Examiners Report Pure Mathematics and Statistics
Examiners Report Pure Mathematics and Statistics
Examiners Report Pure Mathematics and Statistics
Oxford Cambridge and RSA
Examiners’ report
For first teaching in 2017
Version 1 ocr.org.uk/maths
A Level Mathematics B (MEI) - H640/02 - Summer 2022 Examiners’ report
Introduction ..............................................................................................................................................4
Paper 2 series overview ...........................................................................................................................5
Section A overview ...................................................................................................................................6
Question 1 ............................................................................................................................................6
Question 3 (a) .......................................................................................................................................6
Question 3 (b) .......................................................................................................................................7
Question 4 (a) .......................................................................................................................................7
Question 4 (b) .......................................................................................................................................7
Question 5 ............................................................................................................................................8
Question 6 ............................................................................................................................................8
Section B overview ...................................................................................................................................9
Question 8 (a) .......................................................................................................................................9
Question 8 (b) .....................................................................................................................................10
Question 8 (c) .....................................................................................................................................10
Question 9 (a) .....................................................................................................................................11
Question 9 (b) .....................................................................................................................................11
Question 9 (c) .....................................................................................................................................11
Question 9 (d) .....................................................................................................................................12
Question 10 (a) ...................................................................................................................................12
Question 10 (b) ...................................................................................................................................12
Question 11 (b) ...................................................................................................................................13
Question 11 (c) ...................................................................................................................................13
Question 11 (d) ...................................................................................................................................13
Question 11 (e) ...................................................................................................................................14
Question 12 (a), (b) and (c) .................................................................................................................15
Question 13 (a) and (b) .......................................................................................................................17
Question 14 (a) ...................................................................................................................................18
Question 14 (b) ...................................................................................................................................19
Question 14 (c) ...................................................................................................................................19
Question 14 (d) ...................................................................................................................................19
Question 15 (b) ...................................................................................................................................20
Question 15 (c) ...................................................................................................................................20
Question 15 (d) ...................................................................................................................................21
Question 15 (f) ....................................................................................................................................22
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A Level Mathematics B (MEI) - H640/02 - Summer 2022 Examiners’ report
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Our examiners’ reports are produced to offer constructive feedback on candidates’ performance in the
examinations. They provide useful guidance for future candidates.
The reports will include a general commentary on candidates’ performance, identify technical aspects
examined in the questions and highlight good performance and where performance could be improved.
A selection of candidate answers are also provided. The reports will also explain aspects which caused
difficulty and why the difficulties arose, whether through a lack of knowledge, poor examination
technique, or any other identifiable and explainable reason.
Where overall performance on a question/question part was considered good, with no particular areas to
highlight, these questions have not been included in the report.
A full copy of the question paper and the mark scheme can be downloaded from OCR.
To support student revision, advance information was published about the focus of exams for Summer
2022 assessments. Advance information was available for most GCSE, AS and A Level subjects, Core
Maths, FSMQ, and Cambridge Nationals Information Technologies. You can find more information on
our website.
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Candidates are expected to have studied statistics using the large data set and to have routinely used
spreadsheets, graphing and statistical software when studying this course.
To do well in this component, candidates need to be familiar with the command words detailed in the
specification and to use their calculators efficiently in a variety of contexts, such as calculating binomial
probabilities or using the inverse Normal function. When interpreting statistical diagrams and tables they
need to relate their comments to the question which is asked, and to avoid irrelevant speculation. Their
comments should be supported by numerical arguments where possible
Candidates who did well on this paper Candidates who did less well on this paper
generally did the following: generally did the following:
• set out their solutions clearly, showing full • made elementary algebraic and arithmetic
details of working in questions which required errors
a longer response
• described what they saw on diagrams rather
• made efficient and appropriate use of their than relating what they inferred to the question
calculators when working with the binomial
• did not express answers clearly and concisely
and Normal distribution
when a sentence or two of explanation was
• made inferences from statistical diagrams and required
information obtained by calculation and related
• gave answers which suggested a very limited
their findings back to the original question
exposure to the pre-release material
• applied their knowledge of the pre-release
• resorted to using their calculator when it was
material in a reasoned and directed way
clear some written reasoning was required (for
• were able to interpret and use information example in Question 16 (a)).
presented in the software printout.
