Mathematics of in V 004275 MBP
Mathematics of in V 004275 MBP
Mathematics of in V 004275 MBP
Definition of
Ordinary and exact interest 3
4. Algebr8ic problems in simple interest 5
5. Simple discount6
6. Banking use of Aimple discount 9
7. Discounting notes10
* Supplementary
8. Definition of
compound interest 14
9. Compound
interest formula15
10. Nominal and effective rates18 Il.
Interest for parts of a period20 12.
Graphical comparison of. simple and compound
interest .
13, Values of
* Supplementary
19. Definitions 39
20. Special cases 41
22.45 inthe
23.49 paid
24.50 genera formula
Summaryl of annuity
25. Annuities due . 56
26. Deferred annuities 59
29. Outline of problems 67
Continuous annuities 62
28. * Computations
of high accuracy 63
Miscellaneous problems 64
Ivfrcellaneous problems76
* Supplementary
47.* Diffcult cases under
perpetuities 108
48. * Constant percentage
method of depreciation
Miscellaneous problems111
49. Terminology113
50. Meaning of the investment rate113
51. Purchase price of bond at. 8 given yield114
52. Changes ih book value117
53. Priöé at a given yield between interest
54. Professional practices in bond
55. Approximate bond yields126
66. Yield on a dividend date by interpolation128
57. Special types of bonds130
58.* Yield of a bond bought between interest dates .131
Miscellaneous problems133 Review problems on Part I135
expectation 152
63. Present value of pure endowment 153
64. Whole life annuity 155
65. Commutation symbols 157
66. Temporary and deferred life annuities
68. Terminology 165
67. Annuities due . 162
Miscellaneous problems
of expectations
74.* Policies of irregular type . 176
•75. Policy reserves
76. Computation of the reserve 180
* Supplementary
79. Common logarithms 190
* Supplementary
83. T6 find the number when the logarithm iB
84. Computation of products and of quotients197
85. Computation of powers and of roots 198
86. Problems in computation
87. Exponential equations
88.* Logarithms to bases different from 10
89. Arithmetical progresaions
90. Geometrical progressions
91. Infinite geometrical progressions
* Supplementary
* Supplementary
1. Definition of interest. — Interest is the income received from
invested capital. The invested capital is called the principal ; at any
time bfter the investment of the principal, the sum of the principal
plus the interest due is called the amount. The interest charge is
usually stated as a rate per cent of the principal per year. . If $P iB
the principal, r the rate expressed as a decimal, and i the interest for
I year, then by definition i = Pr, or
Thus, if $1000 earns $36.60 interest in one year, r — = .0366, or
the 1000 rate ig 3.66%. Also, if P = $1 in equation 1, then r i, or the rate r
equals the interest on $1 for 1 year.
Thug, if the exact interest I. $40.41, we obtain from equation 7,
10 40.41 + — $40.97.
In the first five problems find the interest by use of equation 3.
1. $ 5,570. 75
2. 8,000. days
3 115,380. 3.5% 93 exact
. 4,838.70 .045 days ordinary
4 2,500. .0625 80 exact
. 7.5% days ordinary
5. .055 35 dsys exact
6. The exact interest on a certain principal for a certa,in number
of dayg is $50.45. Find the ordinary interest for the same period of time.
7. The ordinary interest on a certain principal for certain number
of days is $35.67. Find the exact interest for the same period.
8. In problem 1 find the ordinary interest by use of the result of problem 1.
When the rate is 6%, the ordinary interest for 60 days is (.01)P, which iB
obtained by moving the decimal point in P two places to the left, while the
interest for 6 days is (.001)P. These facts are the basis of the 6% method
for computing ordinary interest at or at rates conveniently related to 6%.
EcampZi 2. — By the 6% method find the ordinary interest on $1389.20
for 88 days at 6%, and at 4.5%.
SoZulion. — $13.892 ig at 6% for 60 days
4.168 is interest at 6% for 18 days (3 times 6 days)
1.158 is interegt bt 6% for 5 days (+1 of 60 days)
$19.218 iB interegt at 6% for 83 days
4.805 is interest for 83 days at 1.5% (i of 6%)
$14.413 iB interest for 83 days at 4.5%
The extensive interest •tables used in banks make it unnecessary to perform
Find the ordinary in the first five problems by use of the 6% method.
$3957.50, t —— 170 days, r .06.
$3957.50, t = 170 days, r = .07 "893.75, t —
53 days, r
4. P $13,468.60, t = 41 days, r = .03.
$9836.80, t = 134 days, r = .05
6. Find the exact interest in problem 4 by use of Table IV.
7. Find the ordinary interest on $8500 at 6% from August 11,
1921, to March 13, 1922. Use the approximate number of days, aa in
expression 9 above.
8. Find the ordinary interest in problem 7, but uge the exact num.
ber of days.
9. Find the ordinary and exact interest on $1750 at 5% from
April 3, 1921, to October 13, 1921, using the exact number of days.
10. (c) Find the ordinary and exact interest in problem 9, using the
approximate number of days. (b) Which of the four methoda of problems 9
and 10 is the most favprable to a creditor?
4. Algebraic problems.—lf a suffcient number of the quantities
(A, P, I, r, t) are given, the others can be determined by equations
2, 3, and 4. When the rate r, or the time t, is unknown, equation 3
should be used. When the present value P is unknown, equation 4 is
most useful.
Ecample 1. —If a $1000 principal increases to $1250- when
invested at simple interest for 3 years, what iB the interest rate?
Solution. —P = $1000, A - $1250, t = 3. The interest 1 -$260. From r = Prt,
250 - 3000 r, or r = .0833.
Example 2. — What principal invested at 5.5% simple interest will
amount to $1150 after 2 years, 6 months?
Find the present value of $1150, due at the end of 2 years, 6 months, if money
is worth 6.6% simple interest."
11. Find the present value of $6000, due •after 8 months, if money is worth 9%.
12. W borrowed $360 from B and agreed to repay it at the end of
8 months, with simple interest at the rate 5.25%. What did W pay
at the end of 8 months?
13. Find the present worth of $1350, due Bt the end of 2
months, i! money is worth 5% simple interest.
1. Find the discount rate if the discount on $1500, due after one year,
2. Find the discount rate if the present value of $1250, due after
Find the missing quantities in the table by use of equations 11 and 12.
A 1B Dun
11. 6 mo.
18. Write in words problems equivalent to problems 3, 4, 10, and 12 above.
14. (a) What simple interest rate would be equivalent to the charge made
in problem 3 ; (b) in problem 7?
16. If d = .045, (a) what is the equivalent interest rate for I-year
transaction; (b) for one whose term is 4 months ?
7/16. What discount rate would be equivalent to the use of a 6%
interest rate in a I-year transaction? HINT.—Let P = $100; find A and
I, and use I = Adt.
17. discount rate would be equivalent to the use of a 6% interest rate in a 6-
month transaction ?
SUPPLEMENTARY Non. — Formula.8 can be obtained relating the discount
rate d and the equivalent interest rate r on I-year transactions. Suppose that $1 iB
due at the end of 1 year. Then, in equations 11 and 12, A — $1, I — d, and P = 1
— d. From I = Prt with' = I, d = (1 — d)r, or
From equation 13, r — rd d, orr = d(l + r), so that
It must be remembered that equations 13 and 14 connect the discount and the interest
rates only in the case of I-year transactions.
1. By use of equations 13 and 14, solve problems 14, 15; 16, and 17 of Exercise
Determine how much X receives from the bank B. In the first
tb.ree problems, also determine the interæt rate which X is paying.
notes :
NOTE (a)
NOTE (b)
discounted previously, py some other bgnk. This previous discounting hag no effect BO far the computation of the
preaent value by the Federal B4n.k is oonoemed.
The note is due on 7/31/ 20, the læt day of the third month from April. mnd the exact number
Of dayg between 6/1/20 and 7/31/20.
Find the exact number of dayg between 12/16/19 and 2/14/20.
P, ob (16)
Example 2. — Find the present value of $5000,
due at the end of 4 years a,nd 6 months, if money
earns 4%, converted semi-annually.
Solution. —Rateperperiodisr = .02; number of
periods is k = 2(4.5) = 9. P 5000(1.02)-•
5000(.83676527) $4183.78. Table VI) The discount
on ig "000 — $418.78 $816.22.
N0E. —Recognize that Example 2 involvea the
formation of a product when solved by Table VI. A
problem iB solved incorrectly if available tablea
are not used to aimplify the work. Since products
are to compute than quotients, the following
solution of Example 2 should be considered
mcorrect, although mathematically flawless,
because 8 quotient is computed.
- 84183.78. (UAingTab1e V)
(1.02)9 1.19509257
called the rate. The fér cen-t• quoted in -toting a type Of compound
interest is called the nominal rate ; it is the rate per 'f' year it which
money earns interest during a conversion period. F In the illustrative
Example 1 of Section 8 it was seen that, when !ate.. was 8%,
converted quarterly, the effective rate
To prove this, consider investing P = $1 for 1 year at the rate
(j, m). The rate per period is and the number of periods in
1 year is m. The amount A after 1 year and the interest I
earned in that time are
The rate of increase of principal per year iB i = = r, because
P = $1. Hence
— 1. (18)
Transpose the 1 in equation 18 and equation 17 iB obtained.
Example 1. — What ig the affecffve rate corresponding to the rate (.05, m =
4) ? i/
Example 3. What nominal rate, converted quarterly, will give the same
yield as (.05, m = 2) ?
5Zution. — Let j be the unknown nominal rate. The effective rate i cor-
ræponding to (.05, m = 2) must equal the effective rote corræponding to the nominal rate
j, compounded quarterly. From equation 17,
. (1.025)' = (1 + 204
1 + ä (1.025)} - 1.01242284. j = 4(.01242284) = .04969136.
l. (a) In Table X verify the entry for (1.05)} by use of Table 11.
(b) In Table Xlverifytheentryforp = 4 andi = .05, by using Table X.
2. Find the effective rates corresponding to the rates (.06, m = 2) and
(.06, m = 4).
3. Find the nominal rate which, if converted semi-annually, yields the effective
rate .05. (a) Solve by Table X. (b) Read the result out of Table Xl.
Solve the problems in the table orally by the aid of Tables V and XI. State equiva,lent
problems in words.
5. .04
6. .0275
7. .025
8. .06
continuously, iB theoretically the most ideal. The effective rate does not
increase enormously as we increase the frequency of compounding.
When j = .06, in the extreme case of continuous conversion (see Section
18, below), i = .06184, only slightly in excess of .06183, which ig
the•effective rate when m = 365.
11. hterest for fractional parts of a period. —In deriving equation 15
we assumed to be an integer. Let us agree ag a new
1. (a) Draw graphs on the same coördinate system, of the amount at simple
interest, rate 5%, and of the amount at (.05, m = 1), for a principal of $1, from t
= O-to t = 10 years. (b) Draw a second graph of that part of the curves for
which t = 0 to t — 1 with your original scales magnified 10 times.
N0TE. — In all succeeding problems in compound intereat, reckon elapsed time between
dates apßroximmtely, in expression 9 of Chapter I. If it is stated that a -sum
( 25 )
tDithout interest. If B sum is with accumulated interest, this fact will be mentioned explicitly.
1. If money iB worth (.07, m — 2) to W, what would he
pay to Y for note (a), above, 3 months after date of the note?
2. If money is worth (.06, m = 2) to W, what should he pay
to Y for note (b), above, 3 months after date of the note?
3. X borrows $1500 from Y and gives him the following note :
BOSTON, July 15, 1922.
Three years and 6 months after date, I promise to pay to Y or order at the
Firgt Nationål Bank, $1500 together with accumulated interest at the rate
(.07, m = 2)
Value received. Signed X.
On January 15, 1923, what does Y receive on selling this note to bank which
uses the rate (.06, m = 2) in discounting?
4. What would Y receive for the note in problem 3 if he
discounted it on July 15, 1922, at a bank using the rate (.055, m =
2) ?
6. X owes $300, due with accumulated interest at therate (.04, m = 4) at
the end of 5 years-and 3 months. What iB the value of this obligation two
yean before it iB due to a man to whom money iB worth (.06, m = I) ?
6. At the end of 4} years, 87000 is due, together with accumulated
interest at. the rate (.045, m = 2). (a) Find the value of this obligation
2} years before it ig due if money is worth (.05, m = 2). (b) What iB
its value then under the rate (.045, m = 2) ?
7. On May 15, 1918, $10,000 was borrowed. It wag to be repaid on August 15,
1921, with accumulated interest at the rate (.08, m = 4). No payment wag made
until August 15, 1923. What was due then if money was considered worth (.07, m =
2) after August 15, 1921 ?S/4
8: On May 15, 1922, what was the volueof the obligation of problem 7 if
money was worth (.07, m = 4) after August 15, 1921 ?
9. Find the value of the obligation of problem 7 on November 15, 1923, if money
is worth (.05, m = 4), commencing on August 15, 1921.
10. X Y (a) $2000, due in 2 years, and (b) $1000, due in 3} years with
accumulated interest at the rate (.05, m = 2). At the end of one year what should
X pay to cancel the obligations if money is worth (.04, m 2) to Y?
I-IINT. —X should pay the.sum of the values of big obligbtions.
In the following equation of value the left member iB the sum of the values of
the old obligations on the comparison d%te. This sum must equal the sum of the
values of the new obligations given in the right member.
+ z. (20)
If 5 years from the præent were used aa the comparison dote, the equation
would be
from which, of course, the same value of c is obtained because equation 21
could be obtained by multiplying both Bides of equation 20 by (1.03) 2. All
obligations were accumulated for one more year in writing. equation 21 as
compared with equation 20.
Solve each problem by writing an equation of value. List the
obligations being compared.
1. W owes Y $1000 due after 4 years and $2000 due after 3 yeare and 3 months.
What sum paid now will discharge these debts if money is worth (.08, m = 4) to Y?
2. W desires to discharge his obligations in problem 1 by
two equal made at the ends of 1 year and of 1 year and 6
months, respectivelj. Find the payments if money ig worth (.06, m =
4) to Y.
3. W desires to pay hig obligatio»s in problem 1 by three
equal paymentg made after 1, 2, and 3 years. Find the payments if
money ig worth (.06, m 4) Y.
4. What payment made at the end of 2 years will discharge
the following obligations if money is worth (.05, m = 2) : (a)
$10,000 due after 4 years, and (b) $2000 due after 3* years with
accumulated interest it (.07, m = 2)?
6. If money is worth (.06, m = 2), determine the size of the equal pay-
menu which, if made at the ends of the 1st and 2d years, will
discharge the obligations of problem 4.
e. What sum, paid at the end of 2 years, will complete payment of the obligations of problem
4 if twice that sum was previously paid at the end pf the first year? Money is worth (.08, m = 2).
Solutioh. — Let r be the unknown rate per period. The nominal rate wül be 4
r. From equation 15,
3500 - 2350(1 + ,— = 1.4894.
The first and third entries in, the table are from the row
in Table V for n = 19. In finding r by interpolation we
assume that is the same proportion of the way from .02
.02 1.4568 to .0225 1.4894 is of the way from 1.4568 to
1.4894 1.5262. Since 1.5262 — 1.4568 = .0694, and 1.4894 —
.022 1.5262 1.4568 = .0326, then 1.4894 is of the way from
The author gives no theoretical justificatiön for this statement. He verified its truth for. numerous
( (g) N 24 156
Dcample 2. —How long will it take $050 to accumulate to
$7375 if invested at (.06, m = 4) ?
Solution. — Let k be the necessary number of interest periods.
7875 (1.015) - — - 1.4048.
The and third entries in the table are from Table V.
Since 1.4084 - 1.3876 - .0208, and 1.4048 — 1.3876
= .0172,. then k ig of the way from 22 to 23, or
1.3876 = 22 + = 22.83 periods of 3 months. The timo
23 1.4084
2.83 obtained as above
is = 5.71 years. A value of 4 ig in error by not more than df the interest rate 1 per
period. The error in Example 2 is much less, because an exact solution of the problom
gives = 22.831.
Example 3. — X owes Y $1000 due after 1 year, and $2000 due after 3
years with accumulated interest at (.05, m = 2). When would the payment
of $4000 balance Ys account if money iB worth (.06, m 4) to Y?
Solution. be the number of convergion periods of Q,he rate (.06, m = 4) between
the present and the date when $4000 should be paid. With the present as comparison
date, the equation of value for the obligations iB 4000(1.015)?
— 2882.09.
From interpolation in Table VI, k — 22 + = 22.02. X should pay $4000
after = 5.50 years.
EcampZe 4. — How long will it take for money to double itself if left
to accumulate at (.06, m = 2) ?
Solution. —Let P — $1 and A = $2. If k represents the neceBEary number of conversion periods, a solution by interpolation
gives 23.44; the time iB 11.72 years. Another approximate method iB furnished by the following rule.
Rule 1.2 — To determine the time necessary for money to double itself at compound interest : (a)
Divide .693 by the rate per period. (b) Add .35 to this result. The sum is the time in conversion periods.
The error of this approximate result generally ig less than few hundredths of i period.
On solving Example 4 by this rule, —.693 + .36 = 23.45. .03
For justification of thi8 staterqent see A.ppendix, Nota 5. A knowledge of the calculue is neoeeery in this note.
* For proof of this rule see Appendix, Note 1.
1. $2735 $1500 1
2. 2500 2000 .05 2
3. 2 1 .06
4. 1000 750
5. 5010 4
4270 .07 2
6. 6575 15 years
7. 3000 1000 3 years, 9 mo. .05 2
7 years, 6 mo. 2
0 8. Find the nominal rate under which 53500 •ig
the present value of $5000, due •at the end of
years. Interest is compounded semiually.
9. How lon•g will it take for money to quadruple
itself if invested at (.06, m = 2)? 2 3.
10. (a) At what nominal rate compounded annually
will money double in 14 years? (b) Solve by use of
Rule 1.
Il. If money is worth (.07, m = 1), when will the
payment of $4000 cancel the obligations (a) $2000
due after 3 years, bnd (b) $2000 due after 7 years?
12. If money is worth (.05, m = 2), when will the
payment of $3000 cancel the obligations (a) $1500
+ 1000(1.02)' — $3082.48. Let the equated time be conversion periods of
tberate (.05, m 2). The value of the obligation $3082.43, due after h periods (on
the equated date), must be equal to the sum of the values of the given obligations.
With the present the comparison date, the corresponding equation of value is
= 2705.2.
3082 4
(1.025)E = — 1.1394.
By the method Of Section 16, k = 5.286 six-month periodB or, the equated time is
2.643 years. By the interpolation method, — 5.28. The present wag used as the
comparison date above to avoid having k appear on both Bides of the equation.
EnRClSE xvm
1. If money iB worth (.05, m — 1), find the equated time for the payment of @
$1000 due after 3 years, and (b) $2000 due after 4 years. Solve by Rule 1.
For derivation of the rule see Appendix. 2.
9. (I) If money is worth (.07, m = 2), find the equated time
for the payment of (a) $1000 due after 3 years and (b) $2000
due after 4 years with accumulated interest at (.05, m = 2).
Solve by the exact method. (Il) Solve by Rule 1.
It is known that
= e. Therefore,
1 + i — 1.0513; i.0513.
The force of interest, corresponding to a given effective rate
i, is the nominal rate which, if converted continuously, will
yield the effective rote i. Hence, represents the force of
interest, the value j = must satisfy equation 23, or
4) EcampZe 2. — Find the force of interest
if the effective rate is .06.
Solution. — 1.06 = eb. . blog g = log 1.06.
1.06 .0253059 - .058269.
log e .43429
Under the effective rate i, the compound
amount of principal P at the end of n is =
PCI + i)n. If the nominal rate is j, converted
continuously, (1 + i) = e i ; hence A = or A =
To Compute A we use logarithms; log A = log P + nj log e.
1. A man, in buying a house, is offered the option of paying $1000 cash and
$1000 annually for the next 4 years, or $650 cash and $1100 annually for the next 4 years. If
money iB worth (.06, m = 1), which method is the better from the purchaser's standpoint?
provide thé
payments of the annuity.
20. The examples below illustrate
methods used later to obtbin fundamental
annuity formulas.
Doamp7,e 1. — If money iB worth (.06, m = 4),
find the present value A and the amount S of an
annuity whose annual rent is $200, payable
semiannually for 15 years.
Sozution. — Each payment is $100. The entries in the
2d and 4th columns below are verified by the principles
of compound interest.
6 months 14 yr., 6 100(1.015)
I mo. 58
14 years
year etc.
etc. 6 months
14 yr., 6 O months
15 years
Sum = A Sum = S
Hence, S 10011 + (1.015)! -F. • • etc. • + (1.015)" + (1.015) ].
I year (n — 1)
2 years yr. (n
— 2)
(n — I) yr. etc.
yr. n etc.
years 1 year
O years 1
Sum = (50t Sum (5 at i)
(5 at i) = 1 + (1 + i) + etc. ... + (1
+ + (1 +
This is B geometrical progression where the
ratio w = (1 -+ i), the first term a 1, and
the last term L = (1 4- . Since
— (1 + — 1, and (w — 1) = i, the formulaQDL — a (QDL
— a) _ gives
(SilatO = (27)
On adding the 2d column of the
table we
obtain (cm at = i)
which is a
geometrical progreesion with the ratio w =
(1.02) — 1
I. (a) In Table VII verify the entry for (sa-n at .02) — .02
by use of Table V. (b) Verify the entry for (%-m at .04) in
Table VIII by use of Table VI.
$ 50 4
8 mo.
4. mo. 14 yr.,
5. 6 9 mo.
6. mo. 18 yr.
7. I 19 yr., 6 mo.
8. yr.
15 yr.
25 yr.
9, 6 23 yr. 2
10. mo. 7 yr. 2
mo. $1000
2000 .06, m -
2400 12
P $1
etc. $1
1 P
n years $1 P
P O years
The denominator of the last fraction is the
expression we have previously called 1 (j, at
i). On multiplying numerator and inator
of the last fraction by i, we obtain
(SR at i) = 3 j
Since, by formula 27, the last fraction
is (Sil at i),
(sf at i) = at O. (30)
See Exercise X, Problem 16. Also see heading of Table XI. The fB0t that (j,
is the nominal rate which, if converted p times per yebr, yieldB the effective
rate iB of importance in applications of equation 29. We use merely a convenient
abbreviation for complicated algebraic expression.
(0%) at i) = $1 + + (1 +
+ ... etc. ... + (1 + i) p].
The ratio of the geometrical progression in the bracket is
w = (1 + i)i, the
first term a = (I + i)
-n, and L = (1 + i)-j.
Since WL — a = 1
— (1 +
at i) = (31)
S = R(sØ) at i) = RkSi1 at O.
1. Verify the entry in Table XII for • —- .06 and p = 2.
.06 .06
HINT. — — — from Table XI. Complete the
division. ja '.05912603'
Compute the present values and the amounts of the annuities below.
8. $1000 16 yr.
5000 6 mo. 12 yr.
5. 1 mo.
6. 9 yr., 6 mo.
6 mo. 19 yr. .06,
8. 3 mo. 8 yr., 6 mo. .07,
2000 $500
9. 3 mo. .05, m 1
500 225 10 yr., 6
3 mo. .08,
10. 200 mo. 6
I mo. .055, m 2
3 mo. yr., 3 .06,
750 mo. 8 yr. .04,
11. In beying a farm it has been agreed to pay $100
at the end of each month for the next 25 years. • If money iB
worth the effective rate 7%, what would be an equivalent
cash valuation for the farm 7, C
12. If $50 iB deposited in a bank at the end of every month
for the next 15 years and is. left to accumulate, what will be on hand at
thg end of 15 years if the bank pays 6%, compounded annually on
13. A sinking fund is being accumulated by
payments of $1000, made at the end of each 3 months. Just
after the 48th payment to the fund has been made, how much
is in the fund if it accumulates at (.045, m = 1) ?
14. An investment yields $50 at the end of each 3 months,
and payment.s will continue for 25* years. What is a fair valuation for
the project if money is worth (.05, m = 2) ?
15. How much could a railroad company afford to pay to
eliminate dangerous crossing requiring the attention of two watchmen,
each receiving $75 Ver month, if money ig worth (.04, m = 1)? Asume
that the crossing will be used for 50 years.
16. Prove from formula 29, that (811 at i) — -r. Thus iB the
1 which, if. paid at the end of 1 yea,r, is equivalent to p
payments of — P made at equal intervals during the year.
23. The most general annuity formulas. —Consider the
annuity whose annual rent is $1, payable p times per year for
n years. To find the present value and the amount of this
annuity when money is worth the nominal rate j, compounded
m times per yeBr, we might first compute the corresponding
effective rate i and then use formtdaa 29 and 31. It iB better to
use equation 17 to obtain
On substituting these expressions in formulas 29 and 31 we obtain
(SR at j, m) =
(afi) atj, m) =
Case 2. — The annuity iB not payable an integral number of times per interest period. The
general formulas 34 must be used, and if
n = the term in years, p = the number of payments per year,
$R = the annual rent, j = the nominal rate,
and m = the number of conversion
periods per year, then
A = R(aßl) at j, m) = R
S = R(sß) at j, m) =
SüPPLEMENTARY Nom. — From formulas Il and Ill it can be proved that (ah) atj, m) =
These formulas can be used to simplify the computation of the præent
values and the of many annuities coming under Case 2. Other simplifying
formulas could be derived but they would not be of suffcieutly general
application to justify their consideiotion.
Bcample 1. — An annuity will pay $500 semi-annually for 8 years. Find the present value A
if money is worth (.06, m = 4). Solution. — The annuity
comes under Case 2.
Oaae 2 n = 8 —
years, p = 2, j - .06, m — 4,
R 31000.
A — 1000
which is the same as obtained above. The only difference in method is that, under Cage
2, the fundamental time unit is the year, yhereas under Caze 1 it iB the interest period.
The classification of annuity computations under two casa would not be advisable if we
were always to compute A and S by the explicit formulas, aa is necessary in Example 3.
But, if we used the general formulas of Case 2, with the year as a time unit, in problems
under Case I to which Tables VII, VIII, and XII apply, unnecessary coyaputationol
confusion would result and other inconvenient auÄLiary formulas would have to be
derived. Hence, use the method of Cage 1 whenever possible.
Compute A and S for each annuity in the table. Use Table Il when it iB
an aid to accuracy.
1. $10,000 .05,
2. .06,
3. .05,
4. 500
5. 240
6. 100 .09,
15 years .05,
8. 5,000 I month
12 years .07,
9. I month
2,000 6 months 19 yr., 6 mo.
10. 7 yr., 6 mo.
6 months
11. Il yr., 6 mo.
3 months
12. 18 years
1 year 28 years
13. 6 months
6 yr., 9 mo.
$ 400 3 months
14. 6 months I 10 years
3,000 2500
15. year 15 years
3 months
16. 6 months
9 yr., 3 mo.
17. 1,200 20 years
150 3 months
18. 30 years
4 months 9 years
19. 125 3 months 12 years .0625,
20. 1 year 35 years .05,
21. 6 months 12 years .08,
22. 700 6 months 15 yr., 6 mo. .005,
50 3 months 6 yr., 3 mo. .048,
100 4 months 9 years .04,
6 months 10years .04,
I month .07,
200 17 years
150 .03,
250 .06,
25 .06,
23. To provide for the retirement of a bond issue at the end of 20
years, a city will place $100,000 in a sinking fund at the end of each 6
months, (a) If the fund accumulates at the rate (.05, m = 2), what sum
will be available at the end of 20 years? (b) What sum is in the fund at
the beginning of the 12th year?
24. An investment will yield $50 at the end of each
month for the next 15 yea18. If money is worth (.05,
m = 4), what would be a fair present valuation for the
project ?
26. A depreciation fund is being accumulated by
semi-annual deposits of $250 in a bank which pays
5%, compounded quarterly. How much will be in the
fund just after the 30th deposit ?
26. A will decrees that X shall receive $1000 ot
the beginning of each 6 months until 10 payments have been
made. If money is worth (.06, m = 2), on what sum should
Ys inheritance tax be computed, assuming that the payments
will certainly be made ?
27. A certain bond has attached
coupons for $5 each, payable at the end of
each year for the next 25 years. If money
is worth 5% effective, find the present
value of the coupons.
28. The bond of problem 27 will be redeemed
for $100 by the issuing corporation at the end of
25 years. What should an investor pay for the
bond if he deües 5% effective on his investment?
HINT. —He should pay the present value of the coupons
plus the present value of the redemption price.
29, A farm is to be paid for by 10 successive annual
installments of $5000 in addition to a cash payment of
$15,000. What iB an equivalent ca,sh price for the farm if
money iB worth (.05, m = 2) ?
80. (a) At the end of the 5th year in
problem 29, after the payment due has been
made, the debtor wishes to make an
additional payment immediately which will
cancel his remaining liability. The
creditor is willing to accept payment if
money is considered worth 4% effective.
What does the debtor pay? (b) Why should
the creditor specify the rate 4% effective
instead of a higher rate, (.05, m = 1) for
instance? HINT. — Find the present value
of the remaining payments.
31. A man has been placing
$100 in a bank at the end of
each month for the last 12 years. What is
to his credit if his savings have been
accumulating at the rate 6%, compounded
semi-annually from their dates of deposit
82. A man wishes to donate immediately to a
university Buffcient money to provide for the
erection and the maintenance, for the next 50
years, of a budding which will cost $500,000 to
erect and will require $1000 at the end.of each
month to maintain. How much should he donate if
the university is able to invest its funds at 5%,
converted .semi-annually ?
S = 8'(1.025)} = 506% at
Hence, = 25 + .025).
To find S, first consider a new annuity consisting of
all payments of the annuity due, with an additional
$25 due at time T. Since T is the last payment date
of the new sequence of payments, the Bum of their
values 8t time T iB the amount S' Of an ordinary
annuity, or
S' = at .025).
Cage I ne value of the additional $25 payment at time
n = 12.5 int. periods, p - T ig included in S', or S' = S + 25. S = at .025) —
2, i - .025, R = $50. 25. To find the numerical valuæ of A and S , a and
must be computed from formulas 29 and 31.
Hence, the first solution was leas complicated numerically. In some problems,
however, the second sokltion would bc the least complicated.
In each problem draw figure similar to Figure 3. Find and S for
each annuity due in the table, by use of the specified rule.
1. 3 mo. 2
10 yr. 2
2. 6 mo. $ 300 2
7 yr., d mo. .06, m I
3. 6 mo. 2
12 yr., 6 mo. 3600 .03, m 4
12 yr. 3 mo. 1000 .06, tn 1
6. Corry through the solution of problem 2 by Rule 1 far
enough to be able to state why it is inconvenient.
e. A man deposited $100 in a bank at the beginning of each 3
months for 10 years. (a) What sum is to his credit at the end of 10
years if the bank credits 6% interest quarterly from the date of
deposit? (b) What sum is to his credit at the end of 9 years and
9 months, after the deposit hag been made at that time?
•J 7. In purchasingohouse, amanhas agreed topay$100 at the
beginning of each month for the next 5 years. (a) If money is
worth 6% effective, find the present value of the payments. (b)
If mone is worth (.06, m = 12), find their present value.
FIG. 4
In each problem draw a figure similar to Figure 4. Find
the present value of each deferred annuity in the table,
by use of the specified rule.
10 yr., 6 3 .05, m 4 2
1. 6 yr. mo. mo. $1000 1
2. 7 yr. 8 yr., 6 1 .07, m 1
mo. 300 .05, m 2
3. 9 yr. mo. 12 1
4. 13 yr. yr. 1 yr. 1200 1
10 yr., 6 mo. 1 mo.
5. Carry through the solution of problem 4 by
Rule 2 until you are able to state why it is
6. Solve problem 3 if money iB worth (.07, m = 2).
7. A man will receive 8 pension of $50 at the end of each
month for'920.4'
(4 at i) = (aäl at i).
We may consider an unuity payable weekly, p = 52, or daily, p =
365, and we may a,sk what value does (OKI at i) approach as p
becomes large without bound ? We obtain
lim at i) = i(aäl at i) lim
(jp at i)
lim at i) —
As p o, the annuity approaches the ideal cage of an annuity whose annual rent is payable
continuously. If we let at i) represent the present value and (ki at d) the amount of a continuous
annuity, the results above show that
1 1 1 1
— i, or (39)
(SFI at i) (ail at i) (Sil at i) (am at
From formulas 27 and 28 we obtain
and hence relation 39 ig true.
Example 1. — Find the value of (81 at .05) •
SoZution.—From Table IX, — .09634229. Therefore, from
(an at .05)
relation 39, .09634229 — .05 .04634229. Ondoingthissub(8m
at .05)
traction mentally, we are able to read the result 04634229 directly from Table
N0TE. —From Example 1 we gee that, because of relation 39, Table IX
1 1
gives the values of as well aa those of • It would be equally
(871 at i (aäl at i
convenient to have a table of the values of from which we could
(5 at i)
obtain those of by adding the interest rate i.
(ail at i)
Example 2. — What annuity, payable quarterly for 20 years and 6
months, could be purchased for $5000, if money is worth (.05, m =
4) ?
Solution. — present value of the annuity ig $5000. Let $$ be the quarterly
Case I n 23
int. periods, P = 2, i 10000 = iil .03) - C .03 at .03),
= .03, IOOOOØ* at .03) _
S = $10,000, R = sc.
.08(8nat .03) .03 (5 at .03)•
_ 10000(.02977831)
(.03081390) - $905.86.
Tablo and XI were used. gnnunl rent is 2 c — $611.72.
= $536.84.
1 1
1. Compute (arg = 16.379658to verify the entry in Table IX. at .05)
Find the annual rents of the annuities below.
1 TERM Va.Lua
Case 1 n
int. 7500 = at .016),
periods, p
1, i .015, (hi at .015)175 = 42.857.
R $175, S -
n (am
From the column in Table VII for i = .015, we obtain
at .015) the first and third entries Lt the left..
33 42.299 By interpolation,
k 42.857 558 k 33 + — = 33.341
int. periodB.
34 43.933
Case 1 n int.
8500 - 10000%) at .03) 1000
periods, .03),
(am at .03) _ - 8500(j2
R - $1000, 30at .03)
8500(.02977831) = 8.437.
(am at .03) The first and third entries at the left Ll•e from the column
93 in Table
9 7.786 Vlllfori .03. 10 — — = 9.88 interest 744
8.437 periods. The term iB — = 4.94 years. Hence, for an
10 annuity whose term is 4.75 years, the present value is less
than $8500, while the present value would be greater than
$8500 if the term were 5 years.
Nom. Values of k found by interpolation in Tables VIl and VIll are in error
by less than half of the interest rate per period* In interpolating, use three
decimal places of the table entries and oompute the value of k to three decimal
Case I n = 50
int„ periods, 7150 220(a-n ai r),
R — $220, A $7150. 220 = 32.500.
at i)
The first and third entries at the left were obtained from the row in Table VIll
for n 50. Since .0200 — .0175 = .0025,
.0176 33.141
r =.0175 In'7(.0025) - — .0175 + .00093 = .01843.
.0200 31.424 The nominal rate is j = 4 r = 4(.01843) — .07372, converted
NON. — A value of T obtained as above usually is in error by not more than 1
of the difference of the table rates used in the interpolation. Hence, r
50 log 1.0184 =
50(.0079184) .0184, .39592.
1 +ä = (1.0184) 2 = 1.03714.
In the first ten problems find the nominal rates a.s closely a as is
possible by interpolation in the tables.
For aimilur problem see Section 10, illustrative Example 3.
The Miscellaneous Problems at the end of the chapter may be taken up
immediately after the completion of Exercise XXXI.
If the instructor desiree, tho students may be requested to accuracy to hundredths of 1%, as in Example 2 above.
1. $1000 12 yr.
I year I year $15,700 25 yr.
2. 100 I year I year $ 1,785
8. 500 1 year 1 year 15 yr.
100 6 mo. 6 mo.
17 yr., 6 mo.
5. 3 mo. 3 mo. 2,500
6. 400 5 yr., 8 mo.
I year 1 year 53,000
7. 1000 3 mo.
26 yr.
1 year 2,750
1 200 3 mo. 9 yr.
6 mo. 2,750
8.1 200 I mo. 14,500 9 yr.
I year
9. 2400 17,500
6 mo. 3 mo. 8 yr.
10. 500
24 yr., 6 mo.
11. A man has paid $100 to a building and loan association
at the end of each 3 months for the last 10 years. If he now has $5500
to his credit, at what nominal rate; converted quarterly, does the
association compute interest ?
12. By use of the result of problem Il, find the effective rate of interest paid by the
association of problem 11.
18. It hag been agreed to pay $1100 at the end of each 6 months
for 8 years. Under what nominal rate; compounded semi-annually,
would this agreement be equivalent to a cagh payment of $14,000?
14. A fund of $12,000 has been deposited with a trust company in
order to provide an income of $400 at the end of each 3 months, for
10 years, at which time the fund will be exhausted. Atwhat effective
rote does the trust company credit interest on the fund ?
HINT. — First find the equivalent nominal rate, payable quarterly.
33. Dificult cases and .euct methods in finding the term.
— When the formulas of Case 2 apply to an annuity, it iB
necessary to use the explicit formulas Ill in finding the term
if it is unknown.
Br,ample 1. — The amount of an annuity iB $8375, and the
annual rent iB $1700, payable semi-annually. What is the term if
money is worth (.06, 4)?
See illustrative Example 3. The same preliminary work should be used for both of problems 7
and 8. First determine the nominul rote. converted quarterly, under whidh 32750 is the
Cage 2
n = lc yr., p = 2, j 8375 = 1700k at .06, m = 4).
= .06, m = 4, 8375 = 1700 (1.015)" _ 1
R = $1700, A — $8375. — If
7 1.29781
1.30734 1932
(b) To obtain the exact value of lc from equatiori 40, take the logarithm of
both Bides of the equation, using Table Il for log 1.015.
4k log 1.015 = log 1.29781; 4k(.0064660) = .11321.
11321 11.321 log 11321 = 4.05389
Case I n — 8500 =
k int. periods, 10000%) at
P — 2 t 03 .03) - 1000 (Table
R $1000, A - $8500.
I — (1.03)-k
8500 =
i. If money is worth 5%, effective, what equal payments should be made at the end of
each year for 10 yéars in purchaaing a house whose equivalent cash price is $5000?
2. If man saves $200 at the end of each month, when will he be
able to buy an automobile, worth $3000, if his• deposits
accumulate at the rate 5 compounded semi-annually?
8. A depreciation fund is being accumulated by equal deposits
at the end of each month in a bank which credits 6 % interæt
monthly on deposits from date of deposit. What is the monthly
deposit if the fund contains $7000 at the end of 5 years?
4. In purchaaing a, house, worth $20,000 cash, a man has agreed to pay $5000 cash and $1000
semi-annually for 9 yeare. What interest rate, compounded eemi-pn*iually, is being used in the
6. An insurance policy, on maturing, gives the policy holder the
option of an immediate endowment of $15,000 or an annuity,
payable quarterly for 10 years. Under the rate 3.5%, effective, what
will be the quarterly payment of the annuity?
6. A fund of $50,000 has been deposited with a trust company
which credits interest quarterly on all funds at the rate 5 For how
long will thig fund furnish man payments of $1000 at the end of
each 3 months?
J 7. On the death of her husband, a widow deposited her inherited
estate of $25,000 with a trust company. If interest is credited semi-
annually on the fund at the nominal rate 4 for how long will the
widow be able to withdraw $800 at the end of each 6 months?
8. A certain loan bureau lends money to heads of families
on the following plan : In return for a $100 loan, $9 must be paid at
the end of each month for 1 year. What effective rate of interest is
being charged? HINT. — First find the nominal rate, compounded
9. A certain homestead is worth $5000 cash. The
government sold this to an ex-soldier under the agreement that he
should pay $1000 at the end of each 6 months until the liability is
discharged. If interest is at the rate (.04, m = 2), for how long must
the payrnentB continue?
10. The annual rent of an annuity is $50, payable annually.
The present value of the onnuity is $400 and the amount is $600.
Find the effective rate of interest by use of the relation 39 of Section
Il. A certLin farm has a cash value of $20,000. If money is worth (.05, m =
2), what equal payments, made at the beginning of each 6 months for 6 years,
would complete the purchase of the farm ?
12. A man borrowed $2000 under the agreement that interest
should be at the rate (.06, m = 2) during the life of the transaction.
He made no payments of either interest or principal for 4 years. At
that time, he agreed to discharge all liability in connection with the
debt by making equal payments at the end of each 3 months for 3
years. Find the quarterly payment.
34. Amoråzation of a debt. — A debt, whose present value is A, is
said to be amordzed under a given rate of interest, if all liabiliåes as to
principal and interest are discharged by a sequence of periodic
payments. When the payments are equal, as is usually the case, they
form an annuity whose present value must equal A, the original
liability. Hence, most problems in the amortization of debts involve the
present value formulas for annuities. Many amortization problems have
been solved in previous chapters.
Ecanpte I. — A man borrows $15,000, with interest payable
annually at the rate 5%. The debt is to be paid, interest as due and
original principal included, by equal installments at the end of each
year for 5 years. (a) Find the annual payment. (b) Form a schedule
Bhowing the progress of repayment (or amortization) of the principal.
Solution. — Let $$ be the payment. The present value of the
Cage 1 n = payment annuity, Lt the. rate (.05, m = I), must equal $16,000. 15000
5 int. periods, p — .05).
— 1, i — .05,
R - E, A $15,000.
= 15000 — $3464.622.
(arl at .05)
R = 2 m, A $30,000.
Case I
n = 10 int. periods, i
= .0225, p 2, R = $1868.81.
L = 1868.810% at .0225).
R = $c, A = $10,000.
Bozqdion. — IÆt $$ be the annual payment, which would be made if the
payments were to be equal.
10000 .04).
= 10000
= $1232.91.
The annual payments should be as close as possible to $1232.91. Thus, at the end
of the 1st year, the interest due iB $400, leaving 1232.91 400.00 = $832.91
available for repayment of principal. Hence, retire 8 bonds, or $800 of the principal
on this date, making B total payment of $1200. At the end of the next year 1232.91
— 368.00 = $864.91 is available for r.etiring bonds. Therefore, pay 9 bonds or
$900 of the principal.
1. A $1,000,000 debt is outstanding in the form of $1000
bonds which pay 6% interest annually. Construct a schedule for the
retirement of the debt, principal and interest included, by five annual
paymentg QB nearly equal aa possible, the first payment due at the end
of 1 year.
2. A $1,000,000 issue of bonds, paying 5% interest annually, consiBts of 500 bonds
of $100, 200 bonds of $500, 200 of $1000, ond 130 of $5000
denomination. Construct a schedule for the amortization of the debt by
10 annual payments nearly equal as possible.
HINT. —In the a separate column for each clagg of bonds.
36. Problems in which åe periodic payment is known. — If the
present liability of a debt, the interest rate, and the size and frequency
of the amortization payments are known, the term of the payment
annuity can be found as in Section 31.
BcampZe I. —A house is valued at $10,000 cash. It is agreed to pay $1200 cash
and $1200 at the end of each 6 months 0B long as necessary to amortize the given
cash value with interest at 5%, payable semi-annuclly. (a) For how long must the
payments continue? (b) Construct an amortization schedule.
n = k int. periods, p
— .025,
R - $1200, A - *8800.
Solution. — (a) After the cash payment of $1200, $8800 remains due. IRt k be
the time in interest periods necessary to amortize it
With interest at the rate (.05,
1. (a) How long will it take to amortize a debt whose present value iB $10,000 if
payments of $2000 are made at the end of each year and if these payments include interest Bt
the rate 5%, payable annually. (b) Form an amortization schedule for this debt.
retired by the sinking fund method. Under this method, the expense
of the debt to the debtor is the sum of @) and (b) below :
(a) Interest on $A, paid peHodicaLIy to the creditor when due.
(b) Periodic deposits, to create a sinking fund of $A, to
pay die pri.ncipal when due.
NOTE 1. — Recognize that the sinking fund is a private affair of the debtor.
The rate of interest paid by the debtor on $A bears no relation to the rate of
interest at which the debtor is able to invest hig sinking fund. Usually, the
desire for absolute safety for the fund would compel the debtor to invest it at a
lower rate than he himself pays on his debt.
Ecample 1. —A debt of $10,000 is contracted under the
agreement that interest shall be paid semi-annually at the rate 6%,
and that the principal shall be paid in one installment at the end of
2} years. (a) Under the sinking fund method, what is the semi-
annual expense of the debt if the debtor invests his fund at (.04, m =
2)? (b) Form a table showing the accumulation of the fund.
Sohdion. — @ Let $$ be the semi-annual deposit to the Sinking fund, whose amount at the
end of 2å years is $10,000.
10000 = at .02) ;
Case 1 n =
5 int. periods, - 10000 at .02) — $1921.584.
NOTE 2. — The book value of the debtor's indebtedness, or his net
indebtedn— at any time may be defined the difference between what he owes
and what he has in his sinking fund. Thus, at the end of 2 years, the book value
of the debt is 10000 — 7920.016 — $2079.984.
Nom 3. — 'nie amount in the sinking fund at any time is the amount of the
payment annuity up to that date and can be found without forming the table (b).
Thug, the amount in the fund at the end of 2 years is at .02) - $7920.02.
