Pbpal Report - Safina Zahwa

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Praise the author for the presence of God Almighty, so that the author can complete the report entitled
Planning for Wastewater Distribution in Kanigaran District, Probolinggo City for 2020 –2040 on time. With
the completion of this report, the author also expressed her gratitude to parties who have helped the
successful preparation of this report include:

1. Prof. Ir. Joni Hermana, M.Sc.Es.,Ph.D as a lecturer in the Wastewater Distribution Planning Design
course who has provided knowledge, support, and guidance that is very useful in completing this task.

2. My parents, my sister and also my brother who have prayed and provided support so that this task can
be completed on time.

3. IUP classmates and Adlanie who always supporting me and give me such positivity energy to do this

4. Friends of Environmental Engineering ITS class of 2020 who have fought together and provided support
in completing this task.

5. All parties who give me helped for completing this task.

In the preparation of this report, of course, there are still many shortcomings, therefore constructive
criticism and suggestions are very much expected by the author so that later the report that the author
will compile next will be better. Hopefully the report that the author compiled can be useful for all of us.

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 1


PREFACE.................................................................................................................................................. 1
TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................................................... 2
LIST OF FIGURES ...................................................................................................................................... 4
LIST OF TABLES........................................................................................................................................ 5
PART I PRELIMINARY DESIGN ................................................................................................................ 6
I.1. Establish the design period and processing capacity of BPAL units ................................................ 6
I.2. Diagram Process Flowchart ........................................................................................................... 7
I.2.1 First Alternative ....................................................................................................................... 8
I.2.2 Second Alternative ................................................................................................................. 10
I.2.3 Third Alternative .................................................................................................................... 10
I.3 Mass Balance on the Chosen Alternative ...................................................................................... 14
I.3.1 Mass Balance for Chosen Alternative (Oxidation Ditch) .......................................................... 14
I.4 Calculation Preliminary Sizing....................................................................................................... 22
I.5 WWTP Layout .............................................................................................................................. 27
I.6 Hydraulic Profile .......................................................................................................................... 27
PART II – SECAIL ENGINEERING DESIGN ................................................................................................ 30
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 30
1.1 Background.................................................................................................................................. 30
1.2 Propose ....................................................................................................................................... 30
1.3 Scope ........................................................................................................................................... 30
CHAPTER II CAPACITY AND PLANING PERIOD ....................................................................................... 32
CHAPTER III WWTP PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM ..................................................................................... 33
CHAPTER IV SECAIL ENGINEERING DESIGN (DED) PHYSICAL PROCESSING ............................................ 34
4.1 Collection Wells & Pump Planning................................................................................................ 34
4.1.1 Pump Planning ...................................................................................................................... 34
4.1.2 Dimension Planning of Collection Wells................................................................................. 36

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4.2. Bar Screen Planning .................................................................................................................... 38
4.3.1 Deposition Zone Dimension Planning .................................................................................... 42
4.3.2 Grit Storage Zone Dimension Planning .................................................................................. 42
4.3.4 Inlet Zone Calculation........................................................................................................... 44
4.3.5 Outlet Zone Calculation ........................................................................................................ 46
4.4.1 Deposition Zone Planning ..................................................................................................... 48
4.4.2 Mud Zone Planning .............................................................................................................. 52
4.4.3 Inlet Zone Planning............................................................................................................... 53
4.4.4. Outlet Zone Planning............................................................................................................ 55
CHAPTER V SECAIL ENGINEERING DESIGN (DED) BIOLOGY PROCESSING ............................................. 57
5.1 Overview .................................................................................................................................... 57
5.2 Oxidation Ditch ........................................................................................................................... 58
5.2.1. Ditch Oxidation Planning ...................................................................................................... 59
5.3. Clarifier II .................................................................................................................................... 64
5.3.1 Planning Clarifier (Settling Body II) ........................................................................................ 65
CHAPTER VI SLUDGE TREATMENT ........................................................................................................ 72
6.1. Overview of Sludge Drying Bed .................................................................................................. 72
6.2. Planning Sludge Drying Bed ........................................................................................................ 72
6.3. Sludge Drying Bed Schedule ....................................................................................................... 74
6.4. Digester ..................................................................................................................................... 75
CHAPTER VII HYDRAULIC LAYOUT AND PROFILE ................................................................................... 79
7.1. IPALDT Layout ............................................................................................................................ 79
7.2. Hydraulic Profile......................................................................................................................... 79
CHAPTER VIII BILL OF QUANTITY (BOQ) AND COST BUDGET PLAN (RAB) ............................................. 81
8.1. Bill of Quantity ........................................................................................................................... 81
8.2. Bill of Quantity ........................................................................................................................... 82
REFERENCES ……………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………. 84

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Figure 1.1 First Alternate Flow Chart........................................................................................................ 9
Figure 1.2 Second Alternative Flowchart................................................................................................ 10
Figure 1.3 Third Alternative Flowchart ................................................................................................... 10
Figure 1.4 depicts the first alternative mass balance flow chart. ............................................................ 21
Figure 1.5 WWTP Location..................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 1.6 WWTP Building Hydraulic Profile ........................................................................................... 29
Figure 3.1 WWTP Process Flow Diagram of Kanigaran District, Probolinggo City in 2020 ........................ 33
Figure 4.1 Secails of Pumps in Collection Wells ...................................................................................... 36
Figure 4.2 Sketch of Collection Well Unit ............................................................................................... 37
Figure 4.3 Sketch of Aerated Grit Chamber ............................................................................................ 41
Figure 4.4 Blower Selection Curve ......................................................................................................... 44
Figure 4.5 Blower Secails ....................................................................................................................... 44
Figure 4.6 Sketch of Sedimentation Unit I .............................................................................................. 49
Figure 5.1 Ditch and Clarifier Oxidation Flow Diagram ........................................................................... 57
Figure 5.2 Sketch of Oxidation Ditch Drawing ........................................................................................ 58
Figure 5.3 Specification of Brush Aerator ............................................................................................... 61
Figure 5.4 Graph Brush Aerator 700 mm................................................................................................ 61
Figure 5.5 Sketch of Clarifier Unit (Settling Body II) ................................................................................ 65
Figure 5.6 Graph of Solid Flux Relationship Graph with MLSS................................................................. 66
Figure 5.7 Layout of Unit Clarifier (Settling Body II) ................................................................................ 71
Figure 6.1 Sludge Drying Bed Unit Layout ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 75

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Table 1.1 Domestic Wastewater Characteristic of Kanigaran District........................................................ 6
Table 1.2 ALD Treatment Unit Removal Efficiency.................................................................................... 8
Table 1.3 Efficiency of Removal of Each First Alternative Unit ................................................................ 12
Table 1.4 Efficiency of Removal of Each Second Alternative Unit ........................................................... 12
Table 1.5 Efficiency of Removal of Each Third Alternative Unit............................................................... 13
Table 1.6 Comparison of the Final Concentration of Each Alternative with Effluent Quality Standards of
Wastewater........................................................................................................................................... 14
Table 1.7 Selected Alternative Land Area Requirements ........................................................................ 26
Table 1.8 Typical Headloss for Each Building Unit .................................................................................. 27
Table 1.9 WWTP Building Hydraulic Profile ............................................................................................ 28
Table 4.1 Bar Screen Design Criteria ………………………………………………………………………………………………… … 38
Table 4.2 Bar Form Factor Value ............................................................................................................ 39
Table 4.3 Typical Design Criteria of Aerated Flow Grit Chamber ............................................................. 41
Table 4.4 Weir Profile Aerated Grit Chamber ......................................................................................... 46
Table 4.5 Sedimentation Tank I Rectangular Design Criteria................................................................... 47
Table 5.1 Oxidation Ditch Planning Criteria ............................................................................................ 58
Table 5.2 Clarifier Planning Criteria........................................................................................................ 65
Table 7.1 WWTP Building Hydraulic Profile ………………………………………………………………………………………… 79
Table 8.1 BOQ Sedimentation Tank I ……………………………………………………………………………………………………81
Table 8.2 BOQ Oxidation Ditch.............................................................................................................. 81
Table 8.3 Cost Budget Sedimentation Tank I .......................................................................................... 82
Table 8.4 Cost Budget Oxidation Ditch ................................................................................................... 83
Table 8.5 Cost Recapitulation of Settling Body I and Oxidation Ditch...................................................... 83

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Domestic wastewater (ALD) collected through a piping system will certainly lead to a building that
accommodates and manages it before being flowed into water bodies. The ALD processing building
consists of units that will convert organic compounds in ALD into inorganic compounds. The ALD
processing process consists of processing operation units (physical processing) and process units
(biological and chemical). The choice of unit depends on the characteristics of the ALD and the effluent
produced. The characteristics of ALD Kanigaran District and quality standards can be seen in Table 1.1.
The quality standards of TSS, COD, and BOD5 used are based on the Regulation of the Ministry of
Environment and Forestry No. 68 Year 2016 concerning Wastewater Quality Standards. Total nitrogen and
phosphate quality standards based on grade river standards.
Table 1.1 Domestic Wastewater Characteristic of Kanigaran District

Wastewater Quality Analysis

Characteristic Standard Result
Ph - 6-9 -
BOD mg/L O2 30 190
COD mg/L O2 100 430
Total Solid mg/L - 720
TSS mg/L 30 210
Oil & Fats mg/L 5 -
Amoniak mg/L 10 -
Total Nitrogen mg/L - 40
Total Phosphorus mg/L 1 7
Total Coliform total/100mL 3000 -

Preliminary design was carried out to get an initial picture of the ALD processing building. In this
preliminary design, 3 alternative ALD processing will be given. Of the three designs, one will be selected,
based on: efficiency of removal of organic substances, required land area, operating system and
equipment maintenance. The steps to be performed are as follows:
1. Establish the design period and processing capacity of BPAL units
2. Create a process flow chart
3. Establish process planning criteria
4. Calculating mass equilibrium
5. Calculating the beginning of process units
6. Consider the BPAL layout
7. Evaluating the hydraulic profile

I.1. Establish the design period and processing capacity of BPAL units
The design period means that the BPAL unit reaches full planning capacity. The planning period is
calculated from the initial planning year (from the time BPAL first operates; initial years) to the final year

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 6

of planning (achieving full design capacity). The planning period of each unit can be different, depending
on the level of difficulty of its development, population growth rate, environment and source of funds. In
this plan, the design period is until 2040, where construction begins end of 2018 to mid-2020. So that the
BPAL unit was operated at the end of 2020 after passing the start-up stage of operation. The processing
capacity of BPAL units depends on the ALD influent discharge at the end of the planning year. ALD influent
discharge in 2040 is obtained from planning calculations wastewater distribution of Kanigaran District.
ALD influent data is used to take into account the volume and area of the BPAL unit. The following is the
calculation of the influent discharge.
- Residents of Kanigaran District in 2040 served: 84.516 people
- Average Discharge (Qave): 0.20 m3 /sec = 1.7280,00 m3 /day
- Maximum Day Discharge (Qhm) = Qave X Maximum daily factor
= 0.20 m3 /sec X 1,1
= 0.22 m3 /sec
= 19.008,00 m3 /day
- Peak Discharge (Qpeak) = Qave X Peak hour factor
= 0.20 m3 /sec X 2.00
= 0.40 m3 /sec
= 25.9200.000 m3 /day
- Minimum Discharge (Qmin) = 10368.000 m3/sec = 6523.2 m3/day

I.2. Diagram Process Flowchart

ALD processing generally consists of physical processing (primary treatment), processing
biological (secondary treatment), and sludge treatment. In physical processing, particles that are removed
or reduced concentration in this processing are suspended particles where the particle size is large and
can form flocs. The particles are 5–10% is part of TSS and BOD5. This physical processing is important
because if these large particles are carried to the next unit it will interfere with the next unit. After passing
through physical processing stage, particles that are still suspended and difficult to settle, as well as
nutrients, such nitrogen and phosphate are processed with the help of microorganisms into substances
acceptable to the environment. From these two treatments, ALD transforms into other forms, one of
which is sludge that can be recidated to biological units or processed before finally being used as a waste
material and so on.

In the selection of operating units (UO) and process units (UP), it is necessary to pay attention to
the content in ALD. Based on Metcalf & Eddy (2014), the ALD of Kanigaran District is classified as high for
TSS, BOD5, COD and low for TN and TP. This is comparable to the ALD discharge produced every day of
0.20 m3/second. In addition, BOD5/COD5, COD/BOD5, and C:N:P ratios can be used to select which
biological system to use, whether aerobic, anoxic, anaerobic, or a combination of those systems. The ALD
of Kanigaran sub-district has a BOD5/COD ratio of 190/430 = 0.44. This value is included in the
biodegradable range of 0.2-0.5 (Mangkoediharjo, 2010). which means it can be processed biologically, but
requires a long secention time or a larger land area. COD/BOD5 ratio of 2.6; where according to Qasim
(2018), if the value is less than 3, there is no need to require a chemical process. When using the EBPR
process (Enriched Biological Phosphorous Removal), COD/BOD5 ratio illustrates the need for additional

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fermentation units when the ratio is more than 2. But the addition of units this can be avoided by making
the anaerobic zone larger. As for the ratio C: N: P (where C is represented by COD), for aerobic processes
requires an influent comparison in the range of 100: 5: 1 to 100: 10: 1 and for anaerobic processes requires
a ratio of 250:50:1 to 500:50:1 (Metcalf & Eddy, 1991).

Each wastewater treatment unit has a different efficiency in treating organic content. The
difference is based on one of them by the operation used. The efficiency of the removal of the treatment
system is something that must be known in order to be able to known whether the specified type of
processing has been effective and efficient. So that in the selection of this alternative must meet effluent
based on quality standards. For treatment units that are unable to treat the quality and quantity of existing
wastewater up to meet quality standards means that it is not feasible to apply. This efficiency value is
actually known after the unit is put into operation. Then summarized by the researchers, so that can be
used as an initial reference for the selection of building units. The amount of removal efficiency of each
processing unit is shown in Table 1.2.
Table 1.2 ALD Treatment Unit Removal Efficiency

Removal Eficiency (%)

Units Process
Grease Trap - - - - -
a a
Tank Racks-Grit Chamber 0-5 0-5f 0-10 - -
a a a a
Settling Tank 1 30-40 30-40 50-65 10-20 10-20a
Equilization - - - - -
a a a a
*Aeration tank 80-85 80-85 80-90 15-50 8-12a
*Rotary biological Contactor 80-90a 80-90a 70-90a 0 75-85a
* Oxydation Ditch 80-95a 80-90a 70-90a 75-85a 90a
*SBR 89-98b 96c >75b 99c 94c
* Trickling Filter 60-80a 60-80a 60-85a 15-50a 8-12a

After knowing the amount of removal efficiency from each processing unit, then calculations are made
based on the characteristics of wastewater to be treated according to the percent of removal used. The
following will be planned several alternative treatments that will be carried out so that water quality
standards can be met.

