Minimum Design Standard Revision 3

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Minimum Design Standards Task Force


Southwest Power Pool, Inc.


12/17/2014, MDSTF Original Approved by MDSTF and

Revision IR PCWG

1/23/2015, MDSTF Changed the 230 kV rating in the Changed per MOPC request
Revision 1 transmission circuit design to 1,200 amps and approved by MDSTF
minimum in table on page 8

6/23/2016 MDSTF Edits Face-to-face Meeting

9/22/2016 MDSTF Edits per WebEx

12/6/2016, MDSTF Webex meeting changes as per RCWG Final version for PCWG and
Revision 2 review. MOCP approval

10/12/2021, MDSTF Revised to improve RFP process Approved by MOPC

Revision 3
Southwest Power Pool, Inc.

REVISION HISTORY.......................................................................................................................................................... I
ACRONYMS AND DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................................1
1 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................................................3
2 TRANSMISSION LINES...............................................................................................................................................5
3 TRANSMISSION SUBSTATIONS .............................................................................................................................9
4 TRANSMISSION PROTECTION AND CONTROL DESIGN........................................................................... 16
Southwest Power Pool, Inc.


ACI American Concrete Institute

ADSS All-Dielectric Self Supporting
AISC American Institute of Steel Construction
AISI American Iron and Steel Institute
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers
BES Bulk Electric System
BIL Basic Insulation Level
CFR Code of Federal Regulation
CIGRE International Council on Large Electric Systems
CT Current Transformers
CVT Capacitive Voltage Transformer
DETC De-energized Tap Changer
DME Disturbance Monitoring Equipment
DTT Direct Transfer Trip
FAC Facilities Design, Connections, and Maintenance Reliability Standards
FAC-008 Facility Ratings Methodology Reliability Standard
GPS Global Positioning System
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IEDs Intelligent Electronic Devices
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
LTC Load Tap Changer
MOP Manual of Practice
MTDS SPP Minimum Transmission Design Standards
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association
NERC North American Electric Reliability Corporation
NESC National Electrical Safety Code
OLTC On-Load Tap Changer Transformer
OPGW Optical Ground Wire
OSHA Occupational Safety & Health Administration
PLC Power Line Carrier
PMU Phasor Measurement Unit
RFP Request for Proposal
PT Potential Transformer
RTU Remote Terminal Unit
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
TO Transmission Owner
TOSP Transmission Owner Selection Process

Minimum Design Sta ndard Version 3.0 1

Southwest Power Pool, Inc.

TPL Transmission Planning Reliability Standards

VAR Volt Ampere Reactive

Minimum Design Sta ndard Version 3.0 2

Southwest Power Pool, Inc.

A Request for Proposal (“RFP”) will be published for each Competitive Upgrade approved for
construction by the SPP Board of Directors after January 1, 2015. Competitive Upgrades are
subject to the Transmission Owner Selection Process (“TOSP”) set forth in Section III of
Attachment Y of the SPP Open Access Transmission Tariff (“SPP Tariff”) and associated SPP
Business Practices.

SPP will issue an RFP for a Competitive Upgrade to solicit proposals from Qualified RFP
Participants or QRPs, as defined in Attachment Y of the SPP Tariff, (“Respondent”). These SPP
Minimum Transmission Design Standards (“MTDS”) outline the minimum design standards to be
used by the Respondent in its response to such RFP issued by SPP pursuant to the TOSP for
Competitive Upgrades. If there is a conflict between the RFP and MTDS, the RFP will govern
what the Respondent will use in its RFP Response. If there is a conflict between the RFP and the
SPP Tariff or Business Practices, the SPP Tariff and Business Practices will govern.

The MTDS represent the minimum design standards by which a Competitive Upgrade shall be
designed by the successful Respondent unless the project approved by the BOD and set forth in
the RFP specifies different values than those provided in the MTDS. The MTDS facilitates the
design of transmission facilities in a manner that is compliant with NERC requirements and SPP
Criteria; are consistent with Good Utility Practice as defined in the SPP Tariff1; and are consistent
with current industry standards specified herein, such as NESC, IEEE, ASCE, CIGRE, and ANSI, at
the time the RFP is issued.

