Slide13 Events

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Session 11
(slot 20-21)
◼ Explain Events and Event Handler.
◼ Do exercises
◼ An event occurs when the user interacts with the web
page. Some of the commonly generated events are
mouse clicks, key strokes, and so on.
◼ The process of handling these events is known as event
handling. Event handling is process of specifying actions
to be performed when an event occurs. This is done by
using an event handler.
◼ The event handler is a scripting code or a function that
defines the actions to be performed when the event
◼ When an event occurs, an event handler function that is
associated with the specific event is invoked.
Event Bubbling
◼ Event bubbling is a mechanism that allows you to
specify a common event handler for all child
elements. This means that the parent element
handles all events generated by the child elements.
◼ Life circle of an event:
1. The user performs an action to raise an event.
2. The event object is updated to determine the
event state.
3. The event is fired.
4. The event bubbling occurs as the event
bubbles through the elements of the
5. The event handler is invoked that performs
the specified actions.
Keyboard Event
◼ Keyboard events are the events that occur when a
key or a combination of keys are pressed or released
from a keyboard. Theses events occur for all keys of

◼ Some keyboard events:

◼ onKeyDown: Occurs when a key is pressed down.
◼ onKeyUp: Occurs when a key is released.
◼ onKeyPress: Occurs when a key is pressed and released.
keyboard event - Demo
Mouse Event
◼ Mouse events are the events that occur when the user
uses mouse on the elements.
◼ Some mouse events:
◼ onMouseDown: Occurs when the mouse button is pressed.
◼ onMousUp: Occurs when the mouse button is released.
◼ onMouseClick: Occurs when the mouse button is clicked.
◼ onDblClick: Occurs when the mouse button is double-clicked.
◼ onMouseMove: Occurs when the mouse pointer is moved from
one location to other.
◼ onMouseOver: Occurs when the mouse pointer is moved over
◼ onMouseOut: Occurs when the mouse pointer is moved out of
the element.
mouse event - Demo

Demo: S13_KeyboardEvent.html
Focus and selection Event
◼ The focus events determine the activation of various
elements that use the INPUT element. It allows you to
set or reset focus for different INPUT elements.
◼ The selection events occur when an element is selected.
◼ Some events:
◼ onFocus: Occurs when an element receives focus.
◼ onBlur: Occurs when an element loses the focus.
◼ onSelectStart: Occurs when the selection of an element
◼ onSelect: Occurs when the present selection changes.
◼ onDragStart: Occurs when the selected element is moved.
Focus event - Demo
Onload/onunload event - Demo
Onchange event - Demo
◼ Event occur when the user interacts the web
◼ The process of handling these events is known
event – handling.
◼ Event – handling is a process of specifying
actions to be performed when an event occurs.

Html code
exercise Css code
JavaScript code: review examples in session 9

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