This document is a mock test for an agriculture exam containing 120 multiple choice questions across various subjects like English, Chemistry, and Biology. The instructions state that there is only one correct answer among four choices for each question and the candidate should encircle the best answer. It provides sample questions on topics such as parts of speech, chemical compounds, plant structures, and cell processes to test the examinee's subject knowledge. The duration of the test is 1.5 hours and the passing score is 60 out of a total of 120 marks.
This document is a mock test for an agriculture exam containing 120 multiple choice questions across various subjects like English, Chemistry, and Biology. The instructions state that there is only one correct answer among four choices for each question and the candidate should encircle the best answer. It provides sample questions on topics such as parts of speech, chemical compounds, plant structures, and cell processes to test the examinee's subject knowledge. The duration of the test is 1.5 hours and the passing score is 60 out of a total of 120 marks.
This document is a mock test for an agriculture exam containing 120 multiple choice questions across various subjects like English, Chemistry, and Biology. The instructions state that there is only one correct answer among four choices for each question and the candidate should encircle the best answer. It provides sample questions on topics such as parts of speech, chemical compounds, plant structures, and cell processes to test the examinee's subject knowledge. The duration of the test is 1.5 hours and the passing score is 60 out of a total of 120 marks.
This document is a mock test for an agriculture exam containing 120 multiple choice questions across various subjects like English, Chemistry, and Biology. The instructions state that there is only one correct answer among four choices for each question and the candidate should encircle the best answer. It provides sample questions on topics such as parts of speech, chemical compounds, plant structures, and cell processes to test the examinee's subject knowledge. The duration of the test is 1.5 hours and the passing score is 60 out of a total of 120 marks.
Centre for Agricultural Research and Education (CARE)
Bharatpur-03, Lions Chowk
Mock Test 12th week AFU Agriculture Model Date: 2079-04-07 Full Marks: 120 Pass Marks: 60 Time: 1.5 hr Instructions: There are 120 multiple choice questions each having 4 choices of which only one is Correct. Encircle the best one.
English 11. I let my room.
Very closely associated with the beauty of the mountains are some a. to clean b. cleaned c. cleaning d. clean special emotions, which the highest and wildest peaks provoke. The 12. The passive of ‘I love people scratching my back’ is companionship provided by climbing together is almost universally a. I love being my back scratched. valued by mountaineers. Lonely though the mountain peaks are, the b. I love having my back scratched. teams of mountaineers who climb them find a unique kind of bond c. I love my back being scratched. developing between them. The friendship established on the d. I loved my back having scratched. mountains are lasting and irreplaceable when you have walked the 13. He watched television yesterday and ............... feather edge of danger with someone, when you have held his life at a. so do I b. I watched too the end of a rope in your hand, and he has later held yours, you have c. so did I d. I do so an almost impregnable foundation for friendship. For the deepest 14. “May you be lucky” she said to me. friendships spring from sharing failure as well as success, danger as a. She wished me that I might be lucky. well as safety. b. She wished me to be lucky. Choose the best alternatives from 1-5 by reading above passage. c. She said that I might be lucky. 1. The friendship established during mountain climbing are d. She wanted me lucky. a. lasting and irreparable 15. I paid ……………. cash for the car. b. like the friendship in modern societies a. by b. with c. in d. at c. born out of solitude 16. “Concord” does not go together with d. inspired by the beauties of nature a. Accord b. Agreement 2. Real friendship is born when people share theirs c. Unity d. Conflict a. failures b. success 17. She managed to survive with very little food. c. dangers d. 1, 2, and c together a. got on b. got by c. got at d. got out 3. When you have walked the feather edge of danger with 18. An expert in ear disease someone a. Optimistic b. craniologist a. You will meet him at the party afterwards c. osteologist d. Otologist b. You will have really appreciated the beauty later 19. Hardly had he completed the task..........he submitted it to the c. You will get tired easily teacher. d. You will have an irreplaceable foundation for a friendship a. when b. as c. that d. than 4. The word ‘impregnable’ implies 20. ...............Panda is a rare animal found in the world. a. That which cannot be overcome or taken by force a. A b. An c. The d. None b. That which exhibits a lot of strength Chemistry c. That which lasts forever 21. Na+ is isoelectronic with: d. That which is very impressive a. Ca2+ b. Mg2+ 5. ‘Walked the feather edge of a danger with someone’ means c. Zn 2+ d. Cu2+ a. Walked on feathers with someone 22. What volume of CO2 measured at STP will be liberated on b. Walked with someone on the edge of the mountain heating one gram of CaCO3 very strongly? c. Walked together with feather like steps a. 112ml b.224ml d. Walked where the dividing line between danger and safety is very c .2.24litres d. 1.12litres thin 23. The order of rate of diffusion is 6. He goes to school .........bus. a. CO2>SO3>SO2>PCl3 a. by b. on c. with d. in b. SO2>CO2>SO3>PCl3 7. Either of the two boys …………………. willing to work. c. PCl3>CO2>SO2>SO3 a. are b. is c. were d. have been d. CO2>SO2>SO3>PCl3 8. She looks as if she …………………… a ghost. 24. Blood is isotonic with a. were b. was c. will be d. is a. Saturated solution of mixture of NaCl and KCl 9. Neither of them told the truth, b. Saturated NaCl solution a. didn’t they b. do they c. Saturated KCl solution c. don’t they’ d. did they d. Normal saline solution 10. Which of the following is not the correct English expression? 25. At a certain pressure volume of a gas at 27degree celcius is a. Either Dipshika or her parents have played a trick on us. 200ml.If the pressure and the temperature are doubled its b. Nepal, together with other SARRC countries, are attending the volume will conference on pollution. be c. None of the applicants has yet arrived. a.200ml b.100ml c.400ml d.800ml d. Each of them is irritated by his work. 26. The subshell 3d has value of magnetic quantum number: a. -2, -1,+1,+2 b. -1,0,2 c. -2,-1,0,+1,+2 d. -3,-2,-1,+2,+3 c. Cruciferae d. Leguminosae 27. Shape of orbital is given by ……. quantum number 52. Agar-agar is produced from: a. Principal b. Azimuthal c. Magnetic d. Spin a. Red algae b. Brown algae 28. Which has maximum bond angle? c. Blue green algae d. Green algae a. H2O b. CO2 c .NH3 d. CH4 53. Grafting is not possible in monocot because they: 29. XeF2 molecule is a. Lack endodermis and pith b. Have scattered vascular bundle a. Linear b. Traingular planar c. Are herbaceous d. Lack cambium c. Pyramidal d. Square planar 54. A girl with Turner's syndrome has 30. In which of the following compounds transition metal is in a. 46XY b. 46XX c. 45XO d. 47XXY oxidation state zero? 55. Cytochrome helps in a. [CO(NH3)6]Cl2 b. 