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@ into-the campaign without z ‘introducing it tnto the wider eam: although is - ‘paign ot moving (9 a few setting, + return homie hee The World Serpent Inn as a Introducing the World Serpent Transitive Plane Inn to Your Campaign E "The Work « the DM to bin lds inte his heme canbe Gr departed fom at's time and p yerchavactersinto other camps re is Fr she parlance of the Mj ojounn or ext eid of the eWorld Serpent thn isa ore within 1“Afia’ one visit to the Wild Goose, you'll either swear off drinkin’ forever... or start!” ~Gellifar Bracehlate Year of the Tankard (2370 pe) Jadividuall world, although other : he commen ror is domi- fee eee oe||| History of the A) ated by a lange bar surrounded by DM's prerogative. 2 a orsTe Roretyer=ui a a) exotic-locking stools. in the center ‘The: World Serpent ink has the The World Serpent Inn ofthe chamber (variously duscxibed following ‘planar. traits: qlormal eee aad is Square, or octagonal) in avityy timeless, infinite, size, eee a the eater of the Bar area is a mas altciable morphie tit no de. Cees sive pillas lined wth bhelves filed! ‘mental or alignment teail) minor ieee as ‘with all manner of exotic drinks, A positive! enerey trait! impeded reer ere concealed door dads down to: the ‘magic damage reduction and vis ee es wine and bets celles, thought to Le ‘bility, Blonar trait’ aie delined ire) . ‘onvanather plane in the wine esllar in the Dungeon Masters Guide on aoe of 4 bacchanalian god of Aeohol pages my-150 and the Manual of the Soe eee ‘Sarrounding the bat sit tables large ‘Planes on pases 7-24 fou anid small. Lang tables and booths Tn game’ terms, the environ: eer rec es line the walls of the place. One side tient of the World Serpent pn Pane es ‘af the zoom is dominated by a mas- “Gifters from’ the Material lane ‘ment i sill avaiable online, 1 Healing pit (6 feetiivide by 36 a5 follows: creatures ‘do not age |) ear Mal feet long by #0 feet dccp) rinsed by 2 Pobut they do suffer thom liunger ee ee Tow wall on which patrons can fest = and thirst. The back pazsaies and ee oe drink while obseiving a bait below: chambers extend forevet, although ‘The main entrance into the World many doots and passages return - ‘Serpent Inn is'a set of uiuissive dou vwanderers to the'common robin. ble doors leading pasta pair ofeoa- Creatures gain'fast bealing 2 and trooms into. the Fommon too. A | nay even tegtow lost limbs over hhalf'dozen pastages lead! ort of the $1 ame. To cast a spell oF lise 2 spell. common 20088 {Bt5 the back halle |) | like ability, a creature oust make Deseriptions of the inn vary fiom) and chambers af the demiplane, The () Ga successful Spellerait'check (DC world:te world and visitorto visitor, back halls are onifOraily dark and Vis = spell level), Withit Wie Com but certain clenieniy até aways lel, gloomy, although the eenkracion: 0a foom, all creatures gsin dam- im common: the World Sergent ima varies Soin plaster t@ wad lo stone igs xeduction 10/--. All creatures. Consists of a common ra0m built blocks. The back chambers also ‘ain the ability to see Inpisible out arouund’a cénteal bay and 4 maze of | (et in- apperante, representing’the 0 their normal sight range. ‘back cotridors and chambers. The tastes and sensibilities of anal ‘The main entrance to the World inn ists on its own demiplaneand ture of races and cultures Serpent inn is a (wo-way- variable is teregularly linke talewny ollie: ‘The house’ tiles ate Simple, portal whose destination changjes worldin the Mallverse:Vhefarsides Hood's aa the hole: Lewe when quite frequently, The Ing also tis ofthe common roam are alwayshary. youl reddy. Do not attack the waste hundreds of other exits, snost of and indistinct, making precise tap- staf Ateké on othe patrons ate which are one-way portals and’ ping of the inn impossiol storied! by the Hegulary outside of Somé of which are-vatiable porigls, The common toon of thé Warld | the brawling pit, Management isnot accessible from the maze of pas- Serpent Inn sesetibles an ancient responsible for the loss of property sages leading out of the Common, tavern, with plank floors dndetiaot | of lle