0006-BS 142 - Section 1.1 - 1982

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BS 142 : Section 1.1: 1982 une 621.3185 001.4 © British Standards Institution. No part | of this publication may be photocopied for otherwise reproduced without the prior permission in wering of BSI | British Standard Electrical protection relays Part 1. Information and requirements for all protection relays Section 1.1 Glossary of protection relay terms Relais de protection électrique Partie 1. Informations et exigences relatives & tous les relais de protection Section 1.1 Glossaire des termes sur les relais de protection Elektrische Schutzrelais Teil 1. Informationen iiber und Anforderungen an Schuterelais jeder Art Abschnitt 1.1 Begriffe der Schutzrelais British Standards Institution BS 142 : Section 1.1: 1982 Contents Page Inside front cover Back cover Glossary Subsection one, General terms 1 Subsection two, Terms relating to energization (input and auxiliary} 2 Subsection three, Terms relating to conditions and operation af a relay 4 Subsection four. Terms relating to influencing quantities or factors 5 Subsection five. Terms relating to measuring relays 6 Foreword This Section of BS 142, having been prepared under the irection of the General Electrotechnical Engineering Standards Committee, is one of a series that will collectively supersede BS 142 : 1966 which is withdrawn. {It describes terms and definitions used in connection with protection relays. Some of these are taken directly from 1EC Publication 50 ‘International Electrotechnical Page Subsection six. Terms relating to times 7 Subsection seven. Terms relating to accuracy applicable to a given relay {measuring relay and specified time relay) ? Subsection eight. Terms relating to duties of relays 8 lodex. 10 Figures 1. Explanatory diagram for the terms 311103185 2. Example of a multi-input energizing quantity independent specified:time relay 9 \Vocabularly’ (EV) Chapter 446 ‘Electrical relays’. Where this isso, the number in parentheses after the BS number is ‘the corresponding IEV number, ‘The use of some of the specialized terminology is illustrated in figure 2 which shows a typical example of a multi= input energizing quantity specified:time relay. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. BS 142 : Section 1.1: 1982 British Standard Electrical protection relays Part 1. Information and requirements for all protection relays Section 1.1 Glossary of protection relay terms NOTE, This Section should be 669 in conjunction with 8S 142 : Part "General induction ant list of Parts Subsection one. General terms No Term Detinition 101 (446.01.01) electrical relay A dvice designed to produce sudden, pre-determined changes in one for more electrical output circuits, when eertain conditions are fulfilled in the electrical input circuits controlling the device. NOTE 1, The tem celay should be restricted toa celay unit having single relaying function betwen is input esuits NOTE 2. The trm cel include all the components that are nacestary tor its specified operstion NOTE 3. The adicetive ecwicel’ may be deleted when no ambiguity may NOTE 4°. For protection or allied automatic contro! purpotts, the name of ‘the ‘single elaying turetion’ (se note 1 should be added to quality the relay In this case and according Yo the specified Function Idetind by the standards br by the manufacturer, the elay may inelude on ausiiay relay vn order to Desform as required, eg () busnes samod Aaa 40 36UEN (2) ‘gas 2 a4h ut wore (p} “aycens 2p a ‘9 ‘spunouins a 40 Auypuny pue aumvesediy (e} 10 anueuvopad aq 19418 ‘ane 2509:2)1 BoE in u0%9e) pu eatiivenD burousrijulendhy. ‘oie pue sennuend Sulsuenyu Aiddns 9-0 BS 142 : Section 1.1: 1982 Index absolute erro accuracy class index actual value of a specified time all-or-nothing relay assigned error auxiliary circuit auxiliary energizing quantity basic value of the characteristic quantity bistabie relay ile characteristic quantity (of a measuring relay] condition of a bistable relay onnistency continuous duty conventional error dependent-time measuring relay disengaging percentage disengaging ratio disengaging time disengaging value of the characteristic quantity effective range electrical relay electromechanical relay energized condition energizing quantity extreme range of an influencing factor extreme range of an influencing quantity axtremely-inverse-time relay independent-ime measuring relay influencing factor influencing quantity initial condition input circuit input energizing quantity Jnverse-time relay inverse-time relay with definite minimum time limiting continuous thermal withstand value of an energizing quantity limiting dynamic value of an energizing quantity limiting ertor limiting short-time thermal withstand value of an ergizing quantity limiting value of the characteristic quantity maximum resetting time measuring relay monostable relay nominal range of an influencing factor nominal range of an influencing quantity ‘on specitied-time relay operated condition operating time operating value of the characteristic quantity ‘operative range of an auxiliary energizing quantity of arelay operative range of an input energizing quantity of an allornathing eiay 701 mm 604 102 ne 208 203 505 14 508 501 319 708 801 702 107 516 515. 