CTLs attach to MHC class I molecules on infected cells and release perforins and granzymes to lyse virus-infected cells. Viruses are able to evade the immune system by mutating to become antigenically unrecognizable, entering latency periods, and suppressing MHC class I molecule expression. Interferons defend the body against viral infections by enhancing NK cell activity, transcribing genes that code for antiviral activity, and activating NK cells for opsonization.
CTLs attach to MHC class I molecules on infected cells and release perforins and granzymes to lyse virus-infected cells. Viruses are able to evade the immune system by mutating to become antigenically unrecognizable, entering latency periods, and suppressing MHC class I molecule expression. Interferons defend the body against viral infections by enhancing NK cell activity, transcribing genes that code for antiviral activity, and activating NK cells for opsonization.
CTLs attach to MHC class I molecules on infected cells and release perforins and granzymes to lyse virus-infected cells. Viruses are able to evade the immune system by mutating to become antigenically unrecognizable, entering latency periods, and suppressing MHC class I molecule expression. Interferons defend the body against viral infections by enhancing NK cell activity, transcribing genes that code for antiviral activity, and activating NK cells for opsonization.
CTLs attach to MHC class I molecules on infected cells and release perforins and granzymes to lyse virus-infected cells. Viruses are able to evade the immune system by mutating to become antigenically unrecognizable, entering latency periods, and suppressing MHC class I molecule expression. Interferons defend the body against viral infections by enhancing NK cell activity, transcribing genes that code for antiviral activity, and activating NK cells for opsonization.
Col legeofMedi calLabor atorySci ence A. CTLat tachest ot heMHCcl assImol ecul eandCD8ser ves Medi calTechnologyAssessmentProgram ascor ecept or Virology–Quiz8 B. CTLi sact ivat edbyCD4+Thel percel lsandcy tokines C. CTLr eleasesper for insandgr anzy mest ol ysev i rus Gener alInst ruct ion:Selectt hebestorcorr ectanswerto i nf ect edcel ls eachoft hequest i onsbelow.Inyourbubblecard, D. Noneoft hese shadethecircl ethatcor respondst othelet terofy our 10.Whi choft hef ollowi ngar er easonsf orhowv irusesi sabl e choi ce toev adet hei mmunesy st em? A. Vi rusescaneasi lymut atemaki ngt hem ant i geni cal l y 1. Sel ectt he st atementt hati s correct concerni ng the unr ecogni zabl ebyant ibodi es i nf luenzav i ruses B. Vi rusescanent eral atencyper iodi nwhi chi tcanper si st A. humansar etheonl yani mal hostforinfl uenzavir uses fory ear sunr ecogni zedbyt hei mmunesy stem B. pandemi csar echar acteri sticall yproducedbyinfl uenzaA C. Vi rusescansuppr esst hei mmunesy stem by C. thei ncidenceofi nfectionpeaksi nthesummermont hs downr egul at ingexpr essi onofMHCcl assImol ecules D. theyar eDNAv i ruses D. Onl yAandBonl yar ecor r ect 2. Whi choft hef ollowi ngmaybeassoci atedwithr ubell a E. Al l oft hesear ecor rect virus? 11.I nter feronsdef endsourbodyagai nstv iral i nf ectionsby … A. ADNAv ir us A. Enhancest heact iv ityofNKcel ls B. amemberoft hesamet axonomi cfami l yasmeasl esv ir us B. Tr anscr i pt ssev er al geneswhi chcodesf orant i vi ral acti vit y C. abl et opr oducedef ectsinf etusesdur i ngtheearl yst ages C. Act ivat esNKcel lsf oropsoni zat i on ofpr egnancy D. Onl yAandBar ecor rect D. transmi t tedbyanar thropodv ector E. Al l oft hesear ecor r ect 3. Oppor tunisti cdi seasest hatar ecloselyassoci at edwi th 12.Ant ibodi esdef endsourbodyagai nstv iral i nfect i ons AIDSi ncludeal lofthef ollowingexcept by … A. Act ingasopsoni nst of acili tatephagocy t osis A. Cr ypt ococcosi s B. Act ivat est hecompl ementpat hwayt oinduce ly sis B. Cr ypt ospor idi osi s C. I nducesoxi dat ivebur stwi thinaphagosome D. Onl yAandBar ecor rect C. Mal ari a E. Al l oft hesear ecor r ect 13.Whi choft hef ol lowi nghasbeendecl ar eder adi cat ed D. My cobact eri osi s byt heWor l dHeal thOr gani zation? A.Smal l pox 4. Whichofthef oll owingi sapr ogr essi veneur ologi cdi sor der B.HumanTcel l l y mphot ropi cv i rus associ atedwi thpri ons? C.Hepat itisGv irus D.East er nequi neencephal iti s A. Cr eut zfel d-Jakobdi sease 14.Themol ecul arr ecept oroft hev i ruscausi ngacqui red immunedef i ci encysy ndr omei s B. Dengue A.CD4 B.CDS C. Hepat it isC C.Fcr ecept or D.Compl ementr ecept or D. Shi ngl es 15.Thi sv irusbel ongst ot hef ami l yoff lav i v i rusesandi t s reservoiri sst rictlyhuman.Tr ansmi ssioni sbl ood- bor nesot he 5. Vir useshavebeensuccessful lydet ect edbyt heuseofal l bloodsuppl yi sr out i nel yscr eenedf ort hisv irus. ofthef oll owingtechni quesexcept A.Hepat itisA B.Hepat iti sB A. CPE C.Hepat itisC D.Hepat itisD B. ELI SA E.Hepat iti sE C. I F 16.Thi shepat iti sv irusi sacal ici v irus.Ther eser v oirisi npigs, andhumansacqui rei tv iat hef ecal -or alrout e. D. gr owt honsel ect ivemedi a A.Hepat itisA B.Hepat iti sB 6. Alphav i rus causes whi ch one of the f oll owi ng v iral C.Hepat itisC di seases? D.Hepat itisD A. Mar burgvirusdisease E.Hepat iti sE B. St.Louisencephal i ti s 17.Recent l yappear ingi nt heUni tedSt ates, thi sv irusi scarri ed C. West ernequineencephalit is bybirds,t ransmi ttedbymosqui t oes,andi nf ect shumansand D. Dengue horses. E. Yell owf ev er A.Humanpapi llomav irus 7. Aclinicaltestusedforthedetect ionand B.WestNi lev i r us C.Tick-bor neencephal itisv irus i dent if icat ionofv iral inf ect ionsot hert han D.Pol yomav irus E.SSPE cul tur eis: 18.Thi sv i rusi sasi ngl e- strandedRNAor thomy xov ir us.Annual vaccinat ioni snecessar ybecauseofant igeni cdr i ftandshi ft. A.Hemaggl uti nat ion A.Measl esv irus B.Infl uenzav irus B.Hemadsor pti on C.Respi r ator ysy ncy t i al virus D.Par ainf l uenzav i rus C.Vi ral ant igendet ect ion E.Adenov ir us 19.Thi si sapar amy xov i rusandcausest hesy ndr omeknown D.Alloftheseopt i ons ascroup. 8. Whicht echniqueisusedf ortheconfi rmationofinf ecti on A.Measl esv irus wit hhumani mmunodefi ciencyvi rus( HIV-1)? B.Infl uenzav irus A.West ernblot(i mmunobl ot )assay C.Respi r ator ysy ncy t i al virus B.Enzyme- l inkedimmunosorbentassay(ELISA) D.Par ainf l uenzav i rus C.Compl ementf i xati on E.Adenov ir us D.p24Ant igentesti ng 20.Whi chv irusi st hemostcommonet iologi calagentofv i ral 9. Whichoft hef ol l owingdoesnotoccurinthei nt eract ions respi rat or ydi seasesi ni nf ant sandchi ldren? A.Respi ratorysyncyt ial vir us( RSV) C.PRNT B.Measlesv i rus C.CoxsackieAv i rus D.Bot hAandBar ecor rect
D.Cox sacki eBv i
rus E.Al loft hesear ecorr ect 21.Achi ldpr esent edwi thhi ghgr adef everandchi ll s.Hisski n 34.Whi choft hefol l owingis/ areseeni nChi kunguny a hasnot i ceabl er asheswi thpr edomi nanceont hefaceand i nfecti on? scalp. A. Leukocytopenia a.monkey pox b.smal l pox B. Ly mphopeni a c.chickenpox d.cowpox C. Thr ombocy topeni a 22.Oneoft hemostcommonsexual l yt ransmi tt eddi seases thatmayl eadt ocer vical car cinomai scausedbywhi chofthe D. BandCar ecor rect foll owi ngv iruses? a.Cy tomegal ov i rus E. All ofthesearecorr ect b.Papi ll omav irus 35.Whichoft hef ollowingtestf orZikavi ruscandetet ct c.Epst ein- Bar rv i rus thepresenceofv i rus-speci fi cneut rali zi ngantibodi esin d.Her pessi mpl exv i rus pai redserum sampl es 23.Subst ancest hati nducei nterfer onr eleaseexcept : A.MACELI SA a.virus b.bact er i a B.I mmunohi stochemi cal stai ning c.Either d.Nei ther C.PRNT 24.Whi chi smor esuper iorinv i ral hostdef ense a.Tl ymphocy tes D.r RT- PCR b.Bl ymphocy tes c.Either E.All ofthesearecorrect d.Nei ther 36.Inthedetecti onofZi kavir ususi ngrRT- PCR,whati s 25.Thef ollowi ngor gani smsar et