CSC 207

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University of Buea

Department of Computer Science

Lecture Notes for CSC207
Algorithm Analysis and Complexity
By Nyanga Bernard Y.

CSC207 2022/2023 1
Problem Solving: Main Steps
1. Problem definition
2. Algorithm design / Algorithm specification
3. Algorithm analysis
4. Implementation
5. Testing
6. [Maintenance]

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1. Problem Definition
• What is the task to be accomplished?
– Calculate the average of the grades for a given
– Understand the talks given out by politicians and
translate them in Chinese
• What are the time / space / speed /
performance requirements ?

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2. Algorithm Design / Specifications
• Algorithm: Finite set of instructions that, if followed,
accomplishes a particular task.
• Describe: in natural language / pseudo-code / diagrams /
• Criteria to follow:
– Input: Zero or more quantities (externally produced)
– Output: One or more quantities
– Definiteness: Clarity, precision of each instruction
– Finiteness: The algorithm has to stop after a finite (may be very
large) number of steps
– Effectiveness: Each instruction has to be basic enough and feasible

10/29/2022 4
4,5,6: Implementation, Testing,
• Implementation
– Decide on the programming language to use
• C, C++, Lisp, Java, Perl, Prolog, assembly, etc. , etc.
– Write clean, well documented code
• Test, test, test
• Integrate feedback from users, fix bugs, ensure compatibility
across different versions  Maintenance

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Algorithm Analysis and Complexity
• The performances of algorithms can be measured on the
scales of Time and Space.
• The Time Complexity of an algorithm or a program is a
function of the running time of the algorithm or a
• The Space Complexity of an algorithm or aprogram is a
function of the space needed by the algorithm or
program to run to completion.

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Algorithm Analysis and Complexity
• The Time Complexity of an algorithm can be computedeither
by an
– Empirical or Posteriori Testing
– Theoretical or AprioriApproach
• The Empirical or Posteriori Testing approach calls for
implementing the complete algorithm and executes them on
a computer for various instances of the problem.
• The Theoretical or Apriori Approach calls for mathematically
determining the resources such as time and space needed by
the algorithm, as a function of parameter related to the
instances of the problem considered.

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Algorithm Analysis and Complexity
• Apriori analysis computed the efficiency of the program as a
function of the total frequency count of the statements
comprising the program.
• Example: Let us estimate the frequency count of the
statement x = x+2 occurring in the following three program
segments A, B and C.

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Experimental Approach
• Write a program that implements the
• Run the program with data sets of varying
• Determine the actual running time using a
system call to measure time (e.g. system
(date) );

• Problems?
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Experimental Approach
• It is necessary to implement and test the
algorithm in order to determine its running
• Experiments can be done only on a limited set
of inputs, and may not be indicative of the
running time for other inputs.
• The same hardware and software should be
used in order to compare two algorithms. –
condition very hard to achieve!

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Use a Theoretical Approach
• Based on high-level description of the
algorithms, rather than language dependent
• Makes possible an evaluation of the
algorithms that is independent of the
hardware and software environments
 Generality

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Space Complexity
• Space complexity = The amount of memory required by an
algorithm to run to completion
– *Core dumps = the most often encountered cause is “memory leaks” –
the amount of memory required larger than the memory available on
a given system]
• Some algorithms may be more efficient if data completely
loaded into memory
– Need to look also at system limitations
– E.g. Classify 2GB of text in various categories [politics, tourism, sport,
natural disasters, etc.] – can I afford to load the entire collection?

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Space Complexity (cont’d)
1. Fixed part: The size required to store certain data/variables,
that is independent of the size of the problem:
- e.g. name of the data collection
- same size for classifying 2GB or 1MB of texts

2. Variable part: Space needed by variables, whose size is

dependent on the size of the problem:
- e.g. actual text
- load 2GB of text VS. load 1MB of text

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Space Complexity (cont’d)
• S(P) = c + S(instance characteristics)
– c = constant
• Example:
void float sum (float* a, int n)
float s = 0;
for(int i = 0; i<n; i++) {
s+ = a[i];
return s;
Space? one word for n, one for a [passed by reference!], one for i 
constant space!

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Time Complexity
• Often more important than space complexity
– space available (for computer programs!) tends to be larger and larger
– time is still a problem for all of us

• 3-4GHz processors on the market

– still …
– researchers estimate that the computation of various transformations
for 1 single DNA chain for one single protein on 1 TerraHZ computer
would take about 1 year to run to completion
• Algorithms running time is an important issue

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Running Time

• Problem: prefix averages

– Given an array X
– Compute the array A such that A[i] is the average of elements X[0]
… X*i+, for i=0..n-1
• Sol 1
– At each step i, compute the element X[i] by traversing the array A
and determining the sum of its elements, respectively the average
• Sol 2
– At each step i update a sum of the elements in the array A
– Compute the element X[i] as sum/I

Big question: Which solution to choose?