The majority of candidates are competent calculators of statistical measures from raw data, but
a significant minority were not able to calculate the variance given summary statistics.
Similarly, many candidates did not use the information given in the printout in Question 12 to
conduct the hypothesis test. Instead, many recalculated the p-value, the z-score or the critical region –
and often went astray in the process. They also wasted valuable time.
Many candidates were not able to identify the correct Normal distribution to test the mean, often
confusing the sample mean with the hypothesised population mean.
All candidates appeared to be familiar with cumulative frequency diagrams and scatter diagrams, but a
significant minority were unable to extract relevant information to answer the questions.
It seemed that a significant minority of candidates were not familiar with the pre-release material.
Consequently, it is suggested that in some cases candidates would benefit from teaching which
emphasises process and interpretation and inference in equal measure, rather than teaching which may
focus on the traditional approach of calculation and drawing diagrams.
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Section A overview
Section A proved accessible to most candidates, with some candidates earning close to full marks. Even
those who struggled with the paper as a whole could expect to earn half marks in this section.
Question 1
Candidates who did well on this usually found R by using Pythagoras and 𝜃𝜃 from tan𝜃𝜃 = √3, although
some successfully compared cos𝜃𝜃 + √3sin𝜃𝜃 with 𝑅𝑅cos𝜃𝜃𝜃𝜃𝜃𝜃𝜃𝜃𝜃𝜃 + 𝑅𝑅sin𝜃𝜃sin𝛼𝛼, generally finding 𝜃𝜃 first.
Candidates who did less well neglected to express the final answer in the requested form, made a slip in
finding R 4 was sometimes seen) or decimalised their answer for 𝜃𝜃.
Candidates who did not do well started incorrectly with tan𝜃𝜃 = or were unable to make a correct initial
Question 3 (a)
Candidates who did well in this question drew a smooth decreasing curve for the majority of the domain
given on the axes, clearly marking the correct y-intercept.
Candidates who did less well identified most of the key features, but either drew a curve which was too
steep in the second quadrant or not clearly asymptotic to the x-axis in the first quadrant and / or did not
cut the y-axis at (0, 3).
Candidates who did not do well in this question drew an increasing curve.
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Question 3 (b)
Candidates who did less well gave their final answer to a different precision to the 3 s.f. requested, or
made a slip when calculating, for example, ln0.4. 3
Candidates who did not do well made an initial incorrect step such as 3 × 0.4𝑥𝑥 = 1.2𝑥𝑥 or
Some resorted to the solver function on their calculator to find x. The use of the command word
“determine” is a steer to candidates that the latter approach could only gain very limited credit at best.
Question 4 (a)
The very few candidates who did not do well misplaced 0.22 – usually in the intersection of the two sets.
Question 4 (b)
Candidates who did less well either made a slip with the arithmetic or lost the accuracy mark by leaving
the answer as a percentage.
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Question 5
Candidates who did well in this question adopted a systematic approach and usually identified 29 ‒ 1 as
a counter-example, stating that is divisible by 7. Some candidates scored full marks by identifying a
larger value of n, together with the correct factor – presumably following some experimentation on their
calculator which was not shown.
Candidates who did less well evaluated the formula for one or more odd values of n, but did not identify
a counter example.
Candidates who did not do well substituted an even value of n or n = 1, and thought they had answered
the question successfully. A few candidates opted solely for very large values of n and hoped that the
number expressed in standard form would suffice.
Question 6
Candidates who did well in this question identified a symmetrical region with boundaries approximately
at the asymptotes on the curve.
Candidates who did less well identified a symmetrical region but did not realise that the inflections on the
curve are one standard deviation away from the mean.
Candidates who did not do well did not identify a region under the curve which was symmetrical about
the turning point.
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Section B overview
This section proved accessible to the majority of candidates, with many earning full marks on two or
more complete questions. However, some did not supply adequate supporting arguments when
answering the statistics questions.
