Crimlaw1 Cases

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CRIMLAW1 WEEK 6 CASES (3) lack of sufficient provocation on the part of the accused or

the person defending himself.

Manaban v. CA
Unlawful aggression is an actual physical assault or at least a
Doctrine: Paragraph 1, Article 11 of the Revised Penal Code, threat to attack or inflict physical injury upon a person. A mere
the three requisites to prove self-defense as a justifying threatening or intimidating attitude is not considered unlawful
circumstance which may exempt an accused from criminal aggression, unless the threat is offensive and menacing,
liability are: (1) unlawful aggression on the part of the victim; manifestly showing the wrongful intent to cause injury. There
(2) reasonable necessity of the means employed to prevent or must be an actual, sudden, unexpected attack or imminent
repel the aggression; and (3) lack of sufficient provocation on danger thereof, which puts the defendant’s life in real peril.
the part of the accused or the person defending himself.
In this case, there was no unlawful aggression on the part of
Facts: At around 1:25 o’clock in the morning, Joselito Bautista, the victim. First, Bautista was shot at the back as evidenced by
a member of the UP Police Force, took his daughter, Frinzi, to the point of entry of the bullet. Second, when Bautista was
the UP Health Center because of difficulty in breathing. The shot, his gun was still inside a locked holster and tucked in his
doctors prescribed certain medicines to be purchased for right waist. Third, when Bautista turned his back at Manaban,
Frinzi. Needing money therefore, Joselito Bautista, who had Manaban was already pointing his service firearm at Bautista.
taken alcoholic drinks earlier, proceeded to the BPI Kalayaan
Branch to withdraw money from its Automated Teller Machine Fallo: WHERFORE, the Court affirms with modification the
(ATM). Decision of the Court of Appeals. Petitioner Ramonito
Manaban is found guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime
Upon arrival at the bank, Bautista proceeded to the ATM booth of Homicide.
but because he could not effectively withdraw money, he
started kicking and pounding on the machine. For said reason,
the bank security guard, herein petitioner Ramonito Manaban,
approached and asked him what the problem was. Senoja v. People

Bautista complained that his ATM card was retrieved by the Doctrine: The right of self-defense proceeds from necessity
machine and that no money came out of it. After Manaban had and limited by it. The right begins where necessity does, and
checked the receipt, he informed Bautista that the Personal ends where it ends. There is, however, a perceptible difference
Identification Number (PIN) entered was wrong and advised between necessity and self-defense, which is that, self-defense
him to just return the next morning. This angered Bautista all excuses the repulse of a wrong; necessity justifies the invasion
the more and resumed pounding on the machine. Manaban of a right. Hence, it is essential to self-defense that it should be
then urged him to calm down and referred him to their a defense against a present unlawful attack.
customer service over the phone. Still not mollified, Bautista
Unlawful aggression presupposes an actual, sudden,
continued raging and striking the machine.
unexpected attack or imminent danger thereof, not merely a
When Manaban could no longer pacify him, he fired a warning threatening or intimidating attitude. Hence, when an
shot. That diverted the attention of Bautista. Instead of venting inceptual/unlawful aggression ceases to exist, the one making
his ire against the machine, he confronted Manaban. After a defense has no right to kill or injure the former aggressor.
some exchange of words, a shot rang out fatally hitting After the danger has passed, one is not justified in following up
Bautista. his adversary to take his life. The conflict for blood should be
avoided if possible. An assault on his person, he cannot punish
Manaban claimed that he acted in self-defense. Manaban said when the danger or peril is over. When the danger is over, the
that he feared that Bautista would pull his gun first and might right of self-defense ceases. His right is defense, not
kill him, since Bautista showed his gun tucked on his waist by retribution.
raising his shirt. Petitioner said that it seemed that Bautista
was about to draw his gun when he turned back and put his Facts: Before us is a petition for review on certiorari of the
hand on his waist. So, he fired his gun and shot Bautista. Decision of the Court of Appeals (CA) in People v. Exequiel
Senoja, docketed as CA-G.R. CR No. 26564, affirming with
The trial court found the petitioner guilty beyond reasonable modification the Decision of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of
doubt of the crime of Homicide. This decision was later Baler, Aurora, Branch 96, in Criminal Case No. 2259, for
affirmed by the Court of Appeals. homicide.

