Discover Phonics K-3 Scope and Sequence

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GRADE K Scope and Sequence ✴

✴ • ★ ✦• ✴ • ✴ ★

Phonological/ Sound-Spelling Word Skills/ High-Frequency

Week Print Awareness
Phonemic Awareness Sequence Cumulative Review Words/Sight Words

Day 1 Sentence m (No word work in first a, the Functions of Print:

1 segmentation four weeks; focus Print is used for
Day 2 Word blending instead on initial different purposes and
(compound words) alphabet instruction.) print corresponds to
Day 3 Word speech, word for word.
(compound words)
Day 4 Word deletion
(compound words)
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Syllable blending short a (alphabet instruction) go, to Parts of a Book:

2 Day 2 Syllable front cover, title, back
Segmentation cover, pages
Day 3 Syllable deletion
Day 4 Recognize rhyme
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Generate Rhyme s (alphabet instruction) and, like Directionality:

3 Day 2 Categorize Reading books
Rhyme beginning to end,
Day 3 Blend onset and front to back.
Day 4 Segment onset
and rime
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Isolate initial p (alphabet instruction) play, that One-to-One

4 phoneme Correspondence:
Day 2 Isolate final Print matches speech,
phoneme word for word.
Day 3 Isolate medial
Day 4 Categorize
words based on similar
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Blend phonemes t VC, CVC can, do Letters and Words:

5 Day 2 Segment Words are made up of
phonemes individual letters that
Day 3 Blend phonemes represent sounds.
Day 4 Segment
Day 5 Review



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Phonological/ Sound-Spelling Word Skills/ High-Frequency
Week Print Awareness
Phonemic Awareness Sequence Cumulative Review Words/Sight Words

Day 1 Phoneme short i VC, CVC look, make Book Handling:

6 deletion How to hold and read
Day 2 Phoneme a book, turning pages,
addition reading front to back.
Day 3 Sound
Day 4 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Word blending n VC, CVC is, what Print and Pictures:
7 (compound words) Illustrations carry
Day 2 Word meaning and
segmentation correspond to text,
(compound words) but the main message
Day 3 Syllable blending is the print.
Day 4 Syllable
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Generate Rhyme b VC, CVC I, you Word Boundaries:

8 Day 2 Categorize Words are separated
Rhyme by spaces.
Day 3 Blend onset and
Day 4 Segment onset
and rime
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Blend phonemes hard c VC, CVC there, where Words and
9 Day 2 Segment Sentences: Sentences
phonemes are made up of
Day 3 Blend phonemes individual words and
share a complete
Day 4 Segment
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Phoneme short o VC, CVC of, this Purpose of

10 deletion Punctuation:
Day 2 Phoneme Punctuation indicates
addition the end of sentences,
Day 3 Sound questions, excitement,
substitution and pauses in speech.
Day 4 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 5 Review



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GRADE K Scope and Sequence ✴
✴ • ★ ✦• ✴ • ✴ ★

Phonological/ Sound-Spelling Word Skills/ High-Frequency

Week Print Awareness
Phonemic Awareness Sequence Cumulative Review Words/Sight Words

Day 1 Generate Rhyme f VC, CVC no, will Sentence

11 Day 2 Categorize Capitalization:
Rhyme Every sentence begins
Day 3 Blend onset and with a capital letter.
Day 4 Segment onset
and rime
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Blend phonemes h VC, CVC for, good Purpose of Print:

12 Day 2 Segment The print is the
phonemes message.
Day 3 Blend phonemes
Day 4 Segment
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Phoneme d Inflection -s for they, with Directionality:

13 deletion nouns and verbs (no Reading pages from
Day 2 Phoneme spelling changes; /s/ left to right, top to
addition and /z/ for s) bottom.
Day 3 Sound
Day 4 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Generate Rhyme r CVC, inflection -s by, some Directionality:

14 Day 2 Categorize Reading words from
Rhyme left to right.
Day 3 Blend onset and
Day 4 Segment onset
and rime
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Blend phonemes hard g CVC, inflection -s said, was Return Sweep:
15 Day 2 Segment Read words left to
phonemes right to the end of the
Day 3 Blend phonemes line. Then sweep back
to the beginning of
Day 4 Segment
the next line of words.
Day 5 Review



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✴ ★ ✦• ✴ • ✴ ★ ✦• ✴ • ✴ ★ ✦• ✴ •
Phonological/ Sound-Spelling Word Skills/ High-Frequency
Week Print Awareness
Phonemic Awareness Sequence Cumulative Review Words/Sight Words

Day 1 Phoneme short e CVC, inflection -s from, have Dialogue:

16 deletion Words spoken by
Day 2 Phoneme characters begin and
addition end with quotation
Day 3 Sound marks.
Day 4 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Generate Rhyme l final consonants ll, ss, all, these Dialogue:
17 Day 2 Categorize ff (will, sell, bell, less, Dialogue tags tell who
Rhyme miss, pass, puff ) is speaking. They can
Day 3 Blend onset and come before or after
rime the words spoken, or
in between.
Day 4 Segment onset
and rime
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Blend phonemes /k/ k, ck REVIEW: help, her Punctuation:

18 Day 2 Segment Double final Periods, exclamation
phonemes consonants in marks, and question
Day 3 Blend phonemes CVCC words, CVC, marks show how a
inflection -s sentence should be
Day 4 Segment
read and makes the
meaning clear.
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Phoneme short u REVIEW: down, or Illustrations:

19 deletion Double final Illustrations help to
Day 2 Phoneme consonants in show the meaning of
addition CVCC words, CVC, the text.
Day 3 Sound inflection -s
Day 4 lend and
segment phonemes
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Generate Rhyme w REVIEW: has, two Directionality:

