∂z ∂y ∂x
Since F is an arbitrary differentiable function, we can identify the gen-
erators Xi of rotations about the coordinate axes from the coefficients
of the ϕi , i.e., with the differential operators
∂ ∂
X1 = y −z
∂z ∂y
120 Continuous Groups, Lie Groups, and Lie Algebras
∂ ∂
X2 = z −x (7.14)
∂x ∂z
∂ ∂
X3 = x −y
∂y ∂x
Notice that X3 is the operator obtained for SO(2) in Section 7.3. We
can now assign a physical interpretation to these operators by compar-
ing them with the vectors components of the angular operators in the
coordinate representation, obtained from the definition
L = r × p = r × (−ih̄∇)
[Li , Lj ] = ih̄εijk Lk
We now add and subtract the quantities BAC and CAB on the right-
hand side of this equation and rearrange the resulting expression into
commutators to obtain
h i
A, [B, C] = ABC − ACB − BCA + CBA
Notice that this identity has been obtained using only the definition of
the commutator.
For the infinitesimal generators of the rotation group, with the com-
mutator in (7.13), each of the terms in the Jacobi identity vanishes.
h i h i
A, [B, C] = [A, B], C]
where the ak , bk , ck , . . . are real coefficients and from which linear com-
binations αA + βB with real α and β can be formed. The product is
given by
[A, B] = −[B, A]
2. Jacobi identity.
h i h h i
[x, y], z + [z, x], y] + [y, z], x = 0
3. Antisymmetry.
[x, y] = −[y, x]
for all x and y in L.
7.5 Summary
In this chapter, we have described the properties of Lie groups in
terms of specific examples, especially SO(2) and SO(3). With this
background, we can generalize our discussion to any Lie group. An
r-parameter Lie group of transformations on an n-dimensional space is
x0i = fi (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ; a1 , a2 , . . . , ar )
where i = 1, 2, . . . , n. If only one of the r parameters ai is changed
from zero, while all the other parameters are held fixed, we obtain the
infinitesimal transformations Xi associated with this Lie group. These
can be expressed as differential operators by examining the effect of
these infinitesimal coordinate transformations on an arbitrary differen-
tiable function F :
dF = dxj
j=1 ∂xj
µ r ¯ ¶
∂F X ∂fj ¯¯
= ¯ dai
j=1 ∂xj i=1 ∂ai a=0
µX ¯ ¶
r n
∂fj ¯¯ ∂
= dai ¯ F
i=1 j=1 ∂ai a=0 ∂xj
where the ckij are called structure constants and are a property of the
group. The commutator satisfies the Jacobi identity,
h i h i h i
Xi , [Xj , Xk ] + Xj , [Xk , Xi ] + Xk , [Xi , Xj ] = 0
Irreducible Representations
of SO(2) and SO(3)
The shortest path between two truths in the real domain passes through
the complex domain.
—Jacques Hadamard1
126 Irreducible Representations of SO(2) and SO(3)
This implies that the weight function appearing in (8.3) is unity, i.e.,
the density of group elements is uniform in the space of the parameter
ϕ. Using the fact that R(ϕ0 )R(ϕ) = R(ϕ0 + ϕ), we have
Z 2π Z 2π
R(ϕ0 )R(ϕ) dϕ = R(ϕ0 + ϕ) dϕ .
0 0
Z 2π Z ϕ0 +2π
= R(θ) dθ + R(θ) dθ
ϕ0 2π
Z 2π Z ϕ0
= R(θ) dθ + R(θ) dθ
ϕ0 0
Z 2π
= R(θ) dθ ,
χ(0) = 1 . (8.5)
The three conditions in (8.4), (8.5), and (8.6) are sufficient to determine
the characters of all of the irreducible representations of SO(2).
We will proceed by writing Eq. (8.4) as a differential equation and
using (8.5) as an “initial condition” and (8.6) as a “boundary condi-
tion.” In (8.4), we set ϕ0 = dϕ,
Then, using (8.5) and cancelling common terms, this equation reduces
to a first-order ordinary differential equation for χ(ϕ):
= χ00 χ(ϕ) ,
Irreducible Representations of SO(2) and SO(3) 129
e2πχ0 = 1 .
χ(ϕ) ≡ tr[R(ϕ)]
= 2 cos ϕ
= eiϕ + e−iϕ .
x0 = x cos ϕ − y sin ϕ ,
y 0 = x sin ϕ + y cos ϕ .
h im
(x0 ± iy 0 )m = x cos ϕ − y sin ϕ ± i(x sin ϕ + y cos ϕ)
h im
= x(cos ϕ ± i sin ϕ) ± iy(cos ϕ ± i sin ϕ)
h im
= (x ± iy) e±iϕ
= (x ± iy)m e±imϕ .
Therefore, we can now complete the character table for SO(2), including
the basis functions which generate the irreducible representations:
SO(2) E R(ϕ)
Γ±m : (x ± iy)m 1 e±imϕ
We note for future reference that the basis functions (x ± iy)m could
have been derived in a completely different manner. Consider Laplace’s
equation in two dimensions:
∂2u ∂2u
+ = 0.
∂x2 ∂y 2
This equation is invariant under all the elements of SO(2), as can be
easily verified. The general solution to this equation is
choose in turn solutions with F (s) = sm and G(s) = 0 and then with
F (s) = 0 and G(s) = sm . We thereby obtain the expressions
Aui = λi ui
u†i At = λ∗ u†i .
which shows that |λ2i | = 1, i.e., that the modulus of every eigenvalue
of an orthogonal matrix is unity [cf. (8.10)]. The most general form
of such a quantity is a complex number of the form eiϕ for some angle
ϕ. But these eigenvalues are also the roots of the characteristic equa-
tion det(A − λI) = 0 so, according to the Fundamental Theorem of
Algebra,3 if they are complex, they must occur in complex conjugate
pairs (because the coefficients of this polynomial, which are obtained
from the entries of A, are real). Hence, the most general form of the
eigenvalues of an orthogonal matrix in three dimensions is
An = n . (8.13)
At n = At An = n . (8.14)
(A − At )n = 0 .
K. Hoffman and R. Kunze, Linear Algebra 2nd edn (Prentice–Hall, Englewood
Cliffs, NJ, 1971), p. 138.
Irreducible Representations of SO(2) and SO(3) 135
determines n uniquely.
The angle of the rotation can be determined from the invariance of
the trace of A under similarity transformations. Noting that the trace
is the sum of the eigenvalues, and using (8.12), we have
1 0 0
R = U −1 ΛU =
0 cos ϕ − sin ϕ
. (8.17)
0 sin ϕ cos ϕ
When expressed in this basis, the rotation matrix clearly displays the
axis of rotation through the entry R11 = 1, and the angle of rotation
through a 2×2 rotational submatrix in a plane perpendicular to this
(n1 ϕ, n2 ϕ, n3 ϕ) , (8.18)
0 ≤ ϕ ≤ π, 0 ≤ φ ≤ 2π, 0 ≤ θ ≤ π.
We can now see directly that this parameter space corresponds to the
interior of a sphere of radius π (Fig. 8.1). For every point within the
sphere, there is a unique assignment to an element of SO(3): the direc-
tion from the radius to the point corresponds to the direction of the
rotation axis and the distance from the point to the origin represents
the rotation angle. Two diametrically opposed points on the surface of
the sphere (ϕ = π) correspond to the same rotation, since a rotation
by π about n is the same as a rotation by −π about this axis which,
in turn, is the same as a rotation by π about −n (whatever the sense
of rotation).
