Unit 1 - Shear Strength - Principals
Unit 1 - Shear Strength - Principals
Unit 1 - Shear Strength - Principals
would be equal to, or greater than, the shearing resistance or shear strength of soil to
that surface ( s ). Shear stresses in soil masses are mainly developed due to having one
of the following loading conditions:
Loading conditions that generate shear stresses in soil masses (note: 1' and 3' are the effective major and minor principal stresses)
Friction along reinforcement elements in reinforced earth walls (soil/galvanized steel interface)
Friction along components of landfill cover or liner systems (soil/geomembrane, soil geotextile or geomembrane/geotextile interfaces)
It should be noted that the soil interface shear strength ( si ) is usually determined
as a function of the soil shear strength (s ) as well as the type and roughness of the
interface material (concrete, steel, textile, membrane….etc.). Fundamentally,
failure of soil in shear can be studied using the principals of Engineering
Mechanics. For example, Mohr’s rupture diagram can be drawn for loaded soil
specimen as shown on the following diagram.
Shear stress on failure plane = shear strength of soil = s = ( 1' − 3' ) sin 2
= angle of failure plane to the direction of the plane of the major principal stress
Note: the at-rest condition for soil can be represented on the diagram by a circle
(nonfailure circle) with a radius smaller than that of the failure circle.
stresses ( 1' − 3' ) would be needed to cause shear failure. One point on the
perimeter of each of these failure circles represents the stress condition (pair
of n and t ) on the failure plane (i.e., t = s). The curve (line) that passes
through these points (i.e., the tangent of all failure circles) is called the rupture
line or the shear strength envelope. By definition, any point located below
such envelope represents the stress condition on a nonfailure plane. The
envelope is unique for each soil as it is the locus of points that represent stress
conditions (pairs of n' and s ) on failure planes developed in such soil when
failed under different principal stresses.
Shear Strength of Soil - Principals- 11 Eid, H.T.
In general, the rupture line or the shear strength envelope, for a soil, tested under a given set of
conditions, is curved. However, a segment of the curve may be approximated by a straight line
with the equation:
s = c + n' tan
Where: s = Shearing resistance or shearing strength
n' = effective normal stress on the failure plane
c = apparent cohesion or cohesion intercept
= friction angle or angle of internal friciton (note: tan is called the friction coefficient)