20 Day 2 Categorize Double final Reading books
Rhyme consonants in beginning to end,
Day 3 Blend onset and CVCC words, CVC, front to back.
rime inflection -s
Day 4 Segment onset
and rime
Day 5 Review



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GRADE K Scope and Sequence ✴
✴ • ★ ✦• ✴ • ✴ ★

Phonological/ Sound-Spelling Word Skills/ High-Frequency

Week Print Awareness
Phonemic Awareness Sequence Cumulative Review Words/Sight Words

Day 1 Blend phonemes j, x REVIEW: one, which Dialogue:

21 Day 2 Segment Double final Dialogue tags tell who
phonemes consonants in is speaking. They can
Day 3 Blend phonemes CVCC words, CVC, come before or after
inflection -s the words spoken, or
Day 4 Segment
in betweeen.
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Phoneme v REVIEW: animals, his Word Length:

22 deletion Double final Words are made up of
Day 2 Phoneme consonants in different numbers of
addition CVCC words, CVC, letters. Word can be
Day 3 Sound inflection -s long or short.
Day 4 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Generate Rhyme qu REVIEW: be, day One-to-One

23 Day 2 Categorize Double final Correspondence:
Rhyme consonants in Print matches speech,
Day 3 Blend onset and CVCC words, CVC, word for word.
rime inflection -s
Day 4 Segment onset
and rime
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Blend phonemes y, z REVIEW: are, he Dialogue:

24 Day 2 Segment Double final Dialogue tags are
phonemes consonants in words such as said,
Day 3 Blend phonemes CVCC words, CVC, ask, whisper and
inflection -s yell. They tell who is
Day 4 Segment
speaking and how
they speak.
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Phoneme VCe long a REVIEW: could, we Capitalization:

25 deletion Double final Capitalization of
Day 2 Phoneme consonants in names, labels, first
addition CVCC words, CVC, words in sentences,
Day 3 Sound inflection -s and for emphasis (see
substitution p. 8 of decodable
Day 4 Blend and reader).
segment phonemes
Day 5 Review



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Phonological/ Sound-Spelling Word Skills/ High-Frequency
Week Print Awareness
Phonemic Awareness Sequence Cumulative Review Words/Sight Words

Day 1 Sentence VCe long i REVIEW: then, were Return Sweep:

26 segmentation Double final Read words left to
Day 2 Word blending consonants in right to the end of the
(compound words) CVCC words, CVC, line. Then sweep back
Day 3 Word inflection -s to the beginning of
segmentation the next line of words.
(compound words)
Day 4 Word deletion
(compound words)
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Syllable blending VCe long o REVIEW: been, now Words and
27 Day 2 Syllable Double final Sentences:
Segmentation consonants in Sentences are made
Day 3 Syllable deletion CVCC words, CVC, up of individual words
inflection -s separated by spaces.
Day 4 Recognize rhyme
Sentences share a
Day 5 Review complete thought.

Day 1 Generate Rhyme VCe long u, VCe REVIEW: how, when Directionality:
28 Day 2 Categorize long e Double final Reading pages left to
Rhyme consonants in right, top to bottom.
Day 3 Blend onset and CVCC words, CVC,
rime inflection -s
Day 4 Segment onset
and rime
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Isolate initial REVIEW: REVIEW: review One-to-One

29 phoneme Short vowels Inflection -s Correspondence:
Day 2 Isolate final a, i Print matches speech,
phoneme word for word.
Day 3 Isolate medial
Day 4 Categorize
words based on similar
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Blend phonemes REVIEW: REVIEW: review Illustrations:

30 Day 2 Segment Short vowels, Inflection -s Illustrations help to
phonemes o, e, u show the meaning of
Day 3 Blend phonemes the text, but the text is
the main message.
Day 4 Segment
Day 5 Review



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GRADE K Scope and Sequence ✴
✴ • ★ ✦• ✴ • ✴ ★

Phonological/ Sound-Spelling Word Skills/ High-Frequency

Week Print Awareness
Phonemic Awareness Sequence Cumulative Review Words/Sight Words

Day 1 Phoneme REVIEW: REVIEW: review Punctuation:

31 deletion Long vowels a, i Inflection -s Periods, exclamation
Day 2 Phoneme in CVCe marks, and question
addition marks show how a
Day 3 Sound sentence should be
substitution read and makes the
Day 4 Blend and meaning clear.
segment phonemes
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Word blending REVIEW: REVIEW: review Return Sweep:

32 (compound words) Long vowels o, Inflection -s Read words left to
Day 2 Word e, u in CVCe right to the end of the
segmentation line. Then sweep back
(compound words) to the beginning of
Day 3 Syllable blending the next line of words.
Day 4 Syllable
Day 5 Review



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GRADE 1 Scope and Sequence ✴
✴ • ★ ✦• ✴ • ✴ ★

Phonemic Sound-Spelling High-Frequency Concepts of Spelling

Week Word Skills
Awareness Focus Words Print/Fluency Words

Day 1 Isolate initial m, t, p, short a VC, CVC an, and, as, at, • Day 1 Song: an, and, as,
1 phoneme Concept of Word, at, map, mat,
Day 2 Isolate final Word Boundaries tap
phoneme • Day 2
Day 3 Blend phonemes Decodable
Day 4 Segment Reader: Parts
phonemes of a Book (front
Day 5 Review cover, title page,
back cover)