Issue/s: WON the act of petitioner Manaban is meritorious of On April 16, 1997, petitioner Exequiel Senoja, Fidel Senoja,
self-defense. Jose Calica, and Miguel Lumasac were drinking gin in the hut
of Crisanto Reguyal in Barangay Zarah, San Luis, Aurora.
Ruling: NO. When the accused invokes self-defense, he in
effect admits killing the victim and the burden is shifted to him An angry Leon Lumasac suddenly arrived at the said place,
to prove that he killed the victim to save his life. The accused holding a bolo in his right hand and looking for his brother
must establish by clear and convincing evidence that all the Miguel. Petitioner and Jose tried to pacify Leon.
requisites of self-defense are present. Under paragraph 1,
Article 11 of the Revised Penal Code, the three requisites to But when petitioner approached Leon, the latter tried to hack
prove self-defense as a justifying circumstance which may him so he embraced Leon and Jose took Leon’s bolo. Then,
exempt an accused from criminal liability are: (1) unlawful Leon and petitioner talked things out and later reconciled.
aggression on the part of the victim; (2) reasonable necessity
Subsequently, Leon walked out of Crisanto’s hut followed by
of the means employed to prevent or repel the aggression; and
Suddenly, about ten meters from the hut, petitioner stabbed 12. Unable to evade the treacherous attack by Leon Lumasac
Leon at the back. who persisted in his criminal design, Exequiel Senoja drew his
"colonial" knife and stabbed Leon Lumasac in self-defense,
When Leon turned around, petitioner continued stabbing him inflicting upon him multiple wounds which caused his death.
until he fell to the ground. Then, petitioner ran towards the
barangay road and threw away the "kolonial" knife he used in On June 7, 2002, the trial court rendered judgment against the
stabbing Leon. The latter died on the spot. petitioner, finding him guilty beyond reasonable doubt of
Homicide with a penalty of twelve (12) years of prision mayor
Dr. Pura Deveza Valenzuela-Uy, San Luis Municipal Health as minimum to seventeen (17) years and four (4) months of
Officer, examined the cadaver of Leon and found multiple reclusion temporal as maximum; (b) to pay the heirs of the
lesions on his body and five fatal wounds on his chest. Dr. Uy victim the amount of Fifteen (sic) Thousand Pesos (Php
issued a medico-legal report and death certificate. 50,000.00) by way of civil indemnity; and (c) to pay the costs.
On August 13, 1997, an Information was filed charging In due course, the petitioner appealed the decision to the CA
petitioner Exequiel Senoja with homicide. which rendered judgment affirming, with modification, the
decision of the RTC.
The petitioner admitted killing the victim but invoked the
affirmative defense of self-defense. His version of the fatal The petitioner now seeks relief from this Court, contending
incident is set forth in his petition at bar: that:
1. On April 16, 1997 at about 11 o’clock in the morning, The Honorable Court of Appeals failed to appreciate vital facts
Crisanto Reguyal, Fidel Senoja, Jose Calica, Miguel Lumasac, which, if considered, would probably alter the result of this
and Exequiel Senoja were in the hut of Crisanto Reguyal in case on appeal finding appellant’s plea of self-defense
Barangay Zarah, San Luis, Aurora, drinking gin; credible.
2. Leon Lumasac suddenly arrived holding a bolo and hacked Issue/s: WON Senoja merely acted in self-defense.
the doorpost of Crisanto’s hut, angrily demanding for his
brother, Miguel Lumasac, whom he suspected of drying up the Ruling: No. Senoja is guilty of HOMICIDE.
ricefield he was plowing;
The SC said that the victim had already left the hut. At that
3. At this time, Miguel Lumasac was no longer inside the hut point in time, the victim was simply walking toward his home;
but fetching water; he had stopped being an aggressor. It was Senoja who wanted
a confrontation this time. It was Senoja who was now the
4. To prevent Leon Lumasac from entering the hut, Exequiel unlawful aggressor in this second phase of their confrontation.
Senoja (appellant) and Jose Calica stood by the door while
simultaneously trying to pacify Leon Lumasac; The affirmative defense of self-defense may be complete or
incomplete. It is complete when all the three essential
5. Exequiel Senoja with a knife then went outside and tried to requisites are present; it is incomplete if only unlawful
pacify Leon Lumasac but the latter angered by the gestures of aggression on the part of the victim and any of the two
the former tried to hack Exequiel Senoja; essential requisites were present. Unlawful aggression on the
part of the victim is a condition sine qua non to self-defense,
6. To avoid any injury, Exequiel Senoja embraced Leon which
complete or incomplete. The right of self-defense proceeds
gave an opportunity to disarm the duo. Jose Calica got the
from necessity and limited by it. The right begins where
bolo of Leon and threw it away while Fidel Senoja took the
necessity does, and ends where it ends. There is however, a
"colonial" knife of Exequiel;
perceptible difference between necessity and self-defense.
7. Jose Calica and Fidel Senoja were able to pacify Leon Self-defense excuses the repulse of a wrong; necessity
Lumasac so they invited him to get inside the hut. Inside the justifies the invasion of a right. Hence, it is essential to self-
hut, Leon Lumasac tried to box Fidel Senoja for siding with his defense that it should be a defense against a present unlawful
brother, Miguel, but was prevented by Exequiel Senoja who attack.
held Leon’s hands;
Self-defense is an act to save life; hence, it is right and not a
8. After a while, Leon Lumasac left but returned and angrily crime. It is a settled rule that to constitute aggression, the
demanded for his bolo. Jose Calica gave his own bolo with a person attacked must be confronted by a real threat on his life
sabbard to replace the bolo of Leon which he threw away; and limb; and the peril sought to be avoided is imminent and
actual, not merely imaginary. Hence, when an inceptual /
9. With Jose Calica’s bolo in him, Leon Lumasac left but only unlawful aggression ceases to exist, the one making a defense
after leaving a threat that something will happen to Exequiel has no right to kill or injure the former aggressor. After the
Senoja for siding with his brother; danger has passed, one is not justified in following up his
adversary to take his life.
10. After walking for about 10 meters away from the hut, Leon
Lumasac turned around and saw Exequiel Senoja on his way Fallo: IN LIGHT OF ALL THE FOREGOING, the petition is
home following him; DENIED. The assailed Decision of the Court of Appeals is
11. Leon Lumasac walked back to meet Exequiel Senoja and
upon reaching him, the former suddenly and treacherously
hacked the latter at the left side of his head and right thigh;
People v. Decena
Facts: George Decena was convicted with murder for Fallo: Wherefore, the appealed judgment of the court a quo is
allegedly stabbing to death Jaime Ballesteros in San Fabian, hereby MODIFIED by finding accused-appellant George
Pangasinan on December 25, 1990 Decena y Rocaberte guilty of the crime of homicide, and
imposing upon him an indeterminate sentence of eight years of
He filed a petition for review claiming the lower court erred in prision mayor, as a minimum, to fourteen (14) years and eight
disregarding his claim of self-defense and in not appreciating months of reclusion temporal, as maximum. In all other
the mitigating circumstance of voluntary surrender. respects, the said judgment is hereby AFFIRMED.
Testimony of the Prosecution (by Lyzviminda Ballesteros, 14
y/o daughter of the victim)On Dec 25, 1990, 4pm, Luzviminda
was asked by her mother to fetch her father Jamie Ballesteros, People v. Dela Cruz
who was watching a basketball game. On her way to the
hardcourt, she met her father walking home in an intoxicated Doctrine: The Court explained that invocation of self-defense is
state. Suddenly, she saw Decena rushing towards her father only merited when the killing has been legally justified.
with a long bladed weapon, prompting Luzviminda to warn her
Self-defense to be justified requires that there be:
father to run for safety by shouting in the vernacular “Batik kila,
Tatay! Jamie was stabbed on the right chest just below the An unlawful aggression by the person injured or killed by
nipple. Decena then fled from the crime scene. Luzviminda the offender.
called her mother for help and they rushed Jamie to the
hospital, but he was Dead on Arrival. Reasonable necessity of the means employed to prevent
or repel that unlawful aggression.
Testimony of the defense
Lack of sufficient provocation on the part of the person
On Dec 25, 1990, 4pm, Decena was watching a basketball defending himself.
game. The victim, Jaime Ballesteros, went around the
basketball court, walking in a wobbly manner due to Facts: In November 27, 1996, accused-appellant Roberto Dela
drunkenness. Jaime stopped near the place where Decena Cruz was sentenced to death by the RTC of Cabanatuan City
was sitting and, for no apparent reason, held him by the neck for “Qualified Illegal Possession of Firearm and Ammunition
with one arm and, at the same time, poking a fork against it with Homicide” penalized under PD 1866, Sec. 1.·
with the other arm. A Barangay Tanod who was also watching
The incident that led to the RTC’s conviction of Dela Cruz is as
the basketball game, intervened. He took the fork from Jaime
and advised Decena to go home. Decena left and was followed
later by Jaime. In May 27, 1996, the victim named Daniel Macapagal—a
married man—have been a live-in partner of prosecution
Fernando Biala, Decena’s Uncle adds that he saw Jaime
witness Ma. Luz Perla San Antonio for about 2 to 3 years
attacking Decena with a balisong. He claims Decena was able
before San Antonio took accused-appellant Dela Cruz—a
to block the stabbing blow and a struggle ensued between
widower—as her lover and live-in partner.
them. Decena overpowered Jaime and succeeded in twisting
him and thrusting the knife into his body. In the evening of the same date, while Dela Cruz and San
Antonio were resting in their bedroom, Macapagal arrived and
Issue/s: Whether or not appellant acted in complete self-
came knocking on their door. San Antonio opened the door
defense in killing Jaime Ballesteros, thus absolving him from
unbeknownst to her that it would be Macapagal, thereby
criminal liability.
allowing Macapagal to enter their house while carrying a gun.
Ruling: No, in criminal cases, the burden of proof is on the
Macapagal then went to the bedroom where Dela Cruz was
prosecution which may rely on the strength of its evidence and
resting. Dela Cruz, however, saw him and instantly closed the
not on the weakness of the defense. However, upon invoking
door, provoking Macapagal to bang at the door yelling for Dela
self-defense, the accused admits that he killed the victim and
Cruz to “come out”.
the burden of proof is upon him in proving that he really acted
in self-defense. As Macapagal continued banging on the door, Dela Cruz finally
came out carrying with him a .38 caliber revolver. The two
Basic requirement for self-defense as a justifying circumstance
grappled for each other’s firearm. A few moments later, shots
is unlawful aggression against the person defending himself. It
were heard and Macapagal fell dead on the floor.
must be shown that there was a previous unlawful and
unprovoked attack that placed the life of the accused in danger Dela Cruz immediately instructed San Antonio to call the
forcing him to inflict wounds upon his assailant According to police. Dela Cruz—in his defense—told the police that he shot
the defense, the unlawful aggression started when the victim Macapagal in self-defense and went with them to the police
started poking the appellant with a fork station.
Elementary rule: when the aggressor leaves, the aggression Issue/s: W/N the RTC erred in their rendered decision against
ceases. It follows that when appellant and Jaime heeded the Dela Cruz.
advice of the barangay tanod, the unlawful aggression had
ended. Since the aggression no longer existed, the appellant Ruling: NO, the Court explained that invocation of self-
had no right to kill or even wound the former aggressor. The defense is only merited when the killing has been legally
defense failed to establish that the victim persisted in his justified.
design to attack the appellant.
Self-defense to be justified requires that there be:
An unlawful aggression by the person injured or killed by the

Reasonable necessity of the means employed to prevent or

repel that unlawful aggression. People v. Jaurigue

Lack of sufficient provocation on the part of the person Doctrine: Justifying circumstances are those wherein the acts
defending himself. of the actor are in accordance with law and, hence, he incurs
no criminal and civil liability. The justifying circumstances such
The Court emphasized that there is only unlawful aggression as:
that would call for SELF-DEFENSE when there is an actual,
sudden and unexpected attack or imminent danger on the life Self-defense: Anyone who acts in defense of his person or
of a person—NOT just mere threat or intimidation. rights (Art. 11 par. 1) The scope included self-defense not only
of life, but also of rights like those of chastity, property and
In this case, while it is true that Macapagal had barged into the honor.
house of San Antonio and Dela Cruz while carrying a gun,
Dela Cruz, however—upon seeing Macapagal approaching— Facts: Avelina Jaurigue and Nicolas Jaurigue, her father, were
was able to prevent the aggression by closing the door. Dela prosecuted for the crime of murder for which Nicolas was
Cruz could have stopped there. Instead, he opened the door acquitted while Avelina was found guilty of homicide. She
carrying a gun with him and fought with Macapagal, which appealed to the Court of Appeals for Southern Luzon on June
eventually led to Macapagal’s death. Hence, the Court says 10, 1944 to completely absolve her of all criminal responsibility
that Dela Cruz’s actions can hardly be put as self-defense. for having acted in defense of her honor.

