KBC Touch Regulations
KBC Touch Regulations
KBC Touch Regulations
Version date 12 September 2023
These regulations are available in Dutch, French, German and English. The Dutch version of these regulations was registered.
In the event of a discrepancy between versions or a dispute, the Dutch version is decisive.
These regulations and the annexes hereto set out the terms and conditions applying to KBC Touch, the services offered and
the rights and obligations of the contracting party and KBC Bank NV, with registered office at Havenlaan 2, 1080 Brussels,
Belgium, RLP Brussels, VAT BE 0462.920.226, (‘the 'Bank’) en KBC Insurance NV, insurance company in Belgium, insurance
company in Belgium, with registered office at Prof. Roger Van Overstraetenplein 2, 3000 Leuven, Belgium, RLP Leuven,
VAT BE 0403.552.563, a company licensed by the National Bank of Belgium, de Berlaimontlaan 14, 1000 Brussels, Belgium,
for all classes of insurance under code 0014 (Royal Decree of 4 July 1979, Belgian Official Gazette of 14 July 1979)
(the 'insurer').
These regulations and the annexes hereto, together with the General Banking Terms & Conditions and notices of rates and
charges in accordance with Article I.32 of the General Banking Terms & Conditions, as same may be supplemented by the
Regulations governing Transactions in Financial Instruments, the Best Execution Policy, the KBC Custody Account Regulations,
the KBC Term Investment Regulations and the 'Types of investment strengths and weaknesses' brochure form
‘the Framework Agreement’.
Contracting parties declare that they have read these regulations and the framework agreement, and have explicitly agreed to
be bound by them by signing a KBC Touch agreement. When contracting parties do not hold (all) the accounts that they
manage in KBC Touch, but (also) act as the agent (legal representative or agent holding power of attorney) for the holder,
acceptance (also) takes place in the name and on account of the (legal) person on whose behalf they act. Contracting parties
undertake to inform the principal of the content of all the constituent documents of the Framework Agreement and of all
notices relating to them (such as changes to regulations).
Unless otherwise stated, KBC Insurance is the provider and distributor of the relevant insurance policies.
1. Defined terms and the services regulations, the special terms and conditions for the
execution of payment transactions (requirements of form,
1.1. Defined terms
acceptance method, execution times, rules regarding value
In these regulations and their annexes, the following dating, etc.) are laid down in the General Banking Terms &
definitions are used and applied unless expressly stipulated Conditions and in the special regulations applying to
otherwise in the annexes. The terms hereby may be used specific payment services and payment instruments.
without distinction in the plural or singular.
Card Stop: The service to be called when reporting loss,
Branch: For contracting parties who are holders, and/or theft or any misuse of the card (available on +32 78 170
who manage one or more accounts of another (legal) 170 or on +32 70 344 344).
person at KBC Bank as legal representative or agent
Contracting party: Any natural person (individual)
holding power of attorney, the KBC branch where the
resident in Belgium who signs and uses a KBC Touch
holder's accounts are held.
contract in their own name and on their own account,
Payment transaction: An action initiated by a and/or as an agent (legal representative or agent holding
contracting party making payment or on behalf of a payee power of attorney) for a legal person or another natural
involving the transfer of money, more particularly credit person.
transfers, standing orders, direct debits and card
Service: Any present or future service referred to in Article
payments. Notwithstanding application of these
1.2 of these regulations.
2.3. Order execution declined by the bank Contracting parties first have to ensure sufficient coverage
before issuing payment orders.
The bank reserves the right to decline execution of orders
not covered by sufficient funds. Contracting parties must take all reasonable steps to
safeguard their means of access and signature tools.
The bank informs contracting parties as soon as possible
i. In particular, they may not:
of refusal to execute an order (with reasons where
possible) by letter, e-mail sent to the e-mail address i. divulge the PIN for their debit card or their itsme code
they've provided or other electronic means available and or write it down in a recognisable form on the debit
accessible to them. card itself or on any other document that they carry on
their person;
2.4. Preventing installation of KBC Touch or
blocking KBC Touch ii. divulge their personal pass for accessing the app or
their itsme code or note them down in a recognisable
KBC may prevent installation of the KBC Touch app or
form in a document that they carry on their person;
block access to it for objective, legitimate reasons
pertaining to the security of the app. This happens, for iii. leave their device or means of access and signature
instance, if the device (iPad or other tablet) has been tools unattended (for instance, at their place of work,
jailbroken or rooted. KBC may also block access to in a hotel or vehicle – even if locked – or in any place
KBC Touch when there is suspicion of unauthorised or that the public can in fact access);
fraudulent use of KBC Touch or the means of access and
signature tools. iv. give their means of access and signature tools to
others (such as their spouse/partner or a family
In the case of blocking access, KBC will inform the member or friend) or allow their use by others;
contracting party – if possible – before access is blocked or
immediately after via a permanent carrier (on paper or in
(only for direct payment for goods and services purchased Accounts may only be debited with payable amounts and
on the web from merchants' online stores) advances following civil attachments provided due heed is
taken of (i) the rules on immune assets and after
3.1. Contracting parties wishing to make use of advances calculation of the amount actually eligible for attachment
provided by the bank must meet the following minimum
and distribution among creditors and (ii) any preference
rights that KBC might invoke. In cases of attachments
i. they must be of legal age and have full legal capacity ordered by a court or prosecutor, debit charges are subject
to act; to the prior authorisation of the criminal justice agency
laying the attachment.