Day 1 Isolate initial s, n, b, short i Review VC, a, I, see, the • Day 1 Song: bat, bin, nap,
2 phoneme CVC Sentence pan, see, sit,
Day 2 Isolate final Boundary the, tin
phoneme • Day 2
Day 3 Blend phonemes Decodable
Day 4 Segment Reader:
phonemes Directionality
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Isolate initial m, t, p, short a Review VC, if, in, is, it • Day 1 Song: cat, fan, him,
3 phoneme CVC Word Boundaries hot, if, is, not,
Day 2 Isolate final pot
Day 3 Blend phonemes
Day 4 Segment
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Isolate initial hard g, d, r, /z/ Inflection -s go, no, of, so • Day 1 Song: bugs, dip,
4 phoneme spelled s, short u for nouns Sentence fun, go, hug,
Day 2 Isolate final and verbs Features of, rips, sun
phoneme (no spelling (first word,
Day 3 Blend phonemes changes; capitalization,
/s/ and /z/ punctuation)
Day 4 Segment
phonemes for s)
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Isolate initial qu, k, -ck, l, Review but, can, did, get • Day 1 Song: did, duck,
5 phoneme short e Inflection -s Word Boundaries get, let, pack,
Day 2 Isolate final (no spelling pet, quack,
phoneme changes) quick
Day 3 Blend phonemes
Day 4 Segment
Day 5 Review



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Phonemic Sound-Spelling High-Frequency Concepts of Spelling
Week Word Skills
Awareness Focus Words Print/Fluency Words

Day 1 Isolate phonemes w, y, j, v, x, z Final was, were, will, • Day 1: Sentence fell, fix, jam,
6 (all positions) consonants with Features vet, was, will,
Day 2 Isolate phonemes ll, ss, ff win, yes
(all positions)
Day 3 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 4 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Isolate phonemes Consonant Inflectional been, had, has, Rate bath, been,
7 (all positions) digraphs sh and ending -ing said fish, path,
Day 2 Isolate phonemes th (voiced and (no spelling said, ship,
unvoiced) changes) shop, thick
(all positions)
Day 3 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 4 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Isolate phonemes Consonant Inflectional that, these, this, Accuracy catch, chick,
8 (all positions) digraphs ch, tch, endings -s those chin, hatch,
Day 2 Isolate phonemes and wh and -es (no match, that,
spelling this, when
(all positions)
Day 3 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 4 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Isolate phonemes initial blends Inflectional like, made, make, Intonation flag, frog,
9 (all positions) with s, l, r ending -ed time glad, made,
Day 2 Isolate phonemes (no spelling make, step,
changes) stop, trip
(all positions)
Day 3 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 4 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 5 Review



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GRADE 1 Scope and Sequence ✴
✴ • ★ ✦• ✴ • ✴ ★

Phonemic Sound-Spelling High-Frequency Concepts of Spelling

Week Word Skills
Awareness Focus Words Print/Fluency Words

Day 1 Isolate phonemes final blends Inflectional be, by, he, we Volume & Stress be, gift, he,
10 (all positions) (except -nk ending jump, lunch,
Day 2 Isolate phonemes and -ng) -ing with milk, nest,
spelling sand
(all positions)
Day 3 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 4 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Isolate phonemes a_e, i_e VCe; soft c could, would, Phrasing bike, date,
11 (all positions) and g you, your nice, ride,
Day 2 Isolate phonemes same, tape,
you, your
(all positions)
Day 3 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 4 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Isolate phonemes o_e, u_e, e_e Inflectional have, many, take, Rate cute, have
12 (all positions) ending write home, hope,
Day 2 Isolate phonemes -ed with many, note,
spelling rule, use
(all positions)
Day 3 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 4 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Isolate phonemes long vowels /e/ Closed give, little, live, Accuracy by, give, hi,
13 (all positions) e; /i/ i, y; /o/ o and open still live, me, no,
Day 2 Isolate phonemes syllables; so, we
prefixes re-,
(all positions)
Day 3 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 4 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 5 Review



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Phonemic Sound-Spelling High-Frequency Concepts of Spelling
Week Word Skills
Awareness Focus Words Print/Fluency Words

Day 1 Isolate phonemes long a spelled Suffixes -y, day, may, my, way Intonation day, hay, rain,
14 (all positions) ai, ay -ly sail, stay, tail,
Day 2 Isolate phonemes train, way
(all positions)
Day 3 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 4 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Isolate phonemes long e spelled Suffixes her, him, his, she Volume & Stress beach, clean,
15 (all positions) ee, ea -less, -ful feet, her, leaf,
Day 2 Isolate phonemes need, she,
(all positions)
Day 3 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 4 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Isolate phonemes long o spelled Compound their, them, they, Phrasing bowl, coat,
16 (all positions) oa, ow words two goat, grow,
Day 2 Isolate phonemes snow, their,
they, toad
(all positions)
Day 3 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 4 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Isolate phonemes long i spelled Possessives how, into, now, Rate bright, high,
17 (all positions) igh, ie with ‘s one how, light,
Day 2 Isolate phonemes night, now,
pie, tie
(all positions)
Day 3 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 4 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 5 Review



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GRADE 1 Scope and Sequence ✴
✴ • ★ ✦• ✴ • ✴ ★

Phonemic Sound-Spelling High-Frequency Concepts of Spelling

Week Word Skills
Awareness Focus Words Print/Fluency Words

Day 1 Isolate phonemes long u spelled u, Contractions find, first, long, Accuracy blue, clue,
18 (all positions) ew, ue with n‘t, ‘s, ‘m look few, find,
Day 2 Isolate phonemes flew, glue,
look, new
(all positions)
Day 3 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 4 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Isolate phonemes blends -ng Contractions are, than, then, Intonation are, bang,
19 (all positions) and -nk with ‘ll there bank, bring,
Day 2 Isolate phonemes there, thing,
think, wink
(all positions)
Day 3 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 4 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Isolate phonemes r-controlled ar Contractions down, on, to, up Volume & Stress arms, barn,
20 (all positions) with ‘ve and car, dark,
Day 2 Isolate phonemes ‘re down, far,
park, shark
(all positions)
Day 3 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 4 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Isolate phonemes long vowels /e/ Closed give, little, live, Accuracy by, give, hi,
21 (all positions) e; /i/ i, y; /o/ o and open still live, me, no,
Day 2 Isolate phonemes syllables; so, we
prefixes re-,
(all positions)
Day 3 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 4 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 5 Review