Furthermore, the Court finds that Dela Cruz by inflicting 4 Prior to that drastic happened these are the facts of the case:
gunshot wounds at Macapagal—into his upper left jaw, below
One month before that fatal night, Amado Capina snatched
his left shoulder and the right side of his waist, and on the left
Avelina’s handkerchief bearing her nickname while it was
side of his chest penetrating his heart that led to his instant
washed by her cousin. 7 days prior to the incident (September
death—negates the second element of self-defense. This is
13, 1942), Amado approached her and professed his love for
because the wounds sustained by Macapagal CANNOT be
her which was refused, and thereupon suddenly embraced and
considered reasonable and necessary to stop the aggression.
kissed her and touched her breasts. She then slapped him,
In fact, as the Court stated, it indicated a determined effort to
gave him fist blows and kicked him. She kept the matter to
kill on the part of Dela Cruz
herself, until the following morning she informed her mother
Finally, Dela Cruz, upon opening the door of the bedroom to about it. Since then, she armed herself with a long fan knife
confront Macapagal, instead of merely taking precautionary whenever she went out, evidently for self-protection.
measures, brought his own gun and fought with him. As such,
2 days after (September 15, 1942), Amado climbed up the
the third element of self-defense—such that there should be a
house of Avelina and entered the room where she was
lack of sufficient provocation on the part of the person
sleeping. She felt her forehead evidently with the intention to
defending himself—cannot be invoked because Dela Cruz’s
abuse her, and she immediately screamed for help which
action of fighting Macapagal and much more so by bringing his
awakened her parents and brought them to her side. Amado
own gun is a direct provocation on Dela Cruz’s part.
came out from where he had hidden under a bed of Avelina’s
The Court further affirmed that Dela Cruz indeed illegally room and kissed the hand of Avelina’s father, asking for
possessed a firearm. Wherein, Dela Cruz and San Antonio forgiveness.
have all the while kept the .38 caliber revolver in their house
Avelina received information in the morning and again at 5:00
without a corresponding license for it.
PM on the day of the incident (September 20, 1942) that
What the RTC erred, however, was imposing death penalty on Amado had been falsely boasting in the neighborhood of
Dela Cruz since PD 1866 was already amended by RA No. having taken liberties with her person.
8249, paragraph 3: “if homicide or murder is committed with
At about 8:00 PM of September 20, 1942, Amado Capina,
the use of an unlicensed firearm, such use of an unlicensed
deceased victim, went to the chapel of Seventh Day Adventists
firearm would be considered as an aggravating circumstance.”
to attend religious services and sat at the front bench facing
And since Dela Cruz had voluntarily surrendered, the the altar. Avelina Jaurigue entered the chapel shortly after the
aggravating circumstance—in this case the use of an arrival of her father for the same purpose and sat on the bench
unlicensed firearm—is effectively offset by the mitigating next to the last one nearest the door. Upon seeing Avelina,
circumstance of Dela Cruz’s voluntary surrender. Amado went and sat by Avelina’s right side from his seat on
the other side of the chapel, and without saying a word, placed
Fallo: WHEREFORE, the decision appealed is modified. his hand on the upper part of her right thigh while observing
Accused-appellant ROBERTO DELA CRUZ, is hereby guilty of highly improper and offensive conduct of Amado.
HOMICIDE with the used of unlicensed firearm, an aggravating
circumstance that is offset by the mitigating circumstance of
voluntary surrender, is accordingly sentenced to an
indeterminate penalty of 9 years and 1 day of prision mayor as
minimum to 16 years and 1 day of reclusion temporal as
Avelina Jaurigue, thereafter, pulled out with her right hand the Facts:
fan knife which she had in a pocket of her dress with the
intention of punishing Amado’s offending hand. Amado seized A.Narvaez was formerly convicted of murder for the death of
her right hand but she quickly grabbed the knife on her left Fleischer and Rubia. Defendant claimed that he shot the two
hand and stabbed Amado once at the base of the left side of as an act of self-defense as a means to protect himself and
the neck inflicting upon him a wound about 4 ½ inches deep, his property therefore he should be exempt from criminal
which is mortal. liability. The two were building a fence around his property
and asked them to stop but did not and was thereby
Nicolas saw Capina bleeding and staggering towards the altar, provoked by Fleischer’s unlawful aggression. While the two
and upon seeing his daughter approached her and asked her requirements for invoking self-defense were present
the reason for her action to which Avelina replied, “Father, I (unlawful aggression and lack of sufficient provocation on
could not endure anymore”. Amado Capina died a few minutes the part of the person defending himself), Narvaez’s act was
after. Barrio lieutenant Casimiro Lozada was there and Avelina considered as an incomplete self-defense because it lacked
surrendered herself. Lozada advised the Jaurigues to go home reasonable necessity of the means employed.
immediately for fear of retaliation from Capina's relatives.
B. (In case Atty Lexie asks as to why the incident is intertwined
Issue/s: Whether or Not the defendant should be completely with the long-drawn-out legal battle between the parties)
absolved of all criminal responsibility because she is justified in
having acted in the legitimate defense of her honor. 1. It is believed that the incident is intertwined with the long-
drawn-out legal battle between Fleischer and Co., Inc. and the
Ruling: Conviction of defendant is sustained and cannot be land settlers of Cotobato among whom was Narvaez.
declared completely exempt from criminal liability. To be
entitled to a complete self-defense of honor, there must be an 2. At the time of the shooting, the civil case between the
attempt to rape. To provide for a justifying circumstance of self- parties was still pending for annulment where the settlers
defense, there must be; wanted granting of property to Fleischer to be annulled. At the
time of the shooting, Narvaez had leased his property from
a) Unlawful aggression Fleischer to avoid conflict.

b) Reasonable necessity of the means employed to prevent 3. Narvaez received a letter terminating the contract because
or repel it, he has not paid rent for six months to the company. He was
given 6 months to remove his house, rice mill, bodega, and
c) Lack of sufficient provocation on the part of the person water pitcher pumps. The shooting happened barely 2 months
defending himself. after the letter.
Attempt to rape is an unlawful aggression. However, under the 4. Narvaez claimed that he acted in defense of his person and
circumstances of the offense, there was no possibility of the property but the Court of First Instance of Cotabato ruled that
defendant to be raped as they were inside the chapel lighted he was guilty of murder. He was originally sentenced to
with electric lights and contained several people. Thrusting at reclusion perpetua, to indemnify the heirs, and to pay for moral
the base of Capino’s neck as her means to repel aggression is damages.
not reasonable but is instead, excessive.
Issue/s: WON the lower court erred in convicting Narvaez of
Mitigating circumstances are considered in her favour as well, murder despite the fact the he acted in defense of his rights.
Circumstances include her voluntary and unconditional
surrender to the barrio lieutenant, provocation from the WON the lower court erred in convicting Narvaez of murder
deceased which produced temporary loss of reason and self- despite the fact the he acted in defense of his person.
control of the defendant and lack of intent to kill the deceased
evidenced by infliction of only one single wound. Ruling: The court ruled in the affirmative.

