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This document sets out the principles and methodologies relating to the calculation of prospective
short circuit currents on the Licensee’s Distribution and Transmission Systems.

For further clarification on any issues contained within this document, contact the Network Design


This is a Controlled document. The current version is held on the EN Document Library.

It is your responsibility to ensure you work to the current version.

Issue Date Issue No. Author Amendment Details

- 1 - Legacy document
February 2008 2 D E G Carson Original document augmented by
C Brozio extension of scope to detailed analysis
methodology, the addition of computer
based calculations and problematic
D E G Carson Update of Table 2 - System Design
July 2017 3 Russell Bryans Document review


Author Owner Issue Authority

Russell Bryans Malcolm Bebbington David Neilson
Lead Engineer Distribution Network Manager Distribution Network Manager

David Neilson
Distribution Network Manager

Date: 7/8/17


This is a Controlled document and shall be reviewed as dictated by business / legislative change but
at a period no greater than 5 years from the last issue date.


This document is part of the SP Distribution (DOC-00-206), SP Manweb (DOC-00-310) and SP

Transmission (DOC-00-311) System Design Virtual Manuals maintained by Document Control but
does not have a maintained distribution list. It is also published on the SP Energy Networks website.

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1 SCOPE ..................................................................................................................................... 1
2 ISSUE RECORD ...................................................................................................................... 1
3 ISSUE AUTHORITY ................................................................................................................. 1
4 REVIEW ................................................................................................................................... 1
5 DISTRIBUTION ........................................................................................................................ 1
6 CONTENTS .............................................................................................................................. 2
7 DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................................... 3
8 BACKGROUND ....................................................................................................................... 3
8.1 SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT TERMINOLOGY ............................................................................ 3
9 PHILOSOPHY / POLICY ......................................................................................................... 6
9.1 DESIGN LIMITS ................................................................................................................... 6
10 IMPACT OF INCREASING FAULT LEVELS .......................................................................... 7
10.1 IMPACT ON CUSTOMERS’ SYSTEMS...................................................................................... 7
11 CALCULATION OF FAULT LEVELS ...................................................................................... 8
11.1 FAULT LEVEL CALCULATION FUNDAMENTALS ....................................................................... 8
11.2 SIMPLE FAULT LEVEL CALCULATIONS .................................................................................. 8
11.3 NETWORK REDUCTION ........................................................................................................ 9
11.4 DELTA/STAR AND STAR/DELTA TRANSFORMATIONS ........................................................... 10
11.5 ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATION G74 .............................................................................. 15
11.6 G74 ASYNCHRONOUS (INDUCTION) LV MOTOR INFEEDS .................................................... 15
11.7 HV GENERATOR AC DECREMENTS ................................................................................... 15

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Please refer to ESDD-01-004 for definitions relating to this document.


When a fault occurs on the transmission or distribution system, the current which flows into the fault
will be derived from a combination of three sources:

1. Major generating stations via the transmission and distribution networks (i.e. system derived fault
2. Embedded generators connected to the local network
3. Conversion of the mechanical inertia of rotating plant equipment connected to the system into
electrical energy.

IEC 60909 is an international standard first published in 1988 which provides guidance on the manual
calculation of short circuit currents in a three phase ac system. The standard produces fault current
results for an unloaded network, that is the results do not include load current and the pre-fault
conditions do not take account of tap positions. To counter some of these assumptions, multipliers
are applied to the driving voltage. The calculations from IEC 60909 lead to conservative results and it
is possible that this method could result in over investment. Engineering Recommendation G74 was
therefore introduced in 1992 as an example of ‘Good Industry Practice’ for a computer-based
derivation of fault currents. In addition to the procedure, G74 also addressed the issue of fault
contribution from some types of load as detailed in item 3 above. In the absence of accurate load
data, G74 provides guidance on load related fault infeeds. Essentially, this is a variable dependant on
the mix of customer type and electrical demand. Engineering Technical Report 120 published in 1995
provides additional guidance on the application of Engineering Recommendation G74.

Historically, the network has been designed primarily taking account of system derived prospective
fault current. Prior to the Energy Act in 1983 and the development of the ER G59, embedded
generation was not a widespread phenomenon. At this time the predicted system fault levels were
‘controllable’, non-volatile and essentially only modified by changes in system configuration. As a
result, the system was developed to operate with relatively high fault levels. The objective of such a
design practice being to produce a strong system conducive to providing a high level of Power
Quality, a high fault level or low source impedance gives rise to lower levels of harmonic distortion
and/or flicker from distorting and disturbing loads.

8.1 Short Circuit Current Terminology

This section provides a high level summary of some of the terminology used in the calculation of short
circuit currents, equipment ratings and duties imposed by fault occurrences.

8.1.1 3 phase fault

Balanced three phase faults short circuit all three phase conductors while the network remains
balanced electrically. It may or may not involve a connection to earth. A balanced 3 phase fault will
not involve any current flowing in the earth conductor even if the fault is connected to earth. At EHV
and below, these are often the most severe, and also the most amenable to calculation. For these
calculations, equivalent circuits may be used as in ordinary load-flow calculations.

8.1.2 Single phase fault

A single phase fault involves a short circuit between one phase conductor and earth. The network
becomes electrically unbalanced during these faults and calculation methods make use of
symmetrical components to represent the unbalanced network. Depending principally upon
transformer winding and earthing arrangements, a single phase to earth fault may result in more
current in the faulted phase than would flow in each of the phases for a balanced 3 phase fault at the
same location. It is often the case, particularly at 132kV and 275kV that single phase faults are more
severe than 3-phase faults.

8.1.3 X/R Ratio

The short circuit current is made up of an AC component (with a relatively slow decay rate) and a DC
component (with a faster decay rate). These combine into a complex waveform which represents the
worst case asymmetry and as such will be infrequently realised in practice.

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The DC component decays exponentially according to a time constant which is a function of the X/R
ratio. This is the ratio of reactance to resistance in the current paths feeding the fault. High X/R ratios
mean that the DC component decays more slowly.

8.1.4 DC Component
Calculation of the DC component of short-circuit current is based on the worst case scenario that full
asymmetry occurs on the faulted phase (for a single phase-to-earth fault) or on any one of the phases
(for a three phase-to-earth fault).

The DC component of the peak-make and peak-break short-circuit currents are calculated from two
equivalent system X/R ratios. An initial X/R ratio is used to calculate the peak make current, and a
break X/R ratio is used to calculate the peak break current. Calculation of the initial and break X/R
ratios is undertaken in accordance with IEC 60909. The equivalent frequency method (also known as
Method c)) is considered to be the most appropriate general purpose method for calculating DC short-
circuit currents (see section 11.8.2).

8.1.5 Circuit Breaker Duty and Capability

Circuit breakers which may be called on to energise onto faulted equipment or disconnect faulty
equipment from the system will have precisely defined capabilities to meet the following equipment
Make Duty – The make duty of a circuit breaker is that which is imposed on the circuit breaker in the
event that it is closed to energise a faulted or otherwise earthed piece of equipment.
Break Duty – The break duty of a circuit breaker is that which is imposed upon the circuit breaker
when it is called upon to interrupt fault current.

The duties to which the circuit breakers are exposed to can be demonstrated by considering the fault
current waveform immediately following the inception of a fault. Initial Peak Current

Short Circuit Current (kA)
Short Circuit Current (kA)

T im e

T im e
Protection Tim e Contact Separation

Break Tim e Fault Clearance

Figure 1: AC Component of Short Circuit Current Figure 2: DC Component of Short Circuit


As discussed in section 8.1, Peak

the AC component (figure 1) Make

has a relatively long decay

rate compared to the DC
component (figure 2). The Peak
resultant waveform in figure
Short Circuit Current (kA)

3 shows both the AC and DC

components decaying, with
the first peak being the
largest and occurring at
T im e
about 10ms after the fault (ms)

occurrence. This is the short

circuit current that circuit
breakers must be able to Protection Tim e Contact Separation

close onto in the event that Break Tim e Fault Clearance

they are used to energise a Figure 3: Short Circuit Current

fault; hence this duty is
known as the Peak Make. However, this duty can also occur during spontaneous faults. All equipment
in the fault current path will be subjected to the Peak Make duty during faults and should therefore be
rated for this duty. The Peak Make duty is an instantaneous value.