𝐹𝑒(𝐻2 𝑂)𝑆𝑂4 a. Electron Transport b. Glucose converting into CO2 c .[𝐹𝑒(𝐶𝑂)5 ] d. 𝐹𝑒(𝐻2 𝑂)3 ](𝑂𝐻)2 c. Glycolysis d. Krebs Cycle 31. Oxidation number of chlorine in hypochlorous acid is 56. Which of the following is rod shaped bacteria? a. +1 b. +2 c. -1 d.-2 a. Coccus b. Bacillus c. Spirillum d. Vibrio 32. Conjugate base of hydrazoic acid is: 57. Rafflesia is a. NH3 b. N – 2 - C. N 3 d. N-3 a. Total stem parasite b. partial stem parasite 33. For the reaction: c. total root parasite d. partial root parasite 58. In cell cycle, synthesis of RNA stops at: 𝑁2 + 3𝐻2 ⇋ 2𝑁𝐻3 + ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑡 a. M-Phase b.G2 phase c. G1 phase d. S phase a. KP =KC b. KP=KC(RT) 59. Annual rings are distinct in plant growing in; c. KP=KC(RT)-2 d. KP=KC(RT) a. Tropical b. Arctic region 34. Precipitation occurs when ionic product is c. Grassland d. Temperate region a. Less than solubility product b. Greater than solubility product c. Equal of solubility product d. Any of them 60. Plant parts used for culture is: 35. The solubility product of A3B2 is x. Then the solubility a. Scion b. Stock c. Explant d. Callus product will be Zoology a. 27*103 b. 108*105 c. 218*105 d. 525*105 61. Study of muscles is ….. 36.The normality of 10%NaOH solution is a. saurology b. sarcology a.0.25N b. 0.15N c. 2.5N d. 25N c. serology d. spermology 37. Which of the following decrease with increase in 62. The first body segment of earthworm is temperature? a. peristome b. peristomium a. Molarity b. Molality c. Mole fraction d. None c. prostomium d. protostome 38. 20 ml of 1N HCl reacted with 30ml of 0.5 NaOH. The 63. kala azar is transmitted by normality of resulting solution is : a. sand fly b. housefly a. 0.1N HCl b. 0.1N NaOH c. 0.5N HCl d. 0.5N NaOH c. tse tse fly d. bed bug 39. The unit of rate constant of the first order reaction is 64. excretory organ of mollusca is a. sec-1 b. mol-1lit-1sec-1 c. Mole-1 lit sec-1 d. mole sec-1 a. malphigian tubules b. organ of bojanus 40. Half life of a reaction is found to be inversely proportional to c. johnstons organ d. flame cells the cube of initial concentration .The order of reaction is 65. tail vertebra of birds are fused to form a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5 a. pygostyle b. coccyx Botany c. urostyle d. synsacrum 41. The term biology was coined by 66. urinary bladder is lined by a. Aristotle b. Lamarck and Treviranus a. ciliated epithellium b. cuboidal epithellium c. Theophrastus d. Hippocrates c. transitional epiyhellium d. pseudostratified 42. Ribosomes are synthesized in: 67. The thin layer of connective layer seperating the lobules of a. Nucleolus b. Nucleus c. Cell Membrane d. Cytoplasm liver is 43. Double fertilization occurs in a. kupffer cells b. sinusoids a. Algae b. Bryophyte c. Angiosperm d. Gymnosperm c. glissons capsule d. ampulla of vater 44. Transfer of genetic material with the help of a virus is called 68. mitochondria in muscles are known as a. transferase b. transformation c. transduction d. transcription a. mesosomes b. plasmodesmata 45. Synergids are c. sacromere d. quantasomes a. hexaploids b. haploid c. diploid d. triploid 69. which metal is located at the centre of chlorophyll 46. Funaria belongs the class a. fe b. Al a. hepaticopsida b. bryopsida