Chapter 4 and 5 Jerry-1-1-1

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In this chapter, the researcher presents, analysis, and interpret the data

gathered in the conduct of the survey to the respondents using the tabular presentation

and followed by a textual presentation to further understand the meaning of the data


Table 1. Frequency and Percentage in Terms Age of the Respondents.

Age Frequency (F) Percentage (%)

26-35 15 28.85%

36-45 9 17.31%

46-55 8 15.38%

56 above 12 23.08%

18-25 8 15.38%

Total n = 52 100%

The table 1 illustrates the distribution of the Age of the respondents. It shown in the
table that 28.85 percent or 15 out of 52 respondents were ranging their ages from 26 to
35 years old and 15.38% percent or 8 out of 50 were 45 to 55 years old, then, 17.31%
36-45 years old,

According to (M. I. Mohamed 2019). The mean age of the farmers ranged from
20 to > 60 years. The respondents were mainly in their active age of between 20 and 50
years old. The mean age of the farmers (23%) were between the ages 31 and 40, 22%
were between the ages 41 and 50, and 20% were less than 30 years old
Table 2. Frequency and Percentage in Terms Age Gender of the Respondents

Gender Frequency (F) Percentage (%)

Male 32 61.54%

Female 20 38.46%

Total n = 52 100%

The table 2 describes the distribution of the gender of respondents. The table

reveals that 61.54 percent or more than half of the respondents’ gender was male with

32 out of 52 from the total, and 38.46 percent or 20 out of 52 were female. The results

reiterated that in this industry, male were dominated than female.

According to Guyo and Tamir (2014) majority (79.6%) of the respondents were

males while the rest (20.4%) were females. This result is in line with Guyo and Tamir

(2014) who reported 81% of the respondents in Burji District, southern Ethiopia were

males. Majority (88.4%) of the respondents

Table 3. Frequency and Percentage in Terms Civil Status of the Respondents

Civil Status Frequency (F) Percentage (%)

Widowed 6 11.54%
Married 38 73.08%

Single 8 15.38%

Total n = 52 100%

Table 3 illustrates the distribution of the marital status of the respondents. It

shown in the table that 73.08 percent or 38 out of 52 were married their marital status
and 8 out of 52 or 15.38 percent were single. Meanwhile, the rest of the respondents
were widowed. This means that goat owner in the locality was mostly married.

According to (Tsvuura, 2020). married and educated whilst female-headed

households largely belonged to the old aged, were single or widowed and had little or
no formal education.

Table 4. Frequency and Percentage in Terms of Year in raising a goat

Length Frequency(F) Percentage (%)

1 year below 11 21.15%

2-3 years 23 44.24%

3-5 years 14 26.92%

5-10 years 4 7.69%

Total n=52 100%

The table 4.Present the year in raising a goat of the respondent. The table
reveals 44.24 percent or 23 out of 52 respondent is the highest frequency of year in
raising a goat, while lowest frequency is 7.69 or 4 out of 52 respondent. That means
majority of year in raising a goat is 2-3 years.
Table 5. Frequency and Percentage in Terms of Number of goats

Number Frequency (F) Percentage (%)

2-5 29 55.77%

6-10 15 28.85%

11-15 6 11.54%

16-20 2 3.84%

Total n=52 100%

The table 5 presents the frequency and percentage distribution in terms of the
number of goats. The table reveals that the highest goat was 2-5 goats with 55.77 % of
the respondent, followed by 6-10 goats or 28.85% , then 11-15 goats by 11.54 % and
having a 2-5 number of goats was lowest number of goat.with 3.84 %.

According to National Geographic (2022), if it is your dream to establish a herd,

it takes about 20 goats. To achieve that, you can start with 2 to 5 goats and reach the
ideal number of goats through breeding. After all, if you have too many goats, it affects
you and your goats.

Table 6. Mean Distribution of Goat Production in Palimbang Sultan Kudarat

Indicators Mean Interpretation

The availability of suitable 4.36 Very High

grazing land positively affects
goat productivity.

Lack of vaccination and health 3.90 High

management practices
contribute to improved
productivity in goat farming.

Training and extension 3.48 High

services on goat production
help farmers enhance their
productivity and profitability.

