March 2017 Physiology

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DATE: 29/1/2018 TIME: .9.00a.m DURATION: 2 HOURS



College Number: .................................................................

Read these instructions carefully before attempting the paper
1. Write your examination number in the space provided and on ALL the answer sheets
2. The paper consists of three sections A, B and C. All questions in sections A and B are
compulsory. Choose ONE question in section C.
3. Section A (40 marks) consists of 40 multiple choice questions. Select by circling the
letter corresponding to the correct answer from FOUR choices given in each question
or as instructed otherwise
4. Section B (40 marks) consists of TEN short answer questions.
5. Section C consists of TWO essay questions (20 marks). Answer ONE.

1. The following are function of HCL in stomach except?

a) Denature enzymes
b) Kills bacteria
c) Activate pepsinogen to pepsin
d) Initiate digestion of carbohydrate
2. Function of Neurotransmitters include the following except?
a) Causes muscles to contract or relax
b) Causes glands to secrete products
c) Activates neurons to send nerve impulses, inhibiting neurons from sending nerve impulses
d) Denature enzymes
3. Ant diuretic Hormone (ADH) produced in the hypothalamus does the following except?
a) Increases the permeability of the kidney tubules to water
b) Promotes the reabsorption of the water from the urinary filtrate
c) Decrease volume of urine
d) Inhibit the reabsorption of the water from the urinary filtrate
4. Insulin is an hormone secreted by the Beta Cells has the following physiological effect except
a) promotes lower blood glucose levels by:
b) promoting glycogenesis, protein synthesis, and lipogenesis
c) promoting cellular uptake
d) Promoting glycogenolysis.
5. Cholecystokinin (CCK) hormone is secreted in duodenum to serve the following function except?
a) Increase pancreatic enzyme secretion
b) Stimulate gallbladder contraction release bile
c) Decrease gastric motility (slows emptying)
d) Neutralize HCL
6. The adrenal glands are located superior to the kidneys on either side of the:
a) Liver
b) Stomach
c) Vertebral column
d) Thyroid gland

7. The pineal gland produces the hormone ________, which protects nervous tissue and regulates sleeping
a) Glucagon
b) Melanin
c) Corticosteroids
d) Estrogen and progesterone

8. The pancreatic islets are clusters of cells in the pancreas that secrete the following hormones, except:
a) Insulin
b) Glucagon
c) Testosterone
d) Somatostatin
9. One of the hormones released by the kidneys is:
a) Natriuretic peptides
b) Erythropoietin
c) Estrogen
d) Melanin
10. Stress stimulates the ________ to produce hormones that ramp up body activity in the fight or flight
a) Pancreas
b) Adrenal glands
c) Thyroid
d) Pineal gland

11. The parathyroid glands secrete ________ which increases calcium levels in the blood by stimulating the
bones, intestines, and kidneys.
a) Thyroxine (T4)
b) Melanin
c) Parathyroid hormone
d) Epinephrine (E)

12. The release of cortisol is stimulated by

a) aldosterone
b) angiotensin
c) antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
d) adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
13. The ________ gland oversees metabolism and growth, while the ________ oversees immune responses.
a) Parathyroid, thymus
b) Gonads, thyroid
c) Adrenals, thyroid
d) Thyroid, thymus

14. The following body functions are regulated by glands in the endocrine system, except:
a) Urine production
b) Sexual development and function
c) Metabolism and growth
d) Immune responses

15. The Organ of Corti is contained within the:

a) Scala vestibuli
b) Cochlear duct
c) Scala tympani
d) Semicircular canals

16. The hypothalamus releases regulatory hormones into the hypophyseal portal system, a closed capillary bed
around the:
a. Adrenal gland
b. Anterior pituitary gland
c. Hypothalamus
d. Thyroid

17. What does the pituitary gland produce?

a) Sweat
b) Hormones
c) Sex cells
d) Blood cells

18. Aldosterone produced by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland regulates:
a) Blood pressure
b) Urine production
c) electrolytes
d) Uterine contractions

19. The olfactory nerve passes through which of the following structures?
a) Sphenoid bone
b) Nasal cavity
c) Cribriform plate
d) Frontal sinus

20. In vision, light passing through the ________ is refracted and projected onto the ________.
a) Vitreous chamber, cornea
b) Retina, lens
c) Lens, retina
d) Lens, cornea

21. When the lens focuses incoming light at a point within the vitreous chamber, which occurs?
a) Nearsightedness
b) Farsightedness
c) Normal vision
d) Better than normal vision

22. Meissner corpuscles can detect all of the following, except:

a) Touch
b) Pressure
c) Vibration
d) Temperature

23. The cranial nerves that have autonomic functions are:

a) I, III, and X
b) VII, IX, II, and XI
c) III, VII, IX, and X
d) I, II, VIII, and IX

24. Parasympathetic neurons release which neurotransmitter?

a) Acetylcholine (ACh)
b) Norepinephrine (NE)
c) Epinephrine (E)
d) All of the above