138 Irreducible Representations of SO(2) and SO(3)
this transformation is
1 −ϕ3 ϕ2
δR =
ϕ3 1 −ϕ1
−ϕ2 ϕ1 1
The identity of SO(3) corresponds to the origin in the three-dimensional
parameter space, ϕ1 = ϕ2 = ϕ3 = 0, and is indicated by the point
O in Fig. 8.1. For infinitesimal rotation angles, the parameter space
spanned by δR is associated with an infinitesimal volume element in
the neighborhood of the origin.
We now follow the infinitesimal transformation δR by a finite trans-
formation R(n, ϕ), i.e., we form the product R δR. This generates a
volume element in the neighborhood of R and the product R δR can be
viewed as transformation of the volume near the origin to that near R.
The Jacobian of this transformation is the relative change of volume
near the origin to that near R or, equivalently, is the relative change
of the density of operations near the origin to that near R. According
to the discussion in the introduction, this is the information required
from the density function for SO(3).
We have already seen that equivalence classes of SO(3) are com-
prised of all rotations with the same rotation angle, regardless of the
direction of the rotation axis. Thus, the density function is expected
to depend only on ϕ. Referring to Fig. 8.1, this means that the density
of elements depends only on the “radial” distance from the origin, not
on the direction, so we can choose R in accordance with this at our
convenience. Therefore, in constructing the matrix R δR, we will use
for R a matrix of the form in (8.17). Thus,
1 0 0 1 −ϕ3 ϕ2
R δR =
0 cos ϕ − sin ϕ
ϕ3 1 −ϕ1
0 sin ϕ cos ϕ −ϕ2 ϕ1 1
1 −ϕ3 ϕ2
ϕ3 cos ϕ + ϕ2 sin ϕ cos ϕ − ϕ1 sin ϕ −ϕ1 cos ϕ − sin ϕ .
ϕ3 sin ϕ − ϕ2 cos ϕ sin ϕ − ϕ1 cos ϕ −ϕ1 sin ϕ + cos ϕ
140 Irreducible Representations of SO(2) and SO(3)
We can now use (8.15) and (8.16) to determine the axis n0 and angle
ϕ0 of this product. The angle is determined from
1 + 2 cos ϕ0 = 1 + 2 cos ϕ − 2ϕ1 sin ϕ ,
which, upon cancelling common factors, becomes
cos ϕ0 = cos ϕ − ϕ1 sin ϕ .
Using the standard trigonometric formula for the cosine of a sum, we
find, to first order in ϕ1 , that
ϕ0 = ϕ + ϕ1 .
The unnormalized components of n0 are determined from (8.15) to be
n01 = −2ϕ1 cos ϕ − 2 sin ϕ ,
1 + cos ϕ
n02 = − 12 ϕ3 + 12 ϕ2 ,
sin ϕ
1 + cos ϕ
n03 = 12 ϕ2 + 12 ϕ3 .
sin ϕ
Expressed in terms of the parametrization in (8.18), R δR is given by
(n01 ϕ0 , n02 ϕ0 , n03 ϕ0 ) =
( Ã ! Ã !)
1 + cos ϕ 1 1 + cos ϕ
ϕ+ ϕ1 , 12 ϕ − ϕ3 + ϕ2 , 2 ϕ ϕ2 + ϕ3 .
sin ϕ sin ϕ
Irreducible Representations of SO(2) and SO(3) 141
where we have used the usual volume element for spherical polar coor-
dinates. Using the density function in (8.21), this integral becomes
2(1 − cos ϕ)F (ϕ, Ω)dϕ dΩ .
142 Irreducible Representations of SO(2) and SO(3)
The integral on the right-hand side of this equation, which has the
value 8π 2 , corresponds to the volume of SO(3) in parameter space. The
integral over the angular variables on the left-hand side yields 2 × 4π,
so cancelling common factors, we obtain
Z π
(1 − cos ϕ)χµ (ϕ)χν (ϕ) dϕ = πδµ,ν . (8.22)
∂ 2u ∂ 2u ∂2u
+ + = 0.
∂x2 ∂y 2 ∂z 2
requires that
Φ(φ) ∝ eimφ ,
1 − e−(2`+1)iϕ
= e−i`ϕ
1 − eiϕ
e(`+1/2)iϕ − e−(`+1/2)iϕ
eiϕ/2 − e−iϕ/2
sin [(` + 12 )ϕ]
= .
sin ( 12 ϕ)
Irreducible Representations of SO(2) and SO(3) 145
2 sin2 ( 12 ϕ) = 1 − cos ϕ
where the right-hand side of this equation follows either from (8.22) or
from the orthogonality of the sine functions over (0, π).
It is possible to show directly, using Schur’s first lemma, that the
spherical harmonics form a basis for (2` + 1)-dimensional irreducible
representations of SO(3). However, this requires invoking properties of
the Legendre functions in (8.24). If we confine ourselves to the matrices
in (8.25) then we can show that a matrix that commutes with all such
rotation matrices must reduce to a diagonal matrix. If we then consider
rotations about any other direction, which requires some knowledge of
the Legendre functions, we can then show that this constant matrix
must, in fact, be a constant multiple of the unit matrix. Hence, accord-
ing to Schur’s first lemma, these representations are irreducible. We can
now construct the character table for SO(3) with the basis functions
which generate the irreducible representations:
SO(3) E R(ϕ)
sin [(` + 12 )ϕ]
Γ` : Y`m (θ, φ) 1
sin ( 12 ϕ)
8.6 Summary
In this chapter, we have shown how the orthogonality relations devel-
oped for finite groups must be adapted for continuous groups, using
146 Irreducible Representations of SO(2) and SO(3)
H.F. Jones, Groups, Representations and Physics (Institute of Physics, Bristol,
1998), pp. 124–127.
E.P. Wigner, Group Theory and its Application to the Quantum Mechanics of
Atomic Spectra (Academic, New York, 1959), pp. 177–194.
M. Tinkham, Group Theory and Quantum Mechanics (McGraw–Hill, New York,
1964), pp. 65–80.
Chapter 9
148 Unitary Groups and SU(N)
9.1 SU(2)
As with orthogonal matrices, the unitary groups can be defined in terms
of quantities which are left invariant. Consider a general complex trans-
formation in two dimensions, x0 = Ax which, in matrix form, reads:
à ! à !à !
x0 a b x
y0 c d y
= |x|2 + |y|2
These four conditions (the last equation provides two conditions be-
cause it involves complex quantities) means that the original eight free
Unitary Groups and SU(N) 149
parameters are reduced to four. These conditions are the same as those
obtained by requiring the A† A = 1, so the determinant of the result-
ing matrix has modulus unity. These transformations are analogous
to orthogonal transformations of real coordinates and, indeed, orthog-
onal transformations are also unitary. The group comprised of unitary
matrices is denoted by U(2) and by U(N) for the N -dimensional case.
There are now three free parameters and the group of these matrices is
denoted by SU(2) where, as in our discussion of orthogonal groups, the
‘S’ signifies ‘special’ because of the requirement of a unit determinant.