inthe back rooms. ‘room ia all ditections. The World and vonensble wooden beams aver. ee | Secpent Inn Jas its own Ethereal head. huminationaomesttoniglow ‘The Atmosphere Plane and is coterminous with ing#luted pillaresenteredabouland An eecte, sweet:smelling blue mist the wild desolate reaches.ofDetp a large shaft of light in the center of that. impedes alll forsis of vision ©] Shadow on thePlaneafishadow. the common room. © HU aeresulta creature ean never bee the Ventizely of the common zodmi at its end-patrons ions in the derai- 16 the World § n uaidead ids to out- sean mingle! safely without fear of attack, Others’ dec ipitated 4 tavern brawl, encompassing every patron oF the establishment. bly s inbetween: atnone patsons is all ‘frowaed upon outs Dit where. such disputes. axe. or tally st Hee ae ® Tales of the Wild Goose Although a porta to the World Serpent Inn can appear anywhere ee us od eee ee the only regular means of accessing Mitchifer’s demesne on Faertin ‘requires a visit to the Wild Goose, 3 rur-down tavern along the north- CUO eae agi creo err een ee Ue ence eee he eae aT passing under the signboard of the Wild Goose, standing in front of Crete cornea eee ® on any divine being by name. The invocation must include a proper name of 2 deity and the words “I” and “enter” in the langua Cee ee eee ae See ee ne eee signboard change to read “The World Serpent Ina” across a horizontal ieee rp, Ore-brewed oxble i mountain bre Tet Steroziim, and know how to mak wked celisrs of the inn cm. Background ‘nol furnish, Crowd faye josla Serpent fo stich canegctions as tin is Hamed apt onilen ied ae ner arse eer i aed Hes ee ee ala ea TRUE ULE ee ey : Seo Cee ee on ee CHIU an alt fer alte ae Vale Acca reals on of the WIN Gees! ear pel gee Te see) (hich resulted in teaby of the long tenures Fe a ales Seas) lomehow precipitated the forma Mitchifer Gao be eal oaa Acordes Gaviees tle Wha ates Dh ate phew Ete ley. ienieoricadh Wine Qi Mees | plsne.ic a somnolent deity (e fag of the Serpent, appears tobe «lal it irent of he ari Sekula NPAPGR Manan Ale ae rele See ee es intermittent pottals’ to Worlds. His face is perpetually split ia wide fe eich Ht Cot eagbne a Cpsk- cle etd anor openers oa iftiig, but he tith offsuch con tevealsit isbea thicket of thousands Bis Gly Sy {jeeture is unknown, ofminiature, writhing, white sndkes: PR A cr ‘The World Serpenb ina itself'is Tis eyed hive ornately carved jet- oeg Tyaid to be céniuriessdld, althdugh | black doors ia liu of rises, Evol CHL Uniesshiie uhndteta rl ue pec se ike Suda GRE aa a ose SHOR picts Hhivcldue foiveoneevclng dl Uipaoeeaia ye ever gee Gu most descriptions, the builders gmudges and is unluilingly polite to pi te Wood serpent tea ladhude all ent fegaige GE he pil of the tows tndindall © baton Beale Mecatide day fee archinage ALupantlde Tl oes is Nate citke Sapper ee re ae Ae) or the MENG High Onc) bujond we bane sbaeRtb eae arth, Mofl ssn ince s ted 1 aueh ete apaga ees ce SR ciocis ake asatllog bs creat ota ena eee i arp ted, bal AEP RG "uae wiene @ Hie anne de Jegend claim the third builder to plane). Although he has been slain de esihet neue oo eels eas found at his regular post on subses The Waitstaff icon aan ee ‘che staf of the World Serpent his smile. Be ss ce ins of wha gmbe bride cant IE te Hh, Witchifer, and the sexpentwenches, the DM to determine, but one sage © zs the generally female servers are gestion is to make himaneutral male Fonoal icwe Ace le Ub saan paegon Ge Ld ah Kome reports, the serpent Wenches fighter 20 wlivse hurianlooking @ : ‘Sary greatly in nutubes and race guise is 2 ditect manifestation of the Ar an ae : coo sVatcaes PAM tu Tloes who governs the > — the hall-mad sha'ir immediately led to seek his aren destiny, Afler stumbling throngh a por- tal fo the Werld Sexpent Ian in ‘Mos ofthe serpchivenchesimen 4 the High Desért of Zakhara, Aim. “Tle comely cheribie gromes some! i ‘ROW resid ix & back Yoom and 4 120k i Height saith pointed ears 4 spends bis days inva quiet comer ‘pind hosed wilh «slight, reddish a ofthe coitsnon zoom. The shits ‘ue. They wear revealing frocks 7 Z ‘has fOnmnd a quiet Tine of work “made froth