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 The inability of two different plant parts grafted or budded
together, to produce a successful union and to develop into a
composite plant is termed as ‘graft incompatibility’ .
 Graft failure can be caused by anatomical mismatching, poor
craftsmanship, adverse environmental conditions, diseases and
graft incompatibility.
 Graft incompatibility occurs because of following reasons:
 Adverse physiological responses between the grafting
 Virus or phytoplasma transmission
 Anatomical abnormalities of vascular tissue in the callus
Graft union malformation resulting from incompatibility can usually be
correlated with certain external symptoms.
The following symptoms have been associated with incompatible graft
I. Failure to form a successful graft or bud union in a high percentage of
II.Yellowing of foliage in the latter part of the growing season, followed by
an early defoliation, decline in vegetative growth, appearance of shoot die-
back, and general ill health of the tree
III. Premature death of the trees, which may live for only a year or two in
the nursery
IV. Marked difference in growth rate of the scion and rootstock
V. Over growth at, above or below the graft union
VI. Suckering of rootstock
VII. Breakdown of graft union cleanly
 Graft incompatibility is of two types
1) Localized (non-translocated) incompatibility and
2). Translocated incompatibility.

Localized (non-translocated) incompatibility

Graft combination in which a mutually compatible interstock overcomes
the incompatibility of the scion and rootstock.
The interstock prevents physical contact of the rootstock and
scion and affects the physiology of the normally incompatible scion
and rootstock.
A good example is Bartlett pear on quince rootstock.
When mutually compatible Old Home or (Beurre Hardy) is used
as inter-stock the three graft combination is completely
compatible and satisfactorily tree growth takes place.
 Translocated incompatibility
It includes certain graft/rootstock combination in which the
insertion of a mutually compatible interstock does not
overcome incompatibility.
 This can be recognized by the development of a brown line or
necrotic area in the bark at the rootstock interface.
 Consequently carbohydrate movement from the scion
to the rootstock is restricted at the graft union.
 Hale’s Early peach grafted onto Myrobalan-B plum
rootstock is an example of translocated incompatibility.
 The tissues are distorted and a weak union forms.
Abnormal quantities of starch accumulate at the base of
the peach scion. If the mutually compatible ‘Brompton’
plum is used as interstock between Hale’s Early peach
and Myrobalan- B rootstock the incompatibility systems
persists, with an accumulation of starch in the
Brompton inter-stock.
 Nonpareil almond on Mariana ‘2624’ plum rootstock
shows complete phloem breakdown, although the
xylem tissue connections are quite satisfactory.
 In contrast Texas almond on Mariana- 2624 plum rootstock produces a
compatible combination. Inserting 15 cm piece of ‘Texas’ almond as an
inter-stock between the Nonpareil almond and the incompatibility
between these two component.
 Delayed incompatibility
Some apricot cultivars grafted onto Myrobalan plum rootstock will not
break at the graft union until the trees are full grown and bearing
 Graft incompatibility can take as long as 20 years to occur. Other
examples are conifers, oaks and cherry on pazza (Prunus cerasoides)
Pathogen induced incompatibility
 These graft union failures resemble incompatibility symptoms, but are
due to pathogens like virus or phytoplasma. Tristeza is an important
example of virus induced incompatibility in citrus.
 Failure of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) budded onto sour orange
(Citrus aurantium) rootstock is due to toxic substance from sweet
orange, but lethal to the sour orange rootstock.
 Other examples are black line in English walnut (Juglans regia), which
infects susceptible walnut rootstocks, apple union necrosis and
decline and brown line of prune, which is caused by tomato mosaic
virus that is transmitted by soil-borne nematodes to the rootstocks
and then to the graft union.
 Pear decline is due to a phytoplasma, rather than a virus.
 Causes and mechanism of incompatibility
 The large number of different genotypes that can be combined by
grafting produces a wide range of different physiological, biochemical
and anatomical interaction when grafted. Several hypotheses have
been advanced in attempts to explain incompatibility.