Question 8 (a)
Candidates who did well in this question related their answer to the information given in the question,
usually referring to all the distances over 120 km.
Candidates who did not do well identified the data as a sample or stated that it’s a population but
restricted their reasoning to a general comment such as “because it’s all the members of the cycling
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Question 8 (b)
Candidates who did well in this question identified a distance of between 161 and 163 km from the
Candidates who did not do well often gave a value between 120 and 123 km, which arose from not
understanding that they were being asked to estimate the shortest distance ridden by a team member,
rather than the shortest distance over 120 km ridden by a member of the club.
Question 8 (c)
Candidates who did well in this question stated that there was evidence to support Ali’s complaint and
then gave an appropriate argument to support this. Usually this was either based on the reserve should
have ridden the ninth furthest, but the captain’s friend rode the fourteenth furthest, or that ten riders had
ridden more than 160 km, but the friend had only ridden 156 km.
Candidates who did not do well sometimes gave a correct supporting argument but said this didn’t
support Ali’s complaint, or they thought that the total number of riders was 60 and so went awry with the
numerical argument. Some misunderstood completely and referenced the median or the interquartile
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Question 9 (a)
Candidates who did well in this question used their calculators efficiently to find both requested values.
Candidates who did less well found the mean successfully, but either mistook the mean squared
deviation for the variance, or thought the variance was ∑ 𝑥𝑥 2 − 𝑛𝑛𝑥𝑥̅ 2 .
Question 9 (b)
Candidates who did well in this question wrote down the Normal distribution with the correct values
obtained in part (a).
A follow through M1 was available for those who had the wrong value for the variance, which was often
earned by those who did less well. Some dropped a mark by dividing 8.8 by 205.
Candidates who did not do well generally didn’t make the connection between the values they had
calculated in part (a) and the parameters of the Normal model they were being asked to identify.
Question 9 (c)
Candidates who did well in this question used their Normal model to calculate P(X < 104.5), multiplied
their answer by 205 and compared their answer with 1. Some compared their probability with 1/205 and
a small minority worked with the Inverse Normal function successfully.
Candidates who did less well did not spot the need for a continuity correction and lost the accuracy
mark. Candidates who did not do well often applied a two standard deviation check to see if 105 was an
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Question 9 (d)
Candidates who did well in this question found P(114.5 < X < 115.5) and multiplied by 205.
Candidates who did less well earned the method mark having worked with the wrong parameters.
Candidates who did not do well worked with the Normalpdf function on their calculator, occasionally
obtaining a correct answer fortuitously. Some misunderstood what was required and worked with
P(X > 115) or P(X < 115).
Question 10 (a)
Candidates who did well in this question usually expressed cos𝜃𝜃 and sin𝜃𝜃 in terms of x and y
respectively, before squaring both sides and using Pythagoras to eliminate 𝜃𝜃. Candidates who spotted
the radius and centre from the parametric equations usually obtained the cartesian equation very
Candidates who did less well made a slip such as neglecting to square 5 or made errors such as
(𝑥𝑥 − 2)2 = 𝑥𝑥 2 − 22 . Candidates who squared both sides first sometimes omitted the terms in cos𝜃𝜃 and
sin𝜃𝜃, or were unable to eliminate these terms following a correct expansion.
Question 10 (b)
Candidates who did well in this question recognised the equation of a circle in part (a), and that the
tangent is perpendicular to the radius, so found the gradient of the tangent quickly and efficiently. They
then went on to obtain the equation with ease.
Candidates who did less well worked with parametric or implicit differentiation, often successfully, to find
d𝑦𝑦 3
. However, the substitution often went astray, with − being a common wrong answer for the gradient.
d𝑥𝑥 4
In many cases only the final accuracy mark was lost. A significant minority of candidates were able to
score 2 or 3 marks out of 4 in this part, even following 0 marks in part (a).
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Question 11 (b)
Candidates who did well in this question equated the sum of the probabilities to 1 and used this result to
make k the subject.
Candidates who did less well made p the subject of the formula.
