The Royal Parks
The Royal Parks
The Royal Parks
This style guide is intended to standardise how we relevant to signage, promotional and educational
O U R VA L U E S present The Royal Parks, both visually and verbally. literature, forms and correspondence.
Its guidelines are a result of a comprehensive consultation Every single experience influences visitors’ perceptions,
with people from all sections of The Royal Parks to and so the image of The Royal Parks as a unique natural
establish the common ground in how we, as a group of haven will gradually be applied consistently to everything
people, see The Royal Parks. the Parks do and say, from printed literature, conceivably,
Respect to building design.
Respect underpins everything The Royal Parks do and stand for, the basis The following sentence represents the conclusion:
The revised logo in this style guide has a simpler form
for our enjoyment of nature and one’s fellow man. ‘The Royal Parks are a unique natural haven in the and uses fewer colours than previously, so it will be more
urban context of London, providing a safe space for economical to reproduce. Two versions of the identity
individuals to express themselves, but requiring respect have been produced to enable greater consistency from its
and protection to preserve this very characteristic.’ smallest reproduction to its largest.
Sustainability Consistency must also apply to our language, and this Any queries, questions or comments should be directed to
guide also provides guidelines for The Royal Parks’ Nikki Straughan, Head of Marketing, tel: 020 7298 2138 or
For the Parks, sustainability is about achieving the balance between house style. This style, with minor variations, is equally email: [email protected]
The word diversity expresses a joyful ecleticism, based on what
promotes or expresses health, free expression of community, and the beauty Contents
of nature.
The preferred colours of the symbol and logotype 10 Examples of verbal do’s and don’ts 20
Corporate colours for The Royal Parks Logo: symbol and type
The colours below are the only ones to be used when No colours other than those specified here may be used, The symbol and type are the two elements of The smaller corporate mark – corporate mark 2 (bottom
reproducing The Royal Parks primary and secondary nor may any other specifications than these be used to The Royal Parks logo. right) shows the smallest recommended size. The
design style. reproduce these colours. corporate mark is 12mm in width. See page 6 for
The spacing between these elements must not be altered information on which logo to use and in what size.
They are shown here reproduced both as special colours and there must always be a minimum amount of clear
(for these refer to the Pantone© colour matching space around the logo.
system), and out of the four colour process. These colour
specifications are to be used when specifying colours for The dotted box around the corporate mark represents
the different applications of the design style as outlined the minimum amount of clear space (ie. the area which
in these guidelines. must not be infringed by any other text or graphic
device) that is needed. It is in proportion to the size
of the mark itself. There is a simple method for sizing
this clear space:
P R I M A RY P A L E T T E 1. Measure the height of the three line logotype (2x)
2. Divide that value in half (x)
Colour Special colours (refer to Pantone© system) 4 colour process 3. Use the result (x) as the margin of clearspace around
the corporate mark.
Light green
Corporate mark 1
White Corporate
mark 2
Colour Special colours (refer to Pantone © system) 4 colour process
Dark green
1x 12 mm
4 The design style for The Royal Parks The design style for The Royal Parks 5
To ensure legibility of The Royal Parks corporate mark, The type for The Royal Parks has been produced using
two versions have been produced. Corporate mark 1 is letterspaced Book Antiqua Roman. It must not be
for all uses of 40mm and above, while corporate mark 2 modified or altered in any way.
is for all uses below 40mm to its minimum size of 12mm.
For greater legibility, corporate mark 2 is a bolder The type should never be aligned to the left or right
version of the symbol and uses Book Antiqua Bold for edge (ranged left or ranged right), nor set in a single line
the type. or two lines. It should never appear in any other
typeface than Book Antiqua. The type should only be
reproduced in black, white or gold.
Corporate mark 1 The type on the grid below is for signwriters to use.
