PhysRevE 103 052410
PhysRevE 103 052410
PhysRevE 103 052410
Alidivinas Prusokas
Plant and Microbial Sciences, School of Natural and Environmental Sciences, Newcastle University,
Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU, United Kingdom
and Department of Biology, University of York, Heslington, York YO10 5DD, United Kingdom
Michelle Hawkins
Department of Biology, University of York, Heslington, York YO10 5DD, United Kingdom
Conrad A. Nieduszynski
The Earlham Institute, Norwich Research Park, Norwich NR4 7UZ, United Kingdom
Renata Retkute
Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 3EA, United Kingdom
(Received 16 November 2020; revised 9 April 2021; accepted 23 April 2021; published 17 May 2021)
Cell plating, the spreading out of a liquid suspension of cells on a surface followed by colony growth, is a
common laboratory procedure in microbiology. Despite this, the exact impact of its parameters on colony growth
has not been extensively studied. A common protocol involves the shaking of glass beads within a Petri dish
containing solid growth media. We investigated the effects of multiple parameters in this protocol: the number
of beads, the shape of movement, and the number of movements. Standard suspensions of Escherichia coli were
spread while varying these parameters to assess their impact on colony growth. Results were assessed by a
variety of metrics: the number of colonies, the mean distance between closest colonies, and the variability and
uniformity of their spatial distribution. Finally, we devised a mathematical model of shifting billiard to explain
the heterogeneities in the observed spatial patterns. Exploring the parameters that affect the most fundamental
techniques in microbiology allows us to better understand their function, giving us the ability to precisely control
their outputs for our exact needs.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.103.052410
corresponding to a diameter of the plate) within each step of TABLE I. Results of the dilution experiment.
a loop. All particles are stationary at the start of a simulation,
and start moving after collision with the moving boundary ∂. Five loops Ten loops
For an arbitrary time unit T = 1, we further assume that the Metrics 10−5 10−6 10−7 10−5 10−6 10−7
boundary is moved with a velocity V . Simulations are run at
discrete time intervals with a fixed time step t = 0.01 × T . nCFUs 964 286 59 1050 382 71
At each time step, we calculate if any particle is close enough dNB 1.3 2.1 8.5 1.5 2.0 8.3
to the boundary, or any two particles are close to each other, CVS 0.59 0.75 1.2 0.45 0.62 0.97
and create a list of collision events. After each collision, the mS 7.76 3.39 1.09 8.77 3.59 1.34
direction and velocity of the involved particle are updated.
We assume that velocities of particles are reduced with each
time state by a constant, cv , due to the presence of growth Parameter inference was performed using an adaptive mul-
media. After running pilot simulations, we found that values tiple importance sampling framework [25]. The likelihood
V = 3 and cv = 0.99 produced trajectories consistent with the was obtained by assuming that the observed number of
experiment data. During simulations we track the position of colonies is Poisson distributed:
each particle with respect to the center of the plating dish.
i i
Next, we formulate a stochastic spatially explicit model of L( |nobs ) = Poisson nobs n , (9)
cell dispersal via the movement of glass beads. At time t = 0 sim
there are n viable cells in suspension which is dispensed onto
the middle of the plate. The positions of cells within the plate where = {n, ron , roff }; nobs is the observed number of
are modeled using a Gaussian distribution with mean at the colonies; nsim is the number of colonies obtained after sim-
center of the plate and variance equal to half of the plate’s ulating the model with parameter set .
radius. Next, we considered two stochastic events: (i) a cell
is attached to a bead which is passing within d/2 distance
from the cell; and (ii) a cell is detached from the bead and
is deposited on the surface of the plate. We assume that the First, the plating was carried out with different concentra-
probabilities of these events at time t are tions of E. coli cells. We used the L-shape movement with
ten glass beads, and either five or ten loops. The results of
experiment are shown in Table I. As cell concentration de-
pon (t ) = exp(−ront ), (7) creased, the mean distance between the closest CFUs, nCFUs ,
and spatial variability of colonies, CVS , increased. The num-
poff (t ) = exp(−rofft ). (8) ber of colonies was 950–1050 for 10−5 dilution, 280–380 for
10−6 dilution, and 50–70 for 10−7 dilution. It is suggested that
After simulating the dispersal of cells, we calculated which for manual counting, the best range of a number of colonies
cells were within 1.5 μm of other cells, forming clusters. We should be between 30 and 300 [26]. Therefore, for further
further assumed that detectable individual CFUs are formed analysis we have chosen 10−6 dilution as this gives a good
by either separated cells or these clusters. distribution of colonies.
