Group 1 Oral Insulin
Group 1 Oral Insulin
Group 1 Oral Insulin
Oral insulin
Preclinical studies of the oral bioavailability and
toxicology of peptidebased drugs
22237 Preclinical Drug Development
Authors: Xiangyou Meng (s183463), Karoline SkreeLassen (s184238), Joan Cortes Gimeno
(s212509), Ana Aguilar Anaya (s221294), Christoforos Anagnostopoulos (s222978),
Despoina Paloglou (s223180)
1 Introduction 2
1.1 Diabetes: A 21st century epidemic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Oral bioavailability of insulin: Physiological challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2 In silico models 4
2.1 Prediction of absorption and oral bioavailability using physiologicallybased phar
macokinetic modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.1.1 Physiologicallybased pharmacokinetic models for predicting the absorp
tion and oral bioavailability: CAT and ACAT models . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3 In vitro tests 6
3.1 Permeability testing using Caco2 cell monolayers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.1.1 Rapid 3day system for Caco2 monolayers: FITCinsulin permeation . . 7
3.2 In vitro dissolution models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.2.1 Dissolution testing using a twostep dissolution model . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.2.2 Dissolution testing using a TIM1 model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.3 In vitro pH studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.4 In vitro toxicity testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.4.1 Cytotoxicity testing in Caco2 cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4 In vivo assays 11
4.1 In vivo pharmacology studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4.2 In vivo toxicity studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Bibliography 16
Figure 1.1: Diagram illustrating the two major transport pathways of peptidebased compounds across the intestinal
epithelial membrane. The epithelial layer lining the GIT is a tightly bound collection of cells that ensure minimal
leakage. Columnar cells are tightly bound by hydrophobic proteins called occludes, which help make up this physical
barrier that must be overcome prior to absorption [11]. Additionally, a layer of mucin acts as a gel filtration membrane
that prevents the absorption of large molecules. The structure is further ensured by tight junctions that inhibit paracellular
transport. Illustration source: [10].
In addition to the aforementioned difficulties, one must also consider the naturallyoccurring ef
flux transporters in the intestine, such as Pglycoprotein (Pgp) [14]. These reside in the apical
membranes, which drugs must cross during transcellular absorption from the intestinal lumen to
the blood. Transporters partly function as a defense mechanism by limiting the absorption of for
eign and potentially toxic compounds into the blood, simply by driving proteins that do manage to
pass into the cells back into the lumen [15, 16].
Finally, if the peptidelike drug succeeds at entering the systemic circulation, the presystemic
metabolism in the liver, more commonly known as the first pass effect, drastically decreases the
circulation time of the drug. Since these physiological challenges and parameters are increasingly
wellcharacterised, these data can be used favourably as input in in silico studies.
Figure 2.1: The compartmental absorption and transit model (CAT) accurately mimics the absorption and transit of drugs
through the small intestine. It consists of seven wellstirred compartments that combined mimic the gastro intestical
tract from the duodenum to the ileum. Compartment 1: Duodenum. Compartment 23: Jejenum. Compartment 47:
Ileum. Scheme source: [22]
Figure 2.2: Diagram depicting the Advanced Compartment Absorption and Transit (ACAT) model. ACAT is an ex
tended version of the former Compartment Absorption and Transit Model, CAT, as it includes additional compartments,
making it possible to simulate stomach and colon absorption. In addition, it considers a wider range of metabolic phe
nomena, such as drug dissolution, cell permeability, and firstpass metabolism both from the liver and the stomach. The
latter are depicted by the arrows denoted ”Clearance”. Diagram source: [22].
Figure 3.1: A scheme depicting a Caco2 monolayer in a transwell. The apical chamber functions as the donor com
partment, whilst the basolateral chamber acts as the receiver compartment. One can quantify the transport across the
Caco2 cell monolayer as an indicator of intestinal mucosa permeability. Illustration produced using
Over the years, Caco2 monolayers have become a standard screening method for the assessment
of intestinal drug permeability and absorption. Their usefulness in predicting the transport of drugs
via. the para and transcellular pathways have been repeatedly reported in the literature also for
studying the permeability of drugs similar to oral insulin, i.e. drugs of BCS class III, which are
characterized by having poor lipophilicity/presumed high solubility and permeability, in addition
to undergoing Pglycoprotein efflux [31, 28].