the deep intdiga skin S as an information broker and- “ofc ofhervedalysarieat ee) \ tepliorly meets with genes fiom adored with tink) 4 ) the Hlemental Blanes, ling points of white \ f . light Avelose cami) (J ‘Chch'kraran natiott BC eden wench ‘ J) f Chetan (N male garesuggcnls avicw inte : fl | thrikteen Aghtcr 5) section of the heavens, PP denish 4 [omic Warroffiis a hulking : f ‘thrickrcen standing over “pr the out pa the sek i Reet ball He bas six limbs with “pent Wertes are chagtic neu @ tosh sendy-vellow exoskel- tral female haley home roguts, «on, Fis. foat forward Tinbs: each their exact’ level: should hhavela hand With’ thee Ppets anid ‘he ‘adjusted tol majeh that of the! 4h opposable thamb. Hé Has lost the > player characters. Repindless of fer P {Eo} So naivetl ofyouth byt retains hisinsa- Strength acherpetitwenchigaape, 2 ; Hable sytiosity shout theensioms of > bie otfiiting Inuge platter: of drinks Akin al-Kalaas. other regs. dnd uavigating’ through the always- Akita al-Kaleas (Cit male Zakharan | Chebersantalls ftom the world of ‘crowded commen room without the “munian ‘Shain ay [Dragon Compen- Athas qbiere he was dispatched by his ES dium) ig tall, unnaturally. hin man’ tribe tofe the atyaf lyr to acquite the |The serpent. wenthes arei said’ “feith « dark sotaply beard, hooked famed steel weapons of Tytian cuts. © to hail from ithe tevin of Faetie, mose, and. wild ojes. He wears silk’ men, Hesturmbled into the Ward Ser- oat ist & sesefalberdarkgreen ormuson pent inn by accident long ago and has samite, and always wears adcep ye | never foind away to return, eee af apolhier place Mey low huaba sth with an bloated Chotkratad qs. adapted the aresaid to fear a Ceyamarauder at euby. He cirstes a teak Mafl dined | watstaff and. tegular parsons: of |) Stalls the hadkrords and cross with two interlocking spirals and he World Seepett Inn as his pack roads of heli réatty,butithe naiure topped with 2 brass Ggurine of 2. and evinces complete and uster loy- | of goths CHatice ih cfen exis, caberlagmonke) sity to them. Other pations of the is unkown. i ‘Align fails from Hiya), the City of | World Serpent Tne might find Him Intilgue onthecontiuentorzaktiies feiendlyene mindte and murderons in At-Qapro%. Th his youths, he tried the next The they leveen is a-segular Tike “any liver, the World Ser and fled to magically eoezee the combatant the brawling pits, ashe ‘pent Inn fis 4i@ tegulars: long: sultand of Wiyal to’ mary) him, He has a'tendency to challenge vations time patrons who never seem to later look service with Grandfallier” who give aby offense to che serpent Teave and are as much a partof the “Maran al-jabat al-Hliyali the Old wenches, ao matter how ml backdrop as the-ever-present haze Man of the Mountain, swesring an. Cheblkearan's longstanding jer Some ate tranped here) umable {0° oatli to seive him until Marwanls st ON acquiring stcel weapons for ‘Bnd x vay home, While others have Mccth. Hor many yesis AM led the! fis pack has transformed ihfo in fied their naive worlds and fai Uneleab, a quiet and unsssuming thterestin magical wempona Henov ihe day the doors open widetothe fiction among the holy slayer of reales a living buying and selling placefom which they ron, Ahead: the Evetlasting in the fortress of magic aims and armaments with Ai) deel elsewwheve but cetumn sep Sacihin belier Inown as Assassin. the patrons of the World Serpent hhlatly by wayofialibut-guagnieed” Mountain! Marwan's death finally Inn He kecps his current inventory ‘entrances aiid chit) 1 | released An ftom his oath, and Bene gegives consultations for outrageous sword ina seabbard at his side and | Braksha of Khonaize (LE male rake | fees),'toany Suspect thet! Mellomir wields a finely made trident, Siiasa soreeecr 9) 15.0 painfully thin. bas fbreseon some great cataclysm Born iuthe World of Garraawnas | botmanoid tect githed in great fiow. that will soon! unfold on his native ahuménofitived Oerid-Suel extrice =| ing:robes of purple und gold Hig: wild, which he seeks to avoid by tion, Bhoeblus become an adventurer © Niger fir is prenty, and sparse, sith " residing within the World Serpent only'to die in the bowels of some ‘latge faffs of hair missing from vari: fin, Mellorir’s yallingness to hire nameless dishueon in the Caira hills us Yortions of his snalomy: aiiventurers to recover arlificts of As a cleric was unavailable, a daule “Chis renegade rakshasa is an exile.