I.2.1 First Alternative

In the first alternative, the processing units used and their functions are:
1. Physical processing: collection wells with filters, aerated grit chamber, and settling body 1.
 Collection wells are used to collect ALD which is channeled through pipes from the house
to the WWTP. At the end of the collection pipe, a filter is given that useful for filtering
garbage so that it does not clog and hinder the next processing process.
 Aerated Grit chamber serves to remove grit (salt, gravel, charcoal residue, and other
heavy solids) that have a specific gravity greater than organic solids in wastewater. If it is

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not reduced, it can clog the pump and abrasion other mechanical devices. The resulting
sand will be dried, sifted, and can be used as excavation. In addition to removing grit, the
Aerated Grit chamber serves to remove oil and fat content in wastewater. The oil and fat
content can be removed by 80%.
 Settling bath 1 serves to remove coarse solids easily precipitate and floating material
found in wastewater. In this unit, TSS can be removed by 50-70% and BOD5 by 25-40%.
From the settling basin 1 a physical sludge of 5% is produced.
2. Biological processing: SBR (sequenching batch reactor). This unit is a reactor one of the
modifications of the activated sludge process (ASP). In rector, there is a cycle consisting of 5
stages, namely fill, react, settle, decant, and idle. At the beginning of the fill cycle, about 25% of
the reactor's volume is usually biosolid settled. In the reactor, the wastewater influent is filled as
an organic substrate which is then aerated continuously until the basin is 100% full. With two SBR
units. In operation, the influent flows into one tank while the other tank completes its operational
cycle. The total charging time is about 50% of the total cycle time. With more units in service,
charging time can be reduced by up to 20-50% of the total cycle time. The react cycle begins when
the tank is 100% full. Continuous aeration is provided for further stabilization of the organic
substrate (BOD5 or COD) and nitrification of ammonia nitrogen. The reaction cycle runs about 15-
25% of the total cycle time. In the settle cycle, calm conditions are provided for the deposition of
biosolids while aeration and mixing are stopped completely. The tank remains 100% full during
the cycle when the biosolids settle to about one-third the depth of the tank, leaving behind a layer
of supernatants. The turnaround time is about 20-30% of the total cycle time. In the decant/draw
cycle, when the pour arm is lowered slowly, the supernatant flows over the exhaust weir and into
the outlet pipe for discarded. The fluid level drops from 100% to about 30% full. The total pour
period is about 10-20% of the total cycle time. The idle cycle provides flexibility in process
operation. Idle time varies from 0% to 5% of the total cycle time includes the time required while
waiting for the completion of a charge cycle in another unit. Dewatering of sludge can be done at
the settle or idle stage. The liquid level is usually lowered to about 25% of the reactor depth at
end of idle time. The tank is then ready to be diverted to fill the cycle again (Qasim, 2018)
3. Sludge treatment: Sludge thickener; is a tub that functions to compact or reduce the moisture
content in mud and sludge drying beds; is a tub that serves to dry the mud before finally can be
used for other purposes.
The first alternate flowchart can be seen in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1 First Alternate Flow Chart

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 9

I.2.2 Second Alternative
The physical processing unit and the gargle in the third alternative are the same as the first
alternatives. The difference is in biological processing, which uses oxidation ditch and precipitating tub 2.
1. Physical processing: collection wells with filters, grit chambers, and settling bodies 1.
2. Biological processing: Oxidation ditch and settling bath 2.
 Oxidation ditch has aerobic zone (after aerator) and distant anoxic zone after aerator.
Both zones are used for nitrification processes and denitrification in addition to the
removal process of BOD5, TSS, and COD. Oxidation ditch also able to process the removal
of N and P. Removal of N and P at OD reaches 75-85% and 90% (Qasim, 2018).
 Settling tank 2 serves as a place for flocculants to settle.
3. Sludge treatment: sludge thickener and sludge drying bed.
The second alternative flowchart can be seen in Figure 1.2.

Figure 1.2 Second Alternative Flowchart

I.2.3 Third Alternative

The physical processing unit and the sludge in the second alternative are the same as the first
alternative. The difference is in biological processing, which uses trickling filters and settling tubs 2.
1. Physical processing: collection wells with filters, grit chambers, and settling bodies 1.
2. Biological processing: Trickling filter and settling bath 2.
 Trickling filter is one of the applications of processing systems with biofilm. Biofilms are
mucus on the surface of media formed by microbes. Over time, the biofilm becomes
thicker until oxygen and material organics cannot reach the inside of the biofilm.
 Settling tank 2 serves as a place for flocculants to settle.
3. Sludge treatment: sludge thickener and sludge drying bed.
The third alternative flowchart can be seen in Figure 1.3.

Figure 1.3 Third Alternative Flowchart

Furthermore, each alternative is calculated for efficiency using the references in Table 1.2.

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An example of an alternative efficiency calculation is as follows.

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Table 1.3 Efficiency of Removal of Each First Alternative Unit


Bar Screen & Quality Standard

Initial Aerated Grit Sludge Anaerobic Sludge Drying Effluent
Parameters Units Sump Well Collecting Settling Tank 1 SBR
Concentration Chamber Thickener Sludge Digester Bed Concentration

%R Ce %R Ce %R Ce %R Ce %R Ce %R Ce %R Ce %R Ce Concentration Description

TSS mg/L 0% 210.00 0% 210.00 10% 189.00 50% 94.50 90% 9.45 0% 9.45 0% 9.45 0% 9.45 9.45 30 Complete
BOD mg/L O2 0% 190.00 0% 190.00 0% 190.00 30% 133.00 95% 6.65 0% 6.65 0% 6.65 0% 6.65 6.65 30 Complete
COD mg/L O2 0% 430.00 0% 430.00 0% 430.00 30% 301.00 96% 12.04 0% 12.04 0% 12.04 0% 12.04 12.04 100 Complete
Total Nitrogen mg/L 0% 40.00 0% 40.00 0% 40.00 10% 36.00 99% 0.36 0% 0.36 0% 0.36 0% 0.36 0.36 10 Complete
Total Phosphorus mg/L 0% 7.00 0% 7.00 0% 7.00 10% 6.30 94% 0.38 0% 0.38 0% 0.38 0% 0.38 0.38 1 Complete

Table 1.4 Efficiency of Removal of Each Second Alternative Unit


Quality Standard
Initial Bar Screen & Aerated Grit Sludge Anaerobic Sludge Sludge Drying Effluent
Parameters Units Sump Well Settling Tank 1 Oxidation Ditch
Concentration Collecting Well Chamber Thickener Digester Bed Concentration

%R Ce %R Ce %R Ce %R Ce %R Ce %R Ce %R Ce %R Ce Concentration Description

TSS mg/L 0% 210.00 0% 210.00 10% 189.00 50% 94.50 90% 9.45 0% 9.45 0% 9.45 0% 9.45 9.45 30 Complete

BOD mg/L O2 0% 190.00 0% 190.00 0% 190.00 30% 133.00 95% 6.65 0% 6.65 0% 6.65 0% 6.65 6.65 30 Complete

COD mg/L O2 0% 430.00 0% 430.00 0% 430.00 30% 301.00 90% 30.10 0% 30.10 0% 30.10 0% 30.10 30.10 100 Complete

Total Nitrogen mg/L 0% 40.00 0% 40.00 0% 40.00 10% 36.00 80% 7.20 0% 7.20 0% 7.20 0% 7.20 7.20 10 Complete

Total Phosphorus mg/L 0% 7.00 0% 7.00 0% 7.00 10% 6.30 90% 0.63 0% 0.63 0% 0.63 0% 0.63 0.63 1 Complete

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Table 1.5 Efficiency of Removal of Each Third Alternative Unit


Quality Standard
Initial Bar Screen & Aerated Grit Sludge Anaerobic Sludge Sludge Drying Effluent
Parameters Units Sump Well Settling Tank 1 Tricking Filter
Concentration Collecting Well Chamber Thickener Digester Bed Concentration

%R Ce %R Ce %R Ce %R Ce %R Ce %R Ce %R Ce %R Ce Concentration Description

TSS mg/L 0% 210.00 0% 210.00 10% 189.00 50% 94.50 85% 14.18 0% 14.18 0% 14.18 0% 14.18 14.18 30 Complete

BOD mg/L O2 0% 190.00 0% 190.00 0% 190.00 30% 133.00 80% 26.60 0% 26.60 0% 26.60 0% 26.60 26.60 30 Complete

COD mg/L O2 0% 430.00 0% 430.00 0% 430.00 30% 301.00 80% 60.20 0% 60.20 0% 60.20 0% 60.20 60.20 100 Complete

Total Nitrogen mg/L 0% 40.00 0% 40.00 0% 40.00 10% 36.00 15% 30.60 0% 30.60 0% 30.60 0% 30.60 30.60 10 Not yet

Total Phosphorus mg/L 0% 7.00 0% 7.00 0% 7.00 10% 6.30 8% 5.80 0% 5.80 0% 5.80 0% 5.80 5.80 1 Not yet

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Table 1.6 Comparison of the Final Concentration of Each Alternative with Effluent Quality Standards of

Wastewater Characteristic Units SBR OD-Clarifier Trickling-Filter

TSS mg/L 9.45 9.45 14.175
BOD mg/L O2 6.65 6.65 26.6
COD mg/L O2 12.04 30.1 60.2
Total Nitrogen mg/L 0.36 7.2 30.06
Total Phosphorus mg/L 0.378 0.63 5.80

From the three alternatives, it can be seen that SBR and OD are equally good at lowering all
parameters, except COD and total nitrogen, where SBR has more large efficiency in the decrease in
COD, total phosphorus, and total nitrogen. Meanwhile, trickling filters are unable to reduce the
concentration of TSS, BOD, COD, total phosphorus, and total nitrogen according to quality standards.

I.3 Mass Balance on the Chosen Alternative

After obtaining the efficiency of each unit, the mass equilibrium of the processing unit will be
calculated. The processing unit was chosen as alternative 2 because alternative 2 is efficient for removing
COD, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus. Also, according to the size of the existing land. While
alternative 3 does not meet quality standards so it will certainly not be chosen or considered. The first
step is to calculate the organic load of wastewater (from mg / L to kg / day). Then alternatively calculated
the flow of organic mass in each processing unit. On mass balance calculations, used average discharge
for each processing unit.
I.3.1 Mass Balance for Chosen Alternative (Oxidation Ditch)
A. Collection Wells
(No Removal)
B. Bar Screen
(No Removal)
C. Aerated Grit Chamber
∆ Influent Aerated Grit Chamber (a)
Q Average 17280000 L/day 17280.000 m3/day
Concentration mass
Parameter Value Units Value Units
TSS 210 mg/L 0.21 kg/person.day
BOD5 190 mg/L O2 0.19 kg/person.day
COD 430 mg/L O2 0.43 kg/person.day
Total Nitrogen 40 mg/L 0.04 kg/person.day
Total Phosphorus 7 mg/L 0.007 kg/person.day

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∆ Mass
Parameter Formula Value Units
(a)*(b)/1000 (c)
TSS Q average*[TSS]/1000 3628.800 kg/day
BOD5 Q average*[BOD5]/1000 3283.200 kg/day
COD Q average*[COD]/1000 7430.400 kg/day
Total Nitrogen Q average*[Total N]/1000 691.200 kg/day
Total Phosphorus Q average*[Phosphorus]/1000 120.960 kg/day

∆ Removal
Parameter % Removal Formula Value Units
(d) (c)*(d) (e)
%TSSrem * kg/day
TSS 10% 362.880
%BOD5rem * kg/day
BOD5 0% 0.000
%CODrem * kg/day
COD 0% 0.000
%Tot.Nrem * kg/day
Total Nitrogen 0% 0.000
%Tot.Prem * kg/day
Total Phosphorus 0% 0.000

∆ Effluent Aerated Grit Chamber

Parameter Formula Value Units
(c)-(e) (f)
TSS TSSm.inf-TSSm.rem 3265.920 kg/day
BOD5 BOD5m.inf-BOD5m.rem 3283.200 kg/day
COD CODm.inf-CODm.rem 7430.400 kg/day
Total Nitrogen Tot.Nm.inf-Tot.Nm.rem 691.200 kg/day
Total Phosphorus Tot.Pm.inf-Tot.Pm.rem 120.960 kg/day

∆ Sludge Production Aerated Grit Chamber

Design criteria
Sludge Production 4-6% TSS
Parameter Formula Unit Value
Sludge concentration TSS (lumpur fisik) 5% 50000 mg/L
Sludge Production TSS 362.880 kg/day
Q lumpur TSSm.rem/[TSSsludge] 7.258 m3/day
(g) Qeffluent Qinfluent-Qlumpur 17272.742 m3/day

∆ Konsentrasi setelah Aerated Grit Chamber

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Parameter Formula Value Units
TSS (TSSm.eff / Qeff) * 1000 189.079 mg/L

BOD5 (BOD5m.eff / Qeff) * 1000 190.080 mg/L

COD (CODm.eff / Qeff) * 1000 430.181 mg/L
Total Nitrogen (Tot.Nm.eff / Qeff) * 1000 40.017 mg/L
Total Phosphorus (Tot.Pm.eff / Qeff) * 1000 7.003 mg/L

Parameters Value Units

TSS concentration in sludge 5% = 362.88 Kg/day
Sludge Production = [M TSS] : 5%
= 7257.60 kg/day
Sg = 1.02 gr/cm³
ρ water = 1

Sludge Debit =

= 7.115 m³/day
Q effluen = Q ave - Qsludge
= 17272.88 m³/day

D. Settling Body 1
∆ Influent Settling Body I (a)
Q Average 17272742.4 L/day 17272.742 m3/day
concentration mass
Parameter unit value unit value
TSS 189.08 mg/L 0.19 kg/person.day
BOD5 190.08 mg/L O2 0.19 kg/person.day
COD 430.18 mg/L O2 0.43 kg/person.day
Total Nitrogen 40.02 mg/L 0.04 kg/person.day
Total kg/person.day
7.00 mg/L 0.007

∆ Mass
Parameter Formula unit value
(a)*(b)/1000 (c)
TSS Q average*[TSS]/1000 3265.920 kg/day

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 16

BOD5 Q average*[BOD5]/1000 3283.200 kg/day
COD Q average*[COD]/1000 7430.400 kg/day
Total Nitrogen Q average*[Total N]/1000 691.200 kg/day
Total Q average*[Phosphorus]/1000 kg/day

