Low Emission Packing
Low Emission Packing
Low Emission Packing
CECO LEP® , utilizing proprietary COMPLY WITH NEW We also provide new replacement
Resilon-T® material and innovative EMISSION STANDARDS piston rods as worn rods cause
packing design, Stricter federal, state and corporate unwanted gas leakage.
packing in the industry. Proposed new EPA rules, commonly products and services to the gas
When compared with existing known as subpart W, require the industry transmission, gas processing and
packing, LEP dramatically reduces to measure all fugitive gas in the petrochemical industries since 1964.
fugitive emissions, lost and unaccount- compressor station. Based on Encana The reliability and efficiency of LEP
ed for gas, and can be easily installed analysis of 24 LEP converted packing continues our industry leadership in
during routine maintenance in the cases, CECO LEP will conserve 16.4 maximizing compressor operations
field. CECO LEP does not require million cubic feet of gas yearly and cut and cost-saving products and service.
The combined leak rate had and piston rod rebuilding to OEM
been reduced to 2.3 cubic
specifications at our Precision Repair
feet per minute, achieving a 5440 Alder Dr.
Houston,Texas 77081
93% leak rate reduction with Centers. Cases are carefully inspected,
CECO low emission packing. 800-TRYCECO Fax 713-664-6444
machined, lapped and assembled to
Value-Adding Technologies 800-879-2326 Email [email protected]
American Oil & Gas Reporter assure maximum sealing efficiency. www.tryceco.com
Article by Richard Ayala, Encana
® CECO and rMAX are registered trademarks of Compressor Engineering Corporation. Form 2101 August, 2010
U.S. Patent Pending © 2010 Compressor Engineering Corporation
Gas Processing Association Annual Meeting, 2010.