A. Physiological and biochemical mechanism

In case of incompatible combination of certain pear cultivars on quince
rootstock, the incompatibility is caused by a cyanogenic glucoside,
prunasin, normally found in quince, but not in pear tissues.
Prunasin is translocated from the quince into the phloem of the pear.
The pear tissues, breakdown the prunasin in the region of the graft
union, with hydrocyanic acid as one of the decomposition products.
 The presence of the hydrocyanic acids leads to a lack of cambial
activity at the graft union, with pronounced anatomical disturbances
in the phloem and xylem at the resulting union.
 The phloem tissues are gradually destroyed at and above the graft
 Conduction of water and material is seriously reduced in both xylem
and phloem.
 The presence of cynogenic glucosides in woody plants is restricted to
a relatively few genera.
 Hence, this relation cannot be considered a universal cause of graft-
B. Modification of cells and tissue:
 The lignification process of cell in walls is important in the formation
of strong union in pear-quince grafts.
 Adjoining cell walls in the graft union of incompatible combination
contain no lignin and are interlocked only by cellulose fibres.
 With incompatible apricot/plum (Prunus) grafts some callus
differentiation into cambium and vascular tissue does occur, however,
a large portion of the callus never differentiates. The union that
occurs is mechanically weak.
C. Cellular recognition: “Cellular recognition is defined as the union
of specific cellular groups on the surface of the interacting cells that
results in specific defined response e.g. pollen-stigma compatibility
recognition responses with glycoprotein surface receptors in flowering
It has been postulated that the critical event deciding compatible and
incompatible grafts may occur when the callus cell first touch. There may be
cellular recognition that must occur in successful graft union formation.

 Predicting incompatible combination:To be able to predict in

advance of grafting whether or not the components of the proposed
scion-stock combinations are compatible would be of tremendous value.
 The different methods used are:
1) Electrophoresis test: This test is being used for testing cambial
peroxidase banding pattern of the scion and rootstock of chestnut, oak and
maple. Peroxidases mediate lignin production.
 Increased peroxidase activity occurs in incompatible grafts as compared to
compatible auto grafts and adjacent rootstock and scion cells must
produce similar lignin and have identical peroxidase enzyme pattern to
ensure the development of a functional vascular system across the graft
 With electrophoresis if the peroxidase bands match the combination may
be compatible, if they do not match incompatible may be predicted.

2) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): Magnetic resonance imaging can

be used to detect vascular discontinuity in bud union of apple.
 High magnetic resonance imaging signal intensity is associated
with bound water in live tissue and the establishment of
vascular continuity between the rootstock and scion. Magnetic
resonance imaging may be useful for detecting graft
incompatibility caused by poor vascular connection.
 Correcting incompatible combination:This is not a
practical, cost-effective way to correct large scale planting of
incompatible grafting partners. Plants would normally be rogued
and discarded.
 With perhaps some isolated specimen trees of value, if the
incompatibility is discovered before the tree die or break off at
the union, a bridge graft could be done with a mutually
compatible rootstock. Another costly alternative is to inarch
with seedling of a compatible rootstock.
 The marched seedlings would eventfully become the main root
Scion – graft union
 A grafted or budded plant can produce unusual growth patterns
which may be different from what would have occurred if each
component part of a graftage viz., rootstock and scion was grown
separately or when it is grafted or budded in other types of
rootstocks. Some of these have major horticultural value.

 This varying aspect of rootstocks will influence the performance of a

scion cultivar or vice versa is known as stock-scion relationship.
A. Effect of stocks on scion cultivars

1. Size and growth habit:

 In apple, rootstocks can be classified as dwarf, semi-dwarf, vigorous

and very vigorous rootstocks based on their effect on a scion
 If a scion is grafted on dwarf rootstocks , the scion grows less
vigorously and remain dwarf only.
 On the other hand if the same scion is grafted on a very' vigorous
rootstock , the scion grows very vigorously.
 In citrus, trifoliate orange is considered to be the most dwarfing
rootstock for grape and sweet oranges.
 On the other hand, in mango, all plants of a given variety are known
to have the same characteristic canopy shape of variety despite the
rootstocks being of seedling origin.
 But mango rootstocks like Kalapade, Olour have been found to
impart dwarfness in the scion cultivars.
 Guava cultivars grafted on Psidium pumilum are found to be dwarf in
 ‘Pusa Srijan’ guava rootstock also imparts dwarfness in Allahabad
Safeda, a commercial cultivar of guava.
2. Precocity in flowering and fruiting:
The time taken from planting to fruiting i.e., precocity is influenced by
rootstocks. Generally fruit precocity is associated with dwarfing
rootstocks and slowness to fruiting with vigorous rootstocks.
Mandarin, when grafted on Citrus jambhiri rootstock is precocious than
those grafted on sweet orange or orange or acid lime rootstocks.

