KBC Touch Regulations

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KBC Touch

Version date 12 September 2023

These regulations are available in Dutch, French, German and English. The Dutch version of these regulations was registered.
In the event of a discrepancy between versions or a dispute, the Dutch version is decisive.

These regulations and the annexes hereto set out the terms and conditions applying to KBC Touch, the services offered and
the rights and obligations of the contracting party and KBC Bank NV, with registered office at Havenlaan 2, 1080 Brussels,
Belgium, RLP Brussels, VAT BE 0462.920.226, (‘the 'Bank’) en KBC Insurance NV, insurance company in Belgium, insurance
company in Belgium, with registered office at Prof. Roger Van Overstraetenplein 2, 3000 Leuven, Belgium, RLP Leuven,
VAT BE 0403.552.563, a company licensed by the National Bank of Belgium, de Berlaimontlaan 14, 1000 Brussels, Belgium,
for all classes of insurance under code 0014 (Royal Decree of 4 July 1979, Belgian Official Gazette of 14 July 1979)
(the 'insurer').

These regulations and the annexes hereto, together with the General Banking Terms & Conditions and notices of rates and
charges in accordance with Article I.32 of the General Banking Terms & Conditions, as same may be supplemented by the
Regulations governing Transactions in Financial Instruments, the Best Execution Policy, the KBC Custody Account Regulations,
the KBC Term Investment Regulations and the 'Types of investment strengths and weaknesses' brochure form
‘the Framework Agreement’.

Contracting parties declare that they have read these regulations and the framework agreement, and have explicitly agreed to
be bound by them by signing a KBC Touch agreement. When contracting parties do not hold (all) the accounts that they
manage in KBC Touch, but (also) act as the agent (legal representative or agent holding power of attorney) for the holder,
acceptance (also) takes place in the name and on account of the (legal) person on whose behalf they act. Contracting parties
undertake to inform the principal of the content of all the constituent documents of the Framework Agreement and of all
notices relating to them (such as changes to regulations).

Unless otherwise stated, KBC Insurance is the provider and distributor of the relevant insurance policies.

1. Defined terms and the services regulations, the special terms and conditions for the
execution of payment transactions (requirements of form,
1.1. Defined terms
acceptance method, execution times, rules regarding value
In these regulations and their annexes, the following dating, etc.) are laid down in the General Banking Terms &
definitions are used and applied unless expressly stipulated Conditions and in the special regulations applying to
otherwise in the annexes. The terms hereby may be used specific payment services and payment instruments.
without distinction in the plural or singular.
Card Stop: The service to be called when reporting loss,
Branch: For contracting parties who are holders, and/or theft or any misuse of the card (available on +32 78 170
who manage one or more accounts of another (legal) 170 or on +32 70 344 344).
person at KBC Bank as legal representative or agent
Contracting party: Any natural person (individual)
holding power of attorney, the KBC branch where the
resident in Belgium who signs and uses a KBC Touch
holder's accounts are held.
contract in their own name and on their own account,
Payment transaction: An action initiated by a and/or as an agent (legal representative or agent holding
contracting party making payment or on behalf of a payee power of attorney) for a legal person or another natural
involving the transfer of money, more particularly credit person.
transfers, standing orders, direct debits and card
Service: Any present or future service referred to in Article
payments. Notwithstanding application of these
1.2 of these regulations.

These regulations came on into effect on 12 September 2023

KBC Bank NV – Havenlaan 2 – 1080 Brussels – Belgium

VAT BE 0462.920.226 – RLP Brussels
Member of the KBC group AA1353 V9-2023 -/- 1/30
Doccle: The digital platform on which information such as Debit Card: The KBC Debit Card that contracting parties
but not limited to data files, documents, messages, can be use in combination with its PIN and, when required, a
stored. The platform is provided by Doccle CBVA, with KBC Card Reader to identify themselves and sign orders.
registered office at Buro & Design Center, Heizel Use of the KBC Debit Card is governed by the
Esplanade, box 65, 1020 Brussels. KBC uses the services of KBC Debit Card Regulations
Doccle to electronically archive information and to send e-
KBC: KBC Bank NV, KBC Insurance NV or both.
mails informing the recipients that the bank and/or the
insurer has sent them certain types of communication. KBC Card Reader: A gadget (unconnected card reader)
Contracting parties who create an account with Doccle that generates an electronic signature. Contracting parties
may use the services and functions offered by Doccle in place their debit card in it and enter the PIN linked to that
accordance with its terms and conditions (available at card. The card reader then calculates a new code with
www.doccle.be). which a contracting party can identify himself or herself
and sign orders.
Pass: A personal, confidential identification code that
enables contracting parties (1) to identify themselves in KBC Touch: A set of procedures agreed between
order to access KBC Touch for mobile banking (the contracting parties and each of the bank and the insurer
KBC Touch app) and (2) to sign certain orders. Contracting offering access to various electronic services via either a
parties choose their pass on first logging in to the web browser or the app.
KBC Touch app.
KBC Insurance agent: An independent intermediary
Device: The device that a contracting party uses to access other than KBC Bank NV who intermediates with regard
either the KBC Touch web browser application or the KBC to insurance between the contracting party, and/or the
Touch mobile app. A device can be the contracting party's (legal) persons in whose name the contracting party acts,
PC or tablet, or an MNC machine. and KBC Insurance NV.
itsme: An app with a digital ID for Android or iOS mobile Multi Non Cash machine or MNC machine: The
appliances that contracting parties install on their machine located in a KBC branch which the contracting
smartphone with a registration, login and sign function. party can use to access the KBC Touch web browser
Contracting parties can (1) use itsme and their mobile application.
phone number to register in the browser version of KBC
Order: Each instruction or order that contracting parties
Touch, (2) use itsme and their mobile phone number to
remit using KBC Touch to carry out a payment transaction,
log in and authenticate themselves, and (3) use itsme to
a payment order not falling within the definition of a
sign orders.
payment transaction, transactions in financial instruments
Use of itsme is governed by the 'itsme App General Terms (shares, bonds, etc.), or any other banking or insurance
& Conditions', which customers agree to upon creating an transaction, as well as any request for or the contracting
itsme account and can be viewed on the website of of an agreement with KBC.
Belgian Mobile ID NV. itsme® is an app offered by Belgian
Mobile ID NV (www.belgianmobileid.be) with registered Secure4u: Bank department to be notified of any risk of
misuse of KBC Touch or risk of misuse of the KBC Card
office at Sint-Goedeleplein 5, 1000 Brussels, Belgium,
Reader codes and/or other personal security details that
company number 541.659.084, VAT BE 0541.659.084.
facilitate access to KBC Touch (available on + 32 16 43 20
itsme code: The personal five-figure secret ID code that 00 or (until 31 March 2022) on 0800 65 650).
contracting parties use to identify themselves so as to gain
Strong customer authentication: Authentication using
access to their itsme account.
two or more factors identified as knowledge (something
Jailbreak/rooting: An action enabling circumvention of a the user knows), possession (something that only the user
device's security (jailbreaking applying to iPads and rooting possesses) and inherent characteristic (something that the
applying to Android tablets) and allowing software to be user is) and that are mutually independent in the sense
loaded onto it that is not approved by the operating that compromising one factor will not impinge on the
system's official distributor. As a result, devices are more reliability of another and that is so designed that the
susceptible to viruses and malware (software designed to confidential nature of the authentication data is protected.
harm or disable computers and computer systems).

KBC Touch Regulation AA1353 V9-2023 -/- 2/30

System requirements: The applicable system Contracting parties can view a document containing a list
requirements for online and mobile banking can be of all the services at www.kbc.be/en/touch.
obtained before contracting from any branch or
They can find other useful information in the General
KBC Insurance agent. They can also be viewed on the
Banking Terms & Conditions, the specific regulations and
KBC website.
the product information available at branches or in the
Means of access and signature tools: general or special insurance conditions available at their
branch or KBC Insurance agent. They can also be viewed
i. a) KBC Card Reader, debit card and appropriate
at www.kbc.be/regulations.
PIN; or
b) where the order includes a request for or the To improve ease of use and the experience for KBC Touch
contracting of an agreement with KBC, a users when making a payment or changing a payment
KBC Card Reader, debit card and appropriate PIN arrangement in the KBC Insurance sales process, users will
(supplemented or otherwise by a process) be redirected to the KBC Bank environment where they
(1) that identify the relevant contracting party and can select a payment account from a list of account
grant access to the webbrowser version of numbers. Only the authorised user can select a payment
KBC Touch, account and inspect the account details displayed (such as
balance, photo and alias). KBC Insurance cannot access
(2) that generate an electronic signature with which
the relevant contracting party can sign the order the list of account numbers or the account details
and displayed by KBC Bank.

(3) that ensure that the integrity of the relevant order

is maintained; or Contracting parties can also use KBC Touch – if applicable,
(also) in the name and on account of the (legal) persons
ii. a pass that (1) identifies a contracting party and gives on whose behalf they act – to enter into agreements with
him or her access to the KBC Touch app and (2) companies affiliated to the KBC group.
contracting parties can use to sign certain orders; or
When they do so, KBC Touch serves only as a platform
iii. itsme; or upon which that contract is able to be formed and the
iv. activation of a confirmation button by which contracting party does not contract with KBC but instead
contracting parties can confirm certain orders. with the relevant related KBC group undertaking, which
will require to comply with all applicable laws and
1.2. Services regulations. Nor in this respect does KBC act as an
intermediary or broker between the contracting party and
With KBC Touch, contracting parties can view information
the other members of the KBC group. Contracts formed
and submit orders. Some services are made available as
as contemplated in this paragraph will be subject to their
standard to all contracting parties. Others are dependent
own inherent terms and conditions.
on the user group to which a contracting party, and/or the
(legal) person in whose name and on whose account the
user acts, belongs (special services). Some services are 2. Terms and conditions of use
2.1. Accessing and using KBC Touch
Services can vary depending on the device that the
contracting party uses to access KBC Touch. Contracting parties must check whether their device and
telecommunications system comply with the specifications
Contracting parties can request access to optional services set down in the system requirements.
when contracting or later. They can alter their choice at
any time. Depending on the possibilities offered by KBC, KBC Touch is launched either via the KBC website at
some services are activated only after contracting parties www.kbc.be (via a web browser) or by the contracting
have completed a number of additional formalities. Bank party downloading an app from an app shop. KBC
and insurer reserve the right to decline access to certain provides the necessary support for this facility, both online
services. and via a telephone help desk.