[Xi , Xj ] = εijk Xk
U = exp ( − 12 iϕn·σ)
This matrix is manifestly of the unitary form in (9.1) with unit deter-
minant. The Pauli matrices are, therefore, the infinitesimal generators
of SU(2) and form a representation of its Lie algebra.
we find that
U (ϕ + 2π, n) = −U (ϕ, n)
152 Unitary Groups and SU(N)
Thus, if we form the cosets of the subgroup {U (0, n), U (2π, n)}, we
n o n o
U (0, n), U (2π, n) U (ϕ, n) = U (ϕ, n), U (ϕ + 2π, n)
SU(2)/Z2 = SO(3)
2 cos ( 12 ϕ)
If we compare this expression with that for χ(`) (ϕ) for SO(3) with ` = 12 ,
we find
sin ϕ
χ(1/2) (ϕ) = = 2 cos ( 12 ϕ)
sin ( 12 ϕ)
for some phase angle θ. Since a two-fold exchange restores the original
We can compare this result with that obtained from the two-fold direct
product representation of SU(2):
h i2
χ(1/2) (ϕ)χ(1/2) (ϕ) = 2 cos ( 12 )
³ ´2
= eiϕ/2 + e−iϕ/2
³ ´
= eiϕ/2 + 1 + e−iϕ/2 + 1
which denotes a basis state. If there is no entry in the box, then this
tableau represents any state. An entry, signified by a number denotes
one of the basis states in some reference order. Thus, for SU(2), we
u1 = 1 u2 = 2
1 1 1 2 2 2
× = +
× × = + +
The states for the three-fold direct product are as follows. There
are four symmetric states:
1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 2
2 2
1 1 1 2 1 3 2 2 2 3 3 3
1 1 2
2 3 3
9.5 Summary
In this chapter, we have extended our discussion of orthogonal groups
to unitary groups. These groups play an especially important role in
quantum mechanics because of their property of conserving probability
density. We have constructed direct products of basis states, which are
required in a number of applications of these groups. The use of Young
tableaux was shown to be an especially convenient way to determine
the dimensionalities of higher-dimensional irreducible representations
of unitary groups and their basis functions.
Group Theory
Problem Set 1 October 12, 2001
Note: Problems marked with an asterisk are for Rapid Feedback; problems marked with a
double asterisk are optional.
1. Show that the wave equation for the propagation of an impulse at the speed of light c,
∂ϕ h̄2 ∂ 2 ϕ
ih̄ =− .
∂t 2m ∂x2
Show that this equation is invariant to the global change of phase of the wavefunction:
ϕ → ϕ0 = eiα ϕ ,
3.∗ Consider the following sets of elements and composition laws. Determine whether they
are groups and, if not, identify which group property is violated.
where p, q and r are real-valued functions of x with p and r taking only positive values.
The quantity λ is called the eigenvalue and the function y, called the eigenfunction, is
assumed to be defined over an interval [a, b]. We take the boundary conditions to be
y(a) = y(b) = 0
but the result derived below is also valid for more general boundary conditions. No-
tice that the Liouville equations contains the one-dimensional Schrödinger equation as a
special case.
Let u(x; λ) and v(x; λ) be the fundamental solutions of the Liouville equation, i.e. u
and v are two linearly-independent solutions in terms of which all other solutions may
be expressed (for a given value λ). Then there are constants A and B which allow any
solution y to be expressed as a linear combination of this fundamental set:
These constants are determined by requiring y(x; λ) to satisfy the boundary conditions:
Use this to show that the solution y(x; λ) is unique, i.e., that there is one and only one
solution corresponding to an eigenvalue of the Liouville equation.
Group Theory
Solutions to Problem Set 1 October 6, 2000
γ 2 ∂ 2 u0 γ 2 v 2 ∂ 2 u0 2 0
2∂ u
2 2 0
2v ∂ u ∂ 2 u 0 ∂ 2 u0
+ = γ + γ + + 02 , (9)
c2 ∂t02 c2 ∂x02 ∂x02 c4 ∂t02 ∂y 02 ∂z
ϕ → ϕ0 = eiα ϕ , (13)
∂ϕ0 h̄2 iα ∂ 2 ϕ0
ih̄eiα =− e , (14)
∂t 2m ∂x2
or, upon cancelling the common factor eiα ,
∂ϕ0 h̄2 ∂ 2 ϕ0
ih̄ =− , (15)
∂t 2m ∂x2
which establishes the covariance of the Schrödinger equation un-
der this transformation.
= 0. (19)
∞ R
Thus, the quantity −∞ |ϕ(x, t)|2 dx is independent of time for so-
lutions of the free-particle Schrödinger equation which correspond
to wave packets.
(c) The sum of two even integers 2m and 2n, where m and n are
any two integers, is 2(m + n), which is an even integer, so closure
is obeyed. Addition is associative, the unit is zero, which is an
even integer, and the inverse of 2n is −2n, which is also an even
integer. Hence, the even integers under addition form a group.
Thus, the nth roots of unity form a group for any value of n.
(e) For the set of integers under ordinary subtraction, the differ-
ence between two integers n and m is another integer p, n−m = p,
the identity is 0, since, n − 0 = 0, and every integer is its own
inverse, since n − n = 0. However, subtraction is not associative
(n − m) − p 6= n − (m − p) = n − m + p
Thus, we see that Equations (22) can be solved for nonzero values
of A and B only if the determinant of the matrix of coefficients in
(23) vanishes. Otherwise, the only solution is A = B = 0, which
yields the trivial solution y = 0. The condition for a nontrivial
solution of (22) is, therefore, given by
¯ ¯
¯ u(a; λ) v(a; λ) ¯¯
¯ ¯ = u(a; λ)v(b; λ) − u(b; λ)v(a; λ) = 0 (24)
¯ u(b; λ) v(b; λ) ¯
1.∗ Show that, by requiring the existence of an identity in a group G, it is sufficient to require
only a left identity, ea = a, or only a right identity ae = a, for every element a in G,
since these two quantities must be equal.
2.∗ Similarly, show that it is sufficient to require only a left inverse, a−1 a = e, or only a right
inverse aa−1 = e, for every element a in G, since these two quantities must also be equal.
4.∗ For the elements g1 , g2 , . . . , gn of a group, determine the inverse of the n-fold product
g1 g2 · · · gn .
5.∗ Show that a group is Abelian if and only if (ab)−1 = a−1 b−1 . You need to show that
this condition is both necessary and sufficient for the group to be Abelian.
6. By explicit construction of multiplication tables, show that there are two distinct struc-
tures for groups of order 4. Are either of these groups Abelian?
7.∗ Consider the group of order 3 discussed in Section 2.4. Suppose we regard the rows of
the multiplication table as individual permutations of the elements {e, a, b} of this group.
We label the permutations πg by the group element corresponding to that row:
à ! à ! à !
e a b e a b e a b
πe = , πa = , πb =
e a b a b e b e a
(a) Show that, under the composition law for permutations discussed in Section 2.3,
the multiplication table of the 3-element group is preserved by this association, e.g.,
πa πb = πe .
(b) Show that for every element g in {e, a, b},
à !
e a b
πg =
g ga gb
Hence, show that the πg have the same multiplication table as the 3-element group.
(c) Determine the relationship between this group and S3 . This is an example of Cayley’s
(d) To which of the operations on an equilateral triangle in Fig. 2.1 do these group
elements correspond?
Group Theory
Solutions to Problem Set 2 October 26, 2001
ge = g (1)
e0 g = g (2)
e0 e = e0 (3)
e0 e = e (4)
respectively. These equations imply that
e0 = e (5)
so the left and right identities are equal. Hence, we need specify
only the left or right identity in a group in the knowledge that
this is the identity of the group.
ga = e (6)
a0 g = e (7)
so the left and right inverses of an element are equal. The same
result could have been obtained by multiplying the second equa-
tion from the right by a and invoking the first equation.
