Red Horse Beer The Rising Bottle of Fiber

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By: Group 1
I. Project Name

The Rising Bottle of Fiber

We are the future entrepreneurs entitled our project " The Rising
Bottle Of Fiber" by the reason of the world alarming about global
warming and climate change, The world needed us to prevent
disaster that might happen in the future. This project is applied in
San miguel Corporation that are known for their brewery products.
This project isn't focus only in environmental issues, besides this
project prioritize the safety of the people and consumers.

Using a paper bottle made by a fiber instead of glass bottle is

much better for the environment. According In article titled "Paper
vs Glass: Which is the most eco-friendly material for bottles?"
(2020) Reported by Jessica Paige, glass is made from sand, soda
ash, limestone, and other additives. and due to the heaviness of the
material, transport emissions are high and glass can only be
recycled in furnaces which use high energy in order to reach high
heat, thus emitting pollution

Furthermore, the project also aims to prevent accidents while

using glass bottle of brewery products. Alcohol causes your body
to produce more urine. In turn, urinating more than usual can lead
to dehydration often indicated by thirst, dizziness and
lightheadedness. This can lead into accident when you experience
the effect and suddenly throw the glass bottle there is a possibility
something bad will happen. Therefore instead of glass bottle we
can turn this into paper bottle which is more safe, less hassle and
environmental free for those people who is alcoholic and

San Miguel Corporation is one of the largest and most

diversified conglomerates in the Philippines for over 130 years.​ ​
San Miguel Corporation is a beverage, food and packaging
company.​ ​ Originally founded in 1890s as single product brewery
in the Philippines.​ The Company has since then transformed itself
from a beverage, food and packaging business into a diversified
conglomerate with businesses in fuel and oil, energy,
infrastructure, and real estate industries.

The Company's product portfolio includes beer; spirits; non-

alcoholic beverages; poultry; animal feeds; flour; fresh and
processed meats; dairy products; coffee; various packaging
products; a range of refined petroleum products; and cement. San
Miguel Corporation engages in food and beverage, packaging,
energy, fuel and oil, infrastructure, cement, and banking
businesses worldwide.

Its Food and Beverage segment is involved in feeds production;

poultry and livestock farming; processing and selling poultry and
meat products and refrigerated processed and canned meat
products; milling, producing, and marketing of flour, flour mixes,
bakery ingredients, butter, margarine, cheese, milk, ice cream,
jelly-based snacks and desserts, oils, salad aids, biscuits, and
condiments; importing and marketing of coffee and coffee-related
products; and grain terminal handling.
This segment also produces, markets, and sells fermented, malt-
based, and non-alcoholic beverages; and hard liquor in the form of
gin, Chinese wine, brandy, rum, and vodka. Its Energy segment
generates, sells, retails, and distributes power. Its Fuel and Oil
segment refines and markets petroleum products. Its
Infrastructure segment constructs and develops infrastructure
projects, such as toll roads, airports, railways, and bulk water. The
company also develops, manages, and sells real estate properties;
and manufactures and sells cement.

The company was founded in 1890 and is headquartered in

Mandaluyong City, the Philippines. San Miguel Corporation is a
subsidiary of Top Frontier Investment Holdings, Inc. The company
operates manufacturing and trading facilities in the Philippines,
Hong Kong, China, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and
Australia. SMC is headquartered in Mandaluyong City, Metro
Manila, the Philippines.
III. Project Area

This project focuses on using a Frugal Bottle than the glass

because the Frugal Bottle is lighter than a glass bottle, better for
the environment, has a carbon footprint up to 84% lower than a
glass bottle. It is easy to recycle, and uses less plastic than a
plastic bottle. In being lighter, a paper bottle is easier to carry
and lighter to transport, which means pollution caused by
transportation is lower when compared with glass.

In addition to this, the Frugal Bottle is made from recycled

paperboard. Paperboard is ecologically beneficial as, in general,
the paper recycling process releases 70% less carbon dioxide into
the atmosphere than wood pulp, also, materials used to make
paper can be sourced from sustainably managed forests and
paperboard in particular is readily recyclable and compostable,
making it biodegradable because according to Smartsolve
Company, Paper has higher biodegradation rates when compared
to other kinds of packaging especially plastics and glass. This
means that paper packaging breaks down in natural
environments quickly when exposed to bacteria, yeast, and other
Another reason our team is suggesting this project to San Miguel
Corporation, is that It is very easy to recycle, Paper is one of the
most recyclable materials in the world. In fact, paper and
paperboard made up nearly 67% of the total municipal solid waste
(MSW) recycled in the U.S. in 2018 the highest of any other kind of
material. Plus, according to the American Forest & Paper
Association, the U.S. paper recycling rate has met or exceeded
63% since 2009.