ii. they must be the holder or a joint holder of the
account to be debited; Advances are due and payable prior to their scheduled
payment date in the event of:
iii. they must act as a consumer, i.e. not in the course of
their business or occupation. i. the death of the holder of the account to be debited
or of the holder's spouse;
The bank at all times reserves the right to refuse an
advance. Contracting parties who accept advances can no ii. closure of the account to be debited, howsoever
longer withdraw their consent once given. arising;
Contracting parties who are a joint holder of an account iii. a serious deterioration in contracting parties'
to be debited and who wish to pay using the creditworthiness;
KBC Payment Button by means of an advance provided by iv. a petition by the account holder for a collective debt-
KBC undertake (i) to inform the other joint holders of this repayment arrangement;
fact and notify them of their obligation as joint holder to
repay those funds and (ii) always to act with the prior v. laying of an attachment on the account to be debited.
consent of their other joint holders.
3.2. Contracting parties who explicitly opt to pay with 4. The Bancontact mobile payment method
advances themselves stipulate the date they wish to repay
4.1. The Bancontact mobile payment method allows
the bank, which must be within two months of the
contracting parties to make payment for goods and
transaction date. Payment dates are always banking days.
services purchased on the Internet.
Contracting parties cannot revoke or change such
payment dates. No charge or interest is due on advances 4.2. Payments using the Bancontact payment method are
received by contracting parties. Advances entered on card transactions. Notwithstanding the application of
contracting parties' accounts are identified in their account these regulations, the special terms and conditions for the
statement by the reference, 'advance for purchase via execution of payment transactions (requirements of form,
KBC Payment Button'. acceptance method, execution times, rules regarding value
dating, etc.) are laid down in the KBC Debit Card
3.3. Contracting parties authorise the bank to recover all
Regulations and the bank's General Banking Terms &
due and payable amounts and advances by debiting the
account named in Article 2.1 of these special terms and
conditions. Contracting parties have to ensure that they 4.3. Where contracting parties use the KBC Touch app,
have sufficient cover either at the time they initiate the they can confirm payment transactions by activating a
payment order or on the payment date. Other than in the confirmation button. By doing so, payers irrevocably
case of attachments, the bank reserves the right to debit authorise the bank to debit the amounts of payment
payable amounts automatically from said accounts even if
there is insufficient cover on them. Resulting debit
balances do not, however, confer on contracting parties
any vested right to future credit and must be cleared in
7. Mobile authentication
Merchants can opt to request additional authentication for
online card transactions via the issuer of the payment
instrument, namely the bank. Contracting parties can
choose to perform this authentication via KBC Touch by
If Users of Documents with 'to be paid' status pay by some Recipients and Users can deregister via the bank inter alia:
other means (like manual entry in KBC Touch) or via
i. at their branch; or
another channel (such as a paper transfer), the status of
the Documents stays 'to be paid' unless Users change it ii. via a KBC Touch message to their branch.
manually in KBC Touch using the 'Mark as paid' function.
Users acting on behalf of a Recipient expressly confirm
Users are responsible for managing and following up
they hold valid power of attorney from the Recipient to
payments already or to be carried out.
that effect.
Users who still wish to inspect relevant Documents in such v. misrepresentations by Users regarding their right to
cases are themselves responsible for storing/archiving access Documents.
them (for instance, by downloading them). The bank declines liability for indirect or consequential loss
or damage or non-material loss or damage resulting from
or related to the use of Zoomit, including but not limited
8. Obligations of the bank
to loss of time, loss of, or occasioned to, clientele, loss of
8.1. Unless expressly stipulated otherwise, the bank is data, loss of earnings, loss of profit, increases in
only under 'best-efforts' obligations as regards the Zoomit overheads, disruption of business operations, claims by
service. third parties, damage to reputation or non-realisation of
expected savings resulting from or related to the use of
The bank provides the Zoomit service without
Zoomit. The bank's liability as regards the Zoomit
guaranteeing its quality. Nor does the bank provide any
application is limited to 25 000 euros.
guarantee as regards:
11. Charges
Access to and the use of Zoomit is free of charge, without
prejudice to any charges applying to KBC Touch and the
means of access and signature tools, and without
Payment account: An account held in the name of one The account information service is a read-only service and
or more contracting parties and used to make payments, therefore it cannot be used to carry out payment
usually a current account. transactions on the designated accounts.