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SYSTEM FAULT LEVELS Issue No. 3 RMS Break Current

This is the Root Mean Square (RMS) value of the symmetrical AC component of the short circuit
current at the time the circuit breaker contacts separate (figure 1), and does not include the effect of
the DC component of the short circuit current. This is effectively the nominal rating of the equipment.
The RMS break current shall be calculated using the break times set out in Table 1.

Network Voltage Break Time

(kV) (mS)
11kV (incl 6.6kV etc) 90
33kV 90
132kV 70
275kV and 400kV 50
Table 1 - typical break times by system voltage DC Break Current

This is the value of the DC component of the short-circuit current at the time the circuit breaker
contacts separate (Figure 2). Peak Break

As both the AC and DC components are decaying, the first peak after contact separation will be the
largest during the arcing period. This is the highest instantaneous short circuit current that the circuit
breaker has to break, hence this duty is known as the Peak Break. This duty will be considerably
higher than the RMS Break because, like the Peak Make duty, it is an instantaneous value (therefore
multiplied by 2 ) and also includes the DC component. Break Time

The RMS Break and Peak Break are, by definition, dependent on the break time. The slower the
protection, the later the break time and the more the AC and DC components will have decayed. The
assumed value for break time will vary by voltage but will be in the range 50-120ms. It should be
noted that a break time of 50ms is the time to the first major peak in the arcing period, rather than the
time to arc extinction.

8.1.6 Fault Withstand Capability

Substation infrastructure such as busbars, supporting structures, flexible connections, current
transformers, and terminations must be capable of withstanding the mechanical forces associated
with the passage of fault current.

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Health & Safety requirements dictate that all equipment is fit for the duty it is required to perform. In
the Electricity at Work Regulations, Regulation 5 states that ‘No electrical equipment shall be put into
use where its strength and capability may be exceeded in such a way as may give rise to danger.’ In
order to comply with this requirement with respect to plant fault capability, the maximum prospective
fault current must be constrained or controlled such that no item of equipment on the system shall be
over-stressed due to its fault interruption or making duties being greater than its assigned rating.

9.1 Design Limits

System fault levels shall be constrained within the design limits for each voltage level which are
summarised in Table 2. Any modification, extension or addition to the system shall take account of the
resultant changes to the prospective fault currents and ensure that these design limits detailed are not

Three Phase Symmetrical Single Phase

System Voltage Short Circuit Current Short Circuit Current
400kV 34,500 50 38,000 55
275kV 15,000 31.5 19,000 40
132kV 4,570 20 5,700 25
33kV (Scotland) 1,000 17.5 240 4.2
33kV (Manweb legacy)  750 13.1 750 13.1
33kV (Manweb)  1,000 17.5 240 4.2
11kV 250 13.1 250 13.1
6.6kV 150 13.1 150 13.1
6.3kV 143 13.1 143 13.1
Table 2 - Design Fault Level Limits

These limits, particularly at the lower voltage levels, relate to sites which form part of the general
transmission or distribution system. Where an individual customer connection is solely derived from
the LV side of a GSP or Primary transformer, i.e. the point of common coupling is at the higher
voltage level, then it is permissible for the fault level to exceed the design limits, provided the
connection is engineered accordingly. Such circumstances may be inevitable where customer
installations consist of significant generation or motor load.

Due to the potential impact on third party installations in the lower voltage systems, revision to the
design limits for 33kV and 11kV and application of a Local Fault Level Design Limit requires to be
carefully considered and will only be sanctioned after due process. For the higher voltage grid and
supergrid networks which are within SPEN control, future review and revision to the design limits for
the 400kV, 275kV and 132kV systems may be possible.

The legacy 33kV network and design fault level in Manweb historically has been based on 750MVA
equipment. Where all equipment within the local system has the capability to operate to the Company
limit of 1,000MVA, taking due account of directly connected customer installations, that system can be
assigned the higher design limit.

The migrational target for the Manweb 33kV system is the Company limit of 1,000MVA. Therefore,
new networks or incremental modifications which have a material impact on existing networks, may
be assigned the design limit of 1,000MVA provided the comments in item  are addressed.

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There are a number of obvious areas where the rise in fault levels have an impact on the design or
operation of the system.
 Health and Safety – the implications of having the prospective fault current exceeding the plant
capability with respect to the safety of employees, members of the public and the equipment.
 Power Quality / Security of Supply – having to reconfigure the system to alleviate the over-
stressing condition and discharge the H&S obligations may expose customers to single circuit risk
or reductions in the perceived power quality.
 Asset Replacement Programme and Budget – significant capex may have to be committed in
future to addressing over-stressed switchgear and is anticipated to increase with time in
proportion to incremental load growth.
 New Business – when load or generation connections cannot easily be facilitated due to fault
level considerations, the company is exposed to added pressures due to the consequential
additional cost of the reinforcement works.

In addition to these more obvious results of rising fault levels there are associated areas of concern.
For example, the transformer procurement process, particularly with respect to Grid Supply Point
transformers, may prove to be more problematic in future.

In determining the appropriate impedance for a GSP transformer, two issues must be considered,
fault level and voltage step change. The impedance of the transformers must be high enough to
constrain the fault level to within design limits, and low enough to prevent excessive voltage step.
Clearly these are conflicting requirements which produce an acceptable impedance envelope (across
the tap range) which will, in turn, satisfy both conditions. ENA ACE Report 62 provides guidance on
the calculation of the acceptable reactance variation for large supply transformers. With embedded
generation connections increasing fault levels, this envelope is compressing such that, for some sites,
the normal manufacturing tolerances will be wider than the acceptable envelope, and therefore
without additional mitigating measures, one or other of the conditions will be breached.

10.1 Impact on Customers’ Systems

It is also essential to consider the impact of over-stressing equipment within customer installations.
Customer installations will have declared maximum fault levels for their point of connection to the
transmission or distribution system and in the first instance it must be assumed that the customer’s
installation is rated and constructed accordingly. Any increase in system fault levels for the point of
connection may result in the customer’s installation being exposed to unidentified over-stressing.

While over-stressing on our system can be identified and managed and is effectively within our own
control, the same condition does not apply to the customer. Over-stressing of the customers
equipment, whether from normal or temporary conditions, is entirely beyond their control and
awareness. It is not acceptable for the fault level conditions on the SPEN Networks to impose such
over-stressing conditions on these customers.

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11.1 Fault Level Calculation Fundamentals

The management of prospective fault level conditions in terms of circuit breaker make and break
duties requires an assessment of the fault current contributions from all potential sources. This
section addresses the procedures for the development of network and load models to enable the
assessment of the interaction of the various sources of fault current contributions.

The methodology described in IEC 60909 allows for the calculation of short circuit currents using
sequence components. The methodology makes certain assumptions about the nature of the fault for
the purposes of defining the network impedance conditions.

1. For the duration of the short circuit there is no change in the type of short circuit involved, that
is a three phase short circuit remains three phase and a line-to-earth short circuit remains
line-to-earth fault for the duration of the fault.
2. For the duration of the short circuit, there are no other changes in the network.
3. The impedance of the transformers is referred to the tap-changer in nominal position. This is
admissible because an impedance correction factor KT for network transformers is introduced.
4. Arc Resistances are not taken into account.
5. All line capacitances and shunt admittances and non-rotating loads, except those of the zero-
sequence system, are neglected.