3. Fruit set and yield

The rootstocks directly influence on the production of flower and
setting fruits in oriental Persimmon (Diospyrous kaki cv. Hachiya). When it
is grafted on D. lotus, it produces more flowers but only few mature into
fruits. However, when D. kaki is used as the rootstock, the fruit set is
very high.
 The influence of rootstock on the yield performance of cultivar has
been well documented in many fruit crops.
 Acid limes budded on rough lemon register nearly 70 per cent
increased yield than those budded on troyer citrange, Rangpur lime
or its own rootstock.
 Sweet orange var. Sathugudi budded on Kichili rootstock gave higher
yield than on Jambhiri or on its own seedling.

4. Fruit size and quality

Sathugudi sweet oranges grafted on Gajanimma rootstocks produced
large but poor quality fruits while on its own roots they produced fruits
with high juice content and quality.
 The physiological disorder 'granulation' in sweet orange is very low
if on Cleopatra mandarin seedlings, on the other hand, rough lemon
seedling stocks induced maximum granulation.
 The physiological disorder black end in Bartlett Pear did not appear
if Pyrus communis was used as the rootstock. When Pyrus pyrifolia was
used as the rootstock this disorder appeared, affecting fruit quality.

5. Nutrient status of scion

Rootstocks do influence the nutrient status of scion also. Sathugudi
orange trees have a better nutrient status of all nutrients in the leaves
when it is budded on C. volkarimariana root stock than on its own
rootstock or Cleopatra mandarin stocks.
6. Winter hardiness
Young grapefruit trees on Rangpur lime withstand winter injury better
than on rough lemon or sour orange. Sweet oranges and mandarins on
trifoliate stocks were more cold hardy.

7. Disease resistance
In citrus, considerable variability exists among the rootstocks in their
response to diseases and nematodes. For instance, rough lemon
rootstock is tolerant to tristeza, xyloporosis and exocortis but is
susceptible to gummosis and nematode.
On the other hand, troyer citrange is tolerant to gummosis but
susceptible to exocortis virus disease. Similarly, guava varieties grafted
on Chinese guava. (Psidium frie-drichsthalianum) resist wilt diseases and
8. Ability to resist soil adverse conditions
 Among the citrus rootstocks, foliate orange exhibits poor ability,
while sweet oranges, sour orange, rangpur lime rootstocks exhibit
moderate ability to resist excess salts in the soil.
 Similarly, in pome fruits, variation exists among rootstocks to resist
excess soil moisture or excess boron in the soil.
 Myrobalan plum rootstocks generally tolerate excess boron and
moisture than Marianna plum root or other rootstocks' viz., peach,
apricot or almond
B. Effect of scion on rootstock

1.Vigour of the rootstocks:

 In apple, it has been found that if apple seedlings were budded with
the 'Red Astrachan' apple, the rootstock produced a very fibrous
root system with few tap roots.
 On the other hand if scion 'Goldenburg' was budded on the
seedlings, they produced two or three pronged deep roots without
fibrous root system.
 In citrus, if the scion cultivar is less vigorous than the rootstock, the
rate of growth and the ultimate size of the tree is more determined
by the scion rather than the rootstocks.
2. Cold hardiness of the rootstock
Cold hardiness of citrus roots is affected by the scion cultivar. Sour
orange seedlings budded to 'Eureka' suffered much more from winter
injury than the unbudded seedlings.