KBC Touch Regulation AA1353 V9-2023 -/- 3/30

Contracting parties log in to KBC Touch and identify three times in a row. To unblock it, contracting parties
themselves using the allotted means of access and have to reactivate the itsme app.
signature tools. Sometimes, contracting parties get access
Contracting parties must keep and use their means of
to KBC Touch via another KBC app after logging in and
access and signature tools in accordance with the
identifying themselves in that app using the means of
provisions of these regulations and undertake to comply
access and signature tools issued to them there. In that
with the bank's security guidelines.
case, they need not log in and identify themselves again in
KBC Touch. 2.2. Signing orders
Via the KBC Touch app, once they have logged in and Orders have to be signed in KBC Touch using the means
identified themselves with the allotted means of access of access and signature tools. Contracting parties
and signature tools, contracting parties can access other acknowledge that the means of access and signature tools
KBC apps. constitute an electronic signature. Apart from tapping a
confirmation button, the electronic signature meets the
The first time contracting parties log in to the KBC Touch
legal requirements for accountability and integrity of the
app, they have to register for KBC Touch using the
content of an order. Without prejudice to any provision to
KBC Card Reader (only when they gain access to
the contrary in these regulations, contracting parties and,
KBC Touch using their own device), debit card and its PIN.
if applicable, (also) the (legal) person in whose name and
To register for the browser version of Touch, they have to
on whose account the user acts, recognise the legal
use itsme in combination with their mobile phone number.
validity of all orders initiated via KBC Touch and of orders
Contracting parties have to expressly agree – if applicable, executed by KBC that were signed using the means of
(also) in the name and on account of the (legal) persons access and signature tools. They constitute valid, sufficient
on whose behalf they act – to (i) the Framework proof of agreement that the order exists and to its
Agreement, (ii) the selected limits and (iii) the chosen pass. content.
They do so by signing using their
KBC Touch offers contracting parties who use KBC Touch
KBC Card Reader (only when they gain access to
in their own name and for their own account and/or who
KBC Touch using their own device), debit card and its PIN.
act as agent holding power of attorney for another natural
Contracting parties using itsme to register in the browser
person, the possibility to sign a payment transaction that
version of KBC Touch can agree – if applicable, (also) in
requires the signature of two or more persons (in
the name and on account of the (legal) person on whose
accordance with the power of attorney system). This
behalf they act – to the Framework Agreement either by
payment transaction is recorded when it is initiated and
selecting a confirmation check box or tapping or clicking a
submitted for signing via the ‘Payments to be signed’
confirmation button.
remittance folder. The payment transaction must be
Contracting parties' cards are locked out from KBC Touch signed by all the persons required to sign it, within 14
if they incorrectly enter a code three times (either a code calendar days of it being recorded in the remittance folder
generated by the KBC Card Reader or the debit card's and, in every case, before the payment date entered (if
PIN). In other words, they can no longer start KBC Touch there is one). Contracting parties can see the signing
with that card. However, the card can still be used for card status (number of persons and who has already signed)
transactions. Contracting parties then have to contact and can sign the payment transaction using the means of
their branch or KBC Insurance agent. access and signature tools they used for logging in to KBC
Contracting parties are locked out from KBC Touch if,
The payment transaction will only be carried out after
when entering the pass to access the KBC Touch app or
being signed by all the persons required to sign it.
when signing certain orders, they incorrectly enter it three
Only the initiator of the payment transaction can cancel it,
times in a row. Contracting parties then have to request a
provided it has not been signed by all the persons required
new pass via the app using their KBC Card Reader, debit
to sign it.
card and its PIN.
Only the initiator can cancel the order to carry out the
Contracting parties using itsme to access KBC Touch for payment transaction in accordance with Article 2.8 of
signing certain orders are locked out from their itsme these regulations.
account immediately their itsme code is entered incorrectly

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Contracting parties acknowledge that any messages they electronic format) at the disposal of and accessible to the
send by means of the online messaging facility are not relevant contracting party. This information does not have
signed with an electronic signature. A request to remove to be provided if it clashes with objective, legitimate
an optional service from a contracting party's KBC Touch security reasons or it was prohibited under relevant
package may be made by sending an online message. legislation.
Contracting parties acknowledge that KBC may consider
KBC Touch will be unblocked as soon as the reasons for
such online message to be valid. KBC acts upon requests
the block no longer exist.
for removal as quickly as practicable, although KBC has a
grace period of five banking days to remove an optional 2.5. Spending limits
service, during which it declines liability for any failure to
do so. Execution of orders (payment transactions in particular) is
subject to spending limits, which differ by transaction
Contracting parties acknowledge that (investment) orders type, time period and means of access and signature tools.
they submit via the Microsoft Teams meeting are not They are set in consultation between the bank and
signed with an electronic signature. contracting parties within the minimum and maximum
limits laid down by the bank.
Time-critical orders, orders requiring an (electronic)
signature and orders requiring strong customer Contracting parties or their legal representatives can get
authentication may not be submitted using the online certain limits adjusted by asking the bank (provided the
messaging function in KBC Touch. bank agrees). Information on pre-set limits is available
from branches or at www.kbc.be/en/touch.
If an order may not be submitted via the online messaging
function or cannot be executed (immediately), contracting 2.6. Times of access
parties will be notified by a KBC staff member.
KBC Touch is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week,
When customers log in using itsme, orders in the same except if maintenance is being carried out.
session can only be signed with their debit card and card
reader or with itsme. 2.7. Obligations of contracting parties

2.3. Order execution declined by the bank Contracting parties first have to ensure sufficient coverage
before issuing payment orders.
The bank reserves the right to decline execution of orders
not covered by sufficient funds. Contracting parties must take all reasonable steps to
safeguard their means of access and signature tools.
The bank informs contracting parties as soon as possible
i. In particular, they may not:
of refusal to execute an order (with reasons where
possible) by letter, e-mail sent to the e-mail address i. divulge the PIN for their debit card or their itsme code
they've provided or other electronic means available and or write it down in a recognisable form on the debit
accessible to them. card itself or on any other document that they carry on
their person;
2.4. Preventing installation of KBC Touch or
blocking KBC Touch ii. divulge their personal pass for accessing the app or
their itsme code or note them down in a recognisable
KBC may prevent installation of the KBC Touch app or
form in a document that they carry on their person;
block access to it for objective, legitimate reasons
pertaining to the security of the app. This happens, for iii. leave their device or means of access and signature
instance, if the device (iPad or other tablet) has been tools unattended (for instance, at their place of work,
jailbroken or rooted. KBC may also block access to in a hotel or vehicle – even if locked – or in any place
KBC Touch when there is suspicion of unauthorised or that the public can in fact access);
fraudulent use of KBC Touch or the means of access and
signature tools. iv. give their means of access and signature tools to
others (such as their spouse/partner or a family
In the case of blocking access, KBC will inform the member or friend) or allow their use by others;
contracting party – if possible – before access is blocked or
immediately after via a permanent carrier (on paper or in

KBC Touch Regulation AA1353 V9-2023 -/- 5/30

v. tell someone about their means of access and If their debit card is stolen, lost, counterfeited or misused
signature tools over the telephone or in an e-mail; in any other way or if the PIN linked to their card is no
longer secret, contracting parties must act immediately to
vi. choose a pass or itsme code with an easy-to-guess
have their debit card blocked in a manner and in
accordance with the procedure set out in the applicable
Contracting parties must not insert their debit card into a card regulations. They can block it themselves using KBC
card reader not issued by KBC and must never enter their Mobile (‘My KBC’ > ‘Means of payment’ > ‘Block or
PIN on their computer keyboard. Contracting parties are replace’) or have Card Stop block it for them by calling
under an obligation to: +32 78 170 170 (at no extra charge) or +32 70 344 344
(0.30 euros/minute). Contracting parties are also advised
i. inform the bank without delay of the loss, theft, to report such mattters to local police.
falsification or other improper use of their means of
access and signature tools or of any other aspect of Contracting parties must report the loss, theft or any other
KBC Touch; risk of fraudulent use of itsme or their itsme-code to
Belgian Mobile ID and the relevant police services and also
ii. always enter their pass or itsme code discreetly and block their itsme account as required in the itsme App
immediately change it if they know or suspect it's no General Terms & Conditions.
longer guaranteed secret;
If their pass for accessing the KBC Touch app is misused or
iii. strictly comply with the 'obligations of the card holder' is no longer secret, contracting parties are advised
in the KBC Debit Card Regulations when using their immediately to report the matter to the police.
debit card;
2.8. Withdrawal of an order for execution of a
iv. strictly comply with the 'itsme App General Terms &
payment transaction
Conditions' as an itsme user;
The General Banking Terms & Conditions state where and
v. Consumer-contracting parties or contracting parties till when contracting parties can withdraw transfer orders.
acting in the name and on account of consumers who To do so, they must contact their KBC branch.
become aware of an unauthorised, incorrectly initiated
or incorrectly executed payment transaction, as well as 2.9. Obligations of the bank or insurer
any error or irregularity they detect in the account
The bank or insurer gives the following commitments:
information, must notify the bank thereof without
delay and within no more than 13 months of the date i. It will bear the risk associated with sending contracting
on which the transaction was debited or credited for parties means of access and signature tools, in
value. Non-consumer-contracting parties or particular personalised security features.
contracting parties acting in the name and on account
ii. It will give contracting parties the means they need so
of non-consumers must do this without delay and
they can at any time notify unauthorised, incorrectly
within no more than three months. The contracting
initiated or incorrectly executed payment transactions
party must consequently regularly check the balance of
as specified in Article 2.7 or request deactivation of a
and movements on accounts to which transactions
lock-out according to Article 2.4 and afford
carried out in KBC Touch relate;
contracting parties the means of proving, for the next
vi. inform the insurer without delay of any unauthorised 18 months, that they gave that notification.
insurance transaction and of any error or irregularity
iii. It will block any future use of KBC Touch – insofar as
reported in the electronic insurance information in
technically possible – as soon as contracting parties
KBC Touch or on policy documents.
report a loss/theft/misuse.
Contracting parties can report such incidents to Secure4u
iv. Subject to the provisions of Article 2.10 regarding
at any time by calling +32 16 43 20 00 or (until 31 March
unauthorised payment transactions, it will immediately
2022) 0800 65 650.
reimburse contracting parties the amount of
KBC can be informed of the foregoing any time by calling unauthorised payment transactions (in any event no
0800 65 650. later than the end of the working day following that
when they become aware or are informed of the