∆ Removal
Parameter % Removal Formula unit value
(d) (c)*(d) (e)
TSS 50% %TSSrem * TSSm.inf 1632.960 kg/day
%BOD5rem * kg/day
BOD5 30% 984.960
%CODrem * kg/day
COD 30% 2229.120
%Tot.Nrem * kg/day
Total Nitrogen 10% 69.120
Total %Tot.Prem * kg/day
10% 12.096
Phosphorus Tot.Pm.inf

∆ Effluent Tank Pengendap I

Parameter Formula unit value
(c)-(e) (f)
TSS TSSm.inf-TSSm.rem 1632.960 kg/day
BOD5 BOD5m.inf-BOD5m.rem 2298.240 kg/day
COD CODm.inf-CODm.rem 5201.280 kg/day
Total Nitrogen Tot.Nm.inf-Tot.Nm.rem 622.080 kg/day
Tot.Pm.inf-Tot.Pm.rem 108.864 kg/day

∆ Sludge Product Settling Tank I

Design Criteria
Sludge Production 4-6% TSS
Parameter Formula unit value
TSS sludge concentration (physical sludge) 5% 50000 mg/L
TSS sludge
1632.960 kg/day
Q mud TSSm.rem/[TSSsludge] 32.659 m3/day
(g) Qeffluent Qinfluent-Qlumpur 17240.083 m3/day
∆ Settling Tank I
Parameter Formula unit value

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 17

TSS (TSSm.eff / Qeff) * 1000 94.540 mg/L
BOD5 (BOD5m.eff / Qeff) * 1000 133.056 mg/L
COD (CODm.eff / Qeff) * 1000 301.126 mg/L
Total Nitrogen (Tot.Nm.eff / Qeff) * 1000 36.015 mg/L
(Tot.Pm.eff / Qeff) * 1000 6.303 mg/L

Parameter unit value

TSS concentration in sludge 5% = 1632.96 kg/day
Sludge Production = [M TSS] : 5%
= 32659.20 kg/day
Sg = 1.02 gr/cm³
ρ water = 1

Debit sludge =

= 32.019 m³/day
Q effluen = Q ave - Qsludge
= 17240.72 m³/day


∆ Influent OXIDATION DITCH (a)
Q ave 17240083.2 L/day 17240.083 m3/day
Concentration mass
Parameter unit value unit value
TSS 94.54 mg/L 0.09 kg/person.day
BOD5 133.06 mg/L O2 0.13 kg/person.day
COD 301.13 mg/L O2 0.30 kg/person.day
Total Nitrogen 36.02 mg/L 0.04 kg/person.day
Total Phosphorus 6.30 mg/L 0.006 kg/person.day

∆ Mass
Parameter Formula unit value
(a)*(b)/1000 (c)
TSS Q rata-rata*[TSS]/1000 1629.872 kg/day

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 18

BOD5 Q rata-rata*[BOD5]/1000 2293.895 kg/day
COD Q rata-rata*[COD]/1000 5191.445 kg/day

Total Nitrogen Q rata-rata*[Total N]/1000 620.904 kg/day

Total Phosphorus Q rata-rata*[Phosphorus]/1000 108.658 kg/day

∆ Removal
Parameter % Removal Formula unit value
(d) (c)*(d) (e)
%TSSrem * kg/day
TSS 90% 1466.885
%BOD5rem * kg/day
BOD5 95% 2179.200
%CODrem * kg/day
COD 90% 4672.301
%Tot.Nrem * kg/day
Total Nitrogen 80% 496.723
%Tot.Prem *
Total Phosphorus 90% 97.792 kg/day


Parameter Formula unit value
(c)-(e) (f)
TSS TSSm.inf-TSSm.rem 162.987 kg/day
BOD5 BOD5m.inf-BOD5m.rem 114.695 kg/day
COD CODm.inf-CODm.rem 519.145 kg/day
Total Nitrogen Tot.Nm.inf-Tot.Nm.rem 124.181 kg/day
Total Phosphorus Tot.Pm.inf-Tot.Pm.rem 10.866 kg/day

∆ Production Sludge OXIDATION DITCH

Design criteria
Production Sludge 0.8-2 %
Parameter Formula unit value
TSS sludge concentration (physical sludge) 1% 10000 mg/L
TSS sludge production 1466.885 kg/day
Q sludge TSSm.rem/[TSSsludge] 146.689 m3/day
(g) Qeffluent Qinfluent-Qsludge 17093.395 m3/day
Parameter Formula unit value
TSS (TSSm.eff / Qeff) * 1000 9.436 mg/L
BOD5 (BOD5m.eff / Qeff) * 1000 6.640 mg/L

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 19

COD (CODm.eff / Qeff) * 1000 30.056 mg/L
Total Nitrogen (Tot.Nm.eff / Qeff) * 1000 7.189 mg/L

Total Phosphorus (Tot.Pm.eff / Qeff) * 1000 0.629 mg/L

Parameter unit value

TSS concentration in sludge 5% = 1466.89 kg/day
Sludge Production = [M TSS] : 5%
= 29337.70 kg/day
Sg = 1.02 gr/cm³
Ρ water = 1

Debit Lumpur =

= 28.762 m³/day
Q effluen = Q ave - Q sludge
= 17211.32 m³/day

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 20

Figure 1.4 depicts the first alternative mass balance flow chart.

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 21

I.4 Calculation Preliminary Sizing
Preliminary sizing was made to determine the size of each unit and also the size of the land that
will be used to make wastewater treatment buildings in Kanigaran District, Probolinggo City. Preliminary
sizing is divided into three based on the processing unit, namely physical, biological, and sludge treatment
units. In this sub-chapter it is explained the area of each unit that is a building, so the channel is not taken
into account. The following is the calculation of preliminary sizing alternative processing unit 2.
A. Sump Well and Pump
No. Parameter Formula value units Design criteria
1 Sum 1 pcs
2 Plan discharge Qpeak 0.300 m3/sec
3 Secention time (td) 4 minute <10 minute OK
4 Well volume Qpeak*td 72.000 m3
5 Plan depth (h) 2 m
6 Assumed length (p): width (l) 2 :1
7 Surface area (US) Volume/(h)plan 36.000 m2
8 Well width (Asurface/ratio)^0.5 4.243 m= 5 m
9 Well length well width x ratio 8.485 m= 9 m
10 Check td (p)*(l)*(h)/Qpeak 5.00 minute OK
11 Land requirements for SP (p)*(l) 45.00 m2

B. Bar Screen
No. Parameter Formula value units Design criteria
1 Flow velocity (v) 0.5 m/sec 0.3-0.6 m/sec
2 Plan discharge Qpeak 0.300 m3/sec
3 A-cross channel Qpeak/v 0.600 m2
4 Assumed height (t): width (l) 2 :1
5 Channel width (Across/rasio)^0,5 0.548 m= 0.60 m
6 Channel height (well width x ratio) 1.095 m= 1.10 m
7 Check v Qpeak/[(l)*(t)] 0.455 m/sec OK
Bar tilt angle from horizontal 45 ˚
Minimum screen length (L) h total/tg angle 1.60
8 Plan length (p) 3.20 m
9 Land requirements length*width 1.92 m2

C. Aerated Grit Chamber

No. Parameter Formula value units Design criteria
1 Sum 2 tank Genap
2 Plan discharge Qpeak 0.300 m3/sec

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3 Discharge each bath Qpeak 0.300 m3/sec Flip-flop
4 Secention time (td) 3 minute
5 Body volume Q tub x td 54.00 m3
6 Deposition depth (h) 3 m
7 Surface area (US) Volume / H 18.00 m
8 Length:Width (w:l) 4 :1
9 Body width Ratio x depth 2.12 m= 2.20 m
10 Body length Volume / (h x l) 8.49 m= 8.50 m
11 Check td Volume / Q body 3.12 minute OK
12 Land requirements (P)*(L)*Number of Tubs 37.4 m2

D. Settling Tank 1
No. Parameter Formula value units Design criteria
1 Sum 4 tank
2 Plan discharge Qpeak 0.300 m3/sec 25920.0 m3/d
Discharge each bath Qpeak/number of
3 0.075 m3/sec 6480.00 m3/d
4 Secention time (td) 2.0 hour 1.5-2.5
5 Body depth (H) 3.0 m 3-4.9 m
6 Volume per tub Qeach tank*td 540.00 m3
A-surface (USA) Volume each
7 180.00 m2
8 Body dimensions
Planned BP 1 rectangular
Length: Width 2 :1
BP Width 1 SQRT(As/2) 9.487 m = 9.50 m
Length BP1 2*width BP1 18.974 m = 19.00 m
Volume BP 1 p*l*t 541.50 m3
Check td Volume/Qeach
9 2.01 hour OK
Off Road Check Qeach m3/m2d
10 35.9 30-50
tank/Asurface ay
Land Size BP1 p*l*Number of
722.00 m2

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 23

E. Oxidation Ditch
Parameter Formula value units Design criteria
1 Sum 4 tank
2 Plan discharge Qaverage 0.200 m3/sec
17280.00 m3/day
3 Discharge each bath Qave/Number of Tubs 0.050 m3/sec
8640.00 m3/day
Secention time (td) hour 18-48
4 24
Volumetric loading (OL) kgBOD/ 0.1-0.6
5 0.30
m3.day kgBOD/m3.day
Organic load per OD 0.6*bBODave/number of kgBOD/d
6 492.48
(BODM) bodies ay
7 Reactor volume Qeach tank*td 4320.00 m3
8 Check OL BODM/Vol.reaktor 0.11 m2 OK
9 Reactor volume BODM/OL 4320.00 m3
10 Check td Vol.reaktor/Qeach tank 24.00 hour OK
11 OD Dimensions
When OD is trapezoidal
A OD depth(h) 1.75 m
B Base width OD (Ld) 14.00 m
C Top width OD (La) 17.50 m
Distance between
2.00 m
Circular ditch calculation
Top diameter 37.00 m
Bottom diameter 33.50 m
Top area 1075.64 m2
Bottom area 881.77 m2
Circular ditch volume 1709.93 m3
Elongated ditch volume 2610.07 m3
D A-cross OD 0.5(Ld+La)*h 27.56 m2
E OD length (stretch-out) Vol.reaktor/Ac 47.35 M
12 Total Land Area p*l*Number of tub 3314.50 m2

F. Clarifier
No. Parameter Formula value units
1 Number of tubs 4 Tank
2 Plan discharge Q ave 0.200 m3/sec
3 Discharge of each unit Q ave/ number of tubs 0.050 m3/sec

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 24

4 Secention time (td) 3 hour
5 Volume Q x td 540.00 m3
6 Depth (H) 3.0 m
7 A surface Volume/H 180.00 m2
8 Diameter SQRT(4*As/3.14) 15.20 m
9 Land area per tub 0,25 x 𝜋 x d^2 181.37 m2
10 Land area Clarifier Land area x number 725.47 m2

G. Sludge Drying Bed

No. Parameter Formula value units
1 Qmud (0.5*Q BP1)+(0.1*Q BP2) 126.13 m3/day
2 Moisture content in sludge cake (early) 95%
3 Moisture content in sludge cake (end) 75%
4 Volume of dry cake (Vck) Qsludge*(1-%start/(1-%end) 25.227 kg/day
5 Bed dimensions
Bed count plan 20 bed
Drying time plan (tk) 10 day
Thick cake plan (tbl) 0.500 m
Bed surface area Qsludge*tk/(number of bed x thick) 126.134 m2
Bed width 25 m
Bed length Surface area/bed width 5.045 m
6 Required land area p*l*number of bed 2522.688 m2

H. Sludge Thickener
No. Parameter Formula value units
1 Sum 2 Tank
Solid loading (SL) kg/m2.
2 60.000 25-80
3 Sludge mass BP 1 0.55*SSave load 1995.840 kg/day
Mud mass BP 2 (0.45*SSav*0.9)+(0.45*BODav*
4 4424.994 kg/day
Total mud mass
5 Mass BP1+ BP2 6420.834 kg/day
6 Qmud BP1 mass BP1/0.06/1030 32.3 m3/day
7 Qmud BP2 mass BP2/0.008/1005 550.38 m3/day
8 Total Qmud QlumBP1+QlumBP2 582.680 m3/day

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 25

9 A-surface (USA) Mtot/SL/number of tank 53.51 m2
10 Diameter SQRT(4*As/3.14) 8.26 m
11 Required land area number of tank *As m2

I. Anaerobic Sludge Digester

No Design
Parameter Formula value units
. criteria
1 Sum 1 tank
Solid loading (SL) kg/m2. 1.6-
2 4.000
day 4.8
3 Sludge mass BP 1 0.55* 0.55*SSave load 1995.840 kg/day
Mud mass BP 2 (0.45*SSav*0.9)+(0.45*BODav*0
4 4424.994 kg/day
Total mud mass
5 Mass BP1+ BP2 6420.834 kg/day
Qmud BP1 m3/
6 mass BP1/0.06/1030 32.3
Qmud BP2 m3/
7 Mass BP2/0.008/1005 550.38
Total Qmud m3/
8 QlumBP1+QlumBP2 582.680
9 Temperature 25.000 ˚C
10 HRT 500/temperatur 20.000 day 15-20
Volume digester 11653.60 m3/
11 Qlumtot*HRC
0 day
12 Plan depth (h) 10.000 m
13 A-surface (USA) Vol.diges/h 1165.36 m2
14 Diameter SQRT(4*As/3.14) 38.53 m
15 Required land area number of tank *As 1165.36 m2

Furthermore, it can be calculated the total building area requirement of chosen alternative. The
accumulated calculations can be seen in Table 1.7.
Table 1.7 Selected Alternative Land Area Requirements

Required Land Area - Alternative 2

A Collection Wells 45 m²
B Barscreen 1.92 m²
C Grit Chamber 37.40 m²
D Settling Body I 722.00 m²
E OD 3314.50 m²
F Clarifier 725.47 m²

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 26

G Sludge Drying Bed 2522.69 m²
Total Land Area 7368.97 m²
0.7369 Ha
G Sludge Thickener 107.01 m²
H Anaerobic Sludge Digester 1165.36 m²
Total Land Area 8641.35 m²
0.8641 Ha

I.5 WWTP Layout

The WWTP building is located on A.A Maramis Street. This location was chosen because the land
is still vacant land in Kanigaran District and its elevation is at the lowest (compared to others). Figure 1.5
is the location of WWTP on the map of Kanigaran District through Google Earth.

Figure 1.5 WWTP Location

Source: Google Earth, 2021

On the land, WWTP will be built in accordance with the planned processing unit in alternative 2 (OD).
WWTP layout plan of Kanigaran District can be views on Appendix.