10/29/2022 16
Running time

5 ms worst-case
4 ms

3 ms
2 ms

1 ms


Suppose the program includes an if-then statement that may

execute or not:  variable running time
Typically algorithms are measured by their worst case
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Algorithm Description
• How to describe algorithms independent of a programming
• Pseudo-Code = a description of an algorithm that is
– more structured than usual prose but
– less formal than a programming language
• (Or diagrams)
• Example: find the maximum element of an array.
Algorithm arrayMax(A, n):
Input: An array A storing n integers.
Output: The maximum element in A.
currentMax  A[0]
for i 1 to n -1 do
if currentMax < A[i] then currentMax  A[i]
return currentMax

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Pseudo Code
• Expressions: use standard mathematical symbols
– use  for assignment ( ? in C/C++)
– use = for the equality relationship (? in C/C++)
• Method Declarations: -Algorithm name(param1, param2)
• Programming Constructs:
– decision structures: if ... then ... [else ..]
– while-loops while ... do
– repeat-loops: repeat ... until ...
– for-loop: for ... do
– array indexing: A[i]
• Methods
– calls: object method(args)
– returns: return value
• Use comments
• Instructions have to be basic enough and feasible!

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Low Level Algorithm Analysis
• Based on primitive operations (low-level computations
independent from the programming language)
• E.g.:
– Make an addition = 1 operation
– Calling a method or returning from a method = 1 operation
– Index in an array = 1 operation
– Comparison = 1 operation etc.
• Method: Inspect the pseudo-code and count the number of
primitive operations executed by the algorithm

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Algorithm arrayMax(A, n):
Input: An array A storing n integers.
Output: The maximum element in A.
currentMax A[0]
for i  1 to n -1 do
if currentMax < A[i] then
currentMax  A[i]
return currentMax
How many operations ?

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Asymptotic Notation
• Need to abstract further
• Give an “idea” of how the algorithm performs
• n steps vs. n+5 steps
• n steps vs. n2 steps

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• Fibonacci numbers
– F[0] = 0
– F[1] = 1
– F[i] = F[i-1] + F[i-2] for i  2
• Pseudo-code
• Number of operations

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Algorithm Analysis
• Last time:
– Experimental approach – problems
– Low level analysis – count operations
• Abstract even further
• Characterize an algorithm as a function of the
“problem size”
• E.g.
– Input data = array  problem size is N (length of
– Input data = matrix  problem size is N x M

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Asymptotic Notation

• Goal: to simplify analysis by getting rid of

unneeded information (like “rounding”
• We want to say in a formal way 3n2 ≈ n2
• The “Big-Oh” Notation:
– given functions f(n) and g(n), we say that f(n) is
O(g(n)) if and only if there are positive constants c
and n0 such that f(n)≤ c g(n) for n ≥ n0

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Graphic Illustration
• f(n) = 2n+6 f(n) = 2n + 6

• Conf. def:
– Need to find a
function g(n) and c g (n ) = 4 n
a const. c such as
f(n) < cg(n)
• g(n) = n and c = 4
•  f(n) is O(n)
g (n ) = n
• The order of f(n)
is n n
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More examples
• What about f(n) = 4n2 ? Is it O(n)?
– Find a c such that 4n2 < cn for any n > n0
• 50n3 + 20n + 4 is O(n3)
– Would be correct to say is O(n3+n)
• Not useful, as n3 exceeds by far n, for large values
– Would be correct to say is O(n5)
• OK, but g(n) should be as closed as possible to f(n)
• 3log(n) + log (log (n)) = O( ? )
•Simple Rule: Drop lower order terms and constant factors

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Asymptotic analysis - terminology
• Special classes of algorithms:
logarithmic: O(log n)
linear: O(n)
quadratic: O(n2)
polynomial: O(nk), k ≥ 1
exponential: O(an), n > 1
• Polynomial vs. exponential ?
• Logarithmic vs. polynomial ?