Fallo: The law prescribed the penalty of reclusion temporal for Defense of one’s person or rights is treated as a justifying
the crime of homicide, Avelina is sentenced to an circumstance under Art. 11, par. 1 of the Revised Penal Code,
indeterminate penalty ranging from 2mos and 1 day of arresto but in order for it to be appreciated, the following requisites
mayor as minimum to 2 years, 4 months, and 1 day of prision must occur:
correccional as maximum; to indemnify heirs of Capina in the
1. Unlawful aggression;
sum of 2,000; with corresponding subsidiary imprisonment not
to exceed 1/3 of principal penalty and to pay costs. She is 2. Reasonable necessity of the means employed to prevent or
given the benefit of ½ of her preventive imprisonment, and the repel it;
knife marked Exhibit B ordered confiscated. So ordered.
3. Lack of sufficient provocation on the part of the person
defending himself” (Art. 11, par. 1, Revised Penal Code, as
People v. Narvaez
In the first instance, When the appellant woke up to the sound
(see also dissents of J. Abad Santos and J. Gutierrez, Jr.)
of the chiseling on his walls, his first reaction was to look out of
Doctrine: Justifying Circumstances - Unlawful Aggression the window. Then he saw the damage being done to his
against property rights: Defense of property can be invoked as house, compounded by the fact that his house and rice mill will
a justifying circumstance only when it is coupled with an attack be shut off from the highway by the fence once it is finished.
on the person of one entrusted with said property. He therefore appealed to his compadre, the deceased Rubia,
to stop what they were doing and to talk things over with him. However, an attack on the person defending his property is an
But the deceased Fleischer answered angrily with “gademit” indispensable element where an accused pleads self-defense
and directed his men to proceed with what they were doing. but what is basically defended is only property.

There is no question, therefore, that there was aggression on Defense of property is not of such importance as the right to
the part of the victims: Fleischer was ordering, and Rubia was life and defense of property can only be invoked when it is
actually participating in the fencing. This was indeed coupled with some form of attack on the person of one
aggression, not on the person of appellant, but on his property entrusted with said property. The defense of property, whether
rights. complete or incomplete, to be available in prosecutions for
murder or homicide must be coupled with an attack by the one
Second, the reasonableness of the resistance is also a getting the property on the person defending it.
requirement of the justifying circumstance of self-defense or
defense of one’s rights under paragraph 1 of Article 11, In the case now before Us, there is absolutely no evidence that
Revised Penal Code. In this case, however, when the an attack was attempted, much less made upon the person of
appellant fired his shotgun from his window, killing his two appellant. The mere utterance “No, gademit, proceed, go
victims, his resistance was disproportionate to the attack. ahead” is not the unlawful aggression which entitles appellant
to the plea of self-defense. I agree with the majority opinion
While the court is not convinced that the killing was that the crime is homicide but without any privileged mitigating
unjustifiable, they believe that the third element of defense of circumstance.
property is present, i.e., lack of sufficient provocation on the
part of the appellant who was defending his property. As a Fallo: WHEREFORE, finding appellant guilty beyond
matter of fact, there was no provocation at all on his part, since reasonable doubt of only two (2) homicides, mitigated by the
he was asleep at first and was only awakened by the noise privileged extenuating circumstance of incomplete self-defense
produced by the victims and their laborers. His plea for the as well as by two (2) generic mitigating circumstances of
deceased and their men to stop and talk things over with him voluntary surrender and obfuscation, without any aggravating
was no provocation at all. circumstance, appellant is hereby sentenced to suffer an
imprisonment of four (4) months of arresto mayor, to indemnify
Considering the facts stated above, the court finds that passion each group of heirs of davis fleischer and of flaviano rubia in
and obfuscation attended the commission of the crime. The the sum of four thousand (p4,000.00) pesos, without subsidiary
appellant awoke to find his house being damaged and its imprisonment and without any award for moral damages and
accessibility to the highway as well as of his rice mill bodega attorney’s fees.
being closed. Not only was his house being unlawfully violated;
his business was also in danger of closing down for lack of Considering that appellant has been under detention for almost
access to the highway. These circumstances, coming so near fourteen (14) years now since his voluntary surrender on
to the time when his first house was dismantled, thus forcing August 22, 1968, his immediate release is hereby ordered. No
him to transfer to his only remaining house, must have so costs. So, ordered.
aggravated his obfuscation that he momentarily lost all reason
causing him to reach for his shotgun and fire at the victims in **** The crime committed is now homicide and his sentence
defense of his rights. Considering the antecedent facts of this was lowered but because he has been under detention longer
case, where appellant had thirty years earlier migrated to this than the prescribed period of his imprisonment for said new
so-called “land of promise” with dreams and hopes of relative crime, the court ordered for his immediate release.
prosperity and tranquility, only to find his castle crumbling at
the hands of the deceased, his dispassionate plea going
unheeded—all these could be too much for any man—he Sabang v. People
should be credited with this mitigating circumstance.
Doctrine: In order to successfully claim that he acted in
The Court also emphasized that considering that the majority defense of a relative, the accused must prove the concurrence
of the requirements for defense of property are present, the of the following requisites: (1) unlawful aggression on the part
penalty may be lowered by two degrees, i.e., to prision of the person killed or injured; (2) reasonable necessity of the
correccional. And under paragraph 5 of Article 64, the same means employed to prevent or repel the unlawful aggression;
may further be reduced by one degree, i.e., arresto mayor, and (3) the person defending the relative had no part in
because of the presence of two mitigating circumstances and provoking the assailant, should any provocation have been
no aggravating circumstance. given by the relative attacked. Unlawful aggression is a primary
and indispensable requisite without which defense of relatives,
Dissenting Opinion:
whether complete or otherwise, cannot be validly invoked.
ABAD SANTOS, J. - The self-defense of the Revised Penal
Facts: At around 6:30 p.m. on that fateful night, petitioner and
Code refers to unlawful aggression on persons, not property.
Butad were having drinks together with spouses Cruz and
GUTIERREZ, JR., J. – It is true that Art. 429, Civil Code of the Andresa Villamor outside the store of Melania Sombilon in Sitio
Philippines, provides that the owner or legal possessor of a Landing, Barangay Liloan.
thing may use such force as may be reasonably necessary to
A civilian agent with the Philippine National Police, was then
repel or prevent an actual or unlawful physical invasion or
armed with a .38-caliber revolver which was tucked in his
usurpation of his property.
In the midst of the drinking spree, Randy Sabang suddenly and damages should be reduced from P100,000.00 to P50,000.00.
unexpectedly appeared before the group. His appearance Finally, in the absence of any aggravating circumstance, the
triggered a negative reaction from Butad, who then uttered the trial court correctly withheld the award of exemplary damages.
words “I will shoot you” to Randy Sabang.
Fallo: WHEREFORE, the instant petition is DENIED for lack of
At this point, Butad was not holding any gun. Andresa Villamor, merit. The assailed Decision of the Court of Appeals dated
another eyewitness to the incident, confirmed Payud’s August 16, 2004 and its Resolution dated July 6, 2005,
testimony that Butad was holding a glass and not a gun when affirming the Judgment rendered by the Regional Trial Court
he uttered those words. dated November 26, 1999, are AFFIRMED with the
MODIFICATION that the award of moral damages is reduced
Petitioner reacted to Butad’s statement saying, “Just try to to P50,000.00. Costs against petitioner.
shoot my child because I’ll never fight for him because he is a
spoiled brat.”

Unexpectedly, a person appeared on the scene and punched Palaganas v. People

Butad causing the latter to fall down lying partially on his back.
Petitioner, who was then sitting across Butad, stood up and Doctrine: ART. 11. Justifying circumstances. —The following
pulled the gun tucked in Butad’s waist. He pointed the gun at do not incur any criminal liability:
Butad and fired a shot at the latter’s chest.
Anyone who acts in defense of his person or rights, provided
In a Judgment dated November 22, 1999, the trial court that the following circumstances concur;
convicted petitioner principally on the strength of the testimony
First. Unlawful aggression
of Dr. Edilberto P. Calipayan, the physician who conducted the
post mortem examination of Butad’s body, to the effect that the Second. Reasonable necessity of the means employed to
absence of powder burns indicates that the gunshots were prevent or repel it;
fired at a distance of more than 10 inches from the victim’s
body and not close range as claimed by petitioner. Hence, the Third. Lack of sufficient provocation on the part of the person
petition for certiorari on the ruling of CA. defending himself.