11.2 Simple Fault Level Calculations

The method of calculating system fault levels are covered in detail in many text books and it is not the
intention of this document to reproduce that material. However, some practical guidance may be of

The basis of fault level calculations can be either:-

(a) Ohms at a chosen Standard Voltage
(b) Percentage impedance drop at a chosen standard MVA base
(c) Per unit method (an adaptation of (b))

Many planners prefer option (b) and the most convenient and normal standard base is 100MVA.

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11.3 Network Reduction

In order to determine the prospective fault current at any point on the system, the process, in simple
terms, is as follows:-

1. Prepare a single line diagram of the system indicating all generators, transformers, lines etc. and
the point at which the fault level is required.
2. Indicate the reactance of all items to 100 MVA base. For generators, transformers etc. reactance is
normally given as a percentage at normal rating (MVA), i.e.

% to rated MVA x 100

X% to 100MVA = …(1)
normal rating (MVA)

3. Reduce the system to a single reactance between all generators or grid infeeds and the fault point
by standard series/parallel and star/delta transformations and calculate the fault MVA from the
formula: -

Fault MVA = …(2)
Reactance (% to 100 MVA)

Note: For lines and cables; reactance is normally given in ohms, and
Ohms x 10
X% to 100 MVA = 2 where kV is the line kV. …(3)
X% x (kV)
Conversely, the ohmic value is given by 4 …(4)

For convenience, tables of resistance and reactance (% to 100 MVA) for standard lines and cables
are given in Annex 1.

In the above formulae it is tacitly assumed that resistance can be ignored and in fact where R is less
than 30% of X the error in doing so is less than 5%.

Where greater accuracy is required computer methods should be employed.

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11.4 Delta/Star and Star/Delta Transformations

The configuration of an impedance network can be changed from delta (mesh) to star and vice-versa
by the following transformations:-


Ra Rc

R1 R2
N1 N2 N1 N2
Delta - Star Star - Delta

RaRb R1R2+R2R3+R3R1
R1 = …(5) Ra = …(8)
Ra+Rb+Rc R2

RbRc R1R2+R2R3+R3R1
R2 = …(6) Rb = …(9)
Ra+Rb+Rc R3

RaRc R1R2+R2R3+R3R1
R3 = …(7) Rc = …(10)
Ra+Rb+Rc R1

(Ra,Rb,Rc from fig2) (R1,R2,R3 from fig1)

Examples of 3 phase calculations are provided in section 11.4.1.

For examples of the use of Symmetrical Components for Asymmetrical Faults, see section 11.4.2.

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11.4.1 Example of 3 Phase Symmetrical Fault Calculation

A primary (33/11kV) two-transformer substation is supplied at 33kV through two 0.3 3-core solid
type 33kV copper cables, each of 4.85 km route length, from a grid supply point. The fault level at the
GSP 33kV busbars is 750MVA. The impedance of each of the 15/21MVA (ON/OFB) 33/11kV
transformers at the remote end of each 33kV cable is 15% on 15 MVA. The impedance of the 11kV
cables connecting the transformers to the 11kV switchboard is considered negligible. What is the fault
level at the 11kV switchboard?

Source Infeed
Fault level at 33kV busbars at grid supply point = 750MVA

Equivalent reactance of infeed (resistance can be neglected) =  100
= 13.3% / 100MVA

33kV Cable
From Annex 1, Table 7, % Reactance of cable = 0.84 x 4.85 = 4.07% / 100MVA

The resistance of the cable can be neglected as it is negligible in comparison with the reactance of
the system.

33/11kV Transformers
Reactance of each transformer on 100 MVA base =  100 = 100%
Transformer resistance is only about 5% of the impedance value and can be neglected.

One Circuit comprising of One Cable and One Transformer

Reactance (%)
Cable 4.07
Transformer 100.00
Total 104.07

Two Circuits in parallel, each comprising of One Cable and One Transformer
Reactance (%)

Total Impedance
Reactance (%)
Up to 33kV busbars 13.3
Cables and transformers 52.0
Total 65.3

100  100
Hence the fault level at the 11kV switchboard is i.e. 153MVA

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11.4.2 Asymmetrical Faults - Symmetrical Components

The evaluation of asymmetrical fault currents is often necessary when investigating the performance
of protective equipment, and for this purpose the method of symmetrical components is most often

A complete description of the theory of symmetrical components is outside the scope of this manual,
but the principal formulae can be summarised as follows:-

Principal Symbols Used:

Eph = Phase-neutral voltage (volts)
Z1, Z2, Z0 = Positive, negative and zero phase sequence impedances of system up to
a fault (ohms)
I1, I2, I0 = Positive, negative and zero phase sequence components of fault current
1F (amps)

For a phase-phase fault,

I1 = I2 = …(11)
Z1  Z 2

IF = 3I1 = …(12)
Z1  Z 2

For a single phase to earth fault,

I1 = I2 = I0 = …(13)
Z1  Z 2  Z 0

IF = I1 +I2 + I0 = …(14)
Z1  Z 2  Z 0

In most earth faults the term Z0 includes the resistance of the earth path and that of the neutral
earthing resistor if present. If the total earth path and neutral resistance is Rn, the term to be included
in Z0 is 3 Rn.

In all static plant (transformers, regulators, lines, etc.) the positive and negative sequence
impedances are equal, but the zero sequence impedances are not always equal to the other
sequence impedances.

Simple problems involving symmetrical components can be solved by hand calculation and computer
applications are available for more complex systems.

For fuller treatment of symmetrical components the following standard works may be helpful:-
"Fault Calculations" by Lackey
"Circuit Analysis of A.C. Power Systems" by Edith Clarke.

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11.4.3 Short Circuit Ratings for Belted and Screened 11kV Cables
When a cable is subjected to high short circuit currents any resultant damage may be due to:-
(a) High temperatures set up in the conductors or sheath which are a function of the magnitude and
duration of the current.
(b) High electro-magnetic forces which are a function of the magnitude, but independent of the
duration of the current.

Short circuit currents in accordance with (a) are given by:-

I t t = KAc amperes (sec)
where I = short circuit current in amperes
t = duration of short circuit in seconds.
K = constant varying with conductor material and temperature range of the short circuit
Ac = area of conductor in mm for 11kV belted cables

The effect of (b) is more difficult to calculate but safe non-bursting limits of current have been
obtained by experiment. For belted and screened armoured cables the conductor temperature should
be a maximum of 160°C.

If the lead sheath temperature rises above 250°C sheath bursting can take place, especially in cables
which are unarmoured. Application of Criteria

(a) The criterion for all steel wire armoured, lead sheathed cables up to 400mm2 (0.6 in. ) Al or 0.4
in. Cu. is joint damage, hence:
I t t = 119 AC amperes (sec) for Copper cables
and I t t = 79.3 AC amperes (sees)* for Aluminium cables

(b) The criterion for all unarmoured and tape armoured cables and for steel wire armoured cables
above the sizes given in (b) is sheath damage, hence:
IS t t = 29.6 AC amperes (sec)
where IS = sheath current in amperes
AS = cross sectional area of sheath in mm

In an armoured cable the sheath current is obtained from the following expression:-
I S  IT 
RS  R A
Where IT = total current flowing in sheath and armour
RA= armour resistance per unit length
RS= sheath resistance per unit length Safeguards Against Damage

The use of the above criteria will prevent the following potential causes of damage arising:-
(a) dielectric charring by heated conductors
(b) melting of solder in joints
(c) crushing of dielectric by mechanical forces

Table 3 provides values of short circuit ratings at 11kV and 6.6kV for various durations of fault and
sizes of conductor. It also provides safe non-bursting limits of short circuit current.

