Introduction To Corrosion Science
Introduction To Corrosion Science
Introduction To Corrosion Science
3 Charged Interfaces 33
Introduction 33
Electrolytes 33
The Interior of an Electrolyte 33
Interfaces 35
vjjj Contents
Encountering an Interface 35
The Solution/Air Interface 36
The Metal/Solution Interface 37
Metal Ions in Two Different Chemical Environments 38
The Electrical Double
Layer 39
The Gouy-Chapman Model of the Electrical Double Layer 40
The Electrostatic Potential and Potential Difference 40
The Stern Model of the Electrical Double Layer 41
The Bockris-Devanathan-Muller Model of the Electrical Double Layer 42
Factors Affecting Electrode Potentials 69
Problems 70
References 72
Advantages and Possible Errors for the Linear Polarization Technique 162
9 Passivity 209
Introduction 209
Aluminum: An Example 209
What is Passivity? 210
Early History of Passivity 210
Thickness of Passive Oxide Films 210
Purpose of This
Chapter 211
Electrochemical Basis for Passivity 211
Theories of Passivity 215
Adsorption Theory 215
Oxide Film Theory 216
Film Sequence Theory 218
Surface Analysis Techniques for the Examination of Passive Films 218
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) 220
X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy 222
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy 223
Models for the Passive Oxide Film on Iron 224
Bilayer Model 224
Problems 257
References 260
xjj Contents
Pitting 277
CriticalPitting Potential 278
Problems 423
References ^25
14 AC Impedance
Relaxation Processes
Experimental Setup
Complex Numbers and AC Circuit Analysis
The Metal/Solution Interface
Impedance Analysis
Additional Methods of Plotting Impedance Data . . .
Kramers-Kronig Transforms
Application to Corrosion Inhibition
Organic Coatings
Oxide Films and Surface Treatments
Concluding Remarks
Ellingham Diagrams
Equilibrium Pressure of Oxygen
Theory of High-Temperature Oxidation
Oxidation Rate Laws
Linear Rate Law
Parabolic Rate Law
Pilling-Bedworth Ratio
Properties of Protective High-Temperature Oxides . .
References .
Bockris-Kelly Mechanism
Heusler Mechanism
Reconciliation of the Two Mechanisms
Additional Work on Electrode Kinetics
Distribution of Current and Potential
Etching 517
Batteries 517
Passivity 517
Anodizing 518
Titanium Jewelry and Art 518
Caution to Inexperienced Artisans: 518
References 518
Chapter 2 521
Chapter 3 521
Chapter 4 522
Chapter 5 522
Chapter 6 523
Chapter 7 524
Chapters 524
Chapter 9 524
Chapter 10 525
Chapter 11 526
Chapter 12 526
xvi Contents
Chapter 13 527
Chapter 14 528
Chapter 15 528
Chapter 16 528
Appendix F: Calculation of the Randic Index X(G) for the Passive Film
on Fe-Cr Alloys 543
References 545
Appendix G: Acid Dissociation Constants pKa of Bases and the Base Strength 547
Appendix N: Derivation of the Arc Chord Equation for Cole-Cole plots 563
References 565
Index 571