(am at i)
1 1
(sm at i)
If the sinking fund method is used to retire this debt, the amount in
the fund at the end of n years is $1. If payments of $W are made
to the fund at the end of each year and
accumulate at the effective rate r, then A = W(Yl at r) or
(SKI at r)
The annual interest on $A at the rate i is Al, BO that the total
annual expense E under the sinking fund plan is
(sm at r)
When r — i in equation 45, E equals R, as given in equation 43.
Thus, the amoråzation payment $R is sumcient to pay interest on
$A at rate i, and to create a sinking fund which amounts to $A at
the end of n years, if the fund also eams interest at the rate i.
Hence, the amortization method may be considered as a special
case of the sinking fund method, where the creditor is custodian of
the sinking fund and invests it at the rate i.
When r is less than i, (Sil at r) is less than (Sil at i), so that
1 1 at r) is greater than A (sm at i)
and E is greater than R. (5
Sim.narly, when r is greater than i, the sinking fund expense is less
In eolving the more diffcult problems of the set below, the student should
recall that the writing of an equation of value, for a conveniently selected
comparison date, furnishes a systematic method of solution, aa in illustrative
Example 2 of Section 36.
I. At the end of 5 years, man will pay $15,000 cash for a house. (a) What
equal a,mounts should he save at the end of each year to accumulate the money
if his savings earn 6%, effective? (b) What should he save at the beginning of
each year in order to accumulate the money if the savings earn 6%, effective?
2. A loan of $5000 is made, with interest at 6%, payable Hemi-
annually. Is it better to amortize the debt in 6 years by equal semi-
annual inBtallments, or to pay interest when due and to retire the
principal in one installment at the end of 6 years by the accumulation
of a sinking fund by semi-annual payments, invested at (.04, m = 2) ?
8. A man, purchasing a farm worth $20,000 cash, agrees to pay
$5000 cash and $1500 at the end of each 6 months. (a) If the
pdyments include annual interest at the rate 5%, effective, how
ma,ny full payments of $1500 will be necessary? (b) What is the
purchaser's equity in the house at the beginning of the 3d year?
4. A county has an assessed valuation of $50,000,000. The
county borrows $500,000 at 5%, payable annually, and ig to retire the
principal at the end of 20 years through the accumulation of a sinking
fund by annual payments invested at 4%, effective. By how much, per
dollar of assessed valuation, will the annual taxæ of the county be
raised on account of the expense of the debt?
5. A debt of $25,000, with interest payable semi-annually at
the rote
6%, is to be amortized by equal payments, at the beginning of each 6
months for 12 years. (a) Determine the payment. (b) At the beginning
of the 4th year, after the payment due has been made, what principal
remains outstanding ?
6. A debt of $12,000, with interest at 5%, compounded
quarterly, is to be amortized by equal payments at the end of each 3
months for 8 years.
• At the end of 4 years, what payment, in addition to the one due,
would cancel the remaining liability if the creditor should permit
the future payments to be discounted, under the rate (.04, m =
4) ?
7. A debt of $100,000, with interest at 5% payable annually,
will be retired at the end of 10 years by the accumulation of o
sinking fund by annual payments invested at 4%, effective.
Considering the total annual expense of the debtor as an annuity,
under what rate of interest is the present value of this annuity equal
to $100,000? The answer obtained is the rate at which the debtor
could afford to amortize his debt, instead of using the sinking fund
method described in the problem.
8. In order to accumulate a fund of $155,000, o corporation
invests $20,000 at the end of each 3 months at the rate (.08, m = 4).
(a) How many full payments of $20,000 must be made? (b) Three
months after the last full payment of $20,000 iB made, what partial
payment will complete the fund ?
9. The original liability of a debt was $30,000, and interest
iB at the rate 5%, effective. Payments of $2000 were made Lt the
end of each year for 7 years. At the end of that time it was decided to
amortize the remaining indebtedness by equal payments at the end of
each year for 8 years. Find the annual payment.
HINT. —Equations of value furnieh a systematic method for solving
problams of this type. Let $$ be the annual payment. Then, the voluo of the
"Old Obligation " below must equal the sum of the values of the 'C New
Obligations " on whatever comparison date is selected.
$30,000 due at the (a) $2000 due at the end of each year for 7
beginning of the years.
transaction. (b) Eight annual payments of $z, the first
due at the end of 8 years.
The end of 7 years is the most convenient comparison date.
10. At the end of 5 years, $10,000 must be paid. (a) What
equal amounts should thd debtor deposit in a savings bank at the end
of each 6 months in order to provide for the payment, if his savings
accumulate at the rate (.04, m = 2)? (b) How much must he deposit
semi-annually if his first deposit occurs immediately and the last at
the end of 5 years?
11. A debtor borrows $20,000, which is to be repaid, together
with all accumulated interest at the rate (.05, m = 4), at the end of 6
years. (a) In order to pay the debt when due, what equal deposits
must be made in a sinking fund at the end of each 6 months if the
fund accumulates at the rate (.05, m = 2)? (b) At what rate,
compounded semiannually, could the debtor just as well have
borrowed the $20,000, under the agreement that it be amortized in 6
years by equal payments at the end of each 6 months ?
12. A certain state provided for the sale of farms to war
veterans under the agreement that (a) interest should be computed at
the rate (.04, m = 2), and (b) the total liability should be discharged
by 10 equal semiannual installments, the first due at the end of 3å
years. Find the necessa,ry installment if the farm is worth $6000
13. Under what rate of interest will 25 semi-annual payments
of $500, the first due immediately, amortize a debt of $9700?
Deter±e both the nominal rate, compounded semi-annually, and the
14. A sinking fund is being accumulated by payments of
$1000 at the end of each year. For the first 10 years the fund earns
6%, effective, and, for the next 6 years, 4%, effective. What is the
size of the fund at the end of 16 years? It is advisable, first, to find
the amount at the end of: 16 years due to the payments during the
first 10 years.
15. In order to create a fund of $50,000 by the end of 20
years, what equal payments should be made at the end of each 6
months if the fund accumulates at the rate (.04, m = 2) for the first 10
years and at 6%, effective, for the last 10 years?
16. A fund of $250,000 is given to a university. The principal
and interest of this fund are to provide payments of $2000 at the
beginning of each month until the fund is exhausted. If the university
succeeds in investing the fund at 5%, compounded semi-annually,
how many full payments of $2000 will be made?
17. Under what nominal rate, compounded semi-annually, would it be
just as economical to amortize a debt in 10 years by equal payments at the end
of each 6 months, as to pay interest semi-annually at the rate
• 92
6%, on the principal, and to repay the principal at the end of 10
years by the accurnulation of a sinking fund by equal payments at
the end of each 6 months, invested at the rate (.04, m = 2).
18. A factory is worth $100,000 cash. At the time of purchase
$25,000 was paid. Payments of $8000, including interest, were
made at the end of each year for 6 years. The liability was
completely discharged by six more annual payments of $9000,
including interest, the first occurring at the end of the 7th year.
What effective rate of interest did the debtor pay?
HINT. —Write an equation of value at the end of 6 years. Transpose all
quantities in the equation to one side and solve by interpolation. Sec Appendix,
Note 3, Example 2.
39. Funds invested building and loan —A building
and loan is a coöperative enterprise whose main purpose is to provide
funds from which loans may be made to members of the association
desiring to build homes. Some members ore investors only, and do
not borrow from the association. Others are simultaneously
borrowers and investors. Shares of stock are sold to membe18
generally in units of $100. Each share is paid for by equal periodic
installments called dues, payable at the beginning of each month.
Profits of the association arise from investing the money received as
dues. Members share in the profits in proportion to the amount they
have paid on their shares of stock, and their profits are credited as
payments on their stock. When the periodic payments on a $100
share, plus the credited earnings, have reached $100, the share is said
to mature. The owner may thep withdraw its value or may allow it to
remain invested with the association.
Over moderbte periods of time, the interest rate received by an
association on its invested funds is approximately constant. The
amount to the credit of a member, who hag been making periodic
payments on 8 share, iB the amount of the annuity formed by his
payments, •with interest at the rate being earned by the association.
Example 1. — A member pays $2 at the beginning of each month on a share
in an association whose funds earn 6%, compounded monthly. What is to the
credit of the member just after the. 20th payment ?
Solution. — The payments form an ordinary annuity of 20
pay-ment intavals, if the term is considered to begin 1
month before the first payment is made. The amount on the
20th payment date is the amount of this ordinary annuity,
or 2(8äöl at .005) = $41.96.
EzampZe 2. — A member pays $1 at the beginning of each month on
$100 share. If the association is earning at the rate (.06, m = 12),
when will the share mature ?
Solution. — Let k be the number of installments necessary to bring the amount to
the member's credit up to $100.
Case 1 n 100 at .005).
By interpolation in Table VII, lc —
int. periods, 81.8. Just after the 81st payment, at the
.00 beginning of the 81st month, the member iB
5, credited with (8äi1 at .005) = $99.558. By
R = $1, S = the beginning of the 82d month, this book
$100 value has earned (.005) (99.558) = $.498,
and the new book value ig 99.558 + .498 = $100.056.
Hence, no payment is neceasary at the beginning of the
82d month. Properly speaking, the share matured to the
value $100 at a time during the 81st month, but the
member ordinarily would be informed Of the maturity at
the beginning of the 82d month.
Example 8. — A $100 share mature just after the
83d monthly payment of $1. (a) What rate,
compounded monthly, is the association earning on
its funds? (b) What is the effective rate?
Solution. — (a) lat r be the rate per period of 1 month.
The amount of the payment annuity ig
Case 1 n $100,
83 int. periods, 100 Gil at r).
B — $1, S =
$100. By interpolation in Table VII, r =
= .441%. The nominal rate is
12(.00441) = .0529, compounded monthly. (b) The
effective rate i ig obtained from
1 + i — (1.00441) * 1.05422. (By Tab1e 11)
Hence i = .0542, approximately.
EnRCISE xxxvrr
1. A member pays $1 at the beginning of
each month on B share in on asociation which
earns 5%, compounded monthly. What is to the
member's credit just after the 50th payment?
2. When will the share of stock in problem
1 mature to the value $100, and what payment, if
any, will be necesaary on the maturity date?
8. If an association earns 6%, compounded monthly, when will $100
share mature if the dueg are $2 per month per share?
4. The monthly due on B $100 share is $.50, and the share
will mature, approximately, just after the 131st monthly payment. (a)
What rate, compounded monthly, does the earn on its funds? (b)
What is the effective rate?
5. An association earns approximately 6%, compounded
quarterly, on its funds. (a) Find the date, to the nearest month, on
which a $100 share will mature if the monthly due is $1, making your
computation under the assumption that $3 is paid at the beginning of
eaph 3 months. (b) Without any computation, tell why your result, as
computed in (a), is smaller (or larger) than the actual result.
6. The monthly due on each $100 share is $1, in an
association where the shores mature just after the 80th payment.
What is the effective rate eamed on the shares ?
7. A man paid $30 per month for 80 months as dues on
thirty $100 shares in am association, and, to mature his stock at the
beginning bf the 81st month, a partial payment of $6 was necessary.
At what rate, compounded monthly, did his money increase during
the 80 months?
HINT. —If he should pay $30 at the beginning of the 81st month, the book value of his sharæ
would be $3024.
40. Reårement of loans made by building and loan associations. —
If a man borrows $A from a building and loan association, he is
usually caused, at that, to become a member of the association
by subscribing for $Å worth of stock. He must pay monthly interest
(usually in advance) on the principal of his loan and dues on his
stock. When his stock matures, with the value $A, the association
appropriates it as repayment of the principal of the loan. Thus, if a
man borrows $2000 from an association which charges borrowers 7%
Case 1 n =
10 int. periods, p =
l, i = .05,
R $4 S = $950.
950 = at .05),
C 950 - 375.529.
(8m at .05)
END or Ynu
OF or
O $1000.oo
1 $0 $0 75.529 924.47
2 3.777 75.529
154.835 845.16
3 7.742 75.529
238.106 761.89
4 11.905 75.529
325.540 674.46
16.277 75.529
5 417.346 682.65
20.867 75.529
6 513.742 486.26
25.687 75.529
7 614.958 386.04
30.748 75.529
721.235 278.76
8 36.062 75.529
832.826 167.17
9 41.641 75.529
949.996 50.00
In Figure 5 the growth Of the fund in an enterprise should be kept intact.
and the in the book value are Thus, at the end of 2 years in Example
represented graphically. I, the $154.84 in the fund should be
Non 2. — A good considered AB capital, originally in
depreciation plan iB in harmony vested in the machine, which has been
with the fundamental principle of returned through the revenues of the
economics that capital invested businesa. The book value of the
machine, 1000' — 154.84 — $845.16,
iB the amount of capital still
invested in the mach.ine.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10
FIG. 5
1. In illustrative Example 1 above, find
the amount in the depreciaåon fund at the end
of 4 years, without using the depreciation
2. A machine costs $3100 when new, it wears out in 12
years, and its final scrap value is $100. Under the sinking fund
plan, determine the depreciation charge which should be made at
the end of each 6 months if the fund accumulates at (.05, m = 2).
8. (a) In problem 2, without forming a
depreciation table, find the amount in the
depreciation fund, and the book value of the
asset, at the eud of 5} years. (b) What ig the
condition per cent at this time?
4. A building costs $100,000 and it will last
20 years, at the end of which time its salvage
value iB $5000. Under the sinking fund plan,
when the fund earns 5%, effective, determine
the size of the depreciation fund at the end
of 6 years, if deposits in the fund are made
at the end of each year.
6. A motor truck has an original value of
$2500, a probable life of 6 years, and a final
salvage value of $200. Its depreciation is to
be covered by deposits in a fund at the end of
each 8 months. Find the quarterly deposit if
the fund earns (,055, m — 2).
6. A manufacturing plant is composed of port (a) whose
cost is $90,000, life is 15 years, and salvage value is $6000,
and part (b) whose cost is $50,000, life is 20 years, and salvage
value is $5000. If depreciation charges are made at the end of
each year and accumulate at effective, what is the total
annual charge for the plant?
42. Staight line meü10d. — Consider am asset whose
life is n years and whose replacement cost (wearing
value) is $S. Suppose that annual depreciation charges
are placed in a fund which does not earn interest.
Then, in order to have $S at the end of n years, the
annual charge must be —. The fund increases each
cosT 99)
EniCISE m,
1. A building costs $50,000 and hag a 88,1vage
value of $5000 when worn out at the end of 15 years.
(a) Under the straight line method, form a table
showing the amount in the depreciation fund and the
book value at the end of each year. (b) Draw separate
graphs of the book value and of the amount in the fund,
using the years as abscissas.
2. In problem I, find the annual depreciation
charge under the Binking fund method, where the fund
earns 4%, effective, and compare with the charge in
problem 1.
43. Composite life. — If the plant of an
enterprise consists of several parts whose
lives are of different lengths, it is useful to
have 8 definition for the average or composite
life of the plant as a whole. Let $S be the sum
of the wearing values (replacement costs) and
$D the sum of the annual depreciation charges
for all parts. Under the sinking fund method
let i be the effective rate earned on the
depreciation fund. Then, the composite life is
defined as the term of years, necessary for an
annuity of $D,
paid annually, to have the amount $S. If lc is the composite life in
years, then
S = D(sn at 'i), (46) which can be solved for
Ic by interpolation.
Under the straight line method of depreciation, lc is the number
of times $D must be paid into a fund in order that the fund, without
earning interest, should equal $S. Hence
Non. —In equation 46 place i = 0%. Then (8 at O) k and equation 46
becomes S — kD, found above. This is an obvious consequence of the fact that
the straight line method is the sinking fund method with i = 0%.
Ezample I. — A plant consists of paa't A, with life 20 years,
original cost $55,000, and scrap value $5000; part B with life 15
years, original cost $23,000, and scrap value $3000; part C, with
life 10 years, original cost $16,000 and scrap value $1000.
Determine the composite life, (a) under the sinking fund method,
with interest at 4%, effective, and (b) under the straight line
Solution. — (a) The total wearing value is 50,000 + 20,000 + 15,000
= $85,000. Under the sinking fund method, the annual charge for part A is
= $1679.09. Similarly, the charges for B and C are $998.82
(8m at .04) and $1249.36, respectively. The total annual charge iB $3927.27.
Int k be the compoaite life. %en, the annuity of $3927.27, paid annually for
yeaÆ, should have the amount $85,000, or
(b) Under the straight I.ine method, theannual depreciation chargu for the
parts A, B, and C are, respectively, $2500, $1333.33, and $1500. The total
annual charge ig $6333.33. The composite life is
15.938 years.
Non. — Compare the results above. Whan the rate on the sinking fund is 0%
(the straight method), the composite life differs from the life when i 4%, by
•only (15.94 — 15.90) = .04 year. Thug, under the sinking fund method,
regardless of the rate earned on the fund, the composite life may be obtained
approximately by finding the life under straight line depreciation.
COST 401
1. Find the composite life for the plant with parts A, B, and C
below, under the sinking fund method (a) at 3%, effective, and DPL
at 6%, effective, and under (c) the straight line method.
10 $20,500 $ 500
20 35,750 750
16 19,000 1000
44. Valuation of a mine. — A mine, or any Bimilar property, is
depreciable asset which becomes valueless when all of the ore is
removed. Part of the net revenue of the mine should be used to
accumulate a depreciation, or redemption fund, which will return
the original invested capital when the mine iB exhausted. The
revenue remaining, after the depreciation charge, is the owner's net
return on his investment.
Nom. — We shall assume, in this book, that the annual revenue, or royalty,
from a mine, or similar enterprise, iB payable in one installment at the end of
the year.
Example 1. —A mine, whose life is 20 years, costß $200,000
cash. What should be the net annual revenue in order to pay 6%
interest, annually, on the invested capital, and to provide an annual
deposit for a redemption fund which accumulates at 4%, effective ?
Solution. — lat $$ be the annuol deposit in the sin-king fund to provide
$200,000 at the end of 20
Cage I n — 20 int. years.
200,000 = .04); $6,716.35.
Annual interest at 6% on $200,000 is $12,000.
R — sc, S = $200,000. Annual revenue required is 12,000 + 6,716.35 -
Mining engineers furnish accurate estimates, for any given mine,
of the life, lc years, and of the annual revenue, $R. Suppose that a
purchaser pays $P for 8 mine. If the annual revenue payments of $R
are exactly suffcient to amortize the original invested principal P at
the effective rate i, then P is the present value of the annuity formed
by the revenue installments, or
P= at i). (48)
Consider a perpetuity of $1 paid at the end of each lc years, and
let (a*. k at i) be its present value when money iB worth the
effective rate i. In order to find a formula for E, first let us
determine the installment $$ which, if paid into a fund at the end
of each year for years, will accumulate to $1 at the end of years.
Then, $1 is the amount of the annuity of $$ per annum and
1 = c(SE1 at i) ; c = • Therefore, a perpetuity of $$ per
at i) annum will create a fund from which
$1 can be paid at the end of each k yea,rs, forever. Hence, the
present value of the perpetuity of $1 at the end of each years is
equal to the present value of the perpetuity of $c, per annum.
Therefore, from formula 52 with
(sn at i)'
(G.E ati) =•
(sn at i)
The present value $A of a perpetuity of $R paid at the end of
each lc years is
A= (53)
NOTE 2. — Thug, if money is worth (.05, m = 1), the present value of a
perpetuity Of $90,000 paid at the end of each 20 years iB
90000 1
= (.03024269) = $54,436.5. (Table IX)
.06 .05
If i is not a table rate, formula 53 must be computed by inserting the explicit
formula for (8El at i).
Nom 3. — Recognize that formula 52, or formula 53, applies to B perpetuity whose first
payment comes Lt the cnd of the first payment intarval. The præent value of a perpetuity due,
or of u deferred perpetuüv, can be obtained by the methods used for the corresponding type of
1. (a) Find the present value of a perpetuity which pays $100 at the end of each 3 months,
if money is worth (.08, m = 4). What is the present value if the payments occur Dt the
beginning of each 3 months ? u. An enterprise will yield $5000 net profit at the end of each
year. At 4%, find the capitalized value of the enterprise, where the capitalized value at is the
present value of all future earning.
S. A bridge must be repainted each 5 years at a cost of $8000. If money is
worth 5%, find the present value of all future repainting.
4. A certain depreciable aeset must be replaced at the end of each
25 years at a cost of $50,000. At 6%, find the present value of all future
5. Find the present value of an annuity of $1000 paid ot
the end of each year for 75 years, if money is worth (.04, m = 1).
Compare the result with the present value of perpetuity of $1000,
paid annually.
6. To repair a certain road, $1000 will be needed at the
beginning of the 4th year and annually thereafter. Find the present
va.lue of all future repairs if money is worth 5%, effective.
46. Capitalized cost. — The capitalized cost of an asset is
defined as the first cost plus the present value of an future
replacements, which it is assumed will continue forever. Let $C be
the first cost and $R the replacement cost of a,n asset which must
be renewed at the end of each Jc years. Then, the capitalized cost
$K equals $C plus the present value of a perpetuity of $R paid at
the end of each 76 years. When money is worth the effective rate i,
we obtain, on using formula 53, i (sn at if (54)
If the replacement
cost equals the first
cost, R = C. Then, on
(55) i (am at i)
Ecample 1. — A machine costs $3000 new and must be renewed at the end
of each 15 years. (a) Find the capitalized cost when money is worth (.05, m =
I), if the final scrap value of the machine iB $500; (b) if the scrap value iB
1 (56)
TIIOHQ future deproeiution charges form a perpetuity
Of 3D, paid annually, whoso prcscnt vuluo iB or
thefirBtcogt depreciatio
valuoof al futur
plusthopresent charges.
NON 2.— Informula 54,multiplybothsidesn i Then "
1 56)
Ri - Ci+R = Ci + D. (See equation
1 107.
1. Find the capitalized cost of a plant whose original cost is
$200,000 and whose life is 25 years, if its final salvage value is $15,000.
Money is worth 4%.
2. A section of pavement coating $50,000 has a life of 25 years.
Find its capitalized cost if the renewal cost iB $50,000, and if money is worth
3. If it costs $2000 at the end of each year to maintain section of
railroad, how much would it pay to spend, immediately, to improve the section
80 that the annual maintenance would be reduced to $500? Money is worth
4. A bridge must be rebuilt every 50 years at a cost of $45,000.
Find the capitalized cost if the first cost is $75,000, and if money is worth 3%.
5. One machine costs $15,000, lasts 25 years, and has a final
salvage value of $1000. Another machine for the same purpose cost $18,000,
lasts 28 years, and has salvage value of $2000. If money is worth 5%, which
machine should be used ?
6. Would it be better to use tile costing $18 per thousand
and lasting
15 years, or to use other material costing $22 per thousand and
lasting 20 years, if money is worth 5% and if neither material has a
scrap value ?
7. A corporation is considering the use of motor trucks
worth $5000 each, whose life is 4 years and salvage value is zero.
How much would it pay to spend, per truck, to obtain other trucks
whose life would be 6 years, and final salvage value zero? Money
is worth 5%.
47. Diffcult cases under perpetuities. — Perpetuities are met to
which formulas 52 and 53 do not apply. A systematic means for
finding the present values of an perpetuities is furnished by infinite
geometrical progressions.
Example 1. — If money is worth (.05, m — 2), find the present
value of a perpetuity of $6 paid at the end of each 3 months.
Solution. — The praent value $A of the perpetuity is the sum of the present valua of all of the
payments as listed below :
Payment of $6
due at end of 6 mo. 9 mo. etc. to infi.nity.
Present value of to infinitely
payment etc. many terms.
etc. • . • to infinitely many terms].
Use geometrical progressions unless otherwise directed.
1. The annual rent of perpetuity is $1000, payable in semi-
annual installments. Find the present value when money is worth
(.06, m = 1).
2. Find the present value of the perpetuity in problem I if
money is worth (.06, m = 4).
6. At 6%, effective, find the capitalized value of an enterprise which yields a net
revenue of $500 at the end of each month.
7. Let (apat i) represent the present value, when money iB
worth i, effective, of a perpetuity whose annual rent is $1, paid in p
instal.lments 1
per year. Prove that (apat i) = -r = at i).
8. If money is worth (.06, m = 4), find
thepresentvalueofaperpetuity of $1000, paid Semi-annually, by use of
formula 53.
9. If money is worth (.05, m = 2), find the present value of a perpetuity of $100
paid monthly, by use of the result of problem 7.
10. An irrigation system has just been completed. There will be no repair expense until the end
of two years, after which $50 will be needed 8t the end of each 6 months. If money is worth 4%,
efféctive, find the present volue of the future upkeep. Solve by any method.
Depreciation, in problems below, is under the sinking fund method.
I. An automobile costs $3500 when new, and its salvage value at the end of 6
years is $400. (a) If the depreciation fund earns 4%, by how much is the book
value decreased during the 4th year? (b) By how much is the book value
decreased during the 4th year, under the straight line method ?
2. A hotel hag been built at a cost of $1,000,000 in an oil-boom city
which will die at the end of 25 years. Assuming that the assets can be sold for
$100,000 at that time, what must be the net annual revenue during the 25 years to
earn 7% on the investment and to cover depreciation, where the depreciation
fund earns 4% ?
3. A syndicate Will build a theater in a boom city which will die at
the end of 30 years. For each $10,000 of net annual profit expected, how much
can the syndicate afford to spend on the theater if 8% is desired on the investment
while a redemption fund to cover the initial investment is accumulated at 5%?
Assume that the theater will be valueless at the end of 30 years.
4. A machine, worth $100,000 new, will yield 12% net annual
operating profit on its original cost, if no depreciation charges are made. If the
life of the machine is 20 years, what annual profit will it yield if annual
depreciation charges are made, where the depreciation fund accumulates at 4%,
effective? Assume that the final salvage of the machine is zero.
6. The life of a mine is 30 years, and its net annual revenue iB $50,000. Find
the purchase price to yield an investor 7%, if the redemption fund accumulates at
6. A mine will yield a net annual revenue of $25,000 for 20 years. It wag
purchased for $200,000. If, at this price, the investor considers
49. Terminolog. — A bond is a written contract to pay a
definite redemption price $C on a specified redemption date and to
pay equal dividends $D periodically until after the redemption date.
The dividends are usually payable semi-annually, but may be paid
a.nnually or in any other regular fashion. The principal $F
mentioned in the face of the bond iB called the face value or pa.r
value. A bond is said to be redeemed at par if C = F (as is usually
the case), and at a premium if C is greater thon F. The interest rate
named in a, bond is called the dividend rate. The dividend $D iB
described in a bond by saying that it is the interest, semi-annual or
otherwise, on the par value F at the dividend rate.
Nom. — The following iB an extract from an ordinary bond :
The Kamas Improvement Corporation acknowledges itself to owe
and, for value received, promises to pay to bearer FIVE HUNDRED
DOLLARS on January 18t, 1926, with interest on said sum from and
after January let, 1920, a.t the rate per annum, payable semi-annually,
until the said principal sum i8 paid. Furthermore, an additional 10% of
the said principal 8hau be paid to bearer on the date of redemption.
For thig bond, F = $500, C — $550, and the semi-annual dividend D = $15
is semi-annual interest at 6% on $500. A bond is named after its face F and
dividend rate, so that the extract is from a $500, 6% bond. Corresponding to
each dividend D there 1.1BuaIIy would be attached to the bond an individual
coupon containing a written contract to pay $D on the proper date.
1 When a bond is sold on a dividend date, the seller takes the dividend
3D which is due. The purchuer will receive the future dividends, which
form an ordinary anmEty whose first payment is due Bt the end of one dividend and
wh0% last payment is due on the redemption date.
P — at .05).
In the future use formula 59 to find P whenever F = C and thø
investor's interest period equals the dividend interval. Otherwise
use the fundamental method involving formula 58.
J I. Find the price to yield 4%, compounded, of D $1000, 5%
bond, with dividends payable semi-annually, redeemable at par at the end of
2. Verify all entries in the bond table on page 116, corresponding
to the investment yields .04 and .045.
3. A $5000 bond, paying $100 dividend semi-annually, is
redeemable at par at the end of 11 years. Find the price to yield (.06, m = 2).
4. A man W signs a note promising to pay $2000 to M
at the end of 5 years, and to pay interest semi-annually. on the
$2000 ot the rate (a) What will M receive on discounting this
note immediately at a bank which uses the interest rate 7%,
compounded semi-annually? (b) What will M receive if the bank
uses the rate 7% effective?
5. Find the price to yield 5%, effective, of a $10,000, 7% bond,
with dividends payable annually, which is redeemable at par at the end of (a)
10 years; (b) 15 years; (c) 40 years. (d) Explain in a brief sentence how and
why the price of a bond changes as the time to maturity increases, if the
investor's rate iB less than the dividend rate.
6. Find the price to yield 6%, effective, of' $10,000, 4% bond
with annual dividends, which is redeemable Lt par at the end of (a) 5 years;
(b) 10 years; (c) 80 years. (d) Explain in one brief sentence how and why the
price of a bond changes as the ti.nae to maturity iB increased, if the investor's
rate is greater than the dividend rote.
52. Changes in book value. — On a dividend date, it is
convenient to use the term book value for the price $P at which a
bond. would sell under a given investment rate i. Recall that this
price $P, at which a purchaser could buy the bond, is the sum of
the present values, under the rate i, of all payments promised in
the bond. Hence, the dividends $D together with the redemption
payment $C are suffcient to pay interest at rate i on the invested
Sprague's CompZgtc Bond Tabla contain the purchuge prices to the nearest cent for a bond of $1 ,000,000 par
value, corresponding to wide range of investment rates.
principal $P, and to return the principal intact. If a bond is
purchased at a premium over the redemption price $C, only $C of
the original principal $P is returned at redemption. Therefore, the
remaining principal, which equals the premium (P — C)
originally paid for the bond, iB returned in installments, or is
amortized, through the dividend payments. Thus, each dividend
$D, in addition to paying interest due •on principal, provides a
partial payment of principal. These payments reduce the invested
principal, or book value, from $P on the date of purchase to $C on
the redemption date.
Example 1. —A $1000, 6% bond pays dividends semi-annually
and will be redeemed at 110% on July 1, 1925. It is bought on
July 1, 1922, to yield (.04, m = 2). Find the price paid and form a
table showing the change in book value and the payment for
amortization of the premium on each interest date.
D=$30. —
the investment rate 5%, is $6.96. The price on Aug. 16 is P = 1113.77 + 6.96
It is proper to consider that the dividend on a bond accrues (or is
earned) continuously during each dividend interval. Thus, d days after a
dividend date, the
(accrued dividend) = (simple int. for d days on the face F at di+idend rate). (65)
Bcample 2. —In Example 1, find the accrued dividend on August 16, 1922.
Solution. — From July I to Aug. 16 iB 45 days. Accrued dividend iB $7.50.
NOTE 2. —In using equation 65, take 360 days as 1 your, and find the approximate number of days
between dates, as in expression 9, Chapter I,
By interpolation, as in Example 4, since the present iB —th interval from the
last dividend date, B is -th part of the way from PO to Pi,
DATE VALUE or B -(PI — PO). From equation 02, PI - PO = r - D, and
hence B —po + , the sumo in equation 68.
Last div. date
Present Equation 68 shows that, when a bond is selling at n
Next div. date discount, the accumulation of the discount in — th
interval is —th of tho total accumulLtion for the interval, for, in equation 61 it ig seen
that I — D iB the accumulation for the whole interval. Similarly, if we write equation
68 as B — PO — it is seen that the amortization of the premium on bond in —th
1. (a) A $1000, 5% bond, with dividends payable February 1 and August I,
is quoted at 98.75 on May 1 ; find the purchase price. (b) If the bond is purchased for
$993.30 on April 1, find the market quotation then.
2. The interest dates for the 2d Liberty Loan bonds are May 15
and November 15. Take their closing quotation on the New York Stock
Exchange from the morning newspaper and determine the purchase price
for a $10,000 bond of this issue.
3. A $1000, 6% bond whose dividend dates are January 1 and
July .1 is quoted at 103% on October 16. Find the total price paid by a
purchaser if he pays a brokerage commission of of the par value.
In. bond mm•kot pÜlance, it is called accrued intcrcet. The more proper word
dividend hae been consistently used in this book to avoid pitfclly which confront the
beginner. AE seen in Section 52, equations 60 und 01, the dividend iB not the same the
interest on the investment. The terminology accrued intercat in bond dealings must be
loarned by the student and appreciated to mean accrued dividend in the gonse of this
The purchase price iB called the flat price in bond parlance, contrasted with the
price, and accrued intcrcat quotation customarily used.
the average invested capital or r = —
c*pital, or r =
i See equation 60.
See equaåon 61.
EcampZe 1. — A $1000, 5% bond pays dividends gezni-annuolly and is
redeemable at 110%. Eleven years before its maturity, the book value is quoted On the
market at 93. Estimate the yield.
Solution. — Considering its dividends annual, D = $50, C = $1100, and the book
value B $930. Using Rule 2, the overage accumulation of the discount is 1 = $15.5, and
I = 50 + 15.5 = $65.5. The average invested capital ig 4- 1100) = $1015. The
approximate yield r = .065, or 6.5%.
Example 2. — A $1000, 5 % bond pays dividends on July I and January
1 und is redeemable at par on January I, 1961. Its quoted book value on
May 1, 1922, iB 113. Estimate the yield.
Solution. — Use Rule I with B = $1130, t = 38} years, D = $50, and C = $1000. We
find Bo = $1065. To find the average amortization of the premium we take t = 39, the
nearest whole number, because the inaccuracy of our rule when t is large makes
refinements in computation useless. A =
8.3, 1 - 50 — 3.3 = $46.7, and therefore r .04, or 4.4%.
Non. The author hag experimentally verified that Rules 1 and 2 give estimated
yields within .2% of the truth if : (a) the yield is between 4% a.nd 8%, (b) the time to
maturity is less than 40 years, and (c) the difference between the dividend rate and the
yield iB less than 3%. Greater bccuracy is obtained under favorable circumstances. For
a bond whose term is more than 30 years, ag in Example 2 above, take t as the whole
number nearest to the time to muturity in years. In dl other cases use the exact time to
the nearest month.
Estimate the yields of the following bonds, by u8e of Rules I and 2.
1.2 $1000 par 107.24 5% Nam;-ann. 11} years
100 par 160.30
semi-ann. 25 years
1000 par 84.28 6% semi-ann. 40 years
100 96.50 annually 23* years
6. 110% 5% 8 years
100 105% 115.00 annually
6. 20 yeaN
100 115% 98.75 annually
Inspect the table of illustrativo Example 2, Section b2. Iu that example, on
computing tbe overage semi-annual accumulation in Rule 2, we obtain i(62.30)
$10.4, a ræult very close to all of the semi-annual
The yields in the first three problems, determined by accurate means, are follows: (1) 4.2% ; (2) 3.4% ; (3) 4.9%. Compare
your results aa found from Rules 1 and 2 in order to form an opinion of their accuracy.
7. A $10,000, 5% bond, with dividends payable June 1 and
December 1, is redeemable at par on December 1, 1950. On May 23,
1925, it is quoted at 89. Estimate the yield.
8. A Kingdom of Belgium bond, whose dividends are semi-annual, may
be redeemed at 115% at the end of 8 years. Estimate its yield under the aasumption
that it will be redeemed then, if it is now quoted at 94.
56. Yield on a dividend date by interpolation. —When the quoted
value of a bond is given on dividend date, the yield may be determined
by interpolation. When annuity tables, but no bond tables, are available,
proceed as follows :
(a) Fmd the estimated yield r as in Section 55.
(b) Compute the book value of the bond at the rate rx nearest to
r for which the annuity tables may be used.
(c) Inspect the result of (b) and then compute the book value for
another rate r2, chosen so that the true yield is probably between ri and h.
Select r2 as near aa possible to h.
(d) Find the yield i by interpolation between the results in (b)
and (c).
Ezample I. — A $100, 6% bond, with semi-annual dividends, is
redeemable at par. The quoted book value, IOå years before moturity, is
$111.98. Find the yield.
Solution. — (a) Average annual interest I = 6 — $4.9; estimated yield r = = 4.6%.
(b) Book value years before maturity to yield (.045, m = 2) is $112.44 (by equation
59). (c) Since $112.44 is greater than $111.98, the yield is greater than .045, and is
probably between .045 and .05. The book valua at (.05, m = 2)
INVÄT. Booz iB $108.09. Let (i, n — 2) bethe yield. In the table, 112.44 -
RATE 108.09 - 4.35,' 112.44 — 111.98 = .46, and .06 — .045 = .005.
Hence, i = .045 + (.005) .0455, or the yield is approximately
.045, m = 2 112.44 4.55%, compounded semi-annually.
i, m — 111.98
2 .05, m = 108.09
NOTE I. — A' more exact solution may be obtained aa follows: At the yield
(.0456, m = 2), found above, compute the book value P, using logarithms in equation
59 becauge the annuity tables do not apply; P — 100 + .725
A solution in Example I givea a result which is in error by not more than of the
difference between the table rates used in the interpolation. Wo ore,
esseninterpolating in Table VIll, and hence our result iB eubjeot• only to the error we
meet in ueing that table.
(am at .02276) = 111.998. Since $111.998 is greater than $111.980, the yield i
is greater than .0455, and is probably between .0455 and .0456. By logarithms,
the book value at (.0456, m = 2) is $111.910. From interpolation ag in Example
1, i = .0455 -l- H(.OOOI)• = .045520. The yield iB 4.5520%, compounded
semi-annually, with L possible error in the last decimal place.
Norm 2. — The method of Example I is very easy if the desired book values
con be read directly from a bond table (see problem 2 below). If the bond table
uses interest rotes differing by results obtained by interpolLtion in the table are
in error by not more than a few .001%. Extension of the occuracy of u solution
as in Note 1 is limited only by the extent of the logarithm tables Lt our
NOTE 3. — If the book value B is on a day between dividend dates, the
yield may be accurately obtained by the method of Section 58 below. An
approximate resilt OR,n be found by assuming B as the book value on the
nearest dividend date and computing the corresponding yield.
Find the yield in. each problem as in Example I, page 128. If the
instructor so directs, extend the accuracy BB in Note 1 above.
I. A $100, 4% bond pays dividends on January I and July I and is
redeemable at par on January 1, 1932. (a) Find the yield if the
quoted value on July 1, 1919, is 89.32. (b) Find the effective rate of
interest yielded by investing in the bond.
v' 2. A $100, 5% bond pays semi•annual dividends and is
redeemable at par. By use of the bond table of Section 51, find the
yield if the quoted value Il years before maturity is 107.56.
For each bond in the table, par value is $100. Find the yields.
Case 1
n 6 int. per., p = 2, i = A = 1282.94(aß). .06) = $5484.09.
06, R - $1282.94.
1.. A $100,000 serial issue of 5% bonds, with dividends payable semiunnually, iB
redeemable in 5 equal annual installments. The issue made July 1, 1927. On July I, 1930,
find the price of all outstanding bonds to net the investor (.06, m = 2).
2. For the bonds purchased in problem 1, form table
showing, on each dividend dote, the dividend received, the
installment (if any) which is paid, the interest due on the book
value, cnd the final book value.
3. A house worth $12,000 cash is purchased under the
following agreement: $2000 of the principal is to be paid at
beginning of each year for Bix years; interest Bt 6% is to be paid
semi-annually on all principal outstanding. Two years later, the
written contract embodying this agreement wag sold to a banker,
who the remaining rights of the creditor ho yield 7%,
effective. What did the banker pay?
4. A 5-yeor annuity bond for $20,000, with the dividend
rate 6%, payable semi-annually, iB issued on June 1, 1921. (a) Find
the price on June 1, 1922, to yield (.03, m = 2). (b) Find the price on
September 1, 1922, to yield (.03, m 2).
6. On June 1, 1924, find the price of the bond of problem 4 to yield
(.00, m = I).
58. Yield of a bond between dividend dates. — If the quoted
value of a bond is given on a doy between dividend dates, the yield
may be found by interpolation by essentially the same proceduré,
with steps (a) , (b), (c) and (d), as used in Section 56 on a dividend
date. i After the completion of Exercise LV, the student may
immediatoly proceed to the oonBideration of the Miscellaneous
Problems at the end of the chapter.
On December 1, 1916, sold this note to an investor desiring (.07, m = 2) on hig investment. What did H receive ?
Bible. (a) Find how many full payments of $10,000 will be made.
(b) How much will be left in the fund just after the last full
payment of $10,000?
Il. Find the nominal rate of interest, compounded quarterly,
under which payments of $1000 at the end of each 3 months for 20
years will be suåcient to accumulate a fund of $200,000.
12. Find the purchase price, to yield 6%, effective, of a
$100, 5% bond with interest payable semi-annually, which is to be
redeemed at 110% at the end of 10 years.
13. Estimate the yield on bond which is quoted at 78, 10
years before it is due, if it is to be redeemed ut par and if its
dividend rote is 6%, payable annually.
14. Find the capitalized cost of machine, whose original cost
is $200,000, which must be renewed at a cost of $150,000 every
20 years. oney is worth 5%, effective.
16. Find the yield of L $100, 6% bond, with semi-annual
dividends, which is quoted at 93.70, 10} years before it iB due,
and is redeemable Lt par.
16. A $100, 5% bond, quoted at 86.33 on September 1,
1926, yields 6% if held to maturity. The last coupon dute was July
I. What is the purchase price on September 1 ?
17. A man deposited $100 in a bank at the beginning of each
3 months for 10 years. What is to his credit at the end of 10 years
if the bank pays 8%, compounded quarterly ?
18. A man deposited $50 in L fund at the end of each month
for 20 years, at which time deposits ceased. What will be in the
fund 10 years later if it accumulated for the first 20 yeors at the
rate 6%, effective, and at the rate 4%, effective, for the remainder
of the time?
19. The cash price of L farm is $5000 and'money is worth
(.06, m = 2). Whot equal payments made quarterly will have an
equivalent value, if the first payment is due Bt the end of 3 years
and 9 months, and tbe last at the end of 13} years?
Bingle rate of interest over the whole 20 years would have resulted
in the same payments ?
86. A man invested $100,000 in certain enterprise. At the ends of each of the
next 10 years he was paid $4000 and, in addition, he received a payment of
$25,000 at the end of 6 years. At the end of 10 yearR he sold his investment
holdings for $80,000. 'Considering the whole period of 10 years, what was the
effective rate of interest yielded by the investment ?
HINT. —Write an equation of value; solve by interpolation as in Note 3 in
the Appendix.
8. Out of a class of 50 containing 20 girls and 30 boys, one
member is chosen by lot. What is the probability that a girl
will be picked?
4. A cubical die with six faces, numbered from I to 6, is tossed.
What is the probability that it will fall with the number 4 up?
5. A coin is tossed. What is the probability that it will fall head up?
This ridiculous conclusion would neglect the fact thut he is more likely to live
than to die, and hence our definition of probability Bhould not be applied.
7. That a man aged 28 will die in the year
after he is 38.
8. That a man aged 40 will live Lt least 12
9. That man aged 35 will live at least 20
years. 10. If a man iB olive at age 22, between what ages is
he most likely to die and what is his probability of dying in
that yea.r ?
Norm. — The problems in probability solved in the future in the
theory of life annuities and of life ineuronce, so fur it is presented in
thia book, will be like those of' Exercise LVIII. None of tho well
known theorems on probability are needed in solving such problems;
the mere definition of probubility iB guffcient. Hence, no further
theorems on probability are discussed in this text. The student is
referred for their consideration to books on college
years, or that .(x) will stm be alive at age c + n. Since remain aliv at
age (c + n), out of alive at age c,
When n = 1, we omit then 1 on npsand write p, for the prob ability
that (x) will live 1 year ;
The values of pa are tabulated in Table XIII. Let q, represen the
probabüity that (x) will die before age (c + 1). Since of the group
of die in the first year,
7. That o, man agcd 28 will dic in the year after he is 38.
8. Thut [L nun aged will livc at leust, 12 years.
9. That, man agcd 35 will live at least 20 years.
10. If a man is {dive ut ago 22, between what ages iB he most
likely to
die and whut is his probability of dying in that your?
Nomn. — Tho problemR in probability solvcd in tho futurc in tho theory of
life unnuitios und of life insurance, NO fur us it prcHented in this book, will
bo like those of' IdxcrciBe, LV.III. None of the well known theorctng on
probabilit,y are needed in solving such the moro definition of
sufficient. Hence, no further theorems on probubilit,y tu•c diRcusxed in this
text. The student is referred for their conxidorution to books on college
From Table Xlll , t — - 0, and hence 707, tog, etc., aro zero
because all urc dead before re:whing uge 90. "l'he group of nlivc at
age c arc those who die in tho future years, so that
It is convenient to use 'c (x) " to Lbbreviute, a man aged c. Let
npz represent tho probability that (x) will live at, lonst, n years, or,
thut .(x) will still bc olive, at age + m,. Since remuin olive at oge (x
+ n), out of ulivo Ot ago c,
When n = 1, we omit then = 1 on n'l)ø und writo pa for the
probability that (x) will live 1 year ;
Let Inqz represent the probability that will die before reaching
age + n. Of the group of alive at age c, (Zz — Zc-yn) will die
before reaching age + n, and hence the probability of dying is
Example I. — State in words the probabilities denoted by the following
symbols and find their values by the formulas Lbove :
(a) i7P36; (b) 151Q22; (c)
Solution. — (a) iB the probability that a man aged 25 will be alive at age
4.2; — = 89032•76567 (b) is the probability that o man aged 22 will die in the
1. Find the probability that a man aged 25 will live at
least (a) 30 years; (b) 40 years; (c) 70 years.
