Grade 7 MAPEH

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360-A Don Placido Campos Ave., Sabang, Dasmarinas City, Cavite

SY: 2023-2024

Name: __________________________________________________________ Score: ________________

Grade and Section: _______________________________________________ Date: ________________

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Each item is followed by four options lettered A, B, C and D. From the choices,
select the best answer and write the letter of your choice on the space provided for

____ 1. It serves as the pulse of the musical composition.

A. Rhythm C. Melody
B. Dynamics D. Harmony
____ 2. The loudness and softness of music
A. Harmony C. Dynamics
B. Melody D. Texture

____ 3. The main tune of the song

A. Dynamics C. Rhythm
B. Harmony D. Melody
____ 4. The simultaneous sounding of two or more notes
A. Timbre C. Dynamics
B. Harmony D. Rhythm
____ 5. The thickness of sound
A. Melody C. Dynamics
B. Texture D. Timbre
____ 6. The quality of sound heard or the tone color
A. Timbre C. Texture
B. Rhythm D. Melody
____ 7. Songs written by the folk and are sung to accompany daily activities, livelihood, and putting the baby to
A. Melody C. Harmony
B. Folk Songs D. Rhythm

____ 8. An art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotion in significant forms.
A. Rhythm C. Music
B. Melody D. Harmony

____ 9. Speed of the beat (fast, moderate, or slow)

A. Meter C. Rhythm
B. Beat D. Tempo

____ 10. Composes of time signature is the combination of strong and weak beats
A. Meter C. Beat
B. Tempo D. Rhythm

II. FILL IN THE BLANK: Fill in the table below with the correct answer.

Emotion Communicated by
Folk Song Language the song (love, gratitude,
anger, sadness, etc.)
Manang Biday
Bahay Kubo
Atin Cu Pung Singsing
Naraniag a Bulan
I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Each item is followed by four options lettered A, B, C and D. From the choices,
select the best answer and write the letter of your choice on the space provided for.

____ 1. The burial cloth for the rich people of mountain province.
A. Ikat B. Inabel C. Kadangyan D. Kain

____ 2. The basic dress for women of Cordilla region.

A. Ikat B. Inabel C. Kadangyan D. Kain
____ 3. It is the Bontoc’s blanket and clwanes and lufid and ginaspala wanes
A. Bul’ul B. Kain C. Inabel D. Siniwsiwan

____ 4. The handwoven fabrics are characterized by different geometric shapes and different shapes of things
from nature.
A. Bontoc B. Kadangyan C. Inabel D. Ikat
____ 5. It is a Cordilleran term which literally means “rich”
A. Bontoc B. Kadangyan C. Inabel D. Ikat
____ 6. It is a type of wrap-around skirt (tapis in Tagalog) characterized by horizontal stripes
A. Inabel B. Bontoc C. Kadangyan D. Kain

____ 7. A hand weaving technique of the Ilocanos that is produced using traditional wooden looms.
A. Inabel B. Bontoc C. Kadangyan D. Kain
____ 8. Ifugao wood sculptures called?
A. Taka B. Burnay C. Bakwat D. Bul’ul
____ 9. Papier mache (taka) are came from?
A. Ifugao B. Cordillera C. Ilocos D. Paete

____ 10. Ilocos weaving and pottery called?

A. Bul’ul B. Taka C. Burnay D. Bakwat

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Each item is followed by four options lettered A, B, C, and D. From the choices,
select the best answer and write the letter of your choice on the space provided for.

____ 1. It is a good practice to warm-up first to increase blood flow to the muscles, increase sensitivity to nerve
A. Warm-up B. Cooldown C. Stretching D. Exercise
____ 2. A routine is done after the session
A. Stretching B. Cooldown C. Warm-up D. Exercise

____ 3. Is when one elevates body temperature through the use of heat packs or hot showers
A. General Warm-up C. Passive Warm-up
B. Specific Warm-up D. Warm-up

____ 4. Involves light movement of major muscle group

A. Specific Warm-up C. General Warm-up
B. Passive Warm-up D. Warm-up
____ 5. Mimics actual moves of the sport or activity that will be engaged in very light levels of intensity
A. Specific Warm-up C. General
B. Passive Warm-up D. Warm-up
____ 6. Performed in order to maintain or increase flexibility
A. Cooldown C. Stretching
B. Warm-up D. Exercise
____ 7. Makes use of rapid and jerky movement
A. Dynamic Stretching C. Ballistic Stretching
B. Stretching D. Static Stretching
____ 8. The stretch-and -hold increases range of motion as well as relaxes the muscles
A. Dynamic Stretching C. Ballistic Stretching
B. Stretching D. Static Stretching
____ 9. Similar to ballistic stretching, but the movement is not jerky and uncontrolled
A. Ballistic Stretching C. Stretching
B. Dynamic D. Static Stretching
____ 10. The body’s ability to function effectively and efficiently without undue fatigue in work, leisure
A. Physical Fitness C. Cardiovascular Endurance
B. Body Composition D. Flexibility

II. ENUMERATION: Enumerate what are being asked.

1-5. Five (5) Health-Related Components
6-10. Five (5) Skill-Related Components

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided for.

____ 1. Which dimension is involved when you express your emotions in positive ways?
A. Emotional C. Physical
B. Mental D. Spiritual

____ 2. How can unpleasant body odor due to active secretion of sweat glands be prevented?
A. Change clothes more often C. Take a bath regularly
B. Shave the hair of the armpit D. Use perfume to hide the odor

____ 3. What stage of psychosocial development is the stage of exploring personal relationships, developing
closeness and committing relationships with other people?
A. Adolescence C. Infancy
B. Childhood D. Old Age

____ 4. Which of the following is NOT a common physical change to adolescents

A. Armpits become darker
B. Rapid increase in height and weight
C. Sudden increase in hormone production
D. Sweat and oil glands become more active

____ 5. What skills will help you get along with other people?
A. Coping Skills C. Problem-Solving Skills
B. Decision-Making Skills D. Social and Communication Skills

____ 6. What test will you undergo if you want to be informed about your general health status?
A. Dental examination C. Medical Examination
B. Hearing test D. Vision Test

____ 7. What is the best way to improve your mental health?

A. Get adequate rest and sleep
B. Show respect and affection
C. Choose friends who share the same interest
D. Spending quality time with your Family and friends
____ 8. When do you use the avoiding coping strategy?
A. As a last resort C. For short term issues
B. For long term D. As a substitute for other coping skills

____ 9. What hormone causes moodiness among adolescents?

A. Adrenaline and hypothalamus C. Parathyroid and pancreas
B. Estrogen and testosterone D. Pituitary gland and thymus

____ 10. What is the cause of poor posture among adolescents?

A. Eating less healthy food C. Slouching due to their height
B. Doing strenuous activities D. Playing on the computer video games

1-5. Give the Five (5) R’s of Waste Management

Prepared by: Ms. Abeigail Dela Cruz

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