Individual sections within this document contain minimum design standards for transmission
lines and transmission substations. If the Respondent has questions regarding the MTDS or the
RFP design requirements, it is the Respondent’s sole responsibility to direct such questions to
the SPP in the manner specified by SPP in the RFP. SPP bears no responsibility if the Respondent
does not understand the MTDS or RFP design requirements. The Respondent is encouraged to
clarify such questions prior to the RFP Response due date allowing time for SPP to address such

The SPP Tariff defines Good Utility Practice as follows: “Good Utility Practice: Any of the practices, methods and acts
engaged in or approved by a significant portion of the electric utility industry during the relevant time period, or any
of the practices, methods and acts which, in the exercise of reasonable judgment in light of the facts known at the
time the decision was made, could have been expected to accomplish the desired result at a reasonable cost
consistent with good business practices, reliability, safety and expedition. Good Utility Practice is not intended to be
limited to the optimum practice, method, or act to the exclusion of all others, but rather to be acceptable practices,
methods, or acts generally accepted in the region, including th ose practices required by Federal Power Act section

Minimum Design Sta ndard Version 3.0 3

Southwest Power Pool, Inc.

Respondents shall provide sufficient information supporting their design to the Industry Expert
Panel so that it can be used in the evaluation of the RFP Response.

Any RFP Response submitted to SPP in the TOSP that exceeds the RFP design requirements is
submitted solely at the discretion of the Respondent and should include supporting information.

All references to standards contained herein through reference mean standards as of the date
the project was initially approved by the SPP BOD.


The word shall indicates mandatory requirements strictly to be followed in order to conform to
the standard and from which no deviation is permitted (shall equals is required to).

The word should indicates that among several possibilities one is recommended as particularly
suitable, without mentioning or excluding others; or that a certain course of action is preferred
but not necessarily required (should equals is recommended that).

The word may is used to indicate a course of action permissible within the limits of the standard
(may equals is permitted to).

The word can is used for statements of possibility and capability, whether material, physical, or
causal (can equals is able to).

The word will is used for statements of fact.

The Word Usage section comes from Section 1.3 of the IEEE SA Style Manual and was reprinted with permission
from IEEE. Copyright IEEE 2021. All rights reserved.

Minimum Design Sta ndard Version 3.0 4

Southwest Power Pool, Inc.

Transmission lines shall be designed to meet all applicable federal, state, and local
environmental and regulatory requirements.


Design clearances shall meet the requirements of the NESC. To account for survey and
construction tolerances, a minimum design margin of 2 feet shall be applied to ensure the NESC
clearances are maintained after construction. This margin shall be applied to conductor-to-
ground and conductor- to-underlying or –adjacent object clearances, but need not be applied
to conductor-to-transmission structure clearances. These clearances shall be maintained for all
NESC requirements and during the ice with concurrent wind event as defined in the Structure
Design Loads Section. In regions susceptible to conductor galloping, phase-to-phase and phase-
to-shield wire clearances during these conditions shall be considered.

Sufficient space to maintain OSHA minimum approach distances in place at the date of project
approval, either with or without tools, shall be provided. When live-line maintenance is
anticipated, designs shall be suitable to support the type of work that will be performed (e.g.,
insulator assembly replacement) and the methods employed (i.e., hot stick, bucket truck, or
helicopter work, etc.).


All transmission line components shall be designed to resist the effects of all load cases
described in Sections 2.3.1 through 2.3.4. Transmission line components include structures,
insulators, hardware, and foundations.


The design strength of all transmission line components shall fully comply with all
appropriate provisions of the NESC and any other legislated code or rule required by the
authority having jurisdiction.

The SPP territory is located in both the NESC Heavy and Medium Loading Districts. The
Rules for the Loading District in which the line is located shall apply. For lines located in
both the Medium and Heavy Loading Districts, the Rules for the Heavy Loading District shall
apply. All lines shall be designed using Grade B Construction.

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Southwest Power Pool, Inc.


Transmission line components shall be capable of resisting the following extreme weather
events. Overload factors shall be a minimum of 1.0. Note these load requirements are in
addition to the NESC or any other legislated load requirements.