Issue/s: Whether or not petitioner’s insistence on the justifying As an element of self-defense, unlawful aggression refers to an
circumstance of defense of relative deserves merit. assault or attack, or a threat thereof in an imminent and
immediate manner, which places the defendant’s life in actual
Ruling: No. Unlawful aggression must be clearly established peril
by the evidence. In this case, there is a divergence in the
testimonies of the prosecution and defense witnesses as to It is an oft-repeated rule that the nature and number of wounds
whether Butad aimed a gun at the petitioner's son as he inflicted by the accused are constantly and unremittingly
uttered the words “I will shoot you.” With this conflict emerges considered important indicia to disprove a plea of self-defense.
the question of whether the petitioner sensed an imminent
The reasonableness of the means employed by the person
threat to his son’s life. Payud unequivocally testified that
defending himself may take into account the weapons, the
petitioner even dismissed Butad’s utterance saying, “Just try to
physical condition of the parties and other circumstances
shoot my child because I’ll never fight for him because he is a
showing that there is a rational equivalence between the
spoiled brat.” This indicates to the court that the petitioner did
means of attack and the defense.
not consider Butad’s words a threat at all. Furthermore, the
presence of four (4) gunshot wounds on Butad’s body negates Where an accused admits killing the victim but invokes self-
the claim that the killing was justified but instead indicates a defense, it is incumbent upon the accused to prove by clear
determined effort to kill him. Even assuming that it was Butad and convincing evidence that he acted in self-defense.
who initiated the attack, the fact that petitioner was able to
wrest the gun from him signifies that the aggression which Facts: Two groups, one was composed of the Ferrer brothers
Butad had started already ceased. Petitioner became the Servillano, [Melton] and Michael, and the other group
unlawful aggressor when he continued to shoot Butad even as composed of (Jaime Palaganas, Ferdinand Palaganas and
he lay defenseless on the ground. Virgilio Bautista) were in a bar called Tidbits Videoke to drink
and to sing.
In the final analysis, petitioner failed to demonstrate any
reason to disturb the findings and conclusions of the trial court When Jaime Palaganas started singing the lyrics of the
and the Court of Appeals. His conviction of the crime of infamous song “My Way”, Melton Ferrer sang with him. This
homicide is certain. Under Art. 249 of the Revised Penal Code, initiated an exchange of words between the two and Jaime
homicide is punished by reclusion temporal. There being one Palaganas in rage hit the back of Ferrer’s head with the
(1) mitigating circumstance of voluntary surrender, the penalty microphone.
shall be imposed in its minimum period. Applying the benefits
A rumble then ensued inside the bar. Virgilio Bautista did not
of the Indeterminate Sentence Law, the trial court correctly
join the fray, leaving his companions Jaime and Ferdinand
imposed an indeterminate penalty ranging from eight (8) years
Palaganas to fight with the three Ferrer brothers.
and one (1) day of prision mayor as minimum to twelve (12)
years and one (1) day of reclusion temporal as maximum. In the midst of the rumble, Ferdinand Palaganas ran outside of
the bar. The other brothers wanted to run after him, but
The court agree with the Office of the Solicitor General that
decided to go back inside the bar to fight Jaime Palaganas
consistent with pertinent jurisprudence, the award of moral instead.
the aggressor and not merely a threatening or intimidating
The owner of the bar and the sister of Jaime Palaganas, Edith attitude. It is also described as a sudden and unprovoked
Palaganas, came out and pacified the fight. When the fight was attack of immediate and imminent kind to the life, safety or
over, Servillano noticed that his wristwatch was missing and rights of the person attacked.
when they did not find the watch inside the bar, they decided to
continue the search outside. In the case at bar, it is clear that there was no unlawful
aggression on the part of the Ferrer brothers that justified the
When they got out, they saw Ferdinand Palaganas pointing at act of the petitioner in shooting them. There was no actual or
them and saying to his companion, Rujjeric Palaganas imminent danger to the lives of petitioner and Ferdinand when
(petitioner of this case): "They are the ones, shoot them." they proceeded and arrived at the videoke bar and saw the
Petitioner then shot them hitting Servillano first at the left side Ferrer brothers. It appears that the Ferrer brothers then were
of the abdomen, causing him to fall on the ground, and merely standing outside the videoke bar and were not carrying
followed by [Melton] who also fell to the ground. any weapon when the petitioner arrived with his brother
Ferdinand and started firing his gun. Furthermore, the fact that
When Servillano noticed that [Melton] was no longer moving, petitioner sustained injuries in his left leg and left shoulder,
he told Michael "Bato, bato." Michael picked up some stones allegedly caused by the stones thrown by the Ferrer brothers,
and threw them at the petitioner and Ferdinand. The latter then does not signify that he was a victim of unlawful aggression or
left the place. that he acted in self-defense. There is no evidence to show
that his wounds were so serious and severe. The superficiality
Afterwards, the police officers came and the Ferrer brothers of the injuries sustained by the petitioner is no indication that
were brought to the Manaoag Hospital and later to Villaflor his life and limb were in actual peril.
Hospital in Dagupan. Servillano later discovered that [Melton] Without unlawful aggression, self-defense will not have a leg to
was fatally hit in the head while Michael was hit in the right stand on and this justifying circumstance cannot and will not be
shoulder. appreciated, even if the other elements are present. Unlawful
aggression, as an element of self-defense, is wanting in the
On 28 October 1998, the trial court rendered its Decision instant case.
finding (Rujjeric Palaganas) petitioner guilty only of the crime of
Homicide and two (2) counts of Frustrated Homicide. On the The second element of self-defense requires that the means
other hand, Ferdinand was acquitted of all the charges against employed by the person defending himself must be reasonably
him. Aggrieved, the petitioner appealed the foregoing Decision necessary to prevent or repel the unlawful aggression of the
of the RTC dated 28 October 1998, before the Court of victim. The reasonableness of the means employed may take
Appeals. In its Decision dated 30 September 2004, the Court into account the weapons, the physical condition of the parties
of Appeals affirmed with modifications the assailed RTC and other circumstances showing that there is a rational
Decision. equivalence between the means of attack and the defense. 50 In
the case at bar, the petitioner's act of shooting the Ferrer
On 16 November 2004, petitioner lodged the instant Petition brothers was not a reasonable and necessary means of
for Review before the Supreme Court on the basis of the repelling the aggression allegedly initiated by the Ferrer
following argument: THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS brothers. As aptly stated by the trial court, petitioner's gun was
ERRED IN NOT ACQUITTING ACCUSED-APPELLANT ON far deadlier compared to the stones thrown by the Ferrer
Issue: WHETHER OR NOT petitioner is correct in his
contention that he should be acquitted on the ground of lawful Moreover, we stated earlier that when the Ferrer brothers
self-defense. allegedly threw stones at the petitioner, the latter had other
less harmful options than to shoot the Ferrer brothers. Such
Ruling: Held in the negative. act failed to pass the test of reasonableness of the means
employed in preventing or repelling an unlawful aggression.
Article 11, paragraph (1), of the Revised Penal Code provides
for the elements and/or requisites in order that a plea of self-
defense may be validly considered in absolving a person from Fallo: WHEREFORE, premises considered, the decision of the
criminal liability, viz: Court of Appeals dated 30 September 2004 is
hereby AFFIRMED with the following MODIFICATIONS:
ART. 11. Justifying circumstances. – The following do not incur
any criminal liability:
People v. Ricohermoso
1. Anyone who acts in defense of his person or rights,
provided that the following circumstances concur; Doctrine: Severro Padernal and Juan Padernal appealed from
the decision of the Circuit Criminal Court at Lucena City,
First. Unlawful aggression; convicting them of murder, sentencing each of them to
reclusion perpetua and ordering them to pay solidarily the sum
Second. Reasonable necessity of the means employed to of twelve thousand pesos to the heirs of Geminiano De Leon
prevent or repel it; and to pay to the costs.
Third. Lack of sufficient provocation on the part of the Facts: At about nine o’clock in the morning of January 30,1965
person defending himself. Geminiano De Leon, together with his thirty-three-year-old
common law wife Fabiana Rosales, his twenty-four-year-old
As an element of self-defense, unlawful aggression refers to an
assault or attack, or a threat thereof in an imminent and son Marianato de Leon and one Rizal Rosales, upon a chance
immediate manner, which places the defendant's life in actual Geminiano asked Ricohermoso about his share of the palay
peril. It is an act positively strong showing the wrongful intent of harvest. Ricohermoso answered that Geminiano could go to
his house anytime and he would give the latter palay.
Upon Geminiano’s return he stopped by Ricohermoso’s place, 3. That there be no other practical and less harmful means of
it was about 2:00 in the afternoon, Geminiano sat back beside preventing it.
Fabiana Rosales in front of the house while Marianito stood
about three meters behind his father. A 22-caliber rifle was Facts: Vivencio Lascano started courting appellant Maria
slung on Marianito’s right shoulder. Ricohermoso stood near Norma Hernandez and after months of courtship, appellant
the door of his house while Severo Padernal was stationed finally accepted Vivencio. On the same date, she asked him to
near the eaves of the house. Geminiano asked Ricohermoso bring his parents over to her home so that they could talk about
about the palay. The latter no longer conciliatory and evidently their marriage. When Vivencio and his parents went to her
hostile, answered in a defiant tone: Whatever happens: I will house, they brought chickens and goats and they agreed to
not give you palay, Geminiano remonstrated: Why did you tell buy a wedding dress, 2 vestidas, shoes, P20 for the sponsors
us to pass by your house, if you’re not willing to give the palay? and to repair the uncle’s roof. While the celebration was going
As if pre-arrangement,Ricohermoso unsheathed the bolo and on, the appellant was nowhere to be found. Vivencio and his
approached Geminiano from the left,while Severo Padernal parents waited but she never showed up thus causing them
(Father-in-law of Ricohermoso great shame and humiliation.