This project will focus on the new packaging and not on the
flavors of it's product the reviews and feedback that we'll get from
the customers will be used as a reference in redesigning the
package. But rest assured that the contents of the product will
still be the same and customers will enjoy a much colder beer than
ever because aside from it is an eco-friendly packaging it is also
double-walled vacuum insulation that helps to keep drinks ice
cold for approximately 5-7 hours.
IV. Before Condition


Glass is a material that is rigid, brittle, and stiff. It fractures under

tension without experiencing a great deal of strain. Glass fragments
may be sharp, and there is a considerable risk of injury. If broken
glass is tainted with harmful chemicals, blood, or infectious
materials that could enter the body through a cut or puncture, it
could also pose a health risk. Dust particles will adhere to glass
surfaces in damp and dusty environments, making them appear
unclean and worn-out and making internal lighting and transparency
poor. To prevent harm to individuals handling waste containers,
properly dispose of both broken and unbroken glassware, pipettes,
vials, and other objects in sharps containers.

Glass is a solidly built material, but it is also easily broken. Glass

packaging weighs more than other types of packaging, is more
expensive than other types and Glass becomes dangerous if it
cracks. If glass breaks, it becomes much more dangerous than a torn
paper bag. Glass edges are sharp enough to break skin, and it's often
hard to find all the pieces. Glass shards that accidentally mix with
food packaging's ingredients can cause internal harm if swallowed.
Even if a customer handles the glass carefully, it's still possible that
a sliver became loose during manufacturing or filling and now poses
a risk on the interior of the container.
V. Solution Description

Above shows a Gantt Chart which has the schedule and plan of
tasks of the project. It aims to complete and manage tasks in a
manner of time. Our team divided the tasks into six (6) sections such
as Market Research, Sourcing, Designing, Production, Marketing, and

Section one or Market Research has 2 tasks: Conducting a survey-

based research to help the company gather data such as feedback,
opinions, and responses from customers. The survey will have a
scaling method questionnaire which will focus on paper bottles and
glass bottles. Second, the Creation of a Volunteer-Run
Environmental Movement. The company will partner up with
volunteer individuals and organizations to act as drop-off points for
the Paper Bottles. It aims to expand sourcing of materials and target

In Section two, Sourcing is where Negotiation with Partners and

Suppliers, Gathering Volunteers for the Environmental Movement,
and Collection of Paper will happen.
Next, the Designing section focuses on Brainstorming and
Creation of Prototype and Elaboration of Product's Specification.
Creating a prototype enables showcasing the product's
functionality, user interface options, and outward appearance.
This will help save time, money and nerves, both of the customer
and performers. By building a prototype, many future mistakes
and corrections can be avoided.

Production shows producing prototype. Making the pre-

production samples will allow firm learn if the basic idea of the
product would be feasible and attractive to the actual customers
or if, maybe, it’s good to change the activity variable to other vital
areas. In the case of a physical product, it also permits knowing
how much the different manufacture departments/manufacturing
contractor are ready to generate the developed items with
needed time and quality. Testing samples helps company to
immediately detect the defects of the product or discrepancies
with the specifications. The company will start utilizing the
materials gathered from organizations.

The company will also do market the product. They can use
S.W.O.T analysis to determine their advantage and disadvantages
from other products. They can promote paper bottles or the
product on the markets and have the customer test-use it beside
using television or social media marketing. This will let buyers
know the product capability and advantages.

Lastly, approval needs to be done especially with co-partners

and suppliers. The company might need to use special machines
to make the outputs so they will probably find different suppliers.
VI. Benefits Category

The only constant thing in the world is change. New trends

are coming out due to innovations and the constantly
changing nature of consumer demands, thus the product
packaging also evolves continually. Many industries consider
paper packaging options for their new and existing products
in order to become more sustainable. Shifting from glass
bottles to paper or fiber bottles is beneficial to several
categories such as Environment, Waste, and Safety.