KBC Touch Regulation AA1353 V9-2023 -/- 6/30

transaction), providing always that the bank has no In the case of loss, theft or misuse of the means of access
reasonable ground for suspecting fraud which it and signature tools, contracting parties or the (legal)
intimates in writing to the Federal Public Service person in whose name and on whose account they act (as
Economy. In such cases, it will restore the debited legal representative or agent holding power of attorney)
payment account to the status quo had the are liable for their unauthorised use until such time as the
unauthorised payment transaction not occurred loss, theft or unlawful use is reported as required under
(whereby with the valued-dated value date of crediting Article 2.7.
the contracting party-payer's payment account is no
Until that time, the liability of the consumer-contracting
later than the date on which the amount was debited).
party or the consumer in whose name and on whose
v. It (more particularly, the bank) will also indemnify for account the contracting party acts (as legal representative
any subsequent financial consequences, in particular or agent holding power of attorney) in respect of
the amount of any costs incurred by contracting unauthorised payment transactions resulting from the loss,
parties in determining their compensable losses, except theft or unlawful use of KBC Touch and/or their means of
when the user is a non-consumer or acts in the name access and signature tools will nonetheless be limited to a
and on account of a non-consumer. If the contracting maximum of fifty (50) euros per claim.
party is a non-consumer or acts in the name and on
This limitation of liability does not apply in the following
account of a non-consumer, KBC will not indemnify
for any subsequent financial consequences.
- When the contracting party is a non-consumer or
vi. Contracting parties will be informed of specific cases
when the user acts in the name and on account of a non-
of suspected or actual fraud in KBC Touch either by
consumer-(legal) person (as legal representative or agent
way of a message in another secure e-banking service
holding power of attorney);
accessible to them (e.g.,
KBC Mobile) or by telephone. - If the losses resulted from the contracting party
acting fraudulently or having wilfully or through gross
vii. Unless the contracting party is a non-consumer or acts
negligence omitted to comply with one or more of their
in the name and on account of a non-consumer,
obligations. The court decides in final instance whether or
produce evidence showing that a disputed
not the circumstances of a given case constitute gross
unauthorised or improperly executed payment
transaction was authenticated, correctly registered and
booked to account and was not affected by a technical Contracting parties must, however, be aware that they
failure or other defect, provided that the contracting have to keep their means of access and signature tools
party has informed the bank of the relevant payment safe and secure and use them as set out in Article 2.7. If
transaction in accordance with these regulations. they don't, KBC Touch is susceptible to being misused.
The bank warns contracting parties that certain behaviour,
including (but not strictly limited to) the following, can
2.10. Responsibility and liability lead to losses for which they or the (legal) person in whose
name and on whose account they act (as legal
Subject to the following provisions, the liability rules set
representative or agent holding power of attorney) may be
out in Article I.27 of the General Banking Terms &
held liable:
Conditions apply.
i. Failure by them to comply with their obligations or
The bank and the insurer, respectively, will bear any and
breach of the security guidelines in Article 2.7, first
all risk associated with sending contracting parties means
paragraph (i) to (vi).
of access and signature tools.
ii. Failure to immediately warn of a loss or theft.
As soon as the means of access and signature tools have
been provided, the contracting party is liable for any debts iii. Failure to have KBC Touch blocked immediately if they
arising from their use, subject to the following. These discover the loss, theft or misuse of their means of
debts can also be imputed to the (legal) person in whose access and signature tools (excluding card readers) or
name and on whose account the contracting party acts (as of their device together with their pass.
legal representative or agent holding power of attorney).

KBC Touch Regulation AA1353 V9-2023 -/- 7/30

iv. Failure by them to notify the bank without delay of KBC must make every practicable effort to ensure that
any entries of unauthorised transactions on their proper service is provided and that an appropriate security
account and any errors and irregularities appearing in and identification system is in place.
their account information.
However, both the bank and the insurer decline liability if
In the case of unauthorised payment transactions, the normal service is interrupted as a result of technical
contracting party and the (legal) person in whose name malfunctions or disruptions in the network that are
and on whose account the contracting party acts (as legal beyond their immediate control as service providers (i.e.
representative or agent holding power of attorney) are not where such is the responsibility of the provider or operator
liable for any loss arising from the loss, theft or misuse of of the transmission system).
the means of access and signature tools after that's been
KBC is not liable for loss resulting from the defective
reported, except in cases of fraud.
operation or security of contracting parties' devices and/or
Notwithstanding the foregoing, and subject to proof that Internet connections.
a contracting party acted fraudulently, the consumer-
To make online banking as secure possible, KBC's security
contracting party or the consumer-natural person for
experts continuously analyse cyber-criminal activity, so that
whom the contracting party acts, are not liable and bear
KBC is able to design its security measures accordingly.
no loss whatsoever where:
However, contracting parties play an important role in this
i. the loss, theft or unlawful use of KBC Touch and/or themselves. To find out more, contracting parties can visit
their means of access and signature tools could not be the website at www.kbc.be/en/secure4u.
ascertained by the payer before a payment occurred;
2.11. Term and notice of termination
ii. the loss was caused by an act or omission by an
This agreement is open-ended.
employee, agent or sub-office of the bank or of an
entity to which the bank had outsourced its activities. KBC may cease access to the KBC Touch web browser
This provision does not apply if the contracting party is version with immediate effect and without prior notice
a non-consumer or acts in the name and on account when the contracting party has not logged on for a
of a non-consumer-(legal) person (as legal continuous period of 12 months.
representative or agent holding power of attorney).
KBC may cease access to KBC Touch via the app with
KBC is liable in the event of non-execution or defective immediate effect and with or without prior notice if
execution of orders initiated via KBC Touch, unless contracting parties have not logged on via the app for a
contracting parties failed to comply with their obligations. continuous period of six months, and if they have not
installed an update of the app.
Except if contracting parties act fraudulently, they bear no
financial losses where a payer's provider of payment Notice of termination may also be served on this
services does not require strong customer authentication. agreement in the following cases:
If strong customer authentication is not accepted by the
payee or the payee's payment services provider, the i. Contracting parties may end their agreement at no
financial prejudice suffered by the payer's payment cost at any time by contacting their branch or
services provider is compensated by them. This provision KBC Insurance agent.
does not apply if the payer is a non-consumer or acts in ii. The bank and the insurer are entitled to serve notice of
the name and on account of a non-consumer (as legal termination on the agreement at any time, provided
representative or agent holding power of attorney). they observe a notice period of two months. Notice of
termination must be served in hard copy or by means
KBC declines liability if certain KBC Touch facilities are
of some other permanent carrier.
temporarily unavailable due to announced maintenance
work, unannounced interruptions that are not of iii. Either the bank or the insurer may serve immediate
unreasonable duration, defects or force majeure. These do notice of termination on the agreement without prior,
not in any way entitle contracting parties to formal notice of default or a court order if:
iv. confidence in a contracting party is seriously impaired;

KBC Touch Regulation AA1353 V9-2023 -/- 8/30

a. a contracting party fails to comply with the security For life insurance, the period during which the right of
procedures; termination can be exercised is 30 calendar days; for non-
life insurance it is 14 calendar days. This form of
b. there is a serious breach of contract.
termination is without cost and no reason need be stated.
Termination notified by the bank also here serves as KBC Insurance has that same right of termination.
termination notified by the insurer and vice versa.
For life insurance policies, the period for exercising the
Contracting parties can claim a refund of the charges right of termination starts on the later of the day KBC
levied for the service proportional to the period used, save Insurance informs the contracting party that the contract is
in the cases set out in Article 2.10(iii). concluded or the supplementary cover added and the day
the contracting party receives the policy conditions. For
2.12. Exercising the right of withdrawal in non-life insurance, the period for exercising the right of
respect of financial services sold remotely termination starts on the later of the day of conclusion of
Contracting parties using KBC Touch as, or in the name the contract or the policy has been amended and the day
and on account of, a consumer to contract a financial the contracting party receives the policy.
service have 14 calendar days in which to change their
A notices of termination is effective immediately the
decision to contract those services without penalty or
contracting party notifies KBC Insurance thereof.
needing to state reasons for doing so.
Termination by KBC Insurance is effective eight days after
The particular terms and conditions for exercising the right notification. If notice of termination is given,
of withdrawal are set down in the General Banking Terms KBC Insurance refunds you the payments you have made.
& Conditions. In cases of life insurance, the amount of the payments you
have made is reduced by the risk premiums payable for
This right of withdrawal is inapplicable to (i) agreements the supplementary cover. If notice of termination is served
that, on the express demand of the contracting party, are on supplementary cover within a life insurance plan, the
performed in full by both parties before the contracting deducted risk premiums, less the risk premiums owed for
party invokes the right of withdrawal and (ii) financial the period between the effective date and the date of
services whose prices are susceptible to fluctuations on the termination are redeposited into the reserve. The refund or
financial market over which KBC has no control and that redeposit is made within 30 calendar days of
can be of effect during the cooing-off period. This is the KBC Insurance receiving or sending the notice of
case inter alia in relation to foreign exchange transactions termination.
and services in connection with money market
instruments, securities, units in mutual funds, forward This right of termination does not apply to unit-linked
interest rate contracts, call and put options over financial investment-type insurance or to travel and baggage
instruments and futures as also interest rate, currency and insurance or similar, short-term insurance policies with a
equity swaps. term of less than one month.

2.13. Exercising the right of termination for

distance sales of non-life and life 3. Information from third parties and
insurance hyperlinks
Contracting parties using KBC Touch as, or in the name 3.1. Third-party information/advice
and on account of, a consumer to take out insurance off-
Contracting parties can use certain services to view
premises (i.e. without physical contact with KBC or a KBC
information and/or obtain advice put at their disposal by
Insurance intermediary) have additional rights of
other KBC group companies or third parties, whether
termination. The same applies if, with the contracting
further to legal obligations incumbent on them or
party being off premises, supplementary cover is added to
existing life insurance or an extension of cover is requested
under existing property insurance, in which case it is the KBC declines liability if information or advice provided by
additional supplementary cover or requested extension of such KBC group companies or third parties is incorrect,
cover that can be terminated. incomplete or inaccurate. Nor shall such external

KBC Touch Regulation AA1353 V9-2023 -/- 9/30

information or advice imply any obligation on the part of offers several options, including co-viewing and video
KBC. chatting.

3.2. Hyperlinks By participating in a Microsoft Teams meeting, contracting

parties declare that they have read the data protection
KBC Touch can offer hyperlinks to third-party websites,
statement and agree to the use of Microsoft Teams and its
which contracting parties may visit if they wish. KBC does
terms of use. These documents are available at
not in any way act as an intermediary between contracting
Documentation – KBC Banking & Insurance.
parties and the third parties in question. KBC is in no way
responsible for the content of the sites to which it provides
a link, nor can it guarantee their level of security or the 6. Making insurance claims
fitness for purpose of the information, data or publications
To optimise the relevance of this feature for users, they are
thereon. Moreover, KBC offers no guarantee whatsoever
provided with various choices in KBC Touch for making
in relation to the solvency and/or reliability of the site
claims based on the available forms of cover. KBC ensures
owners or managers, or as regards the persons or
that the choices take account of policies under which the
businesses on which any such site might provide
user is the policyholder or has an insurance authorisation
or is the person insured (under hospitalisation insurance).
KBC cannot guarantee the completeness, correctness or
accuracy of the websites to which it provides links.
7. Communication/data processing
Consequently, contracting parties have no right of action
against KBC for any adverse consequences or any loss or 7.1. Communication
damage that they might suffer as a result of (i) making 7.1.1. Contracting parties and the (legal) persons in
contacts and concluding contracts through these whose name and on whose account the user acts,
hyperlinks, (ii) using information obtained via these expressly agree that KBC Bank, KBC Insurance and its
hyperlinks, (iii) viewing websites visited via these insurance agents communicate to them as much as
hyperlinks. possible in digital form as regards, inter alia, their
investments, insurance products and invoices. This means
that documents will be made available in the general
4. Intellectual property rights
document overview and, where appropriate, along with
All intellectual property rights (or, in any event, the rights the product or service to which the document relates.
to confer rights of use on contracting parties) over the
Contracting parties and the (legal) persons in whose name
software, the user manual and all the component parts
and on whose account the contracting parties act, agree
including, but not limited to, the apps, data, texts, logos,
that they may be contacted by e-mail when it comes to
trademarks and trade names that appear in KBC Touch
time-critical communications that relate to products or
belong to the bank, the insurer or both, or to their
services they purchase. Such e-mails will be sent to the
respective third-party licensors.
address given in the contracting party's contact details. In
Contracting parties are granted a personal, non-exclusive, principle, the e-mails will be sent by the bank and/or
non-transferable right of use for the term of this insurer. If the communication concerns an electronic
agreement. Contracting parties must refrain from document and the contracting party has a Doccle account,
infringing any intellectual property rights and undertake the e-mails may be sent by Doccle
only to use KBC Touch as set forth in these regulations
By agreeing to digital communication, contracting parties
and their annexes.
and the (legal) persons in whose name and on whose
account the user acts, agree that some of the information
5. Microsoft Teams meeting will be sent to Doccle for electronic archiving, a service
that has been requested by KBC. Any contracting parties
Contracting parties can use KBC Touch's help features in
wishing to do so may also create their own Doccle
certain situations to contact a KBC staff member via a
account, thus enabling them to use the functions offered
Microsoft Teams meeting. A Microsoft Teams meeting
by Doccle in accordance with its general terms and