Timely and proper assistance 3.52 High

during kidding enhances the
survival rate of goat kids.

The local market has a 4.06 High

sufficient number of buyers
for goat products.

Goat production is a 3.71 High

profitable business in
Palimbang, Sultan Kudarat.

The local government 3.75 High

provides sufficient support
and incentives for goat
producers in Palimbang,
Sultan Kudarat.

The goat production sector in 3.46 HIgh

Palimbang, Sultan Kudarat has
growth potential.

Grand Total 3.78 High

The table 6 present the goat production in Palimbang Sultan Kudarat. It shown in
the table that the grand mean was 3.78 and qualitatively interpreted as high in all of the
indicators. This implies that the goat production sector in Palimbang, Sultan Kudarat is
potential commodities that provides financial support among the families and gives incentives
to the producer in said locality.
Table 7. Challenges of Goat Raiser in Palimbang Sultan Kudarat.

Indicators Mean Interpretation

Providing appropriate shelter 3.96 High

is crucial for the health and
well-being of goats.

Constructing and maintaining 3.54 High

suitable fencing is essential
for keeping goats safe and

Providing adequate 3.85 High

ventilation in goat housing is
necessary to prevent
respiratory problems

Providing adequate space per 3.90 High

goat is necessary for their
comfort and health.

Using durable and secure 4.02 High

fencing materials is necessary
to prevent goats from
escaping and predators from

Believe that providing a 3.15 Modarate

balanced diet to goats is
crucial for their overall health
and productivity.

I regularly assess the 3.52 High

nutritional content of the feed
given to my goats.

I provide adequate amounts 3.65 High

of roughage (hay, forage) in
the diet of my goats.

I maintain proper hygiene and 3.12 High

cleanliness in the goat
housing area.

I regularly conduct health 3.79 High

checks and monitor the body
condition of my goats.

Grand mean 3.65 High

Table 7. present the goat production in Palimbang Sultan Kudarat. It shown in the table
that the grand mean was 3.65 and qualitatively interpreted as high in all the indicators.
That mean in this Palimbang Sultan Kudart the high is 3.96 and the low is 3.15


This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusion and recommendation of

the study based on the result driven in the previous chapter.

Summary of Findings

a. Socio-demographic profile

Based on the results generated in the previous chapter on the socio-

demographic profile of the respondents, the following summary of results has been

enumerated below.

1. The respondent’s age were dominated by 26-35 years old.

2. Their genders are mostly male rather than female.

3. In terms of their civil status, they are mostly married and few of them were

single and widow.

4. The majority of years of raising goat are 2-3 years.

5. The majority number of goats are 2-5 members..

b. Goat Production in Palimbang Sultan Kudarat.

Among the goat production in Palimbang Sultan Kudarat the respondent were

goat productivity are dominated by the goat production is profitable.

c. Challenges faced of goat raiser in Palimbang Sultan Kudarat.

Based on the survey, the result of the challenges of goat raiser is manifested it is

appropriate to keep the goat secure and safe.


Based on the results generated in the previous chapter on the socio-demographic

profile of the respondents, the following summary of results has been enumerated
below 28.85% The respondent’s age were dominated by 26-35 years old. 61.54% Their
genders are mostly male rather than female terms of their civil status, they are mostly
married 73.08% and few of them were single 15.38% and widow 11.54% The majority
of years of raising goat are 2-3 years with the percentage of 44.24 The majority number
of goats are 2-5 members 55.77%. the grand mean was 3.78 and qualitatively
interpreted as high in all of the indicators. This implies that the goat production sector in
Palimbang, Sultan Kudarat is potential commodities that provides financial support
among the families and gives incentives to the producer in said locality.


1. I highly recommend for further studies on goat production to the other barangay to

gather all the goat raisers in Palimbang, Sultan Kudarat.

2. The goat production in Palimbang needs visibility from the goat raises to

marketability. There must be a coordinatorship with the local actors including the Local
government unit and the private sector for the massive improvement of goat production

in Palimbang, Sultan kudarat.

3. Goat owners challenges gives us the opportunity to capacitate the goat raisers in

palimbang, Sultan Kudarat. They should undergo trainings from the Department of

Agriculture in Animal Production in order to know what the proper care in goat farming.

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