3. To show that for any group G, (ab)−1 = b−1 a−1 , we begin with
the properties of the inverse. We must have that
(ab)(ab)−1 = e
(ab)−1 ba = e
ba = ab
e a b c
e e a b c
a a
b b
c c
We now consider the product aa. This cannot equal a, since that
would imply that a = e, but it can equal any of the other el-
ements, including the identity. However, this leads only to two
distinct choices for the product, since the apparent difference be-
tween aa = b and aa = c disappears under the interchange of the
e a b c e a b c
e e a b c e e a b c
a a e a a b (1)
b b b b
c c c c
e a b c
e e a b c
a a e c b (2)
b b c
c c b
e a b c e a b c
e e a b c e e a b c
a a e c b a a e c b (3)
b b c e a b b c a e
c c b a e c c b e a
e a b c
e e a b c
a a b c e (4)
b b c
c c e
e a b c
e e a b c
a a b c e (5)
b b c e a
c c e a b
Notice that all of the multiplication tables in (3) and (5) are
Abelian and that the table in (5) is cyclic, i.e., all of the group
elements can be obtained by taking successive products of any
non-unit element.
We now appear to have three distinct multiplication tables for
groups of order 4: the two tables in (3) and the one in (5). How-
ever, if we reorder the elements in the second table in (3) to
{e, b, a, c} and reassemble the multiplication table (using the same
products), we obtain
e b a c
e e b a c
c b a c e (6)
b a c e b
a c e b a
e a b c e a b c
e e a b c e e a b c
a a e c b a a b c e (7)
b b c e a b b c e a
c c b a e c c e a b
7. (a) All of the products involving the identity are self-evident. The
only products that must be calculated explicitly are a2 , ab, ba,
and b2 . These are given by
à !à ! à !
e a b e a b e a b
πa π a = = = πb
a b e a b e b e a
à !à ! à !
e a b e a b e a b
πa πb = = = πe
a b e b e a e a b
à !à ! à !
e a b e a b e a b
πb πa = = = πe
b e a a b e e a b
à !à ! à !
e a b e a b e a b
πb πb = = = πa
b e a b e a a b e
Thus, the association g → πg , for g = e, a, b preserves the prod-
ucts of the three-element group.
1.∗ List all of the subgroups of any group whose order is a prime number.
2.∗ Show that a group whose order is a prime number is necessarily cyclic, i.e., all of the
elements can be generated from the powers of any non-unit element.
3. Suppose that, for a group G, |G| = pq, where p and q are both prime. Show that every
proper subgroup of G is cyclic.
5. In a quotient group G/H, which set always corresponds to the unit “element”?
8.∗ Consider the following cyclic group of order 4, G = {a, a2 , a3 , a4 = e} (cf. Problem 6,
Problem Set 2). Show, by direct multiplication or otherwise, that the subgroup H =
{e, a2 } is self-conjugate and identify the elements in the factor group G/H.
9.∗ Suppose that there is an isomorphism φ from a group G onto a group G0 . Show that the
identity e of G is mapped onto the identity e0 of G0 : e0 = φ(e).
Hint: Use the fact that e = ee must be preserved by φ and that φ(g) = e0 φ(g) for all g
in G.
Group Theory
Solutions to Problem Set 3 November 2, 2001
3. For a group G with |G| = pq, where p and q are both prime, we
know from Lagrange’s theorem that the only proper subgroups
have order p and q. Since these subgroups are of prime order, the
conclusion of Problem 2 requires these subgroups to be cyclic.
5. The identity e of a group G has the property that for every el-
ement g in G, ag = ge = g. We also have that different cosets
either have no common elements or have only common elements.
Thus, in the factor group G/H of G generated by a subgroup H,
the set which contains the unit element corresponds to the unit
element of the factor group, since
gag −1 = gg −1 a = a
Hg = gH = H .
Hg = gH = A .
Hg = gH
e = ee .
φ(e) = φ(e)φ(e) .
φ(g) = e0 φ(g) ,
φ(e)φ(e) = e0 φ(e) ,
e0 = φ(e) .
1.∗ Given a set of matrices D(g) that form a representation a group G, show that the matrices
which are obtainable by a similarity transformation U D(g)U −1 are also a representation
of G.
2.∗ Show that the trace of three matrices A, B, and C satisfies the following relation:
3. Generalize the result in Problem 4 to show that the trace of an n-fold product of matrices
is invariant under cyclic permutations of the product.
4.∗ Show that the trace of an arbitrary matrix A is invariant under a similarity transformation
U AU −1 .
à ! à √ ! à √ !
−1 0 −1 − 3 −1 3
1 1
c= , d= 2 √ , f= 2 √
0 1 3 −1 − 3 −1
6.∗ Consider the planar symmetry operations of an equilateral triangle. Using the matrices
in Example 3.2 determined from transformations of the coordinates in Fig. 3.1, construct
a three-dimensional representation of S3 in the (x, y, z) coordinate system, where the z-
axis emanates from the geometric center of the triangle. Is this representation reducible
or irreducible? If it is reducible determine the irreducible representations which form the
direct sum of this representation.
7. Show that two matrices are simultaneously diagonalizable if and only if they commute.
Hint: Two matrices A and B are simultaneously diagonalizable if the same similarity
transformation brings both matrices into a form where they have only diagonal entries.
Proving that simultaneous diagonalizability implies commutativity is straightforward. To
prove the converse, suppose that there is a similarity transformation which brings one
of the matrices into diagonal form. By writing out the matrix elements of the products
and using the fact that A and B commute, show that the same similarity transformation
must also diagonalize the other matrix.
8.∗ What does the result of Problem 7 imply about the dimensionalities of the irreducible
representations of Abelian groups?
form a representation for the two-element group {e, a}. Is this representation reducible
or irreducible? If it is reducible determine the one-dimensional representations which
form the direct sum of this representation.
D(ab) = D(a)D(b) .
D0 (ab) = U D(ab)U −1
= U D(a)D(b)U −1
= U D(a)U −1 U D(b)U 0
= D0 (a)D0 (b) ,
Bjk Cki Aij = tr(BCA) ,
{e, a, c, b, f, d} , {e, c, b, a, f, d} ,
{e, b, a, c, f, d} , {e, b, c, a, d, f } ,
{e, c, a, b, d, f } .
Notice that only elements within the same class can be permuted.
For S3 , the classes are {e}, {a, b, c}, {d, f }.
6. In the basis (x, y, z) where x and y are given in Fig. 3.1 and the
z-axis emanates from the origin of this coordinate system (the
geometric center of the triangle), all of the symmetry operations of
the equilateral triangle leave the z-axis invariant. This is because
the z-axis is either an axis of rotation (for operations d and f ) or
lies within the reflection plane (for operations a, b, and c). Hence,
1 3 0 −1 0 0
b = 12
3 −1 0
, c=
0 1 0,
0 0 2 0 0 1
√ √
−1 − 3 0 −1 3 0
√ √
d = 12
3 −1 0 1
, f = 2 − 3 −1 0 .
0 0 2 0 0 2
This representation is seen to be reducible and that it is the direct
sum of the representation in Example 3.2 (which, as discussed in
Example 3.4, is irreducible) and the identical representation.
7. We must show (i) that two matrices which are simultaneously di-
agonalizable commute and (ii) that two matrices which commute
are simultaneously diagonalizable. Showing (i) is straightforward.
For two d × d matrices A and B which are simultaneously diago-
nalizable, there is a matrix U such that
U AU −1 = DA and U BU −1 = DB ,
(U −1 DA U ) (U −1 DB U ) = (U −1 DB U ) (U −1 DA U ) ,
| {z }| {z } | {z }| {z }
so A and B commute.