I.6 Hydraulic Profile

After the process and size have been selected, hydraulic calculations and profiles are prepared.
This hydraulic profile is made to see the relationship between flows in channels or buildings as well as
energy loss (headloss). For the initial design, headloss is calculated based on the typical one that can be
seen in the Table 1.8.
Table 1.8 Typical Headloss for Each Building Unit

Unit Range headloss (m)

Bar screen 0,2 - 0,3
Grit chamber 30-40% of H

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 27

Aerated 0,1 - 1,2
Velocity controlled 0,5 - 0,9
Sedimentation Tank 1 0,5 - 0,9
Aeration Tank 0,2 - 0,6
Trickling filter
Low-rate 3 - 6,1
High-rate,rocks media 1,8 - 4,9
High-rate,plastic media 4,9 - 12,2
Secondary sedimentation 0,5 - 0,9
Filtration 3 - 4,9
Adsorbtion carbon 3 - 6,1
Disinfection unit 0,2 - 1,8
SBR 0,5 - 0,9
Source: Metcalf & Eddy

In the initial design, the hydraulic profile can be seen in Table 1.9 below.
Table 1.9 WWTP Building Hydraulic Profile

Information Formula Elevation (m)

Ground elevation 6.25
River water level elevation 6
The distance of the effluent pipe to the
river water table
Effluent Tub Elevation (m)
Water elevation at effluent 6.5
Hf buildings 0.5
Hf carrier channel 0.01
Elevation on influent 7.01
Clarifier Elevation (m)
Water elevation at effluent 7.01
Hf buildings 0.5
Hf carrier channel 0.01
Elevation on influent 7.52
Oxidation Ditch Elevation (m)
Water elevation at effluent 7.52
Hf buildings 0.2
Hf carrier channel 0.01
Elevation on influent 7.73
Settling Body I Elevation (m)

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 28

Water elevation at effluent 7.73
Hf buildings 0.5
Hf carrier channel 0.01
Elevation on influent 8.24
Grit Chamber Elevation (m)
Water elevation at effluent 8.24
Hf buildings 0.4
Hf carrier channel 0.01
Elevation on influent 8.65
Collection Wells Elevation (m)
Water elevation at effluent 8.65
Freeboard (pipe distance to water table) 0.5
Elevation on influent -3.65
Elevation over pipe end -2.52
Elevation under pipe end -3.15

A sketch of the hydraulic profile can be seen in Figure 1.6.

Figure 1.6 WWTP Building Hydraulic Profile

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 29


1.1 Background
The cause of pollution comes not only from industrial waste but also household wastewater or
domestic wastewater. In addition, the low awareness of some people who throw dirt or feces or
garbage into the river also causes the process of river pollution to accelerate the existing river. Dense
settlement and poor environmental sanitation conditions as well as those directly discharged into
water bodies without treatment have caused river, surface water, and shallow groundwater pollution
to become worse. Household wastewater can be divided into two, namely toilet wastewater and non-
toilet wastewater, toilet wastewater consisting of feces, urine, and rinses, while non-toilet
wastewater, namely wastewater derived from used laundry bath water, kitchen wastewater, sinks
and others. On average, each person excretes 1.2 liters of fecal waste with an unfinished composition
from the results of research conducted by the public works department DKI Jakarta together with the
JICA team (1990), the number of units of wastewater from household waste per person per day is 118
liters with an average BOD concentration of 236 mg / L and in 2010 it is estimated to increase to 147
liters and an average concentration of 224 mg/L.

The provision of domestic wastewater channels in Kanigaran District certainly requires treatment
before discharge into water bodies. In this plan, a centralized domestic wastewater treatment system
will be created according to the characteristics and organic load of wastewater. Planning starts from
alternative selection, secailed engineering calculations, technical drawings, to BOQ and RAB. With this
planning, it is expected to reduce the burden of wastewater pollutants in water bodies.

1.2 Propose
The objectives of the WWTP planning for Kanigaran District, Surabaya City are:
1. Design wastewater treatment building units in accordance with the characteristics of existing
2. Secermine treatment alternatives based on consideration of wastewater characteristics so
that the expected effluent quality is in accordance with established quality standards.
3. Secermine the quality and quantity of removal of organic matter content as well as desired
4. Calculate and predict the layout of wastewater treatment buildings.
5. Calculate and create hydraulic profiles precisely and correctly.
6. Calculate and BOQ and RAB.

1.3 Scope
The scope that guides the planning of WWTP in Kanigaran District, Probolinggo City
This year 2020 is :
 Part I

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 30

Planning WWTP Preliminary Design, equipped with a calculation model in MS Excel with
the following contents:
a. Establish the design period and processing capacity of WWTP units
b. Create a WWTP process flow chart
c. Establish process planning criteria for each WWTP unit
d. Calculate the initial dimensions of each WWTP unit
e. Calculating mass equilibrium
f. Designing WWTP layout on planned land
g. Calculates the hydraulic profile and determine the elevation of each WWTP unit to the
receiving Water Body and includes the approximate location of the pump in the collection
well needed.

 Part II
DED planning calculations are equipped with descriptions / explanations typed in Ms.
Word according to the format of the Planning Consultant Report, including:
I. Introduction
II. Capacity and Planning Period
III. WWTP Process Flow Diagram
V. Technical Drawings of WWTP Units
VI. BOQ, RAB and Technical Specifications.

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 31


The design period means that the BPAL unit reaches full planning capacity. The planning period is
calculated from the initial planning year (from the time BPAL first operates; initial years) to the final year
of planning (achieving full design capacity). The planning period of each unit may differ depending on the
level of difficulty of its development (for example; the design period of civil buildings and channels is
chosen to be longer, 20-40 years), population growth rate, environment and source of funds. In this plan,
the design period is until 2040, where construction will begin at the end of 2020 until the middle of 2024.
So that the BPAL unit will be operated at the end of 2024 after passing the start-up stage of operation.
The processing capacity of BPAL units depends on the ALD influent discharge at the end of the planning
year. ALD influent discharge in 2040 is obtained from planning calculations wastewater distribution of
Kanigaran District. ALD influent data is used to take into account the volume and area of the BPAL unit.

The following is the calculation of the influent discharge. The processing capacity of BPAL units
depends on the ALD influent discharge at the end of the planning year. ALD influent discharge in 2040 is
obtained from planning calculations wastewater distribution of Kanigaran District. ALD influent data is
used to take into account the volume and area of the BPAL unit. The following is the calculation of the
influent discharge.

- Residents of Kanigaran District in 2040 served: 84.516 people

- Average Discharge (Qave): 0.20 m3 /sec = 1.7280,00 m3 /day
- Maximum Day Discharge (Qhm) = Qave X Maximum daily factor
= 0.20 m3 /sec X 1,1
= 0.22 m3 /sec
= 19.008,00 m3 /day
- Peak Discharge (Qpeak) = Qave X Peak hour factor
= 0.20 m3 /sec X 2.00
= 0.40 m3 /sec
= 25.9200.000 m3 /day
- Minimum Discharge (Qmin) = 10368.000 m3/sec = 6523.2 m3/day

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 32


The WWTP process flow diagram is a representation with drawings of a combination of operating
units and the process unit used. In this plan, the flow starts from the influent pipe which then wastewater
is collected in the collection well. Then the wastewater is pumped into the grit chamber to remove grit
(salt, gravel, charcoal residue, and other heavy solids) which have a specific gravity greater than organic
solids in wastewater.

After that, wastewater flows into settling basin 1 which serves to remove coarse solids that easily
precipitate and floating material found in wastewater. In this unit, TSS can be eliminated by 50-70% and
BOD5 by 25-40%. From the settling basin 1 a physical sludge of 5% is produced. The resulting sludge is
taken to the outside of the WWTP to be dried on a sludge drying bed and then used as substitution of
building materials or other purposes. After the physical treatment (operating unit), wastewater is pumped
to biological treatment, namely oxidation ditch and clarifier (settling body 2). Water that has been treated,
can be flowed into water bodies. As for the sludge produced by the settling tub 2, it is treated with a
sludge drying bed which is a tub that functions to dry sludge (reduce moisture content by 60% for 10-15
days) and stabilize the still high organic content. The flow chart can be seen in Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1 WWTP Process Flow Diagram of Kanigaran District, Probolinggo City in 2020

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 33


Physical treatment is any process carried out to treat wastewater through the application of
mechanical force. This processing is also called primary processing, which is a preliminary treatment to
remove suspended solids, colloids, by physical or chemical processes. Physical processing in this plan
consists of collection wells, screening, grit chamber, and settling tank 1. The calculation and design of each
unit will be explained in the following subchapters.

4.1 Collection Wells & Pump Planning

The use of collection wells in preliminary processing serves to:
a. Collect waste water from carrier channels that are below the surface depth wastewater
treatment plant
b. Stabilizes variations in discharge and concentration of wastewater that will enter the building
wastewater treatment
c. Overcoming operational problems that can be caused by variations in discharge and
concentration wastewater
d. Improve process performance during a down stream state

4.1.1 Pump Planning

Wastewater fed into the collection well is raised to the next building (grit chamber) using
a pump. The type of pump used is the type of submersible pump. Submersible pumps still have
the ability to lift sand and small gravel. However, if particles such as larger gravel are sucked in by
the submersible pump, it can cause damage to the pump. For this reason, it is necessary to install
a bar screen on the collection well before the pump.
Planned : Type of pump used submirsible pump
Number of pumps used = 3 pcs (2+1 back up)
V assumptions = 1.5 m/s
Q pump = Q peak
= 0.3 m3/sec
Q per pump (Q) = Q peak
Qpeak / number of pumps = 0.15 m3/sec
Dimension Calculation
A pipe = Qpump/Vasume
= 0.100 m2
Pump diameter (D) = (4A/π)^0,5
= 0.36 m
= 356.92 mm
Diameter used = 400 mm
V check = Q / (0,25 x 3,14 (D^2))
= 1.19 m/s

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 34

Pump Head
H static = different elv water table on SP & GC
= 12.3 m
H system
Hf major
L discharge (Hstatic + distance 3m) = 15.3 m
C = 110

Hf discharge =

Hf mayor = 0.0703 m
Hf minor
K bend 90 = 0.4
K valve = 0.8
K strainer = 0.7
Hv due to turns (2 pieces) = ((k bend x V^2)/ 2g) x number of turns
= 0.029 M
Hv due to valve (1 piece) = ((k valve x V^2)/ 2g) x jumlah valve
= 0.058 M
Hv due to strainer (1 piece) = ((k strainer x V^2)/ 2g) x number of valve
= 0.051 M
H minor = Hv valve + Hv bend + Hv strainer
= 0.138 M
H pompa = H minor + Hf mayor + H statik
= 12.51 M
Pump Power
Water density = 1000 kg/m3
Power pump (80% efficiency) = Qpeak x densitas x g x H pump / efisiensi
= 22984.53 watt
= 22.98 kW

After calculation, it can be secermined that the submersible pump has the appropriate
specifications. In this plan, GRUNDFOS submersible pumps are used. Here are specifications of
the pump.
Pump Type = Submersible
Pump brands = GRUNDFOS
Pump Name = SE2.125.300.160.6
Q pump = 0.150 m3/sec
Pump head (Hp) = 12.51 m
Impeller diameter = 0.40 400 mm
D flange inlet = 0.30 300 mm

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 35

D flange outlet = 0.30 300 mm
Heavy = 573.00 kg
Pump height = 1.25 1254 mm
Pump diameter = 0.75 749 mm
High pump placement = 230.00 mm
Total height = 1254.00 mm
Power input = 18.60 kW
total length of all pumps = 3.50 meter
Number of pumps = 3

Figure 4.1 Secails of Pumps in Collection Wells

The total width of the pump is the minimum width of the collection well so that the pump
fits in the collection well. The laying of the pump is planned to be triangular in shape so that the
minimum width of the collection well is enough to lay 2 pumps.

4.1.2 Dimension Planning of Collection Wells

In this plan, collection wells are planned as many as 1 piece and faceted four. A sketch
of the collection well can be seen in Figure 4.2.

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 36

Figure 4.2 Sketch of Collection Well Unit

The following is the calculation of the dimensions of the WWTP collection well, Kanigaran
District, Probolinggo City in 2020.
Dimension Calculation
Qtank = Qpeak / jumlah unit
25920.00 x 1 = 25920.000 m3/day
25920.00/(60*24) = 18.00 m3/minute
Qtank x
Volume Tank =
18.00 x 4 = 72.00 m3
Body tank = V/H
71/2 = 36.00 m2
width Tank = (A/2)0.5
36/2 ^ 0.5 = 4.24 m
= 4.30 m
Length Tank = 2xL
2 x 4.30 = 8.60 m
Check Td Qpeak = V / Qpeak
= 246.53 second
= 4.11 minute
Hwater Qpeak = ((Qpeak x Td)/A)
= 2.00 m
= 200.00 cm
Check Td Qave = V / Qave

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 37

= 369.80 second
= 6.16 minute
Hwater Qave = ((Qave x Td)/A)
= 1.37 m
= 136.96 cm
Check Td Qmin = V / Qmin
= 600.00 second
= 10.00 minute
Hwater Qmin = ((Qmin x Td)/A)
= 0.80 m
= 80.00 cm

Thus, the dimensions of the collection well are as follows.

- Body Length = 8.60 m
- Body Width = 4.30 m
- Body depth calculated from last sewer pipe (H) = 2.00 m
- Freeboard = 0.50 m
- Body Area = 36.98 m2
- Land elevation = 6.25 m
- Sewer end pipe elevation = -3.15 m
- H total wells = 11.90 m
4.2. Bar Screen Planning
In the wastewater treatment process, screening or filtering is carried out at the earliest stage.
Filters for general use can be used to separate various solid objects in wastewater, such as paper,
plastic, cloth, wood and metal objects, and others. These items may cause damage to the pumping
system and other units if they are not separated. Sieves are broadly divided into two, coarse and fine
sieves. A rough filter is placed at the beginning, the types include bar rack / bar screen, coarse woven-
wire screen, and comminutor. In this plan, a mechanically assigned bar screen is used. Some things
must be considered in bar screen planning, among others: speed or capacity of the plan, distance
between bars, bar size, angle of inclination, and allowed headloss. Table 4.1 is a comparison of design
criteria between manual and mechanical cleaning bar screen.
Table 4.1 Bar Screen Design Criteria
Parameters Manual Mechanic Units
Width 5.-15 5.-15 mm
High 25-38 25-38 mm
Slope 30-45 0-30 degree
velocity 0.3-0.6 0.6-1 m/s
Velocity - 0.3-0.5 m/s
Headloss 150 150-600 mm
Width space bar 25-50 15-75 mm

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 38

Source : Metcalf & Eddy, 2014

In addition, there is a form factor of the rod that can affect the speed and headloss as the water
passes through the filter. The form factor can be seen in Table 4.2.
Table 4.2 Bar Form Factor Value

Bar Shape B
Sharp tip quadrangle 2.42
Quadrangular with a semi-rounded shape in the upper reaches 1.83
Round 1.79
Quadrangular with a semi-rounded shape in the upper and lower
reaches 1.67
Arbitrary form 0.76
Source : Qasim, 2018.