2. Find the probability that a man aged 30 will die in the
year after reaching age 40.
8. From formula 7 find the probability of mon aged 23 dying
within I year, and verify the entry in Table XIII.
4. From formula 6 find the probability of a man aged 37 being
alive a} age 38, and verify the table entry.
6. Find the probability that a man aged 33 will die in the year
after reaching age 55.
6. State in words the probabilitiea repre3ented by the following
symbols and express them aa quotient* by the formulas above: IdPa;
i71gu; 117Q25; 10P9.a; pqa; 181qu.
7. From formulas 5 and 9 provéthat I —Inq„.
NOTØ. —If we coneider the event of (x) living for at least n years, the
failure of the event means that (x) dies within n years. Hence, the result of
problem 7 should be true because, from Section 59 the sum of the
probLbilities of the BUCCæg and of the failure of an event is I, and p = 1 —
8. What is the probability of a man aged 26 dying some
time after he reaches age 45?
9. Verify formula 4 for c = 90.
10. Verify formula 3 for = 53 and n = 5.
62. Mathematical expectation; present value of an expecta
— If a man gambles in a game where the stake is $100, and where
his probability of winning is .6, hig chances are worth .6 (100) =
$60. Such a statement is made precise in the following
Definiåon. — If p is the probability of a person receiving a sum
$S, the of the person is pS.
If the sum $S is due at the end of n years, the mathematical
expectation at the end of n years is pS. If money is worth the
effective rate i, the present value $A of expectation iB given by
A = psa + i)-n (10)
Norm. — In t,he future, the arithmetical work in all examples will be
performed by 5-place logarithms.
8. A young man, aged 20, on entering college iB promised $1000 at the end
of 4 years, if he graduates with honors. At 5% interest, find the present value
of his expectation.
(Formula 5)
In the future we shall use v as an abbreviation
for the discount factor (1 + Thus, v = (1 +
v2 = (1 + etc., vn = (1 + Hence,
nEx =(11)
_ = $2290.8. (TablæV1,X111)
Non 2. — Formula 11 may be derived by the following method. The present
value nEø iB the sum which, if contributed now by a man aged z, will make
possible the payment of $1 to him at the end of n years, if money cun be invuted
at the rate i, effective. Suppose that men of age make equal contributions to
common fund with the object of providing all survivors of the goup with $1
payments at the end of n years. Since men will survive, the nece•ary paymenta
at the end of n years total $13+n. The pregent value of this amount at the rate i
ig ZZ+B(I + ZZ+nvn, which is the Bum needed in the common fund. Hence, the
share which each of the people must contribute ig
) - $456 65.
Let az be the present value of a ife annuity of $1 payable at the end of
each year to a man now aged $. This annuity is equivalent to pure
endowments of $1 payable at ages (c -F 1), (c + 2), • to age 95. The
present values of these endowments are tabulated below, and equals their
I yr.
2 yr.
95 95 — x
ax + (13)
The present value $å of a life annuity of $R paid at the end of each
year is given by = Raz.
N0TE 2. —In contraet to the annuities certain considered
in Part I, life annuities are called contingent annuities,
because their paymenta are contingent (or dependent) on
the survival of (x). The life annuity interpreted aa being
paid to (x). Recognize that a, iB the progent value of
paymenta made at the end of each year during the life of
(x), regardees of who receives the payment8.
I. By the process of Example I above, find the present
value of a life annuity of $2000 payable Bt the end of
each year to a man now aged 91, money is worth 5%.
2. If money is.worth 6%, find the present value of a
whole life pension of $1000 •payable at the end of each
yea,r to 8 mau now aged 92. Use formula 13.
Let DE be an abbreviation
Thus, =
= Dz+n, and
The present value $A of an n-year pure endowment of $R is
Since =
Introduce Nk as an abbreviation for the gum of all D'S from Db to DDS :
Nk = Dk + Dk+l + . . . + DBS. (18) Thus, — - + D 91 + D92 + D93 + Du +
D96. Since the numerator in formula 17 iB N
ax = (19)
The present value $Å of a life annuity of $R per year to (x) is
A = Raz = (20)
Norm. —The values of Nk axe tabulated in Table XIV ior the rate 3å%. For this
rate, formulas 19 and 20 may be used in connection With Table XIV. For 811 other
rates the previous formula 13 must be used. The values of Nk for B few other interest
rates are found in actuarial tables.
Example 2. — If money is worth what life annuity, payable at the end of each year,
can man aged 50 purchase for $10,000?
Solution. — lat R be the payment of the unnuity. From formula 20,
1. Compute the value of Dag for i = .035 and verify the enå ry in
Table NV.
2. By use of formu18 18 and Table XIV for the DB, find the
volue of
8. Find the present value of a life annuity of $1000 at the end of each year for a man
aged 24, at 3å%.
4. (a) Find the present value of a pure endowment of $3500 at the end of
12 years for man aged 33, at (b) Find the present value of the endowment at the rate
5. A man aged 65 is promised pension of $2000 8t the end of each year as long as he
lives. (c) If money is worth 3å%, find the present value of his pension. (b) What is the present value if
$2000 is to be paid at the beginning of each year?
6. An estate is worth $100,000 and is invested at 5%, effective. The annual
income iB willed to 8 woman, aged 30, for the rest of her life. Find the present value
of her inheritance if money is worth 3å%.
7. A man aged 45 agreed to pay $75 insurance premium at the
end of each year long as he lives. At intereat, what is the present value of
his premiums from the standpoint of the insurance company?
8. A man aged 26 has cgreed to pay $50 insurance premiums 8t the end of each year for
the rest of his life. At what is the present vüle of his premiums ?
9. A man aged 60 gives $10,000 to an insurance
company in return for an annuity contract promising him
payments at the end of each year as long ae he lives. If
money is worth to the company, what annual payment does he
receive ?
10. From the formulas previously developed,
prove that az = vpz(l +
Non. — Recognize that this formula would make the
computation of a table of the values of az very simple.
First, we should• compute '196, which iB zero; then, ax —
vpu(l + 095) gives the value of ago etc., for an, am, • •
• , down to azo.
1 yr.
2 yr. v21Z+2
n yr.
The sum of the present values is an-I, or
agil = (21)
Formula 21 applies for all interest rates. To
obtain a formula in terms of N and D (which, with
our tables, will be useful only
= + DZ+n.
From formula 18,
= Dz+l +
NZ+n+l =
- Nz+n+l =
+ +
If the annual payment of the temporary annuity is $R, the present
value $Å is given by
A = R(axäl) = R(NX+I — Nx+n+l) (23)
annuity is the sum of the Other two present values or az = nlaz (24)
I. At 31%, find the present value of a life annuity of $1000 per annum,
deferred 20 years, to o man aged 23.
2. At find the present value of a life annuity of $2000
paid annuaJly for 25 years to 8 man aged 45.
3. If money is worth 5%, find the present value of a life
annuity of $1000 paid annually for 3 years to a maun aged 27.
4. A man aged 25 will pay 20 annual premiums of $50 each on a
life insurance policy, if the man remains alive. If the first premium is cash, find
their present value, at 3å%.
5. A man aged 50 gives an insurance company $10,000 in
return for a contract to pay bim a fixed income at the end of
year for 20 years, if he lives. If money is worth to the company,
what is the an;nual income ? Use formula 23.
ax = (31) Dx
The present value $.4 of a M.fe annuity due of $R paid annually is
A = R(ax) = (32)
Let a;äl be the present value of a temporary life annuity due,
whose term is n years; paying $1 annually, to a man aged c. The
first $1 is paid cash and the remaining payments form an ordinary
temporary life annuity whose term is (n — 1) years. Hence,
formula 22,
Since Dz +
0(34601) = $421.21. (Table
XIV) 287510
NOTE 1. — In discussing premiums on life insurance policies,
formulas 32 d 35 are of greut use. Formulas 16, 28, 32, and 35 of
this chapter are the we shall use most frequently in the future.
Whole life annuity due • (32) Temp. l.ife annuity due :(35)
L. A mam aged 40 pays $10,000 to an insurance company in return for ontract to pay him o
fixed annual income for life, starting with a paynt on his 60th birthday. Find the annual
income if money iB worth 6 to the company.
1 $246,000 246,000 v
= 246
137,000 137,000
2 - 137 dn
58,000 58,000 v'
3 = 58 d94
18,000 18,000
4 - 18 d9b
3,000 3,000
1 v8dZ+2
96 —c
In the last row, notice that when the group
reaches age 95, the policies have been in
force (95 — c) years, or the (96 — z)th year
is just entered on. Hence, $d9b is due at the
end of (96 — c) years. From the net single
On multiplying numerator and denominator
above by vz,
The net Bingle premium for whole life policy of $R for (x) ig
Non. —The values of ME for the rate 3å%, — (1.035) -r, are given in
Table x.1V.
Use formulas 38 and 39 unless otherwise directed.
1. Compute the values of C94 and of CBD at 3}3 to; verify the
entries for and for in Table xlv.
V 2. By the method of illustrative Example 1, page 166, find
the net single premium for a whole life insurance for $1000 for
a man aged 93, if interest at the rate 5%.
8. Find the net single premium for a whole life insurance of $1000 on
thel.ife of a man, (a) aged 90; (b) aged 50; (c) aged 30; (d) aged 10.
4. How much whole life insurance can a mon aged 50
purchase from a company for $1600 cash ?
6. How much whole life insurance oun a man aged 35 purchase from a company for
$2000 cash ?
70. Term insurance. — An 0-year term insurance for $R on the life of (x) promises the
payment of $R at the end of the year in which (x) dies, only on condition that hig death
occurs within n years. Thus, a 5-year term insurance gives no benefit unlesa (x) dieé
within 5 years. I-at A 1 7 represent the present value of an Il-year term insurance for $1 on
the life of (x). To obtain the value of aasume that the company issues n-year term in-
surance policies for $1 to each of men aged c.
The present values of the benefits which will
be paid are tabulated below ; the policy has
no force after n years.
xnl ¯ D* (42)
The not single premium for a I-year term
insurance for (x) is called the natural
premium ut age c. The natural premium for $1
insurance iB obtained from oquation 42, with n
= 1 :
If the endowment insurance ig for $R, tho net singlo premium $A iB
given by
R Mg-Mx n+Dx n
I. (a) Compute the net single premium for L $1000, 20-year endowment
insuraneo on the life of a man aged 23. (b) Compute the present value of n purc
endowrnent of $1000 payable to the man at age 43. (c) Find the not single
premium for a 20-yeai term insurance for $1000 on tho life of the mun aged 23,
by using (a) and (b).
'2. Find tho net singlo premium for a 10-year endowment insurance for $5000
on the life of a mun aged 30.
3. (u) Find the net singlc premium for a 10-year endowment insurance for
$3000 on the life of man aged 26. (b) Find the net single premium för 10-year
tcrm insurance for $3000 on his life. (c) From the results of (a) uncl (b), find tho
present vuluo of a 10-year pure endowment of $3000 for the man.
J 4. How much 20-ycar endowment insurance can a man aged 33 purchaso for
$3000 cash ?
6. How much 10-yeur endowment insurance can a man aged 45 purchose for
$2500 cash ?
72. Amual premiums. — If the net premiums for a policy are
payable annually, instead of in one installment (the net single
premium), they must satisfy the condition that the
(pr. val. of annual premiums) = (net single premium), (47)
because the' net single premium is the present value of the policy
benefits. When paid annually, the premiums for a policy are always
equal and are payable •at the beginnings of the years, as long as the
policyholder lives.
E',cumpZe 1. — (u) Find the net Bingle premium for a 10-year
term insurance for $10,000 on the life of a man aged 46. (b) Find the
equivalent annual premium which tho man might agree to pay for 10
years, if he lives. Solution, — (a) Ih•om formula 43, tho not Bingle
premium is
10000(M46 - Moa) - 31119.30. (Table XIV)
Thut is, tho preeont value of the insurance benefits is $1119.80. (b) lat P be the unnuui promium.
Tho 10 premiums form 10-year life annuity due puid by u man aged 46. Thcir present value is -n)
and it must equal $1119.30. Hence,
1119.30 (Formula 35)
(Table xrv)
The annual payments of $137.33 have a value equivalent to $1119.30 paid
No-E 1. — The solution of (a) wag not necessary in order to solve (b) above.
Thus, we may write, immediately, from equation 47,
p — N68 = $137.33.
The is advised to solve problem below before reading the rest of Vhe eec#on.
Let nPz be the net annual premium for n-payment life poLicy for
$1 for a man aged c. The premium payments by (x) form an n-year
life annuity due whose present value is Hence, from equation 47,
nPc(aEl) = (Formulas 35, 38)
Let Pfil be the net annual premium for an n-year endowment policy for $1 for
(x). The premiums paid by the man aged form on n-yea,r life annuity due whose
present value is PEI(afiD. The net single premium for the policy is Aäl. From
equation 47, PEI(azöD = Azm;
. (51)
1. By the method of Note 1, page 172, find the net annual premium fo a 5-
payment life policy for $1000 for a man aged 45.
2. A man aged 29 hag agreed to pay 15 annual premiums of $100 for
a certain policy. Find the net Bingle premium for the policy.
age 24. Find the net annual premium (a) for the first year; (b) for
subsequent yenrs. This policy iB another example of the I-year term
Il. How much insurance on the 20-pnyment life plan can u man aged 32
purchase for n net annual premium of $75? It is udviBabIc, filSt, to find the
equivalent net single premium.
12. How la,rge 20-yeur endowment policy can L man agod 23
purchase for net annunl premiums of $100?
13. (a) For a boy aged 16, find the not annual prelnium for
IL endowment policy, which matures nt age 85. (b) Find the not
nunual premium for an ordinary life policy for $1000 tulcen at uge
16. (c) Explain the small difference between the reNuIts.
14. A man aged 30 takes out L policy which provideB him
with $10,000 insurance for the first 10 years, $8000 for tho next 1()
years, und $5000 for the remainder of his life. He iB to pay
prcmiumg annually for 10 years. Find the net annual premium.
15. A certain policy on muturing at age 55 offers the option
of pure cndowmcnt of $2000, or an equivalent amount of paid up
whole life insurancc, that is, as much insurancc as the $2000,
considered as a net single premium, will buy. Find the alnount of
puid up insurance.
No•rn ON Gnoss PnnM1üMB. — Premiums previously discussed were net
premiums, or values Of the bcnefits to be paid under the policy. In conducting
un insurance company there is expense duc to the salaries paid to administrative
ofliciuls, tho commissions paid to agents for obtaining new policyholders, the
expense of the medical ex:unination of policyholders, bookkeepiug oxpcnse, otc,
To provide for these it0111s and for unforeseen contingoncies, it is ncccsgary for
the company to add to the net premium an amount called the loading. The not
premium plu8 tho loading is the gross or actual promitun paid by the
policyholder. Sometimog tho loading iB detormined a certain percentage of tho
not premium plus constant charge independent of the nature of the policy.
S01netimes the loading moy be determined simply percentugo of the net,
promium, the percentage either being independent, of tho policyholder's uge, or
varying with it. Each company uses its own method for loading, but the resulting
gross premiums of all large, well-munugcd companies ure essentially the eume.
73. Net single premiums as present values of expectations. — A
whole life policy on life agcd promises only one payment, due at the,
end of the year in which (x) dies. However, we may think of the
policy as promising payments at the end of each year up to the man's
96th birthday, the payment at each date being contingent on his death
during the preceding year. Then, the method used in doriving
formulas for life annuities may be used to obtain the present value, or
net single premium, for the policy.
Consider Obtaining the net singlo premium A, for whole lifo
insuranc.c of $1 on tho life of (x). At the end of 1 year, $1 will be
paid if (x) dies during the preceding year. The probability of (x)
dying in this year is from formula 10 with S 1, the present value of
I yr. a.nd (z + I)
2 yr. (z + I) and (z + 2)
96 — $ yr. 96 und 96
The annual premiums form a 28-year temporury annuity due, whose present
value iB Hence, from equation 47, P(aom) = 5000(Aå2Ä) + IOOO(mlau), p No ¯
+ 1000&. (Formulaa 35, 42, 28)
= $234.43. (Table XIV)
Find the periodic premium payment for each policy described. The
age of policyholder is the age Lt the time the policy was written.
10 annual
4. 45 premiums
1 $ 84
3 357
4 450
5 400
(5 34,173,224
For cxnmplo, at tho beginning of tho fiZ'8t your, (78,106) (89.4574) iB received
in prcmiumx. At, the end of tho your, intercat nt .3å% added to the premium
fund gives $7,231,71(). During the year, = 705 deaths occurred 80 thut $705,000
iB puyuble to bonefiuiuries, leuving Thero ure 77,341 Bttrvivorg; tho total fund
divided by 77,341, gives $84 tho sharo, or rogervo, per policy. At the beginning
of the 2d your, 77,341 men pny premiums, etc. After tho 5th your, no more
premiums will be, rcceivcd, go that
1. Asume that an insurance company issues $1000 ordinary life
policies to each of men of age 92. Compute table showing the
disposition of funds received aa premiums and the total ræerve per
policy at the end of each year.
76. Remaining benefits of a policy; computation of the reserve. —
At any time after a policy iB written, the remaining benefits of a
policy are the promised payments of the policy as they affect the
policyholder at hig attained age.
Ecample I. — A certain insurance policy, written for man aged 32,
promises him (a) temporary life insurance for $1000 for 25 years; (b)
a pure endowment of $1000 payable at the end of 25 years; (c) a life
annuity of $1000 payable annually, first payment at age 60. (1)
Describe the remaining benefits, 8 years later. (2) Find the present
value of the remaining benefits, 8 years later.
Solution. — (1) Eight years later, the attained age of the man is 40 years. The
policy promises (a) term insurance for $1000 for 17 years to a mm aged 40 ;
(b) a pure endowment of $1000 payable at the end of 17 years to man now aged
40 ; (c) a deferred life annuity, for a man aged 40, of $1000 paid annually. Since
the first payment of the anhuity iB due at age 60, which is 20
years later, the annuity iB deferred 19 years.
(2) The present value of the remaining benefits at age 40 iB the sum of the
present values or net single premiums for the three individual benefits or
To find the terminal reserve on policy, first find the net annual
premium and then use equation 52.
Ezample 2. — Find the terminal reserve at the end of 6 years on a
20year endowrnent policy for $1000 written at age 24.
Solutton• . — @ The net annual premium is 1000 (P24iö1) $39.085, from
formula 51. (b) The remaining benefits at the attained age of 30 years are a
pure endowment of $1000 payable at the end of 14 years to mon now aged 30
and term insurance for $1000 for 14 years on a life aged 30 ; in other words, the
benefits form a 14-year endowment insurance for $1000 for a man aged 30.
The remaining premiums form a 14-year temporary annuity due. Let V be the
reserve at the end of 6 years. From equation 52,
1000(Aafi1) 39.085(agoØ) + V'
IOOO(Mao — Ma + _ 39.085(N30 — N„). (Formulas 46, 35)
Non I. — For the cdvantage of the insurance actuary, who has occaeion to
compute the reserves on numerous policies, it iB advisable to devolop general
formulag and convenient numerical methods for the computotion of rcgerveg.
In the case of student meeting the subject for the first time, it iB more
important to appreciate thoroughly the truth of equation 52. Bueh appreciation
is attained only by direct application of the equation. The problems of Exercise
LXXII below should be solved by direct application of equation 52, aa was done
in illustrative Example 2 above.
1. If the net single premium for the remoining
benefits of a policy is $745, and if the present
value of the future premiums is $530, what iB the
reserve ?
2. At an attained age of 42, the net single
premium for the remaining benefits of a policy
is $750. There ore Bix annual premiums of $50
remaining to be paid, the first due
immediately. Find the policy reserve.
S. At the attained age of 44, the reserve
on L certain policy is $500. Annual premiums
of $25, the first due immediately, must be
paid for the remainder of life. Find the
present value of the remaining policy
4. A $1000, 10-payment life policy is
written Lt age 34. (a) Find the reserve on the
policy at the end of 6 years. (b) Find the
reserve at the end of 10 years.
6. A $1000, 5-payment life policy is
written at age 40. (a) Take the premium as
computed in illustrative Example 1, Section
75; compute the reserve at the end of 3 years
and compare with the result given in the table
of that example. (b) Find the terminal reserve
ot the end of 5 years and compare with the
14. Derive a general formula, a.s in equation 53, for the reserve at
the end of m years for an n-year endowment policy for $1 written at
age c.
Norm 2. — The method for computing reserves, furnished by equation 52, is
called the prospective method because the future history of the policy is the
basis for the equation. Retrospective methods also are used.
N0TE 3. — Insurance companies are subject to legal regulation. It is usually
specified by state law that, at periodic times, an insurance company must show
net assets equa.l to the sum of the regervea for all of its outstanding policies.
The law specifies a standard mortality table and interest rate to be used. A
company is insolvent if it cannot show net assets equal to the necessary reserve.
It is likewise recognized by law that a company's ræerve belongs to its
policyholders as a whole. Hence, the reserve on apolicy is the basis for its cash
surrender value, the amount which the company must pay to L policyholder if
he decides to withdraw from the company and surrender his policy. The cash
surrender value equals the reserve, minus a surrender charge. The surrender
charge in most states is specified by law and may be considered as a charge by
the insurance company on uccount of the expense entailed in finding new
policyholder to •take the place Of the one withdrawing. This charge is leätimate
because the theoretical reaerve wag computed by the company on the
assumption that it had 80 many policyholders that the laws of averages, dealt
with in using the mortality table, would hold. Hence, the number of
policyholders must be maintained and any one withdrawing should pay for the
expense of obtaining a new policyholder in his place.
Non 4. — It should be recognized that the discussion in the preceding three
chapters iB merely an introduction to the subject of life annuities and of life
insurance. We have not considered joint life, or survivorship annuiües and
insurance. Moreover, the subject of reserves requirea a thorough treatment,
beyond what we have given, from both the theoretical and the computational
standpoint. The surplus of a company, its manner of declaring dividends to
policyholders, and many other practical questions connected with the accounting
and business methods of insurance companies have not even been mentioned.
The student who wishes to pursue the subject further ig referred to the Tect
Book of tho Inditute of Actuaries, and to the courses of study described by the
Educational Committeeg of the Actuarial Society of America and of the
American Listitute of Actuaries.
firet payment at age 65. Premiums are payable annually for 20 years.
(o) Find the reserve at the end of 10 years. (b) Find the reserve at the
end of 20 years.
2. A policy written at age 27 promises $1000 terin
insurance for 20 years and a pure endowment of $5000 at the end of
20 yeurs. Premiums are payable annually for 10 years. Find the
reserve at the end of 6 years.
8. A policy written at age 15 promises 20-year endowment
inxurance for $1000, and the premiums are payable annually for 10
years. (a) Determine the reserve at tho end of 10 years. (b) Determine
the reserve at the end of 9 years.
log25 = log 52 = 210g5 - 2(.6990) - 1.3980. (Prop.
111 with k 2)
In the problems below find the logarithms of the given numbers,
that : log 2
= .3010 log
7 .8451 log 17
- 1.2805
1. 6 2. 9 8.
log 3 = .4771 log Il
= 1.0414 log 23
46 4. 51 10.
16. 50
22. 100
log 6990 log 18
= 1.1139 log 29
6. 6.
11. 49 12. 16
1.7. 55 18.
23, 1000 10,000
1 Any number between — 1 gnd O oen be expressed ae — 1 + (a proper fraction). Thu, .57 I
+ .43; — .88 — 1 + .12, etc.
The integral part of a logarithm iB called its characterisåc. When
a number N iB greater thon 1, the characteristic of log N is positive;
when N is less than 1, the characteristic of log N is negative.
less than the number of digits in the number to the left of the decimal point.
N0TE. —Thus, in accordance with Rule 2, 3 is the characteristic of log 3818.7; 2 is the characteristic of log 381.37,
etc. Rule 2 is jugtified in general
by recognizing that, if a number N has (k -k I) digits to the left of the decimal point,
then N iB between 10 k and 10+1 ; hence log N is between Jc and (Ic + 1) and log N =
+ (a proper fraction). That is, lc is the characteristic of log N.
Rule 3. —If a number N is less than 1, the characteristic of log N is a
negative integer; if the first significant figure of N appears in kth decimal
place, then the of log N is — k.
Thug, the first significant figure of .38137 iB 3 and appears in the first decimal
place, and, in accordance with Rule 3, the characteristic of log .38137 iB — I. The
first significant figure of .038137 appears in the 2d decimal place, while the
characteristic of log .038137 is — 2, etc.
NOTE. — It may appur strange to the student that we write, for example,
log .0038137 — — 3 + .58134, instead of performing the subtraction. For every
number N which is less than I, log N is a negative number; thus, log .0038137 - _ —
3 + .58134 = — 2.41866. Written in this way, the mantissa .58134 and the
characteristic — 3 are lost sight of. We write the logarithm in the form — 3 + .58134
to keep the characteristic and the mantissa in a prominent position.
1. Given that .75101 is the mantissa for the digits 56365, find log
6636.5; log 56365; log 563.65; log log .0056365; log .56365.
2. Given that .93046 is the mantissa for 85204, find log 85.204 ; , log
log 8.5204; log•85204; log .085204; log .0000085204,
3. Given that .39863 is the mantissa for 2504, find log 2504 ; • log
2.504 ; log 25,040; log .2504; log .00000000002504.
4. Given that log 273 . 7 = 2.43727, find log 2.737; log 27.37; log
27,370; log .02737; log .002737. Make use of Rule 1.
5. Given that log 68,025 = 4.83267, find log 68.025; log 6.8025;
log .68025; log 6802.5; log .00068025.
6. What is the mantissa of log I ; of log 10; of log 10,000; of log . I ; of
log .00001 ?
3630 .55991
3947 .59627
4589 .66172
9831 .96993
9332 .96997
93331 .97002
Example 1. — Find log 38570; log .008432.
Solution. — By inspection, the characteristic of log 88570 iB 4; the mantica ag
found in Table I is .58625. Hence, log 88570 = 4.58625, The characterigtic of
log .008432 is — 3; log ,008432 = — 3 + ,92593.
In Table I, for 9333, we and the entry "*002." The LBteri8k on the • '002" means
that tho first two digits gro to be changed from 96, as at the beginning of the t row, to
In order to obtain greater convenience in computation, it is customary
to write negative characteristics in a different manner than heretofore.
Thus, in log .008432 = — 3 + .92593, change the — 3 to (7 — 10). Then
log .008432 = — 3 + .92593 = 7 — 10 + .92593 = 7.92593 — 10.
Recognize clearly that log
.008432 _ 3 + .92593 - — — 2.07407. We verify that 7.92593 — 10 =
— 2.07407. The two ways introduced for writing log .008432 are merely
two different ways of writing the negative number — 2.07407, which is
the actual logarithm involved. Similarly, log = 1 .92593 - 9.92593
— 10; log .000'000'000'008432 12 + .92593 = 8 — 20 + .92593 =
8.92593 — 20, etc.
NOTE. — The change from the new form to thc old or vice versa is oaay. Thus,
given that log .05383 = 8.73102 — 10, we see that the churacteristic iB (8 — 10) or
— 2; given that log .005849 = — 3 + .76708, then log .006849
= 7.76708 — 10.
1. What are the characteristics ofthefollowing logarithms:
9.8542—10 ; 7.7325 — 10; 6.5839 — 10; 4.3786 — 10?
2. Write the following logarithms in the other form: —
3 .5678; — 5 + 7654; — 7+ .8724; — 1 + .9675.
8. Write the following logarithms as pure negative numbers: — 3 +
.5674; — 1 + .7235; 9.7536 — 10; 7.2539 — 10.
4. By use of Table I verify the logarithms given below :
We recognize that the result on subtrocting will be negativo. To obtain log Q in
standard form, we add and nl eo subtract 10 from the log numerator. log Numer.
8.32672 - 13.32672 — 10
log 1.6364
(add) log Numer. —
log Denom. =
A systematic form prevents errors and makes it easy to repeat the work if it iB
desired to check the computation.
9. 10.
.3852 x .956 18.11 x 31.581
Solution. —From Property Ill Of Section 78 witli 4, log (.3156)' - 4 log .3156 -
4(9.49914 — 10) - 37.99050 -40 - 7.99656 — 10. From Table 1, (.3166)'
- .009921.
log "56.31
18.15. (1.03)-o 1
85.75 (45.6)2 (1.03)”
21.36 x
HINT. — For this problem, the computing form ig :
log 56.35 log 521.9
log 4,3157
(add) log Denom. =
(Búbtract) log fract.
Regult =
535 X 881,5 X (1.08) B 18. (189.5)',
475 x 938
19. 20.
(158.2) 2 x 257.8 21. .03156 x 75.81
(1.07) 6 — 1 251 +
5. 6. 63.95 x 41.27
.07 787
7. 395 x 856. 3852
9. (log 856). log 3852
That is, compute 10. • That is, compute
log 5321
11. log 88 — 2 12. 3 log (1.04)
654 log 2
13. log 6.532 14. log 8.957
log 1.04 log 1.06
15. 16.
17. (1.05)}. 18.
19. 20. log .85 -l- 3
Rule, — To solve a simple exponential equation, take the
logarithm of both sides of the equation and solve the resulting
Ecample 1. — Solve the equation 132=+2 = (356)5z.
Solution, — Toko tho logarithm of both Bides Of the equation, use
of Property I. Then (2 + 2) log 13 log 356 + log 5, or
(2$ + = 2.55145 + $(.69897). (Table 1)
2.22788 c + 2.22788 = 2.55145 + .69897 c.
1.52891 = .32357 ;
.32357 - .21164. log .32357 9.50997 — 10
1.52891 log 1.5289 = 0.18438
Solve the following equations :
1. (1.05)" = 6.325. 2. = 95.
s. 12+1 = 38. 4. (1.025) 1n = 8.8261.
5. 53z = 569. 6• 2n — 31.
7. 27(2s). 8. = 282.
9. (1.035)ß — 1 2.75.
HINT. — Clear the equation of fractions and reduce to the form of equation 6, obtaining
(1.035) n — 1.06875.
1. Find logo 75; loga 10; log0830; loga 657.
2. Find the natural logarithm of 4368.
3. Find 108853; logs 10; 100896; loglE33.
4. If a and b arc any two positive numbers, prove that 109 N logg N • 109 a.
HINT. —Let logo N and V log N. Then N a' = by. Take the logarithm with
respect to the b Qf both *ides of the equation a",
89. Arithmetical progressions. — A progression is a sequence of
numbers formed according to some law. An arithmetical
progression is a progression in which each term ig obtained from
the next preceding term by the addition of a fixed constant called
the common difference. Thus, 3, 6, 9, 12, , etc., is an arithmetical
progression in which the common difference is 3. Similariy, 3, 2,
9, , etc., is an arithmetical progression in which the common
difference iB
Let a represent the first term of an arithmetical progression, d the
common difference, and n the number of terms in the progression.
Then, in the progression,
a = 1st term, a + 3d = 4th term, a 4- d = 2d term, • etc. •
(8) a + 2d = 3d term, a + (n — I)d = nth term.
If we let represent the last, or the nth, term, we have proved that
If we start with the last term, the next to the last term is formed by
subtracting d, the second from the last by subtracting 2 d, etc. That
is, in going backward, we meet an arithmetical progression with the
common difference ( — d). Thus,
= last term, — 3 d 3d from last term,
— d = 1st from laet term, • • • etc, (10)
Since the aanount originally in the jar was 2 quarts, sn can never
exceed 2. Also, it iB clear intuitionally that, as n increases without
bound, sn must approach the value 2 because the amount of water
left in the jar approaches 0 as the process continues. We can prove
this fact mathematically ; from formula 19,
sn = (20)
1 continually decreases and
Ag n grows large without bound, 2n—l
As n approaches infinity, it is evident that
r" approaches zero because r iB numerically
less than 1. Hence, from equation 21
it is seen that, as n approaches in.finity,
sn approaches as a limiting value, because
the other term in equation 21 approaches
zero. Since, by definition, this limiting
value of sn is the value we assign to the sum
S = . • etc. • • to
infinitely many terms, we have proved that a
Ecampte I. — Find the sum of the progression
4 A
(1.04) + (1.04) + + • • • etc . • • • to infinitely
many terms.
Solution. — The ratio of the infinite geometrical
progresåion is r (1.04) , a = (1.04) -a. From formula
22, the sum is
(1.04) *
1 — (1.04) -2
Example 2. — Express the infinite repeating
decimal .08333 • • • as a fraction.
Solution. — We verify that .08333 • • • equals .08
.003 + .0003 + .00003 + • • • etc. •
• • to infinitely many terme.
'1 For rigorous proof of this intuitional fact the
student ig referred to the theory Of l.imiu
presented, for example, in booke on the Calculus.
Note 1
Proof of Rule 1, Section 15, Part I. — Consider the equation
The solution of this equation for n is the time required for money to
double itself if r is the rate per period. On taking the logarithms,
with respect to the base e = 2.71828 . of both sides of the equation,
we obtain log 2 log (1 + r)' where log means loge." From textbooks
on the Calculus, we
find that
and from Hence
Note 2
Proof of Rule 1, Section 17, Part I. — Consider three obligations
whose maturity values' are Sl, Sa, and Sa, which aro due,
Since i is small, we make only a slight error if we use only the first
two terms of each infinite series as an approximate value for the
corresponding power of (1 -l- i). On using these approximations in
equation 1, we obtain
(1 + S2 + Sa) — + S2(1 — + —
On expanding both sides and on solving for n, we obtain
n ISI + n as 2 + ngSa
Note 3
Solution of equations by interpolation. — The method of
interpolution which the student hag used in connection with logarithm
and compound interest tables con be uRed in solving equations whose
solution would otherwise present very great diffculties.
Dæample 1. — Solve for n in the oquution
5 (1.06) 7.5 + (1)
Solution. — On rewriting the equation und on u8ing the abbreviation F(n) for
the left member, we obtain
I by interpolation.
If the $1000108B in capital hud been uniformly distributed over the 10 years,
the 1088 per year would have been $100. Hence, under this false (but
approximately true) condition, the net tunnual income would have been BOO.
Tho average invested capital would have been å(6000 + 5000) = $5500. Hence,
siuce .055, we guess 1 .056 am approximation to the solution of the equation.
When r = .055, F(.056) + 98.73. Since this ig positive, the solution must be legs
than .055. We find F(.05) —257.80. Hence, the solution r = of equation I, for
which O iB between r = .056 and r = .05, We interpolate in the table below. 98.7
— 257.8) 356.5; o — 257.8) 257.8; .056 — .05 - .005. Eence,
.05 —
5 98.
- .05 + .0036, or approxi356.5 mutely, = .054. Tho
solution could be obtained accurately to hundredths (or to thousandths, or less) of
1%, if desired, by the method uscd in Example 2, Section 32, Part I.
Note 4
Abridged multiplication. — Consider forming the product
(11.132157) X (893.214). We decide in advance that wo desire the
result accurately
Notioo the similarity botwoen this reasoning and that employed in Soction 55 of Port 1.
Note 5
sponding values = (I -k r) % ond (1 + r) include A between them.
That is, A < .42. Then, ag obtained by interpolation, the solution of
equation 1 is
FIG. 6
Hence, on inserting the infinite series for log (1 -i- r), as obtained from any textbook on the
DTI < 1
Note 6
Accuracy of the interpolation method in
solving for the time in the annuity
equations. — Consider the equation
— Slr
— 1
which is the same 88 the result for equation 1. Hence, it
follows from Note 5 of the Appendix that the error in the
solution of equation 1 obtained by interpolation in Table VIl
is at most of the interest rate r. Similarly, it follows that,
if we should solve for n in the equation (Fl at r) = A, by
interpolating in Table VIll, the error of the result would be
at most r.
Numbers rcfer to
Numbere refer to pagea
Abridge of a
d debt,
multipli 78; of
cation, the
213 premi
Accrued um
dividen on
d, on a bond,
bond, 118
126 Amortiz
Accumula ation
tion equatio
factor, 16 n, 89
Accumu Amortiz
lation of ation
discount plan,
, on B 78;
bond, bonde
119 d debt
Accumu retire
lation d by
problem a, 81;
, 15 comp
Americ arison
an of
Exper sinkin
ience g
Table fund
of metho
Mort d
Llity, with
148 the,
Amortiz 88;
ation, final
paym certai
ent n, 39
under Annual
the, premiu
84 m ; see
ution premiu
sched m
ule, Annual
for a rent
debt, of on
78 ; annuit
for y, 39;
the deter
premi minot
um ion of
on a the,
bond, 68
'118 Annuiti
Amount es
, at certai
comp n, 39;
ound formu
intere lua
st, 16; for,
at 43,
simpl 47,
e 50;
intere interp
st, 1; olatio
in a n
sinkin metho
g ds
fund, for,
87; of 70,
an 72;
annuit summ
Numbers rcfer to
ary of ion of
formu thc
lae annua
for, l rent
50 of an,
Annuity 68 ;
; gee intero
annuit st rate
y borne
certai by
n, and on,
life 71 ;
annuit term
y of an,
Annuity 70;
bond, due,
130 56;
Annuity paym
corta. ent
in, intorv
39; al of
Amo an, 39
unt of ;
on, prese
39; nt
annun value
,l rent of an,
of on, 39;
•39; term
conti of an,
nuous 39
, 62; Annuity
defcrr duo,
ed, cort,oin,
59; 56; life,
deter 162
Annuity a
policy, t
177 e
Approxi ,
bond 8
yield, 4
Arithme A
tical v
progress e
ion, 204 r
A.æot, a
scrap g
value i
of an, n
96; g
ng a
value n
of an,
96; a
condi c
tion c
per o
cent u
of an, n
98 t
v 3
e 4
r Bank
a discount, 9
g Base of
e system of
Numbers rcfer to
Benefici 126;
ary, 165 book
Benefit value
of a of a,
policy, 117,
165 122;
Binomi chang
al es in
theorem book
, 63 value
Bond, of a,
113 ; 117;
accu divide
mulat nd on
ion of a,
disco 113;
unt face
on a, value
119; of a,
accru 113;
ed flat
divide price
nd on of B,
a, 125;
126; purch
amort ase
izatio price
n of of c,
premi 114,
um 121;
on a, quote
118; d
appro price
ximat of o,
e 125;
yield redem
on g, ption
of a, logarith
113; ms, 189
the Building
yield and loan
of a, asociation
126; s, 92;
yield dues of,
on a, 92;
by interest
interp rateg
olatio earned
n, by, 93;
128, loane
131 made by,
Bond 94; profits
table, in, 92;
Book shares in,
value, 92;
of a for stock
debt, to maturo
86; of in, 92
a Capitali
depre zed
ciable cost,
asset, 105
97 Coah
Book valuesurrend
of a
bond, on er an
interest date,
117; between
interest dates,
122 origtic
of a
Briggs' logarith
system m, 190
Numbers rcfer to
metho buildi
d for, ng
98 and
Discount, loan
bankin aæoci
g use btion,
of, 9; 92
m of,
compo Effectiv
und e rate of
interest interest,
, 15; 18
aed at ment
b, 119; insura
rate of, nce,
7; 170;
simple, also
7 see
Discount pure
factor, 16 endo
Discounting of wmen
notes, Equated
under date, 33
simple Equated
t, 10;
under 33;
compo equatio
und n for,
interest, 33,
24 212
Dividend, pages
on a,
bond, 113
Dues of n of
a value,
27; n, 41,
comp 43,
ariso 46;
n date use
for, of,
27 under
Exact perpet
Simplo uities,
interest, 108
2 Glover's
Expone tables,
ntial 157
on, al
201 ; repres
use entati
of, in on, of
annuit accu
y mulat
probl ion
ems, under
75 intere
st, 23;
Force of of
y, 59;
of on
57 ;
n, 97
Numbers rcfer to
Gross premi
premium, ums
165 for,
Infinite net
geom single
etricu premi
l um
progr for,
ession 166;
s, 207 policy
; use of,
of, 165;
under term,
perpet 168;
uities, whole
108 life,
Insuran 160
ce, Insuran
165 ; ce
endo policy
wmen , 105;
t, 170 benefi
; ciary
gross of an,
premi 165;
um benefi
for, ts of
165, an,
175; 165;
net policy
unuua date
l of an,
premi 165;
um endo
for, wmen
171 ; t,
net 172;
n- of,
paym 18;
cnt exact,
life, 2;
172; force
n- of,
ycur 36;
term, graph
172; ical
ordin repres
ary entati
life, on of
172; accu
reserv mulat
e on ion
an, under
178; , 23;
whole in
life, udvan
160 co, 9;
Insurance nomi
premium; nal
sea rate
premium of,
Interest, 18;
1 ; ordin
comp ary,
ound, 2;
14; rate
convo of, 1;
rted simpl
contin e, I
uousl Interest
y, period,
35 ; 14
Numbers rcfer to
y bond
probl by,
ems 128,
solve 131
d by,
d by,
of, in
Numbers refer to
Investment yield of a bond, 113, 126; npayment life policy, 173; for an
by approximate method, 126; by nyear term policy, 173 ; for ordinary
interpolation, 128, 131 life policy, 172
I.ægal reserve insurance company, 165 Net premiums, 165
Level premium, 178 Net single premium, 106, 175; for
Life annuity, 155; deferred, 159; due, endowment insurance, 170; for
162; present value of a, 155, 159, irregular benefits, 176; for term
insuranco, 168; for whole life
163; temporaa•y, 159; whole, 155 insuruncc, 166
Life insurance; Bee insurance
Nominal rato of intcregt, 18
Louding, 175
Notes; geo dücounting of nota
Ingarithm-s, 187; base of a system of,
Offce premium, 165
187; Briggs' system of, 189; change
of baae of, 203 ; . characteristics Old Iino ingurance company, 165
of, 190; common, 189; montigeas 219
of, 190; Napierian, 203 ; natural,
203; properties of, 188; use of tables pagøe
of, 194, 196 Ordinary life policy, 172
Mathematical expectation, 152; net Ordinary Aimple interest, 2
single premium as a, 175; of a
contingcnt payment, 152 Par value of a bond, 113
Manti— 190 Payment of a debt, amortization
Mining property, valuation of, 101 process for, 78 ; amortization
Modulus, of a system of logarithms, 203 schedule for, 78; building and loan
Mortality, American Experience Table næociation arrangement for, 94 ;
of, 148 comparison of amortization and
sinking fund methods for, 88;
n-poyment endowment policy, 172
sinking fund method for, 85
n-payment life policy, 172 n-year
term policy, 172 Pensiong, present value of, 184
Perpetuities, 103; infinite geometrical
Natural premium, 169 progressions applied to, 108 ;
Net annual premium, 171 ; for an present values of, 103, 104; use of,
endowment policy, 173 ; for an in cupitnli.zation problems, 105
irregular policy, 176; for an Policy ; see in8urance policy
Numbers refer to
Rate of digcountJ 7
Rate Of interest, I ; borne by an
annuity, 71; effective, 18; nominal,
18; paid by a borrower of a build-
Numbers rcfer to
Scrap value, 96
Serial bonds, 130
Simple discount, 6
Simple interest, I; exact, 2;
ordinary, 2; dx per cent rule for,
Sinking fund, 85; amount in a, 87;
table showing growth of a, 86
Sinking fund equation, 89
Sinking fund plan, for depreciation,
96; for retiring a debt, 85
Temporary life unnuity, 159
Tenn, of an annuity certain, 39; d+
termination of the, 70
Tcrminal reserve, 178; for an ordinary
life policy, 181; prospective method
for obtaining the, 183
Term insurance, 168
Time, to double money, 30, 211
Valuation, of L mine, 101; of an
insurance. reserve, 180
Value, cash gurrcndcr, 183; of an
obligation, 24
Values, compurison of, 26
Wearing value, 96
Whole life annuity, 155
Whole life insurance policy, 166
Numbers rcfer to
FROM 1.00000 to 1.10000
Pages 20 to 21
ο 1 2 8 8
087 130 ι 73 217 260 303 340 380
οοο 043 776 *242
432 475 518 δβ1 647 *ΙθΩ
0 οι 604 *072 689 732 620 42
903 945 988 *115 817
4 326 368 410 452 494 536 *157 *036 4.4 1.3 4.2
703 578 4-40 2 8.8
745 787 828 870 912 053 *802
119 202 243 284 325 005 857 8. 8.4
531 612 653 735 776 816 898 3 13.2
938 979 *100 *141 *181 *222 *202 12. 12,6
842 883 423 463 503 543 583 023 4 17.0
703 17.2 10.8 5 22. 21,5 21.0
743 782 822 862 002 941 981 454 ο 20. 26.8 20.2 7 30.8 80.