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Conductor Safe Rating for Time Period of

C.S.A. Non-bursting Limit
0.1 Sec. 0.25 Sec. 0.5 Sec. 1.00 Sec.
in mm at at
(kA) at at (kA) at at (kA) at at (A) at at (kA)
(Cu) (Al) 6.6kV 11kV
6.6kV 11kV 6.6kV 11kV 6.6kV 11kV 6.6kV 11kV
0.0225 - - - 62.3 104 5.45 39.3 65.5 3.44 27.8 46.4 2.44 19.7 32.8 1.72
0.04(0.06A1) - - - 110 184 9.68 70 116 6.12 49.5 82.5 4.33 35.0 58.3 3.06
0.06(0. 1A1) 386 648 34.00 166 277 14.53 105 175 9.18 74.2 123 6.49 52.4 87.4 4.59
0.10(0.15A1) 423 705 37.00 276 461 24.20 175 291 15.30 123 206 10.82 87.4 145 7.65
0.15(0.25 Al) 446 743 39.00 415 692 36.30 263 438 23.00 185 309 16.23 131 219 11.50
0.2(0.3A1) 480 800 42.00 553 922 48.40 350 583 30.60 247 411 21.60 175 291 15.30
0.25 491 819 43.00 692 1,153 60.50 437 729 38.25 309 515 17.05 218 364 19.13
0.30 514 857 45.00 830 1,383 72.60 525 874 45.90 371 618 32.46 263 438 23.00
95 352 587 30.80 - 310 16.30 - 280 14.70 . 194 10.20 . 139 7.30
185 401 668 35.10 - 604 31.70 - 533 28.00 - 381 20.00 - 266 14.00
300 451 752 39.50 - 990 52.00 - 886 46.50 - 629 33.00 - 440 23.10
Table 3: Short Circuit Ratings of PILC SWA Screened or Belted 11kV Cables

Imperial Cables:- I C t = 76,500 AC where AC is the conductor area (Copper or Copper equivalent Aluminium) in square inches
Metric Cables I C t = 79.3 AC where Ac is the conductor area (Al only) in square millimetres

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11.5 Engineering Recommendation G74

G74 describes a procedure to meet the requirements of IEC 909 (as the document was originally
numbered when published in 1988). The requirements of ER G74 are not intended to be applied to
hand calculation of short circuit currents but describe a method which can be realised with a computer
network analysis package.

The principles underpinning ER G74 are:

 Pre-fault conditions must be established from the network configuration, plant parameters,
load and boundary conditions specified by the user; where available measured values should
be used. Users must ensure that a credible system operating arrangement giving rise to
maximum short circuit levels is used to establish the pre-fault network conditions.
 To represent network conditions as accurately as possible, an AC load flow is to be used to
determine the pre-fault voltage profile, motor and generator internal voltages and transformer
tap settings. These initial conditions are to be used in the subsequent short-circuit current
 Short circuit current contributions from all rotating plant must be included in the calculation.
Where rotating plant can be individually identified, it must be modelled either as an individual
item or part of an equivalent group in the system representation. Rotating plant forming part
of the general load must be represented by a suitable equivalent.

11.6 G74 Asynchronous (Induction) LV Motor Infeeds

In order to model the fault infeed associated with asynchronous motors that are not individually
identifiable but form part of the general load, fault level studies are carried out with equivalent
machines connected to all Grid Supply points or 33kV busbars.

Although there is some debate on the validity of recommendations behind G74 as typical
characteristics of load have changed since the 1990’s, the G74 recommendations still represent the
industry best practice. Section 9.5.1 of ER G74 makes the following recommendations regarding the
magnitude of initial fault infeed from the equivalent machines. For load connected at:
 low voltage allow 1.0MVA per MVA of aggregate LV substation winter demand
 high voltage allow 2.6MVA per MVA of aggregate winter demand.

For Peak Make conditions, the generators are assumed to have positive and negative phase
sequence components but no zero sequence component due to the winding configuration of
distribution transformers.

The fault current from asynchronous motors decays very rapidly and will not contribute to the fault
clearing (break) duty of switchgear apart from the negative sequence component which is assumed to
remain constant for the duration of the fault.

11.7 HV Generator AC Decrements

For generation connected directly to the transmission system, the effect of the AC decrement has
been taken into account when determining the break duty values. The effect of the AC decrement is to
reduce the positive sequence contributions from HV generators to transient levels.

11.8 Detailed Fault Level Calculation by Power System Analysis Software

Power system fault current transients consist of a constant AC component, a decaying AC component
and a decaying DC component. Generally, the transient fault current can be calculated accurately by
applying a time-domain transient analysis program. For large-scale fault current calculations, this is
not feasible and this section aims to outline the theoretical background to calculating various
characteristics of a fault current transient, based on steady-state analysis. This is used as a basis to
formulate procedures to implement these calculations in power system analysis software.

© SP Power Systems Limited Page 15 of 32 Design Manual (SPT, SPD, SPM): Section 9a

11.8.1 Background Theory Fault Current in a Simple RL Circuit
Consider the simple series RL circuit shown in figure 1.

V p sin(t   )

Figure 1. Simple series RL circuit.

After the switch is closed at t = 0:

V p sin(t   )  Ri  L ...(15)
The general solution for eq. 15 is:
 Rt
Vp   L 
i(t )  sin t    tan 1    Ae L
R  L
2 2 2
  R 
The fault current has a constant AC component, plus a decaying DC component with a magnitude
that depends on the initial conditions. At t=0, the instant at which the fault starts, i = 0. Setting i = 0
and t = 0 and solving eq. 16 for A then yields:
 Vp   L 
A sin   tan 1   ...(17)
R 2   2 L2   R 

Writing the peak AC current in terms if the RMS fault current, IRMS:

 2 I RMS ...(18)
R 2   2 L2
Then, with X = L:
 X  X
i(t )  2 I RMS sin t    tan 1   2 I RMS sin  tan 1 e X
 R  R
If the source in the above example is a synchronous machine, instead of a constant AC source, the
amplitude of the AC component will no longer be constant. This is because the internal voltage of the
machine, which is a function of the rotor flux linkages, is not constant. Initially, the AC component
decays rapidly as the flux linking the sub-transient circuits decays. This is followed by a relatively
slow decay of flux linking the transient circuits. The decay from sub-transient to transient current, with
a time constant of , can be included in eq. 19, resulting in:

 t
  1 X   1 X 
i(t )  2  I   ( I   I )e  sin t    tan
 
  2 I  sin  tan e X , ...(20)
   R   R 

© SP Power Systems Limited Page 16 of 32 Design Manual (SPT, SPD, SPM): Section 9a

where I is the RMS sub-transient current and I is the RMS transient current. For the purpose of fault
current calculations, it will be assumed that sub-transient current components decay to a negligible
value within 120 ms, which gives   40 ms. Note that the time constant of the DC component is not
affected by the decay of the AC fault current component. Peak Make Current
The highest peak current that a circuit breaker will see is the first peak of the fault current transient.
As the worst-case peak occurs about 10 ms after fault inception, the circuit breaker will never be
required to break this current, due to protection system and mechanical delays. Therefore, the worst-
case peak is known as the peak make current, ip. The highest DC component occurs when:
X 
  tan 1  ...(21)
R 2
For this case, the peak value of the AC component occurs at t = 10 ms. However, this is not the
condition under which the worst-case peak make current occurs. Due to the decay of the DC
component, the worst-case value of the total fault current transient tends to occur when  = 0 and at a
time just before 10 ms. The highest possible peak value of eq. 19 is difficult to determine analytically
and the following empirical formula is recommended in IEC 60909 and Engineering Recommendation
G74 to calculate the worst-case peak make current:
 3 R

i p  2 I 1.02  0.98e X  ...(22)
 
