Kuet Eee Case Study
Kuet Eee Case Study
Kuet Eee Case Study
Here is where your presentation begins
Dhaka, the densely populated capital of Bangladesh, faces pressing waste management challenges, exacerbated by
limited landfill space and growing urbanization rates. GreenTech Energy Solutions is committed to addressing these
issues by harnessing the untapped potential of municipal waste. Our case analysis delves into the current state of
waste management in Dhaka and outlines our innovative solution to convert this waste into sustainable energy,
fostering a cleaner and more energy-efficient city.
Current State: Dhaka grapples with inefficient waste collection and disposal infrastructure, resulting in widespread
waste mismanagement, illegal dumping, and overburdened landfills. This unsustainable approach has significant
environmental, public health, and urban planning implications.
Waste Composition: Analyzing Dhaka's waste composition reveals a promising mix of recyclables, organic waste, and
non-recyclables. This diverse waste stream serves as a valuable resource for our Waste-to-Energy (WtE) solution.
Proposed Solution: GreenTech Energy Solutions is poised to implement a cutting-edge WtE project that transforms
mixed municipal waste into electricity and heat, effectively reducing waste volume and mitigating landfill emissions.
Our approach emphasizes advanced technologies, stringent emissions control, and active community engagement to
ensure public acceptance and environmental sustainability.
Our case analysis explores the feasibility and benefits of this solution, highlighting key aspects such as technology
selection, public awareness, environmental impact, and stakeholder collaboration. By turning Dhaka's waste into a
valuable resource, we aim to usher in a new era of sustainable energy generation and cleaner urban living.
5000 tons of waste is being We'll harness freely Providing convenient and sustainable waste collection
generated in Dhaka city every accessible municipal services to residential areas, institutions, and
day among which only about waste and transform it offices.We are going to launch a Waste Solutions
more than half portion is into clean, sustainable Subscription Program where customers can subscribe
properly collected and energy at our to customized waste collection schedules, enjoy
dumped. So, a huge amount state-of-the-art plant. hassle-free waste disposal, and participate in recycling
of waste is being mistreated initiatives.
every day.We are going to
collect the waste which DCC
is unable to dump .
Building a perfect waste management infrastructure for Dhaka from the perspective of green energy solutions involves a
multi-faceted approach. Here's a step-by-step guide:
Comprehensive Waste Implement a robust waste sorting system that categorizes waste into recyclables, organic
Sorting matter, and non-recyclables. This process is essential for efficient energy recovery.
Waste Collection Establish a well-organized waste collection network covering all areas of Dhaka. Ensure
Network: regular and timely collection to prevent illegal dumping.
Waste Segregation at Educate and encourage residents to segregate waste at the source. Provide separate bins for
Source: recyclables, organics, and non-recyclables.
Advanced Invest in state-of-the-art Waste-to-Energy (WtE) facilities that employ the best available
Waste-to-Energy technology. These facilities should be designed to handle mixed municipal waste efficiently.
Community Engagement: Actively involve the community through awareness programs, educational initiatives, and
feedback channels. Ensure transparency in project development and decision-making.
Environmental Impact Conduct thorough environmental impact assessments to ensure that the waste management
Assessment: infrastructure complies with all environmental and safety standards
Resource Recovery: Develop a resource recovery program to reclaim valuable materials from waste, such as
metals and plastics, for recycling.
CHART: Organic and inorganic waste percentage in Dhaka city CHART: Recyclable and Non Recyclable waste in percentage in Dhaka city
Ref: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/309790226_Solid_Waste_Management_System_in_Dhaka_City_of_Bangladesh
Overview of major WtE technologies.
WtE Description Service Max fuel Input Products
technology life moisture
(year) (%)
Waste Mixed MSW incinerated in a boiler and equipped 30 40–50 Mixed MSW Electricity and
incineration with CHP plant. Incineration temperatures heat.
usually between 1000 and 1200°C.
Pyrolysis Thermochemical decomposition of organic fraction of 20 10 Sorted MSW Liquid oil, char,
MSW at low temperatures in the presence of limited
oxygen or in the absence of oxygen. Operating and gas.
temperatures usually between 200 and 300°C.
Process of reacting the organic fraction of MSW at high 40–50 Sorted MSW Electricity, CH4,
Gasification temperatures with controlled amount of oxygen and steam
hydrogen, and
to produce carbon monoxide, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide.
Operating temperature is >700°C. ethanol.
Anaerobic Biological process of breakdown of organic fraction of Approx. Sorted MSW Electricity, heat,
MSW by a consortium of anaerobic microorganisms
digestion working synergistically in an oxygen poor environment. 97 and LNG.
Most of the anaerobic digesters are designed to operate in
the temperature range of 30–35°C.
LFG gas recovery Landfill gas (LFG) is a saturated gas consisting of 50% CH4 70–80 Mixed or Electricity, heat,
and 50% CO2 by volume, along with some other trace
30 to 50
contaminants. CH4 is trapped to generate electricity sorted MSW and LNG.
THE BEST WTE TECH FOR OUR PROJECT: Reasons for Choosing Gasification:
Sorted MSW: Since Dhaka would ideally sort MSW for waste
management, the sorted waste is well-suited for gasification.
Organize open house events where community Create easily accessible feedback channels, such
members can visit the WtE facility, observe its as dedicated email addresses or community
operations, and ask questions to project suggestion boxes, where residents can share
representatives. their concerns, ideas, and suggestions regarding
the project.
03 Conservation
reduce the pressure on natural resources
02 Water Usage
● Some gasification processes require
significant amounts of water for cooling
Government Authorities:
Sustainable Municipal Solid Waste Management in Dhaka City Challenges and Issues