Pana Act
Pana Act
Pana Act
S. ll
To establish a Venezuela Restoration Fund, and for other
1 ezuela Restoration Fund’’, which shall consist of amounts
2 deposited in the Fund under subsection (c).
3 (b) USES.—Amounts in the Fund—
4 (1) shall be available to the Secretary of State
5 only for the purposes described in paragraph (2),
6 without fiscal year limitation or need for subsequent
7 appropriation;
8 (2) shall be used only for the purposes of—
9 (A) strengthening democratic governance
10 and institutions, including the democratically
11 elected National Assembly of Venezuela;
12 (B) defending internationally recognized
13 human rights for the people of Venezuela, in-
14 cluding support for efforts to document crimes
15 against humanity and violations of human
16 rights;
17 (C) supporting the efforts of independent
18 media outlets to broadcast, distribute, and
19 share information beyond the limited channels
20 made available by the Maduro regime; and
21 (D) combatting corruption and improving
22 the transparency and accountability of institu-
23 tions that are part of the Maduro regime;
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1 (3) may support governmental and nongovern-
2 mental parties in advancing the purposes described
3 in paragraph (2); and
4 (4) shall be allocated in a manner complemen-
5 tary to existing United States foreign assistance, di-
6 plomacy, and anti-corruption activities.
7 (c) FUNDING.—Beginning on or after the date of the
8 enactment of this Act, notwithstanding any other provi-
9 sion of law, in the case of any funds or assets forfeited
10 to the United States by an individual or entity connected
11 to the regimes of Hugo Chávez and Nicolás Maduro in
12 Venezuela, the funds or assets will be deposited in the
13 Venezuela Restoration Fund established under subsection
14 (a).
15 (d) REPORTING.—Not later than 1 year after the
16 date of the enactment of this Act and not less frequently
17 than annually thereafter, the Secretary of State shall sub-
18 mit a report to the appropriate congressional committees
19 that includes—
20 (1) an accounting of the amount and sources of
21 funds that have been deposited into the Venezuela
22 Restoration Fund; and
23 (2) a summary of the obligation, amounts, and
24 expenditure of such funds.