Bar screen calculation

Number of bars (n)
Barscreen width(B) = (n x w) + ((n+1) x b)
0.75 = (n x 0,015) + ((n+1) x 0,030)
0.75 = 0,015 n + 0,030 n + 0,030
0.72 = 0.045 n
n = 16
Number of bars (n) = 16 bar
Number of openings
between bars
S = n+1 = 17 Openings
Aperture width
Lt = (n+1) x b = 0.51 m
Submerged grid length (Ls)
sin 60 = 0.866025
Water depth = 1 m
Ls= Hwater/sin60 = 1.154701 m
Bar height (h) = 11.9 m
Total grid = 13.74094 m
Across = Width x H = 0.75 m2
v channel
flow=Q/Across = 0.4 m/sec

As = Ac/sinθ = 0.866025 m2
Anet =
= 0.57735 m2

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 39

Water velocity
through grid = 0.519615 m/sec
Min channel
length = Ls x cos 60
= 0.57735 m
= 1 m

Hv peak = (Vs^2 - v^2)/2g
= 0.005607 m
Hf peak = b ((w x n)/Lt)^4/3 hf average sin a
= 0.004301 m

Using the same method, the amount of barscreen headloss is obtained during peak hour debit,
average debit, and minimum discharge as follows.
At peak Q
V at Q peak (V channel) = 0.4 m/s
Vs when Q peaks = 0.519615 m/s
Hv at peak = 0.005607 m
Hf at peak = 0.004301 m
Hf clogging at peak = 0.035971 m
Total headloss = 0.040272 m

When Q ave
V current Q ave (V channel) = 0.266667 m/s
Vs current Q ave = 0.34641 m/s
Hv at ave = 0.002492 m
Hf when ave = 0.001912 m
Hf clogging when averaged = 0.015987 m
Total headloss = 0.017899 m

When Q min
V current Q min (v channel) = 0.16 m/s
Vs when Q min = 0.207846 m/s
Hv current min = 0.000897 m
Hf current min = 0.000688 m
Hf clogging at min = 0.005755 m
Total headloss = 0.006444 m

4.3. Aerated Grit Chamber

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 40

In the wastewater treatment process, objects that cannot decompose must be separated first,
including sand, fine gravel, and those that are still carried away from collection wells. This is done to:
- Protect damage to mechanical equipment such as pumps, flow meters and others so that
abrasion or deadlock does not occur.
- To maintain or prevent deadlocks within the piping system and the occurrence of Deposition
inside the channel
- To prevent scaling at the bottom of the initial settling basin or sludge treatment basin
- To reduce or eliminate the accumulation of non-biodegradable inert material in aeration
basins or biological reactors and sludge treatment basins that will result in volume losses.

Types of grit chambeI include horizontal flow grit chamber, aerated grit chamber, and vortex-type
grit chamber. In this plan, a rectangular aerated grit chamber is used. Aerated grit chamber has the
ability to remove content oils and fats in domestic wastewater this planning. Aerated grit chamber
too equipped with a diffuser (in the form of a blower) with a location between 0.45 – 0.6 m from the
depth of the tub, in the Aerated Grit Chamber there is also a grit chamber in the form of a beheaded
pyramid. The design criteria of the grit chamber can be seen in Table 4.3.
Table 4.3 Typical Design Criteria of Aerated Flow Grit Chamber

Parameter Range Typical

Detention time (minutes) 2-5 3
Dimension (meters)
Depth 2-5
Long 7.5-20
Wide 2.5-7
Width:depth ratio 1:1 - 5:1 1.5:1
Length:width ratio 3:1 - 5:1 4:1
Air supply per unit of length (m3/m.min) 0.2-0.5

Grit Chamber calculation consists of settling zone, grit storage zone, inlet channel, and outlet
channel. In the design of the building used discharge peak. 2 units are provided that work alternately.
A sketch of the aerated grit chamber can be seen in Figure 4.4.

Figure 4.3 Sketch of Aerated Grit Chamber

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 41

4.3.1 Deposition Zone Dimension Planning
In this plan, 2 aerated grit chambers are planned to work alternately. Here is the calculation.
Deposition zone planning
Qave = 0.200 m3/s
Qpeak = 0.300 m3/s
Number of Units = 2 Unit
Qave Unit = 0.200 m3/s
Qpeak Unit = 0.300 m3/s
Secention time (td) = 180 s
Depth (H) = 3 m
P:L = 3 :1
L:H = 1 :1
Body volume = Qtank x td = 54 m3
Surface area (As) = volume/H = 18 m2
Body width (L) = (As/ratio)^0.5 = 2.45 m
Body length (P) = ratio x L = 7.4 m
V used = P x W x H = 55.50 m3
As = P x L = 18.5 m2
Across = L x H = 7.5 m2
Check Vh = Q/Ac = 0.04 m/s
Check Vs = Q/As = 0.02 m/s
td check= volume /Q = 3.08 minutes
td horizontal= H/Vh = 1.25 minutes

4.3.2 Grit Storage Zone Dimension Planning

The grit storage zone is in the form of a beheaded pyramid. Pump grit drain the submercile is
then moved to a temporary tub next to it. Here are the calculation.

Grit Storage Plan :

Qpeak Unit = 0.3 m3/s
Sand Content
= 0.0002 water

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 42

p Grit = 2650 kg/m3
p water = 1000 kg/m3
Volume of sand = Qpeak x
sand = 5.184 m3/day
a =1/3 GC length = 2.466667 m
b = GC width = 2.5 m
c = 60% x a = 2 m
d = 60% x b = 1.5 m
A1 top = axb = 6 m2
A2 bottom =cxd = 3 m2
Zone height=1/3 GC height = 1 m
Grit storage volume =
[(Vol.f) :
(A1+A2+(A1+A2)0.5)] = 1.728 m

4.3.3 Water Requirement Calculation and Blower Specifications

The water supply required by aerated grit chamber can be calculated based on length the tub.
After that, a blower can be secermined that is able to supply the water. Next Calculation.
Calculation of GC water requirements
water supply = 0.3 m3/m.min
body length = 7.4 m
Water Requirements = 2.22 m3/min
Total Water
requirement in
operation 1 = 2.22 m3/min
Blower Needs = 0.352381 Blower
= 1 Blower

Based on these water needs, you can find the brand and specifications of the blower fit through
the blower selection curve as follows.

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 43

Figure 4.4 Blower Selection Curve

Specifications of the blower used:

Type = BL-BP 0512
Blower capacity max. = 6.3 m3/min
Power = 0.37 kW
Frequency = 50 Hz
Heavy = 17 kg

Figure 4.5 Blower Secails

4.3.4 Inlet Zone Calculation

Wastewater from the collection well is drained into the inlet channel, then enters the dividing
channel through the sluice. The planning of the inlet grit chamber zone is as follows.
Planning of carrier channels from SP and GC
Number of channels 1 pcs

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 44

Q channel 0.3 m³/sec
v Plan 0.6 m/sec
P channel 3 m
L:H 1 :1
Area (Ac) = Q/v plan 0.5 m2
H channel = (Ac)^0.5 0.8 m
L channelv = ratio x H 0.8 m
Hydraulic radius = (LxH) / (2H+L) 0.266667 m
Slope = ((v*n)/(R^2/3))^2 0.000472
Channel head = slope x channel length 0.001416 m
Head v = v^2/2g 0.018349 m
Total HL = Channel head + Hv 0.019764 m

The dividing channel on the GC is the same as the GC outlet collection channel
Number of channels = 1 pcs
Q channel = 0.3 m³/sec
v Plan = 0.5 m/sec

P channel
= 0.5 m
L:H = 1 :1
Area (Ac) = Q/v plan = 0.6 m2
H channel = (Ac)^0.5 = 0.8 m
L channelv = ratio x H = 0.8 m
Hydraulic radius = (LxH) / (2H+L) = 0.27 m
Slope = ((v*n)/(R^2/3))^2 = 0.00033 m
Channel head = slope x channel length = 0.00016 m
Head v = v^2/2g = 0.013 m
Total HL = Channel head + Hv = 0.013 m
Sluice gate width (b) = 0.8 m
Q sluice gate = 0.3 m3/sec
Water level before sluice gate (h) = 0.8 m
Headloss at the sluice gate
Q = Cd*A*SQRT(2gH) = 0.3
Cd = 0.8
A = 1
H = 0.007167 m

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 45

4.3.5 Outlet Zone Calculation
On the outlet channels grit chamber is planned to use weir and collection channels. Here are the
calculations from the outlet channel planning and weir.
Planned: :
Number of channels = 1 pcs
Q channel = 0.3 m³/sec
v Plan = 0.6 m/sec
P channel = 3 m
L:H = 1 :1
Area (Ac) = Q/v plan = 0.5 m2
H channel = (Ac)^0.5 = 0.8 m
L channel v = ratio x H = 0.8 m
Hydraulic radius = (LxH) / (2H+L) = 0.27 m
Slope = ((v*n)/(R^2/3))^2 = 0.00047
Channel head = slope x channel length = 0.00142 m
Head v = v^2/2g = 0.018349 m
Total HL = Channel head + Hv = 0.02 m
Proporsional weir
Maximum head over the weir at peak design
Weir depth, H = Hpeak-channel bottom
= 0.78 m
Peak discharge, Qpeak = 0.3 m3/sec
Openings at Qpeak, L = Q/(4.17(H^3/2))
= 0.104434 m
= 0.105 m
Constant (K) = LH^1/2
= 0.092733
Weir width, W = 0.8 m

Table 4.4 Weir Profile Aerated Grit Chamber

Profil Proporsional weir

Head Oover Weir Length Depth in the Flow Speed
Flow Condition y=q/(4,17K) x =Ky^-1/2 Channel (d) v=Q/(d*W)
Peak 0.300 0.78 0.1053 0.80 0.471 m/sec
Assumption 0.300 0.78 0.1053 0.80 0.471 m/sec
Assumption 0.250 0.65 0.1153 0.67 0.469 m/sec
Assumption 0.200 0.52 0.1289 0.54 0.465 m/sec
Max. 0.167 0.43 0.1411 0.45 0.462 m/sec
Average 0.200 0.52 0.1289 0.54 0.465 m/sec
Assumption 0.125 0.32 0.1631 0.34 0.455 m/sec
Assumption 0.100 0.26 0.1824 0.28 0.449 m/sec

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 46

Minimum 0.076 0.20 0.2099 0.22 0.438 m/sec
Assumption 0.060 0.16 0.2354 0.18 0.428 m/sec
Assumption 0.050 0.13 0.2579 0.15 0.419 m/sec
Assumption 0.030 0.08 0.3329 0.10 0.384 m/sec
Assumption 0.020 0.05 0.4078 0.07 0.349 m/sec
Assumption 0.015 0.04 0.4708 0.06 0.319 m/sec
Assumption 0.010 0.03 0.5767 0.05 0.273 m/sec
Assumption 0.005 0.01 0.8155 0.03 0.190 m/sec
Assumption 0.004 0.01 0.9118 0.03 0.165 m/sec

The layout sketch of the aerated grit chamber unit based on calculations can be seen in

Figure 4.6 Layout of Aerated Grit Chamber Unit

4.4 Sedimentation Tank I Planning

Sedimentation tank I is a unit of operation for gravitationally suspended matter removal. The
sedimentation process in wastewater treatment is generally to eliminate Suspended solids before
further processing. The sedimentation basin can be rectangular or circular. In this basin, the flow of
wastewater is very calm to give the soil or suspension a chance to settle. The criteria necessary to
secermine the size of the sedimentation basin are surface load, depth and residence time. In this
plan, the settling body is planned to be rectangular. The design criteria can be seen in Table 4.5.
Table 4.5 Sedimentation Tank I Rectangular Design Criteria

BP Rectangular Design Criteria 1

Parameter Unit Range Tipical
BP 1 + 2nd treatment
Td 1 -- 3 hour 2
Overflow rate 20 - 80 m3/m2.day 40
Q ave 30 - 50 m3/m2.day 40
Q peak 80 - 120 m3/m2.day 100

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 47

Weir Loading 125 - 500 m3/m.day 250
BP 1 + activated sludge return
Td 1.5 - 2.5 hour 2
Overflow rate - - -
Q ave 25 - 35 m3/m2.day 30
Q peak 48 - 70 m3/m2.day 60
Weir Loading 125 - 500 m3/m.day 250
BP 1 Rectangular
Depth (H) 3 - 4,9 m 4.3
Length (P) 15 - 90 m 24 - 40
Width (L) 3 - 24 m 4.9 - 9.8

Flight Speed 0.6 - 1.2 m/min 0.9

P:L 2-6 : 1

In the planning of the settling body I building, there are 4 zones, namely the inlet, mud, settling,
outlet zones. The explanation is as follows.
a. Inlet zone, which is to extend the transition flow from influent to uniform steady flow in
the settling zone so that the deposition process in the deposition zone is not disturbed.
b. Settling zone, which is to precipitate discrete particles present in the wastewater.
c. Mud zone, which is to accommodate solid particles that have been successfully deposited.
d. Outlet zone, which is to extend the transition flow from the deposition zone to the
e. Planning begins with designing a settling zone, then a sludge zone, followed by an inlet
and outlet.
Planning begins with designing a settling zone, then a mud zone, followed by an inlet and outlet.

4.4.1 Deposition Zone Planning

4 rectangular tubs are planned to be operated simultaneously. If one of them is cleaned, the other
body must be able to operate with effluent that is not much different. The planning discharge used
is the peak hour discharge because there is no previous equalization basin. The settling tub can act
like an equalization tub. A sketch of the settling body 1 can be seen in Figure 4.7.

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 48

Figure 4.6 Sketch of Sedimentation Unit I

Here is the calculation of the deposition zone planning.

