EE 3206, Exp 05
EE 3206, Exp 05
EE 3206, Exp 05
1. Observe and record the carrier signal and measure its amplitude and frequency of
2. Observe clock signal (CLK) and vary it from minimum to maximum.
3. Observe and record NRZ, RZ and DIFF signal with respect to DATA (DATA at CH1
and other at CH2)
4. Connect NRZ to DATA IN and observe NRZ signal at CH1 and ASK modulated
signal at ASK OUT. Record both NRZ and ASK modulated signals.
5. Follow 1-4 for RZ and DIFF signals.
6. Connect NRZ to DATA IN, ASK OUT to RX and observe and compare NRZ signal
at CH1 and ASK OUT at CH2.
7. Follow step 6 for both RZ and DIFF.
8. For FSK and PSK follow step 4 to 7.
9. Compare and record final ASK OUT with DATA IN. Repeat this for FSK and PSK
signals for different line codings.
Results and Discussion
Write down the results and discussion with figure number and table no. Each figure
and table must have caption.
Report must end with conclusion. Write conclusion with main experimental finding.
Answer to the following questions
1. Why so many digital modulation techniques?
2. Mention different line codings. Why so many line codings are used to encode PCM
3. Show different waveform representations (polar, unipolar, and bipolar) for the binary
bit sequence 100101 with their relative merits and demerits.
REFERENCE:Lab manual.