Ajahn Brahmavamso The Basic Method of Meditation
Ajahn Brahmavamso The Basic Method of Meditation
Ajahn Brahmavamso The Basic Method of Meditation
of Meditation
by Ajahn Brahmmavamso
● Sustained attention on the present moment
● Silent awareness of the present moment
● Silent present moment awareness of the breath
● Full sustained attention on the breath
● Full sustained attention on the beautiful breath
● Experiencing the beautiful Nimitta
● First Jhana
Sustained attention on the
present moment
“The goal of this meditation is the beautiful silence, stillness and
clarity of mind.”
You may go through the initial stages quickly if you wish, but be very
careful if you so do. Sometimes, when you pass through the initial
steps too quickly, you find the preparatory work has not been
completed. It is like trying to build a townhouse on a very weak and
rushed foundation. The structure goes up very quickly, but it comes
down very quickly as well! So you are wise to spend a lot of time on
the foundations, and on the `first storeys’ as well, making the
groundwork well done, strong and firm. Then when you proceed to
the higher storey, the bliss states of meditation, they too are stable
and firm. In the way that I teach meditation, I like to begin at the
very simple stage of giving up the baggage of past and future.
Sometimes you may think that this is such an easy thing to do, that
it is too basic. However, if you give it your full effort, not running
ahead to the higher stages of meditation until you have properly
reached the first goal of sustained attention on the present
moment, then you will find later on that you have established a very
strong foundation on which to build the higher stages.
Abandoning the past means not even thinking about your work,
your family, your commitments, your responsibilities, your history,
the good or bad times you had as a child…, you abandon all past
experiences by showing no interest in them at all. You become
someone who has no history during the time that you meditate. You
do not even think about where you are from, where you were born,
who your parents were or what your upbringing was like. All of that
history is renounced in meditation. In this way, everyone here on the
retreat becomes equal, just a meditator. It becomes unimportant
how many years you have been meditating, whether you are an old
hand or a beginner. If you abandon all that history then we are all
equal and free. We are freeing ourselves of some of these concerns,
perceptions and thoughts that limit us and which stop us from
developing the peace born of letting go. So every ‘part’ of your
history you finally let go of, even the history of what has happened
to you so far in this retreat, even the memory of what happened to
you just a moment ago! In this way, you carry no burden from the
past into the present. Whatever has just happened, you are no
longer interested in it and you let it go. You do not allow the past to
reverberate in your mind.
I describe this as developing your mind like a padded cell! When any
experience, perception or thought hits the wall of the ‘padded cell’,
it does not bounce back again. It just sinks into the padding and
stops right there. Thus we do not allow the past to echo in our
consciousness, certainly not the past of yesterday and all that time
before, because we are developing the mind inclined to letting go,
giving away and unburdening.
Some people have the view that if they take up the past for
contemplation they can somehow learn from it and solve the
problems of the past. However, you should understand that when
you gaze at the past, you invariably look through distorted lenses.
Whatever you think it was like, in truth it was not quite like that! This
is why people have arguments about what actually happened, even
a few moments ago. It is well known to police who investigate traffic
accidents that even though the accident may have happened only
half an hour ago, two different eyewitnesses, both completely
honest, will give different accounts. Our memory is untrustworthy. If
you consider just how unreliable memory is, then you do not put
value on thinking about the past. Then you can let it go. You can
bury it, just as you bury a person who has died. You place them in a
coffin then bury it, or cremate it, and it is done with, finished. Do not
linger on the past. Do not continue to carry the coffins of dead
moments on your head! If you do, then you are weighing yourself
down with heavy burdens which do not really belong to you. Let all
of the past go and you have the ability to be free in the present
As for the future, the anticipations, fears, plans, and expectations let
all of that go too. The Lord Buddha once said about the future,
“Whatever you think it will be, it will always be something different”!
This future is known to the wise as uncertain, unknown and so
unpredictable. It is often complete stupidity to anticipate the future,
and always a great waste of your time to think of the future in
meditation. When you work with your mind, you find that the mind
is so strange. It can do some wonderful and unexpected things. It is
very common for meditators who are having a difficult time, who
are not getting very peaceful, to sit there thinking, “Here we go
again, another hour of frustration”. Even though they begin thinking
like that, anticipating failure, something strange happens and they
get into a very peaceful meditation.
