FM1 Unit 5 Theory On Cost of Capital

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Cost of Capital is the minimum required rate of earnings which a co. must earn
in order to retain the funds which it has obtained from different sources such
as ,Equity Capital,Preference Capital, Borrowed Funds/Debentures ,Retained
Profits .
Cost of Capital can be calculated using WACC [Weighted Avg Cost of Capital] or
Marginal Cost of Capital.
Weighted Avg Cost of Capital is for the various sources of finance of the
Firms employ a mix of different types of capital such as Equity, Preference,
Debt. Hence ,to determine the company’s Cost of Capital ,the average Cost of
Capital is to be determined ,therefore we use WACC.
Cost of Capital is very useful in designing the Capital Structure of a company.
Capital Structure refers to the total value of Own Funds such as Equity
,Preference & Retained Profits and Borrowed Funds such as Debentures
While designing the Capital Structure, ie Proportion of Owned Funds &
Borrowed Funds ,the Finance Manager has to keep in mind the Cost of Capital
& risks related to each source of Finance.

A] Essentials of an Optimum Capital Structure

Following are the main essentials of an optimum capital structure:
Capital structure should facilitate further financing requirements for
expansion etc. It should be able to adapt itself to changing situations
at a minimum cost ,without any delay.
ii]Control :
An ideal capital structure should involve minimum risk of loss of
control of existing shareholders. Dilution/loss of control happens
when company takes up excessive debt financing .Exessive use of
debt financing may threaten company’s survival.
Revenues/ Returns earned should be sufficient enough to pay
creditors interests & principle on maturity. Also, it should generate
maximum returns to the shareholders for a considerable period of
iv] Risk
Use of excessive Debt funds may threaten company’s survival. Main
reason for this is whether company’s profits are sufficient or not,
company has to pay the interest & principle. If the company is unable
to do so, lenders may use various options [such as disposing
collateral assets etc] to recover their dues. Hence, for avoiding risk,
Debt Financing should be used when profits are sufficient to meet
the fixed interest costs & repayment of principle.
B] Factors Influencing Dividend Policy
Key factors which influence the dividend payout of a firm are :
i] Liquidity
Dividend Payout involves Cash Outflow for the firm .Hence Dividend
Payout decision depends on the Liquidity Position of the company
ii]Investment Opportunities
Another factor is the requirement of capital by the firm. If there are
many profitable opportunities for growth ,company may retain more
profits and pay less dividend and if there not enough growth
opportunities for the co. it may pay more dividends and retain less
iii] Access to Finance
Companies which have an easy access to finance pay more dividends.
iv] Dividend Stability
Company’s earnings may fluctuate during different time intervals
.But most firms do not want to give fluctuating dividends .They try to
maintain stability in dividends .
v] Returns Earned
Returns ,whether high or low ,influence dividend payouts .Higher the
returns , higher can be dividend payouts.
vi] Competition
Dividend Policy of competitors have to be taken into consideration
vii] Management Philosophy
If Management understands shareholders desire to receive higher
dividends or to have higher future growth ,they may take decisions
as per their majority


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