c. funariales d. anthoceropsida 70. milk contain …… 47. Phylloclade is present in a. caesin b. fibroin c. keratin d. collagen a. Opuntia b. Asparagus c. Orchids d. Hydrilla 71. histone protein are synthesized during …. phase 48. The plant having characteristics of thin cuticle and a. metaphase b. s phase c. anaphase d. telophase aerenchyma is found in 72. tidal volume is…ml a. Xerophytic b. Hydrophytes c. Halophytes d. Mesophytes a. 500 b. 1200 c. 4800 d.6000 49. Vascular cryptogams is 73. cardiac impulse originate from a. Pteridophyta b. Bryophyta c. Algae d. Fungi a. av node b. SA node 50. One of the following is membrane less organelles: c. right ventricle d. purkinje fibre a. centriole b. vacuole c. chloroplast d. ER 74. largest cranial nerve is 51. Basal placentation is found in: a. trochlear b. trigeminal c. vagus d. accessory a. Graminae b. Solanaceae 75. retina of owl contains only a. rods b. cones c. both d. none 96. If mth term of A.P. is n and nth term of A.P. is m then, the 76. widal test is used for (m+n)th term is: a. typhoid b. HIV c. Chicken pox d. polio a. 0 b. m n c. m2n d. 1 77. The largest cranial capacity was found in 97. If A2 = A then, A is: a. pecking man man a. Unimodular b. idempotent c. Unimodular d. involuntary c. neanderthal man d. cro magnonhas 98. If two vectors (3,-4,7) and (2,5,m) are perpendicular then the value of m is: 78. snake has ……..adaptation. a. 4 b. 3 c. -3 d. -4 a. scansorial b. cursorial 99. The probability of getting or drawing a spade or an ace from c. fossorial d. hole dwelling packets of 52 cards is 79. The theory of inheritance of acquired character was given by 5 3 4 2 a. mendel b. Darwin c. lamarck d. de vries a. b. c. d. 13 13 13 13 80. olecranon fossa is present in 100. f(x)= x³-6x²+9x+8 is decreasing in a. ulna b. radius c. femur d. humerus a. (-∞, 1) b. (1, 3) c. (3, ∞) d. (-∞ ,1) U (3, ∞) Physics Agriculture 81. Planck’s constant has the dimension of: 101. Macronutrient is a. Energy b. Mass a. K b. N c. P d. All c. Frequency d. Angular momentum 102. Maize belongs to …….. family. 82. A man goes 10 km/hr east and 20 km/hr north. Find the a. Curcifere b. Poaceae c. Polygonaceae d. Cucerbitace relative velocity. 103. Black tip of mango is due to a. 22.46 km/hr b. 22.36km/hr c. 24.36km/hr d.22.56km/hr a. Nutrient disorder b. Fungus c. Bacteria d. Pollulated gases 83. If a lift of mass 500kg moves upward with acceleration 2m/s2, 104. Science and practice of fruit culture is……. then the tension is: a. Horticulture b. Floriculture c. Pomology d. All a. 5900 b. 5800 c. 6100 d. None 105. Poor man cow is……. 84. If the displacement of a body is proportional to square of a. Buffalo b. Goat c. Sheep d. Cat time. Then body has: 106. hormone used as herbicides is a. constant velocity b. constant acceleration a. Auxin b. ABA c. Cytokinin d. 2,4-D c. increasing acceleration d. decreasing acceleration 107. NARC Stands for 85. The maximum range of a gun on horizontal train is 16km. If g a. Nepal agriculture research council is 10km/s2, the muzzle velocity of the shell will be b. Nepal agriculture research center a. 400m/s2 b. 200m/s2 c. 800m/s2 d. 256m/s2 c. Both d. None 86. If two bodies A and B, being A lighter, having same linear 108. Trioecious plant is momentum are moving, then K.E of A is a. Grapes b. Citrus c. Papaya d. Mango a. more than B b. Less than B 109.capra hircus is the scientific name of….. c. Same as B d. None a. Sheep b. Horse c. Pig d. Goat 87. The kinetic energy of a body is decreased by 36%. Then 110. loktantra is the variety is linear momentum decreases by a. Maize b. Rice c. Wheat