25. All of the following are sympathetic responses, except:

a) Digestion
b) Pupil dilation
c) Increase of blood glucose level
d) Dilation of airways

26. Vibrations are transferred through the ear in which order?

a) Stapes, incus, malleus, tympanic membrane, cochlea
b) Malleus, incus, stapes, tympanic membrane, cochlea
c) Tympanic membrane, malleus, incus, stapes, cochlea
d) Tympanic membrane, incus, stapes, malleus, cochlea
27. Which of the following body functions is controlled by the somatic nervous system?
a) Heart rate
b) Peristalsis
c) Skeletal muscle movement
d) Respiration

28. Which of the following nerves has only motor functions?

a) Olfactory
b) Facial
c) Glossopharyngeal
d) Hypoglossal

29. Which best describes the pathway of circulation for cerebrospinal fluid?
a) Lateral ventricles, third ventricle, fourth ventricle
b) Lateral ventricles, third ventricle, fourth ventricle, central canal
c) Central canal, fourth ventricle, third ventricle, lateral ventricles
d) Fourth ventricle, third ventricle, lateral ventricles

30. The primary function of the cerebellum is to:

a) Process sensory input
b) Coordinate movement and muscle tone
c) Issue motor commands directly to muscles
d) Relay reflex signals

31. Which of the following statements about cranial nerves is false?

a) They arise from the brain
b) They are part of the peripheral nervous system
c) They innervate only the head and neck
d) They are numbered based on where they originate along the brain’s long axis
32. Which of the following is involved in the conversion of Angiotensin I to Angiotensin II?
a) angiotensinase
b) Angiotensin converting enzyme
c) Adenosine
d) Rennin
33. Which of the following effects of acidity in the stomach is not helpful to the digestive functions of the
gastrointestinal system?
a) Killing of ingested pathogenic microorganisms.
b) Denaturising of ingested proteins.
c) Cleaving of pepsinogen to its active form, pepsin.
d) Providing the correct pH for pepsin to act.
34. Which of the following is the first branching of the bronchial tree that has gas exchange capabilities
a) Terminal bronchioles
b) Alveoli
c) Segmental bronchi
d) Alveolar ducts
35. Which of the following could not be part of an acinus,
a) Alveolar sacs
b) Alveolar ducts
c) Terminal bronchioles
d) Respiratory bronchiole

36. What role does vitamin B12 play in the function of the nervous system?
a) It is a raw material for synthesis of myelin sheath
b) It used by some supportive cells to nourish neurons
c) It speeds up the conduction of action potential
d) It supports the recycling of neurotransmitters that have been broken down

37. What is the physiologic role of the polar body that develops during oogenesis?
a) To receive half the number of chromosomes thereby making the ovum haploid.
a) To donate its cytoplasm to the oocyte.
b) To supply the oocyte with the much needed nutrients.
c) To stimulate the development of primitive ovarian follicles at about day 105.

38. During the relative refractory period of action potential

a) A second action potential can never be generated
b) The membrane can be depolarized easily and readily
c) A second action potential can be generated only if the stimulus is very strong.
d) The membrane is totally resistant to stimulation.

39. Which of the following statements about tropic hormones is not correct?
a) Are common among populations which live in the tropical regions.
b) Cause growth and hypertrophy of their target glands if secreted in high concentrations.
c) Cause atrophy and diminished activity of their target glands if secreted in low concentrations.
d) Are secreted mainly by the anterior pituitary gland.

40. A lecturer has instructed a group of physiology students to identify the body systems that contribute the
most when they participate actively in physiology lectures by listening attentively, answering and asking
questions. Which of the following systems is matched with the incorrect role?
e) Respiratory system: ……….Availability of oxygen to body organs
f) Cardiovascular system: ……Availability of oxygen to body organs.
g) Nervous system: …………..Attention and active participation.
h) Musculoskeletal system: …… Attention and active participation.
a) State the role of the blood brain barrier (2mks)
b) State the functions of the medulla oblongata (2mks)

42. State four functions of a nephron (4mks)

43. Explain the four phases of the action potential of action potential (4mks)
44. State the four actions of testosterone hormone in the human body (4mks)
45. Outline the three phases involved in food digestion (3mks)
46. State four functions of the hypothalamus (4mks)
47. Define tidal volume and residual volume (4mks)
48. Explain the physiology of hearing (4mks )
49. State any two endocrine disorders, how it presents and the hormone(s) which causes the disorder (4mks)
50. Describe the biosynthesis of Thyroxine hormone (4mks)
51. State any two buffers systems involved in the renal system (2mks)


a) Discuss the various fate of carbon dioxide from the time it crosses into red blood cell to the time it is
exhaled from the alveoli (10mks)
b) Discuss estrogen hormone under the following
i. Site/s of secretion (2mks)
ii. Regulation (3mks)
iii. Functions (5mks)

53. Discuss functions of human skin (20marks)

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