40 mm 50 mm 60 mm
Corporate mark 2
35 mm 25 mm 20 mm 18 mm 12 mm
Signwriting grid guide: type
6 The design style for The Royal Parks The design style for The Royal Parks 7
8 The design style for The Royal Parks The design style for The Royal Parks 9
Below are the approved colour versions of To ensure The Royal Parks identity is reproduced
The Royal Parks logo. consistently across all printed materials, outlined below
are some examples of how NOT to use corporate mark.
These are the only acceptable colour combinations.
(For Pantone© colours and 4 colour breakdowns, All are unacceptable!
please see page 2.)
Where to use:
The two colour corporate mark should be used wherever
possible, as this is the standard logo.
mixing positive and negative, Using more than one colour Symbol and type used in
as well as adding in new to reproduce the symbol wrong proportions
elements (black box)
Two colours on white Black on white/gold One colour on black Tendrils of leaves Irregular clearspace Inappropriate coloured
do not reflect overall background
background colour
White on black Gold on black/dark green White on dark green Wrong font Wrong colour for type Wrong use of corporate
mark against a photographic
background. No stand-out for
crown on background
10 The design style for The Royal Parks The design style for The Royal Parks 11
The primary typeface: Book Antiqua The secondary typeface: Gill Sans
As well as being used in the logotype, Book Antiqua has The secondary typeface chosen is Gill Sans in its Regular
also been chosen as the primary typeface. It should be and Bold versions. The Royal National Institute for the
used in only its Regular, Italic and Bold forms. Blind recommend using sans serif typefaces where
readability issues occur. For example, if you are
producing a long, wordy document, or if your audience
is likely to be visually impaired.
Book Antiqua
Book Antiqua
Book Antiqua
12 The design style for The Royal Parks The design style for The Royal Parks 13
The design specifications of the corporate stationery: We no longer produce printed envelopes, it’s more
letterhead, compliments slip, address label and economical and it’s really not common practice any Compliments slip
business card are consistent and are shown here as longer.
examples of how the corporate mark is used in one of
its primary applications.
Mr A Sample
Sample Company
Sample Street The Old Police House, Hyde Park, London W2 2UH Tel: 020 7298 2000 Fax: 020 7298 2005
Siculi properare Epicharmi, vincere Caecilius gravitate, Terentius arte. Hos ediscit et hos arto stipata
theatro spectat Roma potens; habet hos numeratque poetas ad nostrum tempus Livi scriptoris ab
aevo. Interdum volgus rectum videt, est ubi peccat. Si veteres ita miratur laudatque poetas, ut nihil
anteferat, nihil illis comparet, errat. Si quaedam nimis antique, si peraque dure dicere credit eos,
ignave multa fatetur, et sapit et mecum facit et Iova iudicat aequo. Non equidem insector delendave
carmina Livi esse reor, memini quae plagosum mihi parvo Orbilium dictare; sed emendata videri
pulchraque et exactis minimum distantia miror. Inter quae verbum emicuit si forte decorum, et si
versus paulo concinnior unus et alter, iniuste totum ducit venditque poema. Si meliora dies, ut vina,
poemata reddit, scire velim, chartis pretium quotus arroget annus. scriptor.
Business card
14 The design style for The Royal Parks The design style for The Royal Parks 15
It often helps to think in terms of an actual personality to • The Parks prefer anglo-saxon to words with Latin roots We all express ourselves slightly differently with
understand a ‘style’ of language - and The Royal Parks – with the exception of the occasional plant name, of different groups of people, but these expressions should
are best thought of as a warm, encouraging coach (over course! They talk in a very grounded, ‘land always be bound by a common tone.
40!). He or she is: management’ tone about the Parks themselves, using
• encouraging and facilitating words like pruning, digging and planting – drawing When you are representing The Royal Parks, use the
• exercising wisdom and restraint attention to the constant but rewarding work that following checklist to ensure an appropriate tone in both
• allowing and enjoying affection, without demanding it needs to be done with a sense of pleasure and passion the written and spoken word:
• looking forward, anticipating and planning with
patience and foresight • The expertise of The Royal Parks reveals itself by very Personal and informal: first, not third person,
• knowing the importance and value of work and occasional slips into detail – the lapse of the expert anglo-saxon rather than Latinate; human rather
preparation, but recognising that the performance on explaining to the layman. They also demonstrate a than organisational in scale and tone; small, concrete
the day is all that matters. consistent focus on sustainability examples rather than abstract words; real facts and
examples to emphasise connection with reality not
A more detailed summary of The Royal Parks’ personality: • There is a strong fundamental sense of respect for the theory; there is always a feeling of one-to-one, not
right of the individual – whether alone or in groups – one-to-many communication.