This service enables contracting parties to obtain account The bank directs contracting parties to where they must
information via the bank on one or more online-accessible then authenticate themselves with the other bank using
payment accounts that they designate. These can be the personal security details given to them by that other
accounts with just their own bank or also with other bank. Contracting parties must also provide the payment
banks. Contracting parties must give their express consent information necessary to enable the bank to initiate the
for this to the bank via KBC Touch or another payment transaction (like the amount and beneficiary
KBC online banking application that facilitate such account number). When a contracting party wishes to pay
consent. This consent does not need to be renewed every using KBC Touch's payment initiation service, the bank will
time the account information service is used and can also identify itself to the other bank involved. The bank will
be withdrawn at any time by removing the account that then initiate the payment transaction based on all the
had been added. When contracting parties withdraw their aforementioned information provided by the contracting
consent, they no longer see designated accounts at other party.
banks in KBC Touch or in any other KBC online-banking The payment order initiated through the bank's payment
application. initiation service is executed by the other bank managing
This service gives contracting parties an online overview of the account. The terms and conditions for carrying out
the balance and transaction history (covering payments these payment transactions (acceptance method,
5. Open Data
2. Access to Property Valuation
The Bank uses Open Data to perform the real estate
Property Valuation is a standard feature of KBC Touch. valuations. The sources of this Open Data and the terms
The user can launch Property Valuation in KBC Touch and conditions applying to it can be seen here.
using the appropriate tile. The user’s use of Property
Valuation is subject to the provisions set out in this annex.
6. Liability
The Bank expressly states that it bears no liability for use of
3. Property Valuation contents
Property Valuation. The estimated market values are purely
Property Valuation allows users to value properties in indicative and do not constitute official estimates by an
Flanders, Brussels and Wallonia. This provides an indication accredited valuer. The eventual sale price of a property can
of the property’s current market value. therefore differ from the estimated market value.
KBC Touch also gives contracting parties the choice to use Contracting parties must ensure that the account to be
services offered by third parties. Contracting parties can debited has sufficient funds on it. Other than in the case
make that choice when they first use KBC Touch or at a of attachments, the bank is entitled to debit payable
later time and can always change their choice. amounts automatically from said account even if there are
insufficient funds on it. Resulting debit balances do not,
Contracting parties can obtain an overview of the available
however, confer on contracting parties any vested right to
services offered by third parties from their branch and at
future credit and must be cleared in accordance with
Article I.30 of the General Banking Terms & Conditions.
KBC does not guarantee the suitability of these services for
Following civil attachments, KBC may only debit accounts
specific purposes. Only in the event of intent or gross
with payable amounts provided due heed is taken of (i)
negligence on the part of KBC is KBC liable for claims
the regulations on protected amounts and after
arising from the use of these services. KBC may refuse or
calculation of the amount that actually qualifies for
terminate access to services at any time.
attachment and distribution among the relevant creditors
KBC Touch is only a platform for those third-party services. and (ii) any preference rights that the bank can invoke. In
Contracting parties contract directly with third parties, cases of attachments ordered by a court or prosecutor,
who, as service providers, must comply with all applicable debit charges are subject to the prior authorisation of the
laws and regulations. KBC does not act as an intermediary criminal justice agency laying the attachment.
or agent between contracting parties and third parties.
To provide third-party services through KBC Touch, the
Use of third parties' services is subject to their own
relevant third parties act as data controllers. The
contract terms.
processing is done according to each third party's contract
For a contracting party to use the services offered to terms. Contracting parties should contact those third
companies by third parties, the following criteria must be parties for more information on protection of their
met: personal data and to exercise their privacy rights.
i. A business current account must be linked to the To make KBC Touch easier to use for certain services:
company concerned or the self-employed business
• KBC may give contracting parties the option of
providing certain personal details that can be used for
ii. The contracting party must hold, or have power of the services that some third parties offer through KBC
attorney over, this business current account. Touch.
If one or more of these criteria are not met, the • KBC will, however, fill in the necessary details for
contracting party will be duly informed and access will be certain services based on data it holds.
• This avoids the need for contracting parties to enter
KBC is not responsible for the content of any information their details repeatedly for each individual service. KBC
provided through KBC Touch regarding use of third-party will show contracting parties in the relevant screens
services, nor is it responsible for the content of third-party how their details are used by the third-party services in
websites to which a link may be provided. question.
6. Changes
The bank may at any time change the features of the
Submitting Expenses service, as well as the conditions
applying to it. The bank will endeavour to provide advance
notice of any such changes. If the contracting party does
not agree to them, they may terminate the service.
This annex sets down the terms and conditions for using
the guarantee module in KBC Touch. 4. Fees and charges
3. Automated process
The guarantee module is a largely automated process and
may result in decisions being taken without any human
intervention. The contracting party is responsible for the
accuracy and completeness of the data provided. The
contracting party can review the logic behind an
automated decision, read about its consequences and see
who their contact is when an automated decision is taken,
in the ‘Automated decision-making’ annex to the data