) got an axe and approached Geminiano from the right, The Norma Hernandez averred that Vivencio was really courting
latter looked up to sexagenarian Severo Padernal,with both her but that she wasn’t really in love with him. Her parents
hands raised and pleaded: Mamay (Granpa),why will you do tried to persuade her to accept the proposal and that she only
this to us ? We will not fight you, while Geminiano was still accepted it out of obedience to her parents and the uncle’s
looking up to Severo Padernal on his right, Ricohermoso insistence. Before Vivencio’s parents came to their home, she
walked to Geminiano’s left and when about one meter from already counseled them not to bring the chickens and that they
him, stabbed him on the neck with his bolo. Geminiano fell face should not regret whatever may happen later.
downward on the ground. While in helpless position, he hacked
Appellant said she felt torture because she wasn’t honestly in
on the back with an axe by Severo Padernal. Juan Padernal
love with Vivencio and so she decided to leave home as last
ricohermoso’s brother-in-law and son of severo suddenly
recourse to prevent the marriage. Her parents also
embraced Marianito de Leon from behind, with his right arm
corroborated her testimony.
locked around marianito’s neck and left hand pressing
marianito’s left forearm, they grappled and rolled downhill The Regional Trial Court convicted her of serious slander by
towards a camote patch. deed because she purposely and deliberately fled to prevent
celebration of marriage.
When he regains consciousness, he walked uphill and
embrace geminiano and he carried geminiano for a short Motion for Reconsideration ensued but was denied. Thus, this
distance. appeal
Issue/s: Whether or not appellant Juan Padernal can invoke Issue/s: Is Norma Hernandez criminally liable for slander by
the justifying circumstance of avoidance of a greater evil or backing out from a marriage agreement?
Ruling: NO. A party to an agreement to marry who backs out
Ruling: NO. Juan Padernal’s reliance on the justifying cannot be held liable for the crime of slander by deed, for then
circumstance is erroneous because his act in preventing that would be an inherent way of compelling said party to go
Marianito from shooting Ricohermoso and Severo Padernal into a marriage without his or her free consent, and this would
who were the aggressors, was designed to ensure killing of contravene the principle in law that what could not be done
Geminiano de Leon without any risks to the assailants and not directly could not be done indirectly; and said party has the
act to prevent greater evil or injury. Treachery was appreciated right to avoid to himself or herself the evil of going through a
also in the case. The charged againts the appellants were loveless marriage pursuant to Article 11, paragraph 4 of the
attempted murder with respect to Marianito De Leon, the trial Revised Penal Code.
court convicted them LESIONES LEVES.
Norma Hernandez does not incur criminal liability as all the
Fallo: The judgement of the lower court as to appellant Juan requisites of Art. 11 par.4 of the Revised Penal Code are
Padernal is AFFIRMED with costs against him. present.

Art 11. The following do not incur any criminal liability:

People v. Norma Hernandez 4. Any person who, in order to avoid an evil or injury, does not
act which causes damage to another, provided that the
Doctrine: A party has the right to avoid to himself or herself
following requisites are present;
the evil of going through a loveless marriage pursuant to Article
11, paragraph 4 of the Revised Penal Code. 1. That the evil sought to be avoided actually exists;
Art 11. The following do not incur any criminal liability: 2. That the injury feared be greater than that done to avoid it;
4. Any person who, in order to avoid an evil or injury, does not 3. That there be no other practical and less harmful means of
act which causes damage to another, provided that the preventing it.
following requisites are present;
She was merely exercising her right not to give her consent to
1. That the evil sought to be avoided actually exists; the marriage after mature consideration. Norma Hernandez
2. That the injury feared be greater than that done to avoid it;
had the right to avoid to herself the evil of going through a saw Tipace was shot, he ran away because he also could have
loveless marriage. been shot.

Fallo: Wherefore, the Court hereby reverse the lower court’s Eustaquio Galet, another detainee, received good treatment
judgment and Norma Hernandez is acquitted from the crime of from Lagata though his testimony corroborated those of the
slander by deed. other prisoners.

Pedro Mayuga, chief of Samar Provincial Hospital & Gilberto

Rosales, Sanitary Division president, verified the gunshot
Case: People v. Lagata wound and that the death of Tipace resulted therein.
Doctrine: Art. 11. Justifying circumstances. — The following Ignacio Lagata, however, said that he fired his gun because
do not incur any criminal liability: the prisoners were running far from him when he already
ordered them to stop. He said that he would be the one in jail
Paragraph 5. Any person who acts in the fulfillment of a duty or
if a prisoner escaped under his custody. Furthermore, he
in the lawful exercise of a right or office.
would be discharged from duty like the others. Moreover, the
Requisites: picking up of gabi was not part of the prisoner’s work.

a. The accused acted in the performance of a duty or in the Appellant was charged with murder, serious physical injuries
lawful exercise of right or office; and evasion through negligence in three separate cases which
b. The injury caused or the offense committed is the have been tried jointly. Finding him guilty, the trial court
necessary consequence of the due performance of duty or sentenced him as follows:
the lawful exercise of such right or office.
“(a) For Murder (Case No. 809)—Reclusion Perpetua with civil
Mitigating Circumstances are those which, if present in the interdiction for life and perpetual absolute disqualification,
commission of the crime, do not entirely free the actor from indemnify the heirs of Ceferino Tipace Two Thousand
criminal liability, but serve only to reduce the penalty. Pesos(P2,000) and pay the costs of this action;"