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Some Numbers

log n n n log n n2 n3 2n
0 1 0 1 1 2
1 2 2 4 8 4
2 4 8 16 64 16
3 8 24 64 512 256
4 16 64 256 4096 65536
5 32 160 1024 32768 4294967296

10/29/2022 29
Remember the algorithm for computing prefix averages
- compute an array A starting with an array X
- every element A[i] is the average of all elements X[j] with j < I
Remember some pseudo-code … Solution 1
Algorithm prefixAverages1(X):
Input: An n-element array X of numbers.
Output: An n -element array A of numbers such that A[i] is the average of
elements X[0], ... , X[i].
Let A be an array of n numbers.
for i 0 to n - 1 do
for j  0 to i do
a  a + X[j]
Analyze this
A[i]  a/(i+ 1)
return array A

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Example (cont’d)
Algorithm prefixAverages2(X):
Input: An n-element array X of numbers.
Output: An n -element array A of numbers such that A[i] is the
average of elements X[0], ... , X[i].
Let A be an array of n numbers.
s 0
for i  0 to n do
s  s + X[i]
A[i]  s/(i+ 1)
return array A

10/29/2022 31
Back to the original question
• Which solution would you choose?
– O(n2) vs. O(n)
• Some math …
– properties of logarithms:
logb(xy) = logbx + logby logb (x/y) = logbx - logby
Logbx a = alogbx logba= logxa/logxb
– properties of exponentials:
a(b+c) = aba c abc = (ab)c ab /ac = a(b-c)
b = a logab bc = a c*logab

10/29/2022 32
Mathematical Background
• Is it always possible to have definite results?
NO !

The running times of algorithms can change

because of the platform, the properties of the
computer, etc.

We use asymptotic notations (O, Ω, θ, o)

• compare relative growth
• compare only algorithms

Big Oh Notation (O)
Provides an “upper bound” for the function f

• Definition :
T(N) = O (f(N)) if there are positive constants c and n0
such that
T(N) ≤ cf(N) when N ≥ n0

– T(N) grows no faster than f(N)

– growth rate of T(N) is less than or equal to growth rate of
f(N) for large N
– f(N) is an upper bound on T(N)
• not fully correct !
Big Oh Notation (O)
• Analysis of Algorithm A

TA (N) = 1000 N = O(N)

1000 N ≤ cN N  n0

if c= 2000 and n0 = 1 for all N

TA (N) = 1000 N = O(N) is right

• 7n+5 = O(n)
for c=8 and n0 =5
7n+5 ≤ 8n n>5 = n0

• 7n+5 = O(n2)
for c=7 and n0=2
7n+5 ≤ 7n2 n≥n0

• 7n2+3n = O(n) ?
Advantages of O Notation
• It is possible to compare of two algorithms
with running times
• Constants can be ignored.
– Units are not important
O(7n2) = O(n2)
• Lower order terms are ignored
– O(n3+7n2+3) = O(n3)

Running Times of Algorithm A and B

TA(N) = 1000 N = O(N)

TB(N) = N2 = O(N2)

A is asymptotically faster than B !

Properties of Big-Oh
• If f(n) is O(g(n)) then af(n) is O(g(n)) for any a.
• If f(n) is O(g(n)) and h(n) is O(g’(n)) then f(n)+h(n) is O(g(n)+g’(n))
• If f(n) is O(g(n)) and h(n) is O(g’(n)) then f(n)h(n) is O(g(n)g’(n))
• If f(n) is O(g(n)) and g(n) is O(h(n)) then f(n) is O(h(n))
• If f(n) is a polynomial of degree d , then f(n) is O(nd)
• nx = O(an), for any fixed x > 0 and a > 1
– An algorithm of order n to a certain power is better than an algorithm of order a ( >
1) to the power of n
• log nx is O(log n), fox x > 0 – how?
• log x n is O(ny) for x > 0 and y > 0
– An algorithm of order log n (to a certain power) is better than an algorithm of n
raised to a power y.

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Omega Notation (Ω)
• Definition :
T(N) = Ω (f(N)) if there are positive constants c and n0
such that T(N) ≥ c f(N) when N≥ n0

– T(N) grows no slower than f(N)

– growth rate of T(N) is greater than or equal to growth rate
of f(N) for large N
– f(N) is a lower bound on T(N)
• not fully correct !

Omega Notation
• n 1/2 = W (lg n) .
for c = 1 and n0 = 16
Let n > 16
c*(lg n) ≤ n 1/2

Omega Notation
• Theorem:
f(N) = O(g(n)) <=> g(n) = Ω(f(N))
f(N) ≤ c1g(n) <=> g(n) ≥ c2f(N)
divide the left side with c1

1/c1f(N) ≤ g(n) <=> g(n) ≥ c2f(N)

if we choose c2 as 1/c1 then theorem is right.