For practical X/R ratios, eq. 22 tends to over-estimate the peak value slightly (by about 0.2% to 0.5%). Break current

When breaking a fault current, the breaker contacts will start moving apart at about 50 ms to 90 ms
after fault inception, depending on the speed of the protection and the breaker operating time. At the
break time (tB) the RMS AC component of the fault current, the RMS break current (I B), is given by:
t B

I B  I   ( I   I )e 0.04
. ...(23)

Eq. 23 is based on the assumption that  = 40 ms. For a system frequency of 50 Hz, the DC current
component at the break time is given by:
100Rt B

i DC  2 I e X

Combining the AC and DC components, the peak break current (iB) is given by:

 t B 100Rt B

i B  2  I   ( I   I )e  I e X 
 

© SP Power Systems Limited Page 17 of 32 Design Manual (SPT, SPD, SPM): Section 9a

11.8.2 Practical Fault Current Calculation

For large-scale fault studies, it is not desirable to carry out detailed transient analysis to obtain fault
currents. Instead, IEC 60909 and ER G74 outline methods to obtain the worst-case AC and DC fault
current components accurately, using conventional steady-state fault analysis programs.
Conventional fault analysis programs can be used to determine I and I. This is achieved by using
the applicable generator impedances in the fault study and by correctly representing any fault infeeds
from motors in the sub-transient and transient system models. If an equivalent X/R ratio can now be
found, ip, IB, iDC and iB discussed above can be determined. X/R Ratio
To accurately determine the decay of the DC fault current component, the X/R ratio of the system
under consideration has to be known. This is not a problem for a simple system like the one shown in
figure 1. However, in a complex, meshed network, there are several sources contributing to the total
fault current via a number of branches with different X/R ratios. The problem is thus to determine an
equivalent X/R ratio to represent the entire system. A number of methods that can be used to
determine an equivalent X/R ratio will be briefly described below, at the hand of a practical example.
A transient simulation was run to determine the fault current for a three-phase fault at Strathaven
275kV. The DC component of the fault current was isolated by subtracting the AC component, giving
the result shown by the red curve in figure 2.

Fault Current DC Component (STHA2-)




35 ATP simulation

30 Direct Thevenin
i DC [kA]

No loads or shunts
20 (X/R=11.4)
Method C


-0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
t [s]

Figure 2. DC fault current components for a fault at Strathaven 275kV.

This is an accurate calculation, which correctly accounts for DC current contributions from across the
(a) Direct X/R Calculation
The most obvious method of obtaining an equivalent X/R ratio is to simply determine the Thevenin
equivalent of the network. Using the R and X values from the Thevenin impedance, an X/R ratio of
6.09 is found. The DC component of the fault current is then given by:
iDC (t )  2 I e 6.09

From figure 2 it is clear that iDC of eq. 26 decays much faster than the actual DC component, leading
to the conclusion that a direct X/R calculation is inaccurate and will underestimate the X/R ratio.

© SP Power Systems Limited Page 18 of 32 Design Manual (SPT, SPD, SPM): Section 9a

(b) X/R Calculation with Shunt Impedances Removed

The calculation in (a) above included impedances representing the system loads as well as line
charging susceptances and other shunts. During a three-phase fault, none of these shunt
impedances carry any fault current and should therefore not affect the X/R ratio – thus, only the series
impedances in the fault current paths should be taken into consideration. By removing all load
impedances and line charging from the network, and then calculating the X/R ratio, a value of 11.37 is
found. Figure 2 shows that this is a reasonable approximation during the first 10 or 20 ms of the fault,
after which iDC again decays faster than the accurately calculated DC component. Therefore, this
method of calculation will give acceptable results for peak make current calculations, but not for
determining break current DC components.

(c) Method c)
The so-called ‘Method c)’ described in IEC 60909 aims to improve the DC current calculation by using
a variable X/R ratio. A different X/R ratio is used for different time periods following the inception of
the fault. Method c), also known as the ‘equivalent frequency method’, works by scaling all
reactances in the network to an equivalent frequency, fc. The network is thus treated as if the system
frequency is fc and not 50 Hz. The ratio Xc/Rc is now calculated and scaled back to obtain the X/R
X 50 X c
  ...(27)
R f c Rc
Table 4 shows values of fc that are to be used for a range of time windows following the start of the
Table 4 - Equivalent frequencies for Method c).

Time window [ms] fc [Hz]

t < 10 20.00
10  t < 20 13.50
20  t < 50 7.50
50  t < 100 4.60
100  t < 250 2.75

© SP Power Systems Limited Page 19 of 32 Design Manual (SPT, SPD, SPM): Section 9a

It is not the intention to explore the basis for Method c) here. However, to demonstrate how Method
c) works, consider the simple network shown in figure 3.
X1 R1 i1
X2 X2 R2 i2
 10
 20
R3 X3 R3 i3

V p sin(t   )

Figure 3. Network to illustrate Method c)

This network has three parallel branches with similar impedance magnitudes, but widely differing X/R
Figure 4 shows the DC component contributed to the fault current via each branch (i1, i2 and i3) and
the total DC component of the fault current.


i DC (p.u. of peak)

i1 + i2 + i3
Direct X/R
Method C


0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
t (s)

Figure 4. DC fault current components for the network shown in figure 3.

© SP Power Systems Limited Page 20 of 32 Design Manual (SPT, SPD, SPM): Section 9a

It is clear that the lower the X/R ratio of a branch, the quicker its portion of the DC fault current
decays. This is not taken into account when using the X/R ratio of the parallel combination of the
three branches to estimate the DC component, as also shown in figure 4. The DC current
contributions via the highest X/R branches have the longest time constant and hence the relative
contribution of these components to the total DC current will become higher with time. Method c)
takes this into account by increasing the relative effect of high X/R branches as a function of time, i.e.
the X/R ratio increases with time. In figure 4 it can be seen that the Method c) DC component is
remarkably close to the accurately calculated DC current.
Returning to the Strathaven fault current example of figure 2, note that Method c) also gives very good
results for a large practical, interconnected network. Note that line charging and loads were removed
from the network before calculating the X/R ratio. X/R Ratio for Unbalanced Faults

The X/R ratio for unbalanced faults is not the same as the X/R ratio for balanced faults. In fact, X/R
ratios for unbalanced faults are found by interconnecting the sequence networks in the same manner
as for the corresponding unbalanced fault current calculation. Thus, for single-phase (line-to-ground)

X X 0  X1  X 2
 . ...(28)
R L G R0  R1  R2
For line-to-line faults:

X X1  X 2
 , ...(29)
R LL R1  R2
and for line-line-ground faults

X Im(Z eq )
 , ...(30)
R L  L G Re( Z eq )
( R0  jX 0 )( R2  jX 2 )
Z eq  ( R1  jX 1 )  . ...(31)
( R0  jX 0 )  ( R2  jX 2 )
In most cases, positive and negative sequence impedances are equal, or very similar, so that the line-
line X/R ratio is equal (or very close to) the X/R ratio for balanced three-phase faults. Depending on
the network, however, the line-to-ground and line-line-ground X/R ratios could differ significantly from
the balanced X/R ratio. If method c) is applied, the X/R ratio is calculated at the equivalent frequency,
according to eq. 28 – 31, before scaling back according to eq. 27.