Question 11 (c)
Candidates who did well in this question multiplied their answer to part (b) by 120 and by k to obtain the
correct expression.
Candidates who did less well multiplied by 120 or k, but not both.
Candidates who did not do well left their answer in terms of p rather than k.
Question 11 (d)
Candidates who did well in this question generally set 32 equal to their correct answer to part (c) to find
k. However, some candidates who were unable to complete the previous part spotted that 11𝑝𝑝 =
and hence found k successfully.
Candidates who did less well followed through an incorrect expression from part (c).
Candidates who did not do well generally made no meaningful progress with this part.
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Question 11 (e)
Candidates who did well in this part used the binomial distribution n successfully with to obtain the
correct result.
Candidates who did less well followed through with an incorrect value of k.
Candidates who did not do well did not recognise that use of the binomial distribution was required here.
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Candidates who did well in this question identified the correct hypotheses in part (a), but may have
omitted “population” in their definition of μ. In part (b) they identified the correct distribution but may have
lost an accuracy mark by identifying the variable as 𝑋𝑋 rather than 𝑋𝑋� or by quoting the variance as . In
part (c) they generally used the information to conduct the hypothesis test: usually they worked with the
p-value, but some compared ‒1.4142 with ‒1.645 before noting that there is insufficient evidence to
reject the null hypothesis. They may have lost the final mark due to either an over-assertive statement or
a statement which omitted one or more of the elements in bold in the mark scheme. Some candidates
who did not use the information in the printout, but instead recalculated the p-value or the z-score,
nevertheless did so correctly and achieved all 3 marks in part (c).
Candidates who did less well in this question were not able to define μ correctly in part (a). In part (b)
one or both parameters were incorrect, and in part (c) they may have made a slip in recalculating values
for the hypothesis test and missed the final accuracy mark as a result.
Candidates who did not do well may have earned the first mark in part (a), but in part (b) just written
“Normal distribution”. In part (c) they recalculated the p-value or z-score – often from an incorrect
distribution – resulting in the loss of all the marks in part (c).
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Exemplar 1
In part (a) the correct hypotheses are stated, but the definition of μ is incomplete – it needs to be
identified as the population mean weight of a bag of flour.
In part (b) the response contains a common misunderstanding: the sample mean, 1.44, is quoted as a
parameter of the distribution, instead of 1.5, the hypothesised population mean. Note that even if this
had been correct, the final A1 would have been withheld because the variable was quoted as 𝑋𝑋, not 𝑋𝑋�.
In spite of the misunderstanding in part (b), this candidate was able to recover by adopting the expected
approach and using the information given in the printout. Note that the final mark is lost because the final
conclusion is too assertive. It is a common misconception that a failure to reject H0 means H0 must be
true, as opposed to there simply being not enough evidence to suggest the alternative hypothesis may
be true.
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Candidates who did well in this question identified the need for a census rather than a sample in part (a),
or they commented that different samples may give different results, or that a sample may not be
representative. In part b they identified the hypotheses correctly, calculated P(X ≥ 61) correctly and
compared their answer with 0.05, thus rejecting the null hypothesis. They may have lost the second B
mark by not defining p correctly (or at all), or perhaps the final A mark, either by giving a final statement
which was too assertive, or possibly too vague – e.g., “more babies are born without wisdom teeth.” A
few candidates produced fully correct work apart from defining p in terms of babies with wisdom teeth
and making the same mistake in the final statement. A very small number of candidates scored full
marks from using a Normal approximation (with continuity corrections).
Candidates who did less well commented that the sample was too small in part (a). In part (b) they may
not have defined p correctly and went on to find P(X≥ 60) or P(X≥ 62), thereby losing at least 2 A marks.
Candidates who did not do well may have set up the hypotheses correctly, but went on to calculate
P(X= 61). Some attempted to work with the Normal distribution but were unable to identify the correct
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Question 14 (a)
Candidates who did well in this question showed the appropriate calculation using the values provided
and displayed the calculated value to 5 or 6 decimal places before stating the given answer.
Candidates who did less well showed the calculation but didn’t give the value to a higher precision
before stating the given value.