Recently I heard of one man on his first ten-day retreat. After the
first day his body was hurting so much he asked to go home. The
teacher said, “Stay one more day and the pain will disappear, I
promise”. So he stayed another day, the pain got worse so he
wanted to go home again. The teacher repeated, “Just one more
day, the pain will go”. He stayed for a third day and the pain was
even worse. For each of nine days, in the evening he would go to the
teacher and, in great pain, ask to go home and the teacher would
say, “Just one more day and the pain will disappear”. It was
completely beyond his expectations, that on the final day when he
started the first sit of the morning, the pain did disappear! It did not
come back. He could sit for long periods with no pain at all! He was
amazed at how wonderful is this mind and how it can produce such
unexpected results. So, you don’t know about the future. It can be so
strange, even weird, completely beyond whatever you expect.
Experiences like this give you the wisdom and courage to abandon
all thoughts about the future and all expectation as well.
It is like a person who goes to work all day Monday and gets no
money at the end of the day. “What am I doing this for?”, he thinks.
He works all day Tuesday and still gets nothing. Another bad day. All
day Wednesday, all day Thursday, and still nothing to show for all the
hard work. That’s four bad days in a row. Then along comes Friday,
he does exactly the same work as before and at the end of the day
the boss gives him a pay cheque. “Wow! Why can’t every day be a
pay day?!”
It is the high value that one gives to one’s thoughts that is the major
obstacle to silent awareness. Carefully removing the importance one
gives to one’s thinking and realizing the value and truthfulness of
silent awareness, is the insight that makes this second stage —
silent awareness of the present moment — possible. One of the
beautiful ways of overcoming the inner commentary is to develop
such refined present moment awareness, that you are watching
every moment so closely that you simply do not have the time to
comment about what has just happened. A thought is often an
opinion on what has just happened, e.g. “That was good”, “That was
gross”, “What was that?” All of these comments are about an
experience that has just passed by. When you are noting, making a
comment about an experience that has just passed, then you are
not paying attention to the experience that has just arrived. You are
dealing with old visitors and neglecting the new visitors coming
When you are perfectly in the moment with every experience, with
every guest that comes in your mind, then you just do not have the
space for inner speech. You cannot chatter to yourself because you
are completely taken up with mindfully greeting everything just as it
arrives in your mind. This is refined present moment awareness to
the level that it becomes silent awareness of the present in every
moment. You discover, on developing that degree of inner silence,
that this is like giving up another great burden. It is as if you have
been carrying a big heavy rucksack on your back for forty or fifty
years continuously, and during that time you have wearily trudged
through many, many miles. Now you have had the courage and
found the wisdom to take that rucksack off and put it on the ground
for a while. One feels so immensely relieved, so light, and so free,
because one is now not burdened with that heavy rucksack of inner
When you focus on the breath, you focus on the experience of the
breath happening now. You experience `that which tells you what
the breath is doing’, whether it is going in or out or in between.
Some teachers say to watch the breath at the tip of the nose, some
say to watch it at the abdomen and some say to move it here and
then move it there. I have found through experience that it does not
matter where you watch the breath. In fact it is best not to locate the
breath anywhere! If you locate the breath at the tip of your nose
then it becomes nose awareness, not breath awareness, and if you
locate it at your abdomen then it becomes abdomen awareness.
Just ask yourself the question right now, “Am I breathing in or am I
breathing out?” How do you know? There! That experience which
tells you what the breath is doing, that is what you focus on in
breath meditation. Let go of concern about where this experience is
located; just focus on the experience itself.
You will find that progress happens effortlessly at this stage of the
meditation. You just have to get out of the way, let go, and watch it
all happen. The mind will automatically incline, if you only let it,
towards this very simple, peaceful and delicious unity of being alone
with one thing, just being with the breath in each and every
moment. This is the unity of mind, the unity in the moment, the
unity in stillness. The fourth stage is what I call the `springboard’ of
meditation, because from here one can dive into the blissful states.