KBC Touch Regulation AA1353 V9-2023 -/- 10/30

In addition, and to the extent that this possibility is are made available to them in KBC Touch at least once
offered, contracting parties may also choose to receive every 14 days.
certain information (for example, invoices) in a specific
7.1.5. Disputes concerning unauthorised or improperly
format or through another specific channel.
executed payment transactions including payment
7.1.2. Account information transactions, or concerning account information, annexes
or personal documents and messages must be notified to
Contracting parties will receive their account information
the bank in writing in the manner and within time limit set
free of charge in the following manner that allows them
out in Article I.25.1 of the General Banking Terms &
to store and reproduce the account information in
Conditions. After lapse of said periods, account
unmodified form:
information and the balance printed thereon, as well as
i. They can at any time view account information via the content of personal information, will be irrevocably
KBC Touch immediately after carrying out a deemed accepted in full.
7.1.6. Contracting parties shall refrain from unlawfully
ii. They agree to annexes to account information being
manipulating or falsifying statements of account retrieved
made available to them digitally.
via KBC Touch. If there is any difference between the
Information about charges is provided on the screen statements of account printed out by a contracting party
displaying manage tab of the account. and the statements drawn up by the bank (duplicates), the
duplicates based on account details that appear in the
Account information continues to be available for retrieval
bank’s books and in the bank's log will prevail and
using KBC Touch for a period of ten years.
constitute formal proof of the transactions carried out by
7.1.3. As regards investment services and insurance the contracting party.
products, contracting parties expressly agree to KBC
Information contained in contracting parties' policy
providing information as much as possible via a permanent
documents constitutes formal proof of the insurance
information carrier (such as in a PDF document) rather
transactions carried out on their instructions. It takes
than in hard copy form. Contracting parties can view the
precedence over insurance-related information provided
information and print it off or download it onto their own
via KBC Touch.
computer or tablet. This information is not sent by post.
7.1.7. If account information and other personal
Contracting parties also specifically agree to KBC sending documents and messages are made available online and
them information via the KBC website at www.kbc.be.
Information provided in this manner will be viewable via a i. contracting parties fail to check them in good time, in
hyperlink, be up to date and remain accessible for such accordance with Article 7.1.4,
period as is reasonably necessary to allow contracting ii. for a period judged by the bank to be to be relatively
parties to view it. long in the circumstances, contracting parties do not
carry out any transactions via KBC Touch,
Contracting parties undertake to view information
provided in this manner within a reasonable period. The bank and the insurer reserve the right to send the
account information, annexes and other personal
Contracting parties confirm that provision of information information by post to the last stated address. Carriage
on an electronic permanent carrier (such as PDF) or via the will be paid by the contracting party.
website is appropriate in the relationship that is the
contracting party has with KBC. 7.1.8. Contracting parties may also send messages,
certain non-urgent orders or orders that do not require an
As regards investment services and insurance products, (electronic) signature or strong customer authentication,
KBC may make personal and other information available in with or without attachments, to their contact(s) at their
KBC Touch. KBC might also send investment advice and/or branch or KBC Insurance agent via the secure online
investment proposals to customers' inbox. messaging function in KBC Touch. Contracting parties
7.1.4. Contracting parties undertake to read their recognise that such messages are not signed using an
account information and annexes at least every 30 days electronic signature. If an order may not be submitted via
and read the other personal documents and messages that the online messaging function in KBC Touch or cannot be

KBC Touch Regulation AA1353 V9-2023 -/- 11/30

executed (immediately), contracting parties will be notified 9. Amendments
by their contact or another KBC staff member.
9.1. Amendments to these regulations and
Contracting parties should never divulge their card
their annexes without a new version of
number or access credentials (whether online banking
KBC Touch
credentials or debit card PIN) when using the online
messaging function. KBC staff will never ask you to The bank and the insurer reserve the right to amend these
provide these details. regulations and their annexes. To the extent required by
law, amendments are notified to contracting parties at
Messages in contracting parties' inboxes are kept for a
least two months before their intended effective date
year. If contracting parties wish to keep them for longer,
either in hard copy or via another permanent carrier
they must do so themselves, on their own permanent
accessible to them. Contracting parties may accept or
reject amendments up to the time they come into effect.
To ensure answers in cases of absence, messages sent by They may terminate the framework agreement before the
contracting parties to their branch/KBC Insurance agency effective date of amendments. Failing such, they are
contact may be read by various staff. deemed to accept the amendments or – if applicable –
accept them on behalf of the (legal) persons in whose
7.2. Data processing
name and on whose account they act.
7.2.1. General
9.2. New versions of KBC Touch
KBC's aim is to process your personal data in a manner
Contracting parties acknowledge that KBC continuously
that is lawful, appropriate and transparent. You'll find
works on improving and extending its digital applications
details of how the bank and the insurer process and
and will therefore regularly bring out new versions of
exchange your personal data are set out in our privacy
KBC Touch.
statement. You'll also find information there telling you
your rights and how you can exercise them. The privacy Where a new version of KBC Touch entails amendment of
statement is available at www.kbc.be/en/privacy or from these regulations and its annexes and to the extent it is
your branch or intermediary and is regularly revised. legally obliged to do so, KBC will notify contracting parties
by online message at least two months before launching
7.2.2. Cookies
the new version.
KBC Touch uses cookies and similar means (referred to
Contracting parties confirm that they know that, once the
collectively as 'cookies' in the following) in order to
new version comes out, they can no longer use the
improve your user experience and to better align the
previous version of KBC Touch and that they will have to
content on KBC Touch to your needs and preferences.
install the new version if they want to continue using
You'll find more info on the use of cookies by KBC in our
KBC Touch.
cookie statement, which you'll get on the KBC website.
When contracting parties install a new version and use it
7.2.3. Investment profile
for the first time, they receive an overview explaining the
If contracting parties request investment advice via changes, and also have to agree to the amended
KBC Touch, KBC bases this advice on their investment regulations or – if applicable – agree to them on behalf of
profile. They can also fill in their investment profile online. the (legal) persons in whose name and on whose account
That investment profile, together with a limited set of they act.
other data (including their age), can also be used to gauge
the contracting party's attitude to loss, so that even more
10. Disputes
specific investment advice can be provided.
10.1. Complaints handling
8. Charges If contracting parties or the (legal) persons in whose name
and on whose account the contracting parties act, have
Without prejudice to the costs of the underlying services
complaints against KBC regarding a service or the
and transaction charges, contracting parties pay no
execution of orders, they must follow the procedures
charges for using KBC Touch.

KBC Touch Regulation AA1353 V9-2023 -/- 12/30

described in Article I.25.2 of the General Banking Terms &

For complaints concerning insurance policies, reference is

made to the procedure set forth in the conditions of the
relevant insurance policy document.

10.2. Applicable law and jurisdiction

The rights and obligations of contracting parties and KBC
are governed by the laws of Belgium. All disputes are
subject to the jurisdiction of the Belgian courts.

11. Codes of conduct

Here, contracting parties will find a list of the Codes of
Conduct that KBC Insurance has subscribed to.

KBC Touch Regulation AA1353 V9-2023 -/- 13/30

ANNEX 1 – TOUCH PAY merchants that accept payments via the KBC Payment
Button and (2) of invoices presented by senders on invoice
This annex sets down the terms and conditions for:
management platforms. Contracting parties that activate
i. making payment using KBC Touch for goods and the
services purchased online and for invoices; KBC Payment Button can choose the electronic/mobile
banking app they wish to use to initiate the payment
ii. mobile authentication of online card transactions. transaction.

Contracting parties using a KBC Card Reader have to use

1. Defined terms the means of access and signature tools once at the time
In this annex, in addition to the definitions contained in of signing the payment transaction. At that time,
Article 1 of the regulations, the following definitions are contracting parties (i) are identified and (ii) sign their order
also used and applied. The definitions may be used using their electronic signature. Because contracting
without distinction in the plural or singular. parties only log in and are identified when signing a
payment transaction, they cannot first select the account
Payment method provider: The natural or legal person, to be debited. Contracting parties confirm and are
whether or not a merchant, that accepts a payment agreeable that the account to be debited should be the
method. account to which the debit card is linked and which they
Payment method: The KBC Payment Button or the use together with their KBC Card Reader.
Bancontact payment solution. Contracting parties using the KBC Touch app log in using
KBC Payment Button: A payment method and the their pass, select the account to be debited, scan their
underlying software accepted by merchants or managers payment transactions and sign them in accordance with
of online invoice management platforms, enabling Article 2.5.
customers to (1) make payments in a merchant's online Contracting parties using KBC Mobile log in using their
store or (2) pay bills from senders on an online invoice pass, scan their payment transactions and sign in
management platform using their KBC electronic banking accordance with the KBC Mobile Regulations.
or mobile banking application.
2.3. When paying for goods and services purchased on
Bancontact Payconiq Company: Bancontact NV, with the Internet websites of merchants, contracting parties can
registered office at Aarlenstraat 82, 1040 Brussels, RLP opt to pay on the basis of an advance granted by KBC
Brussels, VAT BE 0884.499.250. under the terms of Articles 3 and 4. When paying invoices,
Bancontact payment method: A payment method for contracting parties do not have that option.
transferring cash via the Bancontact payment scheme. 2.4. Provided there is sufficient cover, irrespective of
Payment (Touch Pay): A payment made using KBC whether that comprises own funds or an advance granted
Touch, whether via the KBC Payment Button or via the by KBC, and provided there are no other factors
Bancontact payment method. The payee is a payment preventing payment, such as (but not limited to) a freeze
method provider. or attachment or other reasons set out in Article 3,
payment is always made direct to the merchant in real
Invoice management platform: An online platform that time.
businesses (issuers of invoices) can use to send documents.
Contracting parties can manage these documents. 2.5. Contracting parties using the KBC Touch app can
confirm payment transactions by activating a confirmation
button. By doing so, payers irrevocably authorise the bank
2. The KBC Payment Button to debit the payment account with amount of a payment
transaction as confirmed by them.
2.1. A payment using the KBC Payment Button is a