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✴ ★ ✦• ✴ • ✴ ★ ✦• ✴ • ✴ ★ ✦• ✴ •
Phonemic Sound-Spelling High-Frequency Concepts of Spelling
Week Word Skills
Awareness Focus Words Print/Fluency Words

Day 1 Isolate phonemes r-controlled or, REVIEW: number, other, Rate board,
22 (all positions) ore, oar Inflections people, water people, roar,
Day 2 Isolate phonemes -s and -es, short, snore,
with and store, storm,
(all positions)
without water
Day 3 Blend and spelling
segment phonemes
Day 4 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Isolate phonemes short and long REVIEW: do, for, from, or Accuracy book,
23 (all positions) oo (oo, ou) Inflection bookshelf,
Day 2 Isolate phonemes -ed, with broom,
and without choose, do,
(all positions)
spelling foot, from,
Day 3 Blend and changes good
segment phonemes
Day 4 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Isolate phonemes Diphthongs REVIEW: what, when, Intonation cloud, cow,
24 (all positions) /ou/ ou, ow; /oi/ Inflection which, who mouse, oil,
Day 2 Isolate phonemes oi, oy -ing, with shout, toy,
and without what, who
(all positions)
Day 3 Blend and changes
segment phonemes
Day 4 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Isolate phonemes Complex vowel REVIEW: about, all, called, Volume & Stress about, all,
25 (all positions) in all spelled au, Inflections out fall, paw, salt,
Day 2 Isolate phonemes aw, alk, all, alt -s, -es, and saw, talk,
-ing, with walk
(all positions)
and without
Day 3 Blend and spelling
segment phonemes
Day 4 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 5 Review



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GRADE 1 Scope and Sequence ✴
✴ • ★ ✦• ✴ • ✴ ★

Phonemic Sound-Spelling High-Frequency Concepts of Spelling

Week Word Skills
Awareness Focus Words Print/Fluency Words

Day 1 Isolate phonemes two-syllable REVIEW: Review Phrasing bubble,

26 (all positions) words with Closed buckle,
closed syllable and open bundle,
Day 2 Isolate phonemes
plus -le syllables giggle, other,
(all positions)
Day 3 Blend and riddle, word
segment phonemes
Day 4 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Isolate phonemes REVIEW: Long REVIEW: Review Rate helpful, icy,
27 (all positions) vowels spelled, Prefixes likely, lucky,
Day 2 Isolate phonemes e, i, o, and all re-, un- and painless,
CVCe long suffixes redo, reuse,
(all positions)
vowels; Soft g -y, -ly, -less undo
Day 3 Blend and and c and -ful
segment phonemes
Day 4 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Isolate phonemes REVIEW: Long REVIEW: Review Accuracy into, outside,
28 (all positions) a spelled ai, ay; Compound railroad,
Day 2 Isolate phonemes Long e spelled words rainbow,
ee, ea raindrop,
(all positions)
Day 3 Blend and snowman,
segment phonemes
Day 4 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Isolate phonemes REVIEW: Long i REVIEW: Review Intonation bakes,

29 (all positions) spelled, y, ie, Possessives baking,
Day 2 Isolate phonemes and igh; with ‘s books,
Long u spelled catches,
(all positions)
ew, and ue fixes,
Day 3 Blend and lunches,
segment phonemes
ripping, rips
Day 4 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 5 Review



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✴ ★ ✦• ✴ • ✴ ★ ✦• ✴ • ✴ ★ ✦• ✴ •
Phonemic Sound-Spelling High-Frequency Concepts of Spelling
Week Word Skills
Awareness Focus Words Print/Fluency Words

Day 1 Isolate phonemes REVIEW: REVIEW: Review Volume & Stress can't, he's,
30 (all positions) r-controlled Contractons I'm, I've,
Day 2 Isolate phonemes vowels (ar, er, ir, n‘t, ‘s, ‘m, ‘ll, she'll, they're,
ur, or, ore, oar) ‘ve, ‘re we're, won't
(all positions)
Day 3 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 4 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Isolate phonemes REVIEW: Short REVIEW: Review Phrasing faster,

31 (all positions) and long oo Comparatives fastest,
Day 2 Isolate phonemes (oo, ou) and and higher,
diphthongs ou, superlatives highest,
(all positions)
ow, oi, oy -er, -est nicer, nicest,
Day 3 Blend and taller, tallest
segment phonemes
Day 4 Blend and
segment phonemes
Day 5 Review

Day 1 Isolate phonemes REVIEW: REVIEW: Review Prosody cried,

32 (all positions) Complex vowel Two-syllable helping,
Day 2 Isolate phonemes in all spelled au, closed hoping,
aw, alk, all, alt syllable + -le hopping,
(all positions)
Day 3 Blend and making,
segment phonemes
Day 4 Blend and skated
segment phonemes
Day 5 Review



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✦ ✦
GRADE 2 Scope and Sequence ✴
✴ • ★ ✦• ✴ • ✴ ★

