Individual Report1
Individual Report1
Individual Report1
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1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3.1 Process flow diagram
Component Molar − − −
Butane 58.12 − 3.063725 3.063725
Benzene 78.11 −
232.8431 232.8431
Toluene 92.14 − 12.2549 12.2549
Methane 16.04 −
232.8431 232.8431
Input Output
Stream Stream 7 Stream 8
Temperature [℃] -17.11 125
Pressure [kPa] 152 152
Fischer-Tropsch Reactor
Component Molar − − −
Butane 58.12 − 3.063725 3.063725
Benzene 78.11 −
232.8431 232.8431
Toluene 92.14 − 12.2549 12.2549
Methane 16.04 −
232.8431 232.8431
Input Output
Stream Stream 6 Stream 7
Temperature [℃] 125 125
Pressure [kPa] 101.3 152
Compressor (COMP-101)
Component Molar mass[kg/kmol] − − −
Butane 58.12 − 3.063725 3.063725
Benzene 78.11 −
232.8431 232.8431
Toluene 92.14 − 12.2549 12.2549
Methane 16.04 −
232.8431 232.8431
Inlet Outlet
T=- P= T= P=
17.11 152kpa 125 152kpa
℃ ℃
Stream 6 7
Heater Components n H Q (kJ/hr)
H1 H2 H3 H (total)
Methane 6.8953 -0.0241 -24.1000 -
Ethane 0.0006 -0.0347 -34.7000 -0.0221
Propane 0.0004 -0.0479 -47.9000 -0.0208
Butane 0.0003 -0.0649 -64.9000 -0.0214
Pentane 0.0003 -0.0807 -80.7000 -0.0214
Inlet Outlet
T=- P= T= P=
17.11℃ 152kpa 125℃ 152kpa
Stream 6 7
In this paper, we build a reactor for 90% conversion of synthesis gas into benzene in a
Fischer-Tropsch reactor with an optimum reactor size of 6.8 m3 and an iron-based catalyst
with a volume of catalyst of 7.4 m3 (Multi-Tubular Fixed Bed Reactor). The operating
pressure is 0.152 MPa, and the temperature is 429 degrees Celsius. Below is the
specification sheet shown after the calculation for the FTR is done in the excel sheet
attached in the report.
After the deodorization process, the equipment of E-102 oversees cooling the hot HDPE
stream as it exits the distillation column. Reduce the temperature of the stream from -
17.11°C to 85°C as a process requirement for cooling it. The temperature of the water is
believed to be 125°C before being reduced to 25°C.
Below is the specification sheet shown after the calculation for the heat exchanger is done in
the excel sheet attached in the report.
Figure 4.6 Mechanical Drawing for the Side View, Front View and Cross Section view of Fischer –
Tropsch Reactor)
Sinnott, R. K., & Coulson, J. M. (2005). Coulson & Richardson's Chemical Engineering
Design. Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, .
Towle, W., & Sinnott, R. K. (2008). Chemical Engineering Design: Principles, practice and
economics of plant and Process Design. Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann.