13176-Article Text-88236-1-10-20130620
13176-Article Text-88236-1-10-20130620
13176-Article Text-88236-1-10-20130620
ISSN printed: 1806-2563
ISSN on-line: 1807-8664
Doi: 10.4025/actascitechnol.v35i3.13176
ABSTRACT. Current study analyzes a breakfast cereal with partial replacement of corn grits by the flour
of grape seeds and peels from the residues of the wine industry. Residues (peels and seeds) of grape
varieties ‘Isabel’ and ‘Bordô’ were dried in an air circulation oven at 85°C for 6 hours to obtain the flour.
Three formulations of breakfast extruded cereals were prepared with 10, 15 and 20% of grape flour to
replace corn grits. The formulas were analyzed with regard to their phenolic compounds, fibers,
instrumental texture and sensory evaluation so that the samples’ general acceptance could be verified.
Breakfast cereals with higher phenolic content were those made with 20% of seed and peel flour; fibers
rates were similar and the most accepted were those containing 15 and 20% residue flour. The use of
residues from the wine industry is an alternative to reduce the risk of pollution by inadequate disposal. The
flour produced in this study is rich in fibers and bioactive compounds and represents an alternative source
of human food.
Keywords: extrusion, total phenols, crude fiber, texture.
nutritional attributions are specific to people’s diet. (Coavitti), Marialva, Paraná State, Brazil. Residues
Fresh or processed grapes are one of the most were then pressed by a small mechanical press to
consumed fruits in the world. At present, grapes are remove the excess of wine. The samples were
being focused as an important source of biologically packed in coolers with ice and taken to the
active compounds highly beneficial to human health Laboratory of Food Biochemistry at the State
(ORAK, 2007). University of Maringá, Maringá, Paraná State,
Due to its great agricultural activity, Brazil is one Brazil, and preserved at -18°C for subsequent
of the agents that most produce agribusiness wastes. drying, chemical processing and evaluation.
Production data indicate that for each 100 liters of The material was dried in a forced-air circulation
white wine produced, 31.7 kg of waste are oven (Quimis) at 85°C, for 6 hours, and then ground
generated, of which 20 kg are constituted by bagasse. in a mill (MA 048) to obtain uniform grain flour.
Producers and wine industries face the problem of Cereal processing was performed in the
disposing their residual biomass which, albeit Laboratory of Cereal Technology, State University of
biodegradable, requires minimal time to be Maringá, Maringá, Paraná State, Brazil, with three
mineralized and in due time becomes a source of formulations: 10, 15 and 20% of grape peel and seed
several environmental pollutants (CAMPOS, 2005 flour (CS) replacing an equal amount of corn grits.
apud CATANEO et al., 2008). Breakfast cereals were produced by an extruder
The above-mentioned agribusiness wastes contain (Imbramaq BI-50) which mixed corn grits, seed and
a variety of biologically active compounds that are lost, peel flour and 7% of water on a weight basis. After
many of which are polyphenols (TORRES et al., cereal extrusion, a 700 g sample was coated with 50%
2002). The major grape phenols are flavonoids sucrose, 33% water, 10% cocoa, 5% invert sugar and
(anthocyanins), styrylbenzenes (reveratrol), phenolic 2% caramel colorant up to 1,000 g. The sample was
acids (derived from hydroxybenzoic and then packed in a polypropylene bag for subsequent
hydroxycinnamic acids) and a wide variety of sensory analysis and instrumental texture. Another
tannins (FRANCIS, 2000). 700 g were left uncoated but were also packed in
The benefits to health related to moderate wine polypropylene bags for chemical analysis.
consumption include different mechanisms in
which ethanol and various types of phenolic Chemical and physical characterization
compounds present in wine (BRAND-MILLER The following characteristics of the cereal were
et al., 2007) are involved. However, the supply of analyzed: crude fiber, according to AOAC (1997)
these compounds from alcoholic beverages should method; phenolic compounds, according to the
be monitored with caution. method by Singleton and Rossi Jr. (1965), using
An accelerated search has been carried out in Folin-Ciocalteau reagent; absorbance reading in a
recent years for foods with high nutritional quality spectrophotometer (Genova) at 765 nm. Results
and phenolic compounds supply. Further, the search were quantified by the construction of standard
for alternative usage of organic matter generated by curve with gallic acid (mg gallic acid 100 g-1).
the wine industry is on the increase in several Cereal instrumental texture was analyzed one
research centers. However, scanty research has been day after extrusion. Fifteen replicate samples for
carried out on the addition of grape phenolic each recipe were used. Texture meter (Stable Micro
compounds in food, such as breakfast cereals. Systems Texture Analyzer TAXT2, Texture
Current study focused on the preparation of a Technologies Corp., England) was employed with a
breakfast cereal with partial replacement of corn Warner Bratzler probe 12 x 7 cm (HDP/BS).
grits by the flour of grape residues (peels and seeds)
Sensory analysis
derived from the wine industry. It also evaluated the
product with regard to its sensory acceptance and Sensory test was performed to assess the sample’s
physical and chemical features. overall acceptance by 40 untrained testers. A hedonic
scale was used to check the testers’ like or dislike of
Material and methods the cereal prepared with 10, 15 and 20% residue
flour. The scale ranged from 1 (I dislike it very
Cereal processing much) to 9 (I like it very much) scores. The
After fermentation for wine production, the acceptability index (AI) was performed according to
residues (peel and seed) of the ‘Isabel’ and ‘Bordô’ the overall acceptance attribute (STONE; SIDEL,
grape varieties were collected in the Agribusiness 1985). The product’s acceptability index (AI) was
Cooperative of Wine Producers of Marialva calculated by the following expression:
Acta Scientiarum. Technology Maringá, v. 35, n. 3, p. 427-431, July-Sept., 2013
Partial replacement of corn grits 429
fibers, with a strong positive interaction (r = 0.93) inadequate disposal; in fact, they represent an
with regard to the ingredient. alternative food source rich in fiber and bioactive
compounds for the preservation of human health.
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AOAC-Association of Official Analytical Chemists.
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Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution,
polyphenolic fractions differing in procyanidin composition and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.