© SP Power Systems Limited Page 21 of 32 Design Manual (SPT, SPD, SPM): Section 9a
SYSTEM FAULT LEVELS Issue No. 3 Practical X/R calculation

From the above discussion it is clear that Method c) gives the best approximation to the DC fault
current component, based only on steady-state calculations. Depending on the fault calculation
software that is used, it may be very difficult to apply Method c). In this case, a simple X/R ratio
calculation will suffice for peak make current calculations, provided that loads and shunt impedances
have been removed from the positive and negative sequence networks. From figure 2 it can be seen
that the error is relatively small. IEC 60909 recommends that a safety factor of 1.15 should be applied
in this case, but G74 states that this can be ignored, unless a significant number of branches in the
network have an X/R ratio below 3.3. In the British transmission network, branches with an X/R ratio
below 10 are rare and therefore the safety factor of 1.15 can be ignored for transmission system fault
To calculate the DC component after more than 10 ms have expired, only Method c) should be used.
It is clear from the results presented above that large errors will be made if the Thevenin impedance
X/R ratio is used.

11.8.3 Calculation Procedures

In the event of incomplete or missing generator or motor base data, the machine is commonly
modelled only by its equivalent reactance. This leads to satisfactory results when calculating I or I.
However, because R = 0, the X/R ratio tends to infinity. This is not a problem if the machine is remote
from the fault, but close to a fault this tends to increase the X/R ratio. This leads to an over-estimation
of the DC fault current component. Therefore, care should be taken to include realistic resistances for
motors and generators where possible. For most circuit breakers, the RMS break current rating is
known. For circuit breakers rated to IEC 62271-100, the peak make current rating is given as 2.5
times the rated breaking current. Simplified X/R Ratio for Peak Make Current Calculations

1. To calculate the X/R ratio for three-phase and single-phase peak make current calculations, set
classical fault current calculation assumptions. Note that:
(a) Transformer tap ratios should NOT be set to unity
(b) Charging must be set to zero
(c) Shunts (including loads) must be set to zero in the positive and negative sequence, but NOT
in the zero-sequence network.
2. Carry out the fault current calculation. Note that this calculation is only performed to obtain an
X/R ratio – the calculated fault currents will NOT be correct.
3. For three-phase faults, determine X/R from the positive sequence Thevenin impedance:
X X1
 ...(32)
R 3-PH R1
4. For single-phase faults, determine X/R from all three sequence Thevenin impedances:
X X 0  X1  X 2
 ...(33)
R L G R0  R1  R2

© SP Power Systems Limited Page 22 of 32 Design Manual (SPT, SPD, SPM): Section 9a
SYSTEM FAULT LEVELS Issue No. 3 X/R Ratio using Method c)

1. Select equivalent frequency fc. For peak make calculations this will always be 20.0 Hz. For break
current calculations, fc depends on the break time tB, as shown in Table 4.
2. Scale all network reactances to the equivalent frequency fc. I.e. all inductive reactances and
capacitive susceptances are multiplied by fc/50, while keeping all resistances constant. Note that
positive, negative and zero-sequence impedances must be adjusted, although line charging and
shunt components can be ignored in the positive and negative sequence. Once frequency
scaling has been applied, there is no need carry out a load-flow, despite the mismatches caused
by changing the network impedances.
3. Set classical fault current calculation assumptions. Note that:
(a) Transformer tap ratios should NOT be set to unity
(b) Charging must be set to zero
(c) Shunts must be set to zero in the positive and negative sequence, but NOT in the zero-
sequence network.
4. Carry out the fault current calculation. Note that this calculation is only performed to obtain an
X/R ratio – the calculated fault currents will NOT be correct.
5. For three-phase faults, determine the scaled X/R ratio from the positive sequence Thevenin
Xc X1
 ...(34)
Rc 3-PH
6. For single-phase faults, determine the scaled X/R ratio from all three sequence Thevenin:
Xc X 0  X1  X 2
 ...(35)
Rc L G
R0  R1  R2
7. Finally, scale the X/R ratios back to 50 Hz (eq. 27):
X 50 X c
  ...(36)
R 3-PH f c Rc 3-PH
X 50 X c
  ...(37)
R L G f c Rc L G Peak make current (3-phase and single phase faults)

1. Without applying any flat conditions, calculate the sub-transient RMS fault current, I. A network
to which flat conditions have been applied, or that has been scaled to an equivalent frequency,
should NOT be used for this purpose.
2. Use the appropriate X/R ratio (see and above) to calculate the peak make
current using eq. 22.

© SP Power Systems Limited Page 23 of 32 Design Manual (SPT, SPD, SPM): Section 9a
SYSTEM FAULT LEVELS Issue No. 3 RMS break current

1. Without applying flat conditions, calculate the transient RMS fault current I. All generators should
be represented by their transient reactance and no contribution from equivalent or large induction
machines should be included.
2. If tB > 120 ms it can be assumed that all sub-transient AC current components have decayed to a
negligible magnitude and therefore IB = I.
3. If tB < 120 ms, the sub-transient AC component has to be included in the RMS break current.
Therefore, IB should be calculated using eq. 23. Note that, I as calculated in is also
required. DC Break and Peak Break Currents

1. The DC current component at tB should only be calculated with an X/R ratio obtained by applying
Method c) (see above).
2. Using the sub-transient RMS fault current, I, as calculated in above, the DC break
current is calculated using eq. 24.
3. Finally, the peak break current is given by (see eq. 23 - 25):
iB  2I B t B   iDC t B  ...(38) Modelling of 11kV Network G74 Infeed on the IPSA Modelling Platform
As described in section 11.6, in order to model the fault infeed associated with asynchronous motors
that are not individually identifiable but form part of the general load, fault level studies for the 132kV
and 33kV networks are carried out with equivalent synchronous motors normally drawing no load
connected to the system.

However, for fault level modelling of the 11kV system using the IPSA analytical software where
equivalent synchronous motors are not modelled, in order to represent the prospective fault current
infeed from rotating plant the following approach may be required.

Break Duty - Engineering Recommendation G74 recommends allowing an initial (time=0) rotating
plant contribution for a fault at the 33kV bus bar of 1MVA per MVA of LV load with a decay constant of
40ms. Therefore the maximum initial contribution at 33kV is 100% of the demand value with a decay
to 10.55% of the demand value at t=90ms. Due account of the transformer impedance has to be
taken when considering the fault current infeed at the 11kV busbar which results in the fault infeed to
the 33kV busbar. Typically this would require an infeed from the 11kV busbar equivalent to 10.65% of
the demand value. Therefore, for an 11kV fault at t=90ms, the allowance for fault current contribution
from rotating plant will be approximately 10.65% of the demand value.
Make Duty - Given the possible timing variations between onset of fault conditions and circuit breaker
closure, as well as the credible scenario of closure onto an earthed system, it is recommended that
full account be taken of the G74 infeed when considering make duty, i.e. the maximum initial
contribution at 33kV is 100% of the demand value with no allowance for decay. In common with the
Break Duty methodology described above, due account of the transformer impedance has to be taken
when considering the fault current infeed at the 11kV busbar.

Due cognisance should be taken of site minimum infeed to assess circuit breaker duty. This aspect is
covered in more detail in Design Manual Section 9b “Design for System Fault Levels and Equipment
Capabilities” (ESDD-02-014)

© SP Power Systems Limited Page 24 of 32 Design Manual (SPT, SPD, SPM): Section 9a

11.8.4 Fault Current Calculation for Traction Supplies

This section outlines the calculation of fault currents for single-phase traction supplies. Differences
between the booster transformer (BT) and autotransformer (AT) systems are also briefly considered. Basic calculation

Traction supply transformer HV windings are connected phase-to-phase, which means that a fault on
the LV (25kV) side of the transformer can be treated as a line-to-line fault with a fault impedance
equal to that of the traction transformer plus any additional impedance in the 25kV network.