d. Barley a. 18% b. 20% c. 36% d. 40% 111. Gestation period of dog is 88. In Perfectly elastic collision, KE after collision a. 20 days b. 63 days c. 73 days d. 80 days a. greater than that of initial 112. A female donkey is b. smaller than that of initial a. Jenny b. Ewe c. Sire d. Hams c. is same as that of initial 113. Act of giving birth of sheep is d. is zero a. Kidding b. Lambing c. Farrowing d. Calving 89. The radius of circular Path is 1m. A particle makes 10 114. Water contain of milk is revolutions in 6 sec. The linear velocity of particle is a. 88% b.98% c. 78% d. 68% a. 0.5 b. 10 c. 2 d. 4 115. Panda is only found in … 90. The cause of day and night is due to a. Australia b. Nepal c. China d. Japan a. Rotation of earth around its axis 116. Who is the recently elected President of India? b. Revolution of earth around the sun a. Ram Nath Kovind b. Draupadi Murmu c. Effect of gravity of moon on earth c. Prathibha Patil d. Pranab Mukherjee d. Effect of gravity of sun on earth 117. Which is the biggest valley of Nepal? Mathematics a. Pokhara Valley b. Kathmandu Valley 91. The line y = mx+c touches the parabola y^2 = 4ax if: c. Arun Valley d. Dang Valley 𝑎 𝑎 𝑎 118. AFU Day is celebrated on a. c = am b. c< c. c = d. c2 = 𝑚 𝑚 𝑚 a. 3 Ashad b. 4 Shrawan 92. Which of the following is point circle ? c. 4 Ashad d. 3 Shrawan a. 𝑔2 + 𝑓 2 − 𝑐 = 0 b. 𝑔2 + 𝑓 2 − 𝑐<0 119. The Population of Nepal according to 2021 census is c 𝑔2 + 𝑓 2 + 𝑐 = 0 d. 𝑔2 + 𝑓 2 + 𝑐 >0 a. 2,64,94,504 b. 3,23,34,304 93. The value of e-logx is equal to c. 3,91,92,480 d. 2,91,92,480 a. x b. 1/x c. ex d. xex 120. The full form of NARC is 94. The eccentricity of a conic represented by the equation a. Nepal Agricultural Research Council x2+y2-225 = 0 is: b. National Agricultural Research Council a. 1 b. 2 c. √2 d. 0 c. Nepal Agricultural Rice Council 95. The system of equations -6x+4y=10 and 3x-2y= -5 is: d. Nepal Agronomy Research Committee a. consistent and dependent b. consistent and independent c. inconsistent and independent d. inconsistent and dependent Hints and solutions P1=P. P2=2P. V1=200. V2=? 1. a lasting and irreparable T1=300K. T2=2T1=600K 2. d 1, 2, and c together P1V1/T1=P2V2/T2 3. d You will have an irreplaceable foundation for a friendship P*200/300=2P*V2/600 4. c That which lasts forever V2=200ml 5. d Walked where the dividing line between danger and safety is 26.c -2,-1,0,+1,+2 For 3d principal quantum no=3 very Value of azimuthal (l)=0 to (n-1)=0,1,2 6. a. by Magnetic quantum no= -l to +l Note: by + noun i.e., by bus, by car, by train, by taxi but on a bus, on 27.b.Azimuthal quantam number a train and in a car, in a taxi, in a boat 29.a.Linear 7. b. is Hybridization in XeF2 is SP3d. Note: Nobody, somebody, something, everything, neither, either, There are 3 lone pair and 2 bond pair.So it's structure is linear. each, every, no one, someone, everyone, nothing, etc. if come as 30. c. [Fe(CO)5] subject then it always takes singular verb. The oxidation number of metal in metal carbonyl is always 8. a. were zero. Note: At present tense: Sub + Verb (Present Tense) + as if/as though 31.a +1 …………….. Sub + V2 (Simple Past Tense) Exception: We can’t Hypochlorous=HClO use ‘was’ in case of as if/as though even it is in past form. x+1-2=0 9. d. they x=+1 32. c. 𝑵𝟑− If the words of negative or negative words such as never, seldom, Hydrazoic acid = N3H hardly, rarely, scarcely, barely, sometimes, nobody, no one, neither Conjugate base=N3^- of… etc are in the statements, question tag must be positive. 33. c. 