 Extreme wind applied in the direction causing the most unfavorable effect, but at a
minimum at an angle of 90º and 45º to the wires and structure.
 Ice with concurrent wind, with the wind applied in the direction causing the most
unfavorable effect, but at a minimum at an angle of 90º and 45º to the wires and

The magnitude of the extreme wind load, and the ice with concurrent wind load shall be
selected based on a 100-year mean return interval. The corresponding loads shall be
determined using the ASCE Manual of Practice (MOP) 74, Guidelines for Electrical
Transmission Line Structural Loading. A minimum of Exposure Category C is required.


The following two unbalanced load cases shall be applied to all tangent structures and
associated components.

 Longitudinal loads due to unbalanced ice conditions, considering 1/2’’radial ice, no

wind in one span, no ice on adjacent span, with all wires intact at 32º Fahrenheit final
tension. This load case does not apply to insulators; however, insulators shall be
designed such that they do not detach from the supporting structure.
 Longitudinal loads due to one broken ground wire or one phase position (the phase
may consist of multiple sub-conductors). For single conductor phases, use 0” ice, 70
mph wind, 0º F and for multi-bundled phases use no wind, 60º F. Alternatively, for
lines rated below 200 kV, provide stop structures at appropriate intervals to
minimize the risk of cascading failures. This load case does not apply to insulators;
however, insulators shall be designed such that they do not detach from the
supporting structure.


Construction and maintenance loads shall be applied based on the recommendations of
ASCE MOP 74. Overload factors shall be a minimum of 1.0.


Structures and foundations shall be designed to the requirements of the applicable publications:

 ASCE Standard 10, Design of Latticed Steel Transmission Structures

 ASCE Standard 48, Design of Steel Transmission Pole Structures

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Southwest Power Pool, Inc.

 ASCE Manual of Practice 91, Design of Guyed Electrical Transmission Structures

 ASCE Manual of Practice 104, Recommended Practice for Fiber-Reinforced Polymer
Products for Overhead Utility Line Structures
 ASCE Manual of Practice 123, Prestressed Concrete Transmission Pole Structures
 ANSI 05-1, Specifications and Dimensions for Wood Poles
 IEEE Std. 751, Trial-Use Design Guide for Wood Transmission Structures
 ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary

Proper clearances with design margins shall be maintained under deflected structure conditions.

A geotechnical study shall be the basis of the final foundation design parameters.


Insulation, grounding, and shielding of the transmission system (line and station) shall be
coordinated between the Designated Transmission Owner and the Transmission Owner(s) to
which the project interconnects to ensure acceptable facility performance.

All metal transmission line structures, and all metal parts on wood and concrete structures shall
be grounded. Overhead shield wires shall also be grounded, or a low impulse flashover path to
ground shall be provided. Grounding requirements shall be in accordance with the NESC.


The minimum ampacity of phase conductors shall meet or exceed the values shown below,
unless otherwise specified by SPP. If otherwise specified by SPP, the SPP value will govern. The
ampacity shown in the table shall be considered to be associated with emergency operating
The emergency rating is the ampacity the circuit can carry for the time sufficient for adjustment
of transfer schedules, generation dispatch, or line switching in an orderly manner with acceptable
loss of life to the circuit involved. Conductors shall be selected such that they will lose no more
than 10 percent of their original strength due to anticipated periodic operation above the normal

Phase Conductor Emergency Ratings

Emergency Rating
Voltage (kV)
100 - 200 1,200
230 1,200
345 3,000
500 3,000
765 4,000

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Southwest Power Pool, Inc.

The conversion from conductor ampacity to conductor temperature shall be based on IEEE 738,
Standard for Calculating the Current-Temperature Relationship of Bare Overhead Conductors. The
RFP will specify the design wind speed, wind direction, ambient air temperature, absorptivity,
emissivity, and time of day. The Respondent is responsible for determining the value of the
remaining parameters.


Line losses shall be calculated using 50 percent of the emergency rating. The emergency rating
shall be the value stated in the table shown in the “Phase Conductor” section (above).
When determining the line impedance, the ambient air temperature shall be 25°C.


Transmission lines shall be adequately shielded for lightning protection. The shield wire shall be
sized based on the anticipated fault currents generating from the terminal substations. When
transmission line projects tie into existing substations, the anticipated fault currents will be
provided in the RFP.
Where a fiber communication path is required, the minimum number of fiber strands shall be 36
in each cable. Fiber may be either OPGW, underground fiber cable, or ADSS fiber cable.
Where redundant fiber communication paths are required for protection systems, the use of
multiple fibers within a single OPGW, underground fiber cable, or ADSS fiber cable is not an
acceptable redundant path. A separate OPGW, underground fiber cable, or ADSS fiber path, is
required to establish a redundant path.
Adequate provisions shall be made for fiber repeater redundancy as well as power supply
redundancy at each repeater.
When the incumbent TO standards exceed the requirements of this document, those
requirements will be provided in the RFP.