V Za



For a line-line fault, the positive and negative sequence networks are connected in series with the
fault impedance to find the positive and negative sequence fault currents:
I1   I 2  ...(39)
Z1  Z 2  ZT

I0  0 ...(40)

Assuming that the transformer is connected between phases b and c as shown above, the fault
current is:

I f  a 2 I1  aI 2  I 0
 ( a 2  a ) I1 ...(41)

  j 3 I1
and therefore:
If  3 ...(42)
Z1  Z 2  ZT
For peak make current or DC component calculation, the equivalent X/R ratio needs to be calculated.
This is found from the X/R ratio of the series connection of the sequence impedances and the traction
transformer impedance:
X X1  X 2  X T
 ...(43)
R R1  R2  RT Alternative calculation method

This section shows how the fault current can be calculated from an ‘equivalent’ positive phase
sequence representation. To calculate the fault current with a computer program, the representation
shown below may be simpler to apply than the calculation discussed in the previous section.

© SP Power Systems Limited Page 25 of 32 Design Manual (SPT, SPD, SPM): Section 9a

V Za ½ ZT If´

V Zb ½ ZT If´

V If´
Zc ½ ZT

Finding If as a line-line fault, as in (39) above:

I1   I 2 
Z1  ZT   Z 2  12 ZT 

Z1  Z 2  Z T
If it is assumed that Z1 = Z2:
I1   I 2  ...(45)
2Z1  ZT
Now, consider the three-phase short-circuit current, If’:
I 'f  I1'   2I1 ...(46)
Z1  12 ZT

I1  12 I 'f ...(47)

I.e. if it assumed that the network positive and negative phase-sequence impedances are equal, the
positive phase sequence current can be found from a simple three-phase fault current calculation,
provided that only half the traction transformer (and network) impedance is represented in the study
network. Finally, the fault current, If, can be found:

3 '
I f  3 I1  I1 ...(48)
If the assumption that Z1 = Z2 is valid, the equivalent X/R ratio can also be found from the ‘equivalent’
positive sequence representation:
X X 1  12 X T

R R1  12 RT
2 X1  X T
 ...(49)
2 R1  RT
X1  X 2  X T

R1  R2  RT

© SP Power Systems Limited Page 26 of 32 Design Manual (SPT, SPD, SPM): Section 9a
SYSTEM FAULT LEVELS Issue No. 3 AT feeder transformer model

A model of an AT transformer is shown below. From short-circuit measurements, Z1, Z2 and Z12 are
usually available. These impedances are determined by respectively short-circuiting LV winding 1, LV
winding 2 or both LV windings.

Writing the test impedances (Z1, Z2 and Z12) in terms of the model parameters:

Z12  Z H  Z L1 Z L 2
Z L1Z L 2 ...(50)
 ZH 
Z L1  Z L 2
Z1  Z H  Z L1 ...(51)

Z2  Z H  Z L2 ...(52)

To find ZH, (50), (51) and (52) can be written in terms of ZH, Z1, Z2 and Z12:

Z H  2Z12Z H  Z12Z1  Z12Z 2  Z1Z 2   0


From (53), two solutions for ZH can be found. The following example shows how the model
parameters are found and how to apply these to a fault calculation.
Typical test impedances, derived from a transformer test certificate for a 400kV / 26.25-0-26.25kV AT
transformer, are (referred to HV):

Z12  5.139  j 329.71 

Z1  10.336  j 651.98  ...(54)
Z 2  10.401  j 656.16 
Solving for ZH, ZL1 and ZL2 yields the following two solutions:

Solution 1 Solution 2
ZH 0.090 + j5.357  10.368 + j654.06 
ZL1 10.426 + j646.62  0.032  j2.083 
ZL2 10.491 + j650.80  0.033 + j2.097 

Here, the values from solution 1 should be used because it is expected that ZL1  ZL2. Also, solution 2
would lead to an unreasonably low leakage impedance between the two secondary windings. Note
that the bulk of the leakage impedance is attributed to the LV winding, which is important when
estimating the HV and LV fault currents when both LV windings are short-circuited, as discussed
For fault calculations on either LV winding, ZT = Z1 or ZT = Z2 should be used. For the example case,
ZT values on a 100 MVA base are:
ZT = Z1 = ZH + ZL1 = 0.65 + j40.75 %
ZT = Z2 = ZH + ZL2 = 0.65 + j41.01 %

© SP Power Systems Limited Page 27 of 32 Design Manual (SPT, SPD, SPM): Section 9a
SYSTEM FAULT LEVELS Issue No. 3 BT and AT systems

Fault calculations for the BT system are straightforward. Care should be taken to use the correct
base current to calculate the LV fault current in kA (for a 25kV secondary voltage on a 100 MVA base,
the base current is 2.31 kA). Fault currents are typically just below 6 kA.
Matters are slightly more complicated for AT systems or for a BT system fed from an AT transformer.
At present, BT systems are commonly fed by AT transformers, using only one secondary winding. AT
systems generally have a maximum fault level of 12 kA, so for a BT system fed by an AT transformer,
the maximum fault current is usually limited by a series reactor.
Note that the rated AT transformer secondary voltage is unlikely to be 25kV, a rated voltage of
26.25kV seems to be the preferred value. In this case, a base current of 2.2 kA should be used. A
typical value of ZT for an AT transformer (for a short-circuit on one LV winding) is 0.6 + j40.9 % on 100
MVA. The series reactor impedance is in the order of 0.19 + j26.0 % on 100 MVA. Take care to
consider off-nominal transformer tap ratios when referring the reactor impedance between the HV and
LV windings.
Detailed fault calculations on an AT system have to be carried out jointly with Network Rail, as the
current distribution in the AT system is not straightforward to determine. However, if the AT electrical
system is ignored, a terminal fault on either of the LV windings is treated exactly like the BT case.
Two other possibilities require some consideration: (a) a terminal short-circuit on both LV windings, or
(b) a short-circuit across the series connection of the two windings (i.e. between the catenary terminal
and the AT feeder terminal).
(a) The fault current in the LV windings should be very close to the BT value. This assumes that
the LV windings are identical and that the bulk of the leakage impedance can be attributed to
the LV windings (see above). However, the HV current will be twice BT value.
(b) The series connection of the two windings leads to a doubling of the applied voltage, but also
doubles the LV leakage impedance. Therefore, the LV fault current will be very close to the
BT value. As for (a) above, the HV current doubles to maintain the VA balance between the

© SP Power Systems Limited Page 28 of 32 Design Manual (SPT, SPD, SPM): Section 9a


Standard H.V. Overhead Lines

Table 5 provides the electrical constants, per phase, per kilometre of circuit for 33kV and 11kV
overhead lines built to the Company's standard specifications, i.e. horizontal formation with spacing of
3'6" (1.07m) for 33kV and 2'6" (0.76m) for 11kV and lower voltage circuits.

The percentage figures for 11kV line construction working at a lower voltage may be obtained from
the 11kV figures by multiplying by the square of (11 divided by the actual voltage in kV) e.g. for an
overhead line operating at 6.6kV the percentage value would be the appropriate 11kV figure multiplied
by :
 11 
 6.6  i.e. by 2.78

The ohmic values would of course, be the same, irrespective of the value of the working voltage.

Table 5 - Hard Drawn Copper Conductors

Percentage on 100 MVA per

Voltage Conductor Size Ohms per kilometre
(kV) Stranding
in2 Resistance Reactance Impedance Resistance Reactance Impedance
.2 7/.193 .140 .340 .372 1.29 3.12 3.42
.15 7/.166 .180 .350 .394 1.65 3.21 3.62
33 .1 7/.136 .270 .360 .460 2.48 3.31 4.22
.075 7/.116 .370 .370 .525 3.40 3.40 4.82
.05 1/.252 .530 .380 .655 4.87 3.49 6.01
.2 7/.193 .142 .328 .350 11.7 27.1 28.9
.15 7/.166 .180 .328 .372 14.9 27.1 30.7
.1 7/.136 .274 .340 .437 22.6 28.1 36.1
.075 7/.116 .372 .340 .504 30.7 28.1 41.7
.05 1/.252 .536 .360 .650 44.3 29.8 53.7
.025 3/.104 1.080 .383 1.150 89.3 31.6 95.0
Reference S Butterworth "Electrical Characteristics of Overhead Lines".