𝑲𝒑 = 𝑲𝒄(𝑹𝑻)−𝟐 10. b. Nepal, together with other SARRC countries, are attending 𝐾𝑝 = 𝐾𝑐(𝑅𝑇)∆𝑛 the conference on pollution. ∆n=no of moles of product -no of moles of reactant 11. d. clean 34. b. Greater than solubility product Note: For an animate object Ionic product=solubility product, saturated solution,no ppt Sub + have/make/let (in any tense) + an animate object (only human I.P>S.P, supersaturated solution being) + Simple form of verb (V1) I.P<S.P, unsaturated solution 12. b. I love having my back scratched. 35. b. 108×10^5 13. c. so did I 36. c. 2.5N Note: For affirmative agreement N=%×10/E Affirmative sentence + and + (so + auxiliary verb + subject / subject = 10×10/40 + auxiliary verb + too) =100/40 14. a. She wished me that I might be lucky. =2.5N 37. a. Molarity 15. c. in Molality and mole fraction is independent of temperature. Note: pay in cash but pay by cheque. 38. a. 0.1N HCl 16. d. Conflict Nmix=NaVa-NbVb/Va+Vb Note: Concord: A state of agreement, harmony, union. =20×1-30×0.5/20+30 17. b. got by =5/50 Note: Get by: to manage/ maintain to survive =0.1N Get on with: maintain good relations Here NaVa>NbVb. So solution is acidic Get along with: to be friendly i.e. 0.1N HCl 18. d. Otologist 39.a 𝒔𝒆𝒄−𝟏 Osteologist- Bone disease specialist Second order reaction=Molsec^-1 19. a. when Zero order =Mol lit^-1sec-1 Note: Pair conjunction 40. c. 4 1 Hardly/Scarcely .........when Half life of reaction (𝑡 2 ) is directly proportional to 𝑎1−𝑛 𝑖.e. 1 No sooner........than 𝑎𝑛−1 Not only ......but also 1 Here 𝑡1 = 20. c. The 2 𝑎3 Note: Indicating as definite animal ‘the Panda’ Now n-1=3 21.b. 𝑴𝒈𝟐+ n=4 Isoelectronic species have the same no of electrons. No of electrons in 𝑁𝑎+ =11-1=10 41. b. Lamarck and Treviranus No of electrons in 𝑀𝑔++ =12-2=10 Aristotle- Father of Biology and Zoology 22. b. 224ml Theophrastus – Father of Botany CaCO3 gives CaO+CO2 Hippocrates- Father of Medicine. 1mol gives 22.4litre 42. a. Nucleolus 100gm gives 22400ml Protein is synthesized in Ribosome. Membrane is synthesized in ER. 1 gm gives 22400/100=224ml 43. c. Angiosperm 23. d. CO2>SO2>SO3>PCl3 Double fertilization and Triple Fusion occur in Angiosperm. From grahm's law of diffusion Endosperm is Haploid in Gymnosperms and Triploid in R is inversely proportional to square root of molecular mass. Gymnosperms. 24. d. Normal saline solution 44.c. transduction 25. a.200ml typical sexual reproduction is absent in bacteria. Instead, gene Rod shaped = Bacillus recombination occurs by 3 methods: spherical/oval = 1 coccus a. conjugation: transfer of genetic material from one bacterium to spiral = spirillum another through cell contact C (comma shaped) = vibrio b. transformation: absorption of DNA segment from the 57. c. total root parasite surrounding medium by living bacterium Cuscutta: Total stem parasite Loranthus, viscum: partial stem parasite c. transduction: gene transfer with the help of viruses striga, thesium, santalum partial root parasite 45.b. haploid 58. a. M-Phase sperms/ova : haploid G1 phase is the longest and M-phase is shortest phase of cell division, Spores/pollen grain : haploid G2 is the shortest phase of interphase. Rate of transcription is high Elaters : diploid during G1. Prothallus : haploid 59. d. Temperate region Endosperm of angiosperm: triploid 60. c Explant Endosperm of gymnosperm: haploid Scion is the upper part and stock is used as the lower part in grafting. 