139 179 218 258 297 336 370 415 403 ι 20.4
571 650 β8θ 727 883 8 35.2 84.4 3.3.6
30.0 38.7 87,8
532 961 423 461 *115 760 805 652
922 *164 *102 844
308 729 385 805 843 881 576 408
108 183 221 258 638 *200
690 767 558 505 θ5β 004 781 M 30
070 488 145 633 018
200 333 371 *032 4.1 4.0 8.0
446 856 521 930 987 *004 707 744 518
208 835 372 070 2 8.2 8.0 7.8
819 225 882
803 664 700 737 *078 *115 3 12.8 12.0 11.7
188 591 262 408 446 482 *151
4 10.4 ιο.ο 15.6
555 628 773 800 20.5 19.5
218 24.8 23.4
990 *135 *171 *207 *248
θ54 386 θ 7
600 65 28.7 28,0 27.8
*307 8 32.8 32.0 31.2
814 743
422 458 493 620 505 9 30.0 36.1
072 850 056
707 447 778 814 849 884 020 340
991 877 ηβ1 795 *182 *167 *202 *237 *272
342 726 140 482 517 552 587 621 38 87 88
412 *025
691 072 760 483 830 864 899 034 908 361 2 3.0
037 415 106 823 175 200 243 278 312 3
380 755 449 517 651 685 σιο 058 4 14.
721 093 789 857 890 024 058 002 6 4
059 428 120 198 227 201 204 327 7 28.8
394 461 528 561 504 628 601 8
72712 760 798 826 860 898 928 050 352 ο
090 123 ι 56 18θ 222
483 254 287 678
385 418 460 516 648 581 613 *001
710 748 775 808 840 872 937 322
038 066 008 180 162 194 226 258 640
854 886 418 450 481 513 545 577 2
672 704 736 767 790 830 862 803 925 *270
988 883 864 895 *114 *145 *176 *208 *230 682 10.8
801 644 675 706 426 467 489 620 551 801
618 737 768 709 820 ΐ2 33
*168 *ΙΩΒ a 3.3
473 603 0.0
770 806 13.2
320 376 702 30:a 29:7
025 678
922 953 983 927 *137 289
229 259 290 227 861 381 412 442 260
534 594 524 685
715 746 561
82 81 30
886 866 897 820 967 087
187 167 197 114 256 286 316 846 6.4 6.2 0.0
435 466 406 554 584 618 643 0.0 0.3
732 761 791 850 870 038 12.8
026 058 085 148 173 202 231
19,2 22.
319 348 377 435 464 493 622 26. 24:8 24:0
609 688 667 725 754 782 811 28.8 27.9 27.0
8 5 7 8
ο 1 2 8 ο 7 8 9
609 638 687 696 725 754 782 811 840 860
18 29
926 984 *018 2.0
*070 6.8
752 213 241 270 298 327 355
384 *127
03 498 554 583 667 412 .7
611 639 14.6
3 780 808 837 949 724
812 061 080 145 893 921 229 077
117 173 257 23.2
590 340 368 424
451 479
285 20.1
866 818 645 673 700 783 28
14 893 921 048 070 728 756 *058 811 838
Ι 2.7
0 167 194 222 240 270 303 330 358 385
2 6.6
412 430 408 493 520 548 576 002 020 656
8 8.4
883 710 763 808 4 11.2
952 978 737 817 871
*032 790
844 *105 025 14.0
219 245 272 *086
299 825 405 481 192 16.8
362 378 458 7 10.0
484 511 537 584
748 775 801 827 854 017 643 θ32 058 722 8 22.4
011 037 003 08θ 115 880 οοο Ιθ4 220 9 25.2
141 24
272 208 324 360 107 453 479
401 427
531 557 583 008 634 712 737 763
780 814 840 866 89 ι 017 043 068 904 *019 27 28
045 070 096 121 147 172 108 223 240 274 2.7 2.0
300 350 370 5.4
325 452 477 502 528
603 020 401 426 10.8
563 578 704 720 754 770 5 6
805 855 880 005 030 13.5 Ι8Ϊ2
830 080 ο 16.2 20.8
05 105 130 155 18Ω 204 254 270
080 220 18.
5 353 378 403 428 452 502 627 23.4
829 477 21.
304 601 625 074 748 773
570 724 24.3
551 846 871 895 920 944 993 *018
822 980
797 001 115 189 164 188 237 261
04 310 334 358 382 406 431 479 603
2 551 575 624 048 072 720 744
285 702 810 840 864 888 912 035 950 083
627 031 055 070 102 120 Ι50 174 108 221
708 200 203 310 340 364 387 411 435 458
00 520 558 570 οοο 647 670 004
7 741 7M 788 811 834 023 881 028
245 075 θ08 *021 *008 858 *114 *101
482 370
207 231 277 300 323 340 303
απο 402 485 508 531 554 577 830 823
051 '715 701 784 807 852
18 808 602 044 738 12 *035
4 021 067
103 120 140 171 104
330 375 308 421 217 240 202 285 307 o 2Ι.σ 20.7
353 443 533
5δβ 601 623 ΜΟ 460 488 511
578 758
780 803 826 847 718 735
870 802 014
003 020 048 070 092 937 081
116 137 181 203
226 248 270 202 314 336 858 380 40,3
447 401 513 635 557 579 601 β23
007 088 710 732 754 776 708 820 842
885 007 929 051 073 *081
103 125 146 168 Ιθδ 211 233 255 278 208
o 1 2 '1 8
8 9
ο 1 2 8 7
0 103 125 148 168 190 211 283 256 278
7 8
ο 1 2 δ.
о 1 2 8 5 6 8
9 794 811 829 840 863 881 898 015 933 950
8 7 8
о 1 2 в
N o 2 3 8 7 8 9
47 712 727 741 756 770 784 7θθ 813 828
800 857 871 885 οοο 914 929 058 972
οι 48 001 015 029 044 058 078 087 101 110 130
02 144 173 187 202 210 230 244 259 273
03 302 316 344 359 378 387 401 416
287 47C
04 444 458 487 601 515 530 644 558
572 586 β2θ
601 648 657 071 686 700
714 758
728 742 807 770 786 700 813 827 841
07 856 809
08 883 *038 011 026 040 968 982
*010 *052 *094
186 178 *080 *108 *122
150 234
810 192 200 220 248 202
11 276 200 804 318 332 346 360 374 388 402 14
12 415 429 443 457 471 486 688 513 527 641
18 554 δθ8 682 610 624 β7θ 1.
14 603 707 721 734 748 762 776 700 803 817 3 4
15 881 845 859 872 886 900 914 927 θ41 4 2.
082 *010 *024 *037 8 5
188 202 220
17 50 120 133 147 215
101 174 325 338 365 7.0
18 243 270 284 352 8.
303 297 311 401 501
19 379 406 420 433 447 474 488 637 8 13
515 542 583 610 623 4 1.
21 651 664 705 718 732 745 769 772 3
22 786 799 678 820 840 853 800 880 803 007 2.6 2
23 020 984 813 οαι 974 987
*028 *041 8.
24 51 055 068 947 005 108 121 135 148 0
25 188 202 081 228 242 255 268 282 6.2
206 308 0.6
26 322 385 216 362 375 388 402 415 7.8
27 465 468 848 405 508 621 534 548 501 574 0.
28 587 601 481 027 640 064 607 680 βθ3 7Ρ6 1
29 720 733 746 759 772 786 700 812 826 888 10.
851 878 891 004 017 930 943 057 970 4
31 *000 *035*048 *075 *088 11.
983 140 108 170 206 218 231 7
32 127
52 114
257 270 153 207 310 192 336 849 802
284 323
34 401 427 440 470 492
375 888 δΩ5
35 580 414 45,3
808 621
504 517 543 οοο 582
737 760
634 647 711 863
87 780 673 815 827
763 770 017 802 043 050 082 866
88 892 038 110 004 *007
046 071 084
89 N 020 058 007 237 122 136
173 212
148 181 180 224 260 203
41 276 288 301 314 326 339 352 364 377
42 403 415 428 441 463 503 479 491 504 517
43 542 555 567 580 618 081 643
529 719
ββ8 681 732 744 767 700
820 832 845 857 870 882
45 782 794 807 970 806
908 920 933 945 958 983 *008 *020
47 095 108 120 133
54 038 045 058 070 083
220 145
48 168 170 183 1θδ 208 233 245 268 270
49 346 357 370 382
283 295 807 820 332
4β9 304
850 407 419 482 444 450 481 494 518
N ο 1 2 8 4 7 8
N ο 1 2 3 5 7 8 9
850 419 432 444 4θθ 481 404 518
51 548 δβ8580 503 13
555 θθ1 605 617 β30 642
52 531 667 704 716 765
070 814 728 741 753 1.
58 790 827 830 888
777 802 851 864 876 3
M 913 937 049 962
οοο 025 οοο 072 084 974 2.
55 0.35 108 121 133 0
55 023 047 182
157 104 206 218 230 242 255 3.
57 270 303 315 328 340 376 0
267. 201 352 364
58 400 425 437 440 461 407 5.
388 413 47,3 485
60 522 546 658 570 582 018 2
380 630 842 (354 678 σοι 703 715 727 730 7.
1.12 8
751 783 775 787 811 859
63 8,17 0.
871 883 895 907 700 031 823 835 070
M 1
*003 '015 *027 *050 948 *080 *008
05 *074 10.
110 122 134 140 170 206 217
158 4
220 241 253 205 280 182 104 324 336
277 11.
07 348 360 372 384 407 301 812 443 455
08 7
407 419
478 490 502 514 526 549 561 573 2
870 585 597 608 020 032 644 538 ββ7 679 βθ1 84
703 714 726 738 750 701 773 785 707 808 a7
72 820 832 844 855 867 870 801 002 014 026
73 937
57 064 3 1
74 072 906
171 049 078 080 101 113 124 136 148 Ιδθ
76 287 183 104 200 217 220 241 252 264 276
403 910 334 345 857 308 380 392
77 290 322
510 420 438 440 401 473 484 400 507
78 415
79 034 530542 553 505 578 688 οοο 011 828 0.0
74 Ω 680
380 657 οοο 602 703 715 720 738 10.
81 701 772 784 705 807 818 830 841 852
078 8
82 875 887 898 910 921 033 944 056 907
58 002 8
83 οοο *001 *013 *035 *047 *058 *070 *081
84 320 104 115 127 138 203 161 172 184 105
85 433 218 220 240 252 377 • 286 297 309
80 331 343 3M 305 400 274 399 410 422
87 444 450 407 478 602 888 512 524 585
88 771 657 500 580 78ο
704 715 501 025 740 047
80 005 070 081 βΩ2 614 737 760
810 827 720 801
390 50 100 782 704 805 872
028 030 850
02 218 838 001
017 ΟΜ
93 320 804 050 3
430 *017 *028
M 118 120 140 151 162 173 105 207
07 770 2
08 43
400 088
80 007 9
ο 1 2 3 5 7 8
228 230 240 200 271 282
οι 80 206 217 412
02 314 825 330 347 370 300 521)
358 380 ΙΕ27 l.i¯
08 423 433 444 456 487 408 401
04 631 641 652 503 674 505
684 017 735
638 070 081 703 713
002 72-1
746 750 707 778 788 810 821
07 831
853 8133 874 886 805 θ00 017
050 070 981 001 *002 *013 *023 *034
61 οσο 077 087 008 100 110 130 140 151
11 172 183 10,1 204 216 225 230 2-17 257 3
12 27θ 280 300 310 321 331 342 362 303 471)
13 384 305 405 410 420 437 58,1
532 5-12 448 458 ΙΙΙ")
14 490 500 511 521 503
605 010 027 037 57,1
16 ΙΙΙ}Ο
700 711 721 731 742 752 7113
815 820 847 857 773
17 805 830 808 78-1
020 030 051 Ωβ2 878 21 Ι
18 900 072
024 315
62 034 045 055 070 Ι}07
120 128 140 150 ι 70 100 418
118 138 180 2111
21 232 252 203 278 204 304
221 02-1
22 335 340 358 380 377 387 307 408
23 825 720
428 450 480
24 δ3Ι 542 502 572 583 400
552 003 511
644 005 075 086 δΙ)3
26. 700 013
27 737 747 757 707 778 788 ΗΩ8 710 194
839 840 870 880 800 708 010
28 850 8ΙΗ
20. 941 051 061 072 082 002 *012
68 043 053 063 073 083 004 104 114
31 144 Ιδδ 105 175 185 105 205 215
32 246 256 260 276 286 200 300 317 327 7311
38 847 357 367 377 387 307 407 417 428
448 458 488 478 488 408 608 1128 θ:ΙΩ
34 518 *038
548 558 δβ8 570 580 000 υιο
36 640 050 070 680 137
7110 700 82θ
37 740 750 770 780 800 810 237
860 871)
88 θ4θ 850 880 008 d\i.i
• οοο 079
39 050 088 11.28
64 048 008 078 008 108 118 227 15,31
147 068 088 11>7 21>7
167 177 729
41 246 157 187 306 310
260 276
42 260 280
345 414
43 365 306 875 385 305 404 513
44 454 473 483 403 503 01 Ι 710 ΙΙΗ
46 542 562 562 572 582 080 000 700 81 u 21δ
46 640 βοο 670 ΟΒΟ
787 707 807
788 748 758 885 805 408
47 768 777 004 ΙΩΒ
836 848 860 875 082 002 206
49 943 θδ3 003
938 072 οοο
070 080
040 060 170 292 898
031 167 070 186
128 137 147 264 107 273 28J 889
225 234 244 360 203 309 870
321 381 841 860
N ο 1 2 5 8
ο 1 2 8 8 9
321 331 341 350 360 369 379 389 398 408
N ο 1 ο 7 8 9
500 023 040 049 058 075
01 897 914 032
02 984 *001 *018 *027 *030
θθ2 *010 114 122
03 70 070 079 088 101 200 131
157 165 174 183 200 4.6
M 278 217 234
312 6.4
06 243 252 260 200 304 280 205
303 321 11.3
329 338 346 440 372 381 308 7.2
07 355 380
468 407 484 402 8.1
08 424 475
501 518 520 β2Ι 644 562 500 578
09 509 501 055
072 603 012 700 629 6.38 ΙΊΙ3
510 723 731 7-10
757 680 680 791 714 740
842 760
12 774 783 800 808 817 825 8.34
808 803
13 927 851 8δθ
052 876 078 ΩΟ2
14 71 012 935 944
υυ3 010
020 029 037 001 064
Ιδ 040 071 079 *003
181 106 113 122 130 147 088 8
180 155
17 205 189 198 200 223 231 2411 2-18
214 172
290 307 315 324
18 849 273 282
19 433 867 374 891 300 408 410
620 517 441 450 458 883 476 483 402 600
21 οοο 525 533 642 4ββ 559 507 584
560 δΙ)2
22 βορ 617 625 (3,34 642 650 οπο 1507 (175
23 884 709 759
767 692 700 792 726 7-12
717 734 750 025
860 776 784 875 800 825
26 800 817 834 *008
858 807 802 008
26 933 958 883 017
72 016 941 950 975 983 001 173
27 041 ΩΩ9
024 032 057 οσο 074
28 123 148 082 255
181 107 115 132 140 150 337 7
29 200
580 263 189 198 214 222 230 230 247 410
81 272 280 08 2Ωβ 804 313 321 321)
32 364 362 870 378 887 305 403 411
38 436 444 452 400 460 477 485 403
691 518 620 534 542 032 558 507 575 501
673 607 6113 024 713 (548
35 β81 722 738 583
86 754 089 697 705 730
795 803 810 740
886 702 779 787 870 811
87 770 884 827
843 800 892 981
38 852 868 057
997 925 941 973 *002
80 983 *088
73 078 *006 1-13 *071)
159 086 *014 *022 *080 110 127 *054
094 102 111 199 207 135 151
41 239 167 304
42 176 183 191 215 384 231
43 u7 2δδ 2β3 272 280¯ 288 4114
320 328 352 380- 200 644
46 408 336 344 482 440 388 370 024
46 488 416 424 612 520 448 450 703
560 496 604 312
47 668 δθ2 οοο 528 630 783
719 048 570 584 072 β7θ 608 010 802 032
759 087 711
799 727 735 748 761 941 791
878 807 815 823 830 838 707 *02υ
967 886 010 854 870
894 902 018 840
74 080 973 981 980 997 020 933
044 *013 *028
062 060 068 070
084 092 099 107
N ο 1 2 8
7 8
N ο 1 2 ο 7 8 9
550 74 014 052 οοο ου8 07υ 084 092 οοο 107
61 123 131 130 155 102 170 178 180
52 115 233 8
202 210 218 24 Ι 240 267 343
58 194 147 312
280 288 320 327 335 421 1.
273 225
54 369 874 390 808 400 σοο 0
851 437 307 453 304
468 .17β 484 492 678 8.
429 515 445 531 382 547 564 502 570 2
57 623 050
507 539 024 048 7.33 4.
68 οοο 632 640
580 071 001 087 017 702 710 718 720 811 0
741 740 757 704 772 780 788 803 4.
819 827 834 842 860 858 805 873 881
62 896 904 012 027 935 043 880
03 974 081 θ8θ 020 *005 *020 *028 958 900
οου 007 106 *036 *043
64 76 Οδ1
074 082 089 4
113 120
65 128 130 143 159 ισο 174 182 7.
206 213 220 151 23U 243 251 250 180 107
282 289 297 228 312 320 328 335 343' 274 2
08 305
358 300 374 389 397 404 412 420 851 3
435 442 450 881
1168 405 473 481 488 490 427
570 611 519 626 534 612 540 557 565 572. 504
587 595 003 αιο (318 υ26 (133 041 648 580
72 717 8
004 071 079 080 004 702 700 793 724 732
78 9
740 747 755 762 770 778 786 808 800 808
74 815 823 831 838 848 853 870 884
75 801
891 899 900 014 921 020 944 952 050
70 0.37
907 974 082 089 907 *006 *Ο12 *020 *027 *036
77 70 042 060 067 072 080 087 005 103 110
79 118 126 133 140 148 166 103 170 178 186
580 193 200 208 215 223 230 238 245 253 2θ0
208 275 283 290 208 806 813 320 328 335
843 350 858 305 373 380 388 395 403 410
83 418 470
433 440 448 455 402
84 492 425 507 515 522 530 637 645 477 485
85 567 682 680 597 004 012 019 652 034
641 049 071 078 603 820 708
87 716 723 730 738 7,15 763 780 708 701 782
88 790 797 805 812 819 827 834 842 775 850
804 871 870 880 893 001 008 910 849 030
938 045 953 900 907 075 082 989 923 *004
02 77 012 026 034 041 048 056 008 070 078
03 085 003 100 107 115 122 129 187 1,14 151
160 100 173 181 188 195 203 210 217 226
232 240 247 254 202 200 270 283 201 208
90 305 313 327 342 349 357
820 336 304 371
97 379 380 401 415 422 490 44-4
98 452 393 474 408 488 495
459 481 603 510 517
526 532 630 640 601 588 590
597 612 010 634 641 648
070 077 086 692 027 706 714 721 728 735
743 750 757 764 772 779 78β 793 801 808
815 822 880 837 844 851 850 860 873 880
5 8 7 8
Ν ο 1 2
N ο 1 4 8 9
600 77 816 822 830 837 844 851 859 866 873 880
02 887 θβ7 902 θ1θ
θΟθ 924 938 *017 θδ2 8
981 •
088 031
03 78 032 974 053 001 008 097 0.
075 082 089
M 111 046 Ι 40 8
104 125 132 147 154 101 168
05 183 118 197 211 240 1.
178 204 219 226 233
06 254 283 0
247 262 260 278 290 297 806 312
07 356 2.
819 826 338 840 347 362 360 376 388 4
08 890 398 405 412 419 420 440 447 455
497 504 3.
462 460 476 488 512 510 520 2
533 640 547 564 561 576 583 500 597 4.
12 033 054 0
604 611 618 640 047 608 4.8
13 704 711 718 725 ουι
θ7δ 082 760 β25 774 732 739 0.4
781 789 790
15 746 753 7β7 803 810 7.2
831 845 852 850 800 2
817 824 902 838 916 873 880 84
923 930 037
17 888 972 986 944 *021 α7
18 968 8
19 030 043 060 057 064 071 078 092
029 10β 113 120 127 134 141 148 085 102
1βθ 176 188 Ι 90 Ιθ7 204 211 218 225 232
289 240 253 260 267 274 281 288 295 302
23 809 316 323 330 337 344 368 365
24 879 380 303 400 407 414 851 428 435 372
25 449 456 468 470 477 484 421 498 506 511
20 518 525 532 539 546 653 567 574 581
27 688 596 602 609 016 623 887 044 050
057 680 2
28 671 678 685 706 713 720
8 7
29 727 734 741 748 754 761 768 775 782 780
796 803 831 851 858 1.
810 817 824 837 844
8βδ 872 4
31 879 886 893 900 913 020 927
82 934 948 955 962 975 082 980 990
80 003 010 017 024 030 087 044 061 068 3.0
34 072 079 085 092 Οθθ 100 113 120 127
168 175 182 6.6
35 140 147 154 161 188 195
202 0.
209 216 223 229 236 243 250 257 8
37 277 284 2θΙ 298 305 312 318 325 332
38 346 358 859 378 880 387 393 400 407
39 402 408 7
414 421 428 434 441 448 455 476
482 489 496 602 509 530 630 643 8
41 557 564 570 577 598 004 011 9
42 818 625 632 688 645 623 672 070
48 686 706 720
713 747
754 767 774 787 726 738 740 814
780 781
45 821 835 841 855 794 801 808 882
828 848
46 889 θ22 862 868 875
895 902 909 916 949
47 81 023 963 969 976 057 929 930 943 *017
48 037 048 084 070 077 084
090 080 050
168 097 104 ΙΙΙ 117 124 131 187 144 151
224 ι 84 171 178 184 191 198 204 211 218
291 231 288 245 251 258 266 271 278 285
298 305 811 818 825 831 888 346 351
ο 2 8 8
N 1
N ο 8
1 3 5 9
81 291 298 305 311 318 325 381 388 351
52 358 365 378 385 898 405 411 418
53 426 431 371
4-45 451 391 465 471 478 486 7
401 498 505 518 458 531 544 561
54 1.
571 578 625 604
55 558 584 598 611 β17 4
624 631 637 644 051 591 664 671 677 684 2.
βρο βθ7 704 710 βδ7 730 737 750
57 717 743 1
58 757 763 770 776 783 7Ωβ 808 809 818 2.
60 823 820 838 842 849 790
862 8θθ 875 882 8
889 8θ5 002 008 016 921 028 936 041 948 8.
01 054 008 074 987 *014 5
02 82 020 040 053 073 079
027 033 105
63 080 125 132 138 145 6.
002 οοο
171 112 119 101 204 210 3
04 107
158 178 184 2
06 217 223 230 236 249 256 283 200 278
282 302 243 8
07 280 205 315 321 328 400
847 387 308 406
08 354 360 380 387 393
413 41θ 432 452 458 630 471
428 430 445
478 484 407 517 523 δθ5 δ3β 8
401 504 510
71 543 502 675 682 688
72 607 614 020 027 038 ΜΟ 040 653
73 672 670 685 750 608 706 711 718 724 730
74 737 743 760 821 703 769 776 782 789 7θδ
75 802 886 827 834 840 847 853 860
70 800 872 870 060 802 898 006 011 018 924
77 030 937 043 *014 *020 063 *033 975 982 088
78 905 *001 *008 078 085 *027 *062
007 104 110
70 83 050 120 072 142 149 091 161 168 174 117
680 128 193 136 208 213 155 225 239 238 181
81 187 257 200 270 276 210 28θ 2θθ 302 246
251 264
82 283 308
83 316 321 327 334 340 347 353 369 366 372
378 385 891 808 404 410 417 428 42θ 438 8 3.
85 442 4-48 455 461 467 474 480 487 493 499 0
81) 8.
512 518 525 531 537 544 550 78θ 6
87 632
575 582 688 δθ4 807 613 620 620 4.
β30 058 683 β8θ
88 045 070 677 2
80 702 708 716 721 727 784 740 746 758 4.
750 700
778 800 818 8
92 822 705 771 784 707 803
93 886 828 835 847 853 800 866 872 879
04 948 801 807 004 010 016 028 029 936 042
84 011 οοο 973 079 986 Ωθ2 098 *004
073 017 023 9β7 036 042 048 066 061 067
97 088 020 008 105 111 117 123 130
196 080 002
08 ΙΩ8 142 148 181 167 173 180 180 102
201 205 211 156 223 230 236 242 248 265
273 217 280 202 298 305 311 817
328 287
380 830 336 348 354 361 367 873 370
448 302 398 842 410 417 423 429 435 442
454 460 473 470 485 491 407 604
δΙθ 522 528 536 ΜΙ 647 563 569
N 610 2 8
1 7 8
N ο 2 3 8 8
700 84510 516 522 528 535 541 547 653 550 506
8 δ 8 7 8 9
N ο 1
N ο 1 .2 3 7 8
750 87 512 518 528 529 535 541 547 552 558
61 564 587 503 714 602 β1θ
52 022 570 651 720 σιο 574
581 703 772
53 679 028 576 708 008 731
760 829 777
β8δ 633 β07 726
737 743 740 0.
705 800 806 812 818 835 783 780 8
54 841
852 868 864 869 875 823 887 802 904 1.
881 898 2
010 016 021 027 033 044 050 901
57 007 073 978 084 000 038 *001 *007 056 *018 1.
58 88 030 036 ΜΙ 047 053 058 004 070 070 8
59 081 087 003 008 104 110 110 121 127 133 2.
760 150 150 184 190 1
144 101 107 173 178
61 188 207 213 241 247 3.
201 218 224 280 235
02 195 204 270 208 304 0
258 275 281 287 202
63 252 3.
315 321 320 332 338 343 355 360 8
300 372 377 383 406 412 417
65 389 305 4.2
866 420 434 440 467 463 408 474 4.
423 513 510 8
67 491 407 502 508 525 530
480 542 547 553 650 564 570 576 581 687 2
536 598 βιο 615 021 627 032 638 043 3
770 503 β6δ β72 077 083 680 604 700 4
71 640 722 67
72 705 711 717 770 728 734 730 750
762 767 784 700 705 745 812
73 773 885 807
818 824 840 840 862 801 808
829 801 803
74 857
75 874 880 885 047 897 002 008 010 925
980 936 953 958 064 913
76 041 075 081
986 092
. *000 *014 *020
097 *087
78 042 048 053 050 064 070 070 081 087 092
79 008 104 100 115 120 120 131 137 143 148
780 154 150 165 170 176 182 187 103 108 204
81 209 215 221 220 232 237 243 248 254 260
82 265 271 282 287 293 304 310 315
321 270 208
83 320 337 343 348 360 365 371
370 332 354 5
84 382 803 308 404 416 421 420
887 400
85 432 487 448 454 450 470 476 481
80 487 492
604 500 516 465 520 531 537 3.
542 648
550 664 670 520 581 586 502 o7 0
87 558 575
88 507 0-03 014 β20 626 036 642 847 3.
80 053 658 600 οοο 875 080 691 697 702 6
708 713 710 724 730 735 741 740 752 767
οι 768 768 774 770 785 700 700 801 807 812
02 818 840 000 851 856
03 873 823 820 834 804 055 011 802 887
027 878 883 880 *ΟΟΟ 910 022
05 082 033 038 044 084 *020 971 077
οο 088 903 098 113 119 075 *020 *031
0.37 124
97 042 048 053 ι ά78 129 080 086
001 227 170
98 097 102 108 184 135 140
800 146 151 157 162 189 106
200 206 211 217 22 233 238 244 249
255 200 200 271 270 282 287 203 298 304
314 320 325 331 836 342 347 352 868
Ν 300 2 3
1 7 8
N ο 1 2 8 5 8
800 ρο 809 314 320 325 331 336 842 347 852 358
01 374 380 390 401 407 412 6
02 863 428 484 385 445 450 455 461 466
520 0.6
08 417 477 482 488 430 499 504 515
04 472 531 536 542 493 553 558 563 569 574
528 585 590 596 547 607 612 617 623 628
580 650 655 871 677 082
07 4.8
684 893 698 703 714 720 725 730 786
09 6.4
887 747 752 757 763 768 773 779 784 780
810 2
741 800 806 811 816 822 827 832 838 843
11 795 854 850 865 870 875 881 886 801 807
12 849 78o
907 018 024 920 θ4δ 060
13 902 913 034 940
001 972 977 982 988 203 098
14 030 *004
91 οοο014 020 025 030 041 052
15 057
Ιβ 062068 073 078 084 089 094 100 105
116121 126 132 137 142 148 183 158 110
189174 180 185 100 196 201 206 212 217
222 228 233 238 248 249 254 259 265 270
820 275 281 286 291 297 302 307 312 818 823
21 328 334 330 344 360 355 365 371 376
22 381 387 302 307 403 408 413 418 424 420
434 461 471 477 48
u 25 445 450 455
487 514 519 524 520 535
26 492 498 503 508
540 506 572 577 682 587
27 545 551 550 561 8
593 819 624 030 040 4.
28 598 614 4
645 661 672 677 682 687 693 0
698 703 700 714 719 724 730 785 740 745 7 4.
751 756 781 772 777 782 787 793 798 8 6
808 808 814 819 824 829 834 840 845 850
855 861 8ββ 871 876 882 887 892 897 903
908 918 918 924 029 934 244 050
35 92 012 965 971 976 981 086 091 297 *007
86 065 018 023 028 033 038 044 049
ιω 059
87 117 070 076 080 085 091 101
38 148 153
221 122 127 132 137 143
200 205 262 163
174 179 184 180 195 215
ΜΟ 273 231 286 262 267 314 207
241 247
41 324 278 366
288 288 293 298 804 30θ 310
42 876 830 418
335 840 845 350 865 361 371
48 428 381 407 412
387 802 397 402 423
44 480 483 450
45 531 438 449 454 484 474
46 583
485 490 495 500 505 511 516 621 526
834 542 547 552 . 562 572 678
48 686 588 598 598 603 657 614 624 029
49 737 639 670
850 θθ1 646 650 655 609 876 681
788 742 716 722
747 701 706 773 727 732
840 762 758 711 788 778 788
891 798 799 763 819 824
942 845 850 804 809 829 834
855 860 814 870 875 881 886
947 952 908 911 8βδ 921 927 982 937
916 θ78
957 962 988
o 2 4 5 7 8 9
N 1
N ο 1 2 3 6 7 8
850 92 942 947 052 057 962 007 973 078 983 988
51 *013 '-018 *024 *034
993 040 *003 *008
52 004 Οθθ 076 080 085 090
98 044 100 105
53 110 115 120 125 131 136 141
54 140 151 156 161 171 170 181 186 Ι 02
55 107 202 207 212 217 222 227 282 237 242
247 252 258 203 268 278 278 283 288 293
57 303 308 313 318 323 328 334 330 844
58 354 369 384 369 374 379 384 380 804
59 404 400 414 420 425 430 435 440 445
860 450 455 460 405 470 476 480 1185 400 405
82 500 620 531
δΟ5 515 526 586
561 556 510 571 581
63 σοι 5ββ 576
βΙΙ 621 031
65 851 058 661 671 682 697
702 707 712 717 722
727 782 742 747
87 752 757 782 707 772
777 782 702 797
68 837
802 807 812 817 822
827 832 842 847
09 887
862 857 862 807 872
877 882 802 897
870 937
002 907 012 917 022
027 032 047
71 087
952 057 902 907 972
077 982 992
242 907
72 94 002 007 012 017 022
027 032 037 042 047
73 052 057 062 067 072
077 082 086 091 146
74 101 ιιι 116 121
126 131 136
75 141 106
151 156 161 1ββ 171 17β 181 186
76 211 191 245
201 206 216 221 226 231 236 240 205
77 250 255 280 205 270 275 280 286
78 290 345
300 305 310 315 320 325 380 335
70 840 394
349 354 364 419 374 370 384 438
880 390 401 389 443
458 433
81 408 424 420 498
448 453 473 478 483 488
82 408 503
83 507 512 517 522 527 632 537 542
547 552
557 662 567 671 57β 581 586 591
84 β01 011 621 626 630 635 640
86 650 670675 880 685 689
748 704 709 714
748 753 768 710724 729 734 788
87 758
702 708778 778 788 787
88 707 802 812
841 807 817822 827 832 838
89 846 851 881
800 858 871 876 880 885
800 895 οοο 910
030 905 910 924 929 934
01 914 049 050
088 908 973 978 983
93 085 003 908 *002 *007 *012 7 *022 ι075 *032
M 134 041 143 100 168 061 114 071 124 080 6
95 182 000 102 148 202 109 163 119 129
231 130 240 107 260 158 211 188 0.
221 177.
97 6
279 187 280 246 2θθ 207 260 216 270. 228
08 1.
328 236 337 294 347 255 808 818 274 2
376 284 386 342 305 30.3 357 313 8βθ 323 1.
424 332 434 300 444 352 405 301 415 371 8
381 439 400 453 410 463 419 2.
429 448 468 4
2 7 8
N ο 1 9
ο 8 8 7 8
1 2
453 458
οοο 434 444 448 408
οι 424 477
02 472 525
03 521 574 482 487 492 497 511
501 δου 516
04 622 530 535 540 545 550 564 550
05 617 670 578 583 588 593 508 602 807 012 0.6
713 718 626 631 636 θ50 655 οοο 1.
07 674 679 684 680 604 608 703 708 0
08 761
813 722 727 732 737, 742 746 761 756 1.
09 809
861 770 776 780 785 700 804 5
856 789 704
818 823 828 832 847 852 2.
004 837 842
ΙΙ 866 871 875 880 805 899 0
952 885 800
12 914 918 928 028 083 038 042 047
047 6
13 971 076 080 086 οοο 005
005 057 θβ1 3.
*028 *033 *038 *042
ι 42 *014 *019 *023 0
15 076 080 085 οοο
100 052 057 071
ορο 104 109 114 123 128 133 137
17 237 118
• 18 147 152 150 101 171 175 180 185
19 284 194 204 200 213 218 223 227 232
020 242 246 251 256 261 266 270 276 280
879 318 817
21 289 204 208 303 808 322 327
22 336 341 846 850 355 360 305 300 374
23 884 888 393 308 402 407 412 417 421
24 481 440 445 454 459
25 478 483 487 492 497 601 500 408
473 611
26 525 630 534 544 648 558 516
520 568 502
27 572 577 581 586 591 595 οοο
567 οοο
28 019 624 628 633 688 042 647 652
29 670 675 680 686 080 604 703
708 718 717 722 727 731 736 741 745 750
31 755 759 764 700 774 778 783 788 7θ2 707
32 802 806 811 810 820 826 880 834 830 844
33 848 853 858 882 867 872 870 881 880 800
34 928 032 037
οοο 951 909 014 018 023 274
36 942 070 084
988 θθ7 *007 *011 070 *021 *080
07 035 099 044 049 053 058 072 077
38 067
30 081 086 ορο 005 100 104 083 114 118 123
1.28 182 187 142 146 151 109 ιαο 165 189
174 179 183 188 192 197 206 211 216
42 220 225 230 234 239 243 202 253 267 262
43 267 27 Ι 270 280 285 2θ0 204 200 304 808
318 317 322 327 381 386 340 3,54
45 359 382 887 345 350 400
384 368 373 377 428
405 410 433 301 390 447
47 451 414 410 424 474 403
470 437 442
460 465 470
49 497 520 525 488 488 630
602 511 510
643 506 671 620 534
548 557 562 612 017
589 652 575 680
594 603 607 βδ8
698 621 626 676
885 704 ββ3
844 722
681 685 749 708 667 672 768
727 731 738 740 745 754 713 717
772 777 782 786 791 800 759 763
5 804 809 818
N ο 1 2 8
7 8
N ο 2 3 6 7 8
1 4
ΟδΟ 97 772 777 782 780 701 795
51 818 823 827 832 841 800 804 809 813
52 864 868 873 877836 886 845 850 856 850 5
οοο 014 018 923882 032 801 896 οοο 906 2.
54 055 059 968028 078 937 941 950 2
55 08 οοο οοο 014073 028 982 987 991 996
050 037
040 019 068 028 032 4.
57 οοο
001 141 100 105 064 114 073 078 082 087
58 6
137 186 146 150 100 160
118 128 127 132 4
182 101 105 155 204
164 108 173 177
οσο 232 230
227 200 260 209 214 218 223 7
62 050 246 254 250 8
272 277 281 280 263 268 0
63 295
318 322 327 331 200 290 304 308 313
05 363 807 372 378 336 890 340 354 358
408 412 417 421 881 394 403
430 435
453 457 462 426 480
08 475 484 489 403
498 502 507 471 526
520 629 534 638
543 547 552 001
588 661 665 570 574 579 583
71 502 597 614 623 628
72 632 037 041 050 664 608 673
73 677 682 086 605 700 704 700
74 722 713 717
720 731 735
75 707 740
780 740 753 758 762
771 776 780
70 811 784
884 793 708 802 807
810 825
829 838 843 847 851
77 860 866 800 874 878
78 900
918 023 883 887 892 896
905 900 014 927 032 936 041
70 θβ3 907
089 068 972 981 985
980 904 098
οο *007 *012 *021
*016 065 *025 *029
81 034 038 043 047 052 056 074
82 078 083 087 002 100 105 100
83 118
123 127 131 136 140 145 149 154
84 107 171 176 180 185 180 103 108 158 162
85 211 216 220 224 220 233 238 242 202 207
80 256 200 264 273 277 282 286 247 251
87 800 804 308 313 317 322 326 330 291 295
88 844 348 352 857 361 360 370 874 885 330
80 388 302 80β 401 405 410 414 419 428 388
432 441 446 440 464 458 407
01 470 480 484 480 403 408 502 550 511 471
02 520 524 528 588 537 642 565 515
03 δβ4 508 572 577 581 585 594 599
β21 625 620 (334 603
05 638 642 647
051 612 οια 708 660 673 677 082
600 704 752 712 717 721 726 730 734
730 743 747 795 700 765 769 774 778
782 787 701 830 800 804 808 813 817 822
1000 820 830 836 883 843 848 852 856 861 865
870 874 878 026 887 801 806 904 009
013 017 922 070 930 935 980 944 948 052
957 974 078 983 087 091
00000 004 οοο 018 017 022 026 080 085 080
5 7 8
o 1 2 8
N ο 3 5 6 8
100 οοο 1 2
1303 2171 2605 3473
0 0000 0434 0869 1737 3039 8Ω07
100 434 477 564 051 094 781
1 1 5 2 0 3 737 0
100 867 911 520 097 607 *084 *127 7 *214
2 7 1 8 7 6 4 7 *1710 3 824.*
100 001 344 054 480 *041 517 560 603 647 *257C
3 8009 2 4 8 1 4 7 0 2
100 738 777 387 863 474 949 903 *036 *070 *122
4 7 0 5 5 1 9 2 4 6 8
100 002 209 820 295 906 382 426 408 511 554
5 1661 8 2 7 7 1 3 5 6 8
100 598 641 262 727 888 813 856 000 943 086
6 0 1 5 5 0 8 0 1 2 3
100 003 072 684 158 770 245 288 331 374 417
7 0295 6 3 8 6 1 2 3 4 4
100 460 503 115 580 2019 676 719 762 805 818
8 5 6 7 8 832 0 0 0 1 1
100 891 034 546 *020 8 *106 *140 *102 *236 *278
9 2 2 7 3 *008 3 3 4 4 4
1010 ΟΜ 9772 450 3 536 570 622 006 708
101 3214 4074 4 4033 3 3 3 2 2
1 751 794 8371 880 9229 065 *008 *061 *0Ω47 *137
1012, 2 1 2663 0 3521 9 8 7 5237 6
101 180 223 βθ52 309 7809 395 487 480 052 ΩΩ5Ι
3 5 4 2 3
123 2002 0 9 8
609 652 738
101 6 6372 823 8ββ 8805
4 3 0 8 θ 337
4 551 *084 8082
088 7 *278
101 080 6 166 7 252 204
0 765 2
5 8 979 4 4017 1 0 6024
101 466 508 2 504 722 6 *088 7051
0184 *107 *102 *Ι.31β
6 0 8 4 7 0
406 4 6570
898 936 *021 7704 *150 8 615
1017 4 5344 0832
7 5 9 1 010 α
1018 833 οσιο
007 8 04074084
1019 363 1 440 3872 677
3210 8332
7 250 0 8130 1 4724
747 4 7007 *2575
1021 7θ0 875 *003 8981 *2151
8 4 685 7 7 6815
1023 008 216 3 4208 6391 *1050
1742 8 727 8560 *0027 5282
1024 600 9 4850 9500
1025 2
1026 7 0080 *3732
1027 025 *3310 7051
1028 7 7520
1029 450
1080 9
1033 010
8000 110 158
1034 0683 8
723 3
1035 4934 536 2384 2809 3234
9 578 1069 6633
1036 9181 9 7068 7483
011 4 6208 *087
1037 1474 3424 *1803 *1727
*045 8
1038 7662 8848 4272 5544 5θ67
570 4
1089 189 8086 8510 5120 θ78
4 «)2Ο
1040 7 2320 2743 Ο
998 8933 9367 4
1041 1 6127 6650 6978 3500 4013 4-430
1042 012 *085 *077 *119 7306 7818 8241
1048 4154 4 6 8 *1621 *2043 *2405 *2887
1044 837 4576 4998 5420 5842 0264 0685 7107
1045 2 87Μ 9215 9637 *0059 *0480 *0001 *1323
018 8008 5534 *174-4 *2185
1047 2587 7218 9742 5055 0376
1048 β7θ7 1424 3945 *0162 *0583
1049 014
5625 8144 4305 4785
1050 1003
9823 *2340 8δθ4 8084
520 4017 0531 *276 *8178
5 0 7.300
8206 *0718 σο50
2392 3429 4271 4692 5113 4001 *1556
3 3850
6573 7639 8480 8001 0321 0080 *1137 5737
015 8059
0751 1844 2β8δ 3105 8525 5310 0010
8608 2264
6885 7305 7725 0408
778 6045 6465
*0243 *1082 *1501 *1920
8 4855 6274 5θθ3 6112
016 4436
1974 8625 0044 9462 9881 *0300
2810 8229 3647 4065 4483
017 6991 7400 7827 8245 8063
0333 1168 1586 2003 2421 2838
4507 4924 5342 57δθ 6178 7010 3256 3673 4000
8677 9094 0511 9927 *0344 8593 *1177 7427 7844 8200
018 8259 8670 4002 4508 *0761 5841 *1504 *2010 *2427
2848 7421 7837 8253 8660 4925 5757 6178
1578 1994 2410 2825 9084 *0747
βδθ2 7807 0916 *0332 4002
010 5732 6147 6977 3240 4071 4486
1163 *0711 *1126 7892 *1055 8222 8637 0052
5317 4027 4442 4856 *2809 *2784 *3198
9487 8169 8583 89θ7 0513 0927 7341
020 2807 2720 3134 *0652 *1060 *1479
3613 *1540
7755 5270 6684
021 9411 0824 *0238
1893 3547 3061 4374
5 6 4787 5201 5614
1 2
N ο 1 2 6 7 8
1050 021 1803 2307 2720 3134 3547 3Ωβ1 4374 4787 5201
1061 022 0157 0864 7287 7680 8093 8500 8019 9332 5β14
1052 4284 0570 0θ83 1390 1808 2221 2034 3040 3469 9745
1053 8406 5109 5521 5933 0345 6758 7170 7682 3871
1064 028 2625 8818 9230 9642 *0054 *04βσ *0878 *1280 701 7994
1055 2036 3348 3759 4171 4582 4994 5406 5817 *2113
024 0750 7050 7402 7873 8284 9517 9928 0228
1057 4857 1101 1572 1982 2303 2804 3214 3625 4030 *0339
1058 8960 6267 6678 6088 6498 *1010 7310 7720 8139
025 9870 9780 *0190 *0800 6107 *1410 *1829 *2230 8549
1000 7164 *2649
8468 3878 4288 4007 5920 0335
026 1245 7503 7972 8382 8701 9200 0009 *0018 *0427 *0830
6333 1654 2003 2472 2881 3289 8098 4107 4515 4024
9416 5741 0967 7375 7788 8192 8600 9008
027 3490 0824 *0233 *0641 *1049 *1457 *1805 *2278 *2680 *3088
7572 3904 4312 4719 5127 5535 5942 0850 0757 71 βδ
1007 028 1044 7979 8387 8794 9201 *0016 *0423 *0830 *1237
1008 5718 2051 2458 2865 32-72 4086 4492• 4890
9777 7745
0119 0520 0032 7339
*1808 8152 8558 8904 0371
1070 029 3838 '*0183 *0600 *09θσ *1402 *2214 *2620 *3020 *3432
1071 5867
7896 4244 4049 6055 5461 0272 6078 7084
Ι 072 030 1948
8300 8700 0111 9510 9922 *0327 *0732 *1138 *1643
1073 5997 2358 2758 , 3168 3508 3973 4378 4783 5188 5502
1074 031 0043 6402 6807 7211 8020 9638
7010 8425 8830 0234
1075 4085
0447 0851 1256 1060 2084 2468 2872 3277 3681
1076 8123
4489 4803 5290 5700 0104 6508 0912 7315 7719
1077 032 2157 8520 8930 9338 9737 *0140 *0047 *1360 *1754
1078 6188
2560 2003 8367 3770 4173 4570 4979 5382 5785
1079 033 0214
0590 09θ3 7890 77θΩ 8201 8604 9007 0812
1080 4238 1010 1422 1824 2220 2620 3031 3433 8836
1081 8257
4640 5042 5840 6248 6050 7052 7453 7855
1082 034
2273 8050 9000
9804 *0265 *1068 *1470 *1871
1083 *0607 5081 6482
β28δ 2074 3075 3878 4270 5884
1084 3477 4080 9091 9491
0680 7087 7888 8289 9892
1085 035 0293 7487 8690
4297 0003 1004 1405 1805 2290 3000 3407 3807
1086 2090 7098 7498
8298 4608 0098 5408 5898 0208 78θ8
1087 *0007 *1097 *1490
8008 0098 0498 9898 *0297 *1898
1088 030 2206
1089 0289 2005 3004 3494 8803
4293 4002 5091 5491 6890
1090 037 0279 0088 7087 7480 7885
8284 8083 0082 9181 9880
0078 1070 1874 2272 2071 3070 3468 3867
1001 4205 1475
1092 8248 4003 5062 6,100 5868 0257 0666 7058 7451 7849
1008 038 2220 8640 0044 0442 9830 Τ2ϊ7- *0035 *1033 *1131 *1829
2024 3022 8419 3817 4012 6407 6804
1006 6202 7701 4214
080 0173 1701 8188
100 4141 0590 7893 5727 2168 8586 8982 9379 9776
7 8100 0570 1304 0124 2564 2951 3348 8745
109 4538 0067 5331 3050 *0080 6520 0917 7313 7709
8 040
2080 8502 8808 0204 7005 4045 *0482 *0878 *1274 *1070
1100 0023 2402 2858 3254 *1557 8001 4441 4887 6232 5028
9977 ΜΙΟ 6814 7210 *Ιθδ2 8396 8701 9187 9682
041 *0372 *0707 *1102 5900 *2347 *2742 *3137 *3632
3027 4322 4716 5111 6295 ωρο 7084 7479
N ο 2 8 4
1 8 7 8 9
ТАВТ.,Е Ш—ТЫе Number of Each Day 0f the Уеат
Non. — In [вар уевн. after February 28, add 1 Во the tabulBted number.