ransmi ttedindirectl yexcept: thesampleofchoi ceifpat ient sar he10th dayaf eatt ter a.HSV theonsetofi ll ness? b.HAV A. Serum c.HBV B. Ur ine d.Noneoft heabov e 26.Al lar et rueofRNAv irusesex cept : C. Fi xedTi ssue a.Areenv el oped b.Hav ehel ical capsi ds D. Allofthesear ecor r ect c.Either 37.Int hedi agnost ical gor it hm f orFl avi vir uses,ifIgM is d.Nei ther positi vewhatt estshoul dbedonet oconf ir mt hediagnosis 27.Non- speci fi ci mmunedef enseexcept : i nser um sampl escol lect edmor et han7day sf rom the a.changesi npH onsetofi l lness? b.phagocy tosi s A. PRNT c.Either B. IgGELISA d.Nei ther C. RT-PCR 28.Mul tipleor gansar ei nfect edt her eis: D. Allofthesear ecor r ect a.local i zedi nfect ion E. OnlyAandBar ecor rect b.gener alizedi nfect ion 38.I n diagnosi s ofMar burgi nfect i on,whi ch oft he c.Either fol lowing t est i s r ecommended f or post mor t em d.Nei ther examinat i onofbl ood? 29.Wheni st her ightt i met ogi v et heseconddoseofHepat it is A. I mmunohi st ochemi stry Bv acci ne? B. PCR a.Bef ore2mont hs C. Vi ral cul t ur e b.Aft er2mont h D. Bot hAandBar ecor rect c.Bef ore1mont h E. Al l oft hesear ecorrect d.Aft er1mont h 39.Buny av i ri dae i s compr i sed of3 ssRNA segment s 30Thi sist hel argestknownv i rus: knownas a.Picor nav irus A. S, L, M b.Smal l poxv irus B. A, B, C c.HSV C. A, C, E d.CMV D. M, N, O 31.HBsAgnegat ive, anti-HBc( t otal )negat ive,Anti- HBsposi t ive. 40.Whi choft hef ollowi ngi s/arev ectorofCr i meanCongo Theser esul tsar ei ndi cat i v eof : haemor rhagicf ev er a.pasti nf ect i onwi thHepat iti sBi nf ection A. Aedes b.suscept iblet oHepat i tisBi nfect ion B. Cl uex c.hasHepat iti sBv acci nat i on C. I xodes d.NOTA D. Anophel es 32.Whi choft hef ollowi ngt estcandi stingui shbet ween E. Der macent or pr i mar yandsecondar yDenguev irusi nfecti on? 41.Whi choft hef ol lowi ngv i rusescancausehemor r hagic A. MACELI SA feverwithr enal sy ndrome( HFRS) ? A. Dobr ava B. I gGELI SA B. Seoul v i rus C. Andes C. PRNT D. Al l oft hese D. Bot hAandBar ecor rect E. AandBonl y 42.Thef oll owi ng ar eassoci ated wi th South Amer i can E. Alloft hesearecorrect hemor rhagicfev er sexcept 33.Thisassayi sthemostspeci f icserol ogi calt oolfort he A. Juni nhemor rhagicf ever deter minat ionofdengueant i bodi es,i tisusedt odeter minet he B. Guanar i tov irus i nfecti ngseroty peinconval escentsera C. Lassaf ev er A.MACELI SA D. Sabi av i rus B.IgGELISA E. AandBonl y 43.Whi choft hef oll owi ngt y pesofEbol aisconsideredto behighl yv i rul entt ohumans? A. Tai for est B. Bundi bugy o C. Rest on D. Zai re 44.Whi choft hef ollowi ngt y pesofEbol ai sconsi deredto beoflowpat hogeni cityt ohumans? A. Tai for est B. Bundi bugy o C. Rest on D. Zai re E. Bi rds 45.Acl ini cal speci meni sr eceiv edi nv ir al tr anspor t medi um f orv iral isolat i on.Thespeci mencannotbe processedf or72hour s.Atwhatt emper at ureshoul di t best or ed? A.-70° C B.-20° C C.4° C D.22° C 46.Ay oungmanhasr etur nedf rom ashor ttriptoMexi co wherehewasbi ttenbyadog.Ei ghtweeksaf terreturning hedev elopedexcessi vesal i v at ion, av ersiont odr inki ng water,andhal luci nat ionsanddi edi ncar diacar rest.Whi ch ofthef oll owi ngmeasur esmi ghthav epr ev entedt his deathifi mpl ement eduponhi sret urn? A.Int erleuki n2i nf usions B.Acy clov i rpr ophy l axi s C.Speci ficv acci neadmi ni stration D.Gammagl obul int her apy E.Ci prof loxaci npr ophy laxis 47.Whi choneoff ollowi ngcont ainsl ipidi nitsv i rion? A.Adenov irus B.Par vov irus C.Pi cor nav i rus D.Par vov irus E.Ret rov irus 48.A30- year -ol dmanhashadf ev erandasor et hroatfor aweek.Onexami nat ionhehasbi later alcer vi cal l ymphadenopat hy .Whi choft hef oll owi ngisl eastl i kelyto causet hesecl inical findi ngs? A.Epst ein- Bar rv irus B.Var i cel la-zost erv irus C.Coxsacki eAv irus D.Adenov irus E.Par ainf l uenzav i rus 49.BONUSShadeE 50.BONUSShadeE