The need for reactive compensation will be determined by SPP following award of the RFP.

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Southwest Power Pool, Inc.

Transmission substations shall be sited and designed to meet all applicable environmental and
regulatory requirements. Each shall be developed to accommodate the intended electrical
purpose. Sufficient property shall be provided to accommodate predicted growth and expansion.
The final size shall consider future maintenance and major equipment replacement needs.
The design and development of the substation property shall be completed with due
consideration to the existing terrain and geotechnical conditions. Storm water management plans
and structures shall comply with all federal, state, and local regulations. The substation pad shall
be graded such that it is at or above the 100-year flood level, however alternate methods such as
elevating equipment may be considered by SPP.


All design and working clearances shall meet the requirements of the NESC. Additional vertical
clearance to conductors and bus shall be provided in areas where foot and vehicular traffic may
be present. Phase spacing shall meet IEEE Std. C37.32, American National Standard for High
Voltage Switches, Bus Supports, and Accessories Schedules of Preferred Ratings, Construction
Guidelines, and Specifications and NESC requirements.
Sufficient space to maintain OSHA minimum approach distances, either with or without tools,
shall be provided. When live-line maintenance is anticipated, designs shall be suitable to support
the type of work that will be performed (e.g., insulator assembly replacement) and the methods
employed (i.e., hot stick, bucket truck work, etc.). This requirement is not intended to force
working clearances on structures not intended to be worked from.


All substation components shall be designed to resist the effects of all load cases described in
Sections 3.3.1 through 3.3.3. Substation components include structures, insulators, bus,
hardware, and foundations.


The design strength of all substation components shall fully comply with all appropriate
provisions of the NESC and any other legislated code or rule required by the authority having

The SPP territory is located in both the NESC Heavy and Medium Loading Districts. The Rules
for the Loading District in which the station is located shall apply. All line-supporting
structures shall be designed using Grade B Construction.

Minimum Design Sta ndard Version 3.0 9

Southwest Power Pool, Inc.


Substation components shall be capable of resisting the following extreme weather events.
The load combinations and overload factors defined in ASCE Manual of Practice (MOP) 113,
Substation Structure Design Guide, or a similar documented procedure shall be used. Note
these load requirements are in addition to the NESC or any other legislated load

 Extreme wind applied in the direction causing the most unfavorable effect, but at a
minimum at an angle of 90º and 45º to the wires/bus and structure.
 Ice with concurrent wind, with the wind applied in the direction causing the most
unfavorable effect, but at a minimum at an angle of 90º and 45º to the wires/bus
and structure.
 Extreme ice loading
The magnitude of the extreme wind load, and the ice with concurrent wind load shall be
selected based on a 100-year mean return interval. The corresponding loads shall be
determined using ASCE MOP 113. A minimum of Exposure Category C is required.


Fault current and thermal loading shall be used in the design of substation components as


Structures and foundations shall be designed to the requirements of the applicable publications:
 ASCE Standard 10, Design of Latticed Steel Transmission Structures
 ASCE Standard 48, Design of Steel Transmission Pole Structures
 ASCE Manual of Practice 113, Substation Structure Design Guide
 AISC 360 Specification for Structural Steel Buildings
 ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary
Deflection of structures shall be limited such that equipment function or operation is not
impaired, and that proper clearances are maintained. The load combinations, overload factors,
and deflection limits defined in ASCE MOP 113 shall be used.

A site-specific geotechnical study shall be the basis of the final foundation design parameters.

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Southwest Power Pool, Inc.


The substation ground grid shall be designed in accordance with the latest version of IEEE Std.
80, Guide for Safety in AC Substation Grounding, using the fault currents defined in Section 3.12
and the RFP.
All bus and equipment shall be protected from direct lightning strikes using the Rolling Sphere
method presented in IEEE Std. 998, Guide for Direct Lightning Stroke Shielding of Substations.