“ Faerinian constmaction lost on other compatriot ‘elnearnated him, and from the contijent of Khorvaiceon planes adds credente to dhistheory. . Phoebus returned as a lizardZolke © the world of Enrsscn, Dunne the Ay Phoebus is tore intelligent thas last Wan Hel sucoinbed i some Phoebus | most dizardibll, and he speaks sev- "Torts Of cure ani vas driven thlo Phodbus (N male lizardiplk fighter, eral languages While most people | ewile by iSkin, whol feared they’ 13) ia) powesfilly built lieardfoll./ expect Meardtotk to be, savage and ‘ight toolshaze his fae, ‘with claves) hands Tong tail and cruel, Ploebus’ behaves with good ( Krekghalis still finding ‘his place. toothy Jawa He favors! bearskin ature and tact, Amongthe sepulats oftheWorld Seri Joinclath andl Kree-bigh black Afiér many years of tolevating the ‘pent [an for his| constant scheming leather boots inade from the hide of stares’ aad whispered cruclties on ane alterapts fo dojanate fis fellow (a displacés beast He keeps a long. his native world, Phoebus stumbled | ‘ations hale won bint ab allies ainong the chentele! As a’ zeae! the onee-proud Kraksha has been \ fedlced to selling spells to fund [his efforts and ay Bi# mounting tab at ithe bas: ‘Mellomit of Arabel (LN shale ‘Ghondathan ‘human’ divines| 14) Jorekeeper tolarchimage 5) is a ‘dry ‘capper than’ Whose. neatly immed tear and Weta ine pokng "white, Known for his encyclopedic | mnotledge off history and study Hof piophecies and divinations predicted several ‘Gnporlant e¥ents on Ton), includ ing tye desths of Bhaal and Myxkul {during the Thme of Troubles, the reappearance of the fabled Ring of Wine, the invasion of the Tonex Sea by takhdvas, and the return of © the City of Shige, Fis alsa sur- vived several kidnapping attempts and’ single-handedly destroyed an entise Wesigate family aller it ‘eemedhnim afoeand tied zepeate edly to Sssassinale him. Jn tecent years the Seer of Aran ‘bel is hatgély abandoned the cy) for the fauiliat confines of the: World Serpent Inn. Although he _laimis a repulan table atthe World, Sezpent i Dettet. fot buritess (he SepaSoden duriag & aportal to the World Serpent Im in \ ‘ City UF konpate. The rein | the depths of space a {never navigating the backe-corcidors, for |) carnatec {znrdfolk now contéatedly lef, is the timeless ra ‘9 | theyre prone to shift thar config- “af the World Serpent Int, || demipline fas allowed it'd estane ination at random interval: More spearance hardly draws Geath eves bince i over, doors arq known fo rxegularly pe renegade neogi sake yan or ee (oftentimes elie. © Sing bang and sellin he hack balls ofthe Worlg S ae ee paces oes ey hig Gla aria t: m toom the’ chance’ to fecognize the: acca encerer sa)is a honid aber who obey thei “portal that they seek | © sation with eight ne 3 3 Althouph almost anything gocs aan vith St has ng. arvanges gladistorial matches and in the coramon ropm’ ce toumnmmenti in| fhe'brawling pit Serpent Ina, the admmistration: lit aud collects 2 cut of the wagers and control, of the back passiges ie flexible sec topped by placed on such boats. is even more anarchic, Visitors to ‘a naltow, eellike bead with (in: | the orld Serpent inn. regularly smal tick The Backro joms | clit dominion over & section bf SG posted well formed on ts amd Corridors | | coiiter ora handel of rooms, "fae. Tis naturally taneskin is dyed a. ‘The backrosms and” comtidors ‘of charging travelers for eset pet a0 i eel ect the World Seqpent Tih are @ maze place to rest, Curiot “apoits asiark white beard, off passages lined with doors: Some plane seems U6 reject. a fe Uathe (Bearded: Reaver its doors arc poilals (destiibed ab Yor (its random’ recoabguratigns ‘while others ate simple charnbets, Seem 10, xcliably sandepmine any thang i “Gort to elablish long-standing | square’ to’ dozens’ of Ire (dominion over more ohn ibale
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