Settling Body Planning 1
Number of tubs = 4
Q peak = 25920 m3/day
= 0.3 m3/sec
Q tiap tank = Qave/number of tub
= 6480.00 m3/day
= 0.075 m3/sec
OFR = 36.09 m3/m2.day
P:L = 4 :1
Based on flow chart
Target removal TSS = 50 %
[TSS] in = 189 mg/L
[BOD] in = 190 mg/L
Assumption, Water
temperature = 25 ˚C
Kinematic viscosity (ʋ) = 8.98E-07 m2/s
Absolute viscosity (μ) = 0.000895 N·s/m2
Calculation (per tub)
Surface area (US) = Q/OFR
= 481.337 m2

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 49

Width (W) = SQRT(As/rasio)
= 11 M
Length (L) = 4*W
= 44 m
As actually = W*L
= 484 m2
Side water depth (H) = 3 meter
Volume = W*L*H
= 1452 m3
Slope = 0.03
Water depth in influent
(Hin) = H+(S*L/2)
= 3.66 meter
Water depth in effluent
(Hefft) = H-(S*L/2)
= 2.34 meter
Check OFR = Q/As actually
= 35.70248 OK
Check td = V/Q
= 2.016667 hour
= Complete
Vh = Q/(W*H)
= 0.002273 m/sec
Wet circumference (P) = 2H+W
= 17 meter
Hydraulic radius (R) = W*H/(2H+W)
= 1.941176 meter
Nre flow = (Vh*R)/Ʋ
= 4915.615 > 2000, Turbulen
Nfroude = Vh^2/(g*R)
< 10^-5 going short
= 2.71E-07 circuit
Vs = Q/As actually
= 0.000155 m/sec

Particle diameter (d) =

= 1.24E-05 m
= 0.012436 mm
Nre particles = Vs*dp/Ʋ
= 0.002147

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 50

Speed scouring = ((8k(Sg-1)d×g)/f)^(1/2)
= 0.056802 m/sec
Vsc > Vh no scouring occurs

Because the froude value does not meet, the body must be given a perforated baffle to
homogenize the flow at all points and so that there is no short circuit or water only flows on the
surface of the tub so that precipitation does not occur optimally. The calculation of the baffle is as
Because of the short circuit, a perforated baffle is needed
Planned number of holes, newly calculated %holes
Position baffle from
inlet = 3 m
Ø hole = 0.2 m
Baffle width (W) = 6.9 m
Baffle height (H) = 3 m
Thick baffle = 0.5 m
Coefficient of (range
contraction (c) = 0.6 0,5-0,6)
Distance between
holes = 0.2 m
Number of
horizontal holes = 16.75
between holes)/( d
between holes) = 16 hole
Number of vertical
holes = 7
(H-Distance between
holes)/( d
between holes) = 7 hole
Total number of
holes = 112 hole
Baffle hole area (A1) = 0.0314 m2
Total area of baffle
hole (A2) = 3.5168 m2
Area of baffle = 20.7 m2
A total hole = 0.169894 A baffle
Q per hole = Q/ hole
= 0.00067 m3/sec
Flow control
Vh = (P tank - jarak baffle)/td

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 51

= 0.005647 m/sec
Hydraulic radius, R = Area/Perimeter
= 0.05 meter
Nre flow = (Vh x R)/ʋ
> 2000,
= 35237.15 Turbulen
Nre flow = Q per hole/(π*d*Ʋ)
= 1188.089 Laminar
Nre particle = 0.002147 <0,5 OK
NFr flow = Vh^2/(g*R)
= 6.5E-05 > 10^-5 = OK

4.4.2 Mud Zone Planning

The mud zone in the settling basin I is planned to be in the form of a decapitated pyramid. The
sludge that settles in this zone will be removed through the pump. Here is the calculation.
Mud zone planning
Q each tub = 0.075 m³/sec
Width (top) = 11 m
% TSS Removal = 56.44
[TSS] in = 189 mg/L
Discrete & Grit = 0.9
= 170.1
[Solid] removed = 96 mg/L
ρ solid = 2.65 g/cm³
= 2650 kg/m³
ρw = 997 kg/m³
%Solid = 0.05
%water = 0.95
Water mass = 19 Solid mass
Sg = 1.02 Mass balance
Sludge Calculation
TSS mass removed = Q per bath x particles deposited
TSS mass removed = 622.0709 kg/day
Sludge density = (ρ solid x 5%) + (ρ water x 95%)
= 1079.717 kg.m3
Mass sludge = Mass TSS remove / 5%
= 12441.42 kg/day
Volume sludge = Mass sludge / density sludge
= 11.52286

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 52

= 11.53 m³/day
The shape of the beheaded
pyramid mud tub
H(t) = 1/3 x H Deposition zone
= 1 m
Length (top;a) = 10 m
Width (top;b) = 11 m
Length (bottom; c) = 5 m
Width (bottom;d) = 5.5 m
Top A (A2) = 110 m2
A down (A1) = 27.5 m2
Vol mud zone = 64.16667 m3
Drain frequency = Mudroom vol / sludge production vol
= 5.565192
= 6 once a day
Pumping discharge
(Qp) = 0.05 m3/s
Drain time = Vol sludge/Qp
= 230.6 s
= 3.9 minute
V pipe = 1 m/s
A pipe = Qp/V pipe
= 0.05 m2
Diameter of pipe
(Dp) = (4.Apipe/3,14)^0,5
= 0.252377 m
= 252.3772 mm
Dp used = 280 mm
V pipe check = Qp/(0,25 x 3,14 x D^2)
= 0.707714 m/s

4.4.3 Inlet Zone Planning

The settling body inlet zone I consists of a carrier channel, a dividing channel, and a sluice. The
calculation of the inlet zone of the sedimentation I is as follows.
Inlet zone planning
Number of channels = 4 pcs
Q channel = 0.075 m³/s
V plan = 0.8 m/s
P channel = 0.5 m
L:H = 1 :1
Freeboard = 0.3 m

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 53

Coefficient of
friction (n) = 0.015
Area (A) =Q/v = 0.09375 m2
H channel = A^0.5 = 0.31 m
L channel = 0.31 m
V check = Q/(LxH) = 0.780437 m/s
Hydraulic radius ('R)
= LxH/2H+L = 0.103333 m
V (= 0,8) = (1/n)*R^2/3*S^1/2
Slope (S) = ((V*n)/(R^2/3))^2
= 0.241421
Headloss mayor (Hf)
= Slope x Channel
length = 0.120711 m
Headloss minor (Hv)
= V^2/2g = 0.03262 m
Headloss total = Hf +
Hv = 0.15333 m
Carrier Channel
Number of channels = 1 pcs
Q channel = 0.3 m³/sec
V plan = 1.5 m/sec
P channel = 20 m
Freeboard = 0.3 m
Coefficient of
friction (n) = 0.015
Area (A) =Q/v = 0.2 m2
H channel = 0.31 m
L channel = A/H = 0.645161 m
V check = Q/(LxH) = 1.5 m/s
Hydraulic radius ('R)
= LxH/2H+L = 0.158083
Slope (S) = 0.005923
Major headloss (Hf)
= Slope x channel
length = 0.118454 m
Headloss minor (Hv)
= V^2/2g = 0.114679 m

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 54

Headloss total = Hf +
Hv = 0.233133 m
Water Gate
Door width = 11 m
Q sluice gate = 0.075 m³/sec
H sluice gate = 0.011855 m
Watergate headloss = 0.000733 m

4.4.4. Outlet Zone Planning

The outlet channel consists of a gutter and a collecting channel. Treated water comes out pass
through the V-notch and enter Launder/Gutter Then it flows into the collection channel to the
distribution basin which will then be pumped to the biological processing unit.
Outlet zone planning (weir and gutter)
WLR = 200 m3/m.day
= 0.002315 m3/m.s
Q each tub = 0.075 m3/sec
Body width (W) = 11 m
P Weir needed = Q tank / WLR
= 33 m
Width Gutter (b) = planned
= 0.5 m
h Gutter (h) = Q/(1,375xb)
= 0.109091 m
Freeboard = planned

= 0.3 m
Water height
above gutter = Q/(1,848xb)^2/3
= 0.079058 m
Yc (critical depth) = ((Q/b)^2 / 9,8)^1/3

= 0.131922 m

Spillway length = Body width - 2b

= 10 m

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 55

number of spillers (Pweir – L tank) /
(n) (2 x Spillway length)
= 2 pcd
distance of each
spiller(s) = 0.5 m

Outlet Collection Channel

Number of
channels = each tub 1 pcs
Q channel = Qpeak 0.075 m³/sec
v Plan = 0.6 m/sec
P channel = 2 m
L:H = 1 :1
n = 0.015
Area (AC) = Q/ v plan 0.125 m2
H channel = (Ac)^0,5 0.4 m

L channel = rasio x H 0.4 m

Hydraulic radius = (LxH) / (2H+L) 0.1333333 m

V (= 0,6) = (1/n)*R^2/3*S^1/2
Slope = ((v*n)/(R^2/3))^2
slope x channel
Channel head =
length 0.0023783 m
Head v = v^2/2g 0.0183486 m
Total HL = Channel head + Hv 0.0207269 m

DED layout drawings and cutouts of the sedimentation I unit according to the calculation can be Seen
in the appendix.

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 56


5.1 Overview
Biological treatment is needed to reduce the organic content in wastewater. Biological treatment
is very suitable for use to treat wastewater that is biodegradable or has a BOD/COD ratio in the range of
0.2-0.5. A high BOD/COD ratio is considered a sufficient condition to ensure wastewater including
biodegradable (Mangkoediharjo, 2010). The BOD/COD ratio in domestic wastewater in Kanigaran District
is 0.44 so it is very suitable for biological treatment.

Aerobic treatment is also very necessary to treat domestic wastewater in Kanigaran District.
When the BOD of wastewater does not exceed 400 mg/L, the aerobic process is still can be considered
more economical than anaerobic. At BOD higher than 400 mg/L, the anaerobic process becomes more
economical (Ginting, 2007).

The biological treatment building is planned using Oxidation Ditch (OD) units and Clarifiers. The
Ditch Oxidation Unit was chosen because it is compared to the activated sludge process
Conventional, oxidation ditch has several advantages, namely the efficiency of reducing BOD can reach
85%-90% (compared to 80%-85%) and less sludge produced. In addition to higher efficiency (90%-95%),
stabilization contacts have another advantage, namely shorter total hydraulic secention time (4-6 hours).
The contact-stabilization process can also remove suspended BOD through the absorption process in the
contact tank so that no removal of suspended BOD is needed by preliminary treatment. Oxidation and
lagoon pools, both aerated and uneerated, also belong to the type of suspended growth reactor. In the
aerated lagoon it is enough with a secention time of 3-5 days (Ginting, 2007).

The Oxidation Ditch system consists of an aeration bath in the form of an oval-shaped trench or
channel equipped with one or more rotational rotors for waste aeration. The line or trench receives
filtered waste and has a hydraulic retention time of close to 24 hours. This process is generally used for
domestic wastewater treatment for relatively small communities and requires land area which is quite
large. The flow diagram of processing with Oxidation Ditch can be seen in Figure 5.1.

Figure 5.1 Ditch and Clarifier Oxidation Flow Diagram

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 57

Source : Ginting, 2007

5.2 Oxidation Ditch

The biological processing used in this planning is using Oxidation Ditch. Oxidation Ditch is one
modification of the Activated Sludge process, with Extended Aeration System. The main function of the
Oxidation Ditch unit is to lower the concentration of BOD, COD and wastewater nutrients. The way it
works is to rotate water that will follow a circular channel long enough for aeration purposes with a rotor
mechanical device.
The sketch of the Oxidation Ditch image can be seen in Figure 5.2 as follows.

Figure 5.2 Sketch of Oxidation Ditch Drawing

The design criteria of Oxidation Ditch can be seen in Table 5.1 below:
Table 5.1 Oxidation Ditch Planning Criteria

Parameters Units Range

Solid Retention Time/SRT *) day 15-30
Rasio F/M *) kg BOD/kg MLVSS.day 0,04-0,1
Beban Volumetrik *) kg BOD/m3.day 0,1-0,3
Yh *) gVSS/g COD 0.45
g biomass loss/g biomass 0,08 –
Kd *)
% 0,2
MLSS *) mg/L
VSS/SS 0,8 - 0,9
Yn *) gVSS/g COD 0.15

Sludge Age *) hour 15-30

Aeration Requirement **) kg O2/kg BOD5 1,5-2
Recycle Ratio **) 0,75-1,5
Source: *) Metcalf dan Eddy, 2014, **) Kementrian Kesehatan RI, 2011

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 58

5.2.1. Ditch Oxidation Planning
It is planned that there are 4 oxidation ditch units. The following is the calculation of reactor
volume, sludge production (Px bio and Px nitrification), oxygen requirements, rotor requirements and
laying, oxidation ditch dimensions, and OD inlet and outlet channels.
Qave = 0.200 m3/sec
Factor max = 1.1
Qmax = 0.220 m3/sec
Unit OD = 4 Unit
Q each tub = 0.050 m3/sec
BOD in (So) = 133.00 mg/L
BOD removal = 95%
ef BOD (Se) = So – (So x %BOD removal)
= 6.65 mg/L
SRT = 15 day
Y = 0.6 gVSS/gBOD
Xss = 5000 mg/L
VSS/SS = 0.8
Xvss = Xss x VSS/SS
= 4000 mg/L
Kd = 0.06 /day

Volume reactor
(Vr) =

= 646.38 m3

Px bio =

= 172.37 kg BOD/day Nitrification Px Calculation
TKN = 40 mg/L
N efluen (Ne) = 7.2 mg/L
Yn = 0.15 gVSS/gBOD
Kdn = 0.08 /day
NOx = TKN - Ne
= 32.8 mg/L
= 0.0328 kg/m3
Px nitrification (Pxn) =

= 20.28092 kg BOD/day
Px total = Px bio + Pxn

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 59

= 192.6489 kg BOD/day
Nox (correction) = TKN – Ne – (0,12 x Px / Q)
= 32.79465 mg/L
= 0.032795 kg/m3
Iteration until the initial NOx count and correction NOx are equal.
Px iteration 2 = Px bio +

= 182.0275 kg BOD/day
NOx iteration 2 = TKN – Ne – (0,12 x Px / Q)
= 32.79494 mg/L
= 0.032795 kg/m3
Px wear = 182.0275 kg BOD/day
Nox wear = 0.032795 kg/m3 Calculation of Oxygen Demand

Q(So – Se) = 545.832 kg O2/day
1,42Pxbio = 244.7626 kg O2/day
4,57NOxQ = 647.4509 kg O2/day
Ro = Q(So – Se) – 1,42Pxbio +4,57NOxQ
= 948.5203 kg O2/day Denitrification Calculation (Anoxic)
Y = 0.6 gVSS/gBOD
Kd = 0.06 /day
SRT = 15 day
An = 1 – 1,42 Y + ( 1,42 x Kd x Y x SRT / (1+ (Kd x SRT))
= 0.551579 g O2 / g bBOD removed
Ynet = Y / (1 + kd x SRT)
= 0.315789 gVSS/gCOD
SDNR = (0,175 x An) / (Ynet x SRT)
= 0.020378 kg VSS/ kgN.day
Mass NOx = (TKN – Ne) x Q
= 141.6742 kg/day
Mass anoxic = SDNR . X . Vol
= 52.68715 kg/day
Ratio NOx/anoxic = Mass Nox/Mass Anoxic
= 0.11204
Volume anoxic = Ratio Anoxic x Vr
= 72.42068 m3
Volume aerobic = Volume – Volume Anoxic
= 573.9593 m3

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 60

Next is to calculate the number of brush aerators (mammoth rotors) needed so that the oxygen
demand in the oxidation ditch unit can be met. On this planning is used brush aerator diameter 700 mm
with the following specifications.