Case II. All of the diagonal entries of DA are the same. In this
case DA is proportional to the unit matrix, DA = cI, for some
complex constant c. Hence, this matrix is always diagonal,
U (cI)U −1 = cI
Case III. Some of the diagonal entries are the same and some
are distinct. If we arrange the elements of DA such that the first
p elements are the same, (DA )11 = (DA )22 = · · · = (DA )pp , then
DA has the general form
à !
cIp 0
DA = 0
0 DA
Vp Bp Vp−1 = DB
Hence, in all three cases, we have shown that the same transfor-
mation which diagonalizes A also diagonalizes B.
Ai Aj = Aj Ai
e a
e e a
a a e
= −( 12 − λ)( 12 + λ) − 3
= λ2 − 1 .
= (At1 )k1 j (At2 )k2 k1 · · · (Atn )ikn−1
k1 ,k2 ,...,kn−1
= (Atn )ikn−1 (Atn−1 )kn−1 kn−2 · · · (At2 )k2 k1 (At1 )k1 j
k1 ,k2 ,...,kn−1
We conclude that
1. In proving Theorem 3.2, we established the relation Bi Bi† = I. Using the definitions in
that proof, show that this result implies that Bi† Bi = I as well.
(a) Show that this group is Abelian and cyclic (cf. Problem 2, Problem Set 3).
(c) Use the result of (b) to obtain three representations of G. Given what you know
about the irreducible representations of Abelian groups (Problem 8, Problem Set
4), are there any other irreducible representations of G?
4.∗ Use Schur’s First Lemma to prove that all the irreducible representations of an Abelian
group are one-dimensional.
à √ ! à ! à !
−1 − 3 1 0 1 0
c= 2 √ , d= , f=
− 3 1 0 1 0 1
Verify that these matrices form a representation of S3 . Use Schur’s first Lemma to
determine if this representation reducible or irreducible. If reducible, determine the
irreducible representations that are obtained from the diagonal form of these matrices.
Group Theory
Solutions to Problem Set 5 November 16, 2001
To show that this result implies that Bi† Bi = I, we first use the
definitions of Bi and Bi† to write
Ãi DÆi = D
D−1 = Æ−1
i D−1 Ã−1
= I
e a b
e e a b
a a b e
b b e a
e a b
Γ1 1 1 1
Γ2 1 e2πi/3 e4πi/3
Γ2 1 e4πi/3 e2πi/3
z = e2mπi/n , m = 0, 1, 2, . . . , n − 1
e a b c d f
e e a b c d f
a a e d f b c
b b f e d c a
c c d f e a b
d d c a b f e
f f b c a e d
e a b c d f
e E A A A E E
a A E E E A A
b A E E E A A
c A E E E A A
d E A A A E E
f E A A A E E
Ae = 1, Aa = 1, Ab = 1,
Ac = 1, Ad = 1, Af = 1
Ae = 1, Aa = −1, Ab = −1,
Ac = −1, Ad = 1, Af = 1
1.∗ Verify the Great Orthogonality Theorem for the following irreducible representation of
S3 : Ã ! Ã √ ! Ã √ !
1 0 1 − 3 1 3
e= , a = 12 √ , b = 12 √
0 1 − 3 −1 3 −1
à ! à √ ! à √ !
−1 0 −1 3 −1 − 3
1 1
c= , d= 2 √ , f= 2 √
0 1 − 3 −1 3 −1
2.∗ Does the following representation of the three-element group {e, a, b}:
à ! à √ ! à √ !
1 0 −1 3 −1 − 3
e= , a = 12 √ , b = 12 √
0 1 − 3 −1 3 −1
3.∗ Specialize the Great Orthogonality Theorem to Abelian groups. When viewed as the
components of a vector in a |G|-dimensional space, what does the Great Orthogonal-
ity Theorem state about the relationship between different irreducible representations?
What bound does this place on the number of irreducible representations of an Abelian
(a) Verify that the Great Orthogonality Theorem, in the reduced form obtained in
Problem 3, is satisfied for these representations.
(b) In view of the discussion in Sec. 4.4, would you expect to find any other irreducible
representations of this group?
(c) Would you expect your answer in (b) to apply to cyclic groups of any order?
5.∗ Consider any Abelian group. By using the notion of the order of an element (Sec. 2.4),
determine the magnitude of every element in a representation. Is this consistent with the
Great Orthogonality Theorem?
Group Theory
Solutions to Problem Set 6 November 23, 2001
V ij · V ∗i0 j 0 = δi,i0 δj,j 0 .
For the given representation of S3 ,
à ! à √ ! à √ !
1 0 1 − 3 1 3
e= , a= 1
2 √ , b= 1
2 √ ,
0 1 − 3 −1 3 −1
à ! à √ ! à √ !
−1 0 −1 3 −1 − 3
c= , d= 1
2 √ , f= 1
2 √ ,
0 1 − 3 −1 3 −1
Note that, since all of the entries are real, complex conjugation is
not required for substitution into the Great Orthogonality Theo-
rem. For i = j and i0 = j 0 , with |G| = 6 and d = 2, we have
V 11 · V 11 = 1 + 14 + 14 + 1 + 14 + 1
= 3,
V 12 · V 12 = 0 + 34 + 34 + 0 + 34 + 3
= 3,
V 21 · V 21 = 0 + 34 + 34 + 0 + 34 + 3
= 3.
V 22 · V 22 = 1 + 14 + 14 + 1 + 14 + 1
= 3,
V 11 · V 22 = 1 − 14 − 14 − 1 + 14 + 1
= 0,
V 12 · V 21 = 0 + 34 + 34 + 0 − 34 − 3
= 0,
√ √ √ √
V 12 · V 22 = 0 + 1
3− 1
3+0− 1
3+ 1
3 = 0,
√ √ √ √
V 21 · V 22 = 0 + 1
3− 1
3+0+ 1
3− 1
3 = 0,
V 11 · V 11 = 1 + 14 + 1
= 32 ,
V 12 · V 12 = 0 + 34 + 3
= 32 ,
V 21 · V 12 = 0 + 34 + 3
= 32 ,
V 11 · V 11 = 1 + 14 + 1
= 32 ,
e a b
Γ1 1 1 1
Γ2 1 e2πi/3 e4πi/3
Γ2 1 e4πi/3 e2πi/3
Note that some of these entries are complex. Thus, the distinct
inner products between these vectors are
A1 ·A1∗ = 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 ,
A2 ·A2∗ = 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 ,
A3 ·A3∗ = 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 ,
A1 ·A2∗ = 1 + e−2πi/3 + e−4πi/3 = 0 ,
A1 ·A3∗ = 1 + e−4πi/3 + e−2πi/3 = 0 ,
A2 ·A3∗ = 1 + e−2πi/3 + e2πi/3 = 0 ,
(b) In view of the fact that there are 3 mutually orthogonal vec-
tors, there can be no additional irreducible representations of this
(c) For cyclic groups of order |G|, we determined that the irre-
ducible representations were based on the |G|th roots of unity
(Problem 3, Problem Set 5). Since this produces |G| distinct irre-
ducible representations, our procedure yields all of the irreducible
representations of any cyclic group.
gn = e .
(Akg )n = 1 ,
Akg = e2mπi/n , m = 0, 1, . . . , n − 1 .
2. Show that elements in the same class of a group must have the same order.
Hint: You do not need to compute the conjugacy classes explicitly. Refer to the discus-
sion for the group S3 in Example 2.9 and use the fact that elements in the same class
have the same order.