• Above all, there is a sense of pride: The Royal Parks to enjoy the Parks. In another context, this might be
are unique in the world and they enhance the quality called ‘customer-focus’: as the Parks view their visitors Informed, expert and confident, but grounded in fact
of life of millions of people. This pride shines through as guests, rather than customers, the correct phrase and reality: not using jargon, not pompous, not
in admiration for everything the Parks contain, and for here would rather be ‘hospitable’ impersonal, but simple, unafraid to talk directly, and,
the quality of experience the parks provide above all, accurate; language is enjoyed for its power
• The Parks recognise that Britain has played a to evoke, and for the enjoyment of a good story, but is
• The Royal Parks have an acute sense of chronology significant role in history, and are proud of that role, never used redundantly.
and time: but although each Park is a part of British but understand that its role today – although
history, the Parks are well aware that time waits for no still highly significant – deserves only the same Philosophically passionate: the Parks believe strongly
man, and that the present is the most important time respect as other nations (with the occasional in some big ideas : sustainability; the role of the Parks
forgivable partiality!) in London; their vision of a modern society based on
• The protective role of the Parks is softened by the respect; diversity.
knowledge that change and evolution are inevitable, • The Parks’ embrace diversity perhaps more than some
and positive might expect for such an institution. The Parks Joie de z, enthusiasm and excitement: about the
recognise that time is a great leveller and this intrinsic beauty and diversity of the Parks, giving
• This guardianship is mellowed further by the perspective gives them a tolerance for diversity and occasional rise to a joyous sense of humour.
knowledge that the Parks, ultimately, belong to the new
the public Respectful: a reserved and discreet respect for all
• Humour bubbles deep within The Royal Parks. people, all cultures and all activities, providing they
• The role of guardian is sensitive, and so the Parks Sometimes, the Parks are tickled to be seen as an show respect to The Parks and other people; respect
make great efforts not to appear authoritarian: if the ‘institution’. At other times, the Parks smile – must not be used as a defence, or used to obstruct
public cannot enjoy a sense of freedom in the Parks, approvingly – at the sheer range of human nature communication – it needs to be seen in the context of
the very purpose of the Parks is undermined the above.
• The Royal Parks enjoy language: language helps to
• This is managed by emphasising the human aspect express the richness of the Parks. This richness is
and scale of the Parks. There is no talk of policies and expressed through actual richness of content, rather
standards in general ‘conversation’, only possibly of than hyperbole or volume of words.
the impact of some behaviour on others
16 The design style for The Royal Parks The design style for The Royal Parks 17
Specific messages need to be highlighted, to ensure S TRAPLINE The corporate plan has established a set of objectives for
consistent and reiterated communication. These need to The Royal Parks. Our values determine the way we behave,
be delivered in the appropriate tone of voice. As the words of a strapline accompany the logo, and and the way we reach those objectives. The challenge
their meaning is more easily understood, straplines are with objectives is to achieve them: the challenge with
very powerful. Once a strapline has been adopted, it values is to live up to them. Values are what helps
becomes a temporary extension of the logo and has to be define The Royal Parks brand in the eyes of employees
used in all communications. and guests.