Omega Notation
• 7n2 + 3n + 5 = O(n4)
• 7n2 + 3n + 5 = O(n3)
• 7n2 + 3n + 5 = O(n2)
• 7n2 + 3n + 5 = Ω(n2)
• 7n2 + 3n + 5 = Ω(n)
• 7n2 + 3n + 5 = Ω(1)

n2 and 7n2 + 3n + 5 grows at the same rate

7n2 + 3n + 5 = O(n2) = Ω(n2) = θ (n2)
Theta Notation (θ)
• Definition :
T(N) = θ (h(N)) if and only if
T(N) = O(h(N)) and T(N) = Ω(h(N))

– T(N) grows as fast as h(N)

– growth rate of T(N) and h(N) are equal for large N
– h(N) is a tight bound on T(N)
• not fully correct !

Theta Notation (θ)
• Example :
T(N) = 3N2

T(N) = O(N4)
T(N) = O(N3)
T(N) = θ(N2)  best

Little O Notation (o)
• Definition :
T(N) = o(p(N)) if
T(N) = O(p(N)) and T(N)≠θ(p(N))

– f(N) grows strictly faster than T(N)

– growth rate of T(N) is less than the growth rate of
f(N) for large N
– f(N) is an upperbound on T(N) (but not tight)
• not fully correct !

Little O Notation (o)
• Example :

T(N) = 3N2

T(N) = o(N4)
T(N) = o(N3)
T(N) = θ(N2)

• RULE 1:

if T1(N) = O(f(N)) and T2(N) = O(g(N)) then

a) T1(N) + T2(N) = max (O(f(N)), O(g(N)))

b) T1(N) * T2(N) = O(f(N) * g(N))

You can prove these ?

Is it true for θ notation ?
What about Ω notation?
• RULE 2:

if T(N) is a polynomial of degree k

T(N) = akNk + ak-1Nk-1 + … + a1N + a0

T(N) = θ(Nk)

• RULE 3:

logk N = o(N) for any constant k

logarithm grows very slowly !

Some Common Functions
• c = o (log N) => c=O(log N) but c≠Ω(logN)
• log N = o(log2 N)
• log2 N = o(N)
• N = o(N log N)
• N = o (N2)
• N2 = o (N3)
• N3 = o (2N)

• Example :
T(N) = 4N2

• T(N) = O(2N2)
correct but bad style
T(N) = O(N2)
drop the constants
• T(N) = O(N2+N)
correct but bad style
T(N) = O(N2)
ignore low order terms

Another Way to Compute Growth Rates

f (N )
lim = 0  f ( N ) = o( g ( N ))
N  g ( N )
= c  0  f ( N ) =  ( g ( N ))
=   g ( N ) = o( f ( N ))
= oscilate  there is no relation

• Example :
f(N) = 7N2 g(N) = N2 + N

• Example :
f(N) = N logN g(N) = N1.5

compare logN with N0.5

compare log2N with N
compare log2N with o(N)

N logN = o(N1.5)

Important Series
S ( N ) = 1  2    N =  i = N (1  N ) / 2
i =1

• Sum of squares:
N ( N  1)(2 N  1) N 3

i =1
i =


for large N

• Sum of exponents: N
N k 1

i =1
i 

| k 1|
for large N and k  -1

• Geometric series:
AN 1  1
– Special case when A = 2 
i =0
A =

A 1
• 20 + 21 + 22 + … + 2N = 2N+1 - 1

10/29/2022 56
Analyzing recursive algorithms
function foo (param A, param B) {
statement 1;
statement 2;
if (termination condition) {
foo(A’, B’);

10/29/2022 57
Solving recursive equations by repeated

T(n) = T(n/2) + c substitute for T(n/2)

= T(n/4) + c + c substitute for T(n/4)
= T(n/8) + c + c + c
= T(n/23) + 3c in more compact form
= …
= T(n/2k) + kc “inductive leap”

T(n) = T(n/2logn) + clogn “choose k = logn”

= T(n/n) + clogn
= T(1) + clogn = b + clogn = θ(logn)

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Solving recursive equations by telescoping

T(n) = T(n/2) + c initial equation

T(n/2) = T(n/4) + c so this holds
T(n/4) = T(n/8) + c and this …
T(n/8) = T(n/16) + c and this …

T(4) = T(2) + c eventually …
T(2) = T(1) + c and this …
T(n) = T(1) + clogn sum equations, canceling the
terms appearing on both sides
T(n) = θ(logn)

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