Phonics Skill High-Frequency/

Week Word Study Spelling Words Fluency
Sequence Sight Words

short a, i (CVC), s /z/ inflection -s no am, as, big, did, as, big, cat, fit, give,had, Rate
1 spelling changes give, had, live, man hats, hid, is, jam, live,
(bags, sits) mat, pat, pin, sad, sits

short o, e, u (CVC) two-syllable VCCV into, me, men, not, basket, buns, fun, gets, Accuracy
2 (napkin) on, put, set, us hot, into, leg, me, nut,
on, picnic, pop, pot,
put, ten, top

s, l, r initial blends inflections, including called, different, called, class, crab, Intonation
3 and three-letter double final off, small, spell, different, fell, frog, glad,
clusters; double final consonant (tapping, still, tell, well grass, hill, problem,
letters ll, ff, ss, zz ripped) running, slipped, spell,
stop, stuff, tell

final blends suffixes -er, -est after, ask, its, after, best, bigger, Volume & Stress
4 just, long, most, fastest, gift, hand, help,
number, want left, long, milk, number,
pond, sing, skunk,
think, want

Consonant digraphs inflectional endings, back, each, much, boxes, catch, Phrasing
5 sh, ch, tch, th, wh, ck including rules for she, such, three, chick,each, fetch, much,
-s, -es where, who rocks, shut, stick, them,
when, where, which,
who, wish, with

Long vowels e, i, o, possessives ’s about, end, even, about, be, cold, even, Rate
6 y /i/ in CV and with find, kind, old, over, find, go, gold, hi, kind,
blends (me, my, hi, why me, mind, my, shy, so,
go, gold, find, blind, we, wild

long vowels a_e, inflectional endings become, came, become, cave, come, Accuracy
7 i_e, (CVCe); soft c -s and -ed with come, face, line, face, fine, hiked, inside,
(cave, smile, reptile, silent e name, place, same line, mile, pancake,race,
pancake) reptile, smile, snake,
time, traded

long vowels e_e, inflectional endings above, change, cage, change, cute, Intonation
8 o_e, u_e (CVCe); -ing after silent e here, home, move, excuse, here, home,
soft g (theme, rode, page, picture, use hoping, huge, move,
flute, cute, excuse) note, pole, riding, rode,
rules, theme, tune



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✦ ✦ ✦
✴ ★ ✦• ✴ • ✴ ★ ✦• ✴ • ✴ ★ ✦• ✴ •
Phonics Skill High-Frequency/
Week Word Study Spelling Words Fluency
Sequence Sight Words

Consonant + le closed and open example, apple, bottle, bub- Volume & Stress
9 syllables syllable division hand,little, mother, ble, buckle, drizzle,
(rabbit, robot, table, only, people, example, jiggle, little,
bubble) sentence, than mother, people, pickle,
puddle, rabbit, riddle,
table, tumble

vowel digraphs ai, compound words away, great, made, away, day, daytime, Phrasing
10 ay, eigh (paid, say, may, play, say, eight, gray, great, mail-
eight, remain) their, way box, paid, paint, play,
rain, stray, their, train,
wait, weigh

Long e vowel contractions n’t, ’s, ’m between, children, between, chief, Rate
11 digraphs ee, ea, ie family, head, leave, children, family, feet,
(feet, deer, seat, means, our, read field, green, head, meet,
ear, field) piece, please, real, seat,
seed, teach, week

Long o vowel contractions ’ll, ’ve, does, don’t, follow, below, boat, coat, does, Accuracy
12 digraphs oa, ow, oe '’re it’s, know, open, float, follow, goat, grow,
(boat, mow, toe) second, together own, second, show,
slow, snow, throw, toes,

Long i vowel prefixes re-, un- eyes, friends, idea, bright, cries, Intonation
13 digraphs ie, igh (tie, (retie, replay, untie, my, right, things, eyes,friends, fries, high,
high) and in y_e unlock) think, try idea, lie , light, night,
(type) rewind, right, sight,
style, type, untie

Silent letters kn, gn, suffixes -ful, -less help, land, often, climb, endless, gnome, Volume & Stress
14 wr, mb (knees, climb, (helpful/helpless, once, school, hopeful, knees, knit,
write, wrist, thumb) hopeful, hopeless) watch, went, write knob, knock, know,
lamb, often, school,
thumbs, watch, wrists,

Long e spelled y in inflections, change any, carry, every, babies, every, funny, Phrasing
15 VCCV words (happy, y to i (babies, ladies, many, must, story, happy, lucky, many,
funny, lucky, sandy) kitties) study, very penny, rainy, sandy,
silly, stories, story,
study, study, sunny,



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✦ ✦
GRADE 2 Scope and Sequence ✴
✴ • ★ ✦• ✴ • ✴ ★

Phonics Skill High-Frequency/

Week Word Study Spelling Words Fluency
Sequence Sight Words

R-controlled (park, more suffixes –y, car, earth, large, charming, earth, hap- Rate
16 are, heart) -ly (cloudy, luckily, learn, part, start, pily, hard, harm, heart,
quickly) words, years jar, large, learn, luckily,
parking, smart, spark,
star, starving, years

R-controlled or, ore, more prefixes before, form, four, before, chore, court, Accuracy
17 our, oar (for, store, mis-, pre- (repour, important, more, door, four, important,
pour, soar) unlucky, misprint, out, world, your misprint, pour, pretest,
pretest) roar, score, short, snore,
sort, store, your

R-controlled er, ir, r-controlled syllable father, first, girl, burst, corner, curl, Intonation
18 ur, or (her, stir, turn, division (marker, letter, other, turn, fern, first, fur, girl, her,
work) worker) water, work marker, morning, order,
shirt, stir, thirsty, water,

air, are, ear /er/ (hair, syllable division air, animals, far, animals, bear, careful, Volume & Stress
19 stare, bear) strategies near, never, paper, fair, far, hair, near, never,
river, under pear, purple, scare,
share, stare, startle,
turtle, wear

Short oo /ü/ (book, more prefixes over-, should, would, book, brook, crooked, Phrasing
20 foot, wood) under- (oversleep, book, good, took, flood, foot, hooded,
underwater, rewear, seem, keep, real hoof, overlook, shook,
unhappy, misspell, should, stood, took,
preread) underneath, wood,
wool, would

Long oo, /ü/ spelled homophones (to/ country, few, blue, choose, glue, Rate
21 oo, ou, ew, ue too/two; new/knew; food, group, new, group, knew, new,
there/they’re/their, through, too, noodles, routine, soup,
your/you’re) young stew, student, threw,
through, too, tooth,

Diphthong /ou/ more homophones enough, found, brake, break, brown, Accuracy
22 ou, ow (no/know; by/bye/ house, mountains, couch, cow, enough,
buy; brake/break; sound, thought, flowers, fountains,
week/weak; here/ while, without ground, house,
hear) mountains, mouse,
round, shout, sound,



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✦ ✦ ✦
✴ ★ ✦• ✴ • ✴ ★ ✦• ✴ • ✴ ★ ✦• ✴ •
Phonics Skill High-Frequency/
Week Word Study Spelling Words Fluency
Sequence Sight Words

Diphthong /oi/ oi, oy more suffixes boy, high, light, boil, boy, choice, coin, Intonation
23 -ness, -ment might, night, cowboy, destroy,
(review previous point, something, enjoyment, goodness,
and introduce sometimes high, joy, night, noise,
new) (enjoyment, oil, point, toy, voice

Complex Vowel / more suffixes -age, almost, also, always, ball, because, Volume & Stress
24 aw/ aw, au, augh, -ish, -able (spoilage, always, because, bought, brownish, call,
ough, and in glued boyish, walkable) saw, talk, until, cause, claw, fall, paw,
sounds all, alk, alt walk salt, saw, stalk, storage,
(saw, cause, caught, talk, yawn
thought, walk, ball)

Initial schwa (about, REVIEW: suffixes add, again, along, above, adult, again, Phrasing
25 away, apart) another, around, against, ago, agree,
both, city, close ahead, alone, along,
another, apart, around,
arrive, asleep, happi-
ness, thankful

Final stable syllables REVIEW: prefixes answer, began, action, answer, Rate
26 -ture, -sure, -tion, begin, being, assure,began, being,
-sion (moisture, below, side, state, below, creature,
closure, nation, white decision, fiction, future,
poison) mission, mixture,
pleasure, remind,
station, uncover

REVIEW: Vowel REVIEW: possessives Review afraid, coast, crow, feel, Accuracy
27 Teams and contractions flies thigh, flow, free,
lighthouse, main, may,
maybe, peach, season,
throat, tried

REVIEW: long e REVIEW: inflections Review baby, bunnies, bunny, Intonation

28 spelled y (closed and and spelling rules cherry, daddy, furry,
open) (funny, baby) honey, hurried, hurry,
hurrying, lady, monkey,
pennies, pony, tiny,



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✦ • ✦
GRADE 2 Scope and Sequence

✴ ★ ✦• ✴ • ✴ ★

Phonics Skill High-Frequency/

Week Word Study Spelling Words Fluency
Sequence Sight Words

REVIEW: R-Controlled REVIEW: Review burger, carpet, cart, Volume & Stress
29 Vowels homophones circus, forget, hear,
heard, herd, here, pair,
partner, squirm, there,

third, warm, worm

REVIEW: Short REVIEW: closed Review afternoon, breakfast, Phrasing

30 and Long /oo/ (all syllable division and clue, cook, cookbook,
spellings) compound words drew, flew, food,
football, mood, moon,
noon, room, soon, tool,

REVIEW: Vowel REVIEW: open and Review caught, chalk, cough, Intonation
31 Diphthongs and closed syllable crown, daughter, mall,
Complex Vowels division moist, mouth, soil,
south, spoil, sprout,
stall, straw, town, walk

REVIEW: Initial Schwa REVIEW: consonant Review aboard, adore, Volume & Stress
32 and Final Stable + le words (cattle, adventure, alarm,
Syllables table, marble, assure, awake, award,
beetle) enclosure, motion,
nation, nature,

for Foundational Literacy

occasion, picture,
portion, sculpture,



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✦ ✦
GRADE 3 Scope and Sequence ✴
✴ • ★ ✦• ✴ • ✴ ★

Phonics Skill High-Frequency/

Week Word Study Spelling Words Fluency
Sequence Sight Words

short vowels a, e, i, closed two-syllable basket, bed, bump, as, big, cat, fit, give,had, Rate
1 o, u words, VCCV bun, does, glad, hats, hid, is, jam, live,
(napkin, basket, house, kit, log, mat, pat, pin, sad, sits
rabbit) melt, mother,
move, off,problem,
rest, rug, slip, stop,
sudden, want

long vowels spelled VCe words (face, came, change, age, change, cute, here, Accuracy
2 a, e, i, o, u; Soft c and kite, cute, reptile, close, here, home, huge, kite, mine, nice,
g (he, hi, go, take, excuse, basement) life, page, place, note, page, pile, place,
bite, pole, cute) take, where race, same, snake,
stove, take, time, vote,

consonant digraphs Inflections -s, -es, children, earth, bench, dishes, fish, itch, Intonation
3 ch, tch, ck, th, sh, ph, -ing group, should, lunch, much, phone,
wh (phone, chase, something, things, places, plates, shade,
which, shade) think, thought, something, taking,
through, watch thick, think, thought,
through, watch, whale,
when, which

long a vowel pairs inflection -ed again, air, always, again, aim, always, Volume & Stress
4 (ai, ay, ea, ei, ey, eigh) away, great, head, away, break, day, eight,
(wait, day, break, veil, learn, mountains, fixed, great, head, mail,
they, sleigh) play, say played, say, sleigh, stay,
they, trail, wait, way,

long e vowel pairs contractions between, eat, alley, between, chief, Phrasing
5 (ee, ea, ie, ey) [feet, even, feet, hear, deep, doesn't, even,
bead, field, key] means, need, read, field, green, key, least,
three, years leaves, means, please,
seeds, team, they'll,
they're, three, week,

long e spelled y and syllable division carry, city, country, body, city, copy, Rate
6 Long i spelled y (try, in closed syllable every, only, story, country, cry, every, fly,
cry, happy, bunny, words (nap/kin, study, try, very, funny, happy, honey,
lucky, funny) bun/ny) why jelly, lucky, messy,
monkey, really, sixty,
sky, story, very, windy



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✦ ✦ ✦
✴ ★ ✦• ✴ • ✴ ★ ✦• ✴ • ✴ ★ ✦• ✴ •
Phonics Skill High-Frequency/
Week Word Study Spelling Words Fluency
Sequence Sight Words

3-letter blends suffixes -y, -ly, -ily any, ask, end, eyes, clearly, family, happily, Accuracy
7 (stream, sprain, (scrappy, clearly, family, hand, kind, kind, lovely, most,
scrap) easily) most, old, over nearly, old, over, scrap,
scream, screech, simply,
splash, splendid, sprain,
spray, steadily, stream,

long o vowel pairs syllable division with began, begin, begin, boat, both, Intonation
8 (oa, ow, oe, ew) (boat, open syllables VCV below, both, bow, float, flow, follow,
low, toe, sew) (baby, robot, begin, follow, grow, off, grow, low, okay, open,
relax) own, show, song parents, relax, row, sew,
show, slowly, snow,
toad, toe

silent letters and VCV closed or open answer, enough, numb, know, Volume & Stress
9 silent partners kn, (robot, robin, zero) high, know, large, knowledge, answer,
mb, wr, sw, dge /j/, light, might, night, large, write, swordfish,
and gh /g/, /f/ (know, picture, right dodge, ghost, judge,
thumb, write, rough, limb, knight, wrestle,
sword, answer, high) ridge, nudge, comb,
rough, tough, cozy,

initial schwa /ә/ VCCCV syllable above, along, around, above, along, Phrasing
10 [across, affect] division (hundred, around, last, late, last, list, across, affect,
substance, address, left, let, list, mile, ahead, address, instant,
instant) miss hundred, about, after,
against, aside, award,
awake, arrive, adult,

r-controlled /ûr/ compound words after, girl, letter, burst, corner, curl, Rate
11 (burn, worker, her, next, sometimes, fern, first, fur, girl, her,
girl, earn, earth) stop, turn, under, marker, morning, order,
without, work shirt, stir, thirsty, water,
work, sometimes,
without, under, letter

r-controlled /är/ Inflections, change y car, far, father, hard, charmed, earth, Accuracy
12 (part, heart, are, to i (parties, bunnies, keep, seem, start, marries, hard, harm,
alarm, awar) worries) state, those, tree heart, jar, large, learn,
farming, parking, smart,
spark, star, starving,
years, father, bunnies,
worries, parties



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✦ ✦
GRADE 3 Scope and Sequence ✴
✴ • ★ ✦• ✴ • ✴ ★

Phonics Skill High-Frequency/

Week Word Study Spelling Words Fluency
Sequence Sight Words

r-controlled /ôr/ syllable division back, before, big, before, chore, court, Intonation
13 (fork, order, gator, with consonant example, form, door, four, important,
chore, pour, soar) + le (turtle, beetle, four, little, man, misprint, pour, pretest,
paddle) men, world roar, score, short, snore,
sort, store, your, world,
form, fort, pour, port *

/er/ air, are, ear (hair, homophones (hair/ add, it’s, its, leave, animals, bear, careful, Volume & Stress
14 care, bear) hare, fair/fare, me, near, real, sea, fair, far, hair, near, never,
stares/stairs, bear/ too, two pear, purple, scare,
bare) share, stares, startle,
turtle, wear, fare, stairs,
bare, pair, beware

short oo /ü/ spelled suffixes -er, -est book, good, much, book, brook, crooked, Phrasing
15 oo, u, o, ou (book, never, paper, river, flood, foot, hooded,
foot, wood, put, wolf, such, tell, took, hoof, overlook, shook,
would) well should, stood, took,
underneath, wood,
wool, would, good,
never, paper, tell, well

long oo /ü/ spelled prefixes re-, un- don’t, food, just, blue, choose, glue, Rate
16 oo, o, u, ou (hoot, to, land, must, plant, group, knew, new,
ruby, soup) run, school, soon, noodles, routine, soup,
went stew, student, threw,
through, too, tooth,
two, school, soon, food,
moon, broom

long oo /ü/ and long multisyllabic word animals, become, fruit, suit, blue, clue, Accuracy
17 yoo spelled ew, ue, ui strategies being, cut, true, dew, mildew, few,
(blue, cue, new, few, different, few, new, threw, withdrew, cue,
suit, fruit) set, together, us subdue, due, recruit,
together, new, different,
become, being, suite

complex vowel /aw/ prefixes dis-, mis- almost, also, help, always, ball, misread, Intonation
18 in all, alk, alt (tall, important, small, call, fall, paw, salt,
walk, salt) spell, still, talk, stalk, talk, fall, caught,
until, walk discover, also, chalk,
almost, walk, tall,
follow, mistake,
disbelief, fault



