Unit 3

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Well Design and Well development

What is a well design?

Well design is the features that are considered when planning and constructing
a well. The well design defines the desired final status of the well. Well design is the
process of specifying the materials and dimensions for a well. Well design is the
features that are considered when planning and constructing a well.

What is well development?

Well development (or borehole development) of drilled wells is a part of normal well
drilling procedure after the completion of the well and before the final
disinfection. It is necessary to maximise the yield of the well and to optimise the
filter capacity of the gravel pack after well construction (WAL 2010).

Brief introduction about Dug wells

Dug wells are holes in the ground dug by shovel or backhoe. Historically, a dug
well was excavated below the groundwater table until incoming water exceeded the
digger's bailing rate. The well was then lined (cased) with stones, brick, tile, or other
material to prevent collapse.
Tube wells

A tube well is a type of water well in which a long, 100–200 millimetres (3.9–7.9 in)-
wide, stainless steel tube or pipe is bored into an underground aquifer. The lower
end is fitted with a strainer, and a pump lifts water for irrigation. The required depth
of the well depends on the depth of the water table.

Where is tube wells found in India?

Majority of the total deep tube wells, which irrigate 12.68 million hectares of land, are
located in states like Punjab, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamil
Nadu, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Karnataka and are
dominantly owned by farmers, the report said.

Jetted wells

Jetted wells are constructed by employing the erosive action of a stream of water to
cut a hole, inside which a well screen and rising pipe can be inserted.
Infiltration Galleries and Collector wells

In this instance one or more galleries are built which drain into a central point,
such as a hand-dug well or spring box. These are called collector wells. When
an infiltration gallery is built, it is important to protect it from contamination by locating
it uphill and the minimum safe distance from any latrines.

Design of Tube well

Major steps involved in the design of tube wells are: (i) selection of suitable size of
the well and casing; (ii) length and location of the screen, including slot size and
shape, and percentage of opening; (iii) selection of casing and screen material, and
(iv) design of gravel pack (if gravel pack is necessary).
Well Screening and Artificial Packing

A well screen is a special section of casing with holes in it which is placed in

the water bearing layer to allow water to enter the well. It should be strong
enough to withstand stress while it is being installed as well as caving pressure in
the hole.

Artificial filter or gravel-pack means specially graded filter material that is placed
in the annular space to increase the effective diameter of the well and to
prevent fine-grained sediments from entering the well.

Well development through pumping, Bridging, Surging with air

What is the well development?

Well development is the act of cleaning out the clay and silt introduced during
the drilling process as well as the finer part of the aquifer directly around the
well screen before the well is placed in service. By boring fewer boreholes, it will
ensure that wells are developed to the best possible technical standards.

Well development through pumping

Basic Principles - Well Development

 Over-pumping: This method entails pumping the well at a rate greater than in normal
operation. ...
 Surging: This very common method flushes water backwards and forwards through
the screen, as to prevent any bridging behind the screen and moving fines through
into the hole.
This very common method flushes water backwards and forwards through the
screen, as to prevent any bridging behind the screen and moving fines
through into the hole.

Working Principle: Well development improves.

Main strength: Increased performance of the well.
Capacity/Adequacy: Well development.
Self-help Compatibility: Simple well developm.
What is a well surge?
The most common well development methods are: surging, jetting, over pumping,
and bailing. Surging involves raising and lowering a surge block or surge
plunger inside the well. The resulting surging motion forces water into the
formation and loosens sediment, pulled from the formation into the well.
Surging with air

Air surging and pumping: This technique uses an airlift pumping action in
combination with the surging effect described above. Air is injected into the hole to
lift the water column, and then shut off such that the column falls back into the



Reversal of flow through the screen openings will agitate the aquifer material,
remove the finer fraction and rearrange the remaining aquifer particles. These
effects will usually cause effective development of well.

Acidizing: involves pumping acid into a wellbore or geologic formation that is

capable of producing oil and/or gas. The purpose of any acidizing is to improve a
well's productivity or infectivity.

Fluctuations of groundwater levels

Groundwater-level fluctuation is an effect related to aquifer type, recharge,

abstraction and regional circulation of groundwater in the area. High rainfalls
above the mean are the most prominent sources of water that reach deep into the
aquifers through recharge either locally or through regional circulation.

Sinusoidal fluctuations of groundwater levels occur in response to tides. If the sea

level varies with a simple harmonic motion, a train of sinusoidal waves is propagated
in land from the submarine outcrop of the aquifer. Groundwater levels as a result of
decreased recharge and increased withdrawal.

Features of Re-change and discharge areas

Recharge involves the downward movement and influx of groundwater to an

aquifer; discharge involves the upward movement and out flux of groundwater
from an aquifer. Recharge and discharge activities are usually spatially limited to a
small portion of an aquifer.

Top 9 Methods of Groundwater Recharge

1. Method # 1. Spreading Basins ...
2. Method # 2. Recharge Pits and Shafts...
3. Method # 3. Ditches ...
4. Method # 4. Recharge Wells...
5. Method # 5. Harvesting in Cistern from Hill Sides ...
6. Method # 6. Subsurface Dams ...
7. Method # 7. Farm Ponds...
8. Method # 8. Historical Large Well across Stream let...

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