Incomplete justification is a special or privileged mitigating (b) For serious physical injuries (Case No. 810)—An indeter-
circumstance, which, not only cannot be offset by aggravating minate imprisonment of two (2) years and four (4) months
circumstances but also reduces the penalty by one or two asmimum to four (4) years, nine (9) months and ten (10) days
degrees than that prescribed by law. of prisión correccional as maximum and to pay the costs of
thisaction; and “
Applies, when all the requisites necessary to justify the act or
to exempt from criminal liability are NOT attendant. (c) For evasion through negligence (Case No, 811)—An
indeterminate imprisonment of two (2) months and one (1) day
It is considered a privileged mitigating circumstance, provided, of arresto mayor as minimum to one (1) year, one (1) month
majority of the elements required to justify or exempt are and ten (10) days of prisión correccional as maximum, and to
present. pay the costs," (p.45, rec.)"
Facts: The accused, Ignacio Lagata, a provincial guard of Issue/s: WON the appellant can invoke the justifying
Catbalogan, Samar, was in charge of 6 prisoners (Jesus, circumstance of fulfillment of duty.
Tipace, Eusebio, Mariano, Labong & Abria) assigned to work in
the capitol plaza of Samar. Ruling: NO. The court said, “as regards to the shooting of
Abria and Tipace, we are convinced that the facts were as
Lagata ordered the prisoners to go to the nursery to pick up narrated by the witnesses for the prosecution.” Abria was shot
gabi. Not long afterwards, they were called to assemble. when he was only three meters away from appellant and the
Epifanio Labong was missing so Lagata ordered the 5 latter has not even shown that Abria attempted to escape.
remaining prisoners to go look for him. Tipace was also shot when he was about four or five meters
away from appellant. The latter's allegation that Tipace was
Eusebio Abria said that while they were gathering gabi, he
running, conveying the idea that said prisoner was in the act of
heard 3 shots. He was wounded by the 2nd one. They were
escaping, appears to be inconsistent with his own testimony to
already assembled by the 1st shot and that he did not see
the effect that Tipace was running side-wise, with his face
Tipace being shot. He said he ran away because he was
looking towards appellant, and with the undisputed fact that
afraid that he might be shot again and that his companions
Tipace was hit near one axilla, the bullet coming out from the
were also probably scared and that is why they ran.
opposite shoulder. If Tipace's purpose was to escape, the
Another prisoner, Mariano Ibañez stated that Epifanio Labong natural thing for him to do would have been to give his back to
did not answer their call so Ignacio Lagata ordered to go look appellant.
for him in the mountain. He said that Abria went to the camote
The court said that it is clear that Lagata had absolutely no
plantation and found footprints and called on Lagata to inform
reason to fire at Tipace. Lagata could have fired at him in self-
him about the footprints. When Abria told Lagata of the
defense or if absolutely necessary to avoid his escape. The
flattened grass and that he was unable to look for Labong,
record does not show that Tipace was bent on committing any
Ignacio Lagata fired at him and he was hit on his left arm.
act of aggression or that he attempted to escape. According to
Abria told Lagata he was wounded and in turn, Lagata told
Lagata, "he was running towards and then around me"
them to assemble. Once they were assembled, Lagata cocked
his gun and shot Ceferino Tipace. Mariano said that when he
There is no question that the escape of Labong scared After due proceedings, the Sandiganbayan came out with its
appellant, according to him, because of the experience of other decision finding the petitioner guilty beyond reasonable doubt
guards who were dismissed from office or even prosecuted of only the crime of Homicide. But even as the said court
because of prisoners who had escaped under their custody, rejected the petitioner’s claim that the shooting was justified by
and that it was his duty to fire against the prisoners if he self-defense, it nonetheless ruled that the crime of Homicide
wanted to be exempt from any responsibility. Even if appellant was attended by an incomplete justifying circumstance of the
sincerely believed, although erroneously, that in firing the shots petitioner having acted in the performance of his duty as a
be acted in the performance of his official duty, the policeman.
circumstances of the case show that there was no necessity
for him to fire directly against the prisoners, so as to seriously Petitioner alleged that the Sandiganbayan erred in failing to
wound one of them and kill instantaneously another. While apply par. 5, Article 11 of the RPC (Fulfillment of a Duty) which
custodians of prisoners should take all care to avoid the latter's would have absolved him from criminal liability.
escape, only absolute necessity would authorize them to fire
Issue/s: WON the Sandiganbayan erred in failing to apply par.
against them. Theirs is the burden of proof as to such
5, Article 11 of the RPC (Fulfillment of a Duty) in the case of
necessity. The summary liquidation of prisoners, under flimsy
pretexts of attempts of escape, which has been and is being
practiced in dictatorial systems of government, has always Ruling: The Court ruled in the negative.
been and is shocking to the universal conscience of humanity.
Having admitted the fatal shooting of Contreras, petitioner is
Fallo: As recommended by the prosecution however, the charged with the burden of adducing convincing evidence to
appellant was entitled to the benefit of the mitigating show that the killing was done in the fulfillment of his duty as a
circumstance of incomplete justifying circumstance defined in policeman.
paragraph 5 of Article 11 of the Revised Penal Code.
Consequently, the appellant was sentenced for homicide to an The justifying circumstance of fulfillment of duty under
indeterminate penalty of six years and one day of prision paragraph 5, Article 11, of the Revised Penal Code may be
mayor to twelve years and one day of reclusion temporal and, invoked only after the defense successfully proves that: (1) the
in the case of serious physical injuries, to an indeterminate accused acted in the performance of a duty; and (2) the injury
penalty of four months and one day of arresto mayor to two inflicted or offense committed is the necessary consequence of
years, four months and one day of prision correccional. the due performance or lawful exercise of such duty.

Modified as above stated, the appealed decision was affirmed Concededly, the first requisite is present in this case.
with costs against appellant. Petitioner, a police officer, was responding to a robbery-holdup
incident. His presence at the site of the crime was in
accordance with the performance of his duty. However, proof
that the shooting and ultimate death of Contreras was a
Mamangun v. People
necessary consequence of the due performance of his duty as
Doctrine: The justifying circumstance of fulfillment of duty a policeman is essential to exempt him from criminal liability.
under paragraph 5, Article 11, of the Revised Penal Code may
Acts in the fulfillment of a duty, without more, do not completely
be invoked only after the defense successfully proves that: (1)
justify Mamangun's firing the fatal gunshot at the victim. There
the accused acted in the performance of a duty; and (2) the
was the absence of the equally necessary justifying
injury inflicted or offense committed is the necessary
circumstance that the injury or offense committed be the
consequence of the due performance or lawful exercise of
necessary consequence of the due performance of such duty.
such duty.
There can be no quibbling that there was no rational necessity
Facts: Accused Rufino S. Mamangun, a police officer (PO2), for the killing of Contreras.
along with two other police officers, responded to a telephone
Fallo: IN VIEW THEREOF, the instant petition is DENIED and
call that a robbery-holdup was in progress in Brgy Calvario,
the assailed decision of the Sandiganbayan is AFFIRMED in
Meycauayan, Bulacan.
all respects. Accused Rufino Mamangun is found guilty beyond
The three policemen, each armed with a drawn handgun, reasonable doubt of the crime of Homicide.
searched the rooftop of the house where the suspect was
allegedly taking refuge. There, they saw a man whom they
thought was the robbery suspect. At that instance, petitioner People v. Dagani
Mamangun, who was walking ahead of the group, fired his
handgun once, hitting the man. The man turned out to be Doctrine: Fulfillment of duty as a justifying circumstance
Gener Contreras who was not the robbery suspect. Contreras
Facts: A group composed of the victim, Ernesto Javier,
died from the gunshot wound.
Lincoln Miran, and two others were drinking in a canteen.
According to the lone eyewitness who accompanied the 3 All of a sudden, appellants, who were security officers of the
policemen, he was beside Mamangun when they saw a man PNR, entered the canteen and approached the group.
whom the witness recognized as Gener Contreras. Mamangun Appellant Dagani shoved Miran then held the victim
pointed his pistol at the man, who instantly exclaimed, "Hindi while the appellant Santiano shot the victim twice, killing the
ako, hindi ako!," to which Mamangun replied, "Anong hindi latter.
ako?" Before the witness could say anything, Mamangun fired
The appellants testified that they were ordered by their desk
his gun, hitting the man who turned out to be Contreras.
officer to investigate a commotion at the canteen. They
claimed that appellant Dagani grappled with the victim after the The list of those persons included elected mayor of La Paz,
latter pulled out a gun and during the commotion fired two Arsenio Borjal Beronilla, pursuant to his instructions, placed
shots. Upon hearing the gun shots, appellant Santiano went Borjal under custody and asked the residents of La Paz to file
inside the canteen and shot the victim. They voluntarily complaints against him. Charges of espionage, aiding the
surrendered after the incident. Investigation showed that there enemy, and abuse of authority were led against Borjal. The
were no bullet holes anywhere in the canteen which will jury found Borjal guilty and imposed upon him, death penalty.
support the claim of the defense that the victim’s gun went off
twice and no bullet casings were found. A radiogram from Col. Volckmann, overall commander, to Lt.
Col. Arnold, called the attention to the illegality of Borjal’s
The trial court found them guilty of murder and now they conviction and sentence which was unknown to Beronilla.
appeal to the Court invoking the justifying circumstance of self-
defense and lawful performance of duty as PNR security Accused Manuel Beronilla, Policarpo Paculdo, Filipino
officers. Velasco, and Jacinto Adriatico were convicted of murder for
allegedly conspiring the execution of Borjal The late President
Issue/s: WON the justifying circumstance of lawful Manuel Roxas issued Executive Proclamation No. 8, granting
performance of duty is applicable. amnesty to all persons who committed acts penalized under
RPC anent the resistance to the enemy against persons aiding
Ruling: Appellants set up the defense that they were in the in the war efforts of the enemy resulting the dismissal of some
lawful performance of their official duties. Two requisites must bolomen involved in the jury but still convicting Beronilla,
concur before this defense can prosper: 1) the accused must Paculdo, Velasco, and Adriatico because the crime was
have acted in the performance of a duty or in the lawful committed after the expiration of the time limit fixed by the
exercise of a right or office; and 2) the injury caused or the amnesty proclamation, hence this appeal.
offense committed should have been the necessary
consequence of such lawful exercise. Issue/s: W/N Beronilla et al’s actions are covered by justifying
circumstances for obedience to lawful order of superior
The defense failed to prove that the security officers were
in fact on duty at the time they were at the canteen. Ruling: Lt. Col. Arnold, failed to transmit the Volckmann
Appellants’ assertion that they were ordered to go on 24-hour message to Beronilla. And this being so, the charge of criminal
duty was belied by PNR Security Investigator Rolando conspiracy to do away with Borjal must be rejected, because
Marinay’s testimony that PNR security officers work in two 12- the accused had no need to conspire against a man who was,
hour shifts. Considering that the imminent danger to the life of to their knowledge, duly sentenced to death.
the appellants had been neutralized when Dagani grappled
with Javier and restrained his hands, this Court holds that the The conduct of the appellants does not dispose that these
fatal injuries that appellant Santiano inflicted on the victim appellants were impelled by malice (dolo). The arrest and trial
cannot be deemed to be necessary consequences of the of Borjal were made upon express orders of the higher
performance of his duty as a PNR security officer. command; the appellants allowed Borjal to be defended by
Moreover, it was not established that Javier fired his gun. counsel after finding that the late Arsenio Borjal had really
However, the prosecution failed to establish conspiracy committed treasonable acts, (causing soldiers and civilians to
between the two appellants. be tortured, and hidden American officers to be captured by
the Japanese) expressly declared that "the Court is convinced
Fallo: Wherefore, appellant Santiano is found guilty of that it was not for political or personal reason that the accused
homicide while appellant Dagani is acquitted. decided to kill Arsenio Borjal"