TABLE IV — Ordinary and Exact Interest at 1% on $10,000
Exact In•øregt to 865 Dayg Ordinary for to 360 Days
For days below add to For days below add to interest
Interest column
aye interest column Days Interest
1 $ .2730726 $20 $40 220 $80 1 $ .2777778 $20 $40 $60 289
2 .5479452 74 147 221 203 2 .5656556 73 145 217 200
8 .8219178 75 148 222 294 3 .8333833 74 140 218 291
4 1.0058904 76 14B 223 295 4 75 147 219 202
5 1.8698630 77 150 224 200 70 148 220 293
1.6438856 78 151 225 297 5
7 1.3888880 77 140 221 294
7 1.9178082 70 162 220 298 1.0606607 78 150 222 295
8 2.1917808 80 163 227 290 10 79 151 223 296
9 2.4057534 81 154 228 300 11 80 162 224 297
10 2.7397200 82 155 229 301 12 81 153 225 298
3.0180080 150 230 802 2.2222222 82 154 226 299
11 88 18 2.5000000
12 3.2876712 84 157 231 803 83 165 227 300
8.5610438 158 232 804 15 2.7777778 84 150 228 301
13 86 3.0555556
3.8350104 169 233 305 10 85 157 229 302
14 3.3333333
4.1095890 87 100 284 300 17 80 158 230 308
10 88 18
4.3835610 101 285 307 87 159 231 304
17 89 19 88
4.0575842 102 236 808 100 232 305
18 90 20 8.8888889 89
4.9316008 103 237 809 161 233 300
19 91 21 4.1060607 go
6.2054795 104 238 310 102 234 307
20 92 22 4.444444 91
5.4794621 106 239 311 163 235 308
21 98 23 4.7222222 92
5.7684247 100 240 312 105 230 809
22 94 24 5.0000000 93
0.0278973 167 241 813 100 237 810
23 25 5.2777778 94
0.8018099 90 108 242 314 167 238 811
24 26 6.5655656 95
0.5753425 97 100 243 815 108 289 312
25 27 5.8833333 90
6.8498151 98 170 244 316 109 240 313
20 28 97
7.1232877 99 171 245 317 170 241 314
27 29 98
7.8972003 100 172 246 318 171 242 316
28 2-17 30 99
7.6712829 101 173 319 6.3888889 100 172 243 810
29 248 320 31
7.9452065 102 174 6.6660007 101 173 244 817
30 249 321 82
8.2191781 103 175 6.944444 174 245 318
81 250 322 33 102
8.4931607 104 170 7.2222222 103 176 240 810
82 251 823 34
8.7671238 105 177 7.6000000 104 170 247 320
34 9.0410959 106 178 252 824 86 248 321
7.7777778 105 177
36 9.3150085 107 170 253 825 30 249 322
8.0556656 100 178
30 0.5800411 108 180 254 320 87 250 323
8.3333383 107 179
37 9.8630137 100 181 255 327 38 251 324
89 108 180
88 10.1869863 110 182 250 828 262 325
40 109 181
39 10.4100580 111 1B'd 257 320 253 320
41 8.8888880 110 182
40 10.0849315 112 184 258 330 254 327
42 9.1d6ßOd7 111 183
42 10.9589041 113 186 259 331 255 328
9.4444444 112 184
43 11.2328707 114 180 260 332 44 256 320
9.7222222 113 185
44 11.5068493 115 187 201 333 46 257 330
10.0000000 114 186
46 11.7808210 110 188 262 334 40 258 381
10.2777778 115 187
40 12.0547046 117 189 • 203 335 47 259 332
10.5555550 110 188
47 12.8287071 118 190 204 330 48 260 383
10.8333338 117 180
48 12.0027807 119 191 205 337 49 261 384
118 100
49 12.8707123 120 192 207 838 50 282 335
119 101
50 13.1500849 121 198 208 339 51 263 330
61 18.4240576 122 194 269 840 62 11.388880 120 108 204 337
62 13.6980301 123 195 270 341 53 11.0660607 121 194 206 338
53 13.9726027 124 IOU 271 342 54 122 196 266 839
54 14.2405753 125 197 272 343 56 123 197 267 340
66 14.620547B 126 108 278 344 57 12.2222222 124 198 208 841
50 14.7946206 127 199 274 345 58 12.5000000 125 190 269 342
67 15.0084032 128 200 275 340 59 12.7777778 126 200 270 343
68 15.3424058 129 201 270 347 00 13.0666550 127 201 271 345
59 15.0164384 130 202 277 348 61 13.3333333 128 202 272 840
00 15.8904111 131 203 278 349 02 129 203 273 347
01 16.1043830 192 204 270 850 03 130 204 274 348
02 10.4388502 188 205 280 361 131 276
an 64 18.8888880 205 349
03 10.7123288 134 200 281 05 132 300 270 860
363 14.1006607
04 10.0803014 13b 207 282 00 133 207 277 351
354 14.
05 17.2002740 186 208 283 07 134 208 278 862
355 14.7222222
67 17.5342480 137 200 284 08 136 209 279 353
210 360 15.0000000
68 17.8082192 138 280 09 137 210 280 354
211 367 15.2777776
18.0821018 139 280 70 138 211 281 366
70 212 358 15.5565550
18.8501644 140 287 71 139 212 282 350
71 213 369 15.8333333
18.6301370 141 288 72 140 213 283 357
72 214 300
18.0041090 142 289 214 284 358
73 215 301
19.1780822 143 200 215 285 350
10.4520548 144 210 291 302 10.388888B 144 286
863 216 300
19.7200274 145 217 292 16.6660007 287
20.0000000 140 218 364 288
219 806
for I Interest 1
1.0041 6667 1.0050 0000 1.0058 3333 1.0075 0000 1.0100 0000
1.0083 5069 ı.oıoo 2500 1.0117 0069 1.0150 5025 1.0201 0000
1.0125 5210 1.01ö0 7613 1.0170 0228 1.0220 0017 1.0303 0100
1.0167 7112 1,0201 5050 1.0236 3830 1.0303 3919 1.0400 0401
1.0210 0767 1.0252 6126 1.020ö 0894 1.0880 6073 1.0510 1005
1.0252 6187 1.0303 7761 1.0355 1440 1.04ö8 5224 1.0015 2015
1.0295 3379 1.0366 2940 1.0415 5400 1.0630 0613 1.0721 3635
1.0338 2352 1.0407 0704 1.0470 3004 1.001ö 9885 1.0828 5671
1.038! 3111 1.0460 1058 1.0637 4182 1,0695 8084 1.0936 8627
1.0424 5006 1.0511 4013 1.0698 8805 1.0775 8265 1.1040 2213
1.0408 0023 1.0603 9683 ı.oooo 7133 1.0856 0441 1.1156 0835
1.0611 0190 1.0610 7781 1.0722 9008 1.0038 0000 1.1208 2503
1,0556 4174 1.0060 8020 1-0785 4511 1.1020 1045 1.1380 9328
1,0599 3983 1.0723 2113 1.0848 3002 1.1102 7553 1.1494 7421
1.0043 6026 1.0770 8274 1.0911 0483 1.1186 0259 1.1600 0890
1.0887 9100 1.0830 7116 1.0975 2000 1.1260 0211 1.1726 7864
1.0732 4430 1.0884 8061 1.1030 3222 1.1364 4465 1,1848 0443
1.0777 1021 1.0030 2804 1.1103 7182 1.1439 6039 1.1961 4748
1.0822 0070 1.0093 0858 1.1168 4890 1.1625 4000 1.2081 0895
1.0887 1589 1.1048 0658 1.1233 0395 1.1611 8414 1.2201 0004
1.1104 2000 1.1299 1690 1.1098 9302 1.2323 9194
1.0012 4387
1.1169 7210 1.1306 0808 1.1780 8722 1.2447 1680
1.0057 9072
1.1215 6202 1.1431 8771 1.1875 0723 1.2571 6302
1.1003 5852
1.1271 5078 1.1408 0002 1.1984 1353 1.2607 3405
1.1049 4134
1.1327 9658 1.1565 1322 1.2053 8683 1.2824 3200
1.1005 4520
1.1384 6066 1.1632 5955 1.2144 2703 1.2062 5031
1,1141 6830
1.1441 5186 1.1700 4523 1.2235 8523 1.3082 0888
1.1188 1073
1.1498 7261 1.1708 7049 1.2327 1175 1.3212 0097
1.1234 7244
1.1560 2107 1.1837 3557 1.2419 6700 1.3345 0388
1.1281 5358
1.1014 0008 1.1000 4000 1.2612 7176 1.3478 4802
1.1328 5422
1,1072 0708 1.1075 8010 1,2006 6030 1.3618 2740
1.1875 7444
1.1730 4312 1.2045 7202 1.2701 1122 1.3749 4008
1.1423 1434
1.1780 0833 1.2116 9869 1.2796 3700 1.8880 0009
1.1470 7398
1.1848 0288 1.2180 0034 1.2802 3434 1.4026 7000
1.1618 5346
1.1007 2080 1.2257 7523 1.2989 0860 1.4160 0270
1.1666 6284
1.1014 7223 1.1908 8052 1,2320 2550 1.3086 4537
87 1.1083 1170 1.2020 8303 1.2401 1706 1.3184 6021
88 1.1711 7133 1,2080 7726 1.2473 6107 1.3283 4808
89 1.1700 5121 1.2147 2083 1.2540 2789 1.3383 1128
1.4307 0878
1.1800 6142 1.2207 0424 1,2019 4056 1.3483 4801
1.4450 7847
41 1.1858 7206 1,2003 0701 1.3584 0128 1.4596 2724
42 1.1908 1319 1.2707 1220 1,3080 4960 1.4741 2251
48 1.1067 7491 1.2841 5900 1,3780 1450 1.4888 0373
1.2288 9821
44 1.2007 6731 1.2010 5002 1.3802 5642
1.2330 3270 1.5037 5237
45 1.2057 0046 1.209! 8525 1.3906 7584
1.2391 9780 1.6187 8980
48 1.2107 8440 1.2453 0385 1.3007 8383 1.4101 7341 1.6330 7779
47 1.2158 2940 1.2510 2082 1.3143 8662 1.4207 4071 1,5403 1767
48 1.2208 9530 1,3220 5388 1.4314 0633 1,6048 1075
1.2578 7892
50 1.2260 8242 1.2641 8882 1.3207 8680 1.4421 4087
1.6804 5885
1.2310 9068 1.2704 8916 1.3875 2283 1.4529 5003
1.5902 0344
1.2768 4181 1.0122 2808
1.2832 2581 1.0283 4834
1.6440 3182
8 1%
51 1.2302 2002 1.2800 4194 1.346,3 2504 1.4038 5411 1.8010 7814
52 1.2413 7114 1.2060 9016 1.3531 7277 1.4748 3301 .Ι.0770 8802
53 1.2406 4352 1.3025 7060 1.3010 0628 1.4858 9420 1.00"
1.2517 3745 1.3000 8346 1.3090 0583 1,4070 8847 0581
1.2509 5302 1.3150 2887 1.3709 9170 1,5082 0020 1.7114 1047
1.2021 0033 1.3222 0702 1.3850 2415 1.51Ω5 7825 1.7285 2457
1.2074 4946 1.3288 1805 1.3931 0340 1.5300 7509 1.7458 0082
οο 1.2727 3050 1.3354 0214 1.4012 2000 1.6424 5740 1.7032 6792
1.2780 3354 1.3421 3040 1.4094 0374 1.δΜ.0 2683 1.7800
01 1.2833 5868 1.3488 5016 1,4170 2526 1.6056 8103 1.7087
02 1.8655 0440 1.4258 0474
1.2887 οσοι 1.5774 2303 0961)
1.2940 7501 1.3023 7238 1.4342 1240 1.5802 6431 1.8100 9070
65 1.3001 &124 1.4425 7870
1.2094 0700 1.001Ι 7372 1.8348 0307
1.3048 8204 1.3700 3010 1.4500 9374 1.6131 8252 1.8532
1.3103 1905 1.3829 1031 1.4504 5787 1.6252 8130 12.30
οο 1.3157 7872 1.3898 2480 1.4079 7198 1.0374 7100 1.8717 4443
70 1.3212 0113 1.3007 7399 1.4765 3464 1.6497 6203 1.8904 0187
71 1.3267 8038 1.4037 5785 1.4851 4700 1.0021 2617 1.0093
72 1.3322 9458 1.4107 7664 1.4988 1102 1.0745 0111 ΟΜΟ
78 1.3378 4589 1.4178 3053 1.5025 2492 1.6871 5056 1,0284 0015
74 1.3484 2010 1.4249 1008 1.5112 8905 1.00θ8 0418 1.9477 4476
1.8490 1774 1.4320 4428 1.5201 0560 1.7125 5271 1.9072 2220
1.3546 3805 1.4392 0450 1.5280 7270 1.7253 0086 1.0808 9442
77 0052 1.5378 0170 1.7383 3733 2.οασ7 0337
1.3002 8298
78 1.4538 3252 1,5468 6283 1.7513 7480
1.3650 5082 2.0208 3100
1.3710 4220 1.4000 0069 1.5558 8020 1,7046 1017 2.0470 9931
1.3773 6748 1.4082 0519 1.5649 0220 1.7777 4400 2.0075 7031
81 1.3830 0645 1.4755 4622 1.5740 0115 1.7010 7708 2.0882 4001
82 1.3888 5035 1.4820 2395 1.5832 7884 1,8046 1015 2.1001 2847
88 1.3940 4627 1.4908 3857 1.5925 0010 1.8180 4808 2.1302 1075
85 1.4004 5729 1.4977 9026 1.6017 0874 1.8310 7031 2.1615 2196
1.4062 0253 1.5052 7921 1.6111 4257 1.8454 1001 2.1730 3717
1.4121 5209 1.5128 1.0205 4000 1.8502 δ7Ν 2.1047 0754
1.4180 3005 1.5208 1.6290 0405 1.8782 01 2.2107 1522
1.4280 1.δ27θ 7148 1.08θδ 0285 1,8872 5098 2.2388
90 1.4298 7764 1.5850 1134 1.6490 0012 1.9014 0586 8237
1.4358 8540 1.6482 8040 1.6586 8567 1,0160 6590 2. 2(512 7119
92 1.4418 1811 1.5610 0585 1.βθ83 0134 3339 2.2838
1.4-478 2568 1.5587 6087 1.6780 9344 1.044δ 0805 8.390
95 1.4638 5829 1.δ6βδ 1.6878 8282 1,9690 0240 2.8007
οο 1.4δθ0 1003 1.5743 8746 1,0077 2830 1.9737 8585 2.3297 8007
1.4659 1.5822 5930 1.7070 3172 1,0885 8005
98 0902 1.7175 9290 2.3530
1.5901 7069 2.0085 0346
100 1.4721 1,5081 21M 1.7270 1210 2.018E 2θ74 8787
0735 1.6001 1215 1.7376 8908 2.0380 6871 2.3700
1.4782 1.6141 4271 1.7478 2646 2.048θ 2123 1875
4113 1.6222 1342 1.7580 2211 2.0642 8814 2.4003
1.4844 1.6308 24- 1,7082 7724 2,0707 7030 8404
0047 49 1.778δ 0219 2.0Ωδ3 0858 8870
1.4θ0δ 8647 1.6384 7011 1.7889 6731 2.1110 8384 2.4480
1.4967 1.64ββ 6849 3207
9024 2.4731
1.5030 1000
8289 2.4978
1.5092 5019
0558 2.5228
1.5156 2800
8420 2.5480
2.50Ω2 7293
2.β6Ιδ 1831
1*70 1*70 1*70
4 8.7625 1084 4.5237 0584 5.49Οδ
69 3.8189 4851 4,6028 7070 8636
2 3.8762 8278 4.6834 2003 4708
37 5267 8080 5.7128
8.9343 7022
10 4048 3.0θ88 9187 4.8487 5402
88 1260 4.0532 0275 4.9336 2863 5.8266
70 4776 4.1140 9214 δ.ΟΙ9Ο 0110
867 8703 5.1078 6.9431
4.1758 0352 5.1072 0324 3313
5 4.2884 4057
49 5786 4.3020 1718 5.2881 5429 6.0619
46 4483 4.8ΒβΙ 4744 .δ.380β 9670
M8 2780 4.4820 4565 6.4748 6.1832
9δδ 1824 6019 8670
367 5.5706 0042
6 6923 8,4330
δ,ββ81 δδΗ 3843
206 β.β92θ
0 3318
684 θ184
7 6.2633
η 3%
13 1.8354 8011 1.2184 1.4228 0633 1.4686 3871 7926
14 1.8654 8343 0290 1.4019 9413 1.5125 8972 1.8188
1.8962 0680 1.2488 1.5021 9890 1,6670 6742 0004
16 1.4276 2146 0207 1.5435 0944 1.6047 0644 1.3028
17 1.4697 4294 1.2800 1.5859 5505 1.6528 4703 0735
18 1.4925 8454 1.6295 6973 1.7024 3300 1.4105
19 8716 Ι.52βΙ 1.8120 18748 8200 1.7635 0006 9870
20 7037 Ι 8448 1.7204 2843 1.8061 1123 1.4590
1.5β0δ 8882 0072
21 0920 ι•.878δ 1.7677 4021 - 1.8602 0457
22 1.81β3 5307 1.01β1 0341 1.5110
1.5956 2086 1104 0860
23 1.4129 1.8ββ3 0278 1.0735 8051
u 1.6315 2212 1.9176 2610 2.0327 9411 1.5439
1.8882 3137 7882
1.4482 1.9703 6082 2.0037 7793 1.8186
20 Ι.7Οδ7 ββ58
9817 0452
1.7441 4632 2.024E 4575 2.1505 0127
29 1.4845 2.0802 2075 2.2212 8001
1.7838 8062 4883
80 0562 2.1874 2082 2.2879 2708
1.8235 1588 1.7389
81 1.8645 4499 1.52Ιβ 1826 2.1962 0600 2.3δβδ 6551
82 1.5506 2.2566 0173 2.4272 6247 8604
1.9064 9725 1.7046
83 1.9493 6872 2.3186 5828 2.5000 8035
M 1.5986 7565
1.9082 6479 2.3824 2138 2.5750 8276
85 1.6386 1.8574
2,0881 0303 2.4479 3797 2.6523 3524
1644 8020
86 2.0889 6034 2.5152 5620 2.731θ ΟΝΟ
87 2.1808 4945 1.8796 2.6844 2581 2.8138 6245
88 2.1787 9356 8185 2.6554 0752 2.8982 7833 1.08θ7
1.7215 2.7285 2370 2.08δ2 2608 8886
2.2278 1842 7140
2.2779 4229 2.8035 5810 3.0747 8348
1.7Μθ 1068 2.0504
42 2.3291 9699 2.8806 5505 8.1670 2008
1.8087 8147
43 2.3810 0290 2.9508 7899 3.2620 8779
2595 2.1315
Μ85Ι 8897 3.0412 7052 3.3598 0803 1158
1.8δ3θ 4410
2.4809 8072 3.1240 8.4β0β 2.2061 14-
2.δ4β0 0528 1.9002 8,2108 4036 3.5Μδ 1677 48
9.6032 9040 9270 8,2901 8847 8.6714 5227 2.2833
2.6018 "44 1.9478 8.8898 6478 8.7815 9584 2849
50 0002 2.3632
2.7217 5639 3.4830 3.8θδ0 4372
1.9964 4408
2.7829 3,5788 7098 4.0118 9508
2.8466 1831 8.8772 8088 4.1322 5188 2.4450
2.00θβ 3201 3.7784 1535 4.2682 1944 5856
2.9751 3.8823 2177 4.3839 0602 2.53Ιδ 6711
2.0θ7δ β758
ΟβδΟ 2.6201
2.1600 0677 7106
3.090 2.2037 5βθ4 2.7118
4640 2.2588 5086 7708
2.8153 2213 2.8087
2.3732 9370
2.4325 3582 2.0050
2.4938 4870 8148
2.5556 8242 8.00β7
2.6195 7448 0750
2.6850 6884 3.1110
2.7521 9043
2.8209 9520
2.891δ 2008
2.9838 0808
3.037θ 0328
3.5710 25-
9713 3.βθΟΟ 1132
3.2714 3.8253
8956 7171
8.3532 3,0502
7880 5972
0872 4.0θ78
729 0.7050 3414 13,4705 0180 ΙΩ.2βΟ4 8387
3 10.043%) 1580
10.033δ 13.8830 4805
172 20.041Ω 5285
7258 14.3004 6711 21.3044 2120
βδ1 14.7204 8112 22.1121 7605
107 15.1713 22,8801 0210
3 Ιδ.β2β5 0652 23.6871 1508
0683 10,0063 0172
722 24.5101 8473
10.5Ω3Ο 10.5781 6077 25.3742 304')
3 10.884.3 1406 20.2023 2850
315 11.1836
1 3331 27.1815 1000
17,0765 0650 28.1328 0201
048 11.4011 8322
17.5877 7070 2Ω.1Ι7Π 1311
11.8071 9076 18.1154 0388 30.1360 2007
12.1318 18.0588 31.1θΙ4 0798
37 2470 8861 10.2180 3198
005 12.4055
2 1644
039 13.6224
θ 0085
580 13.8Ω43 2862
0 14,2784
00 2255
4 2417
008 2234
ΩΩ 1065
ao 0718
Ιβ 0385
V— 0F
(1 + δη
1.04ΟΟ 0000 1.0450 1.0500 Ι.0δ50 0000 1.0600
1.0818 0000 0000 0000 1.1130 2500 0000
1.1248 6400 1.0920 1.1025 1.1742 1.1238
1.1008 5856 2600 0000 4138 0000
1.2166 5290 1.1411 1.Ιδ7β 1.2388 1.1910
1.2653 1902 6613 2500 2405 1600
1.3169 8178 1.1925 1.2155 1.3000 1.2824
1.3685 1860 0625 6001 7606
1.4233 1181 1.2461 1.2762 1.8788 1.8382
1.4802 4428 8104 8150 4281 2558
1.6394 5406 1.3022 1.3400 1.4546 1,4185
1.0010 3222 6012 1.4071 7916 1911
7851 1.3608 0042 1.5846 1,5036
1.7316 7645 6183 1.4774 8651 3026
1.8009 4351 1.4221 6544 1,5988
1.8729 8125 0061 1.5613 1.7081 4807
1.9479 0060 1.4860 2822 4446 1.6804
2.02δ8 1852 0514 1.6288 7896
1.5529 9463 1.8020
2.1008 4918 1.7908
2.1911 2314 1.8228 1.7103 4770
2.2787 6807 5306 8986 0749 1.8082
2,3699 1879 1.6958 1.7058 2.0057 9856
2,4647 1554 8143 5683 7300 2.0121
2,5683 0416 1.7721 1.88δθ 2.1180 0647
2.6658 3633 1.8519 4914 9146 2.1329
4402 1.070θ 2.2824 2826
2.7724 θθ78 1.9852 3100 7640 2.2809
2.8833 6868 8244 2.078θ 0306
2.9987 0332 2818 2.9552
2.0228 2.8θβδ
3.1186 δ14δ 0270
7015 2,1828 5819
3.2438 9751 2.4848
2.1133 7450 0215 2.5403
3.3781 3341 7681 2.2020 δ1β8
8.5080 5876 2.02Ι4
2.2084 1832 6627 2,6027
3.6483 8110 7877 2.40θβ 7279
8.7948 1634 2.7650
2.3078 1923 4601 2.8648
8.9460 8800 6031 2.5209 8θΙδ
4.1089 3265 2.4117 5020 5740 3.0255
4.2880 1402 2.6582 9050
9771 3.0782
4.988 2.5202 3415
1346 4116 2.7850 8547
4.β1β3 2.β33β 6250 , 8703 8.3095
4.8010 2063 5201 2.θ2δ2 3.4261 8.0035
2.7521 6072 5157 8742
4.9930 6145
2.8760 8.0715 3.6145 3.8197
5.1927 8391
1383 2376 8990 4,0489
8.00Κ 3.2250 3.8188 3464
51 7.3909 5068 9.4391 0490 12.0407 15.8417 10.5258
52 7.β8θ6 8871 9.8838 0403 0978 6007 6363
53 7.9040 5220 10.3077 3863 12.6428 16.1855 20.β9β8
54 8.8138 1436 10.7715 8077 0820 0037 8534
55 8.6463 0692 11.2δβ3 0817 13.2749 17.07δ7 21.9388
56 8.9022 2160 11.7028 4204 4868 7252 9840
57 9.8519 1040 12.2021 13.9886 18,0149 23.2550
58 9.7259 12.8453 1758 14.6350 4001 2037
50 8088 13.4238 6087 3002 10.00δ7 24 0503
10.1150 14.0274 0703 15.8674 0171 2159
2035 ιο.δΙ0β 1240 20.0510 26.1203
61 14.8586 4129
62 15.3182 8014 Ιβ.13β7 8309 7860 4089
03 10.0404 Ιβ.007β 0276 16,0425 21.1538 27.βθ71 0134
M 1250 10.7279 4487 7224 8703 29.8580
85 11.3780 17.4807 0280 17.7897 22.3173 2742
M 2000 18.2073 8400 0085 5176 31.1204
11,8331 10.0803 6408 18.6791 23.6448 6307
68 5010 8589 0611 32.9878
10.9483 8641
12.3004 20.8430 0276 19.6131 24.8307 0085
7617 21.7841 8558 4519 7045 34.9809 5230
12.7087 20.δθ88 0245 26.2050 87.0649 6944
72 22.7644 2168
3622 21,0234 6782 39 2888 0761
78 28.7888 2008
13.3106 24.8693 1759 0257 27.6472 4110481
8403 25.077D 8688 22.7046 8550 44.1449 7105
77 13.8431 27.1460 0629 0720 20.1678 40.7938 6094
78 1201 23.830θ 8820 40.6012 0014
28.3686 1112
70 14.8068 0066 80.7721 52.5773 0755
20.6461 0802
80 3649 25,0318 1004 56.7320 0900
30.9702 3266.
14.9727 26.2834 9037 82.4645 50.076θ 3018
81 32.3782 9802
15.5716 27.5976 6488 34.2501 3880
82 88.8300 θβ43 a2.0204 8509
1835 28.0775 4813 30.1838 0β43 00.3777 1616
83 35.3524 6077
84 16.1044 30.4264 2554 38,1212 70.8608 7806
85 8308 31.9477 4681 0074 74.6820 0074
38.6067 0006
16.8422 38.6451 3415 40.2170 8008 70.0589 2079
86 40.3430 1926
6241 36.2223 0086 42.42θθ 1023 83.8008 3808
87 42.1684 5513
17.51δθ 36.9836 1040 44.7635 6163 88.8283 5020
88 δ2θΟ 44.055δ 8501
38.8326 8692 47.2255 94.1680 5757
89 18.2165 46.08Μ 6761
40.7748 2022 99.8076 4102
0102 48.1008 0087 40.8220 105.7969 9848
91 18.0452 60.2747 4101 42.8130 3023 6818
92 6460 52.5371 ΟΝΟ 44.053β δ2.δβ32 112.1437
98 8804 2015 118.8723 7828
10.7080 54,0012 7508
47.2018 7244 δδ.4542 12β.0047 2097
67.3718 3241
5 6486 50.053δ 6487 4107 0859 133.δβ50 0423
M 20.4911 8744 62.βδΙ4 7629 62.03θ5 .13Ι 58.Μ41 141.5789
7 21.3108 3404 86.4707 9108 2 Μ.β414 8479 150.078β 3876
8 22.1032 6834 08.41β0 7730 8878 βΙ.7219 159,0780 5708
23.0407 9007 71.4067 4128 67.3735 1495 108.6227 4060
0 6322 66.1166
23.9717 0108 74.7130 4964 002422 4138 178.7401 0403
24.9306 6207 78.07δΙ 8687 03.2δ48 5344 180.4645 1123
68.βθ80 3439
26.9278 8018 81.588δ 1803 200.8823 8100
σσ.4170 7112 72.4764 2628
20.0060 0476 212.8823 2482
28.043β 0494 60,7370 2467 76.4028 2973
73.2248 2001 226.βδβ2
808880 7486
20.1053 4014 70.8880 6105 239.1θ4δ 8017
85.1048 1845
30.3310 6310 80.7803 0605 80.7865 8347 268.5462 5498
31.5452 4183 94.7237 268.7890 8028
84.7a08 8330
32.8070 5120 284.8846 7200
89,0052 2747 ορ.983δ 0004
34.1193 3334 801.9776 4642
93.4654 8884 105.4209 4698
35.4841 08.1282 0328 111.2285 9407 320.0θθ8
Οββ8 103.034β 117.3461 0674 330,8020 8351
30.0034 7004 7645 123.8002 οσοι
38.37θβ 0078
108.1884 130.8002 1724
3θ.θ147 M17
1027 187.7927 2410
41.5113 8504 145,8718
43.1718 4138 3078 2402
44,8087 1508 119.2755 163.3667
4θ.θθ4θ 1732 4684 ισι.80Ιθ
6,363 1791
48.5624 5018 9319 170.7010 2840
50.604θ 4818 181.5012 180.08θδ 7980
5785 189.9016 0857
200,4442 0443
211.4686 8687
V— 0F
Ι 0050 0000 1.0700 0000 1.0750 0000 1.08Ω0 0000 1.0850
1 111342 2500 1.1440 0000 1.1556 2500 1.1004 0000 0000
2 1.2079 4963 1.2250 4300 1.2422 0688 1.2597 1200 1.1772
8 1.294 . 1.3107 1.3354 1.8004 8806 2500
1.3700 1.4025 5173 1.4350 2033 1.460,3 2808 1.2772 8013
_8θ60 1.5ά]7 3035 1.5433 0153 1.5808 7432 1.3858
7 1.4501 4230 1.6057 8148 1.6590 4014 1.7138 2427 6870
8 1.5539 8655 1.7181 8818 1.7834 7783 1.85ΟΩ 3021 1.5030
Ι.ΟΩ9Ο Ι.α.3Ι4 6751
ιο 1.0540 9507 1.8384 5921 Ι.θΙ72 3866 0463 2.1580
1.7625 7039 1.Ωθ7Ι 5136 2.0010 3150 1.7701
11 2500 4225
1.8771 3747 2.215C 0803
18 2.1048 5195 2. 3.31a 3000 Ι.Ω20β
Ι.θ9Ο1 5140 2.2521 2.3817 7000 0434 2.0838
14 2.5181 7012
2.1290 9024 2.4098 4500 2.5βΜ 1307 5571
2.7100 2373
Ιδ 2.2674 8750 2.5785 3415 2.7524 4405 2.2800 8344
2.Ω37Ι 0302
16 2.4148 7418 2.7590 3154 2.9588 7785
3.1721 2,4531
17 2.5718 4101 3.1807 0315
2.θδ2Ι 0375 8.425Ω 4264 6703
18 2.7390 1067 3.4103 δ2β4
3.1588 1521 8.7000 1805 2.6610
19 2.9170 4637 3.6758 0409
3.37θθ 8228 3.00θ0 1050 802,3
3.10ββ 6488 3.θΙβ5 2754 8.9614 8040 4.3157 0106 2.8879
21 8.308δ 8691 4.2478 5110
3.8696 8446 5714 3,1384
23 8.5236 4506 4.5664 3993 0357
4.1405 6287 5.0338 3372
25 8.7526 8199 4.9089 2203 5.4365 4041 3.3007
3.9966 0682 5.2770 9215 5.8714 0365 4288
28 4.7405 2986
27 4.2563 8573 5.072.3 5.6728 7400 6.8411 8074 3.8887
4.5330 5081 6.0083 3061 6.8484 7520 2102
28 5.974 32M
20 4.8276 9911 6.6557 1508 7.9983 5321 4.0022
5.8078 6292 0231
30 5.1414 7.0478 θ371 7.0880 6147
6.2138 6783 4.3424
5.4756 9702 7.5759 4824 8.6271 0039
81 6.6488 8836
8.1441 4436 6401
5.8316 1738 7.1142 5705 0.3172 7490
32 8,7549 5510 4.7115
6.2106 7245 7.6122 5504 10.002θ 5080
88 0325
6.6143 9.4115 7683 10.8076 0θ44
35 7.04-42 9θ9θ 8.1451 1290 10.1174 4500 5.1120
11.7870 8800 4β12
80 7.5021 7946 8.7152 7080 10.8762 5347 12.07βΩ 4064
87 7.9898 2118 9.3258 3975 ΙΙ.β019 7248 5.5485
13.0θ0Ι 3361
88 8.5001 5950 9,0781 1364 12.5688 7042 7005
14.7863 442θ
89 9.0β22 6487 10.6765 8148 2850
13.5115 3570 15.068Ι 7184
40 9.6518 0148 11.423θ 4210 14.5240 0088 0.5205
17.2450 2558 6002
10.2786 8603 12.2230 1814 15.6142 8844
41 18.6252 7563 7.0&45 7360
10.9467 4787 13.07W 7141 10.7853 3858
42 20.1152 Ω7β8 7.6887
11.6582 8595 13.9948 2041 18.0442 3897
43 21.7245 2150 6280
12.4160 7463 14.07" 19.3975 5689
45 23.4624 8322 8.8401
18.2231 1938 5784 20.8523 7306 25.3304 8187
40 3716
14.082θ 2214 16.022β 22.4103 27.3666 4042
47 0.04Ω0 4881
14.9979 9258 17.1442 5078 24.0θ75 2431 29.5559 7160
48 15.9728 6209 18.3443 5475 25.9048 3803 31.9204 4930 0,8182
50 17.0110 9818 19.6284 5959 27.8477 0153 34.4740 8534 1790
18.1168 1951 21.0024 5176 20.9362 7915 87.2320 1217 10,0527
19.2944 1278 22.4728 2388 82.1815 40.2105 7314 11.5582
20.5485 4961 24.0457 0702 34.5951 1259 43.4274 1809 12.6407
21.8842 0633 25.7289 0651 37.1807 4803 46.9016 1251 0303
.28.3Μ6 7868 27.6299 29θ7 13.6000
29.4570 2506 0279
50.086,3 ΙδδΙ
0.9058 5062 0.0950 2488 0.9942 0050 0.092δ 6583 0.0900 9001
1 ο.θΩ17 1840 0.9000 7450 0.08" 3403 0.085Ι 0708 0.9802 9005
8 0.9870 0346 0.9851 4876 Ο.Ω827 0.9778 ο.0705 9015
4 0.0886 0551 0,0802 4762 0220 3333 ο.οαοο 80,34
δ 0.0704 2457 0.0753 7067 0,0770 Ο.Ο7Οδ 0.9514 0500
0302 ο.θ7Ι3 6417
8 0.0758 6067 0.0705 1808 3088 0.9033 0.0420 4624
0.9718 1843 0.9050 8003 2θ20 0.03'27
7 ο.θβδ7 0301
0.9072 8308 0.0008 8520 1805
8 0.θβ32 ο.Ωθ0Ι 0301 0.0501 5802 Ο.Ω234
9 0.9501 0408 0.0545 3480
0.0592 7240 Ο.θδ13 4704 0.9400 4022 8822
10 0.048θ 0007 0.0419 7640 0.01,13
0.9552 0211 1480 0.9434 0634 3082 0.9052
0.0δ13 2824 Ο.θ34θ 6318
12 0.0410 0534 0.0380 2364 0.0280 0316 8005
0.0478 8082 0.0372 1924
13 0.9484 4978 0.032ΰ 8347 0.9210 0494 ο.8θβ3 2372
14 0.9325 5040 0,0271 7405 0.8874 4923
0.9395 3505 0.027θ 1888 0,0142 3815
15 0.9217 9780 0.8786 6280
0,0350 8656 0.9074 3241
10 0.9233 0037 0.0104 5183 Ο.θ0Οθ 7738 0.8609 6297
0.9817 5425 0.9187 0684 0.8013 4047
17 0.9111 3088 0.8930 7254
0.9278 8805 0.0141 3016
18 0,0058 6272 0.8873 1706 0.8528 2120
0.9240 8789 0.00Ωδ 8822
19 0.9005 0023 0.8807 1231 0.8443 7749
0.9202 0871 0.9050 0290
0.8963 7620 0.8741 5014 0.8360 1731
0.9103 8544 Ο.θ0Οδ 0.8001 8346 0.8277 3992
21 0.8070 4878
0.9125 8301 0010 0.8000 0.8195 4447
22 7071 0.8850 2084 0,8011 8985
28 0.9087
0.8916 2180 0.8708 8810 0,8547 7001 0.8114 8017
0,0060 2642
25 0.8871 8567 0.8747 8526 0.8484 1589 0.8033 9821
0.00Ι2 7012
0.8827 7181 0.8807 1103 0.8421 0014 0.79M 4170
28 . 0.8975 3041 0.8646 0803 0.8368 3140 0.7875 6013
27 0.8938 0622 0.8783 7001
0.8600 5380 0.82θβ 0933 0.7707 0844
28 0.8000 θ748 0.8740 0986
29 0.8008 0155 ο.8δ4β 6782 0.8234 3368 0.7720 4790
0.8864 0413
80 0.8053 M88 0.8497 1118 0.8173 0380 0.7044 0392
0.8827 2610
0.8010 2973 0.8447 8827 0.8112 0.7608 3557
81 0.8700 0384 0.8308 8306 0.7493 4215
0.8507 4000 0.8061 8080
82 0.8764 1577 0.8350 1304 0.7901 8690 0.7410 2202
83 0.8717 8334 0.8824 8368
0,8482 4237 0.8301 7038 0.7032 8762 0.7345 7715
0.8081 0590 0,8253 5581
0.8440 2220 0.7878 3202 0.7273 0411
0.8646 6364 0.8205 6015
80 0.8308 2314 0,7814 7158 0.7201 0307
0.8600 7024 0.8158 1020 0.7120 7334
0.835β 4492 0.7750 5418
0.8574 0372 0.8110 7807 0.7050 1420
30 0.8314 8748 0.7608 8008
0.8538 4β03 0.8003 7511 Ο.ΟΩ80 2495
Ω.8608 0310 0.8273 5073 0.7641 4806
41 0.8232 3455 0.80Ιβ 0864 0.7584 6001 ο.0Ω20
0.8407 7487
42 0.8101 3880 0.7070 4008 0.7528 1440 0490
0.8432 6128 0.7024 2000 0.13851 5337
0.8397 6227 0.7472 1032 0.6788
0,8302 7778 0.7878 3092 0.7418 4700 0.071β 5814
0.8328 0775 0.81M 686,1 0.7832 6189 0.7301 2701 0,0650 0311
0.8298 5211 0.8110 0850 0,7787 1930 Ω.730θ 4718 0.0584 1802
0.8009 7883 0.7742 0317 0.7252 0800 0.6518 9002
0.8260 1082
0.8020 5884 0.7607 1318 0.7108 0952 O.MM
0.8224 8380
48 0.7989 6402 0.7144 5114 0.β8θΟ
0.8100 7100 0.7052 4023
49 0.8Ι5β 7237 0.7608 1110 0.7001 8264 5402
0,8122 8784 8θΩ7 0.7603 9884 0.7038 5374 0.0327 2704
0.7620 1210 0.6080 1414 o.a•au 6801
0.7010 3300
0.7476 6080 ο.β034 1853 0.0202 0041
,0.7870 0841
0.6882 o. (]141
0.7831 8250
0.7702 8007 11121
0.3080 3882
ΟΡ 1
η 1%
51 0.8089 1735 0.7764 0.7433 0.6831 0.6020 1864
52 0.8055 6084 0902 1480 2819 0.6θβ0 5800
58 0.8022 1827 0.7715 0.7390 0.6780 0.6001
ο.7θ88 8966 5127 0304 4280 0.6848 1336
0.7955 7407 0.7677 0.7347 0.6720 0.5785 2808
57 0.7922 7353 1270 1809 0.0070 0.5728 0008
68 0.7889 8608 0.7638 0.7304 8551 0.6071 2879
59 0.7857 1228 9324 5700 0.6030 0.5016 1305
00 0.7824 5207 0.7600 0.7262 1201 0.6650 6411
0.7792 0638 9277 2080 0.6580 0.δδΟ4
82 0.7759 7210 0.7563 0.7220 7733 4962
83 0.7727 5236 1122 0008 0.6531 0.6440
84 0.7695 4591 0.7626 0.7178 7849 0858
85 0-7063 5278 4847 2179 0.6483 0.5342 0097
0.7831 7289 0.7488 0.7136 1012 0.5289 7120
0.76W 0620 0445 5878 0.6434 0.5287 3302
0.7568 52βδ 0.7450 0.7005 8095
88 0.5185 4844
0.7687 1218 7906 1091 0.6886
89 0.5134 1429
0.7505 8474 0.7418 0.7054 0070
70 0.5083 3000
0.7474 7028 7220 0506 0.033θ 4511
71 0.6032 0801
72 0.7878 0.7013 1405 0.6202 2δθ2 0.4083 1480
0.7443 6874 ο.βθ72
78 8878 0.8245 4186
0,7412 8008 4678 0.4933 8105
0.7840 0.6108
0.7882 0428 0.6032 0.4884
1371 0.6152 7807
0.7361 4114 0310 0,4830
0.7320 0.7303 0.6106 0784 0.4788 7078
0.6801 0.8061 6170
6190 0.4741 2949
0.7200 5304 8286 ο.β01β 3040
0.7260 2792 0.6851 8694 ο.6θ71 6070 0.4004 8614
80 2826
0.7230 1588 0.7281 0.6812 1221 0.6027 1533 0.4047 8726
31 0.7200 1629 0.6772 0151 0.4001 8541
82 1209 0.5883 0306
0.7170 2768 0.6733 8373 2912
88 0.71θδ 1512 ο.ββθ4 2873 0.5830 2363
0.7140 5246 0.4511 1704
84 0.7159 ο.6βδδ 4638 0.5705 7681
85 0.7110 8959 3544 0.5752 8234 0.4400 5142
0.7081 3901 0.7123 8664 0.5709 0.4422 2013
88 0,7052 0067 0.0578 • 0.4878
87 7357 ο.δββ7 2052
0.7022 7453 0.7088 0.8540 8389 0.4335 1647
88 0.5025 1009
0.6993 8052 2048 0.6502 4082 0.6583 2326 0.4202 2324
89 O.MM
0.6964 6881 0.7053 Ο.5Μ1 0.4240 7350
0.6935 0291 0.6427 2054 6701 0.4207 0585
01 0.5500 4170
6874 ο.β880 0308 0.4165 9085
92 Ο.θ9Οβ 0.7017 0.6362 87M
98 9394 0.5459 4710 0.4124 7510
9086 0.8318 0289 0.6418 8207 0.4083 0110
0.6878 ο.βθ83 0.6279 3991
2493 0243 0.6378 4911 0.4043 4771
0.6048 0.8242 9817 0.5338 4527 0.4003 4427
97 0,68-49 2829 0.6208 7755 7123 0.8903 8040
98 7088 0.6821 Ο.βθ13 0.6170 7793 0,3024
2888 0.5250 2678
99 0.3879 0.6184 0.3885 7020
ο.β7θ2 9827 0.5220 1180
100 8177 0.60θθ 4120
Ο.θ7Μ 7960 0.5181 2575 0.3847 2207
ο.β84δ 0923 0.6064 0384 0.5142 6878 0.3809 1883
ο.β78β 7263
0.6811 0.8028 0.5104 4043 0.3771 4241
0.6708 7731 0371 8700 ο.δ0θβ 4083 0.3734 0832
0.6680 9359 0.6777 0,5993 0.5028 0.8697 1121
0.6663 2141 1518 9056 ο.4θ9Ι 2507
0.6625 6074 0.6743 ο.6θ5θ ο.4θΜ 1009
0.6598 1158 4842 1439 04917 2217
0.6709 0.5924
8847 6888 0.4880 8171
0.5890 2242 0.4844 2850
5022 0.68δβ 0638 0,4808 2233
ο.θΜ8 0,5822 1016 0.4772 4801
2858 2846 0.6788 3388 0.4788 9088
0.6577 Ο.δ7δ4 7688
8470 0.5721 8020
0.6644 0.6688 2108
6248 2220 ο.Μ22
0.6512 0.5589 8172
ο.θΙθδ 2891
Ο.βΙΜ 4170
ΤΑΒΙ.,Ε 0F 1
VALTE ιμι = (1 +
η 1*70
51 0.5652 1637 0.5807 0624 0.4679 8491 0.4128 0475 0.3642 4302
52 0.5680 2843 0.5241 5332 0.4010 0887 0.4057 0492 0.3571 0100
α.5δ27 10,14 0,5176 8220 0.4542 6505 0,3987 2719 0.3600 9902
53 0.6405 0102
M 0,6112 θ115 0.4476 4192 0.3918 0.3432 3433
0.6404 8120 0.5040 7892 0.4409 2800 (3947 0.330δ 0425
0.5344 0843 0.3851 2970 0.32θθ 0613
58 0.4087 4401 0.4344 1182
0.5285 2250 0.3785 0585 0.3234 3738
67 0.4925 8727 0.4270
0.6228 4282 0.3710 0502 0.3170 9547
58 0.4805 0594 0.4210
0.51θ8 2860 0.3665 0.3108 7791
50 0.4801 0070 0.4154 3541
0.5110 7887 0.3503 1008 0.3047 8227
80 0.4746 0700 0.4092 9597
0.5063 0319 0.3531 3025
01 0.4087 0874 0.4032 4720 0.2088 0014
0.4907 7077 0.3470 ο.2θ2Ω 4720
02 0.402θ 2222 0.3072 8704
0.4942 1000 03410 8772 0.2872 0314
M 0.4572 0713 0.3914
0.4887 1288 0.3352 2186 0.2815 7170
05 0,4515 0259 0.3860 3221
0.4832 7002 0.3294 5587 0.2700 5009
0.4450 8775 0.3700 3921
0.4778 0.3237 8056 0.2706 3793
07 8173 0.3743 1843
0.4725 8309 0.3182 2009 0.2063 3130
08 0.4350 4308 0.3687 8003
0.4073 2568 0.3127 4701 0.2601 2878
09 0.4290 7277 0.3033
0.4021 2075 0.3073 0.2650 2817
70 0.4243 0817 0.3570 0708
0.4509 8500 0.3020 8222 0.2500 2701
71 ο.4ΙθΙ 0.3520 7092
0.4519 0177 02008 8070 0.2451 2511
72 0.4408 7443
2905 0.8474 8495
73 0.4139 5402 0.8423 3000 0.2917 8054 0,2403 1874
0.4419 0302 0.2807 6221 0.2350 0061
0.4309 8002 0,4088 4407 0.8372 7093
75 0.2818 3018 0.2800 8087
0.4321 2551 0.4037 9001 0.3322 8ββ3
0,3088 1147 0.3273 7690 0.2709 8298 0.2204 5771
77 0.427.3 1818 0.2722 1914
78 0.3938 8787 0.3225 3703 0.2220 1737
0.4225 β433
79 0.8890 2500 0.3177 7130 0.2875 3724 0.2170 6408
0.4178 0337
80 0.3842 2228 0.3130 7523 0.2029 3580 0.2133 Ωβ10
0.4132 1470
0.3704 7870 0.3084 4850 0.2684 1362 0.2092 1192
81 0,4080 1775
0.3747 9387 0.3038 9015 0.2630 0.2051 0073
82 Ω.4Ο40 7104
0.3005 7-070 0.3701 ΟΩ1β 0.2010 8707
83 0.2093 9010 0.2490 0114
0,3051 3148 0.2040 7454 0.1071 4507
0.3055 9083
85 0,3907 3570 0.2463 0826 0.1032 7948
0.3010 8329 0.2900 1531
80 0,3803 8882 0.2863 2060 0.2410 8019 8908
0,3500 2547
87 0.3820 9031 0.3522 2208 0.2820 8017 0.2309 42θθ 0.1857 7420
88 0.3778 3001 0.3478 7420 0.2328 6751 0.1821 9157
0.2770 2086 0.2288 0242
89 0.3730 3821 0.1785 0036
0.2738 13 Ιβ
ΟΙ 0.3004 7050 0.8436 7051 0.2βθ7 0.2240 2621 0.1750 5018
02 ο.3θ53 0,3303 3770 0.2657 7997 0.2210 6770 0.1716 2065
03 0.3851 4843 0.2018 6218 0.2172 5572 0.1082 0142
0.3013 0448
05 ().3572 8503 0.3310 1080 0.257Ω 8245 0.2135 1014 0.1840 0217
0.3538 1020 0.3202 2426 0.2541 0.2098 4082 0.1817 2762
07 0.3493 7070 0.2604 1300 0,2002 3760
0.3228 8814 0.158δ 50,19
08 υ.3464 9207 0.2467 1300 0.2026
0.3Ι8Ω 0187 0.1554 4754
99 0.3416 4041 0.3Ι4Ω 0481 0.2430 0057 0.1623 0066
100 0.3878 4801 0.3110 7636 0.2304 7487 0,1002
0450 0.1494 1132
0.3840 9010 0.3072 3601 0.2359 3583 Ο.Ιθδ7 0,1404 8100
0.3303 7340 0.2.324 4000
0.3034 4287 7837 0.1430
