Syllabus-CF WS2023.24
Syllabus-CF WS2023.24
Syllabus-CF WS2023.24
Niklas Wagner
Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre
mit Schwerpunkt Finanzcontrolling
Zeichen fincon
Datum 18. April 2023
Corporate Finance
Course Outline
The course provides an introduction to the basic principles of modern corporate finance.
Topics covered include the time value of money and basic methods for optimal investment
and consumption decisions. Furthermore, the course covers aspects in capital market theory
and asset pricing. It also provides a first insight to the importance of options in financial
decision making and concludes with models concerning the firm’s optimal capital structure.
The course is open to all students of the Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of
Business Computing, Bachelor of Digital Transformation in Business and Society and
Bachelor of International Cultural and Business Studies programs. Prerequisites include basic
knowledge in accounting principles, mathematics for economics (e.g. discounting) and
applied introductory statistics.
Active course participation and discussion is encouraged. Therefore, study of the given
textbook literature in advance of each lecture is recommended. Slides used in class can be
downloaded from Stud.IP. Exercises, which are discussed in the corresponding tutorial, will
supplement the theoretical aspects of the lecture. It is strongly recommended to prepare the
exercises before attending the tutorials. An introduction to basic accounting and applied
statistics principles will additionally be provided during the tutorial. Several parts of the course
material and references are in English. However, the lecture language is German. Hence,
basic knowledge of the German language is required. There will be a written final exam in
German with the possibility to answer the questions in German or English at the end of the
semester. In winter, only tutorials are held in the classroom; lectures are held online.
Textbook chapters 1 to 16, except chapter 11 and 14, of the textbook reference Ross et al.
(2008) or Hillier et al. (2013) are lecture contents and recommended for home reading.
Optimal course preparation includes study of the above lecture and tutorial contents in
advance of each class.
U.S. Version
▪ Ross, S. A., Westerfield, R. W., Jaffe, J., Jordan, B. D. (2008): Modern Financial
Management, 8th Edition (or 7th Edition), McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
European Version
▪ Hillier, D., Ross, S. A., Westerfield, R. W., Jaffe, J., Jordan, B. D. (2013): Corporate
Finance - European Edition, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
▪ Wagner, N. (2018): Finance – Ein Leitfaden mit Aufgaben und Lösungen, 2. Aufl., BoD.
▪ Watson, D. and Head, A. (2004): Corporate Finance - Principles and Practice, 3rd
Edition, Pearson Education.
▪ Kaserer, C. (2006): Investition und Finanzierung Case by Case, Verlag Recht und
Wirtschaft, Fankfurt am Main.
▪ Perridon, L., Steiner, M., Rathgeber, A. (2012): Finanzwirtschaft der Unternehmung, 16.
Auflage, Vahlen, München.
• Ross, S. A., Westerfield, R. W., Jaffe, J., Jordan, B. D. (2008): Modern Financial
Management, 8th Edition (or 7th Edition), McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
• Hillier, D., Ross, S. A., Westerfield, R. W., Jaffe, J., Jordan, B. D. (2013): Corporate
Finance - European Edition, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
Was muss ich tun, um die Corporate Finance Veranstaltung erfolgreich zu absolvieren?
Es empfiehlt sich theoretische Aspekte der Vorlesung mit Hilfe der praxisorientierten Aufgaben in der
Übung zu verinnerlichen. Der Besuch der Übungen (Tutorials) ist erforderlich, um das Anwenden der
erlernten Techniken zu erproben. Das eigenständige Vor- und Nachbereiten der Veranstaltung trägt
maßgeblich zum Klausurerfolg bei.
Wann kann ich die Klausur nachholen, falls ich nicht bestehe?
Am Ende des folgenden Semesters (Wintersemester) wird eine Wiederholungsklausur angeboten.