4.∗ How many irreducible representations are there and what are their dimensions?
5.∗ Construct the character table of this group by following the procedure outlined below:
(a) Enter the characters for the identical and “parity” representations. As in the case
of S3 , the characters for the parity representation are either +1 or −1, depending
on whether or not the the operation preserves the “handedness” of the coordinate
(b) Enter the characters for the “coordinate” representation obtained from the action
on (x, y) for each group operation. Note that the character is the same for elements
in the same class.
(c) Use the products C3 C32 = E and C33 = E to identify the characters for all one-
dimensional irreducible representations for the appropriate classes. The meaning
of the notation Cnm for rotations is discussed in Section 5.4.
(d) Use the result of (c) and the products C6 C3 = C2 to deduce that the characters
for the class of C6 and those for the class of C2 are the same. Then, use the
orthogonality of the columns of the character table to compute these characters.
(e) Use the appropriate orthogonality relations for characters to compute the remaining
entries of the character table.
Group Theory
Solutions to Problem Set 7 November 30, 2001
6 1
5 2
4 3
where the first row corresponds to the reference order of the ver-
tices shown in the diagram and the ai denote the number at the
ith vertex after the transformation of the hexagon.
The symmetry operations of this hexagon consist of the identity,
rotations by angles of 13 nπ radians, where n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, three
mirror planes which pass through opposite faces of the hexagon,
and three mirror planes which pass through opposite vertices of
the hexagon. For the identity and the rotations, the effect on the
hexagon is
6 1 1 2 2 3
5 2 6 3 1 4
4 3 5 4 6 5
3 4 4 5 5 6
2 5 3 6 4 1
1 6 2 1 3 2
1 6 3 2 5 4
2 5 4 1 6 3
3 4 5 6 1 2
which correspond to
à !
1 2 3 4 5 6
σv,1 = ,
6 5 4 3 2 1
à !
1 2 3 4 5 6
σv,2 = ,
2 1 6 5 4 3
à !
1 2 3 4 5 6
σv,3 = .
4 3 2 1 6 5
Finally, the three mirror planes which pass through opposite ver-
tices of the hexagon are
2 1 4 3 6 5
3 6 5 2 1 4
4 5 6 1 2 3
b = g −1 ag .
g −1 am g = e ,
am = e .
E ≡ {E} ,
C2 ≡ {C2 } ,
d2k = 12 ,
since |C6v | = 12. The only positive integer solutions of this equa-
tion are
d1 = 1, d2 = 1, d3 = 1, d4 = 1, d5 = 2, d6 = 2 ,
χ(φ) = 2 cos φ .
We can now calculate the characters for each of the classes com-
posed of rotations:
χ(2C6 ) = χ( 13 π) = 1 ,
χ(2C3 ) = χ( 23 π) = −1 ,
χ(C2 ) = χ(π) = −2 .
For the two classes of mirror planes, we need only determine the
character of one element in each class, which may be chosen at
our convenience. Thus, for example, since the representation of
(e) The characters for the classes 2C6 , 2C3 , and C2 of the Γ02
representation can now be determined by requiring the columns
corresponding to these classes to be orthogonal to the column
corresponding to the class of the identity. When this is done, we
find that the values obtained saturate the sum rule in (1), so the
characters corresponding to both classes of mirror planes in this
representation must vanish. This enables to complete the entries
for the Γ02 representation:
1. Show that if two matrices A and B are orthogonal, then their direct product A ⊗ B is
also an orthogonal matrix.
2. Show that the trace of the direct product of two matrices A and B is the product of
the traces of A and B:
tr(A ⊗ B) = tr(A) tr(B)
3.∗ Show that the direct product of groups Ga and Gb with elements Ga = {e, a2 , . . . , a|Ga | }
and Gb = {e, b2 , . . . , b|Gb | }, such that ai bj = bj ai for all i and j, is a group. What is
the order of this group?
4.∗ Use the Great Orthogonality Theorem to show that the direct product of irreducible
representations of two groups is an irreducible representation of the direct product of
those groups.
R α ϕi = ϕj Γji (Rα )
form a representation of that group. Show that if the ϕj are chosen to be an orthonormal
set of functions, then this representation is unitary.
6.∗ The set of distinct functions obtained from a given function ϕi by operations in the
group of the Hamiltonian, ϕj = Rα ϕi , are called partners. Use the Great Orthogonality
Theorem to show that two functions which belong to different irreducible representa-
tions or are different partners in the same unitary representation are orthogonal.
h̄2 π 2 2
Ep,q = (p + q 2 )
(a) Determine the eight planar symmetry operations of a square. These operations form
the group of the Hamiltonian for this problem. Assemble the symmetry operations
into equivalence classes.
(b) Determine the number of irreducible representations and their dimensions for this
group. Do these dimensions appear to be broadly consistent with the degeneracies
of the energy eigenvalues?
(d) Determine the characters corresponding to the identical, parity, and coordinate
representations. Using appropriate orthogonality relations, complete the character
table for this group.
(e) For which irreducible representations do the eigenfunctions ϕ1,1 (x, y) and ϕ2,2 (x, y)
form bases?
(f) For which irreducible transformation do the eigenfunctions ϕ1,2 (x, y) and ϕ2,1 (x, y)
form a basis?
(h) Are there eigenfunctions which form a basis for each of the irreducible representa-
tions of this group?
8.∗ Consider the regular hexagon in Problem Set 7. Suppose there is a vector perturbation,
i.e., a perturbation that transforms as (x, y, z). Determine the selection rule associated
with an initial state that transforms according to the “parity” representation.
Hint: The reasoning for determining the irreducible representations associated with
(x, y, z) is analogous to that used in Section 6.6.2 for the equilateral triangle.
Group Theory
Solutions to Problem Set 8 December 7, 2001
i.e., the rows and columns are orthogonal vectors. This ensures
that At A = AAt = I.
The direct product C of two matrices A and B, denoted by C =
A ⊗ B, is given in terms of matrix elements by
where the last step follows from the first of Eqs. (1). The second
orthogonality relation is
cik;jl ci0 k0 ;jl
X µX ¶µ X ¶
= aij akl ai0 j ak0 l = aij ai0 j akl ak0 l = δi,i0 δk,k0
jl j l
where the last step follows from the second of Eqs. (1). Thus, we
have shown that the direct product of two orthogonal matrices is
also an orthogonal matrix.
Ga = {ea , a2 , a3 , . . . , a|Ga | }
Gb = {eb , b2 , b3 , . . . , b|Gb | } ,
(ai bj )(a−1 −1 −1 −1
i bj ) = (ai ai )(bj bj ) = ea eb
(a−1 −1 −1 −1
i bj )(ai bj ) = (ai ai )(bj bj ) = ea eb .
The sum in the Great Orthogonality Theorem for the direct prod-
uct representation is
A(ai bj )∗ik;jl A(ai bj )i0 k0 ;j 0 l0
ai bj
= A(ai )∗ij A(bj )∗kl A(ai )i0 j 0 A(bj )k0 l0
ai bj
·X ¸·X ¸
= A(ai )∗ij A(ai )i0 j 0 A(bj )∗kl A(bj )k0 l0
ai bj
| {z }| {z }
|Ga | |Gb |
δi,i0 δj,j 0 δk,k0 δl,l0
da db
µ ¶
|Ga ||Gb |
= δi,i0 δk,k0 δj,j 0 δl,l0 .
da db
(i|R† R|j) = (k, l)Γ(R)∗ki Γ(R)lj
= Γ(R)∗ki Γ(R)kj
Xh i
= Γ(R)† Γ(R)kj
h i
= Γ(R)† Γ(R) ,
Γ(R)† Γ(R) = I .
we have
X·X ¸
(n0 )
= Γ (R)∗kj Γ(n) (R)li (n0 , k|n, l)
kl R
| {z }
δn,n0 δk,l δi,j
4 1
3 2
this hexagon:
à !