0.8200 0805 0.2200 1389
0.2000 α.1θ24 1118 ΟΩ5Ο
ΩΟ00 0.2250 2044
0.1891 0190 0.14υ7 0303
0.2Π5Ω 9070 0.1380 8297
0.1858 4053
0,1826 5310
0.1795 1165
0.1704 2422
0F 1
51 0.3214 9260 0.2838 4000 0.2500 8402 0.2214 6818 0.1729 9843
52 0.3144 1810 0.2769 22θ8 0.243θ 7471 0.2150 1280 0.1071 4824
0.3074 0030 0.2701 0870 0.2874 4497 0.2087 5029 0.1014 0589
0.3007 3287 0.263δ 7928 0.2810 0000 0.2020 7019 ο.Ι5θ0 3407
0.2941 1528 0.2671 5052 0.2240 0511 0,1007 0717 0.1507 5814
0F 1
80 0.1443 0835 0.1100 0452 9795 0,0764 1108 0.0537 1187
0,1411 3288 8733 0,0944 0190 0.0741 8030 0.05Ι8 0553
91 0.1880 2724 0.1138 4130 0.0018 7533 0.0720 2502 0.0501 4000
0.1349 8997 0.1110 6468 0.0804 1038 2770
98 0.0484 4-
0.1320 1958 0.1083 5579 0.0870 2324 ο.0θ78 9105 503
0.1201 1446 0,1067 1296 0.084β 9415 ο.0ββθ 1804 0,0408 0079
M 0.1262 0.1081 3460 0.0824 0,0030 9383 0.0452 2896
0.1000 1012 2740 0,0021 2993
98 7881 'ο.04,30 9464
Ο.Ο8Ο2 ο.0β03 2032
99 0.1284 9468 0.0981 0500 0,0422 1704
0.1207 0.0957 7078 2131 ο.0δ85
100 0.0780 0.0407 8941
7719 8842
0.00" 7427 0.05β8 0.0304 1000
0.1181 0.07δΟ 8409 5769 0.0880
1950 0.0739 0.0552 7735
0.1166 0,0889 3264 5104 0104 0.0307
2029 0.08β7 0.0719 0,0586 8971
0.1129 6355 7181 9383 0,0355
7828 0.0840 4737 0.0700 0.0520 4562
0.1104 0.0081 3284 0.0348
9221 7086 4850
0.1080 0.06θ8 0.0331
6084 8221
0.9615 3840 0.θ5βθ 8780 0.9523 8005 0.9478 0780 0.9433 0023
1 0.9245 5621 0.9157 2995 0,0070 2948 0.8984 5242
2 0.8889 0.8762 0.8688 3760 0.8510 1.300
8 0.8548 0419 0.8385 6134 0.8227 0247 0.8072 1074 0. 8.3θΙ) 11128
0.8219 2711 0.8024 0.7835 2017 0.7051 3435 Ι).7Ω2Ο ΙΙ3Ι]ΙΙ
0.7-172 6817
8 0.7908 1453 0.7878 9574 0.7402 1540 0.7262 4583
0.7348 2840 Ω.β874 3081 0.7040
7 0.7599 1781 0.7106 8133
ο.β51δ 0887
0.7031 8513 0.6708 3930 571 Ι
8 0.7306 9021
0.6170 2θ20 0.Ιί274 1237
ιο 0.702δ 8674 0.6729 0443 ο.044θ 0802
0.6139 1325 0.6854 3068 0.5018 θ84ΙΙ
0.6755 6417 0.643θ 2768
11 0.5583 0478
0.6495 8093 0.6101 9874 ο.δ84θ 7929 0.6640 1050
12 0.52117 87Π3
0.6245 9705 0.5896 6,386 0.5508 3742 0.6260 8152 ιιιχια
18 0.6005 7409 0.5642 7184 0.5303 2135 0.4085 0.4088
0.5774 7508 ο.δ3θθ 7286 0.5050 0796 0.1726 00.37 31102
0.5167 2044
16 0.5662 0450 6932 0.4810 1710 0.4470 3305 0.4423
17 0.5339 0818 0.4731 7639 0.4245 8109 0.4172
0.4581 1162
18 0.5133 7325 0.4528 0037 0.4024 4053 0.3030
0.4802 9000
19 0.4936 2812 0.4333 0179 0.3814 0500 0,3713
0.4155 2005
20 0.4746 4242 0.4148 4286 0.3015 7900 0.3503
0.3957 3390
0.4563 8695 0.3θθ7 8748 0.8768 8048 0.3427 2800 4.371)
22 0.4388 0.3797 0089 0.8248 0158 0,3305 1301
0.3589 4230
0.4219 5589 0.3633 5013 0.3079 2507 0.8118 0473
24 0.8418 4987
0.4057 2633 0.3477 0847 0,2918 7267 0.2941 ή540
25 0.3327 3060 0.3255 7181
0.3901 2147 0.3100 0701 0.2760 5650 0.2776 0510
28 0.37δΙ 1880 0.3184 0248 0.2022 3870 0.2017 0720
27 0.2058 0277
0.3β0β 8923 0.3046 9137 0.2486 0275 0.2409 7855
28 0.2915 7069 0.2812 4073 0,2329 θ8ΙΒ
20 0.3468 1657 0.2078 4832 0.2350 0460
0.3834 7747 0.2790 1 δ02 0.2233 2181 0.2108
80 0.2670 0002 0.2650 0364
0.3206 5141 0.242θ 4632 0.2116 7044 ΙΩΩ.3
M 0.3083 1807 0.2555 0241 0.2000 4402 0.2073
0.2318 7745
88 0.2964 6026 0.24" 9991 0.1901 8390 07115
M 0.2203 5947 0.1066 3014
0.2850 5794 0.2389 7121 0.2098 6617 0.1802 0910
35 0.2740 0.2238 9589 0.1708 7119 0.1845
ο.1θθ8 7254
M 9417 0.2142 5444 0.1903 5480 0.1010 0821 507,1
37 0.263δ 5209 0.1812 9029 0.1635 1908 0.1741 1013
0.2050 2817
$8 0.2634 0.1901 0921 0.1042 5484
0.1456 1024
39 1547 o. 1877 0.1726 5741 0.137Ω 8008 0.1640 5740
40 0.164-4 3563
02436 6872 5044 0.17θθ 0.1307 3041 0.1401 8022
0.16β0. 0530
41 0.2342 0649 0.1230 0.1870
0.1401 4707
42 9885 0.1719 2870 2,302 0.1301 0522
0.1420 4568
0.2252 0.1846 2507 0.1174 0314 0,1227 4077
0.1362 8160
8543 0.1574 4026 0.1113 8047 0.1157 0318
0.1288 3θβ2
40 0.2Ιββ 2031 0.1506 0.1055 3504 Ο.ΙΟΩ2
0.1227 0440
47 0.2082 0.1441 7276 0.1000 3322 3885 0.1030
0.1168 0188
49 8904 0.1879 8437 Ο.Οθ48 1822 0,0972 2210
0.1112 9051 0.0808 7509
0.2002 0.1920 2982 0.0017 1005
0.1059 0868 0.08δ1 8005
7793 0.1263 8810 0.0805 2740
ο.Ι00θ 4921
0.1925 0.1208 9771 0.0807 4840 0.0810 2902
0,0961 4211
7493 0.1166 9158 0,0766 3885 0.077() 0ΩΙ)8
0,0915 β8θΙ
0.1851 0.1107 0965 0.0725 4867 0.072β 5007
0.0872 0878
6820 0.0β87 0052 0.0085 3781
0.1780 ο.0β40
4835 5831
0.1711 ο.0β00
9841 0840
0.1646 450U
0F 1
1388 0,0542 8830
82 1070 0.0205 6948 ο.0ΙΏ2 1017 ο.0Ιδ8 5706 0.010β 2044
83 0.0488 8483 0.0183 0111 ο.0Ι4δ 5046 0.0100 1928
0.0282 8058
0.0174 2003 0.0137 9759 0.0094 δ2Ιδ
86 0.0417 1570 0.0270 0850
86 0.0401 ι 125 0.0250 0287 ο.0Ι30 7828 0.008θ 1718
0.01δ8 0910 0.0084 1238
87 0.0385 6861 0.0247 8744 0.0123 9648
0.0370 8610 0.0237 2003 0.0150 6687 0.01Ι7 5022 ο.007θ 8621
88 0,0071 8699
0.035β 5875 0.0148 0.01 ιι 3705
80 0.0220 9800 0.0070 6320
0.013β 5857 0.010δ 5701
0.0342 8720 0.02Ι7 2115
0.0329 0,0130 o.ooao 0840
M 0.0207 8579 0.0100 0004
0862 01320 0.00β2 8022
02 0.0198 0070 0.0094 8407
0,0317 0.0123 0.005Ω
98 0.0100 3417 0.0080 0049
M 0050 0.0117 0706 2180 80,10
Ο.Ο3Μ 0.0182 1451 0.0066, 9472
0.0174 3016 0.0112 3530 0.0080 7768
8125 Ο.ΩΙβ6 7Ω58 0.0107 0028 0.0052 7803
97 0.0208 0890 ο.0Ιδ0.β132 0.007β 5648
0.0101 0074 0.004D 7928
08 0.0281 8163 Ο.ΟΙδ2 0.0072 5728 θ743 0.0044
0.0097 0647
0.0970 9772 0.0068 7894 3154
100 0.014θ 1626 0.00Ω2 4331
0,0065 2032
0.0200 5550 α.013θ 8086 0.0088 0315 Ο.ΟΟ4Ι
0.0260 0.00βΙ 8040 8070 0,0039
- 0.0183 0.0083 8305
5.337 8454 4405
0.0070 8471
0.0240 8078 0.0128 0817 0,0070 0440 0.00,37 2081
0.0231 8325 0.0122 δββ8 0.0068 5820 0,0035 1019
0.0055 6279 0.0083 1160
0.0222 7236 0.0031 2406
0,0214 1672 0,0052 6381
ο.οο-2θ 4723
0.0206 9204 ο.004θ 8892
0.01θ8 0004 0,0047 2888
0F 1
η 1%
η 1 1%
Ιθ.Β.144'β 5441 222.3ΙΓΤΠ α,1Ω8 237.7840
104.061.* 3214
227.0057 8012
0544 243,3710
22Ω.32ΟΩ 0638 4162
200.4110 240.190Ω 2883
1023 240.0434
202.24150 5010
234.019') 0580
6787 251.9112
2345.3841 3134
205.9301 238.76.30 7000 254.8005
203.5ΩΩ2 3064
(s at i) —
* 96
1*70 1*70
51 68.3708 5152 70.7428 1226 75.7880 7046 81.2830 1361 87.2709 8948
52 70.1455 8548 72.6270 9741 77.9248 9152 83.7054 6635 90.01β4 0927
71.9347 2332 74.5349 3013 80.003? 6489 86,1703 1201 92.8167
58 8746 958730
.73.7430 8895 76.40ββ 2283 82.2951 7136 88.6782 9247
75.5736 0883 78.4224 5502 84.5295 9803 91.2301 7221
77.4238 1193 80.4027 3031 86.7076 4292 03.82βθ 3865
57 9043 96.4680
70.2948 2081 82.4077 7052 89.00θ5
58 6752 οο.Ιδ08 101.5582 8432
81.1868 84.4378 0765 91,4352 9866
50 5002 104.5804 2θβΙ
83.1002 4023 86.4933 4000 93.8075 3863
96.2146 5171 101.8921 107.6812 1820
85.03δ1 2704 88.5745 0776 0405
61 110.8348 4257
8β.0917 7222 90.6816 8010 θ8.βδ78 7149 104.θ7δ2 1588
62 88.9704 101.1377 3056 114.0δΙδ 3042
63 92.8162 1022 107.5070 3215
20θβ 94.9754 0034 103.6548 0566 117.3825 7021
M 00.0713 110.3884 0522 120.β7θ2 2181
97.1625 0285 2774
4009 108.8027 7215 113.3202 0231 124.0928 0604
M 99.3771 2526 116.3038 0585
θΙ.ΟΟ47 127.5746 6216
07 7464 101.0103 3933 111.4348 1374 119.3386 1370 131.1261 5641
68 θάΟ4Οθ 103.8895 8107 114.ιοα3 8594
60 6586 106.1882 0083 116.8179 3098 122.4270 3944 134.7480 7852
70 108.5155 5334 119.5701 0096 125.5606 1263 138.4430 5209
07.1101 7872 122.3687 5295 128.70βθ 7010 142.2125 2613
71 00.202β 0021 110.8710 9776
182.0204 0124 140.05β7 7563
72 101.3186 9021 113.2578 9773 125.1992 0024 135.8807 5826
149.9779 1114
73 103 4585 3154 115.6730 2145 128,0771 9738
130.0θ83 138.6090 4653 153.9774 βθ37
74 105.'β224 4002 118.1195 4172
5534 142.Ι2β2 7984 158.0670 1875
75 107.8106 9247 120.6060 146.6184 8974
110.023δ 6276 123.1034 86" 133.9633 162.2181 5018
3067 140.1617 2581 166.4626 2231
77 112.2013 125.6422 8002
136.9727 152.7720 170.7917 7276
78 2784 128.2128
8063 5601
70 114.5242 0778 0852 175,2076 0821
80 116.8126 6579 130.8164 140.0273 156.4455 179.7117 6038
6863 7234 160.1833 184,3Οδθ
81 119.1288
133.4506 6441 Ιθ3.08θ5
143.1277 7320 9558
82 0828
186.1187 8292 167.8563 188.9021 Ιδ4θ
33 121.4800
0526 140.2746 3832 198,7719 5780
85 8487
138.8202 0067 171,7088 Ιθ8.β473 9θθβ
M 8020 140.4688 2424 203.6203 4490
87 141.5555 2010 208.βθ27 5180
126.2266 175.8002
88 3370 152.7108 218.8βθβ 0683
1520 1617
89 144.324θ 6247 210.1489 38θ7
128.64θβ 179.8767
90 7787 156.0016
6462 1006 224.508
91 147.1200 1525
4010 159.3415
184.0245 1775
08 8060 6255 230.0173 5411
14θ.068Ι 5310 8708 188.24-49 9239
95 183.5087 236.6177 0110
152.8427 102.7316 192.5302
4642 241.8300 δδ21
η 3%
2*70 2*70 8*96
η 8%
51 03.7096 6416 100,0214 5751 108.6040 2256 117.1807 7331 136.5828 3702
52 ΩΟ.0ΙΟ1 9305 112.6831 0818 121.6001 9851 142.3632 3631
8513 108,0568 0029 110.7818 126.3470 8240 148.3450 4058
53 103.3426 7442 111.7560 0845 120,0933 0573 131.1374 0488 154.5380 5782
55 100.6078 8400 115.6600 2136 125.3207 1411 136.071C 160.04U8
50 110.0679 1200 110.43Ωβ 04-40 1072 8084
57 129.7670 3375
113.5444 4002 123.4256 8670 13-4.3356 2718 141.1537 8881 107.5800 3009
58 117.00θ1 8902 127.6113 2893 130.0208 5002 140.3883 8136 174.4453 3207
50 120.733θ 2160 131.000Ι 1215 143.8531 7700 151.7800 3280 181,5500 1800
60 124.4504 3403 135.091E 8005 148.8001 4038 157.3334 3379 188.9052 0085
61 128.2505 6972 140.3013 7070 153.0013 0174 163.0534 3680 10β.δΙ68 8288
62 132.1302 0754 144.00Ι1 6419 159.1336 8002 168.9450 3001 204.3049 7378
03 13θ.ΙΩΩ2 7221 149.6236 0330 164.5098 5022 175.0133 9110
M 212.5487 9786
140.1717 3083 164.2017 8503 170.0.338 7726 181..2037 0284 220,0880 0670
05 144.3255 9477 160.1183 3027 175.7098 0880 187.7017 0662 220.7225 8590
148.5720 2066 164,0962 8853 181,5418 2803 104.3327 5782 288.7028 7650
152.0158 1137 100.1θ8θ 0574 187.5342 201.1627 4055 248.1105 7718
157.8δβ4 1713 174.4286 0314 28Ω2 208.1976 2277 257.8037 8238
70 161.8009 3651 170.7893 7071 193.βΩΙ4 215.4485 5145 267.8268 9400
71 10β.5390 1758 185.2841 1421 2021 222.9008 5800 278.2008 3535
72 171,2867 5898 200.0179 397 230.6940 6874 288.0378
100.θΙθ2 1706 206.5184 2746
73 176.1407 1100 Ιθβ.β80Ι 2240 300.060θ 8085
238.5118 8565
75 181.1038 7705 2Ω2.β0β3 213.1976 8422 311.5524 6400
186.1787 1420 24β.ββ72 4222
5055 220.0006 2054 323.4608 0024
76 Ιθ1.8β77 3536 255.0672 5949
208.6715 0031 227.1122 8700 203.7102 7727 335.7777 8824
196.6735 0041 214.8882 9705 234.3578 7551 272.6308 5559 348.5300 1083
79 202.0θ8β 8837 221.2006 0447 241.8027 1709 281.8007 812β 381.7285 6121
80 207.8458 8329 227.7020 1709 249.4522 375.3800 6085
213.3170 1507 234.4868 1751 9181 380.5276
81 74ΟΩ
21Ω.Ι175 241.3489 8705 257.3122 301.001Ω θ0θ3 77Ω8
82 6877 218.3827 1265 2083 311.0320 5084 401.1611 4671
83 265.3883 Ιβ15
225,0477 1407 255,5022 8047 321.3830 1855 419.3007 8685
84 273.6804
231,1112 8703 262.0820 332.0039 0010 434.0825 2430
85 9485
237,3112 9100 8748 842.9ΜΟ 451.200θ 1274
86 243.0607 9567 270.55ββ 282.2128
2638 467.00θΙ
87 250.1329 3857 278.3205 7345
364.2620 4717 486.3701 2510
88 286.2785 200.9737
256.7009 2980 365.8805 3658 503.3673 0*48
89 2747
203.5380 5000 204.4355 377.8δβ0 5185 521.9852 5320
270.4β7β 3370 209,0756
91 300.1026 541.2547 3716
6674 302.7064 0408
6020 561,1086 6295
277.5531 2213 300.2248 402.8084 4001 581,8406 0581
7002 811.8663 3137 416.9853 608.2050 2701
284.7081 32ββ 818.7285 9.321 825.3172 0295
2555 320.1504 1423 420.4640 6600 648.2033 0506
07 329.1542 828.4935 443.8480 0385 671,8904
98 5328 4837 457.6498 7076 2073
8337 βθβ,40β5
100 299.7807 338.3831 338.5271 472.8788 6189
2025 0061 2005 487.6502 17" 721.7808
307,5257 347.8420 348.8386 Ιβ78 503.1707 1595
8045 8735 359.4200 2397
315,4451 357.5387 2.374 510.2720 748,0431
1065 5453 370.813θ 2560 4451
323.6426 307.4772 3830 775.2246
8177 2830 381.4θ75 5457
377.θβ41 7170 808.3575
831.8223 552.025C
6308 1748
4090 302,0887 0205
340.2883 388.1057 5492 570.5134
4306 578,3 404.7060 6281
348.9448 398,8084 4568 688.6288
3130 0177 416.0278 607.2877
3δ7.7ΩβΟ 9010 409.7788 ΙΙΒ2 3418 3270
3ββ.84θδ 421.0230 420.3983
0218 7711 4902
482.5486 442,2016
5404 0874
ΤΑΒΙ..Έ VII—AMOUNT + i)Tl — 1 0F Ι
UR.IOD (s αι ί) =
7 7.8082 0448 8.0191 5170 6.8010 1281 5.5810 9103 4.374β
8 θ.2Ι42 2020 9.3800 1302 8.1420 0845 1600
10.5827 0531 6.8880 6103
10.8021 1423 0.5401 0888 5.6370
10 12.00β1 0712 8.2608 9384
12.2882 0937 11.02β5 6432 6.075,3
11 9.7215 7300
13.4808 12.5778 0254 1854
13.8411 7870 11.2562 5051
12 5141 15,0258
15.4βδ0 3184 14.2007 8716 12.8763 5370 8.3038
0546 ια.β2β8
13 3768 18,2919 17.1δθ9 1327 16.0171 2052 3705
14.5834 0825
14 1119 18.9321 0θ37 17.7120 8285
10.3855 9065
15 20,0235 8764 20.7840 5420 10.5080 3199 11.4013
18.2867 9814
22.7193 3678 21.5786 6359 1508
21.8245 3114 20.2θ25 7203
17 24.7417 0080 23.6574 9177 13.1807
23.0θ7δ 1239 22.4086 6350
18 28.8550 8370 26.8403 ββ3β 0494
25.6454 1288 24.6411 3θ9θ
20 27.0712 2940 20.0β3δ 6248 28.1323 8407 14.07Ιβ 4264
2β.θθβ4 0260
21 29.7780 7858 31.3714 2277 30.6390 0301 10.8600
29.4812 0488
22 83.7881 3080 33.0659 5410 4120
31.9092 0172 32.1026 7110
23 30.3033 7795 35.7102 5181 18.8821
84.2479 βθ7θ 34.8883 1801
24 38.9370 2096 38.5052 1440 3767
86.6178 8868 37.7860 7550
2-5 41.6891 θβ31 41.4304 7612 21.0150
30.082β 0412 40,8643
44.5652 1015 44.6010 0887 0503
26 41.645θ 0829 44.1118
47.7270 0882 23.2750
27 44.8117 4462 47.5706 4460 47.5379 9825 6988
47.0842 1440 50.7113 2301 51.1134 5370 51.1526 8816
64.0β01 2046 26,0725
40.0β75 8298 58.9θ33 3317 54.0050 8051
58.4025 8277 2808
52.9002 8630 57.4280 3816
81 02.3227 1191
58.08θ1 Οθ43 28.2128 7076
56.0840 3775 61.0070 63.2335 1045
32 66.4888 4750 80.005(1
88 59,3288 64.7623 8779 67.7113 5353 5255
3526 β8.θββ2 4524 70.7607 8988 72.4354 7797 83.7590
85 82,7014 72.7562 2628 75.2988 2937
77.4104 2926 0170
86 6807 77.0302 5646 80.0687 7084
ββ.209δ 82.6774 9787 80.785δ
87 81.40ββ 1800 5938
2742 0861 88.2217 6026 9120
88 86.1630 6681 90.3203 0735
73.6522 2480 04.0771 2207 39,0927 2068
80 θ1.Μ13 4427 96.8383 2272 100.2513 6378 43.3022
.40 77.6983 1385 98.1382 0476 101.8281 3886
81.7022 4640 101.4344 23θ8 106.7βδ1 8870 9028
107.7095 4580 46.0058
85.0703 8026 107.0303 2306 113.6372 7417
48 114,0960 2809 2760
00.40θ1 4971 ΙΙ2.Μβ6 8760 120.8873 2425
44 120.7907 7424 60.8155
05.02δ5 1570 118.9247 8854 128.5301 2708
127.83θ7 €295 136.6056 1407 7786
θθ.82βδ 8033 125.2764 0402 135.2317 5110 54.8645
104.8195 0778 181.9138 4220 142.9933 88ββ 145.1180 2285
110.0123 8160 138.84θθ 6510 151.1430 0550 164.1004 6360
115.4128 146.0982 1953 168.575θ 8910 50.16β8•
159.7001 5587
121.0293 9204 153.8726 3314 178.5726 8272
168.6861 6366 184.11θΙ 6527 63,7057
126.8706 6772 161.6879 0168
178.1104 2186 6568
132.945,3 9043 169.8508 6720 196,2457 1986
188.0253 9294 68.5281
139.2632 0604 178.5080 2828 206.9842 8892
198,42βθ 6259 1162
145,8387 3429 209.3479 9572 219.3683 73.0397 0832
152.ββ70 8386 232.4386 2696 79.0581 8022
246.2174 7846 84.8016 7730
90.8807 7803
111.4347 7087
127.2681 1800
145,0584 5813
154.7610 6δβ2
175.0δ05 4457
187.5075 7724
199.7580 3188
212.7435 1370
226.5081 2462
241,0086 1210
256.6645 2882
290.3869 0458
ΤΙ 7% 8%
41.71502 0170
(α ati) =
η 1 1%
101 82.3023 0049 70.1469 1021 70.1588 7702 70.6447 8882 63.3949 2947
102 82.9606 4777 79.7481 0037 70.711,3 9392 71.1114 δ0θ4 63.7673 5691
108 83.6082 7991 80.8404 3718 77.2β07 0648 71.5740 4113 64.1161 9397
77.80(58 3331
105 84.2572 0818 80.9417 2864 72.0343 8325 64.4714 7918
84.0084 4381 81.6340 5825 78.3407 9288 72.4007 0298 64.8232 4871
100 78.8800 0855
107 85.Μθθ 9796 72.9436 2579 85.1716 3140
88.1878 8175 79.4202 8350 73.3931 65.5103 0772
108 70.9508 5115
86.8201 0028 82.7098 9158 73.8393 8160 66.8577 8983
100 80.4003 2428 ββ.1958 3151
110 87.4016 8258 83.2934 2440 74.2822 6461
88.094θ 2163 83.8740 5419 81.0177 2003 74.7218 5073 68.5305 2626
111 84.4517 9522 81.5420 5895 οο.8β1θ 0718
112 88.7249 3437 75.1581 6450
85.0200 0101 82.0033 5600 • 67.1900
118 89.3520 3171 76.5912 3027
82.6810 29θΙ 0710
114 80.9777 2450 85.5980 0860 70.0210 7223
83.0θ08 9808 67.6148 5852
115 90.6002 2354 80.1078 2942 76.4477 1437
83.β0θΙ 7785 67.8364 9358
91.2201 3060 80.7341 5802 70.8711 8062
118 68.1640 44 Ι4
91.8374 8338 87.2970 7027 84.1184 8071 77.2914 9431
117 84.6248 4182 88.4702 4172
118 92.4522 0558 87.8588 7838 77.7080 7022 68.7824 1765
93.064-4 88.4102 86.1282 0033 78.1227 6853
110 86.0287 6920 69.0915 0252
03.β741 8767 88.9714 3070 78.5337 5636 69.3975 2726
120 04.2813 4869 86.1203
80.5238 2059 78.9416 9207 αρ.7005 2203
121 94.8859 90.0734 5338 80.6210 σαο2
122 79,3405 9322 70.0005 1686
0036 90.6203 5157 87.1129 0742
128 79.7484 7062 70.2976 4146
95.4881 87.6018 θβ88
2315 91,1045 2892 80.1473 7432 70.5916 2520
125 91.7069 98θ3 88.0880 4946 80.5482 9957
θθ.0877 88.5713 8308 70.8827 9722
120 5747 92.2447 7605 80.9362 7749 71.1710 8636
127 Θβ.β84θ 92.7808 7070 80.0510 1301 81.3203 3001
8θ.δ2θβ 6731 71.4565 2116
128 0307 93.3142 9920 81.7134 7892
97.2795 90.004β 3032 71.7391 2985
130 93.8450 7384 82.0977 4683 72.018θ 4046
7209 Μ,8732 0780 90.4768 4873
82.4791 5219 72.2969 8064
181 04.8087 1422
οο.θ4θ3 2861
97.8717 7301 82.8577 1929 72.5702 7786
182 95.4210 01.4130 8564
98.4015 83.2334 0828
138 01.8771 3601 72.8418 5927
9θ.Μ88 1324 95.9418 9071 83.00β4 2013
185 92.3384 9442 73.1107 5175
90.038β 7290 98.4595 9872 83.9785
92.7971 7768 73.8769 8198
180 1100.2161 0570 90.9747 2500 84,3440 1554
θ3.2δ32 73.6405 7617
137 100.7001 97.4872 8865 84.7087 0029
03.70θ6 7892 73.0015
188 2180 97.9973 0214
85.070β 7020 βΟδθ
180 101.3737 08.5047 7826 94.1573 2787 85.4299 4567 74.1599 6095
11-0 3131 ΙΟΙ.Μ80 90.00θ7 2080 94.6054 85.7885 74.4158 0293
4-401 99.5121 087δ 0270 Ι1β57 74.0801 1181
141 102.6217 05.050θ
100.0121 0821 80.1404 9288 74.ριρρ 1268
19 0994
100.5096 0041 θ8δ7 80.4018 0484 75.1682 3038
108.0022 1800 θδ,4θ3θ
1" 103,6608 0104
101.0045 8772 6050 86.8405 0050
87.1800 0108
144 101.4070 5240
104.2260 2590 05.9343 3304
101.9871 1088 87.5301 2514 75.0675
104.7804 0338 90.3721 0272
14-0 102.4747 4310 87.8710 0105 1434
105.3504 4314 90.8074 5201
147 102.θδ90 4344 88,2005 2056 75.8986
105.0091 6496 97.2402 1804 2006
10 100.4656 4847 07.0704 7304 88.6464 2982
88.8788 8864 76.1371
149 107.019β 3330 103.4427 98,0082 3307 5747
80.2007 0530
107.5714 1002 103.0231 1422 98.5235 18Μ 89.5382 2858 70.3734
108.120θ 1517 104.4011 0808 2663 89.8642 4078 2824
108,0081 3120 104.8707 8705 70.6073
109.2130 7074 2505 90.7840 4974
100.7557 0103 105.3490 1078 70.8389
110.2901 9363 7618 0014
110.8343 83δβ 77,0682
111.3703 4044 7787
η 2%
η 2%
51 38.6474 3345 37.5435 8009 35.4076 7298 83.5540 1421 31.7878 4892
52 30.2063 0188 38.0β77 3431 35.9287 4185 38.9697 1913 32.1449 4992
53 7232 38.6864 30.3820 9090 34.3684 4033 32.4060 4804
40.3060 3304 39.0007 0770 30.8305 3882 84.7603 1679 82,8382 8327
40.8401 39.υοιο 8607 37.2714 0081 36.13M 4560 33.1747 8752
41.3805 8358 40.1004 3128 87.7058 7803 36.5130 5136 38.5040 0305
58 41.9091 0013 40.6930 1855 38.1338 7058 85.8850 4727 83.8281 8103
69 42.4317 4896 41.079δ 2449 88.5556 3751 30.2516 4528 84.1462 2060
σι 42.0486 7740 41.5000 2410 38.θ7ΟΩ 7292 5520 34.4501 0441
48.4500 δβ38 42.034δ 0170 80.3802 0889 3β.9θ3θ 8552 34.7008 8068
43.θΟδΟ 4052 42.5033 0054 30.7885 1614 37.8110 4228 36.059β 0282
05 2029 42.Ωθθ2 2275 40.1808 0408 37,0521 3000 36.3528 4002
00 44.9500 8119 43.4234 2088 40.5722 2077 37,9873 5185 8δ.Ο3Ο8 4310
07 45.4477 4407 43.874-9 0247 40,0578 5298 38.3108 0728 35.9214 1480
08 45.9310 2000 44.3209 8022 41.3377 8018 38.0405 9678 36.1974
70 40.4080 1075 44.7014 0195 41.7121 0461 38.9588 1748 30.4081 0348
40.8815 0284 45.1906 05β3 42.0808 0125 39,2715 36.7334 3478
71 45,0201 7840 2783,1 39.5789 3875 6351
47.3488 2852
72 40.0606 42.8021 9490 30.8810 1597 37.2485 9108
47.8100 5527
73 4051J 43.1548 7183 40.1779 0207 87.4086 1020
74 40.4000 7502 43.5023 3078
75 48.7108 4270 40.4090 8321 37.7437 4441
40.8830 8024 43.84-16 0077
49,1007 1714 40.7564 4642 37.0840 0314
70 49.13080 -47.2024 7431 4,1819 41.0382 7600 38.210U 0075
77 2010 δΟ.ΜδΟ 47.0θβ2 7093 3771 41.3152 5857 38.450β 5002
78 0708 50.4777 48.0060 8240 44.5112 2434 41,5874 7771 38.6771 1438
79 3250 48.4880 7027 44,8416 0084
80 41.8550 1496 38.8091 8170
50.9050 5077 48.8779 9633 45.1041 3820 42,1179 5081 39.1107 0578
81 51.327U 1611) 40.2022 1701 46.4810 0902 42.3703 0443 30.8301 9104
82 61.7454 7&17 45.7940 8485 42.15303 3350 3Ω.53Μ 0380
83 52.1580 0317 40.10ιΜ 3386 42.8709 8474 3θ.744δ 1359
85 52.5073 1092 50.0104 0027 40.4073 2349 43.1252 4298 30.0450
52,0713 8280 50.3800 6700 40,7007 2205 48.3β03 3217
80 40.1427
53.3709 5957 47,0010 0720 43,0082 7480
87 50.7622 5389 40.3360 2011
53.7600 0104 47.2023 1251 43.8301 4237
88 51.1133 3717 40.5255 1579
54.1508 2074 47,5780 3301 44.0050 0470
80 51.4099 40.7112 8090
54.6482 1557 47.8007 2218
51.8221 8632 44.2809 8009 40.8084 2150
91 51.925,3 0688 52.1700 5958 48.1886 4264 44,5100 8809 41.0719 8102
02 65,3031 4540 48.4124 6571 44.7282 41.2470 4110
65.15707 52.5130 3000
08 52.8620 7088 48.6822 2237 44.9417 0855 41.4Ι8β 0774
94 50.0402 48,0480 0234 45.1510 1037 41.6869 2010
1)121) 53.1881 2531
53.5101 3011 40.2008 6452 45.8578 4803 41.7518 0133
50.4110 30-
11 53.8400 0035 49,4078 3090 45.5005 3800 41.9130
08 54.108Ω 40.7220 45,7507 4310 18115
56.7729 3400 01186 45.9556 2147 42.0721 7645
00 54.4878 6037
57,1302 1002 4Ω.0724 2066 40.1470 3266 42,2270
100 54.8028 ΙδΙ3
57.4835 3021 50,21 ΩΙ 22ΩΩ
67.832Ω ΩΩ07 65.1138 40.3370 3455
65.4211 2744 3855 413.5228 8408 42.3800 2264
58.1784 60,4022 0064
02114 56,7245 7031 40.7055 3718 42.6204 8880
50.0242 50.7010 7541 40.8880 4882 42.076D
58.5200 5235 60,0370 1124 47,0014 7304
50.3202 42.8195 2505
58.8679 0308 51.1700 42.9603 1807
50.1910 δβ.υ12β ΙΗ)84 43.098,3
60.5223 0610 61.3000 7422 5104
50.8400 50.9018 51.0247
ΙΥ2δ1 8931} 0307
10.9930 18.4016 14.3081
5181 8442 4114
20.1856 18.5661 14.4082
2674 0049 4636
20.3707 18.7236 14.β2ΟΩ 8713
9494 4075 14.7807
20.5488 18.8742 8031
4129 1029 14.8460
20.7200 10.0183 1010
8970 8805 14.θ4θΟ
20.8846 19.193 7468
5356 15.0462
4742 0087
8612 15.1880
21.1951 1592
8088 15.2245
21.8414 4332 Ιδ.30βΙ
7200 7204
21.4821 19.6512 15.3831
8462 9813 8202
19.7820 15.4568
0778 3200
(ail at i) — i
n 4% 590
100 23.6804 21.4030 10.8151 3300 17.8530 10.4558
0834 8300 10 8230 8706 4731 4810
23.7311 21.4388 10 : 17.8710 16.4077
6187 8383 8,323• 4010 8123
23.7700 21.4720 17.8872 16.4700
0333 1011 2100 4180 3889
23.8268 21.5048 10.8403 0671 17.0025 16.4806
8782 0570 10.8470 1020 9887 5083
28.8720 21.6357 17.9171 16.4006
0752 8546 6532 7802
23.0163 21.5663 17.0300 18.5091
9185 4403 5201 3077
23.0671 21.5936 17.0440 16.5180
0754 8151 3120 4700
23.0072 21.6207 17.06M 2708 16.6264
1870 0001 17.0081 0028
24.0367 21.6466 7789 16.5343
8780 0288 17.0703 0640
24.0728 21.6713 1654 10.5418
7240 9032 17.0898 8348
24.1085 21.0051 7256 10.5480
3110 1036 17.0008 4068
24.1428 21.7178 7010 16.5560
1842 0806 18.0003 1008
24.1757 21.7805 6410 10.5618
8094 3000 18.0183 0030
24.2074 21.7003 6400 16.5078
8745 1588 18.0208 2670
24.2370 21.7802 7045 18.6734
6870 0658 18.0340 2141
24.2672 21.7002 6308 16.5780
7750 4076 18.0426 9944
24.2964 21.8174 1041 10.6830
6023 6520 18.0498 7872
24.3225 21.8348 0769 16.6883
6005 8542 18.0607 7616
24.3480 21.8516 4002 16.5928
1245 0490 18.0682 0709
24.3730 21.8075 0094 10.5960
0582 2631 18.0604 8830
24.9077 21.8828 4784 10.6009
6560 21.8974 18.0753 3244
24.4200 1055 0558 10.0040
1884 21.0114 18.0808 5326
24.4431 0340 5833 16.30S1 0344
0110 21.0247 18.0801 10.6114
24.4640 8704 2104 10.0145
0002 21.0376 18.0011 9000
24.4861 0012 1055 10.6175
0896 21.0498 18.0968 4628
24.6049 5274 3039
0.9389 8714 0.9345 7044 0.0302 3250 0.9250 2503 ОЛИВ 5800
1 1.8200 2642 1.8080 1817 1.7065 0517 1.7832 6475 1.7711 И27
2 2.В484 7561 2.6243 1004 2.0006 2574 2.5770 0090 2.6540 2237
8 3.4267 0800 3.3872 1120 3.3403 2027 3.3121 2084 3.2756 пвов
4.1566 7944 4.1001 9744 4.0458 8490 3.9927 1004 3.0400 4208
5 4.55.36
4.8410 1356 4.7065 зоов 4.6038 4042 4.6228 7030
7 5.2000 0182 6.2003 7006 8717
6.4845 1977 6.3892 8040
8 5.8673 0365 Г,.1185
0.0887 5000 5.0712 9851 5.7400 3804 1362
D 0.B5B1 6.5152 3225 в.3788 8703 0.2408 8701
10 0.8040 8000 5.6301
7.1888 3022 7.02.35 8154 0.7100 8140 8207
7.6800 4240 7.4980 7484 7.3154 2416 7.1380 6420 0.1100 6204
ш 7.9420 8030 7.7362 7827 6.5013 4800
8.1587 2532 7.6300 7802
13 8.3576 5074 8.1258 4020 7.9037 7504
8.6907 4208 0.9080 изо
14 8.7454 0799 8.4801 5373 8.2442 3608
9.0138 4233 7.3440 8007
15 0.4026 6886 0,1079 1401 8.8271 1074 8.6604 7800 7.опоп 6400
16 9.4466 4860 0.1415 ови 8.0100 0008
9.7077 6418 8.8613 6016
17 9.7032 2200 9.4330 5076 8.3042 3058
10.1106 7670 0.1210 3811
18 10.4324 0038 10.0590 8691 0.7000 0008 0.3718 8714 8.5753 3326
19 10.8366 0524 9.0590 7821 9.00.36 0020 8.8251 0104
10.7347 1022
20 10.5940 1426 10.1044 0130 0.8181 4741 о.огм 7044
11.0186 0725
21 10.0108 0316 0.2077
11.2840 8333 10.8355 2733 10.4134 8033
22 11.6361 9562 11.0612 4050 10.6171 0101 10.2007 4306
23 11.7701 3073 11.2721 8738 10.8060 8031 10.3710 5805 3601
24 11.9007 3871 11.4093 3400 10.9829 6080 10.5287 5828
25 12.1078 7672 11.6535 8318 11.1400 4586 10.6747 7010 о.изв 2821
10.8000 7705 9.8097 0650
26 12.3023 7251 11.8267 7867 11.2994 8462
10.0361 0477 0.9029 4624
27 12.6749 9706 11,0807 0904 11.4413 8005
11.0510 10.1040 9700
23 12.7404 7668 12.1371 1125 11.5733 поз
7849 ll.i6U 10.2341 0078
29 12.9074 8084 12.2776 7407 11.6901 0624
30 13.058В 7691 12.4000 4118 11.8103 8027 10.3540 0288
11.2577 вз:и
31 11.010B 3830 10.4640 0174
18.2000 8465 12.6318 1410 11.8407 0030
82 12.0164 7767 10.5604 6321
13.3839 2925 12.6465 5632 11.4340 9044
33 и 12.1074 2000 10.0003 2564
13.4590 8860 12.7537 0002 11.6138 8837
35 12.1929 4970 10.7408 4382
13.6706 0892 12.8540 0936 11.5800 3307
30 13.6869 5673 12.9476 7230 12.2725 1141 10.8265 8410
11.0И5 10.0000 7767
87 18.7005 6970 13.0362 0776 12.3405 2224
38 0822
13.8878 6887 13.1170 1060 12.4163 0953
1.0041 6687 1.0050 0000 1.0058 3333 1.0075 0000 1.οιοο 0000
1 0.5031 2717 0.5037 5312 0.5043 7924 0.5050 32M Ο.Μ7δ 1244
2 0.3400 2211
8 0.3361 1406 0.3366 7221 0.8372 2078 0.3388 4579
0.2520 0058 0.2531 3279 0.2536 0.2647 0501 0.2562 8109
0.2025 0693 0.2080 0097 0.2035 1357 0.2045 2242 0.2060 3980
ο ο.1β0Ι 0564 ο.Ιβθ5 0.1700 8504 0.1710 6801 0.1725 4837
78 0.1452 4800 0.1467 2854 0.1486 2828
0.1462 0086 0.1471 7488
ο 0.1273 5512 0.1806 9029
0.1278 2886 0.1283 0851 0.1202 5552
10 0.1134 3876 0.1167 4037
0.1139 0736 0.1143 7698 0.1153 1020
11 0.1023 0506 0.1027 7057 0.1032 3632 0.1041 7123 0.1055 8208
12 Ο.ΟΩ31 0.003β 5908 0.0941 2175 0.0950 5094 Ο.Οθβ4 5408
13 9757 0.0888 4879
0.08β0 ββ43 0.0865 2675 0.0874 5148
0.08δ6 0.0824 1482
14 0.07οσ 4224 0,0801 0004 0.0810 2188
0748 ο.07θθ 0117
15 0.0741 0.0745 0205 0.0755 1148
Ο.Ο7Ω1 0.0721 2378
3θΟΟ 0.0β08 1999 0.0707 3639
10 8532
ο.0β03 6436 0.0679 4460
17 0.0730 8082 ο.0β56 4401 0.0ββ5 6870
0.0651 8937 0.0θ1θ ο.0θ42 δ80β
18 0.0680 1045 0.0628 7321 ο.0β09
0.0β15 0570 0.058β 8499 0.05θ5 0766
19 0.0647 3055 8206
0.0582 8173 0.0657 5532 0.0566 6740 Ο.Οδ8Ο
20 0.0β10 5387
0.0553 0253 0.0531 1889 0.0540 3063 5175 1532
21 0,0577 8053
22 0.0648 51θ1 0.0507 3383 0.051β 4548 0.0530 3075
0.0622 1030 0.0502 8163 0.0486 0585 0.04θ4 7748
23 0.0608 6371
0.0481 1380 0.04θ5 8063 0.0474 9846
24 0.0498 3183 0.0488 8684
0.04β1 3465 0.0417 7258 0.045β 8474
0.047β 6427 7347
0.0443 2061 0.0431 0388 0.0440 1660
26 0,0456 8531 0.0464 0675
0.042β 5180
27 0.0438 7180 0.0416 6376 0.0424 7003 0.0438 6888
28 0,0422 0270 0.0411 1163 0.0401 3793
Ω.03Ωβ 8505
0.0410 5178 0.0424 4
30 0.040β 6247 0.0388 1415 0.0397 2871 0.04Ι1
0.0383 0167 0.0375 8186
0.08θ2 3645 0,0384 0723 0.0398 9502
81 0.0371 2014 Ο.Ο3Μ
0,0370 1230 0.0373 0.0387 4811
32 0.0359 7802 3191
0.03ββ 7974 0.03β2 7352 0.037θ 7578
83 0.0356 2036 0.0349 0304 0.0363 5633 0.0352 0634 o.oaaa 7080
0.0338 0453 0.0343 4816 0,0843 2048
Ω.0844 6330 0.0357 2744
0.0334 4458 0.032θ 4727 0.0334 0124 0.0384 3053
80 0.0348 8907
0.0324 9708 0.0320 6586 0.0325 1020 0.032δ 0170
87 Ο.Ο3Ι2 0.0340 0368
0.03Ι6 0540 0,0316 7024
88 0.0307 6476 1550 0.0308 7710 0.0817 0973 0.0332 1431
80 0.02Ω9 7000 0.0304 2104 0.0301 2098 0.0310 5082 0.0924 6805
0.02Ω2 2003
0.02Ωθ 0.0294 1640 0.0308 4157 0.0317 6150
0.0285 0875 7130 0.0287 4258 0.029β 6803 0.0310 9180
0.0278 3402 0,0280 0045 0.0281 0.02θ0 3016 0.0804 6560
0.0271 0.0282 8607 0261 0.0284 2270 0.0298 5102
0810 0.0270 4552 0.0274 0.0278 4452 0.0202 7568
0379 0.0272 9338 0,0287 2787
0.0270 3031 0.0282
47 0.0269 0.0207 0751
0.02M 5022 0.0277
48 0.0268 1420 0.02β2 6521
0,0250 0320 0505
8352 0.02β3 0,0257 8406
0.0253 7541
0.02β0 6170 0.0253 0.0272
0303 0.0258 2532 2775
0.02" 3443 0.0248 0.0267
0.0243 0.0268 7111
4961 8504
8804 3073 0.0208
0.0249 0.0244
0.023θ 2733 8384
2141 0.0248 6202
0.02" 4905 0.0240 0,0250
0.02" 8603 o.ou,3 8708 1474
1075 0.0230 0.0230 0.0255
0.0239 6087 4624 1278
3400 0.0226 0.0235
0.0234 6376 2265
7204 0,0231
0.0230 1611
VALUE ις 1
η 1 1%
51 0.0218 0557 0,0222 6269 0.0227 2563 0.0230 0888 0.0251 2880
52 0.0214 291β ο.02Ι8 8075 0.0223 5027 0.0232 Ω 0.0247 5003
53 0.02Ι0 6700 0.0216 2507 0,0219 8019 503 0.0243 9050
0.0207 18.30 0.0211 7086 0.0210 4157 0.0220 3540 0.0240 5068
0.0203 8234 0.0208 4189 0.0213 0071 0.0225 8038 0.0237 2637
56 0.0222 5005
57 0.0200 5843 0.0205 1797 0.0200 8390 0.0234 0823
58 0.0197 4503 0.0202 0698 0.020β 7251 0.0210 3478 0.02.31 0156
0,0194 4426 0.0109 0481 Ο.Ο2Ο3 0.021β 2400 0.0228 0573
50 7100
0.0191 5287 0.0100 1392 0.0213 2507 0.022δ 2020
0.0188 7123 0.0103 3280 0.0200 8170 0.0210 3727 0.0222 4446
81 0.01θ8 0120
82 0.0190 0006 0.0207 5836 0.0210 7800
0.0185 9888
83 0.0188 8636 0,0187 0706 0.01θδ 2900 0.0204 8873 0,0217 2041
0.01Ω2 6762 0.0214 7125
M 0.0180 8025 0.0185 4337 0.0202 2795
0.01ΟΟ 1306
0,0178 3315 0.0182 9681 0.01Ω0 7500 0.0212 3013
0.0187 0773
88 0.0176 9371 0.0180 6789 0.01θ7 3127 0.0200
0,0185 2948 Ο.Ο1θ4 9460
67 0.0173 0.0178 2627 0.0207 7062
88 0.0182 0848 0.0192 6524
0.0171 8639 0.017β 0163 0.0205 5130
89 0.0180 7440 0.0Ιθ0 4280
ο.01β9 1788 0.0178 83θθ 0.0203 3888
70 0.0171 7200 0.0178 6710 0.0188 2716
0.01θ7 0574 0.020Ι 3280
ο.0Ι0θ ββ57 0.017β 4622 0,0186 1785 Ο.ΟΙΟ9
71 0.0184 9971 0.0174 4138 0.0184 1464 3282
72 0.01θ2 9952 0.0107
78 0.0172 4239 0.0182 1728 0.0107 3870
0.0161 0493 0.01β5 7289
0.0170 4001 0.0180 2654 0.01θδ 5010
75 0.0159 1572 0.01β3 8422
0.0157 31βδ 0.01β2 0070 0.0178 3017 0.0103 8700
76 0100 7814
0.0155 5258 0.01β0 2214 0.017β 5796 0.0191 8910
77 0.01θ5
0.0158 4832 0.0174 8170 0.0100
78 0,0153 7816 0024.