2.2. Contracting parties may use their means of access

and signature tools to make secure payments (1) for goods
and services purchased on the Internet websites of

KBC Touch Regulation AA1353 V9-2023 -/- 14/30

3. Conditions for payment with an advance accordance with Article I.30 of the General Banking Terms
& Conditions.

(only for direct payment for goods and services purchased Accounts may only be debited with payable amounts and
on the web from merchants' online stores) advances following civil attachments provided due heed is
taken of (i) the rules on immune assets and after
3.1. Contracting parties wishing to make use of advances calculation of the amount actually eligible for attachment
provided by the bank must meet the following minimum
and distribution among creditors and (ii) any preference
rights that KBC might invoke. In cases of attachments
i. they must be of legal age and have full legal capacity ordered by a court or prosecutor, debit charges are subject
to act; to the prior authorisation of the criminal justice agency
laying the attachment.
ii. they must be the holder or a joint holder of the
account to be debited; Advances are due and payable prior to their scheduled
payment date in the event of:
iii. they must act as a consumer, i.e. not in the course of
their business or occupation. i. the death of the holder of the account to be debited
or of the holder's spouse;
The bank at all times reserves the right to refuse an
advance. Contracting parties who accept advances can no ii. closure of the account to be debited, howsoever
longer withdraw their consent once given. arising;

Contracting parties who are a joint holder of an account iii. a serious deterioration in contracting parties'
to be debited and who wish to pay using the creditworthiness;
KBC Payment Button by means of an advance provided by iv. a petition by the account holder for a collective debt-
KBC undertake (i) to inform the other joint holders of this repayment arrangement;
fact and notify them of their obligation as joint holder to
repay those funds and (ii) always to act with the prior v. laying of an attachment on the account to be debited.
consent of their other joint holders.

3.2. Contracting parties who explicitly opt to pay with 4. The Bancontact mobile payment method
advances themselves stipulate the date they wish to repay
4.1. The Bancontact mobile payment method allows
the bank, which must be within two months of the
contracting parties to make payment for goods and
transaction date. Payment dates are always banking days.
services purchased on the Internet.
Contracting parties cannot revoke or change such
payment dates. No charge or interest is due on advances 4.2. Payments using the Bancontact payment method are
received by contracting parties. Advances entered on card transactions. Notwithstanding the application of
contracting parties' accounts are identified in their account these regulations, the special terms and conditions for the
statement by the reference, 'advance for purchase via execution of payment transactions (requirements of form,
KBC Payment Button'. acceptance method, execution times, rules regarding value
dating, etc.) are laid down in the KBC Debit Card
3.3. Contracting parties authorise the bank to recover all
Regulations and the bank's General Banking Terms &
due and payable amounts and advances by debiting the
account named in Article 2.1 of these special terms and
conditions. Contracting parties have to ensure that they 4.3. Where contracting parties use the KBC Touch app,
have sufficient cover either at the time they initiate the they can confirm payment transactions by activating a
payment order or on the payment date. Other than in the confirmation button. By doing so, payers irrevocably
case of attachments, the bank reserves the right to debit authorise the bank to debit the amounts of payment
payable amounts automatically from said accounts even if
there is insufficient cover on them. Resulting debit
balances do not, however, confer on contracting parties
any vested right to future credit and must be cleared in

KBC Touch Regulation AA1353 V9-2023 -/- 15/30

transactions as confirmed by payers from the payment logging into the KBC Touch app using their PIN.
account linked to their card. Contracting parties subsequently confirm their
authentication using the confirmation button. In this way,
they prove that they are rightful holder of the payment
5. Limits card and also give merchants or their payment service
The execution of payment transactions using the provider permission to present the relevant payment
KBC Payment Button or the Bancontact payment method transaction to the bank for processing.
is subject to the spending limits contained in Article 2.5 of
the regulations.

The specific limits for payments made with advances are

laid down for each payment transaction and/or time
period and can be viewed at www.kbc.be/en/touch.

Contracting parties who make a number of payments

using the KBC Payment Button have to keep track of how
much of their spending limit continues to be available.
Each time advance amounts are debited from contracting
parties' accounts, the card holders' credit limit is freed up
and they may once again carry out transactions up to the
full amount of the limit.

6. Relationships with merchants

KBC offers nothing more than a payment service and
declines all liability for loss or damage sustained by
contracting parties as a result of off-premises orders
placed with, and/or purchases of products/services from,
merchants or merchants' settlement of online orders for
products/services paid for with the KBC Payment Button or
the Bancontact payment method, including, (but not
limited to) packaging, delivery, customer service and

KBC is not responsible for errors or discrepancies in the

commercial offerings and in the terms and conditions of
merchants or for the fact that information on merchants'
websites might not be complete, accurate or up to date.

Any and all disputes arising between contracting parties

and merchants must be settled exclusively between the
two of them and a dispute does not relieve the
contracting party of the requirement to repay the advance

7. Mobile authentication
Merchants can opt to request additional authentication for
online card transactions via the issuer of the payment
instrument, namely the bank. Contracting parties can
choose to perform this authentication via KBC Touch by

KBC Touch Regulation AA1353 V9-2023 -/- 16/30

ANNEX 2 – SPECIAL CONDITIONS ‘ZOOMIT’ 0840.559.537, and to which the bank is connected with a
view to providing the Zoomit service.
The KBC Touch Regulations prevail unless this annex
expressly deviates from them.
1. Zoomit as a service
DEFINED TERMS Zoomit is a service for the secure exchange of documents
between Senders (like utility companies) and Recipients (as
Unless otherwise expressly stipulated, the following
customers of utility companies, for instance). The
defined terms supplement those contained in Article 1.1
documents are made available to Recipients and can be
of the KBC Touch Regulations, of which this annex
accessed via their e-banking application or that of those
constitutes an integral part.
authorised by them under a power of attorney. Zoomit
Basic Details: The surname, first name, any other first also makes it easier to carry out payments by filling in
name they may go by and the account number of a payment orders if Users so wish.
natural person and the name and company number of a
Zoomit therefore has two essential functions:
legal person.
i. secure delivery of digital documents; and
Contracting Party: The person (natural or legal person)
as defined in the KBC Touch Regulations who has signed ii. simplifying payment orders by filling in the order's
an e-banking agreement. basic details using the invoice details.

Document(s): Each electronic document relating to

financial transactions already or yet to be carried out (such 2. Agreements with Senders as a basis
as invoices) and HR-related documents (such as pay slips)
The key relationship in the Zoomit service is that between
created by a Sender with the intention of making them
the Recipient (e.g., as a utility company's customer) and
available to the Recipient via the Zoomit platform.
the Sender. It is in that relationship that the Recipient
Matching Test: The Basic Details of a User in the bank's agrees or declines to receive digital Documents like
records are compared with the Recipient's Basic Details in invoices or wage slips. It is also in that relationship that
the Sender's records of debtors/creditors in order to agreements are made concerning (simultaneous) receipt of
establish whether the User is entitled to view a Document (the same) documents via other channels (including a copy
as the Recipient thereof, or for which permission has been by ordinary post, fax or e-mail). This is often done by way
received from the Recipient to do so. The Matching Test is of the Sender's (standard) terms and conditions. The bank
performed within Zoomit by Codabox NV in the way plays no part in the Recipient-Sender relationship and
described in Article 5. bears no responsibility in that regard.
Recipient: A natural or legal person intended to receive
Documents made available via Zoomit. 3. Accessing Documents
Sender: A business, such as a supplier or employer, that Users can only access Zoomit from KBC Touch using the
creates Documents and sends them and makes them means of access and signature tools for the e-banking
available to a User via Zoomit. application. The fact that several Users can be linked to a
User: A natural person that is the Contracting Party given account does not automatically imply that each User
himself or herself. Users are given access to the will get access to the documents that Senders send. Only
Documents if they are the Recipient, or have been given Documents intended for a particular User can be viewed
access to them by the Recipient. This can be done explicitly by that User. Documents are intended for Users if they are
by way of a power of attorney to receive information or their Recipients or act under a power of attorney issued by
implicitly by way of a general power of attorney over the the Recipient.
Recipient's account. Before Users can view a Document in Zoomit, a Matching
Zoomit Platform: The hardware and software managed Test is done. Only once that Matching Test has been
and maintained by Codabox NV, with registered office at successfully completed (see Article 5) is a User given access
Romeinsestraat 10, 3001 Leuven, Belgium, RPR to the Document.

KBC Touch Regulation AA1353 V9-2023 -/- 17/30

The Payments/Electronic Documents dashboard gives may still authorise the User to view the Documents
Contracting Parties access to Zoomit. As KBC Touch depending on their confidentiality:
contracting parties, Contracting Parties are automatically
i. When a Document's confidentiality is set by the
given access to Zoomit. This means that the Zoomit
Sender at 'sensitive', there must be a perfect match
features are always shown regardless of whether
between the Contracting Party's and/or their
Contracting Parties actually make use of Zoomit or, in so
empowered User's identity data (surname, first name
far as necessary, have already added a specific Sender to
and nicknames) and the Contracting Party's bank
their Sender list.
account number as in the bank's records and (2) the
Contracting Parties can deregister from Zoomit as regards Recipient's or their authorised User's identity data
a particular Sender or entirely. If Contracting Parties (surname, first name) and the bank number quoted by
deregister as regards a particular Sender, the Zoomit the Document's Sender. If Matching Test results are
features continue to be shown but the Contracting Party positive, access is given to the Recipient and their
will get (or resume getting) Documents in the way agreed empowered Users.
with the Sender.
ii. When a Document's confidentiality is set by the
By selecting Documents, Users quit the secure Sender at 'non-sensitive', matching testing requires
environment of KBC Touch and switch to a secure concordance between the Contracting Party's and/or
website/server set up for or by the Sender where Users can their empowered User's identity data (surname, first
view Documents without them entering within the bank's name and nicknames) and the Contracting Party's
systems or servers. The bank bears no responsibility for the bank account number as in the bank's records and (2)
content of Senders' sites/servers and offers no guarantees the Recipient's or their empowered User's identity data
regarding the level of their security. (surname, first name) and the bank account number
quoted by the Document's Sender. If Matching Test
The bank has no access to and has no means of reading
results are positive, access is given to Recipients and
Documents stored on Senders' servers. The bank only has
their empowered Users, otherwise access is refused. If
access to the Basic Details for the purposes of ensuring
this first test is negative, access to Documents is still
that Users can retrieve Documents.
possible if authenticated KBC Touch Users requesting
Documents on Senders' websites/servers may only be access to a document state they have been
retrieved for a certain period of time as stipulated in their empowered to do so by the Recipient. The Recipient is
contract terms and conditions. advised of this and, if necessary, can object.