Surge protection (with the appropriate energy rating determined through system studies) shall
be provided for line terminals, power transformers, and other major equipment as required by
IEEE Std. C62.22, Guide for Application of Metal-Oxide Surge Arresters for Alternating Current


Substation bus shall be designed in accordance with IEEE Std. 605, Guide for Bus
Design in Air Insulated Substations and ASCE MOP 113.


Substations shall be designed using the bus configurations shown in the table below or
as specified by SPP. All stations shall be developed to accommodate predicted growth
and expansion (e.g., converting ring bus to a breaker and a half as terminals are added)
as defined by SPP. For the purposes of this table, terminals are considered transmission
lines, BES transformers, and generator interconnections. Capacitor banks, reactor banks,
and non-BES transformer connections are not considered to be a terminal.
Bus Configurations

Voltage (kV) Number of Terminals Substation Arrangement

One or Two Single Bus

100 - 200 Three to Six Ring Bus
More than Six Breaker-and-a-half
One to Four Ring Bus
201 - 765
More than Four Breaker-and-a-half


The minimum ampacity of substation bus conductors shall meet or exceed the values shown
below, unless otherwise specified by SPP. If otherwise specified by SPP, the SPP value shall
govern. The ampacity shown in the table shall be considered to be associated with emergency
operating conditions.

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Southwest Power Pool, Inc.

The emergency rating is the ampacity that the circuit can carry for the time sufficient for
adjustment of transfer schedules, generation dispatch, or line switching in an orderly manner
with acceptable loss of life to the circuit involved. Conductors shall be selected such that they
will lose no more than 10 percent of their original strength due to anticipated periodic operation
above the normal rating.

Bus Conductor Emergency Ratings

Voltage Emergency
(kV) Rating
100 - 200 2,000
230 2,000
345 3,000
500 3,000
765 4,000

For bare, stranded conductors, the conversion from conductor ampacity to conductor
temperature shall be based on IEEE 738, Standard for Calculating the Current-Temperature
Relationship of Bare Overhead Conductors. The RFP will specify the design wind speed, wind
direction, ambient air temperature, absorptivity, emissivity, and time of day. The Respondent is
responsible for determining the value of the remaining parameters.

For rigid bus conductors, the conversion from conductor ampacity to conductor temperature
shall be based on IEEE Std. 605, Guide for Bus Design in Air Insulated Substations. The RFP will
specify the design wind speed, wind direction, ambient air temperature, absorptivity, emissivity,
and time of day. The Respondent is responsible for determining the value of the remaining


All substation equipment should be specified such that audible sound levels at the edge of the
substation property comply with local noise requirements.


Substation insulators, power transformer windings and bushings, potential transformer
bushings, current transformer bushings, and power PTs shall meet the minimum BIL levels
shown in the tables below. When placed in areas of heavy contamination (coastal, agricultural,
and industrial), extra- creep insulators, special coatings to extra-creep porcelain insulators, or
polymer insulators shall be used.

Minimum Design Sta ndard Version 3.0 12

Southwest Power Pool, Inc.

Substation Insulators
BIL BIL (kV Crest) Heavy
Nominal System L-L
Voltage (kV) (kV Crest) Contaminated Environment

115 - 138 550 650

161 650 750
230 750 900
345 1050 1300
500 1550 1800
765 2050 2050

Power Transformers, Potential Transformers and Current Transformers

Nominal Power Transformer
Power PTs PT and CT BIL Circuit Breaker BIL
System L-L Winding BIL
(kV Crest) (kV Crest) (kV Crest)
Voltage (kV) (kV Crest)
115 450 550 550 550
138 550 650 650 650
161 650 650 650 650
230 750 900 900 900
345 1050 1300 1300 1300
500 1425 N/A 1550 / 1800 1800
765 2050 N/A 2050 2050


Power transformers shall comply with the latest revisions of ANSI/IEEE C57, NEMA TR-1, and IEC
76. NEMA TR-1 shall apply only to details not specified by ANSI/IEEE C57, and IEC shall apply to
details not specified by ANSI/IEEE C57 or NEMA TR-1.
For transformers with low voltage windings below 200kV, On-Load Tap Changing transformers
(OLTC) shall be equipped with automatically and manually operated “tap-changing-under-load”
equipment. This shall have a range of 10% above and below the rated low voltage in 32 steps
(33 positions). The LTC shall allow the tertiary voltage where applicable to follow the high side
voltage throughout the entire tap range (i.e., the effective HV-TV turns ratio shall remain
constant within 0.5%).
De-energized Tap Changing (DETC) transformers shall have five high voltage full capacity taps
designed for operation with the unit de-energized.