Consumers today become more environmentally conscious,

therefore it is essential for companies to embrace
sustainability in their packaging. Fiber bottles are lighter than
glass bottles, which makes the products easier to carry and
transport. As a result, pollution caused by transportation is
lower when compared with glass. Aside from the low
transport emissions, fiber bottles do not produce pollution
when recycled compared to glass bottles. It is because
glasses can be recycled in furnaces which use high energy in
order to reach high heat, thus emitting pollution.
Additionally, fiber bottles are environmentally friendly
because the raw materials used for manufacturing the bottles
are made of natural fibers which are renewable. On the
contrary, the materials needed to produce glass have to be
quarried, thus the process will destroy wildlife habitats.

Paper packaging is one of the popular solutions to reduce

waste. Our packaging solution is made of natural fibers and
most of the natural fibers are biodegradable. Therefore, our
fiber bottles can be decomposed easily. Consumers can help
prevent waste ending up on landfills through decomposing the
fiber bottles at home. This type of packaging breaks down
quickly in the natural environment when exposed to bacteria,
yeast, and other organisms.


Glass bottles are fragile which makes it vulnerable to fracture

from thermal shock and physical shock. The rapid change in
temperature and a strong impact might cause the bottle to
break which can harm people. Broken glasses also can be a
source of danger because it can be used as a weapon. With our
packaging solutions, we can guarantee safety for the consumers
because the materials used in our fiber bottles cannot be used
to harm other people.
VII. After Condition


The innovation's main goal is to have a positive impact in

the environment by making its material more eco-friendly
and sustainable. The innovation of paper fiber helped on
contributing to the wellness of the environment through its
biodegradable feature and low cost manufacturing

The Innovation

The fiber bottle innovation gets rid of heavy and fragile

glass that contributes to customer's dilemma of heavy and
delicate possession. There is a minimized risk of accidents
prone to clients.

The Clients

The innovation of paper fiber bottle join the cause of the

customer's promotion of sustainable materials for the
environment's well-being. Additionally, they take part in the
interest of trying new, sophisticated and classy way of
drinking through paper fiber bottles

The Company

The innovation resulted in positive impact to the company

by decreasing its costs from having glass bottles as
containers. They also save a lot in potential loss due to
accidents while transporting the items.
VIII. Benefits Desciption

Paper Fiber Innovation

The innovation of glass into paper fiber will help the

company with a more light and sustainable materials. Using
Paper Fiber Innovation, it will not only helps the company. it
will also helps the environment because of recyclable materials
used by the company. It also decreased the price of the

The innovation of glass into Paper Fiber is a gain not just for
the company but also for everyone, especially those people
who loves to drink. Also, maybe in the near future it will be the
solution for every company that uses plastic and glass as their
product vessels.
IX. Resources

Financial Budget

The company would need at least an estimated 10-20

cents per piece on manufacturing a paper fiber bottle.
While FBAM-1, a machine by a company named
Frugalpac, is capable of producing more than two and a
half million Frugal bottles a year, there's still more
improvement to be done in order to offer an upscale
distribution of these machines.


Since the machine is originally came from the UK, the

company may choose to buy the technology or to
outsource the packaging materials only, wherein the
cost will be depending on the quantity of bottle to be
outsourced and the freight cost that can be an estimate
of Php 14,000 per cubic meter


Depending on the platform, from digital to print, the

advertising cost can cost around $0.38 cost per click in
online ads, Php 2.00 per flyer if print, and/or
P695,500.00 as average in TV advertising
X. Approved By

DENR ( Department of Environment and Natural

is responsible for the conservation, management and
developments of the country's environment and natural
resources. It shall ensures the proper use of these
resources and the protection of the environment within
the framework of sustainable development.

Industrial Technology Development Institute

Provide packaging assistance to SMEs systematically
and comprehensively through world class, innovative,
and sustainable packaging technology towards global
competitiveness. Promote national branding through
packaging to enhance the competitive position of
Philippine products for the export market.

Department of Trade and Industry

is a prime mover of consumer welfare. It is committed
to protecting the rights and interests of the consumers
and is also committed to developing policies and
programs aimed at sustaining the growth and
development of the Philippine economy. Besides
overseeing the effective implementation and
enforcement of trade regulation and fair trade laws, the
DTI provides protection to consumers through consumer
education and information dissemination programs.

Local Government
permit and approval on making infrastructure to its

The project entitled "The Rising Bottle of Fiber"

requires a lot of time to be prepared by the reason that
this project is needed to be study, research, and
approval of people that are concerned and responsible
about our project.