0.0152 0886 0.015θ 7908 0,0103 2709 0.0173 1020 0.0188 4784
80 ο•0Ι50 4205 0.0155 1423 0.0181 6851 0.0171 4328 0.018β 8416
81 0.0148 8177 0.0153 5360 0.01βθ 8074 0.0185 2488
ο.0Ι47 2464 0.0150 0482
82 0.0151 9704 0.0158 3436 0.01β8 2244 0.0183 8984
88 0.0145 7144 0.01δ0 4430 7847 0.0Ι0β 6821 0.0182 1886
84 0.01" 0.0148 0652 0.01β6 1700 0.0180 7180
85 0,0155 2650
2200 0,0147 5028 0.01β3 7186 0.0170 2851
0,0153 7830
M 0.0142 7020 0.0140 0856 0,0102 2847 0.0177 8880
0.0152 3378
87 0.0144 7021 8908 0.017β 5273
0.0141 3391 0.0150 0208 0.017δ 1008
89 0.0139 9500 0.0148 8513 0.015θ 6308
0,0140 5601
00 0.0142 0320 0.0158 2034 ο.σ173 0050
0.0188 5935 0.0148 2000
0.0140 7431 0.015β 9070 0.0172 6417
91 0.0137 2885 0.014β 8935
0.0155 6423 0.0171 4080
92 0.013δ 9740 0.013θ 4837 0.0145 6115
0.0138 Ο.ΟΙδ4 0.0170 2050
98 0.0134 7088 0.0144 3588 4064 0.010Θ 0300
94 0.0188 4721 2527 0.0143 1347 0,0158 Ιθ8θ 0.01β7 8882
05 0.0132 2029 0.0137
0.0136 0.0141 9380 0.0152 0190 0.01ββ 7624
M 0.0181 0803 0.0140 7679 0.0150 8657 0.01β6
27 0.0129 9234 8724 (3678
0.0134 0.0189 6238 0.0140 7382
0.0128 7915 0,0188 5042 0.0148 Ο.ΟΙβ4
99 7213
0.0127 6887 6071
0.012β 5992 0.0133 0.0137 40M 0.0147 5571 0.01β3
0,0125 5374 5950 5511
0.018β 3372 0.0148 6020
0.0124 4976 0.0132 0.0185 2880 0.0145 0.0102 6284
0.0123 0.0131 0,0184 2608 0.01βΙ 5284
0.0130 0.0133 2549 4692 0.01β0 5508
0.0122 8583- 0.0182 2βΜ 0.015θ
0.0143 4701
0.0129 0.01δ8 6574
0.0142 5017
η 1%
101 0.0121 5033 Ο.Ο12θ 3478 0.0131 3046 0.0141 5533 0.0157 7413
102 0.0120 5440 0.0125 3947 0.0130 3587 ο.οιιο 0248 0.015θ 8440
103 0.0119 6054 0.0124 4β11 0.0120 4310 Ο.ΟΙ3Ω 0.0155 0008
0.01Ι8 6842 0.0123 6467 0.0128 5234 7143 ο.0Ι5δ 1073
105 0.0122 6481 ο.0Ι38 8220 0.0154 2056
0.0117 7800 0.0127 6288
100 0.0137 0487
0.01Ι0 8M8 0.012Ι 7670 0.012β 0.0153 4412
107 ο.οιισ 0250 0.0120 0.012δ 0029 0.0187 0022 0.0152 0336
108 0,0115 0.0120 0575 0.0125 0028 0.0130 2524 0.0151 81123
100 1727 0.0110 2264 ο.0ΙΜ 2385 0.0135 4201 0.01δ1
110 0.0114 3358 0,0118 4107 0.0123 4208 0.1134 6217 0.0150 30β9
111 0.0ΙΙ3 5143 0.0133 8206
0.01Ι7 6102 0.0122 6361 0.014θ 5620
112 0.0112 7070 0.01Ιβ 8242 Ο.Ω12Ι 0.0133 0527 0.0148 8317
113 0.01Ι1 9161 0,0116 0626 8571 0.0Ι21 0.0132 2005 0•0148 1156
114 0,0111 1386 0,0115 2948 0023 0.0Ι31 5426 0.0147 4133
115 0.0110 3750 0.0114 ο.0Ι20 8414 0.0130 8084 0.0Ι4β 7245
0.0109 6249 0.0110 6041
116 0,0113 8195 0.0130 0878 0.014β 0488
117 0.0108 8880 0.0113 1013 0.0118 8790 0.0129 3808 0.0145 3860
118 Ω.Ο1Ο8 0.0112 8060 0.01Ι8 1080 0.0128 6867 0.0144 7356
119 1030 0.0107 0.01 ιι 7021 0.0Ι17 4098 0.0Ι28 0087 0.0144 0973
120 4524 0.011β 7832 0.0127 3388 0.0143 4700
0.0111 0205
0.010β 7580 0.011β 1086 0.012β 6758
121 0,0106 0665 0.0110 8505 0.0142 8561
0,0109 0918 0.01Ι5 44M 0.0120 0204 0.0142 2525
0.0105 3890 0,0100 0441 0.0114 7θ3β 0.012δ 3042 0.0141 •
0.01M 7251 0.01Ι4 1528 0.0124 7702 0.0141 0780
124 0.0108 4072 0.0113 5228
0,0104 0716 0.0107 7808 0.0124 1668 0.0140 6005
125 ο.0ΙΙ2 9033
0,0108 4288 0.0123 6540
120 0.0107 1047 0.013θ 0452
0.0102 7965 0.01Ι2 2040 0.0130 3030
127 0.0Ι0β 5680 0.0122 0614
0.0102 1745 ο.οιοσ 9028 0.0ΙIΙ 0.0122 3788 ο.0Ι38 8624
10 0,0101 5025 0.0Ι0δ 3755 θθ48 0.012Ι 8000 0.0138
120 0.0100 9603 0,0104 7081 0.0111 3203
0,0121 2428
130 0.0100 3677 1054 0.0137
0.0104 2208 0,0120 6888 7076
0.0090 7844 α,Ω103 0.0110
131 6255 0.0120 1440
ο.0Ι37 2837
0.00ΟΩ 2102 0,0103 1107 0,0110 6080
132 ο.οιοο 0,0130 7788
0,0008 6440 0.0102 5775 ο.011θ 0808
133 0560 0,0136 2825
0.0008 0883 0,0102 043β ο.0ΙΙ8 δβ21
134 0.0135 7047
0,0007 5403 0,0100 3085 ο.0ΙΙ8 0610
135 0,0101 5170 Ο.ΟΙ3δ 3151
0.0007 0005 0,0108 8410
130 0.010Ι 0002 0.0117 5493
0.0108 2072 0.0134 8437
1*70 1*70
η 2%
0F ις
οο Μ241 0.0246 3478 0.0205 β129 0.0287 6797
βδθ2 0.0248 4803 2100 0.0281 0.0285 2278
81 0.0240 6158 0.0202
02 0.0238 5795 0.0282 8643
0.0235 0.0237 8993 2341 0.0278 0.0280 5848
M 0720 0.0235 2768 0.02δ0 0.0275 0.0278 3855
0.0232 0.0232 7410 3661 8603 0.027β 2624
8386 0.0230 2904 0.0250 0.0273
M 6012 0.0274 2122
88 0.0280 0.0227 0203 1480 0.0272 2316
0985 0.0225 6268 0.0253 0.0270
60 9843 0.0270 3173
70 0.0227 0.0223 4065 5336 0.02β8 4665
4684 0.0221 2560 0.0261 0.0208 0.02θ0 6765
71 ο.021θ 1724 3804 0172
0.0224 0.0264 9440
72 0.02Ι7 1527 0.0248
0.0222 0.02β5 0.02θ3 2683
78 0.02Ι5 1941 8751
4247 6892 ο.02β1 6464
74 0,0213.2941 0.024β 0.02θ0 0786
0.0220 0.02β3
76 0.0211 4501 4741 0,0268 5608
0329 2455
70 0.0209 0.02" 1534 0.02β0
0.0217 Ο.Ο24Ι 0,0257 0751
78 7178 0.0207 9216 9821 0.025δ 6447
0.020β 2325 0,0258 Ο.Ο2δ4 2576
80 0.0216 0.0239
0.02M 7252 0.0252 9123
81 4758 7880
0.0202 9953 0.02βθ 0,0251 6071
0.02Ι8 0.0237
82 0.0201 "36 6813 0.0250 3405
3037 8370
88 0.019θ 9341 0.02M 0.0249 1110
0.021Ι Ιθ85 0.0235
84 0.0198 4652 6372 0.0247 9178
0.0209 6033
85 0.0252 0.0246 7681
1571 0,0107 0366 0.0283
86 0.0207 0.0195 6437 6329 0.0260 0.0245 0321
87 1709 0.0104 2881 0.0281 7459
0.0102 9β76 7235 0.0248
80 0.020δ
8930 5381
2552 0.0101 6808 ο.022θ 8727 0.0248 4760
M Ο.Ο2Ο3 3890 0.0190 4207 0.0228 0770 0.0247 0.0242 4410
0.0201 0.0189 2041 0,0226 0985 0.024Ι 4970
92 0.0245
5779 0.0188 0119 3308 0.0240 4602
93 3000
0.0199 0.0180 0.0224
8177 0.0243 0.0299 5101
0,0185 7140 6473
0.0198 0750 0.0238 5859
0.0184 8070 0.0223
1072 0,0242 0.0237 8868
0.0183 6271 0072
0418 0.0236 8118
0.0198 0.0182 4724 0.022Ι 4140
0.0240 4- 0,0285
.0Ι81 8 0.0219 570 0.0285 1313
4425 8076
82βθ 0.0238 0,0234 3242
Ο.Ο1θ3 .0180 4300 0.0218
9200 0.0288 6383
2536 8645
0.0179 4640 0.0237 0.0232 7729
0.01θ1 0.02Ι6 9036
0,0178 4941 4284 0.0282_0274
7226 0,0215
0.0177 5580 0,0286
1 1
0.0190 0.0170 0391 4882 9806
2828 0.0176 7428 0.0214 0,0234
0.0188 1019 5748
7812 0.0212 0.0233
0.0187 7588 2003
3678 0,0211 0,0281
0.018δ 4509 8828
9208 0,0210 0.0230
0.0184 1784 0,0229
6489 0,0208 3406
0,0183 0.0207 0,0228
8400 7383 1223
0.0182 0,0208 0.022β
0654 5584 9375
0,0180 0.0205 0,0226
8215 4138 7860
0.0179 0,0204 0.0224
6081 2084 0636
0.0178 0.0203 0,0223
0.0177 2113 6724
2684 0.0202 0.0222
0.0Ι76 1510 5102
1403 0.0201 0.0221
ο.0Ι7δ 1182 4700
0387 0,0200 0,0220
9020 1104 4000
0,0172 0,0199 0.0219
9110 1273 4882
-0,0171 0,0198 0.0218
8851 1681 6327
0.0107 0,0217
0.0170 0017
8818 2321
8186 0.021θ
ο.0Ιβ0 6944
0007 0.01θ5 4268
0.01θ8 0.01θ4 0.0215
9418 0.01θ3 7057 8101
0,0108 0,0214
0041 9480
0.01β7 0,0214
0870 1074
0F ις
(ail ati) = 1 —
n 3%
0F ις
0.0838 0.0356
9179 2348
0.0385 0.0852
1886 5806
1 1
1 1
98 0.0201 0291 0.0282 1165 Ο.Ω302 8210 0,0324 0398 0.0309 1570
M 0.0200 1126 0.0281 2363 o•03D2 0041 0,0323 2848 0.0368 4760
0.0280 380θ 0.03ΟΙ 2125 0.0822 0.0807 8190
0.02ΰ0 2224
0.0268 3677 α.0279 6523 0.03M 4400 Ω,0821 8508 0.03β7 1868
0,0257 5176 0.0278 7480 0.0209 7038 0.0821 1094 0,0300 5781
99 0,0250 7012 0.0277 9690 Ω.02Ω8 9850 0,0320 5107 Ο.ΟΒβ6
100 0.0256 9078 0.0277 2120 0.02Ο8 2887 0.0319 8737 0019 0.03βδ
0.027β 4780 0.02Ω7 0141 4273
0.02δ5 1300 0,0310 2577
0.027δ 7802 0.0200 Ω.Ο318 0.03M 8834
0.02" 0.02θβ 3272 0.03β4 8694
0,0276 0747 0,0318 0850
3808 0.0274 4084
Ω.02θ6 7134
0.03Ι7 0.0303 8640
0.0268 0.0206
0.0278 7617 Π2Β1 0.03Ο3 8082
0.02δ2 0489 1185 Ο.Ο3Ο2 8θΩδ
0.0278 1188 0.0310 0.03β2 4478
0,0262 2594 0.0294 6418 Ο.Ο3ΙΟ 4067
0.08θ2 0124
1 1
VALUE ις 1
η 4% 6%
1.0400 0000 1.0450 0000 1.0500 0000 1.0δ50 0000 1.0800 0000
1 0.5801 9608 0.5339 0.5378 0488 0.54Ιβ 1800 0.5454 3680
2 0.3003 4864 0.8087 7336 0.3672 085β 0.3706 5407 0.3741 0981
8 02754 9005 0.2787 4305 0.2820 1183 0.2852 9449 0.2885 9149
δ 0.2246 2711 0.2277 9164 0.2309 7480 0.2341 7644 0.2373 0640
o 0.1907 0.1988 7839 0.1970 1747 0.2001 7805 0.2038 0203
8 ο.1βββ 0961 0.1697 0147 0.1728 1982 0.1759 6442 0.1701 3502
0.1485 2783 0.1516 0.1610 3504
9 0.1547 2181 0.1578 6401
0.1344 9299 0.1375 7447 0.1400 9008 0.1438 0.1470 2224
ι 0.1282 θ094 0.1283 7882 0.1296 0458 0.1326 6777 0.1358 0700
0.1141 4904 0.1172 4818 0.1203 8889 0.1235 7005 0.1207 0294
11 0.1065 5217 0.1096 0,1128 2541 0.1100 2023 0.1192 7708
12 0.1001 4373 0.1032 7535 0.1084 5577 0.1096 842β 0.1120 6011
18 u 0.094θ 6807
Ιδ 0.0978 2032 0.1010 2307 0.1042 7012 0.1075 8401
0.089θ 4110 0.0931 1381 0.0963'4229 0.0θ9θ 2500 0.1029 0270
18 0.0858 2000 0.0980 5214
17 0.08θ0 1637 0.0955 8254
0.082Ι 9852 0.0θ20 4197 0.0954 4480
18 0.08δ4 1758
0.078θ 9333 0.088θ 1992 0.0023 5064
19 0.0822 3890 0.0022 6991
0.07β1 88β2 0.08βΙ 5008 0.0800 2080
20 0.0704 0734 0.088θ 9914
0.0735 8175 0.0830 7033 0.0871 8460
0.0708 7614 0.08δ5 4022
21 0.0712 8011 0,0827 4501 0.0814 0478 0.0850 0455
22 0.0091 9881 0.0740 0057
28 u 0.0725 4505 0.0802 4259 0.0794 7123 0.0830 4567
0.0β73 0θ0β 0,0812 7848
25 ο.0β55 8683 0.070β 8249 0.077θ 9811 0.077θ
ο.0β8θ 8708 0.075θ 0.07β0 3580 0.0700 7900
26 η 0.0640 1196
ο.0β74 3903 7051 0.0745 4935 0.0782 2072
28 0.0625 8738
0.0660 2137 0.074Ι 8682 0.0731 9307 0.07β0 0435
80 ο.0θ12 3854 0.0724 7090
0.0β00 1298 0.0647 0,0719 5228 0.0750 0717
81 ο.0β35 2081 0.0709 5246 0,0708 14-40 0.0745 9255
0,0588 7θθ8 Ο.Ω735 7901
82 0.0578 9010 ο.0β24 Ι4βΙ ο.0βθ6 0482 0,0607 β8δ7
88 ο.0β13 0154 0.0082 9186 0.0β88 063θ 0.072β 4801
0.05β8 5535 0.0717 0222
85 0.0604 4846 0.0θ71 2258 0.0070 1066
0.0559 485θ 0.0710 0234
88 Ο.Ο5θδ 6320 0.00β0 0.0670 0519
0.0551 0357 0.0702 7208
87 0.0687 4453 0.0β50 5144 0.0βθ3 3409
0.0543 1477 0.06Ω5 9843
88 0.0579 8191 Ο.Ο64Ι 3212 0.005β 2968
0.0635 7732 ο.0β80 7380
89 0.0572 7045 ο.0β32 8042 0.064θ 7403
0.0528 8888 0.0083 0483
0.056β 0578 ο.0θ24 0004 0.0643 6036
0.0522 8957 0.0078 5743
0.0550 8402 ο.0β17 5545 0.0687 0903
0.05Ιβ 8192 0,0673 5812
0.05M 0.0610 7171 0,0032 7217
48 0.0510 6083 0.0008 9377
0.0548 5567 0.0004 0,0027 7001
44 0.050δ 234θ ο.0θ04 0164
0.0643 4315 0.05θ8 3079 0.0623 2034
0.0500 1788 o.oooo 5880
0.0538 0168 0.0502 8423 ο.0β18 0000 ο.οοσο 8842
0.04θδ 4020
0.0534 0808 0.0587 0482 0,0014 8027 0,0663 3812
0.0400 8089
0.048β 6454 0.0520 8235 0.0δ82 7816 0,0011 1337 0.0θ50 0000
0.0482 6248 0,0525 8071 0.0578 2220 0.0007 0128 0.0047 0050
0.0478 8205 0.0522 0202 0.0673 0471 0,0004 3127 0,0044
0.0475 2180 0.0518 4471 0.Ω50θ 0333 0.0601 2175 1485 ο.0β4Ι
Ω.0500 1025 4708
0,0471 8065 0,0515 0784 0.0562 8173 0.05θ8 3120
0.04β8 5712 0.0511 8868 0.0505 5854 0.0038
0.0559 2820 0706
0.04θδ 5020 0.0508 8722 0.0598 0280
0.06δβ 1421 0.083β 035β
0.050θ 0215 0.0590 0146
0.05δ3 1843 0,0634 4429
0.0547 7674
76 0.0423 2334 0.0472 0745 0.0613 8953 0.05(13 27M 0.0010
77 0.0422 2900 0.0471 0611 0.0618 2101 n.0fi(i2 5076 0.0010 331.3
78 0.0421 3869 0.0470 0760 0.0612 5700 0.06451 0.0009 n70
79 0.0420 5221 0.0400 7406 8082 o.ouon +7-1
0.0611 0580 0.05111 2052
80 0.0419 0930 0.0408 8606 0.0611 3760 0.0008 (150b
0.0560 0.0008 15,12
81 0.0418 9007 0.0468 0169 0.0510 8222 0.06M)
82 0.0418 1408 0.0407 2104 0.0510 2002 0.0007 0807
0.0550 6045
83 0.0417 4127 0.0406 4422 0.0609 7009 0.0007 2403
0.0660 0577
85 0.0410 7150 0.0466 7004 0.0609 321 t 0.0000 8.316
0.0558 6781
0.0410 0403 0.0406 0104 0.0608 8111M 0.0000 4407
80 0.0558 12113
0.0416 4054 0.0464 3434 0.0608 4.300 0.0000 0724
87 0.0667 0.0605 72M
0.0414 7909 0.0403 706B 0.0508 0810
88 0.0567 2884 0.0606 3084
80 0.0414 2018 0.0403 0096 0.0607 04.33 0.0M! 0.0005 0003
0.0413 0870 0.0402 6107 0.0507 27-10 0.0M) 6/05 0.0004 7008
91 0.0413 0953 0.0401 0.0500 0228 (1.0650 1047
0.0604 r,2tsr
92 0.0412 00401 0.0500 5888 0.0655
0.0004 2081
98 u 0.0412 0775 4370 0.0600 2711 0.0665 6603
85 0.0604 0249
0.0411 6005 0.0400 0334 0.0505 0081) 0.0656 2/(57
0.0003 70511
0.0411 1410 0.0400 4516 0.0505 (1815 0.0554 0800
97 5705
0.0410 7010 0.0460 0015 0.0605 4080 0.0654 7273
08 w 0.0003 3767
0.0410 2789 0.0459 6622 0.0605 1478 0.0554 4788
100 0.0003 18.30
0.0409 8738 0.0450 132b 0.0504 0.0654 2436
0.0008 0025
0.0400 0.0458 7310 0,0504 0207
0.0002 8318
0.0409 1119 0.0458 3480 0.0504 0107 0.0563
0.0002 (1708
0.0408 7588 0.0467 9827 0.0604 2274 0.0663 0.0602 51M)
0.0408 4100 0.0467 0381 0.0504 0245 0.06M 4204 0.0602 3758
0.0408 0800 0.0467 20G1 0.0503 8314 0.0553 2410 0.0002 2408
0.0466 070B 0.0553 0711 0.0002 1136
0.0552 0101 0.01m 9096
0.0552 7577 0.0001 8803
0.0450 0740 0.0662 0182 0.0001 7730
0.0458 8834
• 0.0450 1048
0.045b 8385
0.0466 6830
(а att) ¯ 1
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2 0.5492 0000 0000 0000 0000
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5 0.8775 9170 2771 0.3880 .336 0.3016
7670 0.3810 0.3846 1 3026
7 0.2919 5100 3703 0.3010 2080 0.3052
8 0274 0.2962 0.2085 0.2604 8780
9 0.2400 2812 0761 г,046 0.2637 0675
3464 0.2438 0.2471
10 0.2103 1639 0.2100 0708
0.2005 9000 6472
11 0.1020 7240 0.1053 0022
6831 0.2097 0.2130 0.1740 0.1773
12 0.1823 4480
0580 1470 3006
18 3137 0.1866 0.1888 0.1000 7071 0.1084 2872
1' 3730
13 0.1602 0770 2702
3803 0.1400 0.1434 0203
17 0.1534 0.1607
0.1301 7034 0.1301
18 8B47 0710
0.1320 6280
19 0469 0.1423 0.1450
0502 0.1300 2287
20 0.1300 7760 8693
0.1206 0.1248
21 5621 0.1333 0.1300 2181 4244
22 0.1226 6090 9747 0.1212 о«86 0.1204 2040
и 0.1162
0.1108 205'
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0.1100 1354
8250 0.1133
0.1100 0.1230 7087 0.1000 1108
0.1109 6085 6420 2043
4048 0.1104 3041
0.1143 0.1177 0.1007
0.1063 0.1070
4494 0737 0210
6278 0140
0.1007 0.1132 0.1041
30 0.1060
0.1023 0462 8724 2703
31 7007
7767 0.1093 0.1018
0.1058 0.1030 0641
33 0.0980 9110 6221
5706 0.1010
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35 0.0058 0.0080 3207 3802
2610 0003 0.1003 7193
за 5401 0.1030 о.опи 2217
37 0.0931 0.0094 2800 0.0040 7700 0.0080 0076
38 5675 1200 0.1004 0.0030 0.0077 1108
89 0.0907 0.0007 1000 7878
6040 5301 0.0080 0.0026 8010
0,0880 0.0943 0219 0713 о.оог,б 0026
48 1333 9298 0,0900 0,0014 0.0040 3014
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0.0017 4247
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0.0863 4407 8201
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0.0846 3804
0.0757 4866 о.оио 0.0841 8613 0.0878 5670
5393 0.0805 7124 0.0838 0010 0.0870 2512
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0.0336 0,0872 1901
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9924 0.0700 0,0826 0.0808 7807
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0674 0.0800 0447 0.0822 0709
0.0726 0,0820 4027
1332 0.0772 0.0806 4533
3300 0.0801 3107 0.0818 8667
0.0720 0.0817 4280
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00716 3480 1631 0.0794 0031
0,0710 0.0702 0.0790
9854 омов 8086 766.3
9373 0.0767 0,0787 7789
0.0703 0506 0,0786 0201
1770 0.07В3 8070 0.0782 4710
0.0099 0,07Я 0014 0.0780 1146
0842 0.074B 6962 0.0777 9363
0.039B 0.0748 0.0776 9190
4862 3691 0.0774 0627
0.0093 0.0740 0.0772 3247
4119 3600 0.0770 7241
0.0090 0.0737
6068 6709
0.0734 9967
9743 0.0732
0.0B86 6300 6993 отзо
0.0683 3744
2506 0.0728
0.06Д1 1240 3070
0.0679 0.0726
1398 3863 оми
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4 1,0013
1.001C) 4004 1.0012 1,0014 5615 1.0018 (1075 1.0024
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1.0012 5977
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3100 1.0ΙΚ).ι 4751
20 1.000,3
1.0Ω04 1571 1.ΟΩ05 7404 (E570
1.000*2 2373 1.0ΙΚΙ3 8270
1.0001 5094 8873 1.0002 8743
1.0001 0185
1*0/0 1*70
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3 1.0037 31102 Ι.Ο0-1Ι 4043 Ι.(ΗΜΩ 1.0Ωΰ7 1.0ΩΟθ 2271
1.0028 0081 1.0031 1040 7521 1.0037 1.004.9 4058 1.00,10 0293
1.0018 0627 1.0020 7257 ι.ουη 8452 1.0028 0502 1,0033 0580
ι.οοοο 3270 1.0010 3575 1.ΩΩΙ2 4140 Ι.ΟΩ“ 4077 1,0016 6168
13 1.001.3 36-40
1.0008 0092 1.οαοο 5004 1.0Ω11 4604 1.0015 2444
20 1.0000 0748
1.0004 3037 1.0004 7700 1.0005 7280 1.0007 0193
2 1.0111 8742 1.012,1 2284 1.0130 5075 110148 8010 1.017.3 4060
8 1.0074 1.0082 1,0090 8300 1.0090 0163 1.01Ι5 3314
Ο 1.0055 7815 0484 0522 1.0074 1707 1.0080 87-15
12 Ι .οοοι 1.00.ΙΠ 3108 1.00,19 3862
1.0037 1532 0225 1.0057
1.ΩΟΙ8 5504 1.0Ω22 υ.328 1.0024 0027 1.0028 7090
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1.0004 2709 1.ΙΗ)2Ω 5ΩΗ ι.οοου 0170
1.000Ω δΩ17
1.0004 7407
4% 5% 6%
7% 8%
2 1.0310 u,37 1.0344 0804 1.0308 2207 1.0302 3Μ8 1,0410 3339
1.0212 1347 1.0228 0912 1.024,3 "081 1.025θ 8557 1,0276 ΟβΜ
8 1,0182 4460 1.01Ω4 2655
4 1.0158 0828 1,0170 5863 1,0200 0440
1,0106 5107 -1.0113 4020 1.012Ι 2638 1.012D
1.013') 8952
12 ι.οοαο 4402 1.0064 3408
1.0052 1 5415 1.0027 8544 1.0M8 2141)
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52 1.001.? 0107 1.0013 Ω17δ 1.0014 8112
1.0024 2504 1,0015 7008
1.0012 1179
.0041 6234 .0049 9877 .0058 2485 .0074 8599 .oooo 7512
2 .0041 8089 .004θ .0058 2203 .0074 8133 .0009 0885
.004Ι 0017 .0Ο4θ .0058 2082 .0074 7900 .0009 6272
8 .004Ι 5945 .0049 8962 .0058 1921 .0074 7007 .οοοο 5850
.ΟΟ49 8858 .ΟΟ9Ω 514U
12 .0041 5873 .0058 1780 .0074 7434
.0041 5868 .0Μθ 8850 .0068 1709 .0074 7410 .ΟΟθ9 5414
18 .Ο0±Ι 5884
.ΟΟ4θ 8802
.0058 Ι .0074 7309 .0099 5224
2 .0112 1854 .0124 0118 .0149 4417 .0174 2410 .01Ω9 0099
3 .0112 0807 .0Ι24 4828 .0149 2562 .0173 .0198 0813
a .0112 0285 .0124 4183 .014θ 1636 .0178 8631 .01θ8 5173
12 .01D8 3534
.0111 9763 .0124 3539 .0140 0710 .0173 7374
.0198 18θ8
18 .0111 9241 .0124 2895 .0148 9785 .0173 β11θ
.0Ι24 2846 .0148 .0173 6022 .0Ι98 1772
20 .οιιι .0198 1017
.0124 2649 9714 .0178 5443
9200 .0148 9288
.0111 8980
4% 5% 6%
ο .08θ4 1383 .0442 .0491 .058θ 0070 .0580
12 .0393 7874 8007 .0537 05.38
4918 .0440 9771 .04θ0 8036 .0585
52 .Ο4-4Ο 5417
.0302 8894 .0δ3υ 5277
8488 .M40 3552 .0480 .0635 .0584
.0392 8908 Ω5θ8 1061
5031 .0488 .0535 .0583 3425
.0892 8949 6834 .0583
3551 .0488 0157
7% 8%
2 1.0010 4068 1.0012 4844 1.001,1 5621 1.0018 7150 1.002,1 0378
a 1.Μ13 8761 1.001β 0482 Ι.00ΙΩ 4103 1.0024 0585 1.0033 2500
4 1.0015 6115 1,0018 1.0021 8485 1.ΩΟ28 0812 1.0Ω37 4223
l.oou 2781 1,0031 2040
12 1.0017 3471 7Β05 1.002υ 7080 1.0041
1.0010 0820 1,0020 8131 1.Μ34 3286 1.0045 7510
13 1.001D 2104 1.0022 8000
1.002d 8060 Ι.Ω034 Ι .00-1ΙΙ 0714
1.0020 0170 1.0028 1.003β 0111 0011 Ι
1.0023 0603
1.0024 2182
2 1.0028 0463 1.0031 1520 1.0037 3004 1.0043 6176 1.ΩΟ40 7525
1.00ΙΙ(Ι 3733
1.0037 4008 1.004Ι 5510 1.0049 8340 1.0068 1081
1.0042 0802 1.ω4Ι5 7537 1.0050 0755 1.0005 8878 1.0074
12 Ι.004β 7730 1.006Ι 0575 1.0Ω02 3ΙΩ1 1.0072 0707 1.008,3 0125
1.00(18 6052 1.001) 1 3380
13 1,0051 4583 1.0057 ΙΙΒ2 1.007D 9571
1,0051 8188 1.000D 0458 1.008Ω 5177 9706
20 Ι.ΟΟ57 5037
1.0053 0818 1.0050 1.0071 1.0083 8820 1.0005 8243
2 1.τη55 0871 1.00β2 1142 1.0068 2837 1.0074 4458 1.0080 7475
3 1.0074 β'2θ2 1.0082 8761 1.001>1 1141 1.00Ι)0 3431 1.0115 7748
4 1.0083 0839 1.ΩΟΟ3 2677 • 1.0102 6422 1.0111 8072 1,0130
1.010,3 6005 1.0113 0780
1.0003 3444 1.011,1 0725
1.ΩΙ24 2810 30114
12 1.0102 7107 1.012% 4243
1.013β 7002
26 1,0110 0780 1.01.31 5008
1.014,3 4020
1.0107 7506 1.0122 0810 1.0134 2348
Ι.0Ι09 1.014β 3757 8678
1.ΩΙ5Ι) 4203
θΙΟ5 2θ7,1
1.0170 0810
5% 6%
2 1.ΟΟΟΟ 0105 1.0111 2021 1.012,3 4754 1,0185 1.014? 8151
3 1.01.32 1713 1.0148 5828 1.0Ιθ4 8,507 1.Ω18Ι Ι 522 1,0107 4101
1.0148 77" 1.018,5 5042 1.Ω222 2088
ο 2020
1.020β 3570
12 1.0Ιθ5 1.018Π 8053 1,0220 7810 Ι.Ω247 1070
20 3057 1.02M 1.0227 1470 1.024θ 0405 1,0272 1070
62 1.0182 Ω351 1.0214 1.0238 3548 1.0201 1.028δ 552β
1.0219 0231 1.024,3 1002 Ω72Ω 1.020Ι
1.ΩΙ01 0023
1.0104 8470 1.0207 2686 31815
2 1,0152 ΜΙΟ 1.0172 0402 1.01&4 1103 1.010d 1524 1.02Ω8 1607
3 1,0213 0348 1.0220 8264 1,0245 0826 1.02β2 1066 1.0278 1074
1,0240 5523 1.0258 8002 1.0277 0120 1.020δ 1004 1.031,3 3332
6 1.0308
1.0267 5172 1.0287 82θ8 1.0328 1.0348 6402
12 1.0339 2617
1.0204 5294 1.031β 9143 1,0361 5721 1.0388 8456
20 1.03δ6 1.037D 4927 1,0402 8846
1,0309 0941 1.0332 5978
52 1.086,3 2705 1.0887 1704 1.0411
1.03Ι5 1.083θ 3242
Νιιπιbe Numbe Yearly Yeari Num- Numba ΥοατΙΥ probubillt
Ag r living r probabilit y ber r of probllbill y Of living
e ΙΧ deathB y of dying proba living deathH t of
- dyMg
bilit>,• of
χ l.ivmg χ
10 100,000 0.007 490 0.992 53 66,79 1,001 0.01G 8,33 0.083 007
ΙΙ 99,251 746 0•007 516 510 54 7 1,143 0.017 0.982 004
12 98,505 743 0.007 543 0.992 55 65,70 1,190 0.018 571 0.081 420
18 97,762 740 Ο.ΟΟ7
484 0 1,200 0.010 885 0.080 115
97,022 737 0.007 0.992 64,66 1,325 0.021 335 0.978 605
15 96,285 735 0.007 634 457 58 3 0.022
50 63,36 1,394 0.077 064
16 95,550 732 0.007 ββ1 0.992 1,468 0.024 720 ο.Ω75 280
17 94,818 729 0.007 688 431 61 4 1,540 0.02θ 803 0.973 307
727 0.007 727 0.992 62 62,10 0.028 880 0.071 120
1 94,089 1,628
725 0.007 765 404 88 4 0.03Ι 202 Ο.θβ8 708
8 93,362 1,713
0.007 805 0.902 0.00β 057
19 92,637 723 65 60,77 1.800 0.033 943
0.007 855 386 0.003 127
20 91,914
0.992 66 0 1,880 0.03β 873
0.050 871
21 91,192
339 67 59,38 1,980 0,040 120
ο.0δ0 298
720 0.007 968 5 0.043 707
22 90,471 719 0.008 011 ο.θθ2 88 57,91 2,070
0.047 047
0.062 353
23 89,751 312 69 7 2,158
0.047 008
718 0.008 0.992 0.052 002
89,032 70 56,37 2,243 0.943 238
718 0.008 130 273 Ο.Οδθ
25 88,314 71 1 2,321 o. 038 007
718 0.008 107 0.992 702
26 87,596 72 64,74 2,301 0.032 385
718 0,008 264 235 ο.0θ1 003
27 86,878 2,448 0.920 267
0.008 345 78 3 0.007 βθ5
η 86,160 719 0.992 2,487
29 74 53,03 0.073 783 0.01θ 822
85,441 720 0.008 427 195 2,505 0.912 972
0.008 ο.θθ2 76 0 0.080 178
80 84,721 721 2,501 ο.Ω87 0.0Ω5 029
723 0.008 807 145 77 51,23 η.807 080
81 84,000 0.992 2,476 028 0.094
82 83,277 726 0.008 718 78 0 2,431 871 0.888 930
83 82,551 729 0.008 831
Ο.9θ2 70 49,34 2,360 0.102 311 0.87Ω 173
732 0.008 940 042 80 1 0.111 Ι).8β8
81,822 47,36 2,291
85 81,090 737 0.00θ 089 0.991 8 1 2,100 0.120 827 0.856 5,34
80 80,853 742 0.009 234 1 45,29 2,091 0.131 784 0.841 305
87 79,611 749 0.00θ 408 82 1 1,001 0.825 703
88 756 0.009 δ8β
89 78,882 0.00θ 704 0.991 83 43,13
1,816 0.808
0,010 008 870 84 3 0.788 ΜΙ
40 78,106 1,048 α. 764
77,341 0.010 252 0.991 85 40,80
1,470 ο. 158
0.010 517 808 86 0 448 0.734
43 78,567 1,202 605 310 υ.β00
0.010 829 0.991 87 38,56
75,782 1,114 0.174 207 080
4-5 74,985 ο.οιι 0.0Ι1 738 88 9 933
4-6 0.991 38,17 0.101 0,053 308
562 80
47 74.173 855 8 744 0.211 350 Ω.0Ι)4 137
0,012 οοο
48 78,345 91 555
33,73 0.235 552 0.545 455
0.012 509 0.991
72,497 02 0 885 0.285 0.467 5,34
0.013 573
50 71,827 240 0.803 020 0.8Ι)δ 741
70,781 0.013 781 0.991 93 31,248 137
51 0.340 823
0.0Ι4 641 490 05 28,73
52 58 βΩ2 0,142 857
68,842 0.015 389 0.θθΙ 8
398 26,237 18 0.395 863 ο.οοοοοο
67,841 0.464 645
0.991 23,76 3
282 1 0.582 408
0.991 21,33 0.684 2δθ
0.991 0 0.734 177
0.9φο 18,96 0.857 143
0.900 1 1.000 000
778 ισ,07
ο.θθ0 Ω
592 14,47
0.990 4
414 12,38
765 0.990 3
774 208 10,41
785 0.089 0
797 992 8,603
812 0.980 0,955
828 748 5,485
848 0.989 4,193
870 483 3,070
8θβ 0.989 2,140
927 171 1,402
062 0.988 847
1,001 837 402
1,044 0.988 210
438 79
0.088 21
οοο 8
η 29
61 52
νη η
1.00 1.0000 1.00000 3.16228 1.000000 1.50 2.2500 1.22474 3.87298 .8θθθβ7
1.01 1.0201 1.004θθ 3.17805 .θθ0099 1.51 2.2801 1.22882 8.88587 .θθ2252
1.02 1.0404 1.00θθ5 3.19374 980392 1.52 2.3104 1.23288 3.89872 .βδ7805
1.03 Ι.0β0θ 1.0148θ 3.20030 .970874 1.53 2.8409 1.23003 3.91152 .β535θ5
1.04 1,0816 1.01980 3.22490 .θβ1δ38 1.54 2.37Ιθ 1.24097 3.02428 .β40351
1.05 1.1025 1.02470 3.24037 .θ5238Ι 1.65 2.4025 1.24409 3.037ΟΟ .Μ61βΙ
1.06 1.128d 1.029K 3.25576 943398 1.56 2.4338 1.24900 3.04068 041020
1.07 1.1449 1.03441 3.27100 .θ34δ79 1.57 2.4β4θ 1.26300 3.00232 .03βθ43
1.08 1.1664 1.03923 3.28684 .02592β 1.68 2.40β4 1.250Ω 3.97402 882011
1.09 1.1881 1.04403 3.30161 .917431 1.50 2.5281 8 3.08748 828081
1.10 1.2100 1.04881 3.81662 .Ω0θ091 1.80 2.5800 1.26005 4.00000 .625000
1.11 12321 1.0δ3δ7 8.33167 .οοοροι. 1.61 2.5921 1.26401 4.01248 .β211Ι8
1.12 1.2544 1.05830 3.34684 .892857 1.62 2.6244 1,26886 4,02402 .θ172Μ
1.13 1.2760 1.06301 3.36155 .8849δ6 1 83 2.θ5βθ 1.27279 4.08733 113407
1.14 1.2996 1.06771 3.37639 877193 ι:64 2.θ8θθ 1.27671 4.040β0 .θ0θ7δ6
1.15 1.8225 1.07238 8,39116 .8θ9565 1.66 2.722δ 1.28002 4.06202 .β0β061
1.18 1.8889 1-07703 3.40588 .8θ2069 1.66 2.7558 1.28452 4.0743Ι 302410
1.17 1.3924 1.08187 8.42053 .85470Ι 1.87 2.7889 1.28841 4.08β50 .5θ8802
1.18 1.4161 1.08628 3.43511 .847458 1.68 2.8224 1.29228 4,09878 .595238
1.10 1.4-400 1.09087 3.44964 .84083β 1.69 2.8581 Ι.2θβ15 4.110Ωβ .59171θ
1.20 1.4641 1.09545 3.46410 .833383 1.70 2.890 4.12311 .588235
1.21 1.4884 1.10000 3.47851 .826446 1.71 0 1.30384 4.13521 .6847θδ
1.22 1.5129 1.10464 3.49286 .818008 1.72 2.9241 1.30767 4.14720 .581395
1.23 1.5876 1.10905 3.50714 .80β452 1.73 2.958 1.3114θ 4.15033 .67803δ
1.24 1.5625 1.11355 3.52186 .800000 1.74 4 1.31529 4.17133 .δ74718
1.31900 4.18330
1.25 1.5876 1.11808 3.58558 .793θ5Ι 1.75 2,0029 .δ71429
1.26 1.6129 1.12250 8.64θθ5 .78740 1.76 8.027β 1.32288 4,1952 .508182
1.27 1.β384 1.12θθ4 8.56371 2 1.77 8.0β2 1.32ββ5 4 .5Μ072
1.28 1.6841 1.18137 3.57771 .7812δ 1.78 5 1.33041 4.2071 .δθ17θ8
1.29 1.6900 1.13578 8.59166 0 1.79 3.097 1.33417 4 .5δ8β6θ
1.7161 β 1.33791 4.2190
1.80 1.14018 8.80556 .7751θ 1.80 .5δ555θ
1 81 1.7424 1.14-455 8,61939 4 1.8 3.132 1.341U 0 .55248β
1.32 1.7689 1.14891 3.68318 .76θ23 1
9 1.3453 4.2308 .649461
1.33 1.7θ6β 1.15326 1.82 3.1β8 0 4
3.64692 1 .64β448
1.15758 4 1.3490 4.2423
1.34 1.8225 3.β60θ0 .76885 1.88 .δ43478
1.8496 1.16190 1.8 3.204 7 4 .