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✦ ✦ ✦
✴ ★ ✦• ✴ • ✴ ★ ✦• ✴ • ✴ ★ ✦• ✴ •
Phonics Skill High-Frequency/
Week Word Study Spelling Words Fluency
Sequence Sight Words

complex vowel /aw/ suffixes -less, -ful face, line, name, because, bought, cause, Volume & Stress
19 aw, au, augh, ough often, open, same, claw, paw, saw, yawn,
(saw, cause, caught, saw, side, while, fawn, caught, cough,
thought) white thought, often, open,
while, white, helpful,
helpless, hopeful,
hopeless, brought

diphthong /ou/ ou, suffixes -ous, -able, around, country, brake, break, brown, Phrasing
20 ow (shout, shower) ible found, house, couch, cow, enough,
mountains, our, flowers, fountains,
second, sound, ground, house,
without, young mountains, mouse,
round, shout, sound,
towel, young, found,
around, without

silent letters and VCV closed or open answer, enough, numb, know, Volume & Stress
21 silent partners kn, (robot, robin, zero) high, know, large, knowledge, answer,
mb, wr, sw, dge /j/, light, might, night, large, write, swordfish,
and gh /g/, /f/ (know, picture, right dodge, ghost, judge,
thumb, write, rough, limb, knight, wrestle,
sword, answer, high) ridge, nudge, comb,
rough, tough, cozy,

diphthong /oi/ oi, oy VV syllable division area, being, boy, boil, boy, choice, coin, Rate
21 (soil, oyster) (lion, giant, diet) idea, once, point, cowboy, destroy, enjoy-
read, sentence, ment, goodness, high,
usually, voice joy, night, noise, oil,
point, toy, voice, oyster,
lion, giant, diet, soil

spelling ie vs ei prefixes pre-, sub- against, certain, receive, field, foreigner, Accuracy
22 (receive, ceiling, cried, field, friends, ceiling, reindeer, friend,
field, reindeer) listen, notice, piece either, neither, prevent,
piece, certain, notice,
against, listen, subway,
weight, perceive,
receipt, shriek, sieze



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9/1/21 12:20
✦ ✦
GRADE 3 Scope and Sequence ✴
✴ • ★ ✦• ✴ • ✴ ★

Phonics Skill High-Frequency/

Week Word Study Spelling Words Fluency
Sequence Sight Words

final stable syllables suffixes -ment, -ty REVIEW answer, assure, began, Intonation
23 -ure, -ture, -sure being, below, creature,
(injure, failure, future, mixture,
moisture, closure) pleasure, remind,
uncover, injure, failure,
closure, basement,
hefty, fixture, nature,
feature, failure

final stable syllables suffixes -en, -ish REVIEW action, decision, Volume & Stress
24 -ion, -tion, -sion fiction, mission, station,
(opinion, nation, opinion, option, nation,
poison) poison, potion, motion,
onion, lighten, darken,
liven, pinkish, foolish

hard ch /k/, soft ch multisyllabic word REVIEW school, anchor, chef, Phrasing
25 /sh/, and -que, -qu strategies machine, unique,
/k/ (school, anchor, antique, mosquito,
chef, machine, subtract, kitchen,
unique, antique, inspect, pumpkin,
mosquito) sandwich, monster,
sparkle, beetle,
embrace, explode,
panther, excite, robot

REVIEW: vowel REVIEW: syllable REVIEW afraid, coast, crow, feel, Rate
26 digraphs division in flies thigh, flow, free,
compound words lighthouse, main, may,
and consonant +le maybe, peach, season,
throat, tried, freedom,
complain, explain,
crowd, float

REVIEW: long e REVIEW: syllable REVIEW baby, bunnies, bunny, Intonation

27 spelled y (closed and division in VCCV cherry, daddy, furry,
open) (funny, baby) words honey, hurried, hurry,
hurrying, lady, monkey,
pennies, pony, tiny,
yummy, orchard,
hungry, quickly, illness,



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✦ ✦ ✦
✴ ★ ✦• ✴ • ✴ ★ ✦• ✴ • ✴ ★ ✦• ✴ •
Phonics Skill High-Frequency/
Week Word Study Spelling Words Fluency
Sequence Sight Words

REVIEW: r-controlled REVIEW: syllable REVIEW burger, carpet, cart, Intonation

28 vowels division in VCV circus, forget, hear,
words heard, herd, here, pair,
partner, squirm, there,
third, warm, worm,
warning, farmer, open,
robin, zero

REVIEW: short REVIEW: syllable REVIEW afternoon, breakfast, Volume & Stress
29 and long /oo/ (all division in VCe clue, cook, cookbook,
spellings) words drew, flew, food,
football, mood, moon,
noon, room, soon, tool,
true, broom, necklace,
bracelet, bedroom,

REVIEW: vowel REVIEW: syllable REVIEW crown, moist, mouth, Phrasing

30 diphthongs division in VCCCV soil, south, spoil, sprout,
and VV words town, lion, giant, diet,
boil, idea, point, noise,
choice, coin, join,
annoy, soybean

REVIEW: complex REVIEW: syllable REVIEW caught, chalk, cough, Intonation

31 vowels division and daughter, mall, stall,
recognizing prefixes straw, walk, hallway,
launch, haul, pause,
sauce, salty, halt, stalk,
always, altogether,
faulty, claw

REVIEW: initial schwa REVIEW: syllable REVIEW agree, asleep, awake, Volume & Stress
32 and final stable division and arrive, another, ahead,
syllables recognizing suffixes account, amount,
attention, appear,
addition, apply,
avoid, opinion, affect,
occasion, amazing,
approve, arise, vacation



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