3. Precocity in flowering
Young mango rootstock seedlings (6 months to one year old) were
found to putforth inflorescence when the branches from old trees are
inarched which can be attributed to the influence of scion on the
 Amla / Fruit of the 21th century / Indian Goose Berry/Amritphal
fruit/Scared tree: Emblica officinalis
 FAMILY : Euphorbiaceae:
 2n=2X=28:
 Origin: Central to Southern India
 Evergreen in tropics whereas deciduous in subtropics
 Subtropical fruit plant and prefers dry subtropical climate
 Amla is a hardy, drought resistant fruit tree.
 Its ability to withstand water stagnation and frost
 More popular as backyard fruit throughout the country
 Very rich in Vitamin-C (600 mg/100g) maximum in mature fruits .
 Uses: Preparation of hair dyes and hair oils
 Only astringent fruit is used for ayurvedic medicine
 Two prominent cropping season : July-August and April-May
 Type of fruit: Capsular drupaceous fruit "
 Type of inflorescence: Racemose
 Edible portion: Mesocarp and Endocarp
 Flowers are borne in the axils of the leaves on determinate shoots

Varieties Breeding methods Specific features

Banarasi Early maturing, shy

Early maturing (Mid- bearing, prone to
Oct to Mid-Noy) heavy dropping of
NA -5 Seedling selection from Bilg frulted variety

N -9 Seedling selection from Banarasi Suitable for preserve and candy

Early maturing (Mid-Oct to making

N-1O Seedling selection from Banarasi Fruits skin yellowish with pink tinge
(Balwant )
Early maturing (Mid-Oct to

Francis Highly susceptible to necrosis

(Hathi jhool )
Mid season- Mid Nov –
Mid Dec
NA -4 Seedling selection from Chakaiya Preferred for pulp extraction
( Kanchan ) industries
Mid season-Mid Nov – Mid
NH- 6 Seedling selection from Free from fruit necrosis ,
(Amrit ) Chakaiya lowest sex ratio
Mid season -Mid Nov –
Mid Dec
NA – 7 Seedling selection from Ideal for commercial
(Neelum ) Francis cultivation , free from
Mid season- Mid Nov – Mid necrosis , ideal variety for
Dec preparation of variety of
Chakaiya Alter bearer , Ideal for
Late maturing (Mid Dec to making pickles
Mid Jan )
Bhwanisagar Selection from Thimban
(BRS- 1 )
Late maturing (Mid Dec to
Mid Jan )

Goma Aishwarya Clonal selection of NA -7 Early variety , Drought

Central Institute for Arid tolerant
Horticulture , Bikaner ,
 NA-4, NA-6, NA-8: Selection from Chakaiya
 NA-5, NA-9, NA-10; Selection from Banarasi ,
 Resistant to fruit necrosis: NA-6, NA-7, Chakaiya
 Limb breakage is major problem NA-7
 NA 7 used as a pollinizer fruit yield increased
 Unfruitfulness is a major problem
 Seed germination is enhanced by soaking of seeds by GA3 @ 500
ppm in 24hrs
 Commercial and more efficient propagation: Patch budding (Highly
 Budding time: mid-May to midAugust
 Planting time: February to March '
 For rejuvenation of old orchards preferred budding: T-budding
 Flowering to fruiting: 8 months % Training: Single stem system (upto
Im height) ,

 Prefers planting system: Square

 Recent problem: Self incompatibility mechanism the non-bearing

condition of fruit trees

 Type of pollination: Cross

 Mode of pollination: Wind

 Pruning: Removal of 50% of the erect growing shoots

 Top working ;
Removal of old, aged and current unreproductive trees e is done for
rejuvenate the inferior variety or unproductive trees.
 Rejuvenation:
 Removal of dense, old and unreproductive tree (senile orchard)
 It involves heading back (Topping) of branches
 Rejuvenation time period: 10-12years for old orchard
 It done a month of December-January
 Shoot thinning is done at May-June
 Type of irrigation: Basin system ;
 Harvesting time: December-February
 Maturity stage: Change seed colour from creamy white to brown
 Number of grades in Aonle 3 meter creamy white to brown
 Economic yield starts at 4-5 years after planting
 Yield: 100-1 50kg/tree
 Internal necrosis is physiological disorder Browning of Mesocarp and
 Francis is highly suceptible for necrosis followed by Banarasi

 Pest and diseases:

 Rust (Ravenelia emblicae): Major disease of aonla growing regions.
 Bark-eating caterpillar: (Indarbela tetraonis)y: Major pest of aonla .

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