46. b. bryopsida Callus is an undifferentiated mass of cells. The Funaria is advance member of bryophyte, which belong to class 61. b sarcology Bryopsida or Musci. Marchantia belongs to class Hepaticopsida. saurology=study of lizard 47. a. Opuntia sarcology=study of muscles Phylloclade is a photosynthetic stem. Eg: Euphorbia(Cylindrical), serology=study of blood serum Opuntia(Flat) spermology= study of seeds\ Phyllode is a photosynthetic Petiole. It is found in family Fabaceae 62. b peristomium (Pea family). prostomium=fleshy lobe overhanging the mouth 48. b. Hydrophytes peristomium=first segment Hydrophytes absorb water through General Body Surface. 63. a sandfly Aerenchyma is common in hydrophytes and presence of thin cuticle sand fly=kala azar to resist dessication. tse tse fly=african sleeping sickness 49. a. Pteridophyta housefly=anthrax,diarrhoea,TB,typhoid Pteridophytes are first vascular land plants. Pteridophytes are called bed bug=typhus fever snake of plant kingdom or Botanical snakes. Bryophytes are the mosquito=malaria,encephalitis,dengue Amphibian of plant kingdom. Gymnosperm are naked seeded 64. b organ of bojanus vascular plants. Fruits are not formed in Gymosperms due to lack of mollusca=organ of bojanus ovary. cockroach= malphigian tubules 50. a. centriole platyhelminthes= flame cells ●Single membranous organelles: ER, Golgi bodies, Lysosomes, johnstons organis located in second segment of antennae of mosquito Peroxisome, Sphaerosome, Glyoxisome , Lomasome and helps to locate females by flight one →Single membranous structure: Vacuole 65. a pygostyle ●Double membranous: Plastid, mitochondria coccyx= triangular bony structure located at bottom of the vertebral →Double membranous structure: Nucleus, Thylakoids column ●Triple membranous: Transosomes syrinx =sound box in birds ● Membraneless organelles: Ribosome proventriculus=glandular stomach of birds →Membraneless structure: Centrioles, Flagella, cilia, Microtubules , gizzard=mechanical stomach of birds Microfilaments ,centrosomes 66. c. transitional epithellium 51. a. Graminae transitional=urinary bladder, urinary tract ●Marginal Placentation: Leguminosae @MaLe pseudostratified=epithelia of trachea,bronchi,eustachian tube ●Basal Placenatation: Asteraceae, Graminae @BAG cuboidal=small ducts and tubules ●Parietal Placentation: Papaya, Cucurbits , Cruciferae @(PC.2 ciliated=respiratory passages, fallopian tube ●Axile Placnetation: Solanaceae, Malvaceae, Liliceae @SoMaliA 67. b Glissons capsule 52. a. Red algae kupffer cell=phagocytic cell of liver Agar-Agar (a nutition media) is obtained from Red Algae. Eg: sinusoids=space between hepatic cords Gracilaria, Gellidium. ampulla of vater=site at which common bile duct opens into Cell wall of Red algae is made up of Cellulose, Pectin and CaCO3. duodenum 53. d. Lack cambium sphinchter of oddi=valve of common bile duct Grafting is the successful connection between cambium of stock and 68. c.sacrosomes scion. mesosomes=mitochondria of prokaryotes 54. c. 45XO sacrosomes=mitochondria of muscle Down's Syndrome: Trisomy (21) plasmodesmata=cytoplasmic bridge between two adjacent cells Edward Syndrome: Trisomy (18) quantasomes=photosynthetic units present on surface of grana Patau Syndrome: Trisomy (13) 69. c mg Klinefeltor's Syndrome: 47XXY/48XXY (extra chromosomes in Fe=hemoglobin males) Ca=muscle 55. a. Electron Transport Mg =chlorophyll Cytochrome helps in Electron transport system. Cytochrome is 70. a caesin common pigment of both photosynthesis and respiration. caesin=milk protein 56. b. Bacillus fibroin=present in silk keratin=feathers,hair,nail S ∝ t2 collagen=most abundant protein of human body S = Kt2 71. b s phase 𝑑𝑠 v= = 2kt 𝑑𝑡 s phase is the specific part of interphase during which DNA synthesis 𝑑𝑣 occurs. a= = 2k ( constant) 𝑑𝑡 72. a 500 85. a. 400m/s2 tidal=500 𝑢2 𝑠𝑖𝑛2 2𝜃 Maximum range R = 𝑔 