For each Sender, Recipients may also indicate in the

4. The Matching Test Zoomit application whether other Users holding a current
or future power of attorney over their current account(s)
Zoomit takes or able by some other means to access the relevant
i. Contracting Parties' or their empowered Users' identity current account(s) or account information have been
data according to the bank's records and verified using granted power of attorney by them to inspect Documents
the e-banking app's means of access and signature of which they are the Recipient.
tools; and

ii. Recipients' or their empowered Users' identity data as 5. Paying Documents

obtained from the Documents' Senders.
Users can pay Documents with 'to be paid' status by
There is a general principle that the data in both a selecting 'Pay'. The amount, payee account number and
Sender’s and the bank’s records have to be a perfect reference are filled in automatically in the 'transfers'
match. If test results are positive, access is given to transaction screen. Users need to process them further as
Contracting Parties and their empowered Users, otherwise with manually entered transfers. Documents' status only
access is refused. automatically changes to 'payment entered' where
payment orders are entered this way in KBC Touch (using
If the account number matches, but the Recipient's the 'Pay' button). This does not mean there has been
surname and first name do not, in some cases the Sender

KBC Touch Regulation AA1353 V9-2023 -/- 18/30

actual payment and is not proof of payment. Only account Recipients no longer wanting to make use of Zoomit can
statements constitute proof of payment. easily deregister.

If Users of Documents with 'to be paid' status pay by some Recipients and Users can deregister via the bank inter alia:
other means (like manual entry in KBC Touch) or via
i. at their branch; or
another channel (such as a paper transfer), the status of
the Documents stays 'to be paid' unless Users change it ii. via a KBC Touch message to their branch.
manually in KBC Touch using the 'Mark as paid' function.
Users acting on behalf of a Recipient expressly confirm
Users are responsible for managing and following up
they hold valid power of attorney from the Recipient to
payments already or to be carried out.
that effect.

Senders are processors of Recipients' and Users' personal

6. Data processing
data in order to provide them with Documents in
When Documents are made available via Zoomit, personal electronic form via Zoomit and to permit them to view the
and customer data is processed, including the Basic Documents.
The bank and Senders outsource the task of performing
As the party responsible for processing, the bank Matching Tests to Codabox NV, which acts as processor in
processes the personal data of Recipients and their Users that respect. This therefore means that Codabox NV may
in order to permit them to see and, if necessary, pay not use the personal data in Zoomit for purposes other
Documents via Zoomit. This specifically means that, in the than those described here.
framework of Zoomit, the bank processes Recipients' and
Recipients and Users are entitled to inspect the data held
Users' data for the following purposes.
by each processor (the bank and the Sender) and can free
i. Registering and maintaining a record of whether of charge request its correction.
Recipients and Users want to use Zoomit.
The bank takes all measures and uses all requisite security
ii. Checking transaction details against Senders' account techniques to shield the personal data it processes
numbers to see the Senders with which Recipients (including hyperlinks to Documents, albeit excluding
have already carried out transactions. Documents themselves (which fall under the Sender's
responsibility)) from loss, theft, damage and unauthorised
iii. Passing on Recipients' and Users' relevant personal
third-party access.
data to Codabox NV, so that it can be used for the
Matching Test. An overview of the various information and data flows in
Zoomit and the possibilities to deregister via the bank is
iv. Informing Users of the availability of Senders'
available in the bank's special Zoomit privacy statement.
Documents in Zoomit (e.g., using an icon in the
'Account information' feature), regardless of whether Further information about the use of (personal) data by
or not Recipients and their Users actually utilise Zoomit the bank and, generally, exercising your rights is available
or, as far as necessary, have already added a specific in:
Sender to their list of Senders. If Recipients deregister
i. Articles I.13 and I.14 of the bank's General Banking
from a specific Sender or Zoomit as a whole, the bank
Terms & Conditions; and
will not (or will no longer) inform their Users of the
availability of Documents. ii. the bank's general privacy statement.
v. Advising potential and/or existing Senders that online The Zoomit website (www.zoomit.be) also offers
banking is used for a given account number, but only information on data protection.
if the Sender has received permission for this from the

Users not (or no longer) wanting their use of online

banking to be notified to Senders can easily deregister,
upon which Recipients and Users cannot use Zoomit for
any Sender.

KBC Touch Regulation AA1353 V9-2023 -/- 19/30

7. Users' obligations i. the continuous, uninterrupted or defect-free working
of Zoomit;
7.1. Users undertake to abide strictly by all security
provisions regarding use of the means of access and ii. the availability of Documents;
signature tools as set forth in the KBC Touch Regulations.
iii. the quality, accuracy, propriety and reliability of these
7.2. Users undertake to inform the bank without delay Documents;
and in the manner stipulated in the relevant regulations of
iv. access and response times.
any suspected or confirmed misuse by an unauthorised
third party (for instance, Documents being seen by a third 8.2. The bank reserves the right to interrupt the Zoomit
party not empowered by the Recipient to do so). service to carry out maintenance work, or to modify or
upgrade Zoomit itself. The bank will do all in its power to
7.3. The bank and Codabox NV offer Users Zoomit as
notify Users of this beforehand and to keep the duration
nothing more than a means of making it easier to pay
of such interruptions as short as possible. However,
Documents. Users bears full responsibility for making
interruptions can occur before there has been time to
payments properly and in time and ensuring sufficient
provide a warning, for instance, when there is a technical
incident or in the event of force majeure, including but not
7.4. Users undertake to send disputes and complaints limited to strikes or events beyond the control of the bank,
regarding operation of the Zoomit service in writing to the or in cases of acute urgency.
departments identified in Article 10 of the KBC Touch
Regulations within the deadline set down in the
KBC Touch Regulations. After this period, the 9. Responsibility and liability
transaction/event can no longer be disputed. 9.1. Notwithstanding Article 3.11 of the KBC Touch
7.5. Users acknowledge that disputes regarding the Regulations, the bank declines liability for all loss and
content of Documents (e.g., incorrect billing) must be damage resulting from:
settled directly with Senders. The bank is not party to i. non-availability of the Zoomit service due to pre-
agreements between Users and Senders. announced maintenance work or force majeure;
7.6. Users acknowledge that Documents on a Sender's ii. acts or omissions on the part of Users that are in
server may only be retrieved for a certain period of time as breach of the ‘Special terms governing use of Zoomit’;
stipulated in the Sender's contract terms and conditions.
iii. failure on the part of Users to comply with the security
The documents will also no longer be available (even if guidelines and/or instructions;
that period has not yet elapsed) in the event of cessation
of the contractual relationship between a Contracting iv. failure of the Matching Test due to Contracting Parties
Party and the bank or, in whole or part (for certain and/or Users providing incorrect or incomplete
Senders), of the Zoomit application. information to the bank or Sender;

Users who still wish to inspect relevant Documents in such v. misrepresentations by Users regarding their right to
cases are themselves responsible for storing/archiving access Documents.
them (for instance, by downloading them). The bank declines liability for indirect or consequential loss
or damage or non-material loss or damage resulting from
or related to the use of Zoomit, including but not limited
8. Obligations of the bank
to loss of time, loss of, or occasioned to, clientele, loss of
8.1. Unless expressly stipulated otherwise, the bank is data, loss of earnings, loss of profit, increases in
only under 'best-efforts' obligations as regards the Zoomit overheads, disruption of business operations, claims by
service. third parties, damage to reputation or non-realisation of
expected savings resulting from or related to the use of
The bank provides the Zoomit service without
Zoomit. The bank's liability as regards the Zoomit
guaranteeing its quality. Nor does the bank provide any
application is limited to 25 000 euros.
guarantee as regards:

KBC Touch Regulation AA1353 V9-2023 -/- 20/30

9.2. Only Senders have a right to inspect and correct prejudice to the contractual stipulations and arrangements
Documents. Only Senders are liable for the content, between Recipients and Senders.
quality, accuracy and propriety of Documents. Complaints
or questions about Documents or their content will not be
handled by the bank but need to be addressed directly to 12. Termination
Senders. Save in the case of cancellation, subscription by
Contracting Parties is for an open-ended period.
Furthermore, the bank is not liable for:
Contracting Parties may at any time:
i. incomplete, incorrect or outdated information on the
i. unilaterally cancel the Zoomit app in their subscription
sites of Senders or third parties to which they grant
for KBC Touch;
access by means of a hyperlink;
ii. use the administrative module in Zoomit to terminate
ii. the solvency or reliability of Senders or other site
their contract with one or more Senders for the receipt
owners to which links are made;
of Documents. This particular form of cancellation
iii. failure on the part of Senders to meet their delivery takes effect on the next working day, unless another
obligations or any other statutory or contractual notice period is stipulated in the Sender's terms and
obligation towards Recipients; conditions.
iv. the inability to create any connection required to The bank is entitled to terminate the Zoomit app on two
provide the service or interruption of the connection months' notice or immediately in the cases set out in
where this is attributable to third parties. Article 2.11(III) of the KBC Touch Regulations.
9.3. Senders of Documents decide which Matching Test Article 2.11 of the KBC Touch Regulations applies to
will be applied to which Documents (see Article 5). The termination by Contracting Parties or the bank of their
bank bears no responsibility in this regard. KBC Touch agreement. Termination of the KBC Touch
agreement results cessation of the Zoomit app.
9.4. Only Senders are liable for advertisements appearing
on Documents or in banners. The bank declines liability in If the KBC Touch agreement or Zoomit app is ended,
this regard. howsoever arising, Users must advise the Recipient and
Senders of this as quickly as possible.

10. Intellectual property rights

The proprietary rights and other intellectual property rights
relating to the Zoomit service – such as those covering
programs, software, trademarks, the trade name and the
logo – belong to Codabox NV and are in no way
transferred to Users.

Users must refrain from committing any infringement of

these rights. They may use the Zoomit application and
documentation exclusively for their own needs and may
not copy or distribute them or make them available to
third parties.

Users are prohibited from modifying the Zoomit programs

and screens in any way whatsoever.

11. Charges
Access to and the use of Zoomit is free of charge, without
prejudice to any charges applying to KBC Touch and the
means of access and signature tools, and without

KBC Touch Regulation AA1353 V9-2023 -/- 21/30

ANNEX 3 – MULTIBANK SERVICES going back up to 90 days) for one or more designated
payment accounts.
This annex lays down the conditions under which
contracting parties can, via KBC Touch, use the following The bank goes to the account-holding bank's online
services offered by the bank and described below. interface to gain access to the designated accounts using
the authentication procedures given to contracting parties
i. Account information service;
by the other bank. The bank directs contracting parties to
ii. Payment initiation service. where they must authenticate themselves with the other
bank using the personal security details given to them by
that other bank. The other bank decides how long this
1. Defined terms access remains valid without contracting parties having to
Account-holding financial institutions: These include log in again and authenticate themselves using their
credit institutions, electronic money institutions and personal security details. After this period has elapsed,
payment institutions authorised to provide payment contracting parties must authenticate themselves again
accounts. To enhance readability, account-holding using their personal security details to ensure that the
financial institutions in this annex are referred to as the bank has access to the updated balance and transaction
'other bank' or 'other banks'. history for the designated accounts.