Candidates who did not do well used the trapezium rule formula.
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Question 14 (b)
Candidates who did well in this question showed the appropriate calculation using the values provided or
used their answer to part (a) and added 0.2×0.5 to obtain the correct answer.
Question 14 (c)
Candidates who did not do well in this question simply quoted the interval as 0.7337 to 0.8337.
Question 14 (d)
Candidates who did less well made a slip in the arithmetic or gave the interval as 0.77912 to 0.79162.
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Question 15 (b)
Candidates who did well in this question identified that the first estimate comes from interpolation and
the second one from extrapolation and commented on reliability accordingly.
Candidates who did less well may have commented that the first estimate is reliable because it’s
interpolation, and then lost the second mark by commenting that the second estimate is less reliable (or
less likely to be reliable) because it’s extrapolation. Alternatively, they may have earned the second mark
but lost the first mark due to an equivalent comparative comment.
Candidates who did not do well in this question presented arguments based on other factors.
Question 15 (c)
Candidates who did well in this question identified that life expectancy at birth varies across different
Candidates who did not do well may not have mentioned life expectancy at birth in their answer, instead
commenting on other variables. Alternatively, they based their argument on the diagram given in the
question, rather than their knowledge of the pre-release material.
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A Level Mathematics B (MEI) - H640/02 - Summer 2022 Examiners’ report
Question 15 (d)
Candidates who did well in this question identified the series for Italy correctly and commented that life
expectancy at birth is generally higher in Europe. They noted that life expectancy at birth started to
decrease in South Africa from around 1990, which is unlike most developed countries.
Candidates who did less well may have identified series 1 as Italy, or simply said series 2 is Italy
because it’s a developed country. They earned the second mark for a correct comment about the data
for South Africa.
Candidates who did not do well may have thought that South Africa referred to the continent rather than
the country, or they limited their comments to variables other than life expectancy at birth.
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Question 15 (f)
Candidates who did well in this question identified positive association between GDP per capita and life
expectancy at birth for a suitable range of values of GDP per capita and commented that this supported
Sundip’s statement. They went on to note that the association did not hold for the remainder of the
values of values of GDP per capita and commented that this did not support Sundip’s statement.
Candidates who did less well identified only one of the above criteria.
Candidates who did not do well may have identified the key features in the diagram and described them
well but did not relate their observations to Sundip’s statement. Many candidates were too vague in their
response, commenting that Sundip’s statement was supported to some extent because there was some
positive association. A significant minority of candidates went off at a tangent and wrote a number of
sentences which contained nothing relevant.
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Question 16 (a)
Candidates who did well in this question solved = 0 successfully using the Factor theorem and used
the second derivative to identify a local minimum at x = ‒2. They may have incorrectly concluded that
because the second derivative is zero at x = ½ this must be a point of inflection, but many went on to test
the gradient either side and reached the conclusion correctly. Some neglected to find the y-values at the
stationary points, and some slipped up in the calculation of the y-values or the values of when
determining the nature of the turning point at x = ½. They then went on to correctly identify the x-value at
the non-stationary inflection.
Candidates who did less well found the required x-values correctly but did not understand that the
second derivative test can be indecisive. They didn’t find the y-values at the stationary points correctly
(or at all) and were not able to use the second derivative to determine the nature of the stationary point
at x = ‒2.
d𝑦𝑦 d²𝑦𝑦
Candidates who did not do well may have found and correctly but made no further progress. A few
d𝑥𝑥 d𝑥𝑥²
candidates solved y = 0 or simply reached for their calculators and didn’t score.
Question 16 (b)
Candidates who did well in this question sketched a curve of the correct shape in all four quadrants.
They may have lost an accuracy mark if one of the x-intercepts was out of tolerance or neglected to
identify the y-intercept.
Candidates who did less well sketched a curve of the correct shape, but did not identify the y-intercept,
and one or both of the x-intercepts were out of tolerance.
Candidates who did not do well often had an extra stationary inflection in the third quadrant, or a non-
stationary inflection in the fourth quadrant.
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