residual=1200 𝑢2 𝑠𝑖𝑛90 𝑢2 IRV=3100 Rmax = = 𝑔 𝑔 ERV-=1200 or, u = √R max g Total lungs capacity=6000 we have, Rmax = 16km = 16000m dead space=150 73. b. SA node ∴ u = √16000 × 10 = 400m/s SA node=cardiac impulse generator,pacemaker 86. a. more than B triggerred by calcium ions P = √2m K. E 𝑃2 located at the posterior wall of right atrium below the opening of i.e K.E = 2𝑚 superior venacava 1 ∴ K.E ∝ ( at p = constant) 74. b. trigeminal 𝑚 trochlear=smallest M B > MA trigeminal =largest 87. b. 20% vagus=longest P = √2mK. E 75. a. rods ∆𝑝 100−𝑎 𝑛 × 100% = [( ) − 1] × 100% retina of owl contains only rods 𝑝 100 100−36 1/2 retina of fowl contains only cones = [( ) − 1] × 100% 100 76. a typhoid 8 widal test=typhoid =( – 1 ) × 100% 10 mantoux=TB = − 20% ELISA=AIDS 88. c. is same as that of initial 77. d. Cro magnon 89. b. 10 modern man=1400-1600 v=wr cro magnon=1650 or, v = 2𝜋𝐹 𝑟 pecking =1075 10 or, v = 2𝜋 × ×1 6 neanderthal=1300 ∴ v = 10.47 m/s java=900 90. a. Rotation of earth around its axis 78. c fossorial 91. c =a/m scansorial=climbing on rocks, trees,walls The line meets the parabola at coincident points. cursorial=running on ground Condition of tangency of a line and parabola. 79. c lamarck c<a/m; line intersect parabola at two distinct herbert spencer=coined term evolution points Ernst haeckel=ontogeny repeats phylogeny c>a/m; line does not cut the parabola darwin=origin of species 92. a. 𝒈𝟐 + 𝒇𝟐 − 𝒄 = 𝟎 de vries=mutation theory 𝟏 80. a ulna 93. b. 𝒙 olecranon process=ulna 94. d.0 olecranon fossa=humerus Eccentricity of circle is zero. coronoid process=mandible 95. a. consistent and dependent coronoid fossa=humerus Taking coracoid process=pectoral girdle ratios; 81. d. Angular momentum Eλ Planck’s constant (h) = = ML2T-1 -2 = -2 =-2 c 82. b. 22.36km/hr i.e. (coincident lines) The relative velocity is: i.e. consistent and dependent VR = ⃗⃗⃗⃗ V2 − ⃗⃗⃗ V1 96. a. 0 Use of trick ∴ VR = √(𝑉2) 2 + (𝑉1 )2 If pth term of AP is q and qth term is p then, = √102 + 202 = 22.36 km/hr 83. a. 5900 And T-mg = ma 97. b. idempotent Or, T = mg + ma |A| = 1 : Unimodular Or, T = 500 (9.8+2) An = 0 : Nilpotent Or, T = 500 × 11.8 = 5900 A2 = I : Involuntary 84. b. constant acceleration 98. b. 3 If both vectors are perpendicular, . =0 3.2 – 4.5 + 7.m = 0 7m = 14 ∴m = 2
p(S)= p(A)= , p(S∩H)=
so, p(S U H)=
100. b. (1,3) Solution: f(x)= x³-6x²+9x+8 or, =
i) for x>3, f’x>0, so it is increasing
ii) For x<1, f’(x)>0, it is increasing. 101.d All 102.b Poaceae 103.Pollulated gases 104.c Pomology 105. b Goat Poor man apple=guava Poor man ghee=sesamum 106.d 2,4-D Root pormating hormone=IBA Flower and flower setting hormone=NAA 107.a Nepal agriculture research council 108. c Papaya 109.d Goat Pig=sus scrofa Horse=equus caballus Cow=bos taurus 110.b Rice Rice=sabitri,mansuli,himali Maize=arun-2,Makalu-2,rampue-2 Wheat=kanti, pasang 111.b 63 Days 112.a. Jenny 113.b Lambing Goat=Kidding Sheep= lambing 114.a 88% 115. c. China Spiny Babbler (Kade Vyakur) is only found in Nepal. Kangaroo is only found in Australia. 116. b. Draupadi Murmu Prime Minister of India is Narendra Modi. Prime Minister of Nepal is Sher Bahadur Deuba. President of Nepal is Bidhya Devi Bhandari. 117. d. Dang Valley Arun Valley is the deepest valley of the world and very famous destination for Birds. 118. a. 3 Ashad IAAS Day is celebrated on 4th Bhadra. 119. d. 2,91,92,480 The total land area of Nepal is 1,47,516 sq. km 120. a. Nepal Agricultural Research Council CIMMYT: International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center FAO: Food and Agricultural Organization CIP: International Potato Center