1.35 3,67423 9 1 1.3527 4.2544
1.87βθ 1.1θβΙθ 4
1.36 3.68782 .7δ757 7 1
1.37 1.00" 1.17047 3.70185 β 1.8 3.240 .537β34
1.17473 .7δ188 5 0 1.3564 4.2ββ1
1.38 1.932 3.7148 .δ3475θ
1.17898 0 1.8 3.276 7 5
1.39 1 4 .53Ιθ16
1.18922 .74θ2θ 6 1 1.8601 4.2778 .520101
1.40 1.960 1.18743 3.72827 θ 1.8 3.312 5 5 .δ2θ31β
1.41 0 1.19164 8.7416 .74074 7 4 1.3638 4.2805 .5235β0
1.42 1.988 1.1958 6 1 1.8 3.348 2 2 .520833
1.4 1 3 3.7550 .73529 8 9 1.3674 4.8011 .518185
3 2.01" 1.2000 0 4 1.8 3.38δ 8 6 .51Μθ4
1.4 2.04-49 0 8.7882 .72992 9 θ 1.8711 4.3127 .δ12821
4 2.078 1.2041 9 7 1.ρο 3.422 3 7 510204
1.4 β 6 3.7816 .724β3 ι.θ1 5 1.3747 4.8248 .507θ14
5 2.102 1.2088 3 8 1.02 3.46θ 7 5 . 505051
1.4 6 0 8.7947 .71942 1.θ3 β 1.8784 4.3359 .502518
6 2.131 1.2124 3 4 1,9 3.496 0 0 .δ00000
1.4 6 4 4 9 1.3820 4.8474
8.8078 .7142Μ
7 2.160 1.2165 9 .70θ22 1.9 3.534 3 1
1.4 9 5 3.8209 0 5 4 1.3856 4.8689
8 2,190 1.220K 9 .70422 1.0 8.572 4 0
1.4 4 1.2247 8.8840 5 6 1 1.3892 4.8708
9 22201 4 6 .βθ930 1.2 3,610 4 5
1.5 2.250 8.8470 1 7 0 1.3928 4.3817
0 0 8 .θθ44-44 1.0 3.848 4 8
3.8600 8 1 1.3964 4.3031
5 1.0 3.686 2 8
9 4 1.4000 4.4045
8.8729 184932
8 880272 2,00 3.724 0 4
.θ75β7 9 1.4035 4.4158
θ 3.763 7 8
.87114 6 1.4071 4.4271
1 3.802 2 9
5 1.4106 4.4384
.θβ68β 7
7 8.841 7
6 1.4142 4.4497
3.880 1 2
9 4.4609
8.920 4
4 4.4721
3.960 4
и; и;
2.0 4.000 1.4142 4.47214 .600000 2.5 02600 1.6811 б.ооооо .400000
0 0 1 4.48330 .407612 0 8.300 4 6.00990 .39840
2.0 4.040 1.4177 4.49444 .406060 2.5 1 1.6843 5.01 0
1 1 4 4.50665 .402011 1 6.350 0 оев 806825
2.0 4.080 1.42127 4.51664 -400196 2.624 1.6874 6.02001 .396267
2 4 1.42478 . 2.636.400 6 5.03984 .303701
2.0 4.120 1.42820 4.62760 .485437 2.3 0 1.6006 6.04075 .392167
3 9 1.43178 4.53872 .48.300 2.65 6.461 0 6.0Б9В4
2.0 4.181 5.00062
1.43527 4.54973 2 2.50 0 1.6037 ..38010Б
4 6 4 6.07937 .387607
1.48875 4.60070 .480760 2.57 0.6026
2.0 4.2026 4.67105 .478439 в.5530 1.6008 6.08020 .386100
1.44222 2.68 6.00-40
6 4.2436 1.44568 4.58258 .47BlOO 2.60 0.0604 7 6.00002 .384015
2.06 4.2840
4.69347 .473034 1.60000 6.10882 .383142
1.44914 2.00 6.7081
2.07 4.3264 .471098 1.60312 6.11869 „381670
1.46258 4.60435 2.61 0.7000
2.08 4.3681 .469434 1.00В24 5.12835 .380228
1.45802 4.61510 2.02 0.8121
2.00 4.4100 .437290 1.80936 6.13809 .378788
1.46945 4.62601 2.63 6
2.10 4.4521 1.40287 .43511B 2.64 Вб44 1.61246 6.14782 .377358
2.11 4.5369 1.4B62 .432063 1.61565 6.16752 .376040
4.64768 2.66 6.9160
4.5796 9 .430820 1.61804 6.1B72 .З74бЗ2
2.13 4.66833 2.66 6.0696
.4б87Ш 1.82173 0 .373134
2.14 4.3225 1.43069 4.66005 2.87 7.0226
-466621 1.02481 6.17687 .371747
2.16 4.8056 1.47309 4.67974 2.08 7.0763
1.62788 5.18662 .370370
2.10 4.7089 1.47648 4.69042 .454645 2.60 7.1289
4.7524 1.47080 .452480 1.63096 5.10816 .звоои
2.17 4.70106 2.70 7.1824
4.7061 1.48324 .450450 1.63401 5.20677 .307647
2.18 4.71160 2.71 7.2361 1.63707 5.21633
2.10 4.8400 1.48661 4.72220 .мизо 2.72 7.2900 1.64012 5.22404
220 4.8841 1.48907 4.73286 .446429 7.73 7.3441 .364064
4.0284 1.40332 1.04317 6.23450
2.21 4.74342 2.74 .зозвзв
4.0720 1.49666 .444444 7.зои 1.34021 5.24404
2.22 4.76396 .442478 2.75 7.4520 .302310
6.0176 1.64024 5.26367 .361011
2.23 1.50000 4.70445 .440529 2.76 7.6076
6.0626 1.65227 6.26308 .360712
2.24 1.50333 4.77493 .438600 2.77
6.1073 1.60a05 7.6626 1.66620 6.27257 .358423
2.26 4.78530 .43В6Д1 2.78
5.1629 1.60007 7.0170 1.65831 6.28206
2.26 6.1984 4.79583 -434783 2.79 7.072D .357143
1.68132 6.20160
2.27 6.2441 1.61327 4.80625 .4З20ОО 2.80 7.7284 1.60433 5.30004
2.28 1.51658 4.81664 .431034 .З54В1О
6.2900 2.81 7.7841 186733
2.20 4.82701 5.31037 .353367
6.3301 1.61987 .429185 2.82 1.67033 6.31977 • .35211
2.80 5.3824 1.62315 4.83736 .427350 2.83 7.8961
1.07332 6.32017 3
2.31 6.4280 1.62643 4.84738 .426632 2.84 7.0624
6.4760 1.62971 1.67631 6.33854 .Зб0877
2.32 4.86798 .423720 2.85 8,0080 1.67929
2.33 5.6226 1.63297 4.8B82B 8.065B 6.34700 .340660
.421D41 2.86 1.68228
2.34 4.87852 5.86724 .34,S4.32
5.6139 1.63023 .4201ав 2.87 8.1226 1.68523
Б.веи 1.53048 4.88876 5.36056 .347222
2.36 .418410 2.88 8.1703
6.87687 .346021
2.30 6,7121 1.54272 4.89898 .413B67 2.89 82369 1.68819
2.37 5.70(Ю
1.54600 4.00918 .414Я38 2.00 8,2944 1.60116 5.38616 .зиви
2.38 6.8081 l.54019 4.01936 .413223 2.01 8.3621 1.60411 6.30444 .343643
2.30 6.8664 1.56242 4,02060 .411523 2,02 8.4100 1.60700 6.40370 .3424B6
6.9049 1.66663 4.93004 .40083B .341207
293 8.4681 1.70000 6.41296
2.41 6.9636 1.56885 4,04076• .408133 2.04 8.6264 1.70204 6.42218 .340130
242 а.0026 1.66205 4.96984 .406604 8.5849 1.70587 6.43130 .338083
6.0616 2.05 8.04.30
2.48 6.1009 1.66626 4.06091 .404858 2.06 1.70880 6.44060 .S37888
2.u 0.1504 1.60844 4.97903 .40322а 2,97 8.7026 1.71172 6.44977 336700
2.45 6.2001 1.67162 4,08999 .40160В 2.98 8,7616 1.71434 6.46894 .885670
2.46 6,2500 1.67480 б.оошо 2,99 8.8209 6.46800 .334448
.400000 1.71766
2.47 1.67797 8.8804 .зззззз
3.00 1.72047 6.47723
2.48 1.68114 8.0401 1.72387
2.49 о.оооо 1.72627
2.50 1,72916
1/η η
3.00 9.0000 1.73205 5.4772 .33333 8.5 12.250 1.8708 6.0180 .28571
3.01 9.0601 1.73404 8 3 0 0 3 8 4
3.02 9.1204 1.73781 5.4888 .83222 3.5 12.320 1.8785 5.9245 .284ΩO
3.03 0.1809 1.740θθ 5 β 1 1 0 8 .2840Ω1
3.04 9.2416 1.74866 5,4054 .33112 3.5 12.390 1.87β1 5.032Ω0
5.0413 .28328
3.05 0.3025 1.74642 5 θ 2 4 7 0
5.5046 .83ΟΟ33 3.5 12.460 1.8788 8
3.08 9.3836 1.74029 .28248
4 .328θ4 3 9 3 5.9407
3.07 9.4240 1.75214 0
5.5136 7 8.5 12.531 1.8814 0
3.08 9.4864 1.75409 .281βΩΟ
3.09 9.6481 1.75784 2 .32786Ω 4 6 0 5.9581Ω
δ.ΩΟΟ57 .28080
5.5226 .82β70 3.5 12.002 1.8841
8.10 9.6100 1.76068 5.Ω74Ω5 0
8 7 6 δ 4 5.118331
3.11 9.8721 1.76352 .280Ι12
5.5317 .32573 8,5 12.673 1.8868
3.12 0.73“ 1.76635 3
1.7βθ18 3 6 0 0 ο.οοοο .27855
3.13 0.7960 .324β7 ο
3.14 9.8506 1.77200 5.ΜΟ7β 3.5 12.744 1.880* 2
5.6407 5 7 0 4 0.0083
3.15 9.9225 1.77482 7 .32382 3 .27777
3.5 12.816 1.8020 Β
3.10 9.9856 1.77764 5.5587 6 8 4 9 0.0100
8.17 10.048 1.78045 8 .32258 3.6 12.888 1.80473 4
3.18 9 1.78326 1 0 1 0.024θ
5.5677 3
3.1 10.112 1.78β0β 6 .32Ι543 3.6 12.θ0ΟΟ 1.80737 5 .27648
0 4 1.78885 5.5767 .32Ο5Ι 0 1.00000 0.0332 2
4 1
8.20 10.170 1.70105 5.5857 3 3.6 1.00203 4 .27472
3.2 1 1.794-44
0 δ.
.31θ48 1 1.0062β 0,04152 δ
10.2400 1.79722 50464 0 3.0 4 1.90788 β.Ο4Ο7
1 Ω .27307
.31847Ι 2 13.170
3.2 ιο.3ΜΙ 1.80000 5,6035 1,01050 β.Ω58Ο5 3
10.3684 3.0 0 6.000,30
2 1.80278 7 .3174β 1.01311 .27322
13.240 6.0745
3.2 10.482 1.80555 5.6124 0 3 1,91572 4
9 3.6 0 4
3 1.80831 9 .31β4δ 1.91833 .27248
3.2 10.497 1.81108 5.6213 β 4 13.322 1.92004 6.0827 0
4 8 1.81884 9 .31545 3.6 5 0 ,27Ι73
13.305 6.0000
3.2 10.562 1.81859 5,6302 7 5 1.02β14 Ω
5 .3144θ 3.0 0 8 .27100
5 1,81934 8 1,02878
13.468 8.0001
3.2 10.627 1.82209 5,6391 5 6 1.93132 3
6 .31348 3.6 0 8
6 1.82483 5 1.03301 .27027Ω
3.27 10.θθ2 0 7 13.542 6.1073 .2β0Μ2
1.82757 5.6480 4 1.03640
3.2 θ .31250 3.0 7 .2β881
8 10.758 1.83030 1 8 13.616 1.93007 6.1155 7
0 1.041Ο
3.2 4 1.83308 5. 3.6 1 5 .2080Ω7
.31152 5
9 10.824 1,83570 βδβ8δ 0 13.600 .2β738
β 1.04422 0.1287
1.83848 5.8656 0
8.3 1 1.84120 9
.810δ5θ 8.7 0
1.94079 2
0 10.890 .8095θ 0 13.764 6.1318 .200ββ7
3.3 0 1.843θΙ 5,6745 8 3.7 1 1.0403β 8 .2650δ
1 10,956 1.84662 0 .308β4 1 13.838 6.1400 7
1.8493 5.8833 4 1.06448
3.3 1 2 3.7 1.05704 3 .2β526
2 1 13.012 6.1481 2
2 11.022 .3070θ 2 1.05050
3.3 4 1.8520 5.8921 3.7 θ 7 .2G4560
0 2 1.06214
3 11.088 8 3 13.987 0.1563 .2β3862
.30θ74 1.ΩΜβ
3.3 9 1.8547 5.7008 3.7 6 0 .203158
8 9
4 2 8 4 14.062 .2β24β7
.30581 1.Ωβ723 6.1644
3.3 11.222 1.8574 5.7096 0 3.7 E 1.90077 1 .2β1780
5 2 4 14.137 6.1725 .2β1ΟΩ7
5 .30487 5 1,07231
3.3 11.289 1.8601 5.7183 8 3.7 6 2 .2βΟ4Ι
6 1 9 14.212 1.07484 7
6 ,3Ο3θδ1 6 0.1808
1.8627 5.7271 1.07737
3.3 11.350 .30303 3.7 9 1.07000
1 .25θ740
9 9 3 14 0.1887 .26Ω0β7
7 0 7 1.98242
3.3 11,192 1.'8654 5.7858 3.7 2884 0 .2583Ω8
5 .30211 1.98494 .267732
8 1 8 8 14:364 6.1967
5 .26700
3.3 11.560 1.8681 5,7445 3.7 1 1.08740 7
.30120 0
9 5 8 9 14.440 1.9809
0 5 8.2048
1.8708 5.7582 7 .25β41
3.4 11,628 .30030 3.80 0 4
8 6 1.9024
0 1 0 8.8 14.510 6.2128
5.7619 1 9
3.4 11.θ9β 299401 1 0
4 1,9940 .25610
1 4 .2θ85Ο7 3.8 14.502 0.2200
5.7700 4 9
3.4 11.764 .207β1 2 3
2 1.9976 .2Μ4δ.
2 0 θ 3.8 14,068 0.228Ωβ
5.7792 0 0 0.2800
4.4 11.833 298736 3 268807
7 2,00000
3 6 • .29δ86 8.8 14.745 0
3.4 11.902 5.7879 8 4 6 • .2δ31θ6
4 5 2 .2θ498 0.24500 .2δ252
ιι.θ71β 3.85 14.822
3.4 5.7985 6 8.8 5 0.2580 5
12,040 5 0 .2δ188
5 -294118 0 14.800
9 6.2009
3.4 5.8051 .20325 3.8 6 0
12.110 0
8 7 5 7 14.θ7β .2δ125
4 6.2689
3.4 5.8137 .2θ23θ 8.8 θ β
12,180 7
7 8 8 8 15.064 250027
1 θ.27βΜ
3.4 5.8223 .29154 3.8 4 .2Β000Ο
12.250 7 5 6.2840
8 9 15.132
0 0
• 5.8309 .2θ0β0 1
3,49 5 8 8.0 8.2928
15.210 6
8.5 5.8305 .28985 1 0
2 3.0 0.3007
0 5 15.288
5.8480 .28901 2 0
1 6.3087
8 7 3.0 15.30Μ
5.85ββ .2881 8 2
15.444 6.3106
2 Μ 8.9 0
5.8β51 .2873 4 4
5 M 8.9 6 6.3245
5.8736 286638 δ 6
7 .28571 3.0 5
5,8821 4 6 16.681
8 3.0 0
5.890β 7 15.760
7 8.9 9
5.89915 8 15.840
5.90762 8.9 8
δ.θ1β0 9 15,920
8 4.0 1
0 16,000
4.0 16.000 2.00ΟΟ 6.32456 .25ΟΟO 4.5 20.260 2.1213 8.7082 .222222
Ο 0.33240 Ο
0 0 0 0 2 0 221729
2.0025Ω a.M035 .24937
4.0 10.080 2.Μ4ΩΩ 4.6 20.340 2.1236 θ.71δβ5 .22123θ
1 1 (3.3482 7 1 1 8 6.72309 .220751
2.0074 3
4.0 16.100 9 0.35010 .24875 4.5 20.430 2.1260 6.7305 .220264
2 4 2.ωθ08 β.3θ3Ω0 β 2 4 3 3 .219780
4.0 • 2.0124 0.37181 .24813 4.5 20.520 2.1283 6.7379
0,37000 .2Ι029
3 10.2400 0 0 3 9 8 5
4.0 10.321 2.014Ω4 0,38749 .24762 4.5 20.611 2.1307 6.74537
4 0 2.0174 0,30531 5 4 8 3 6.7527 .2Ι881
4.0 16.402 2 0.40312 .240ΩΙ 4.5 20.702 2.1330 8 8
5 5 2.01 β.4ΙΟΩ 4 6 5 7 6.7801 .2Ι834
4.0 16.4836 2.0223 3 .24β30 4.5 20.703 2.1354 8
ιο.5ΙΗθ 0.41872 1
0 7 5 0 0 2 8.7075 .2178β5
Ιβ.04θ4 a.u051 7
4.07 2,0248 σ,43428 .245008 4.5 20.884 2.1877
16.7281 6.7749 .2178θ1
4.08 6 σ."205 .244400 7 9 6
5 .21θθ20
4.00 10.81Μ 2.0273 4.68 20.978 2.1400
10.8Ω21 0.46756 .2439Ο2 .2Ιβ450
4.10 1 .24330Ω 4.5 4 0 6.7823
ΙΩ.Ω744 0.40520 .215θ83
4.11 Ι7.Ο5(5Ω 2.0297 .2427Ι8 0 21.0β8 2.1424 3
17.1390 8
1 3 8.7897
4.12 .242Ι31 4.00
2,03224 0.48074 0 .2Ι5064
4.1.3 17.2225 241540 4.01 21.160 2.14476
6.48846 .214592
17.30.ΡΑ] 2,0347 β.4θ015 .240064 4.02 0 2.1470 8.7070
4.15 0 6 .2Ι4Ι83
17.3880 0.50.384.
.240385 4.03 21.252 9
4.10 17.4724 2,0371 6.51153 .23Ω8Ο8 1 2.1494 8.80441 .213θ76
4.17 17.5501 8.51020 .23θ234 4.05 21 34,14 2 6.81175 213220
4.18 17.0400 2.0300 8.52087 238063 4.βθ 2124309 2.15174 β.8Ιθ09 .2127βθ
4,10 σ.5'ωΙ52 4.07 21.5206 2.16407 8.82642 .2Ι281
17,7241 1 238095
4.20 8.54217 4.68 21.6225 2.Ι5θ3θ 6.83374 4
17.8084 2.Μ46 .237530
4.21 17.892Ω
6.54081 4.09 21.7166 2.16870 6.84105
6.84836 211864
4.22 17.077β 2.0460δ 6.56744 4.70 21.8089 2.16102
4.23 18.0β2δ 2,0403
.235840 4.71 21.9024 2.103,38 6.85565 211416
4.24 18.1470 0 4.72 21.9θβ1 2.16564 6.86204 .210070
8.58027 .2352Π4
4.26 18.2320 2.0518 .234742 4.73 22.0000 2.16795 6.87023 .210526
4.20 18.3184 3 .2341Ω2 4.74 22.1841 2.17025 6.87750 .210084
6.50545 6.88477 .209β44
4.27 18.4041 2.054-20 .23364δ 4.75 22.2784 2.17256
4.28 18.4ΩΟΟ 2.05670 ο.βΙ0θ0
.233Ι00 4.76 22.3722 2.17486 6.80202 209205
4.20 18.5701 2.05Ω13 α.0181β .232δ58 4.77 22.4076 2.17715 6.89028 .2087β8
4.30 18.0624 2,0016 σ.θ2δ71 .2320Ι9 4.78 22.5625 2.17045 6.90662 .208333
4.31 18.7480 5 6,63325 .23Ι481 4.79 22.6576 2.18174 6.91375 .207000
4.32 18.8850 2.003Ω8 β.β407Β .230Ο47 4.80 22.7529 2.18403 6.92008 .2074θ9
4.33 18.9225 2.0064 6.648,31 4.81 22.8484 2.18632 6.92820 .20703θ
ΙΩ.ΟΟΩβ 0,05582 .22Ω885 .20ββ12
0 4.82 22.Μ41 2.18861 β.Ο3Μ
4.35 2.00882 ο.θβ333 .220358 4.83 23,0400 2.19089 2 .20β186
ΙΩ.Ι844 6.94262 .2057β1
4.30 10.2721 2.07123 0.07ΟΜ .228838 4.84 23.1361 2.19817
β. .22831Ι 6.94982
4.37 2.07364 4.8δ 23.2824 2.19545 .206339
19.3600 67832 .227700 6.25701
4,38 2,07605
10.4481 2.078,40 4.86 23.3289 2.19773 204918
0.88681 .227273 β.9β41θ
10.5304 2,08087 4.87 23.4256 2.20000 204490
β. 60328 220757 β.θ7137
4.40 19.024Ω 4.88 23.6225 2.20227 .204082
2.08827 β.7007δ .'220244 6.97864
4.42 10.7136 4.8θ 23,6106 2.20454 .203ββ6
2.08507 0,70820 .225734 6.98570
4.44 10.802δ 2.0880 .22δ225 4.90 23.71βθ 2.20081 6.99285 .203252
19.8010 4.01 23,8144 220907 .202840
ΙΩ.Ο8ΟΟ β 224710 7.00000
4.02 23.9121
4.40 20.07Μ 2.000-15 .224215 4.03 24.οιοο 2,21133 7.00714 .202429
4,47 20.1β0Ι 2.00284 .223714 4.04 24.1081 2,21359 7.01427 .202020
4.48 20.2600 2.00523 .223214 4.05 24.2064 2,21685 7,02140
2.007β 4.Ωθ 24.3042 2.21811 7.02851
4.50 2 4.07 24.1086
.222222 2.22036 7.03δβ2 .20Ι207
2.1000 4.08 24,5025 2.22261 7.04278 .200803
0 4.θ0 24.6016
2.1023 2.22486 7,04082 .2ΟΟ4Ο1
5.00 24.7009 7•05βθ1
8 24.8004 7,06399 .200000
2.10476 2.22936
24,0001 2.23159 7,07107
25.0000 2.23388
2.1118 2.28607
И10 п цип
5.00 26.0000 2.23607 7.07107 .200000 6.61 30.2500 2.34521 7.41620 .181818
*6.01 25.1001 2.23830 7.07814 .199B01 5.62 30.3601 2.34734 7.42294 .181488
5.02 26.200' 2.24054 7.08520 .199203 5.53 30.4704 2.34947 7.42067 .181169
5.03 26.3009 2.24277 7.09226 .198807 5.54 30.5809 2.35100 7.43640 .180832
5.04 26.4016 2.24499 7.00030 .198413 30.6016 2.35372 7.44312 .18ОбО6
6.05 26.5025 2.24722 7.10034 .198020 5.56 30.8025 2.36584 7.44983 .180180
6.06 25.0036 2.24044 7.11337 .197628 6.57 30.01.36 2.35707 7.46654 .170866
6.07 26.7040 2.25107 7.12030 .107239 5.58 31.0249 2.30008 7.46324 .170533
5.08 26.806' .1D6850 31.1.364
2.26389 7.12741 5.50 2.36220 7.40994 .170211
6.00 26.9081 7.13442 .1004В4 31.2481 2.33432 7.47663 .178891
2.26610 5.00
5.10 26.0100 7.14143 .106078 6.61 31.3600 2.30643 7.48331 .178671
5.11 20.1121 7.14843 .196005 5,02 31.4721 2.30854 7.489D9 • 178253
5.12 26.2144 7.16542 .196312 6.03 31.6844 2.37065 7.49667 .177936
6.13 26.316D 7.16240 .104032 5.64 31.600D 2.37276 7.50333 .177620
5.14 26.4196 7.169.38 .104653 31.8006 2.37487 7.60900 .177306
2.26716 6.05
6.16 26.522E
7.170.35 .104176 5.00 31.9225 2.37607 7.61665 .176991
6.16 26.026€ 7.18331 .103798 5.07 32.0350 2.37008 7.52330 .176678
5.17 26.7289 7.10027 .193424 6.08 32.1489 2.38118 7.62994 .170307
6.18 26.8324 7.10722 .1D3050 6.00 32.262,1 2.38328 7.53068 .170056
6.19 26.0331 7.20417 .102078 32.3701 2.38537 7.64321 .176747
2.27813 5.70
5.20 27.0400 7.21110 .102308 6.71 32.4000 2.38747 7.64983 .175439
6.21 27.1441 7.21803 .191939 6.72 32.6041 2.38056 7.56046 .176131
6.22 27,2484 7.22400 .101671 6.73 32.7184 2.39105 7.60807 .174826
6.23 17.3629 7.23187 .101205 6.74 32.8329 2.30374 7.60908 .174620
5.24 27.4576 7.23878 .190840 32.0470 2.30683 7.67628 .174216
2.28910 5.76
6.26 27.605 7.24669 .100476 6.70 33.0025 2.30792 7.58288 .173013
5.26 27.G07B 7.26259 .100114 6.77 33,1776 2.40000 7.58947 .173611
6.27 27.7729 2.20565 7.25048 .180763 6.78 33.2920 2.40208 7.59005 .173310
5.28 27.8784 .180394 33.4084
2.29783 7,20036 6.79 2.40410 7.00263 .173010
5.29 27.9841 2.30000 7.27324 .18003
5.80 2.40624 7.60020 .172712
B зз.иоо
5.30 28.0900 2.30217 7.28011 5.81 2.40832 7,01577 .1724И
5.31 28.1001 2.30434 7.280D7 .188070 5.82 2.41030 7.622.34 .172117
5.32 28.8024 2.30661 7.29383 .188324 5.83 2.412,17 7.82880 .171821
5.33 28.4089 2.30868 7.зоовд .187070 6.84 2,41464 7.63644 .171627
5.34 28.6150 2.31084 7.80753 .187017
5.85 34.2225
2.41601 7.0419D .171233
5.36 28,6225 2.31301 7.31487 6.80 34.3306 2.41808 7.а4863 .170940
6.30 28.7206 2.31617 7.32120
6.87 34.460D 2.42074 7.66ЯО .170040
6.37 28.8360 .180607 2.42281 .170368
2.31733 7.32803 5.88 34.5744 7.00150
5.3 288444 .180220 2,42487 .170008
2.31048 7.33485 6.80 34.021 7.00812
8 20.0621 .185874 2.42093 .160770
2.32164 7.34100 5.09 34.8100 7.07403
6.3 20.160 .185629
2.3287П 7.348,1 6.01 34,9281 2.428пп 7,08116 .1В049
0 0 2.326D4 .186186 2.43106 2
7 5.02 35.04И 7.08705
6.40 20.268 2.32800 7.36627 .18484 2.43311 .16О2О6
5.0 36.104 7.00416
6.4 1 2.33024 7.30200 3 2.4351B .168019
3 D 7.70005
1 29.376 2.3323 7.30886 .184602 2.43721 .108034
.1&4102 5.0 35,2836 7.70714
6.4 4 8 7.37664 .18882 4 2.43920 7.71302
29.484 36,4025
4/10 п Vn пя
С; Чоп
νη 1.,Ιη
7.10 50.4100 2.66458 8.42θ1δ .140845 7.60 57.7600 2.75081 8.71780 .131570
7.11 50.5521 2.θββ4β 8.43208 .140M7 7.01 57.9121 2.75802 8.72353 .ι.314ου
7.12 50.6044 2.66833 8.43801 .140449 7.02 58.0&44 2.70043 8.72020 .131234
7.13 50.8369 2.67021 8.44393 .140252 7.03 58.2100 2.7β22δ 8.73409 .1310(Ι2
7.14 50.9796 2.67208 8.44985 .14006β 7.04 58.30θΟ 2.76405 8.74071 .130800
7.15 51.1225 2.67395 8.45577 .1308β0 7.05 58.5225 2.76580 8.74043 .18071Ω
7.10 51.265β 2.67582 8.40188 .13θβ0δ 7.06 58.β750 2.70707 8.75214 .Ι30548
7.17 51.4089 2.077θθ 8.46759 .139470 7.07 68.8280 2.76948 8.75785 .130378
7.18 51.5524 2.67955 8.47349 .13927β 7.68 58.9824 2.77128 8.70356 .130208
7.19 51.8961 2,88142 8.47939 .139082 7.09 59.1361 2.77308 8.70020 .130089
7.20 61.8400 2.68.328 8.48528 .138889 7,70 59.2000 2.77480 8.774Ωβ .120870
7.21 51.9841 2.68514 8.49117 .138096 7.71 2.77600 8.78000 .129702
7.22 52.1284 2.88701 8.49700 .138504 7.72 59.5984 2.77849 8.78635 .12Ω534
7.23 52.272θ 2.08887 8.50204 .Ι38313 7.73 59.7529 2.78029 8.70204 .1293β0
7.24 52.4176 2.69072 8.60882 .138122 7.74 59.9070 2.78209 8.79773 .12010θ
7.25 52.5β2δ 2.89258 8.51489 .13793Ι- 7.75 60.0625 2.78388 8.80341 .12θΩ32
7.26 52.7076 2.69444 8.52056 .137741 7.70 60.2170 2.78508 8.80909 .128860
7.27 52.8529 2.09629 8.52043 .Ι37552 7.77 60.3729 2.78747 8.81476 .128700
7.28 62,9984 2.09816 8.63220 .137363 7.78 60.5284 2.78927 8.82043 .128535
7.29 53.1441 2.70000 8.53815 .137174 7.79 00.6841 2.79100 8.82010 .128370
7.30 63.2900 2.70185 8.54400 .136θ86 7.80 60.8400 2.70285 8.83170 .12820δ
7.81 53.4361 2.70370 8.54085 .13θ7θ9 7.81 2.70464 8.&3742 .128041
7.32 53.5824 2.70555 8.55570 .13βθΙ2 7.82 81.1524 2.79643 8.84308 .127877
7.33 53.7289 2.70740 8.56154 .13Μ2β 7.83 61.3089 2.79821 8.84873 .127714
7.34 53.8750 2.70924 8.56788 .13β240 7.84 β1.4β5β 2.80000 8.85488 .12755Ι
7.35 54.0225 2.71109 8.57321 .13θ0Μ 7.85 01.β22δ 2.80179 8.86002 .Ι27389
7.30 54.1096 2.71293 8.57904 .13δ870 7.86 01.77θθ 2.80857 8.80500 .12722β
7.37 64.3169 2.71477 8.68487 .135085 7.87 β1.θ3βθ 2.80635 8.87130 .127005
7.38 2.71θβ2 8.59069 .135501 7.88 02.0044 2.80713 8.87βΠ4 .120004
7.39 64.6121 2.71846 8.50651 .135318 7.80 02.2521 2.80891 8.88257 .12β743
7.40 M. 7600 2.72029 8.60233 .135135 02.4100 2.81009 8.88819 .12β582
7.41 Μ.9Ο8Ι 2.72213 8.60814 .Ι84063 7.91 02.δβ81 2.81247 8.80882 .126422
7.42 55.0564 2.72307 8.61394 .Ι34771 7.92 62.7284 2.81425 8.8 θ944 .120263
7.43 55.2049 2.72580 8.61974 .1345Ω0 7.93 02.884θ 2.81603 8.90505 • .12β103
7.44 55.3530 2.72764 8.02554 .13440θ 7.94 63.048d 2.81780 8.91067 .125046
7.45 55.5025 2.72947 8.63134 .134228 7.95 63.2025 2.81957 8.91628 .125780
7.46 2.73130 8.63713 .134048 7.00 θ3.3βΙβ 2.82135 8.92188 .125628
7.47 55.8009 2.73313 8.64292 .1338θ9 7.97 63.6209 2.82312 8.92749 .125471
7.48 55.9504 2.73496 8.64870 .183βθ0 7.08 63.8804 2.82489 8.93308 .125313
7.49 56.1001 2.73879 8.65448 .133511 7.99 63.8401 2.82βθβ 8.038θ8 .125Ι60
7.50 56.2500 2.73881 8.66025 .Ι33333 8.00 64.0000 2.82843 έ.Μ427 .125000
8.00 64.1001
2.82843 8.04427 .12δ000 8.50 72.2500
2.91548 0.2k954 .117647
8.01 04.3204
2.88010 8.94080 .124844 8.51 72.4201
2.91710' 9.22407 .1Ι7δ0θ
8.02 64.4800
2.83100 8.95545 .124β88 8.52 72.5904
2.θΙ8οο: 9,23038 .117371
8.03 θ4.ΜΙβ2.83373 8.90103 .Ι24533 8.53 2.Ω2Ο02
72.7609 0.23580 .117233
8.04 Μ.8025 2.83549 8.9σαοο .124378 8.54 2.92233 9.24121 .1170ίΙ0
8.05 64.9030 2.83725 8.97218 .12-124 8.55 73.1025 2.92404 0.24002 .11ΟΩ5ΙΙ
1/η η
9.00 81.000-0 3.οοοοο 9.48083 .110θ88 9.50 90.2500 3.08221 9.74679 .1052β3
0.01 81.1801 3.001θ7 ρ.4Ω210 .1108β5 0.51 90.4401 3.08383 9.75192 .105152
81.3604 9.40737
9.02 3.00833 9.50263 .110742 0.52 90.6304 ,3.08645 0.75705 .105042
9.03 81.5409 3.00500 9.50789 .110βΙ9 0.53 90.8209 3.08707 0.70217 .104θ32
9.04 81.7216 3.00βθβ θ.7β72θ
.110497 9.64 91.0110 3.088β9 .104822
81.9025 9.51315 9.77241
9.05 3.00832 9.61840 .110375 0.56 91.2025 3.09031 .104712
9.06 82.083θ .110254 9.50 91.3930 0.77763 .104β0.3
3.00998 0.52365 3.00192
9.07 82.2640 01.5849 o. 78264 .104493
3.01164 9.52890 .110132 9.57 3.0Ω364
82.4-464 91.7764 .104384
9.0θ 82.6281
3.01330 0.53415 .ιιοοιι 9.58
θ.δθ θ1.0β81
0.79286 .104275
8.0149β .10θ890
82.8100 0.53939 0.79790
0.10 3.0Ι6β2 0.54403 .1097θ9 02.1600 3.09839
9.11 82.9921 9.01 02.3521 3.10000 .104068
3.01828 9.54987 .109049 9.62 9.80810
9.12 83.1744 92.5444 8.10Ιβ1 .108260
3.01993 9.55510 .109520 ρ.β8 0.81320
9.18 83.35β9 92.7969 3.10322 .103842
8.02159 9,56033 • 0.04 0.81885
9.14 83.6896 θ2.θ2θβ 3.10483 .108784
3.02324 109409 .
83.7225 9.56556 9.05 93.1225 3.10044 .103627
9.15 8.02490 9.57079 .1092θ0 2.06 0.82844
θ. Ιθ 88.9066 93.3156 8.10806 .108520
3.02β55 -0.57001 .100170 9.07 9.82863
0.17 84.0889 03.6080 3.10966 .103413
3.02820 θ.58123 -109051 0.68 0.83302
9.18 84.2724 93.7024 3.11127 .10330β
3.02985 9.58645 .108932 9.83870
9.19 84.4581 3.031δ0 9.501ββ .Ι08814 9.69 93.8901 3.11288 0.84378 .1031θ9
0.20 84.6400 3.03315 ρ.6θβ87 .108β9β 9.70 94.0900 3.11448 0.84886 .1030θ3
0.21 84.8241 8.03480 108578 9.71 94.2841 3.11600 9.85393 .102087
9.22 85.0084 3.03645 :ιοκοο 9.72 94.4784 3.11760 0.86001 •102881
9.23 85.1929 3.038ορ .108342 9.78 94.6729 3.11920 9.86408 .10277δ
9.24 85.8776 3.03974 9.617βθ .10822δ 9.74 94.8β7θ 3.12090 9.86014 .1026βθ
9.26 85.5625 3.04188 .108108 0.75 05.0026 3.12250 9.87421 .1025θ4
9.20 85.7476 3.04302 .1079θ1 9.76 06.2576 3.12410 9.87927 .Ι0245θ
0.27 85.9329 3.044β7 .107875 9,77 95.4520 3.12570 9.88438 .102864
9.28 86.1184 304631 .10775θ 9.78 95.6484 3.12730 0.88939 .102240
9.29 80.8041 8:04795 9.64365 .1Ο7843 9.79 95.8441 3.12890 0.89444 .Ι02145
0.80 86.4900 8.049δ9 9.65401 .107δ27 0.80 90.0400 3.13050 9.89949. .102041
9.31 8β.β7β1 3.05128 985919 .107411 9.81 96.2361 3.13209 0.90454 .101037
9.32 86.8624 3.05287 θ.β&48 .107296 9.82 96.4324 3. Ι33βθ 9.00059 .101833
0.83 87.0489 3,05450 7 θθ. 0289 3.13528 9.01404 .10172D
.107181 9.88
9.34 87.2358 3.05614 96.8250 3.18688 0,01008 .101β2β
.1070ββ 2.84
0.68964 .101523
9.85 87.4225 3.0δ778
9.67471 -100952 0.85 97.0225 3.13847 9.92472
9.36 87.6090 3,05941 Ω.80 97.210θ 9.14006 θ.Ω2Ω75 .101420
9.67988 .10β838 0.98470
9.37 87.7θβθ 3.08105 9.68504 9,87 97.41βΩ 3.14160 .101317
-106724 9.93082
0.88 97.6144
9.38 87.9844 3.06268 0.69020 .100β10 3.14326 Ω.θΜ8δ .101215
9.39 88.1721 3.06431 9.89 97.8121 3.14484 .101ΙΙ2
ρ.0953θ 9.90 98.0100 0.94987
0.40 88.3800 3.06594 9.70052 .100383 9.01 98.2081
8.14643 9.θ64θΟ .ιοιοιο
9.41 88.5481 3.00757 9.70567 .100270 3.14802 0.95002 .100908
9.42 88.7364 3.00920 9.71082 0.02 08.4064
.100157 0.08 08.
3.14060 0.08494 .10080σ
0.48 88.9249 3.07083 0.71597 .106045 3,15119 9.90095 .100705
9.44 89.1136 3.072-46 9.04 98.8030 3.16278 .100604
0,72111 .106θ32 0.97497
9.45 89.3026 3.07409 9.72626 0.95 99,0025 3.16430
.105820 θ.9β 99.2010 θ.θ79θ8 .Ι00603
9.46 89.4010 3.07571 9.73189 .105708 8,15505 9.98490 .100402
9.47 89.6809 3.07784 9.73β53 θ.θ7 99.4009
.1055θ7 3.15758 θ.98θθθ ,100301
9.08 90.β004
9.48 80.8704 3.078θβ 9.741θβ 405485 3.15911 9.99500 .100200
9.09 90.8001
9.49 90,0601 8.08058 .106874 8.16070 .ιοοιοο
9.74679 10.00 100.000 10.0000
0.50 90.2500 8.08221 ,1052β3 3.16228 .100000
η 1/η 1/η
13841 Ιδώ