Payment account: An account held in the name of one The account information service is a read-only service and
or more contracting parties and used to make payments, therefore it cannot be used to carry out payment
usually a current account. transactions on the designated accounts.

Online interface: For the purposes of these regulations,

the link (API) that enables KBC's software to communicate 3. Payment initiation service
with the other bank's software. When contracting parties wish to initiate online payments
Personal security details: Personal credentials given to via the payment initiation service by means of a credit
contracting parties by the bank or the other bank for the transfer, the bank uses the online interface of the other
purposes of authentication, such as unique identifiers bank managing the account held by the contracting party
generated by card readers and tokens. Other banks have making the payment.
their own authentication procedures, so security details
The bank will only do this where contracting parties have
may vary.
given it their express consent to do so. This is done in
KBC Touch or another KBC online banking application
2. Account information service that facilitates such consent.

This service enables contracting parties to obtain account The bank directs contracting parties to where they must
information via the bank on one or more online-accessible then authenticate themselves with the other bank using
payment accounts that they designate. These can be the personal security details given to them by that other
accounts with just their own bank or also with other bank. Contracting parties must also provide the payment
banks. Contracting parties must give their express consent information necessary to enable the bank to initiate the
for this to the bank via KBC Touch or another payment transaction (like the amount and beneficiary
KBC online banking application that facilitate such account number). When a contracting party wishes to pay
consent. This consent does not need to be renewed every using KBC Touch's payment initiation service, the bank will
time the account information service is used and can also identify itself to the other bank involved. The bank will
be withdrawn at any time by removing the account that then initiate the payment transaction based on all the
had been added. When contracting parties withdraw their aforementioned information provided by the contracting
consent, they no longer see designated accounts at other party.
banks in KBC Touch or in any other KBC online-banking The payment order initiated through the bank's payment
application. initiation service is executed by the other bank managing
This service gives contracting parties an online overview of the account. The terms and conditions for carrying out
the balance and transaction history (covering payments these payment transactions (acceptance method,

KBC Touch Regulation AA1353 V9-2023 -/- 22/30

execution times, rules regarding value dating, etc.) are laid The bank and the other bank managing the account will
down in the contracting party's contracts with the other both take responsibility for the respective parts of the
bank. Articles 2.2, 2.3 and 2.8 of these regulations do not transaction under their control and mutually agree on
apply in this regard. liability. If it is liable for an unauthorised transaction, the
bank will immediately reimburse the other bank managing
The bank will inform contracting parties whether payment
the account for reimbursing the contracting party, if the
orders are successfully initiated based on the information
latter so requests.
received from the other bank.
In the event of loss, theft or misuse of a contracting
party's means of access and signature tools giving them
4. Obligations of the bank access to KBC Touch's account information and payment
The bank will ensure that it always provides account initiation services, the liability rules set out in the bank's
information and payment initiation services with the General Banking Terms & Conditions and in Article 2.10 of
explicit consent of contracting parties and that their these regulations will apply.
personal security details are not accessible to other parties,
apart from the contracting party themselves and the other
6. Processing of personal data
bank that provided them, and that they are transmitted
securely. KBC processes account information when offering the
account information service and the payment initiation
Where payment transactions initiated through the
service. Processing account information includes the
KBC Touch payment initiation service are contested by
processing of personal data, which entails the following
contracting parties, the bank will be required to prove that
categories: name and number of the current account,
the payment transaction was authenticated, accurately
transaction amount, account balance, beneficiaries of
recorded and not affected by a technical or any other
transactions and account history going back 90 days.
failure. Furthermore, the bank, as provider of the payment
KBC Bank is the controller for the processing of these
initiation service, will have to prove that it initiated the
personal data.
payment order correctly and that the order was effectively
received by the other bank managing the account and The bank processes personal data for the execution of the
that the bank is therefore not responsible for its non- account information service or payment initiation service,
execution, late execution or defective execution. as well as for the purposes stated in its data protection
statement. While processing personal data for the
payment initiation service, KBC will share the relevant
5. Responsibility and liability personal data with the account-holding bank.
In the event of loss, theft or misuse of their personal
security details, contracting parties will bear only a limited
risk until notification has been given in the way described
in the contracts between them and the other bank, except
where they have acted with fraudulent or wilful intent or
gross negligence. As regards unauthorised payment
transactions, contracting parties are not liable for any loss
or damage attributable to loss, theft or misuse of their
personal security details that arises after this has been
reported, except in the case of fraudulent conduct.

In the event of an unauthorised payment initiated via

KBC Touch's payment initiation service as described in
Article 3 or in the event of non-execution or defective
(improper) execution of a payment order initiated through
KBC Touch's payment initiation service, contracting parties
may at any time request a refund from the other bank
managing its account.

KBC Touch Regulation AA1353 V9-2023 -/- 23/30

ANNEX 4 – INVOICING If one or more of these criteria are not met, the
contracting party will be duly informed when activating
This annex sets down the terms and conditions under
the KBC Invoicing and access will be denied.
which contracting parties can opt to use the KBC Invoicing
If the criteria are met, the contracting party will – after
via KBC Touch.
activating the KBC Invoicing – be directed to the digital
environment of the third-party provider to complete the
1. Defined terms connection. KBC will forward the first name and surname
In this annex, the following defined terms are used to of the contracting party, the company number and
supplement those set down in the regulations. Defined account number to facilitate recognition at the third-party
terms may be used without distinction in the singular or provider. After logging in there, contracting parties are
plural form and with or without an initial capital letter. required to give their consent to the third-party provider to
share the data on their business activity with KBC. The
Third party provider: In this annex, the following
defined terms are used to supplement those set down in scope of this consent, such as the type of data being
the regulations. Defined terms may be used without transmitted, will be communicated to the contracting
distinction in the singular or plural form and with or party at the same time. Giving this consent is the last step
without an initial capital letter. in fully establishing the connection, after which the
contracting party can use the KBC Invoicing. When the
KBC Invoicing is used, KBC sends certain information to
2. Description of the service
the third-party provider for inclusion in their services, such
The KBC Invoicing is a service offered in as notification that an invoice has been paid.
KBC Touch that is designed for the self-employed and KBC endeavours at all times to regularly update the
SMEs. It is intended as a support service for providing an retrieved data at the third-party provider to ensure that
overview of the various aspects of the business activity and the data displayed in the KBC Invoicing is up to date.
for providing relevant communications related to that The KBC Invoicing is only visible to the contracting party
activity, such as reminders and suitable opportunities. To that has established the connection. It will not be made
activate the KBC Invoicing service, contracting parties must available to other persons who also meet the above
establish the connection between KBC and the third-party criteria while an existing connection is active. Only one
providers regarding the business activity. This provides the person per company may establish the connection.
KBC Invoicing with the requisite data to function properly. For certain types of specific support, KBC may share some
These data are then combined with the business activity aspects of the problem with the third-party provider if that
data available to KBC and displayed in the KBC Invoicing. is necessary to solve the problem.
An up-to-date overview of the different options available
can be found in the document describing KBC Touch's 3. Termination
Contracting parties must be logged in to KBC Touch to The contracting party may at any time terminate the
activate this service. The following criteria must be met to connection between the third-party provider and KBC.
establish the connection: This can be initiated in the KBC Invoicing, but the
connection must always be terminated in the third-party
i. The contracting party must have the necessary
provider environment. Once the connection is terminated,
authority to act on behalf of the company, or be the
the KBC Invoicing service stops and no new data is
owner of the self-employed business activity;
exchanged. It is then possible to create a new connection
ii. A business current account must be linked to the for the same company.
company concerned or the self-employed business
4. Liability
iii. The contracting party must hold, or have power of
attorney over, this business current account. KBC is in no way responsible for the completeness,
correctness or accuracy of the information displayed in the

KBC Touch Regulation AA1353 V9-2023 -/- 24/30

KBC Invoicing that originates from third-party providers,
nor is it in any way responsible for the content of third-
party websites to which a link may be provided, as set
down in Article 3.2 of these regulations. KBC only displays
the information as it appears at the third-party provider.
KBC gives no guarantee as to the suitability of these
services for specific purposes. Only in the event of intent
or gross negligence on the part of KBC is KBC liable for
claims arising from the use of the KBC Invoicing. KBC may
refuse or terminate access to services at any time.
KBC is not responsible for services provided by third-party
providers that can be connected to the KBC Invoicing.
Contracting parties contract for these services directly with
third-party providers, who – in their capacity as service
providers – must comply with all applicable laws and
regulations. KBC does not act as an intermediary or agent
between contracting parties and third-party providers. Use
of third-party providers' services is subject to their own
contract terms.

5. Obligations of contracting parties

The KBC Invoicing can show contracting parties relevant
reminders and alerts, such as when claims become
payable. It is the responsibility of contracting parties to
properly monitor and take the actions required to meet
their obligations, such as paying claims when due.

6. Processing of personal data

The third-party provider acts as data controller for the
provision of personal data. KBC Bank acts as an
independent data controller when it receives this personal
data from and shares it with the third-party provider.
Contracting parties can find out more about the
processing of personal data by KBC Bank, including the
different purposes for which such data are processed and
the exercising of rights by data subjects, at
www.kbc.be/privacy. As regards the terms and conditions
governing the processing of personal data by the third-
party provider and the way in which data subjects can
exercise their rights, KBC Bank refers to the relevant third-
party terms and conditions.

KBC Touch Regulation AA1353 V9-2023 -/- 25/30

ANNEX 5 – VALUE YOUR PROPERTY Users are free to use another feature in Property Valuation
for adding a property that has been valued to their own
This annex sets out the terms and conditions for using the
real estate overview. Multiple addresses may be added to
‘Value your property’ service in KBC Touch. Users can use
this overview. The details of a property that has already
the service to have the value of their property estimated by
been added can be displayed and modified.
the Bank and to add their property to a personal overview
as described in this annex. This service is hereinafter also To ensure the quality of the estimates, the Bank may
referred to as ‘Property Valuation’. This annex does not unilaterally make periodic recalculations of previous
cover third-party valuations of property that may be estimates.
requested through KBC Touch.
The estimated value of the property only provides an
indication of the market value. It does not constitute an
1. Defined terms official valuation by a registered valuer.

In this annex, the following defined terms are used to

supplement those set down in the regulations. 4. Restrictions on the use of Property Valuation
Open Data: data sets of public authorities that may be Users are only permitted to value properties that they
used freely according to the provisions of the applicable own.