FIG. 3. Experimental results. Methods analyzed are as follows: hourglass (HG: ←), L shape (L: ↑→←↓), and up-down (UD: ↑↓).
Each row corresponds to a particular experimental setup. The first two columns show the number of beads used and the number of loops in
each experiment. Red arrows indicate direction from less uniform to more uniform distribution of CFUs.
of beads follow the movement of the plate. This mimics ex- cells getting stuck on beads and hence removed during the
actly how the CFUs are positioned in experiments, i.e., along debeading process [27].
and parallel to a vertical axis. As the number of beads is
increased, there is a possibility of a glass bead escaping the
expected trajectory due to a random collision with other glass
beads. In this work we characterize the effectiveness of glass
Furthermore, we used the model to explain heterogeneities beads for plating cell cultures. We examined the number of
in the observed spatial patterns when using L-shape move- colonies, the mean distance between closest colonies, and the
ment. Figure 5 shows representative images of E. coli CFUs variability and uniformity of spatial distribution of colonies.
and Figure 6 shows corresponding density histograms of sim- Our results indicate that the Copacabana method is highly
ulated particle trajectories for the L-shape movement. It can efficient, although care needs to be taken when choosing the
be seen from the simulations, that when the number of glass trajectory of plate movement, number of beads, and number
beads or a number of loops is low, the surface of the plate of loops.
cannot be fully explored by the moving beads, and particular An exploratory look at the experimental data revealed some
areas (top left quarter) are hardly visited by any of the glass interesting attributes that required further investigation using
beads at all. In order to improve surface coverage, it is neces- a mathematical modeling approach. We introduced shifting
sary to increase either the number of beads or the number of billiard as a conceptual abstraction of cell plating with glass
loops. For example, 5 glass beads with 25 loops, or 10 glass beads. Numerical analysis of the dynamics of this simple yet
beads and 10 loops, produced a reasonable coverage of the efficient billiard indicated a close relationship between plate
plate surface. movement and quality of colony distribution. Simulations
Finally, we have fitted the stochastic model of cell dispersal show that when the number of glass beads or the number of
to experimental data. After a pilot investigation, we have fixed loops is low, the surface of the plate cannot be fully explored
n = 500. Sampled parameter sets {1/ron , 1/roff } and corre- by the moving beads. This could be improved by increasing
sponding log-likelihood values are shown in Fig. 7(a). We either the number of beads or the number of loops. However,
have calculated the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) as a very high number of loops (i.e., 100) should be avoided,
ron = 0.010 416 667 and roff = 0.035 714 29 (shown as red as experimental data and simulations showed that the number
diamond). Using this parametrized model we simulated cell of colonies produced was much lower compared to other
plating for an L-shape trajectory with two, five, and ten configurations.
beads and the number of loops in the range from 5 to 100 We have analyzed the properties of cell spread using dig-
[Figs. 7(b)–7(d)]. We have found that 20–30 loops give a itized images and mathematical modeling. Optical density
maximum number of nCFUs . (OD) readings have been used to evaluate the number of CFUs
Our full model agreed with experimental observations of based on the time it takes to reach the predetermined OD
the decrease in the number of colonies when using a very of 0.1 when compared with a reference standard curve [28].
high number of loops. Similar phenomena have been observed However, this technique would not provide the necessary de-
when plating central memory cells, which was attributed to tails for the spatial analysis we performed.
FIG. 8. Flowchart representing image processing. First, the image was analyzed to detect where the plate is. Second, positions of CFUs
were detected by fitting centroids.
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