Figure 5.3 Specification of Brush Aerator

Figure 5.4 Graph Brush Aerator 700 mm

Based on the graph above, it can be secermined the aeration ability and depth of the aerator
brush. Then calculate the number and length of aerator brushes needed to meet the oxygen needs of the
oxidation ditch as follows.

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 61 Rotor Requirements
Total ro + 20% (safe factor)
= 1138.224 kg O2/day

= 47.42602 kg O2/hour
Diameter choosen = 700 mm
= 0.7 meter
Aeration ability = 6.95 kg O2/hour.m (Sb X grafik)
= 166.8 kg O2/day.m
Dipping depth = 26 cm
= 0.26 meter
Length x number of rotors = Ro / aeration ability
= 6.823887
= 7 meter
Number of rotors = 2 unit
Selected length = 3.5 meter
Total aeration capability Number of rotors x Aeration ability x Rotor
= 1167.6 kg O2/day
Description of the rotor Sufficient total Ro Inlet zone planning
a. Water Gate
Door width = 0.4 m
Q sluice gate = 0.2 m³/sec
H sluice gate = 0.288014327 m
Watergate headloss = 0.004068808 m
b. OD Inlet Carrier Channel from BP 1
Q channel = Qave 0.2 m³/sec
v Plan = 0.6 m/sec
P channel = 2 m
L:H = 1 :1
n = 0.015
Account =
Area (AC) =
H channel = (Ac)^0,5 0.4 m
L channel = rasio x H 0.4 m
Hydraulic radius = (LxH) / (2H+L) 0.13 m
V (= 0.6) = (1/n)*R^2/3*S^1/2 0.6
Slope = ((v*n)/(R^2/3))^2 0.001189
Channel head = slope x channel length 0.00238 m

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 62

Head v = v^2/2g 0.018 m
Total HL Channel head + Hv
= 0.021 m
c. OD Inlet Divider
Number of channels = each tub 1 pcs
Q channel = Qave 0.05 m³/sec
v Plan = 0.6 m/sec
P channel = 0.5 m
L:H = 1 :1
n = 0.015
Area (AC) 0.083333
H channel = (Ac)^0,5 0.4 m
L channel = rasio x H 0.208333
Hydraulic radius = (LxH) / (2H+L) 0.082645 m
V (= 0.6) = (1/n)*R^2/3*S^1/2 0.6
Slope = ((v*n)/(R^2/3))^2 0.00225
Channel head = slope x channel length 0.001125 m
Head v = v^2/2g 0.018349 m
Total HL = Channel head + Hv 0.019474 m
d. OD Outlet Channel to the control body
Number of channels = 1 pcs each OD
Q channel = 0.05 m³/sec
V plan = 1.5 m/sec
P channel = 5 m
Freeboard = 0.3 m
Width:height ratio = 2 :1
Coefficient of
friction (n) = 0.015
Area (A) = 0.033333333 m2
H channel = 0.129099445 m
L channel = 0.25819889 m
V check = 1.5 m/s
Hydraulic radius ('R) = 0.064549722 m
Slope (S) = 0.01955116
Major headloss (Hf) = 0.0977558 m
Minor headloss (Hv) = 0.114678899 m
Total headloss = 0.212434699 m
Control Body Calculation
TD control body = 0.5 hour

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 63

Q = 0.05 m3/sec
= 180 m3/hour
Volume = Q x td
= 90 m3
H plan = 3 meter
A surface = Volume / H
= 30 m2
Rasio P:L = 2 :1
width Tank = (A/rasio)^0,5
= 3.9 meter
lenght tank = 2xL
= 7.8 meter
e. Calculation of control body pipe to clarifier
v assumptions = 1.5 m/sec
Area (A) = Q/v
= 0.033333333 m2
Diameter = (4a/phi)^0,5
= 0.206065147 meter

Diameter used = 0.2 meter

= 200 mm
Luas (A) check = 1/4 x phi x d^2
= 0.031428571 m2
v check = Q/A
= 1.590909091 m/sec

Pictures of the DED layout and cutout of the Oxidation ditch unit according to calculations can be
seen in the appendix.

5.3. Clarifier II
Clarifier (Settling Body II) serves to separate activated sludge or activated sludge from MLSS.
Sludge containing bacteria that are still active will be recirculated back to Aeration tanks while sludge
containing bacteria that are dead or no longer active, is flowed into sludge treatment. Sludge treatment
is the last step to produce stable effluent with low concentrations of BOD and suspended solids (SS). Based
on its operation, the second settling body has 2 functions, namely separating MLSS and treated
wastewater and compacting sludge return. Meanwhile, based on the type of tank, clarifier (settling body
II) can be divided into two shapes, namely rectangular (square or square) and circular (circle). Other
factors to consider in designing the settling body II are:
a. Types of tanks used
b. Characteristics of sludge deposition
c. Surface loading rate or solid loading rate

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 64

d. Placement and weir loading rate
The following design criteria for the clarifier unit (settling body II) are presented in Table 5.2.

Table 5.2 Clarifier Planning Criteria

Parameters Unit Range

Secention time *) hour 2-6
Solid Loading**) kg SS/m2.day 50-150
Surface Loading*) m3/m2.day 20-35
Spillway load *) m /m.day 100-254
Depth ***) m 3-4
Zona Settling Depth***) m 1.5

Source: Qasim, 1985.Metcalf, 2003. Kementerian Kesehatan RI, 2011

5.3.1 Planning Clarifier (Settling Body II)

In this plan, the number of settling body II units used is 4 units. The shape of the settling body II
used is circular. Here is a sketch from the clarifier unit (II settling body).

Figure 5.5 Sketch of Clarifier Unit (Settling Body II)

Dimensional planning of clarifier units based on solid flux relationship graphs with MLSS on Figure

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 65

Figure 5.6 Graph of Solid Flux Relationship Graph with MLSS

Source: Metcalf, 2003

Average Q = 0.2 m3/sec
Number of units = 4.0000 unit
Q per unit = 0.05 m3/sec
MLVSS = 4000 mg/L
MLSS = 5000 mg/L
Xr = 13000 mg/L (planned)
Qr/Q = X/(Xr-X)
= 0.625 0.6
Qr = Qr/Q x Q
= 0.125 m3/sec
So = 6.65 mg/L
= 0.00665 kg/m3
MLSS Underflow = (Px OD – (Q x So)) / XMLSS
= 57.08081 m3/day
Q BP II = Qave + Qr – MLSS Underflow
= 0.324339 m3/sec
Q BP II every tank = Q BP II / unit
= 0.081085 m3/sec Surface area calculation
A surface = Q x X /Solid Flux
= 324.3393 m2
Diameter = (4.As/phi)^0,5
= 20.32661 meter
= 21.6 m3/m2.day
OFR OK (Kd: 15-40 m/day)

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 66

SLR = (Q . X MLSS)/A
= 108 kg/m2.day
= 4.5 kg/m2.hour
SLR OK (Kd: 4-6 kg/m2.hour)
Middle Diameter = 25% D
= 5.081653 meter Calculation of Settling Body II
Thickening zone
Volume OD = 646.38 m3
Total solid mass at OD = X MLVSS x Volume OD
= 2585.52 kg
Total solid mass in BP II = 30% x Total mass solid OD
= 775.656 kg
Total solid mass at OD of all bodies = unit x Total mass solid OD
= 10342.08 kg
Total solid mass in BP II all bodies = unit x Total mass solid BP II
= 3102.624 kg Zona Sludge Storage

Px TSS = 172.37 kg/day
Assumption %content
% TSS = 0.8
%TDS = 0.2
Sg TSS = 1.1
Sg TDS = 2.5
Sg mixture =

= 1.238739
Mass mixed type = Sg mixture x mass type water
= 1238.739 kg/m3
Q sludge = mass/mass mixed type
= 0.13915 m3/day
The sludge contains 98% water and 0.02 sludge
Q fix mud = Q sludge / 2%
= 6.95748 m3/day
Mudroom Dimensions
Planned top diameter = 1/2 clarifier diameter
Top diameter = 0,6 x D clarifier
= 12.19597 meter

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 67

Top Area (A1) = ¼ x π x D^2
= 116.7622 m2
Bottom diameter = 1/4 x D atas
= 3.048992 meter
Bottom area (A2) = ¼ x π x D^2
= 7.297635 m2
Plan depth (H) = 1 meter
Mudroom volume = (h / 3) x [A1 + A2 + (A1 x A2)^0,5]
51.08345 m3
Drain period = Mud chamber volume / Q sludge
= 7.342234 day
= 7 day
Volume of sludge drained = Q x periode
= 48.70236 m3 each 1 day
Freeboard = 0.3 meter
H zona thickening = 0.4 meter
H clear zone (plan) = 1.5 meter
H total = H thickening zone + H clear zone + H mudroom + fb
= 3.2 meter
V mud chamber + ((h thickening + h clear zone) x
Volume total =
= 667.3282 m3
Time secensi = Total volume / Q BP II per tub
= 8230 sec
= 2.286111 hour Recirculation Pump and Slurry Pump Calculation
Pipe suction diameter = 0.2 meter
Pipe discharge diameter = 0.2 meter
Q recirculation, Qr = 0.125 m3/sec
Number of units = 4 pcs
Qr per unit = Qr / number of units
= 0.03125 m3/sec
Asurface = ¼ x π x D^2
= 0.0314 m2
Speed (v) = Qr/As
= 0.995223 m/sec
Head statis = 3.2 meter
L suction 10 meter
L discharge = 20 meter
HL suction =

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 68

= 0.597959 meter
HL discharge =

= 1.195918 meter
HL mayor total = HL suction + HL discharge
= 1.793878 meter
HL minor = k x v^2/2g
HL due to 1 turn 90 (k=0.4) = 0.020193 meter
HL minor total = 0.020193 meter
Head total = 31.81407 meter

The required pumping power can be used the following equation:

Power efficiency = 0.7
Bhp = 𝛾 ×𝑄 ×𝐻 / 75 / efisiensi
= 18.93695 kW
Perhitungan Pipe Inlet
V asumsi = 1 m/sec
A = Q each unit/V
= 0.05 m/sec
Diameter = (4.As/phi)^0,5
= 0.252377 meter
D market used (d in) = 250 mm
= 0.25 meter
A check = ¼ x π x D^2
= 0.049063 m2
V check = Q tiap unit /Acheck
= 1.019108 m/sec
C pipe = 140
L pipe = 3 meter
HL mayor =

= 0.01112 meter
HL major total = 0.01112 meter
HL minor = k x v^2/2g
HL due to 2 turns 90 (k=0.4) = 0.042348 meter
HL minor total = 0.042348 meter
Head total = 0.053467 meter Weir and Gutter calculations
Weir plate circumference = πxD

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 69

= 63.82556 meter
Depth v notch = 8 cm
Distance between v notch (between
= 40 cm
Amount of v notch = Circumference/distance between v-notches
= 160 pcs
Q exit clarifier = (Qave - Qr each) unit
= 0.01875 m3/sec
Q each v notch = Q out/number of v notch
= 0.000117 m3/sec
WLR = 100 m3/m2/day
OK, WLR<124 m/day
L weir = Q/WLR
= 16.2 meter
Container width = Body circumference / L weir
= 3.939849 meter
Water height above weir = (𝑄𝑏𝑎𝑘 / (1,84 ×𝐿𝑏𝑎𝑘))^2/3
= 0.018842 meter
= 1.89 cm
Calculation of outlet channels
Number of channels = 4 pcs
Q each unit = 0.01875 m3/sec
V plan = 0.6 m/sec
Channel length = 20 m (BP II to water bodies)
L:H = 2 :1
N = 0.015 (beton)
Area (Ac) = Q/V
= 0.03125 m2
Channel height (H) = (Ac/2)^0,5
= 0.13 meter
Channel width = 2xH
= 0.26 meter
Acheck = 0.0338 m2
V check = Q/Acheck
= 0.554734 m/sec
Hydraulic finger R = LxH/L+2H
= 0.065 meter
Slope = (v x n / R^2/3)^2 formula manning
= 0.002649
Hf = slope x channel length
= 0.052986 meter

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 70

Hv = v^2/2g
= 0.015684 meter
Total Head = Hf + Hv
= 0.068671 meter

A sketch of the layout / floor plan of the aerated grit chamber unit based on calculations can be seen
in Figure 5.7.

Figure 5.7 Layout of Unit Clarifier (Settling Body II)

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 71


6.1. Overview of Sludge Drying Bed

Sludge Drying Bed (SDB) is commonly used to remove water from mud that has been stabilized.
There are several types of SDB, including:
a. Conventional Sludge Drying Bed
Commonly used for cities with low or medium density. Mud Spread on a bed covered with
sand and gravel with a thickness of 8-12 in. The mud is then allowed to dry, dry mud with
60% moisture is obtained after 10-15 days.
b. Pavel Drying Bed
The concept is almost the same as convetional SDB, only at the base of the bed, in addition
to drainage is also hardened with cement or other materials. Pavel drying beds are
advantageous when used in warm areas.
c. Vacum Assisted Drying Bed
Vacuum is aimed at accelerating drying. This can be done by vacuuming the pivoted filter
plate on the bottom edge.
In this planning task, SDB Pavel Drying Bed is used because SDB is designed with concrete
pavement at the bottom so it is more durable and very suitable for tropical areas. Sludge drying in
the Sludge Drying Bed (SDB), occurs due to the percolation and evaporation process. The reduced
water due to the percolation process is between 20-55%, depending on the initial content of solids
in the sludge and the characteristics of the solids. Planning and using this drying bed system is very
dependent on climatic conditions (rain and evaporation).

The system usually consists of sand 10-23 cm thick, on top of rocks or gravel graded 20-46 cm
thick. The effective size of sand (ES) is (0.3-1.2) mm and coefficient of uniformity (UC) smaller than
5.0. The gravel used ranges from 0.32 cm to 2.54 cm. Under the gravel is equipped with a piping
system (underdrains) which on each pipe are 2.7-6.1 m apart. The type of pipe used is VCP (vitrified
clay pipe) with an open connection with a minimum diameter of 10 cm and a minimum slope of 1%.
The filtered water is recirculated to primary sedimentation.

Wet mud to be drained, generally poured over drying beds, with a thickness of 20-30 cm. The
removal of already dried sludge is secermined based on experience and existing disposal systems. At
this time mud It usually contains 30-50% solids. The use of alum or other coagulants, can increase
the drying speed and also thicken the mud that can dried.