However, there are certain limitations when using conventional Caco2 cell assays. They are quite
timeconsuming, as the cell line has to be cultivated for twothree weeks on semipermeable mi
croporous filters on transwell plates. Moreover, this requires 910 labourintensive cell feedings
[32, 6]. Another limitation of Caco2 cells is that the tightness of the junctions is hypothesized
to surpass that of physiological endothelial cells. As a result, they exhibit too high transepithelial
electrical resistance (TEER)values compared to in vivo values [6, 33].
barrier at the time dt, whilst C0 is the solute concentration in the apical compartment at time zero.
A represents the crosssectional area of the epithelium in contact with the apical solution [6].
The article determined that the total amount of insulin transported across the Caco2 monolayer
was directly proportional to the loading dose in the apical chamber, meaning transport exhibited
dosedependency. This was determined by measuring the fluorescence of samples collected from
the basolateral chamber at different time points. In regards to the 3day rapid system itself, it was
determined that the model had comparable Pglycoprotein activities and expressed similar levels
of metabolic enzymes (such as brush border peptidases) as compared to the 21day conventional
model and in vivo conditions. In addition, the system seemed to provide more physiologically
relevant tight junctions with lower TEER values. In view of this, one can rationally propose the
usage of the novel 3day rapid Caco2 monolayer system as an alternative protocol for investigating
the permeability of oral insulin. In addition to physiological accuracy, it has various advantages,
such as the potential for saving time and resources, along with the possibility of performing high
throughput screening.
pH 1.5 6.8
Sodium taurodeoxycholate (0.1 mM), Sodium taurocholate (5.00 mM),
Bile salts
sodium taurocholate (0.1 mM) sodiumtaurodeoxycholate (5.00 mM)
Phosphatidylcholine (0.025 mM), Phosphatidylcholine (1.25 mM),
lysophosphatidylcholine (0.025 mM) lysophosphatidylcholine (1.25 mM)
Fatty acids Sodium oleate (0.025 mM) Sodium oleate (1.25 mM)
Hydrochloric acid, Sodium dihydrogen phosphate monohydrate (28.65 mM),
Buffer, cations, salts
sodium chloride(14.5 mM) sodium hydroxide (28 mM),sodium chloride (59.63 mM)
Enzymes Pepsin (600 U/h), lipase (190 U/h)
Table 3.1: Physiological parameters of canine fastedstate simulated gastric fluid (cFaSSGF) and canine fastedstate
simulated intestinal fluid (cFaSSIF). Data source: [40].
pH 3.9 6.0
Bile salts 4 mM taurocholic acid 50 mM taurocholic acid
Phospholipids 0.2 mM phosphatidylcholine 2.2 mM phosphatidylcholine
0.02 M acetic acid;
0.1 M acetic acid;
Buffer, cations, salts 0.02 M sodium dihydrogen
0.1 M sodium dihydrogen phosphate
phosphate, 0.02 M sodium hydroxide
Enzymes Pepsin (1.2 μg/h), lipase (activity 44.3 U/h)
Table 3.2: Physiological parameters of rat fastedstate simulated gastric fluid (rFaSSGF) and rat fastedstate simulated
intestinal fluid (rFaSSIF). Data source: [40].
Figure 3.2: TIM1 model scheme that displays the dynamic nature by virtue of the technical setup of this dissolution
model. A: Stomach compartment; B Pyloric sphincter; C: Duodenum compartment; D: Perilstatic valve; E: Jejunum
compartment; F: Peristaltic valve; G: Ileum compartment; H: Ileocaecal sphincter; I: Stomach secretion; J: Duodenum
secretion; K: Jejunum/ileum secretion; L: Prefilter; M: Semipermeable membrane; N: Filtrate pump; P: pH electrodes;
Q: Level sensors; R: Temperature sensor; S: Pressure sensor. Source of diagram: [42].