When you simply maintain this unity of consciousness, by not
interfering, the breath will begin to disappear. The breath appears to
fade away as the mind focuses instead on what is at the centre of
the experience of breath, which is the awesome peace, freedom and
At this stage I use the term `the beautiful breath’. Here the mind
recognizes that this peaceful breath is extraordinarily beautiful. You
are aware of this beautiful breath continuously, moment after
moment, with no break in the chain of experience. You are aware
only of the beautiful breath, without effort, and for a very long time.
Now you let the breath disappear and all that is left is `the beautiful’.
Disembodied beauty becomes the sole object of the mind. The mind
is now the mind as its own object. You are now not aware at all of
breath, body, thought sound or the world outside. All that you are
aware of is beauty, peace, bliss, light or whatever your perception
will later call it. You are experiencing only beauty, with nothing
being beautiful, continuously, effortlessly. You have long ago let go
of chatter, let go of descriptions and assessments. Here, the mind is
so still that you can not say anything. You are just experiencing the
first flowering of bliss in the mind. That bliss will develop, grow,
become very firm and strong. Thus you enter into those states of
meditation called Jhana. But that is for Part 3!
Full sustained attention on
the beautiful breath
Experiencing the beautiful
First Jhana
“Do absolutely nothing and see how smooth and beautiful and
timeless the breath can appear.”
Parts 1 and 2 describe the first four stages (as they are called here) of
meditation. These are:
A helpful trick to achieve this stage is to break the inner silence just
once and gently think to yourself “calm”. That’s all. At this stage of
the meditation, the mind is usually so sensitive that just a little
nudge like this causes the mind to follow the instruction obediently.
The breath calms down and the beautiful breath emerges. When
you are passively observing just the beautiful breath in the moment,
the perceptions of `in’ (breath) or `out’ (breath), or beginning or
middle or end of a breath, should all be allowed to disappear. All that
is known is this experience of the beautiful breath happening now.
The mind is not concerned with what part of the breath cycle this is
in, nor on what part of the body this is occurring. Here we are
simplifying the object of meditation, the experience of breath in the
moment, stripping away all unnecessary details, moving beyond the
duality of `in’ and `out’, and just being aware of a beautiful breath
which appears smooth and continuous, hardly changing at all. Do
absolutely nothing and see how smooth and beautiful and timeless
the breath can appear. See how calm you can allow it to be. Take
time to savour the sweetness of the beautiful breath, ever calmer,
ever sweeter.
Now the breath will disappear, not when `you’ want it to, but when
there is enough calm, leaving only `the beautiful’. A simile from
English literature might help. In Lewis Carroll’s `Alice in
Wonderland’, Alice and the Red Queen saw a vision of a smiling
Cheshire cat appear in the sky. As they watched, first the cat’s tail
disappeared, then its paws followed by the rest of its legs. Soon the
Cheshire cat’s torso completely vanished leaving only the cat’s head,
still with a smile. Then the head started to fade into nothing, from
the ears and whiskers inwards, and soon the smiling cat’s head had
completely disappeared – except for the smile which still remained
in the sky! This was a smile without any lips to do the smiling, but a
visible smile nevertheless. This is an accurate analogy for the process
of letting go happening at this point in meditation. The cat with a
smile on her face stands for the beautiful breath. The cat
disappearing represents the breath disappearing and the
disembodied smile still visible in the sky stands for the pure mental
object `beauty’ clearly visible in the mind.
1. It appears only after the fifth stage of the meditation, after the
meditator has been with the beautiful breath for a long time;
2. It appears when the breath disappears;
3. It only comes when the external five senses of sight, hearing,
smell, taste and touch are completely absent;
4. It manifests only in the silent mind, when descriptive thoughts
(inner speech) are totally absent;
5. It is strange but powerfully attractive; and
6. It is a beautifully simple object.
I mention these features so that you may distinguish real nimittas
from imaginary ones. The sixth stage, then, is called experiencing
the beautiful nimitta. It is achieved when one lets go of the body,
thought, and the five senses (including the awareness of the breath)
so completely that only the beautiful nimitta remains. Sometimes
when the nimitta first arises it may appear `dull’. In this case, one
should immediately go back to the previous stage of the meditation,
continuous silent awareness of the beautiful breath. One has moved
to the nimitta too soon. Sometimes the nimitta is bright but
unstable, flashing on and off like a lighthouse beacon and then
disappearing. This too shows that you have left the beautiful breath
too early. One must be able to sustain one’s attention on the
beautiful breath with ease for a long, long time before the mind is
capable of maintaining clear attention on the far more subtle
nimitta. So train the mind on the beautiful breath, train it patiently
and diligently, then when it is time to go on to the nimitta, it is
bright, stable and easy to sustain.