6.2. Planning Sludge Drying Bed

Planning of sludge drying bed Calculation of sludge composition Characteristics of BP 1 sludge
and clarifier:
Sg air 1.0
Sg solid 1.02

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 72

Sg VS 1.1
Sg FS 2.5
BP 1 :
Solid (%) 5%
Air (%) 95%
VSS/TSS 0.65
FSS/TSS 0.35
Clarifier :
Solid (%) 5%
Air (%) 95%
VSS/TSS 0.65
FSS/TSS 0.35

Water content in mud 96.23%
Solid content 3.77%
Sludge discharge 83.44 m3/day
Water content after drying 60.00%
Charging time 1 Day
Drying time 10 Day
Drain time 1 Day
Mud height 0.3 m
Media height 0.4 m

Tabulations of the composition of mixed sludge are as follows.

Total Solid (kg)
Sludge Mass of mud Water Total
Source (kg/day) Volatile Fixed Total (kg) sludge (kg)
Solid Solid Solid
BP1 2488 1617 871 2488 47277 49766
Clarifier 689 552 138 689 33785 34474
Total 3178 2169 1009 3178 81062 84240

Based on the total mud discharge above, it can be planned that the sludge drying bed unit will be used.
Here is the calculation.
The volume of the dried cake changes in moisture content from 98% to 60%
7.87 m3
Filtrate volume 75.57 m3
Surface Area 278.12 m2
Planned to be divided 8 tank
Broad 34.77 m2

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 73

P:L 3 :1
Wide 3.41 m
Long 10.23 m
Freeboard 0.3 m
Coarse sand layer 10 cm
A layer of fine gravel 10 cm
Medium gravel layer 10 cm
Coarse gravel layer 10 cm
Total depth 1 m
Pipe underdrain and lateral
v assumptions 1 m/det
A pipe 0.0009 m2
Pipe diameter 0.0334 m
33.4 mm
Diameter used 40 mm
v check 0.34 m/det

6.3. Sludge Drying Bed Schedule

The sludge drying bed schedule in question is the schedule for filling, drying period, and draining
sludge drying bed in accordance with the sludge dewatering schedule from the sedimentation tank I
and clarifier (settling body II). Sludge dewatering from sedimentation tank I is once every 1 day while
dewatering sludge from clarifier (settling basin II) is every 1 days.
Sketch of the layout/floor plan of the sludge drying bed unit based on calculations can be seen at
Figure 6.1.
Day to-
BAK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Process Charging

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 74

Figure 6.1 Sludge Drying Bed Unit Layout

6.4. Digester
Planning of Digester
Calculation of digester composition
High Rate Anaerobic Digester
Chalk Requirements
1 Lime Mass = 3.27 kg/day
2 Lime Density = 180.00 kg/m³
3 Chalk Volume = 0.018 m³/day
4 % Chalk = 5%
5 % Solvent Water = 95%
7 Volume of Solvent Water = 0.345 m³/day
8 Mass of lime solution = 65.40 kg/day
9 Density of lime solution = 959.00 kg/m³
10 Lime Solution Discharge = 0.07 m³/day
11 Underflow Discharge = 19.00 m³/day
12 Sg Mixed Mud = 1.101
13 Underflow Sludge Mass = 20925.90 kg/day
14 Mud Mass + Lime = 20991.30 kg/day
15 % Lime Solution = 0.31%
16 % Sludge Underflow = 99.69%
17 Sg Mud + Lime = 1.101
18 Discharge Sludge + Lime = 19.07 m³/day
1 Sludge Discharge Digester = 38.13 m³/day
2 %Solid = 6%

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3 Sg Mixed Mud = 1.101
4 Water Density = 1000 kg/m³
5 SRT = 10 day
6 H Digester = 10 m
7 H Grit Accumulation Zone = 0.8 m
8 H Scum Zone = 0.4 m
9 Fb Cleaning = 0.6 m
1 Number of Tubs = 2 unit
2 Volume = 381.34 m³
3 Discharge per tub = 19.07 m³/day
4 Volume per tub = 190.67 m³
5 Surface Area (US) = 19.07 m²
6 Diameter (D) = 4.93 m
7 = 5.00 m
8 Check As = 19.63 m²
9 Check H = 9.72 m
= 10.00 m
10 H Cone Zone = 0.63 m
Digester Volume Efficiency
1 V Cylinder = 196.25 m³
2 V Cone = 12.27 m³
3 V Grit Accumulation = 15.70 m³
4 V Active 1 Digester = 192.82 m³
5 V Active 2 Digester = 385.63 m³
6 V Scum Accumulation + Cleaning = 19.63 m³
7 V Inactive Digester = 35.33 m³
8 Total Volume = 228.14 m³
9 Active Volume Ratio:Total Volume = 0.85
10 SRT Check = 10.11 day
= 11.00 day
VS Destruction Estimation, Digested Sludge & Supernatant
1 TSS In = 210.00 mg/L
2 m TSS = 4.00 kg/day
3 Vd = 52%
4 TVS In = 149.10 m³
5 m Sludge Digester = 1963.00 kg/day
6 m Destroyed Mud = 1015.88 kg/day

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7 m Time = 947.12 kg/day
8 Undigested Sludge Discharge = 14.34 m³/day
9 Concentration Sludge Digester = 66.06 kg/m³
10 m Mud in Supernatant = 1015.88 kg/day
11 Supernatant Discharge = 4.73 m³/day
12 Sludge Concentration in Supernatants = 214.83 kg/m³
Gas Production
1 BOD5 In = 190.00 mg/L
2 bCOD In = 304.00 mg/L
= 0.30 kg/m³
3 bCOD In Mass Load = 5.80 kg/day
4 %R BOD5 = 90%
5 bCOD Ef = 30.40 mg/L
6 = 0.03 kg/m³
7 bCOD Ef Mass Load = 0.58 kg/day
8 Y = 0.05
9 Kd = 0.03 /day
10 Td = 11 day
11 Px = 0.20 kg/day
12 Volume Gas = 1.73 m³/day
13 Volume of Methane Gas = 66%
= 1.14 m³/day
Dewatering Pipe
1 Sludge Discharge = 14.34 m³/day
2 Pipe Length = 5.00 m
3 Pipe speed = 1.00 m/sec
4 Surface Area (US) = 0.0002 m²
5 Diameter (D) = 0.015 m
= 0.044 m
6 As Check = 0.002 m²
7 Check v = 0.11 m/sec
Head Loss Sludge Dewatering Pipe
1 cek v = 0.11 m/sec
2 R = 0.138 m
3 Hf = 0.0029 m
4 Hv = 0.0006 m
5 Total Headloss = 0.0035 m
Pipe of Efluen
1 Qef = 4.73 m³/day

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2 Sludge Discharge = 5.00 m
3 Pipe Length = 1.00 m/sec
4 Pipe speed = 0.0001 m²
5 Surface Area (US) = 0.008 m
= 0.044 m
6 As Check = 0.002 m²
7 Check v = 0.04 m/sec
Head Loss Effluent Pipe
1 cek v = 0.04 m/sec
2 R = 0.138 m
3 Hf = 0.0004 m
4 Hv = 0.0001 m
5 Total Headloss = 0.0004 m
Processing Unit Efficiency
1 BOD5 In = 190.00 mg/L
2 COD In = 430.00 mg/L
3 TSS In = 210.00 mg/L
4 %R BOD5 = 90%
5 BOD5 Ef = 19.00 mg/L
6 %R COD = 95%
7 COD Ef = 21.50 mg/L
8 %R TSS = 52%
9 TSS Ef = 101.32 mg/L

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7.1. IPALDT Layout

The layout of wastewater treatment buildings is needed in order to maximize existing land and
does not reduce the aesthetics of the arrangement of the processing building. The IPAM layout consisting
of all wastewater treatment building units can be seen at attachment.
7.2. Hydraulic Profile
The hydraulic profile is a graphical reference of linear hydraulic grade in a building wastewater
treatment. The hydraulic profile is described to obtain the water level of each wastewater treatment plant
unit. This can indicate the presence of Pressure loss (headloss) that occurs due to drainage in buildings.
So that the profile Hydraulics is very important for determining the placement of buildings (in the ground,
at ground level or above ground level) and to know the proper placement of pumps.The difference in
height of each wastewater treatment plant unit can be known according to the results calculation of
pressure loss in the previous chapter. Here is an example calculation from the height difference in the grit
chamber unit.

The results of the calculation of the hydraulic profile of the wastewater treatment unit of Kanigaran
District in 2020 are presented in Table 7.1.
Table 7.1 WWTP Building Hydraulic Profile

Information Water Level (m)

Land elevation 6.25
Wastewater pipes -3.15
Collection Wells
H Water table min -2.27
Elevation of the base of the building before
being pumped -5.15
Pump head 12.51
GC base elevation After pump 7.36
End water table of the well unit 7.36
Grit Chamber
Elevation before GC 7.36
Hf sluice gate 0.07
Hf grit chamber 0.07
Water table end Grit Chamber unit 7.22
Settling Body I
Elevation before BP I 7.22
Hf BP 1 0.41
End water table of BP I unit 6.81

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 79

Elevation before OD 6.81
Hf OD 0.24
End water table OD unit 6.57
Elevation before BP II 6.57
Hf BP II 0.14
End water table of BP II unit 6.43
Water Bodies
River water level 6
Different elv outlet pipe with river 0.43

Figure 7.1 Hydraulic Profile of WWTP Building

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The calculation of the Bill of Quantity (BOQ) and Cost Budget Plan (RAB) is based on the building
needs of wastewater treatment units and their auxiliary buildings based on Job unit/person/day. In this
planning task, only BOQ and RAB calculations were carried out for the Settling Body I and Oxidation Ditch
building units. The full calculation can be seen as follows.

8.1. Bill of Quantity

The bill of quantity of the Settling Body I and Oxidation Ditch units can be seen in Table 8.1
to Table 8.2 as follows.
Table 8.1 BOQ Sedimentation Tank I

No. Description Volume Number Units

Settling Body 1
1 Excavation 1782.0 4 m³
2 Concrete 330.0 4 m³
Mud Zone
1 Excavation 68.1 4 m³
2 Concrete 4.1 4 m³
3 Slurry pipe Ø 300 mm 10 4 m
Slurry dewatering
4 - 4 pcs
5 Pipe accessories - 4 set
Carrier Channel
1 Excavation 23.43 4 m³
2 Concrete 15.5 4 m³
Divisor channel
1 Excavation 0.91 4 m³
2 Concrete 0.8 4 m³
3 Watergate - 4 pcs
Outlet channels
1 Excavation 1.82 4 m³
2 Concrete 1.5 4 m³
Weir & Gutter
1 Weir & Gutter 1.00 4 set

Table 8. 2 BOQ Oxidation Ditch

No. Description Volume Number Units

Ditch Elongated
1 Excavation 1067.62 4 m³
2 Concrete 232.64 4 m³

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 81

Ditch Circular
1 Excavation 172.75 4 m³
2 Concrete 39.46 4 m³
1 Excavation 10.14 4 m³
2 Concrete 2.00 4 m³
1 Excavation 1.80 4 m³
2 Concrete 1.50 4 m³
Control tank
1 Excavation 2.60 4 m³
2 Concrete 5.00 4 m³
3 Pump 1.00 4 Pcs
4 Pipe Ø 200 mm 5.00 4 M
5 Pipe accessories 4 Set

8.2. Bill of Quantity

Based on the previous BOQ, it can be calculated Budget plan for this planning cost by using the HSPK
reference for Surabaya City in 2020. Here is the draft cost budget (RAB) of Settling Body Unit I and
Oxidation Ditch.
Table 8.3 Cost Budget Sedimentation Tank I

No. Description Volume Number Units Unit Price (Rp) Price (Rp)
Settling Body 1
1 Excavation 1782.0 4 m³ 118,266 843,000,048
2 Concrete 330.0 4 m³ 1,293,033 1,706,803,174
Sludge zone Mud Zone
1 Excavation 68.1 4 m³ 118,266 32,234,581
2 Concrete 4.1 4 m³ 1,293,033 21,412,622
3 Slurry pipe Ø 300 mm 10 4 m 1,374,800 54,992,000
Slurry dewatering
4 - 4 buah 60,000,000 240,000,000
5 Pipe accessories - 4 set 1,500,000 16,497,600
Carrier Channel Carrier Channel
1 Excavation 23.43 4 m³ 118,266 11,085,072
2 Concrete 15.5 4 m³ 1,293,033 80,180,958
Divisor channel Divisor channel
1 Excavation 0.91 4 m³ 118,266 430,919
2 Concrete 0.8 4 m³ 1,293,033 4,222,321
3 Watergate - 4 buah 1,000,000 4,000,000
Outlet Outlet channels
1 Excavation 1.82 4 m³ 118,266 860,976

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2 Concrete 1.5 4 m³ 1,293,033 7,758,196
Weir & Gutter
1 Weir & Gutter 1.00 4 set 10,000,000 40,000,000
Sum 3,063,478,467
Overhead & Profit (10%) 306,347,847
Total 3,369,826,314

Table 8.4 Cost Budget Oxidation Ditch

No. Description Volume Number Units Unit Price (Rp) Price (Rp)
Ditch Memanjang
1 Excavation 1067.62 4 m³ 118,266 505,050,921
2 Concrete 232.64 4 m³ 1,293,033 1,203,262,490
Ditch melingkar
1 Excavation 172.75 4 m³ 118,266 81,722,833
2 Concrete 39.46 4 m³ 1,293,033 204,070,264
Saluran inlet
1 Excavation 10.14 4 m³ 118,266 4,796,869
2 Concrete 2.00 4 m³ 1,293,033 10,344,262
Saluran outlet
1 Excavation 1.80 4 m³ 118,266 851,515
2 Concrete 1.50 4 m³ 1,293,033 7,758,196
Tank Kontrol
1 2.60 4 m³ 118,266 1,229,966
2 Concrete 5.00 4 m³ 1,293,033 25,860,654
3 Pump 1.00 4 buah 60,000,000 240,000,000
4 Pipe Ø 200 mm 5.00 4 M 584,000 11,680,000
5 Pipe accessories 4 set 1,500,000 6,000,000
Calculation 2,302,627,971
Overhead & Profit (10%) 230,262,797
Total 2,532,890,768

Table 8.5 Cost Recapitulation of Settling Body I and Oxidation Ditch

No Processing Unit Price

1 Settling Body 1 3,369,826,314
2 OD 2,532,890,768
Sum 5,902,717,082
VAT 10% 590,271,708
Total Price 6,492,988,790
Rounding 6,492,989,000

SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 83


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SAFINA MUTHIA ZAHWA (5014201118) 84

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