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Substations shall be designed to withstand the calculated available symmetrical fault current
including predicted growth and expansion. Design values will be provided in the RFP.


The ownership Point-of-Demarcation for conductors, shield wires, fiber optic cables, and any
other line components, between a transmission line and a substation, for two different
Transmission Owners will be specified in the RFP.


Terminal Equipment definition – All equipment located within the substation that is considered,
for ratings purposes, to be a part of the transmission line. This equipment consists of jumpers,
devices, switches, bus, etc., through which line current flows to the common substation bus.
The minimum ampacity of substation terminal equipment shall meet or exceed the rating of the
associated transmission line, unless otherwise specified by SPP. If otherwise specified by SPP, the
SPP value shall govern.
The emergency rating is the ampacity that the circuit can carry for the time sufficient for
adjustment of transfer schedules, generation dispatch, or line switching in an orderly manner
with acceptable loss of life to the circuit involved. Equipment shall be rated in accordance with
SPP Planning Criteria 7.2.


Two sources of AC substation service, primary and backup shall be provided. This shall be
accomplished by using the tertiary winding of an autotransformer, power PTs connected to the
bus, distribution lines, or a generator. Distribution lines shall not be used as a primary source
unless no other feasible alternative exists. Generators shall not be used as a primary source.


Control enclosures shall be designed to the requirements of the applicable publications:
 ASCE 7, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures
 AISC 360, Specification for Structural Steel Buildings
 AISI Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members
 ACI 530/530.1, Building Code Requirements and Specification for Masonry Structures
and Related Commentaries
 ACI 318, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary

Design loads and load combinations shall be based on the requirements of the International

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Building Code or as directed by the jurisdiction having authority. Weather loads shall be based
on a 100-year mean return period.
Wall and roof insulation shall be designed in accordance with the latest edition of the
International Energy Conservation Code for the applicable Climate Zone.


Secondary oil containment shall be provided around oil-filled electrical equipment and storage
tanks in accordance with the requirements found in 40 CFR 112 of the United States EPA and
local ordinances.

Intertie metering shall be installed in accordance with SPP Integrated Marketplace Protocols,
Appendix C and the Interconnect Agreement with the incumbent Transmission Owner(s) (TOs).
Metering criteria should match those of the connected TO and Transmission Operator.

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Southwest Power Pool, Inc.


New substations that are Competitive Upgrades subject to the TOSP shall comply with the
requirements set forth below.
For transmission lines which connect to terminal substations owned by incumbent TO(s), the
protection and control will be designed in accordance with the standards and practices of the
incumbent TO(s). The incumbent TO requirements will be provided in the RFP. It is the
responsibility of the successful Respondent to ensure proper installation coordination of both
the communication channel and the relay systems with the incumbent TO(s).

Substation protection and control equipment shall adhere to NERC PRC and TPL Standards and
this document.

All Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) shall be synchronized with a satellite GPS clock system.


Fiber shall be provided as the communication path for the primary protection system for all new
transmission lines. Fiber may be either OPGW, underground fiber, or ADSS.
Where redundant communication paths are required for protection systems, the use of multiple
fibers within a single OPGW, underground fiber cable, or ADSS fiber cable is not an acceptable
redundant path. A separate OPGW, underground fiber cable, or ADSS fiber path, is required to
establish a redundant path.

Power Line Carrier (PLC), microwave, or fiber are all acceptable methods for the redundant
communication path for communications-assisted protection systems. PLC shall not be used for
lines less than 5 miles.


For primary and secondary protection schemes, independent current transformers (CTs) and
independent secondary windings of the same voltage source be used. CTs used for relaying
shall be C800 with a thermal rating factor of 2.0 or greater.
CVTs and wound PTs used in relaying shall be designed and tested to meet all applicable ANSI
and NEMA standards. CVTs and wound PTs have a minimum accuracy class of CL WXYZ for

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For new substations greater than 200 kV, redundant DC systems shall be installed. A redundant
system requires two completely independent DC systems, each comprised of batteries, battery
chargers, and trip circuits. Each DC system shall be capable of meeting the entire DC load
requirement of the substation.

