THT - Summary
THT - Summary
THT - Summary
Margaret Atwood, when she was asked if The Handmaid's Tale is a feminist novel,
replied :
"If you mean an ideological tract in which all women are angels and/or so
victimized they are incapable of moral choice, no. If you mean a novel in which
women are human beings — with all the variety of character and behavior that
implies — and are also interesting and important, and what happens to them is
crucial to the theme, structure and plot of the book, then yes."
She adds : "But there's a literary form I haven't mentioned yet : the literature of
witness. O red records her story as best she can; then she hides it, trusting that it
may be discovered later, by someone who is free to understand it and share it.
This is an act of hope."
"In the wake of the recent American election, fears and anxieties proliferate. In
this divisive climate, […] many, I would guess — are writing down what is
happening as they themselves are experiencing it."
to go wrong : mal tourner
formerly : anciennement
to overthrow : renverser
to lie, lay, lain : se trouver
beneath : en dessous
to shrink : rétrécir
to raise : élever
a air : liaison
to belong : appartenir
pregnant : enceinte
to be required to : être obligé de
duty : devoir (moral ou civique)
to dare : oser
to wield : exercer
relevant : pertinent
behavior : comportement
witness : témoin
to share : partager
hope : espoir
in the wake of : à la suite de