Any error introduced by using the above figures for overhead lines with non-standard spacings will be
small. An increase of 100% in the equivalent spacing causes only an increase in reactance of
approximately 10% and therefore minor variations in conductor spacings are not considered to be

© SP Power Systems Limited Page 29 of 32 Design Manual (SPT, SPD, SPM): Section 9a

Table 6 - Steel Cored Aluminium & Hard Drawn Aluminium Conductors

Percentage on
Conductor Size Ohms, per km
Voltage Cond. 100 MVA per km
(kV) in2 mm2 Type
( Stranding
Cu.e (Al.e R X Z R X Z
(in. or mm)
q) q)
.2 S.C.A .137 .314 .344 1.27 2.89 3.16
.175 S.C.A .159 .320 .356 1.47 2.95 3.29
.15 S.C.A .185 .324 .373 1.70 2.98 3.44
.1 S.C.A .275 .370 .460 2.53 3.42 4.25
.075 S.C.A .366 .385 .532 3.37 3.56 4.90
0.5 S.C.A .544 .392 .672 5.02 3.62 6.19
I/. 132
150 S.C.A .185 .324 .373 1.70 2.98 3.44
400 37/3.78 Alum. .069 .317 .322 .0635 2.91 2.96
.2 S.C.A .137 .297 .330 11.3 24.5 27.0
.15 S.C.A .185 .304 .357 15.3 25.2 29.4
.1 S.C.A .275 .352 .447 22.8 29.1 37.3
.075 S.C.A .366 .366 .520 30.2 30.2 42.5
.05 S.C.A .544 .373 .660 44.8 30.9 54.5
25 S.C.A 1.100 .382 1.162 90.5 31.6 96.0
50 S.C.A .544 .373 .660 44.8 30.9 54.5
100 S.C.A .275 .352 .447 22.8 29.1 37.3
150 S.C.A 1.85 .304 .357 15.3 25.2 29.4
400 37/3.78 Alum. 0.69 .317 .322 5.7 26.2 26.8
Reference S Butterworth "Electrical Characteristics of Overhead Lines" other characteristics obtained
by calculation.

© SP Power Systems Limited Page 30 of 32 Design Manual (SPT, SPD, SPM): Section 9a

Standard HV Underground Cables

Resistance, Reactance per Kilometre and Percentage on 100 MVA Base

Table 7 - Copper Cables

Voltage Conductor Size Ohms/km Percentage on 100 MVA

(kV) Base/km
2 2
in mm
(Cu) (Al)
33kV 3C .06 .4635 .1310 .4216 4.26 1.20 4.42
(Screened) .1 .2755 .1126 .2976 2.53 1.03 2.73
.15 .1882 .1050 .2155 1.73 0.96 1.98
.2 .1377 .1006 .1705 1.26 0.98 1.57
.25 .1128 .0973 .1490 1.04 0.89 1.37
.3 .0920 .0941 .1316 0.84 0.86 1.21
.5 .0558 .0897 .1056 0.51 0.82 0.97
300 .073 .0941 .119 0.67 0.86 1.09
.75 Trefoil 0.34 0.94 1.0
22kV 3C 0.06 .4635 .1145 .4774 9.58 2.37 9.86
(Belted) .1 .2755 .1052 .2949 5.69 2.17 6.09
.15 .1882 .0981 .2122 3.89 2.03 4.38
.2 .1377 .0940 .1667 2.84 1.94 3.44
.25 .1128 .0909 .1449 2.33 1.88 2.99
.3 .0920 .0879 .1272 1.90 1.82 2.63
.75 Trefoil .765 2.12 2.25
11kV .0225 1.256 .1137 1.261 103.80 9.40 104.21
(Belted) .06 .4635 .0962 .4733 38.31 7.95 39.12
.1 .2755 .0897 .2897 22.77 7.41 23.94
.15 .1882 .0842 .2062 15.55 6.96 17.04
.2 .1416 .0820 .1636 11.70 6.78 13.52
.25 .1128 .0798 .1382 9.32 6.60 11.42
.3 .0920 .0776 .1204 7.60 6.41 9.95
.5 .0558 .0744 .0930 4.61 6.15 7.69
.6 Trefoil .045 .092 .1024 3.72 7.60 8.46
.75 Trefoil .037 .089 .0964 3.06 7.36 7.97
6.6kV .0225 1.257 .1040 1.261 288.6 23.88 289.5
(Belted) .06 .4635 .0886 .4719 106.4 20.34 108.3
.1 .2755 .0831 .2878 63.24 19.08 66.06
.15 .1882 .0787 .2040 43.21 18.08 46.83
.2 .1416 .0765 .1610 32.51 17.56 36.96
.25 .1127 .0755 .1357 25.88 17.32 31.14
.3 .0920 .0744 .1183 21.11 17.07 27.16
.5 .0558 .0711 .0904 12.81 16.32 20.75
.75 Trefoil .037 .089 .0964 8.49 20.43 22.13
Resistance values are at 20°C - See Note (Table 8).

© SP Power Systems Limited Page 31 of 32 Design Manual (SPT, SPD, SPM): Section 9a

Table 8 - Aluminium Cables

Voltage Conductor Size Ohms/km Percentage on 100 MVA

(kV) Base/km
2 2
in (Cu) mm (Al) R X Z R X Z
33kV .1 .4517 .1126 .466 4.15 1.03 4.27
(Screened) .15 .3084 .1050 .326 2.83 0.96 2.99
.02 .2322 .1006 .253 2.13 0.92 2.32
.25 .1849 .0973 .209 1.70 0.89 1.92
.3 .1505 .0941 .177 1.38 0.86 1.63
300 .1200 .0940 .152 1.10 0.86 1.40
0.5 .0914 .0897 .128 0.84 0.82 1.18
11kV 0.1 .4517 .0897 .4605 37.33 7.41 38.06
(Belted) 95 .321 .087 .332 26.5 7.19 27.4
0.15 .3084 .0842 .3197 25.49 6.96 26.42
0.2 .2322 .0820 .2462 19.19 6.78 20.35
0.25 .1849 .0798 .2013 15.28 6.60 16.64
185 .165 .080 .183 13.6 6.61 15.1
0.3 .1506 .0776 .1690 12.45 6.42 14.00
300 .100 .076 .126 8.3 6.32 10.4
0.5 .0914 .0744 .1178 7.56 6.15 9.74
11kV 0.1 .4517 .0897 .4605 103.70 20.59 105.72
used 95 .321 .087 .332 73.69 19.97 76.35
at 6.6kV 0.15 .3084 .0842 .3197 70.80 19.33 73.39
(Belted) 0.2 .2322 .0820 .2462 53.31 18.82 56.52
0.25 .1849 .0798 .2013 42.45 18.32 46.21
185 .165 .080 .1833 37.88 18.37 42.10
0.3 .1506 .0776 .1690 34.57 17.81 38.80
300 .100 .076 .126 22.95 17.45 28.83
0.5 .0914 .0744 .1178 20.98 17.08 27.04
The resistance values are for a conductor temperature of 20°C.

For a temperature of T°C above 20°C, the above resistance values should be multiplied by the factor
1 + 0.0039T.

The reactance of a screened cable at 6.6kV, 11kV or 22kV can be derived by multiplying the value for
the equivalent belted cable by the factor 1.07 for imperial sizes and 1.14 for metric.

The R, X and Z values for a cable operating at 20kV can be obtained by multiplying the equivalent
22kV values by the factor 1.21.

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