At all voltage levels, battery system(s) of sufficient capacity to support station requirements for a
minimum duration of 8 hours without AC power shall be installed.


Primary and secondary protection schemes shall be included for all lines and be capable of
detecting all faults on the line. The primary scheme shall provide communications-assisted,
high-speed simultaneous tripping of all line terminals at speeds that will provide fault clearing
times for system stability as defined in the most recent version of the NERC Transmission
Planning and Reliability Standards (TPL).

The criteria described in Sections 4.5.1 through 4.5.4 shall be used to determine whether one or
two high-speed protection systems are required. While it is possible that the minimum
protective relay system and redundancy requirements outlined below could change as NERC
Planning and Reliability Standards evolve, it will be the responsibility of the Respondent to
assess the protection systems and make any necessary modifications to comply with these


Alarms shall be provided for loss of communication channels and relay failure. Automatic
check-back features shall be installed on PLC-based protection schemes using on/off carrier
to ensure the communication channel is working properly at all substations. Local breaker
failure protection shall be provided for all breakers.

The table on the next page provides more detail for line protection requirements.

Minimum Design Sta ndard Version 3.0 17

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Transmission Line Protection Requirements

765 kV 500 kV 345 kV 230 kV < 230 kV
Primary Requires High Speed
Communication Assisted Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Pilot Scheme
Secondary Requires High Speed
Communication Assisted Yes Yes Yes Yes No 1
Pilot Scheme
Direct Transfer Trip for Line Dual Dual Single Single
Direct Transfer Trip for Equipment
Attached to Line Dual Dual Dual Dual Dual
(reactors, series capacitors, etc.)
Primary Scheme Communication
Fiber 2 Fiber 2 Fiber 2 Fiber 2 Fiber 2
Fiber, Fiber, Fiber, Fiber,
Secondary Scheme
Microwave, Microwave, Microwave, Microwave, N/A 3
Communication Path
Three Phase Single Single Single
PLC Coupling Phase
(Mode 1) Phase Phase Phase
(Mode 1)
Redundant DC System Required 4 Yes Yes Yes Yes No 5

Table Notes:
1) Required in some instances for proper relay coordination or system dynamic
performance requirements. It is the responsibility of the Respondent to assess the
2) The primary fiber path shall be fiber (OPGW, ADSS, or underground) installed on the
protected line where available.
3) If the secondary scheme requires a communication path it may be fiber, microwave, or
4) A redundant DC system includes dual batteries, battery chargers, and trip circuits. Each
DC system shall be capable of meeting the entire DC load requirement of the
5) Unless required by the most recent version of NERC TPL Standards.


For transformers with high voltage windings above 200kV, protection shall be designed with
a redundant station battery configuration, with the protection divided into two systems
using redundant overlapping zones of protection. Each system shall provide differential
protection schemes and have independent lockout function. In addition, at least one system
shall provide backup overcurrent protection, and sudden pressure alarm or tripping.

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For transformers with high voltage windings between 100kV and 200kV, protection shall be
designed with the protection divided into two systems using redundant overlapping zones
of protection. Each system shall provide differential protection schemes and have
independent lockout function. In addition, at least one system shall provide backup
overcurrent protection, and sudden pressure alarm or tripping.


For buses 200kV and above, protection shall be designed using a redundant station battery
configuration with the protection divided into two systems. Each system shall provide
differential protection schemes and have independent lockout function.

For buses between 100kV and 200kV, protection shall be divided into two systems. Each
system shall provide differential protection schemes and have independent lockout function.


For substation devices, such as capacitor banks, static VAR compensators, reactors, etc.,
appropriate protection systems shall be incorporated.


Sync potential sources (wire wound PTs or CCVTs) and synchronizing equipment shall be
installed consistent with incumbent TO’s requirements.


DME shall be installed in accordance with current NERC PRC-002 requirements.


PMU capability through the use of Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) or other devices capable
of providing PMU measurements, shall be provided for each BES voltage in all new substations
above 200kV. The installation of associated communication infrastructure is not required.


SCADA and RTUs shall be installed in all substations. Points and protocols shall match those of
the connected TO and Transmission Operator.

Minimum Design Sta ndard Version 3.0 19

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