1 2 3 4
a1 a2 a3 a4
where the ai denote the number at the ith vertex after the trans-
formation of the hexagon given in the indicated reference order.
Thus, the identity operation, which identifies the reference order
of the vertices, corresponds to
à !
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
3 4 2 3 1 2
2 1 1 4 4 3
The two mirror planes which pass through opposite faces of the
square are
1 4 3 2
2 3 4 1
which correspond to
à !
1 2 3 4
σv,1 = ,
4 3 2 1
à !
1 2 3 4
σv,2 = .
2 1 4 3
Finally, the two mirror planes which pass through opposite ver-
tices of the square are
2 1 4 3
3 4 1 2
Elements in the same equivalence class must have the same order
and correspond to the same “type” of operation. Thus, there are
five equivalence classes of this group:
(b) The order of this group is 8 and there are 5 equivalence classes.
Thus, there must be five irreducible representations whose dimen-
sionalities must satisfy
d1 = 1, d2 = 1, d3 = 1, d4 = 1, d5 = 2 .
These rotations are thus seen to transform the point (x, y) into
(−y, x), (−x, −y), and (y, −x), respectively. The two reflections
that pass through the center of faces are
so they transform the (x, y) into (−x, y) and (x, −y), respectively.
Finally, for the two reflection planes which pass through vertices,
which transform the point (x, y) into (y, x) and (−y, −x), respec-
tively. These transformations enable us to construct the char-
acters corresponding to the “coordinate” representation. Then,
together with the identical and parity representations, we have
the following entries of the character table for this group:
(e) The eigenfunctions ϕ1,1 (x, y) and ϕ2,2 (x, y) are given by
ϕ1,1 (x, y) ∝ cos( 12 πx) cos( 12 πy)
ϕ2,2 (x, y) ∝ sin(πx) sin(πy) .
Since ϕ1,1 (x, y) is invariant under the interchange of x and y and
under changes in their signs, it transforms according to the iden-
tical representation. However, although ϕ2,2 (x, y) is invariant un-
der the interchange of x and y, each sine factor changes sign if
their argument changes sign. Thus, this eigenfunction transforms
according to the parity representation.
(f) The (degenerate) eigenfunctions ϕ1,2 (x, y) and ϕ2,1 (x, y) are
à ! " #
ϕ1,2 cos( 12 πx) sin(πy)
∝ .
ϕ2,1 sin(πx) cos( 12 πy)
The transformation properties of these eigenfunctions can be de-
termined from the results of part (c). This yields the following
matrix representation of each symmetry operation:
à ! à ! à !
1 0 0 1 −1 0
E= , C4 = , C42 = ,
0 1 −1 0 0 −1
à ! à ! à !
0 −1 1 0 −1 0
C43 = , σv,1 = , σv,2 = ,
1 0 0 −1 0 1
à ! à !
0 1 0
0 −1
σv,1 = , σv,2 = .
1 0 −1 0
(g) We have that the energies E6,7 and E2,9 are given by
h̄2 π 2 2 h̄2 π 2
E6,7 = E7,6 = (6 + 72 ) = 85
8m 8m
h̄2 π 2 2 2 h̄2 π 2
E2,9 = E9,2 = (2 + 9 ) = 85 ,
8m 8m
so this energy is fourfold degenerate. However, since the group
operations have the effect of interchanging x and y with possible
changes of sign, the eigenfunctions ϕ6,7 and ϕ7,6 are transformed
only between one another, and the eigenfunctions ϕ2,9 and ϕ9,2
are transformed only between one another. In other words, this
fourfold degeneracy is accidental, resulting only from the numer-
ical coincidence of the energies of two twofold-degenerate states.
Consider now the case where the eigenfunctions are of the form
ϕp,q where both p and q are even. The matrices corresponding to
Γ0 = Γ1 ⊕ Γ2 .
1.∗ Consider the group O(n), the elements of which preserve the Euclidean length in n
x02 02 02
1 + x2 + · · · + xn = x1 + x2 + · · · + xn .
2 2 2
2. The condition that the Euclidean length is preserved in two dimensions, x02 + y 02 =
x2 + y 2 , was shown in lectures to require that
Show that
R(ϕ1 + ϕ2 ) = R(ϕ1 )R(ϕ2 )
and, hence, deduce that this group is Abelian.
4.∗ We showed in lectures that a rotation R(ϕ) by an angle ϕ in two dimensions can be
written as
R(ϕ) = eϕX ,
where à !
0 −1
X= .
1 0
Verify that
eϕX = I cos ϕ + X sin ϕ ,
where I is the two-dimensional unit matrix. This shows that eϕX is the rotation matrix
in two dimensions.
5.∗ Consider the two-parameter group
x0 = ax + b
6.∗ Consider the group C∞v which contains, in addition to all two-dimensional rotations,
a reflection plane, denoted by σv in, say, the x-z plane. Is this group Abelian? What
are the equivalence classes of this group?
Hint: Denoting reflection in the x–z plane by S, show that SR(ϕ)S −1 = R(−ϕ).
7. By extending the procedure used in lectures for SO(3), show that the infinitesimal
generators of SO(4), the group of proper rotations in four dimensions which leave the
quantity x2 + y 2 + z 2 + w2 invariant, are
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
A1 = z −y , A2 = x −z , A3 = y −x
∂y ∂z ∂z ∂x ∂x ∂y
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
B1 = x −w , B2 = y −w , B3 = z −w
∂w ∂x ∂w ∂y ∂w ∂z
Ji = 12 (Ai + Bi ), Ki = 12 (Ai − Bi )
x02 02 02
1 + x2 + · · · + xn = x1 + x2 + · · · + xn .
2 2 2
n2 − n − 12 n(n − 1) = n2 − n − 12 n2 + 12 n = 12 n(n − 1)
we take the product of the first by the third equations and sub-
tract the square of the second equation to obtain
we can write
à !à !
cos ϕ1 − sin ϕ1 cos ϕ2 − sin ϕ2
sin ϕ1 cos ϕ1 sin ϕ2 cos ϕ2
" #
cos(ϕ1 + ϕ2 ) − sin(ϕ1 + ϕ2 )
= .
sin(ϕ1 + ϕ2 ) cos(ϕ1 + ϕ2 )
4. The expression
R(ϕ) = eϕX ,
à !
0 −1
X= ,
1 0
is defined by its Taylor series:
X 1
eϕX = (ϕX)n . (1)
n=0 n!
for odd powers Thus, the Taylor series in (1) may be written as
X ∞
(−1)n (−1)n 2n+1
eϕX = ϕ2n I + ϕ X
n=0 (2n)! n=0 (2n + 1)!
| {z } | {z }
cos ϕ sin ϕ
= I cos ϕ + X sin ϕ
à !
cos ϕ − sin ϕ
= ,
sin ϕ cos ϕ
x0 = ax + b
x0 = (1 + da)x + db = x + x da + db .
∂f ∂f
f (x0 ) = f (x + x da + db) = f (x) + x da + db ,
∂x ∂x
from which we identify the infinitesimal operators
∂ ∂
X1 = x , X2 = .