The primary brand message is intended to reinforce the
brand positioning. It should be present – in some way
In this case, ‘London’s personal space’ is the shortest The five core values based on The Royal Parks’ beliefs are:
(visual, verbal or in form) in all communications.
and easiest expression of the primary message and will
be used as the corporate strapline. Respect Beauty
London’s personal space
Respect is a fundamental principle for The Royal Parks - There is a fundamental belief that contact with the
The Royal Parks are London’s personal space. They are Straplines usually have a shorter lifespan than a logo : it underpins everything the Parks do and stand for. beauty of nature grounds and recharges the individual.
part of London, but open to all. They allow individuals to suggestions regarding other straplines for The Royal Without respect for nature, for one’s fellow man, there is Contact with nature can be made in many ways :
express themselves and to create his or her own emotional Parks will be welcomed. no enjoyable interaction with either. In practice, this is through contemplation, sport and play, relaxation, even
relationship with the Parks. A haven for London; a haven
interpreted by a wide and non-prescriptive perspective sleep, every physical activity transferred to the
for you. A space to be cherished and protected. What is a strapline on the Parks’ guests: their background, their culture, outdoors, and the Parks work to ensure the quality of
their race, religion, their chosen way to enjoy the Parks that contact.
Unlike the logo, which is a long-term constant, and their personal space within the Parks. Respect also
SECONDARY MESSAGES a strapline can change from time to time to reflect underpins the Parks’ deep commitment to quality. Hospitality
mid-term strategic communications priorities.
These are messages which have definite objectives and Hospitality is an ancient but timeless concept, a
are not an expression of the brand. As such, they are The logo is the constant visual reference point for the relationship based on welcome and reciprocal respect
generally (except in very specific and focussed brand, the strapline is a repeated phrase which is The balance between enjoyable usage and conservation between host and guest. The Royal Parks express their
communications) secondary in importance. the verbal carrier of the current brand positioning. of The Royal Parks is a daily theme. Maintaining that hospitality by making themselves as open, accessible,
balance, as well as the centuries old heritage of The Parks, friendly and inclusive as possible. The concept of
History Initially, ‘London’s personal space’ will be used as has instilled the absolute importance of sustainability. hospitality extends to making life as comfortable and
The Royal Parks’ strapline. The Royal Parks belong to no person and no time, and pleasurable for guests as is reasonable – in exchange for
The Royal Parks have been close to every major
our responsibility is to ensure their survival. quiet thanks and mutual respect.
historical epoch and event for the last 400 years of
British history and guests should be made aware The strapline does not have to appear on all materials.
Remember, it is for ‘mid-term’ use. It should NOT Diversity
of the Parks as a live stage for British history.
therefore appear on materials with a very long lifespan The Royal Parks believe positively in diversity – not as a
Diversity (e.g. signage or headed paper). political mandate, but in the real appreciation of
diversity. This is not uncritical acceptance, as the Parks
The public is encouraged to think of all The – individual It SHOULD be used in communications which : have preferred expressions of diversity. Biodiversity, for
– Royal Parks as the different expressions of a single • are time-limited (short to mid-term); example, is a principle which the Parks both embrace
entity: visits to other Parks will enhance and reinforce • have a predominantly external audience; and practise. Cultural diversity is likewise reflected in
the experience. Likewise, the opportunities provided by • aim to communicate the identity of The Royal Parks. the activities welcomed by the Parks, welcoming and
the individual parks are incredibly diverse – from a
borrowing from cultures around the world. The belief in
natural, cultural, historical or sporting perspective. Examples of these usages could include posters, annual diversity also makes the Parks forward-looking, hungry
reports, summer events catalogues, or advertisements. for knowledge, experience and ideas.
Organisational expertise
There is an organisation responsible for managing The position of the strapline with the logo have no
the Parks, and this organisation applies enormous effort strict guidelines. However it is recommended that
and expertise to its role. Above all, this organisation is the strapline be separated from the logo and used
responsible for the character of the Parks. appropriately to the overall aesthetic of the printed
Continuous improvement
As with all text, it should be shown in the primary or
The Royal Parks are profoundly aware of the importance secondary font.
of their role in enabling contact with nature, and all of the
benefits that brings to the individual, and hence to the
city. They are actively working to do more, to improve
that experience and increase those benefits. More
importantly still, they realise the enormous potential for
the Parks to play an even greater role.