Seeing that October is the beer month, We the future

entrepreneurs decided to implement this project before
the month of October in the year 2023 Since the main
concerned of the project is the packaging of brewery in
San Miguel Corporation. Therefore, the Implementation
date of the project is on the first week of February in the
year 2023.
XII. Standardization Remarks

San Miguel’s goal is to help people enjoy and make progress in

their lives through the many products and services that our
company offers. We want to give every customer and consumer
we touch access to the best we can offer—whether in terms of
quality, affordability or choice.
Our strategy for achieving these goals has five major elements
which are common to both our traditional and new businesses:

Enhance value of our established businesses.

We aim to enhance the value of our established businesses,

ever striving to achieve even greater efficiencies and operational
excellence. We will strengthen our brands by improving product
visibility and targeting areas where there is room for growth in
market share.

Continue to diversify into industries that underpin the

development and growth of the Philippine economy.

In addition to organic growth, we continue to seek strategic

acquisition and greenfield opportunities, positioning our
businesses in a way to best contribute to our country’s economic
growth and industrial development.
Identify and pursue synergies across businesses through
vertical integration, platform matching and channel

We will create an even broader distribution network for our

products and expand our customer base by identifying synergies
across our various businesses. In addition, we are pursuing plans
to integrate our production and distribution facilities for both
our established and newly acquired businesses to generate
additional cost savings and efficiencies.

Invest in and develop businesses with market leading positions.

San Miguel intends to further enhance our market position in

the Philippines by leveraging the company’s financial resources
and experience to allow it to continue to introduce new products
and services. Potential investments to develop or expand
existing businesses include building additional service and micro-
filling stations, constructing new power plants, expanding our
power generation and food portfolios. We believe our strong
domestic market position provides an effective platform to
develop markets for an expanding product availability and
distribution. And we will continue to invest in and develop
businesses that have the potential to gain leading positions in
their respective markets and industries.

Adopt world-leading practices and joint development of


We will develop strategic partnerships with global industry

leaders, including Kirin in the beverages business, Nihon
Yamamura in our packaging business and Hormel in our food
business. These partnerships provide technical knowledge,
marketing and expansion opportunities.
XIII. References:

Paige, J (2020) Website: Packaging gateway Article title :Paper vs Glass: Which is
the most eco-friendly material for bottles?
XIV. Project Owners Profile


Hardworking, Reliable and Fast learner


[email protected]

Blk. 15 Damayan
Floodway B Brgy. San
Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship (2020-present)
Juan Taytay, Rizal 1920 Rizal Technological University
PERSONAL INFORMATION Dean's Lister 1st and 2nd semester S.Y. 2020 - 2021
Dean's Lister 1st and 2nd semester S.Y. 2021 - 2022
Date of Birth : August 26, 2001

Place of Birth : Taytay, Rizal

Senior High School (2018-2020)

Gender : Male

Nationality : Filipino La Salle Green Hills - Adult Night High School

Religion : Roman Catholic

Junior High School (2014-2018)

Language : Filipino, English Manuel Ignacio Santos Memorial National High


Elementary School (2011-2014)
Communication Skills San Isidro Elementary School
Fast Learner
Social Skills
Leadership skills WORK EXPOSURE
Management skills

Customer Service Representative

TECHNICAL SKILLS Concentrix Daksh 2022 - current

Basic Computer Skills

Basic Knowledge in Microsoft
word, powerpoint, and excel.
Basic Accounting Skills


+639292408019 Exploring new areas looking towards career opportunity

growth, and improvement in organizational skills.
30 Maya Ave. Marville 1
Subd, Brgy. San Roque,
Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship (2020-present)
Antipolo City, Rizal 1870 Rizal Technological University
PERSONAL INFORMATION Dean's Lister 1st and 2nd semester S.Y. 2020 - 2021
Dean's Lister 1st and 2nd semester S.Y. 2021 - 2022
Date of Birth : August 20, 2000

Place of Birth : Daet, Camarines

Senior High School (2018-2020)
Gender : Female

Nationality : Filipino Golden Faith Academy- Senior High School

with deportment and loyalty award
Religion : Roman Catholic
Junior High School (2014-2018)

Language : Filipino, English Golden Faith Academy

With high honors

Elementary School (2011-2014)
Hard Skills: Computer Golden Faith Academy
Literacy, Social Media
Literacy, Soft Skills:
Customer Service Representative
TECHNICAL SKILLS Teletech | Cainta 2021-2022 Back Office and Voice Account
Basic Computer Skills
● ADP - Tax and Unemployment Benefits Department
Basic Knowledge in Microsoft
● Ford Motor Company (Percepta) - In-Vehicle Technology
word, powerpoint, and excel.
Basic Accounting Skills

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