∂x ∂x
= F (x + ϕ1 y + ϕ2 z + ϕ3 w, y − ϕ1 x − ϕ4 z + ϕ5 w,
z − ϕ2 x + ϕ4 y + ϕ6 w, w − ϕ3 x − ϕ5 y − ϕ6 z) .
and expanding to first order in the ϕi , yields
µ ¶
0 0 0 0 ∂F ∂F
F (x , y , z , w ) = F (x, y, z, w) + ϕ1 y −x
∂x ∂y
µ ¶ µ ¶
∂F ∂F ∂F ∂F
= ϕ2 z −x + ϕ3 w −x
∂x ∂z ∂x ∂w
µ ¶ µ ¶
∂F ∂F ∂F ∂F
= ϕ4 y −z + ϕ5 w −y
∂z ∂y ∂y ∂w
µ ¶
∂F ∂F
= ϕ6 w −z .
∂z ∂w
From these equations and, if necessary, a change in sign of the
corresponding ϕi , we can identify the following differential oper-
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
A1 = z −y , A2 = x −z , A3 = y −x ,
∂y ∂z ∂z ∂x ∂x ∂y
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
B1 = x − t , B2 = y − t , B3 = z − t .
∂t ∂x ∂t ∂y ∂t ∂z
= A3 f ,
∂f ∂ 2f ∂2f ∂ 2f ∂ 2f
=z + yz − xz 2 − y 2 + xy
∂x ∂y∂z ∂y ∂z∂x ∂z∂y
= −A2 f ,
∂ 2f ∂ 2f ∂2f ∂f ∂2f
= xy − x2 − yz 2 + z + xz
∂z∂x ∂z∂y ∂x ∂y ∂x∂y
= A1 f .
[Ai , Aj ] = εijk Ak .
∂ 2f ∂f ∂2f ∂ 2f 2
2 ∂ f
= xy − x − xw − yw + w
∂w2 ∂y ∂w∂y ∂x∂w ∂x∂y
∂2f ∂f ∂ 2f ∂ 2f 2
2 ∂ f
−xy + y + yw + xw − w
∂w2 ∂x ∂w∂x ∂y∂t ∂y∂x
∂f ∂f
=y −x
∂x ∂y
= A3 f ,
= −A2 f ,
∂2f ∂f ∂ 2f ∂2f 2
2 ∂ f
= yz − y − yw − zw + w
∂w2 ∂z ∂w∂z ∂y∂w ∂y∂z
∂2f ∂f ∂2f ∂ 2f 2
2 ∂ f
−yz + z + zw + yt − w
∂w2 ∂y ∂w∂y ∂z∂w ∂z∂y
∂f ∂f
=z −y
∂y ∂z
= A1 f .
These results can be summarized as
[Bi , Bj ] = εijk Ak .
= B3 f ,
∂2f ∂ 2f ∂f ∂ 2f ∂2
= z2 − zw −y − yz + yw 2
∂y∂w ∂y∂z ∂w ∂z∂w ∂z
∂2f ∂ 2f ∂f ∂ 2f ∂2f
−z 2 + yz +w + zw − yw 2
∂w∂y ∂w∂z ∂y ∂z∂y ∂z
∂f ∂f
=w −y
∂y ∂w
= −B2 f ,
= B1 f .
[Ai , Bj ] = εijk Bk .
[Ji , Jj ] = 14 [Ai + Bi , Aj + Bj ]
³ ´
= 4
[Ai , Aj ] + [Ai , Bj ] + [Bi , Aj ] + [Bi , Bj ]
= εijk 12 (Ak + Bk )
= εijk Jk ,
[Ki , Kj ] = 14 [Ai − Bi , Aj − Bj ]
³ ´
= 1
[Ai , Aj ] − [Ai , Bj ] − [Bi , Aj ] + [Bi , Bj ]
= εijk 12 (Ak − Bk )
= εijk Kk ,
[Ji , Kj ] = 14 [Ai + Bi , Aj − Bj ]
³ ´
= 1
[Ai , Aj ] − [Ai , Bj ] + [Bi , Aj ] − [Bi , Bj ]
= 0.
Group Theory
Problem Set 10 December 11, 2001
2. Prove Euler’s theorem: The general displacement of a rigid body with one fixed point is
a rotation about an axis.
4. Consider the rotation matrix obtained by rotating an initial set of axes counterclockwise
by φ about the z-axis, then rotated about the new x-axis counterclockwise by θ, and
finally rotated about the new z-axis counterclockwise by ψ. These are the Euler angles
and the corresponding rotation matrix is
cos ψ cos φ − cos θ sin φ sin ψ cos ψ sin φ + cos θ cos φ sin ψ sin ψ sin θ
− sin ψ cos φ − cos θ sin φ cos ψ − sin ψ sin φ + cos θ cos φ cos ψ cos ψ sin θ
sin θ sin φ − sin θ cos φ cos θ
Verify that the angle of rotation ϕ of this transformation is given by
¡ ¢ £ ¤ ¡ ¢
cos 12 ϕ = cos 12 (φ + ψ) cos 12 θ
6.∗ Verify that the direct product of two irreducible representations of SO(3) has the fol-
lowing decomposition
1 +`2
8.∗ Show that the requirement that xx∗ +yy ∗ is invariant under the complex transformation
à ! à !à !
x0 a b x
y0 c d y
together with the determinant of this transformation being unity means that the trans-
formation must have the form
à 0! à !à !
x a b x
y0 −b∗ a∗ y
2. If the fixed point is taken as the origin of the set of axes of the
body, then the displacement of the rigid body involves no trans-
lation, but only a change of orientation, i.e., a rotation. Since, in
three dimensions, every rotation can be expressed in an axis-angle
representation, Euler’s theorem follows immediately.
= (x ∓ iy)m e±imϕ ,
so they generate the representation
" # Ã !" #
(x0 + iy 0 )m 0 eimϕ (x + iy)m
= .
(x0 − iy 0 )m e−imϕ 0 (x − iy)m
1 + 2 cos ϕ = 4 cos2 ( 12 ϕ) − 1 ,
we obtain
We also have
= (1 + cos θ) sin(φ + ψ) .
X̀ X̀ X̀
= e−i(m−1)ϕ + e−imϕ + e−i(m+1)ϕ .
m=−` m=−` m=−`
0 X
= e−im ϕ + e−im ϕ
m0 =−`−1 m0 =−`+1
0 X
= e−im ϕ + e−im ϕ .
m0 =−(`+1) m0 =−(`−1)
0 X
= e−im ϕ + e−im ϕ
m0 =−`−k m0 =−`+k
`+k X
−im0 ϕ 0
= e + e−im ϕ . (1)
m0 =−(`+k) m0 =−(`−k)
0 X̀ h 0 0 0
χ(`) (ϕ)χ(` ) (ϕ) = e−imϕ ei` ϕ + ei(` −1)ϕ + · · · + e−i` ϕ
0 0 0
= χ(`+` ) (ϕ) + χ(`+` −1) (ϕ) + · · · + χ(`−` ) .
(`) `0
χ (ϕ)χ (ϕ) = χ(m) (ϕ) ,
= (1 − cc∗ )b∗ + (1 + b∗ c∗ )c
= b∗ + c = 0
which yields
c = −b∗
The second of equations (4) then immediately yields
a = d∗ (5)
Thus, the transformation (2) must have the form
à ! à !à !
x0 a b x
y0 −b∗ a∗ y
where aa∗ + bb∗ = 1.