18 The design style for The Royal Parks The design style for The Royal Parks 19
Welcome to the Royal Parks agency. Welcome to The Royal Parks. Consistant use of caps T_R_P_ . The Royal Parks are unique. Over 100,000 roses , 5000 acres, 220 historic monuments,
Although still an executive agency of
DCMS, we have dropped the word
150 species of trees, 134 miles of walkways, 55 species of
agency from the title. 5,000 acres of carefully conserved parkland, in one of the bird, 26 miles of river banks, 20 football pitches,
world’s greatest cities, offer a safe space for our guests 9 restaurants, 8 parks …and you.
London’s Royal Parks have been places In the 15th century, Henry VIII used to Give history a real, not a general,
of relaxation and entertainment since the hunt Red Deer in the land occupied by perspective and relate if possible to to enjoy however they wish. Nature, history, spectacle,
15th century. The Regent’s Park. Now, it’s strictly hide contemporary life. entertainment, sport, relaxation – the choice is yours. The Royal Parks – London’s personal space.
and seek.
They are now enjoyed by millions of Millions of people each year make Don’t use passive if avoidable. London’s personal space.
people each year. themselves at home in The Royal Parks.
Year-round opportunities to appreciate The display – in March and early April – Make your enthusiasm specific, We hope you’ll make it your own.
their sheer beauty. of camellias and magnolias bloom above measurable and real.
drifts of daffodils and bluebells.
Lengthy paragraphs without headings. Short paragraphs with headings eg Make information accessible.
a short history, the highlights of the
seasons, conservation practice, bird-life,
The Royal Parks are also places of Too broad to be meaningful – see above,
activity, where visitors can take part in all and use specific examples to make real.
kinds of sports and entertainments.
The Royal Parks organise a varied In the summer, London lives as much as If it has to be broad, relate to a
programme of outdoor events and possible outdoors, and The Royal Parks ‘wider’ reality.
children’s entertainment. are no exception.
Although pedestrians have priority in Policies on pedestrian priority are not
The Royal Parks, we provide cycle tracks relevant to the public: neither is explicit
where we can do so without interfering reference to internal objectives, in this
unduly with the convenience of other case, the need to balance user needs.
park users.
In Hyde Park, cycling is allowed on the Cycling is allowed on all roads in Avoid redundant, superfluous or
park roads and on cycle tracks marked Hyde Park and specially designated pompous sounding phrases.
for the purpose. cycle tracks.
We ask all cyclists to abide by the code of A well written code of conduct should be
conduct so that they and other park users its own justification.
can enjoy The Royal Parks in safety.
Prices effective from April to * Valid to 09/00 Not worth a sentence – a small
September 2000. asterisked footnote.
This northerly summit Primrose Hill itself Be specific where possible.
The Park is an oasis for wildlife. In a The Park provides a wide range of Avoid passive constructions, and
typical year almost 100 species of birds habitats and these are protected to meaningless historical reference and give
will be seen. A collection of waterfowl benefit wildlife and education. the Parks an active role if possible.
has graced the lake since Victorian times, The Park is home to almost 100 species
and a colony of herons has lived on an of bird in a typical year, including a wide
island since 1965. collection of waterfowl and, since 1965,
The Park provides a wide range of a colony of herons. Sustainable
habitats and these are protected to management practices have increased
benefit wildlife and education. the range of habitats for wildlife over
the last 15 years.
Open to the public. Come in and smell the roses. Friendly and personal, not formal.
Do join us in our efforts to Help us Avoid wordy sentence construction
if possible.
The Royal Parks provide a home to a Please keep your dog under control for Avoid wordy sentence construction
great deal of wildlife. When walking the sake of other users and the wildlife in if possible: don’t give the impression
your dog in The Royal Parks please to the Parks. of loving the sound of your own voice!
respect the wildlife as well as the other
park users by keeping your dogs under
control …and keep your lead handy –
you might need it!
20 The design style for The Royal Parks The design style for The Royal Parks 21