Case: People v. Beronilla Appearing that the charge is the heinous crime of murder, and
that the accused-appellants acted upon orders, of a superior
Doctrine: Lawful order of superior- where the accused acted officer that they, as military subordinates, could not question,
upon orders of superior officers that they, as military and obeyed in good faith, without being aware of their illegality,
subordinates, could not question, and obeyed in good faith, without any fault or negligence on their part, we cannot say
without being aware of their illegality, without any fault or that criminal intent has been established
negligence on their part, the act is not accompanied by criminal
intent. To constitute a crime, the act must, except in certain crimes
made such by statute, be accompanied by a criminal intent, or
CASE SUMMARY: by such negligence or indifference to duty or to consequences,
as, in law, is equivalent to criminal intent. The maxim is, actus
Beronilla et al. were convicted of murder for the execution of
non facit reum, nisi mens rea-a is not committed if the mind of
Arsenio Borjal in Abra pursuant to the memorandum issued to
the person performing the act complained of be innocent."
all Military Mayors in Northern Luzon, authorizing them to try
persons accused of treason, espionage, or the aiding and Fallo: Judgement appealed from is reversed and the
abetting of the enemy. appellants are acquitted
Facts: Beronilla was appointed Military Mayor of La Paz by Lt.
Col. R. H. Arnold, operating as a guerrilla unit in the province
of Abra Tabuena v. Sandiganbayan

In a memorandum issued by Lt. Col. Arnold, it authorized them Doctrine: To constitute a crime, the act must, except in certain
to appoint a jury of 12 bolomen to investigate persons accused crimes made such by statute, be accompanied by a criminal
of treason, espionage, or aiding and abetting of the enemy. intent, or by such negligence or indifference to duty or to
consequences as, in law, is equivalent to criminal intent. The obedience to an order issued by a superior for some lawful
maxim is actus non facit reum, nisi mens sit rea- a crime is not purpose.
committed if the mind of the person performing the act
complained of is innocent. Second. There is no denying that the disbursement, which
Tabuena admitted as out of the ordinary but this deviation is
1. Good faith in the payment of public funds relieves a public inevitable under the circumstances Tabuena was in. He did not
officer from the crime of malversation. have the luxury of time to observe all auditing procedures of
disbursement considering the fact that the MARCOS
2. Compliance to a patently lawful order is rectitude far better Memorandum enjoined his immediate compliance with the
than contumacious disobedience. directive that he forward to the President's Office the P55
Million in cash. Be that as it may, Tabuena surely cannot
In the case at bench, the order emanated from the Office of the
escape responsibility for such omission. But since he was
President and bears the signature of the President himself, the
acting in good faith, his liability should only be administrative or
highest official of the land.
civil in nature, and not criminal.
Facts: Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA) owes the
Philippine National Construction Corporation (PNCC) P99.1 Fallo: WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, herein
million for the construction of the MIA. The accused are Luis A. petitioners Luis A. Tabuena and Adolfo M. Peralta are hereby
Tabuena and Adolfo M. Peralta, all public officers, being then ACQUITTED of the crime of malversation as defined and
the General Manager and Acting Manager of MIAA and penalized under Article 217 of the Revised Penal Code. The
accountable for public funds belonging to the MIAA, they being Sandiganbayan Decision of October 12, 1990 and the
the only ones authorized to make withdrawals against the cash Resolution dated December 20, 1991 are REVERSED and
accounts of MIAA pursuant to its board resolutions. Then SET ASIDE.
President Marcos ordered Tabuena over the phone to
withdraw P55 Million from MIAA’s accounts with PNB as partial SO, ORDERED.
payment to PNCC. Tabuena obeyed and a Presidential
Memorandum reiterating in black and white such verbal
instruction was issued. Three withdrawals were made on three
different occasions. First withdrawal was for the amount of 25
million, second was for 25 million, and third was for 5 million.
After the manager’s check was issued andencashed, the
money was delivered to Mrs. Gimenez, presidential secretary
of Marcos. The disbursement of the 55 Million was out of the
ordinary and not based on the normal procedure. Not only
were there no vouchers prepared to support the disbursement,
the P55 Million was paid in cold cash. Also, no PNCC receipt
for the P55 Million was presented. The Sandiganbayan made
the finding that Tabuena and Peralta had already converted
and misappropriated the 55 Million when he delivered the
same to Mrs. Gimenez and not to the PNCC, proceeding from
the following definitions/concepts of conversion: Conversion,
as necessary element of offense of embezzlement, being the
fraudulent appropriation to one's own use of another’s property
which does not necessarily mean to one's personal advantage
but every attempt by one person to dispose of the goods of
another without right as if they were his own is conversion to
his own use.

Both accused were found guilty beyond reasonable doubt.

Tabuena and Peralta filed separate petitions for review, raising
the defense of good faith and obedience to a lawful order.

Issue/s: Whether the petitioners can raise the defense of good

faith and obedience of a lawful order, given the fact that it was
the President himself who gave such order

Ruling: Yes. Tabuena and Peralta were acquitted. First.

Tabuena had no other choice but to make the withdrawals, for
that was what the MARCOS Memorandum required him to do.
He could not be faulted if he had to obey and strictly comply
with the presidential directive, and to argue otherwise is
something easier said than done. Marcos was undeniably
Tabuena’s superior, the former being then the President who
unquestionably exercised control over government agencies
such as the MIAA and PNCC. Tabuena therefore is entitled to
the justifying circumstance of Any person who acts in

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