The main reason why the nimitta can appear dull is that the depth
of contentment is too shallow. You are still `wanting’ something.
Usually, you are wanting the bright nimitta or you are wanting
Jhana. Remember, and this is important, Jhanas are states of letting
go, incredibly deep states of contentment. So give away the hungry
mind, develop contentment on the beautiful breath and the nimitta
and Jhana will happen by themselves. Put another way, the reason
why the nimitta is unstable is because the `doer’ just will not stop
interfering. The `doer’ is the controller, the back seat driver, always
getting involved where it does not belong and messing everything
up. This meditation is a natural process of coming to rest and it
requires `you’ to get out of the way completely. Deep meditation
only occurs when you really let go, and this means REALLY LET GO
to the point that the process becomes inaccessible to the `doer’.
Let the mind incline where it wants, which is usually to the centre of
the nimitta. The centre is where the most beautiful part lies, where
the light is most brilliant and pure. Let go and just enjoy the ride as
the attention gets drawn into the centre and falls right inside, or as
the light expands all around enveloping you totally. This is, in fact,
one and the same experience perceived from different perspectives.
Let the mind merge in the bliss. Let the seventh stage of this path of
meditation, First Jhana, occur.
There are two common obstacles at the door into Jhana: exhilaration
and fear. Exhilaration is becoming excited. If, at this point, the mind
thinks, “Wow, this is it!” then the Jhana is most unlikely to happen.
This `Wow’ response needs to be subdued in favour of absolute
passivity. You can leave all the `Wows’ until after emerging from the
Jhana, where they properly belong. The more likely obstacle,
though, is fear. Fear arises at the recognition of the sheer power and
bliss of the Jhana, or else at the recognition that to go fully inside
the Jhana, something must be left behind – You! The `doer’ is silent
before entering Jhana but it is still there. Inside Jhana, the `doer’ is
completely gone. The `knower’ is still functioning, you are fully
aware, but all the controls are now beyond reach. You cannot even
form a single thought, let alone make a decision. The will is frozen,
and this can appear scary to the beginner. Never before in your
whole life have you ever experienced being so stripped of all control
yet so fully awake. The fear is the fear of surrendering something so
essentially personal as the will to do.
There is much more to meditation, but here only the basic method
has been described using seven stages culminating with the First
Jhana. Much more could be said about the `Five Hindrances’ and
how they are overcome, about the meaning of mindfulness and how
it is used, about the Four Satipatthana and the Four Roads to
Success (Iddhipada) and the Five Controlling Faculties (Indriya) and,
of course, about the higher Jhanas. All these concern this practice of
meditation but must be left for another occasion.
For those who are misled to conceive of all this as `just Samatha
practice’ without regard to Insight (Vipassana), please know that this
is neither Vipassan* nor Samatha. It is called `Bhavana’, the method
taught by the Lord Buddha and repeated in the Forest Tradition of
NE Thailand of which my teacher, Ven. Ajahn Chah, was a part. Ajahn
Chah often said that Samatha and Vipassana cannot be separated,
nor can the pair be developed apart from Right View, Right Thought,
Right Moral Conduct and so forth. Indeed, to make progress on the
above seven stages, the meditator needs an understanding and
acceptance of the Lord Buddha’s Teachings and one’s precepts
must be pure. Insight will be needed to achieve each of these
stages, that is insight into the meaning of `letting go’. The further
one develops these stages, the more profound will be the insight,
and if you reach as far as Jhana then it will change your whole
understanding. As it were, Insight dances around Jhana and Jhana
dances around Insight. This is the Path to Nibbana, the Lord Buddha
said, “for one who indulges in Jhana, four results are to be expected:
Stream-Winner, Once-Returner, Non-Returner or Arahant”(P*s*dika
Sutta, Digha Nikaya).