5. Open Data
2. Access to Property Valuation
The Bank uses Open Data to perform the real estate
Property Valuation is a standard feature of KBC Touch. valuations. The sources of this Open Data and the terms
The user can launch Property Valuation in KBC Touch and conditions applying to it can be seen here.
using the appropriate tile. The user’s use of Property
Valuation is subject to the provisions set out in this annex.
6. Liability
The Bank expressly states that it bears no liability for use of
3. Property Valuation contents
Property Valuation. The estimated market values are purely
Property Valuation allows users to value properties in indicative and do not constitute official estimates by an
Flanders, Brussels and Wallonia. This provides an indication accredited valuer. The eventual sale price of a property can
of the property’s current market value. therefore differ from the estimated market value.

The following types of real estate can be valued:

- houses 7. Modifications
- apartments
KBC is entitled to modify the functions of the Property
- building land (Flanders and Brussels only)
Valuation service, as well as the terms and conditions
In order to perform a preliminary valuation of the real applying to it. The Bank will notify the user hereof in
estate, the Bank needs the address of the property in advance via the usual electronic means of communication.
question. Without this address, the Bank cannot perform
an indicative valuation.
8. Cancellation of Property Valuation
Following a preliminary, indicative valuation based on the
It is not possible for the user to cancel the service as such.
address of the property, the user can obtain a more
The user will always retain access to Property Valuation.
accurate estimate by entering additional details and/or
The user is, however, free to delete the properties saved in
correcting the additional details entered by the Bank. This
the real estate overview at any time.
option is not mandatory. It is not possible to perform the
more precise valuation without these additional details.
Property Valuation also allows users to assign their own
value to the property.

KBC Touch Regulation AA1353 V9-2023 -/- 26/30

ANNEX 6 – ADDITIONAL SERVICES instructions in another way, such as by performing a
certain action.
This annex sets down the terms and conditions that apply
when contracting parties use the services offered by third By doing so, contracting parties irrevocably instruct KBC to
parties. This does not include account information services immediately debit the account linked to using the service
and payment initiation services. in question.

KBC Touch also gives contracting parties the choice to use Contracting parties must ensure that the account to be
services offered by third parties. Contracting parties can debited has sufficient funds on it. Other than in the case
make that choice when they first use KBC Touch or at a of attachments, the bank is entitled to debit payable
later time and can always change their choice. amounts automatically from said account even if there are
insufficient funds on it. Resulting debit balances do not,
Contracting parties can obtain an overview of the available
however, confer on contracting parties any vested right to
services offered by third parties from their branch and at
future credit and must be cleared in accordance with
Article I.30 of the General Banking Terms & Conditions.
KBC does not guarantee the suitability of these services for
Following civil attachments, KBC may only debit accounts
specific purposes. Only in the event of intent or gross
with payable amounts provided due heed is taken of (i)
negligence on the part of KBC is KBC liable for claims
the regulations on protected amounts and after
arising from the use of these services. KBC may refuse or
calculation of the amount that actually qualifies for
terminate access to services at any time.
attachment and distribution among the relevant creditors
KBC Touch is only a platform for those third-party services. and (ii) any preference rights that the bank can invoke. In
Contracting parties contract directly with third parties, cases of attachments ordered by a court or prosecutor,
who, as service providers, must comply with all applicable debit charges are subject to the prior authorisation of the
laws and regulations. KBC does not act as an intermediary criminal justice agency laying the attachment.
or agent between contracting parties and third parties.
To provide third-party services through KBC Touch, the
Use of third parties' services is subject to their own
relevant third parties act as data controllers. The
contract terms.
processing is done according to each third party's contract
For a contracting party to use the services offered to terms. Contracting parties should contact those third
companies by third parties, the following criteria must be parties for more information on protection of their
met: personal data and to exercise their privacy rights.

i. A business current account must be linked to the To make KBC Touch easier to use for certain services:
company concerned or the self-employed business
• KBC may give contracting parties the option of
providing certain personal details that can be used for
ii. The contracting party must hold, or have power of the services that some third parties offer through KBC
attorney over, this business current account. Touch.

If one or more of these criteria are not met, the • KBC will, however, fill in the necessary details for
contracting party will be duly informed and access will be certain services based on data it holds.
• This avoids the need for contracting parties to enter
KBC is not responsible for the content of any information their details repeatedly for each individual service. KBC
provided through KBC Touch regarding use of third-party will show contracting parties in the relevant screens
services, nor is it responsible for the content of third-party how their details are used by the third-party services in
websites to which a link may be provided. question.

Contracting parties confirm that they are aware that

(payment) instructions for some of these services are not
always signed for using their means of access and
signature tools. In that case, they will confirm the

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ANNEX 7 – SUBMITTING EXPENSES i. The contracting party must have the necessary
legal authority to act on behalf of the company,
This annex sets out the conditions for use of the
or be the owner of the self-employed business
Submitting Expenses service in KBC Touch.

ii. A Business Account must be linked to the

1. Definitions company concerned or the self-employed
In this annex, the following defined terms are used to business activity
supplement those set down in the regulations. Defined
iii. The contracting party must hold or jointly hold,
terms may be used without distinction in the singular or
or have power of attorney over all Business
plural form and with or without an initial capital letter.
Accounts linked to the company concerned or
Submitting Expenses: a service designed to generate an the self-employed business activity
overview of expenses that have been debited from the
If one or more of these conditions are not present, the
relevant Business Account and to let the contracting party
contracting party will be duly informed when activating
share this overview with selected third parties
the service concerned and access will be denied.
Business Account: a KBC Company Account, KBC As soon as the service has been activated and can be used,
Business Account PRO, KBC Business Compact Account or it may be used by any person (including the contracting
KBC Business Convenience Account party) who has the legal authority to act for all Business
2. Description of the service
Designed for certain categories of self-employed 4. Termination
individuals and SMEs, the Submitting Expenses service is
The contracting party (and any person who may use the
included for holders of a Business Account and made
Submitting Expenses service pursuant to Article 3 of this
available to the contracting party. This support service
annex) may simply terminate the Submitting Expenses
gives the contracting party an overview of anticipated
service by deactivating this service in KBC Touch. However,
expenses which have been debited by means of
it should then be taken into account that no one will be
transactions from the relevant Business Account and for
able to access the overview from that point on and that
which the company has not received an invoice. The
the data in it cannot subsequently be recovered.
contracting party can modify and add to the overview at
any time. The contracting party must always check the The contracting party (and any person who may use the
overview for completeness and accuracy, and is personally Submitting Expenses service pursuant to Article 3 of this
responsible for the final overview. annex) will no longer have access to the overview if the
relevant Business Account is closed or their relationship
The contracting party may choose to share the overview
with the bank is ended completely.
with third parties. This is done by e-mail. The contracting
party is responsible for sharing the contents. The bank The bank may decide at any time to stop offering the
provides no guarantee whatsoever as regards the safety of Submitting Expenses service without having to give any
sharing the contents through e-mail, nor can it be held reason for its decision. The bank will advise the
liable in this regard. contracting party of that situation at least one month in
advance either on paper or via a permanent carrier
accessible to the contracting party. The contracting party
3. Activation has no right of action against the bank if this happens.
The contracting party contracts directly with the bank. Termination of this service will have no impact on
The contracting party will not gain access to this service overviews already sent.
until they have expressly indicated that they intend to
activate the service. The contracting party can do this in
KBC Touch itself, after logging in. The following
conditions must be present:

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5. Liability
The bank gives no guarantee as to the suitability of the
Submitting Expenses service for any purpose whatsoever.
Only in the event of intent or gross negligence on the part
of the bank can the bank be held liable for claims arising
from the use of this service. The bank is not liable for the
completeness of the overview. The final responsibility for
this remains with the contracting party who must always
check the data in the overview for completeness and
accuracy before forwarding it.

The contracting party holds the bank harmless against any

damage, loss, cost, claim or expense arising from the
contracting party’s improper use of this service and/or a
violation of the agreement or other applicable conditions.

6. Changes
The bank may at any time change the features of the
Submitting Expenses service, as well as the conditions
applying to it. The bank will endeavour to provide advance
notice of any such changes. If the contracting party does
not agree to them, they may terminate the service.

7. Processing of personal data

The bank acts as data controller for the Submitting
Expenses service. Activating the Submitting Expenses
service means that KBC will analyse the contracting party's
transaction data to enable it to provide the service. The
contracting party can find out more about the processing
of personal data by KBC, including the different purposes
for which such data are processed and the exercising of
rights by data subjects, at www.kbc.be/privacy.

As regards the conditions governing the processing of

personal data by the third-party receiving the overview
from the contracting party, KBC refers to the relevant
third-party conditions.

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ANNEX 8 – BANK GUARANTEES protection statements of KBC Bank and KBC Insurance,
both of which are available at www.kbc.be/privacy.

This annex sets down the terms and conditions for using
the guarantee module in KBC Touch. 4. Fees and charges

1. Definitions Use of the guarantee module is free of charge. Costs are

attached to issuing a guarantee. In this regard, reference is
In this annex, the following defined terms are used to made to the screens in the guarantee module and to the
supplement and, if necessary, to depart from those set guarantee-related documents (such as the credit
down in the regulations. contract).
Guarantee module: a service that enables requests for
guarantees to be issued by the bank for the benefit of 5. (Partial) discontinuation of functions in KBC
third-party beneficiaries. The bank can add other functions Flexims
to the guarantee module or expand a function. The
guarantee module does not in itself give entitlement to As soon as the contracting party requests a guarantee for
credit. the first time or initiates a request to change or release a
guarantee using the guarantee module, KBC Flexims can
Contracting party: for the purposes of this annex, the
no longer be used for actions (as defined in the KBC
person who uses the guarantee module – either in their
own name and for their own account – for professional Flexims Special Provisions) related to new and existing
purposes (not as a consumer), or in their capacity as a bank guarantees or secondary guarantees. This also
legal representative of a legal entity. applies to existing standby letters of credit that are being
managed at that time in the KBC Flexims bank guarantees
KBC Flexims: a service in the KBC Business Dashboard
and secondary guarantees module. From then on, the KBC
which KBC Flexims customers (importers or exporters) can
Flexims customer can continue to monitor their bank
use, inter alia, to submit requests for certain import- or
guarantee and secondary guarantees portfolio and their
export-related products. Some KBC Flexims customers
have a module for bank guarantees and secondary standby letters of credit by means of their KBC app.
guarantees in KBC Flexims. The bank may make an amended version of the KBC
Flexims Special Provisions available to the Flexims customer
at a later date.
2. Functions in the guarantee module
The main functions that are available and the types of
guarantees that can be requested in the guarantee
module are described at

3. Automated process
The guarantee module is a largely automated process and
may result in decisions being taken without any human
intervention. The contracting party is responsible for the
accuracy and completeness of the data provided. The
contracting party can review the logic behind an
automated decision, read about its consequences and see
who their contact is when an automated decision is taken,
in the ‘Automated decision-making’ annex to the data

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