Appraising and Rewarding Performance
Appraising and Rewarding Performance
Appraising and Rewarding Performance
EDUC 203
" The typical persons rate his or her performance at
about the 80th percentile. so, people tend to believe
they're doing better than most of the peope around
-Edward E. Lawler
Money often has high valence. This dual role means that most
employees do respond to money as a reward.
Behavior Modification The two desired conditions for applying
contingent rewards under behavior modification principles,
employees can see that there is a direct connection between
performance and reward.
Level of
Level of Instrumentality
Situation Economic
Performance Condition
1 HIGH HIGH Desirable
2 HIGH LOW Undesirable
3 LOW HIGH Undesirable
4 LOW LOW Desirable
2. Action planning
-participated or even independent planning by the employee as to how to
reach those objective.
Organizational Behavior and Performance Appraisal
3. Periodic reviews
-joint assessment of progress toward objectives by manager and employee,
perform informally sometimes spontanously
4. Annual evaluation
-more formal assessment of success in ahieving the employee's annual
objectives, coupled with a renewal of the planning cycle.
Performance Appraisal
Performance Appraisal Plays a key role in reward
• is an organizational necessity
• is based on well-defined, objectives criteria
• is based on careful job analysis
• uses only job-related criteria
• is supported by adequate studies
• is applied by trained, qualified raters
• is applied objectively throughout the organization
Appraisal Approaches
This is an opportunity for the employee to be
introspective and to offer a personal assessment of his or
her accomplishments.
Performance Feedback
Feedback enhances an employee's self-image and
feeling of competence. It leads to both improved
performance and improved attitudes if handled properly
by the manager.
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