608, 514 208 210 706 209 504 610 904 104 113 407 406 108 312 607 503 213 a ‘operative range of an input energizing quantity of a ‘measuring relay overshoot time primary relay programme (time) protection equipment protection relay protection system rated burdon of an energizing circuit rated impedance of an energizing circuit rated power of an energizing cireuit rated value of an energizing quantity recovery time relecence conditions of influencing quantities and factors reference consistency reference limiting error reference mean error reference value of an influencing factor reference value of an influencing quantity relative er returning percentage returning ratio returning time returning value of the characteristic quantity secondary relay shunt relay seiting range of a specified time setting range of the characteristic quantity setting ratio ofa specified time setting ratio of the characteristic quantity setting value of a specified time setting value of the characteristic quantity specified drop-out value specified nondrop-out value specified nonpick-up value specified pick-up value specified time specitied:-time relay satic relay static relay with output contact, static relay without output contact, temporary duty temporary duty maximum value of a characteristic quantity time programme to change over to cycle to disengage 10 drop out to energize a relay to operate to pick up to switeh ransiont over reach unenergized condition variation of the mean error very-inverse time relay 10 22 612 18 502 122 103 123, 214 218 24a 207 6 405 709 707 708 404 403 703 513 512 609 51 16 un? 605 509 608 510 603 502 307 308 310 309 601 105 110 mt 12 02 508: 602 305 306 316 304 204 317 303 315 318 313 314 517 301 70 19 © For information about BSI services relating to thitd party certification to suitable British Standard product specications, schemes for the 1ogstration of firms of assessed capably, testing and inspection facilities and Technical He'p to Exporters, please contact the Director, Quality Assurance Division SI, Maylands Avenue, Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP2 4SQ. Tel Hemel Hempstead 3111 ‘This British Standard, having boon prepared ud the ciaction of the General Eleetoteehnca! Engineering Standards Cornette, wat Dublished under the authonty of hr Board cf BSI and cones sito ¥tect on 20 Novernber 1982 1 Beiuah StendordsInstiution, 1982 {SBN 0 580 12903 9 British Standards institution Incorporated by Rays! Charter, BSLis the independent national body forthe preparation of Brita Standard. Ir tne UK member fof the internaniona’ Organ.2aton for Standardization and Uk sponsor of the Britsh National Corimstt ofthe International Electiotechrical Common Ccooyeiaht Users of Batsh Standards ae rrminded that cop ight subst {1 BSI pubvications No part of ths pubication may be reprocices ‘many form without the orior permssion in writing of BSI Ths does not preclude the 146 ue, in the eoure of mplasenting| rade designations. Enauires should be adresse to the Cooperating organizations ‘The General Electrotechnical Engineering Standards Committe, ‘under wnose direction th Brith Standard wat prepared, conse ‘of represencatives Irom the folloning ‘Associtad Otfices Technical Committee British Approvals Service for Electric Cables Ltd Siitsh Electrical and Alling Manufacturers Aesoeiation [BEAMA) Brith Radio Equipment Manufacturers’ Atsasiation Britsh Stee! Corporat on Department of Eneray (Electricity? Department of Incust'y Electric Cable Makers’ Confederation Etectries! Contractors” Association Electrical Contractors Assocation of Scotian {Elacirienty Supply industry im England and Wells *Elec:ronie Companents Industry Federation Etectranie Engineering Asociet on Enarey Industries Coureil Ensineering Equipment Users’ Association Era Technology Utd Heath and Safery Executive Amendments issued since publication BS 142 : Section 1.1: 1982 Publications Manager, 101 Pentanwilie Rood, London f1 9NB (Teleanone 01-857 880K: Teles 22218) Contract requtements 1 uitsh Standare does nor purport to «clade all te nacestary provsars al cont User of Br Standards ne ipo Fevsion of Brith Stanirels th Standards are revse, when necessary, by the sue ether af amendments or of revised! editions eis important that wats of ‘British Standards should ascertain that they ae in possession oF the latest amendments oF editions. Information onal 8ST ppubbeations sm the BS Yearbook, suppemtented each manth By 48S! News uch i avaible to suDseroiny members et te Institution ana ges dete of sais pubiicetions. reunions ‘amendments aed wathdeowe standard Ay pe'son sh, whan ‘moking use ofa Britah Standare, eneountue an naceurcey wn ambiguity. recuerted to potty BSI wth celoy sone that {Me matter may be mvestigated and spproprate ation faker “he following BSI references eine to the work on the standart Committe teterence GELS. Draft for comment 78/30874 DC Home Oftice sInetitution of Electoes! Engineers *Minstry of Detence National Coa! Board (01) Companies Material Association Pox Othce *Telecommunication Engineering and Marutacturing Asacition TeMan ‘Trades Union Consrees ‘The organizations marked with an aterisk inthe above list together ‘wath ne folowing, were directly epresented on the Technical CCommitece entrusted with the reparation of his Brith Sanders Association of Consulting Engineers onto ane Automation Manufactures” Awociaton {BEAMA) National Superising Inspectorate South of Sealand Eleetnesty Board “Transmission and Ditibution Association Amd. No, Date of issue | Text affected British Standards Institution - 2 Park Street London WIA 28S » Telephone 01-629 9000 2211-6-1.54-8 Telex 266933 rls “A C86L LL YORDeS : ZpL Sa

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